htilmatloilbunivlmmm on tltumuy mtt ami la mr ud mil ansae madould a in bhilnf on w il col aaa on wrfnnir nu hcouvniiainhin o- wa umh way homf t maqsahaii aavd to yaara luult hie beeae mm k4m mill ob wed wu ma jama rnm aald la bu tu fee r jbfc ctoii 3frce jjrcss thuithhay hay 18th 1 drrorlal etotata ur a k xlradwln nt the perry hound htar hu bven nominated by the ijbarw of the parry sound dis trict tor the local lafllelalure ur bradwln will mko a atronk candida- comfort in vou old age i xaeealy mapleae um nnnt reasomabli urift ajuppinkm in the selection of ir jinin hani on f windsor sa leeturerlnchlef nn kiifimmmt aifnul uea the author tie at ottawa nuihtttrywlh choice dr bumoqi eloquent lecture and locld explanation of this wise pro alun or ihekoverninfinl whereby the old age of all the cllloena of canada may b made comfortable at inwll coat in the town hall on monday even was lletened to with intense intsc eat ijy hi audience of ladles and reiujeroen lr tiamaon eyfilalned with a wealth of detail and llluatrefion tba enact owant of tba oovemttient annuities act in tba house of conn laada in 10uh whao it rwo ppoifol i that ror4jie aboukl ba mwla a purely ell cuntti i was iba most important clauae hi av resolution p aeeed almost unanimously by the prrabyter- laa synod oi alonlrttal and ottawa last weee it jprotmlw strongly against tba admission by qualtoa ut the claims of tba stoman jatholla otiurch to have tha hfbl to call on tbn judiciary tr tlloynvicato tta ecrleslaattcal de- ilveranoea in thla connection it la announced from ottawa that a contract its bean elgned under which tba lomlnion juvorntnant will for fwa yaara pay a subsidy of j100 god for a direct alee ma bio service co naw 2 land why karmara will not objrot aa an incident to tha reciprocity agree ment wllh tha united sulee to allow ing new zealand bumer and ram loo fraa aecaaa to tba canadian mark el hut why should they ba taxed to facll tlale llmcarrufiof lhaaa prod uc la to our pod a r weakly run hon w j llaona continues toearn tba good opinion of people generally by hla a expressive efforts to l tba evils of tba liquor traffic tba tavrru llcanaa at wasbago at tba bead of lake gouehlchlng which waa granted by th local license commission waa vetoed by tha provincial secretary on hooday under tha power vested in him at the lest eeeeloa of tba laguuv- tora tba veto power la being exar- daed by tba tnln later wllb moat aala tory affrct eapaolally whara liquor aatilng vlolatlona bae baooma notor- olmoua lmlb gotrrnnitnt and oppoaliji lr ald two important quaatlon eon front ua lat wbat will beooma of ua whan were dead p and 3nd what will baofpna utxm wh owr laj making provlalon for tba bitter ba noted tha talallve valna of the benka friendly aoclellva life inaurance com panlaa and tba poet office aavinga banks and allowed that in the aatla factory eolation of the question the government annultlce bald tba pre mier plaor in tba annultlee all the beat featuraa of the others ato retain ad and the itond of tba government renders it absolutely uafa and impoa albla of being lost by unfortunate in vestment- and further tha annuities are available lo iba smallest of dpol tore the government will look alter your payments it baa advantages tor in vestment which a private individual cannot enjoy it will act a your bank a it will do all tbls for you absolute ly free of charge and you need have no fear that your aavlnga will be lost hy duhonaat or extravagant manage- man no batter guarantee should ba required that tha propoelllon u worthy of your fullest confidence than tba ledge that the entire wealth and credit of canada la behind the pvo- it baa bean announced at tba on tario agricultural collage that tha winter crops in all parta of iba pro vince nave come through vary eaila- factorlly a few dlstricta show con dltlooa which might be batter but theee are much in the minority and tha winter crops generally prooalee a good yield indications are no leas encouraging with regard to spring cropa bprlng wheat barley and oata bay coma through the ground nicely and an average of reports received show there baa been a good germina tion and that the balds look healthy tbeee la no mora rxcuae for break log tba liquor uw than any other on on tba statute hooka in fact many of the restrictions that have bean int- poecd in connection with tba liquor buslneee have come aa a result of flagrant violations of the license uw tb ontario llcanaa law u both reaaonabu and liberal in its provisions and there u no reason why it should not ba observed aa to local option it moans simply local prohibit loo and if possible should be more easily observed than the license uw itaelf georgetown herald which u of interest in view of the rapid expansion of rural telephone eyatanu the board decided not to approve any contract between local com pan lee and the llell company which would prevent the local com pan fro laalng and transmitting n from arty other tacm tele phone company with wtyeh it now connects or which it may in future connect the board will not approve of any agreement which will have the effect of preventing or restricting in tevooaamunlcatlon joint operation or reciprocal rights between telephone oompanlee under ite jurisdiction mr ii ii miller representative or south grey in the house of common in an interview recently given tba globe expressed tha opinion that any part of the tariff wbkh u used to foster combines and trusts should be abolished in commenting on this tatoment the weakly bun quotes itorrltta decuratlon that one hundred and thirty five companies have been organised into trusts tnelde of two yamra it showed that tha cotton com una hy eliminating domestic com petition under cover of the tariff which gtvaa protection against foreign of tu capital and further alleges that tha creation of a merger of canning ooobpanlee had been followed by an advance of sg per oent to go per cent in the prim of canned goods and thai a atmlur advance in price had follow d tha oonaolldatloo of tha cement internet in tea mfarbe dis tinctive pleasing and unvarying lo merit continuous use the flavor of red rose tea is all lis own and it never falls to win and hold ap proval because it never falls in quality try it rtrrkfiricir jj teaiasaw our municipal parliament fatluena fpr new jtavement where it la barfly heeded council mat on monday nvmlitg lit reguur session all litamlwm preaeot iteevn llynda in tha chair the oominlttee on tftnanra rrcmn mended payment of hie following an counts it lashy tsantlng coal it- worden work ihi at j hamilton a hud man harvey poetsrf el f lunlclpal world stationary 0 hi 7 j 1 75 7ft i m 40 the report was a topted a pellllin frou agnea iarrynfatii and john v wxlkou prajlng for a four fmtt rentntit wlk on tl weal aide of jibo- hlrnl fri mill to cburch hjrent waa irnaeet afnved b a t lir wn aecopila b t w store n ull ibat tlip ik iii ion ffilaeterry tnan and mr w on fur a new pave ment on john hlreet be granted and the pavemsnl lie built at once jar- riwl moved by a t llrown secoiidrd y wn cm r llat tbla council urvl aa by the govern men t annuities act provuion may be made by or for every man woman or child domiciled in canada against want and poverty and for ibal happiness which comes with the removal of tba haunting fear of destitution in old age all that u n in ord make this provulon will ba to deposit from time louma in the nearest post office havings bank or mooay order office or if you prefer to remit direct to the department at ottawa any amounts that may be eat aside for that purpose which amounts will be puced to your credit with compound interest tberon at four par cent- per annum and such an annuity as these amounts will purchase at tha date flar ed for the annuity to begin will be paid eo long as you live many men have been ruined or have aaen their hard earned aavlnga disappear by improvident investment or by rushing into unwise specula tloue they have pacha pa yielded to the glowing allurement of some scheme by which they were induoad to bsluve that they could double their money in a few months but in boo cases out of 1 000 the experience of those who have tried the short cut lo wealth baa been that their confidence waa mis placed others have wasted their money in many waya and have re pentad when too ute vou will be saved from such disaster and hooillu tlon and may make your old age com fortabuand happy if you invest your eavingawjth tba government for the m purchase of an annuity within your teach for making ibis provulon it baa provided hy atatue that you cannnt lie deprived of your annuity in any manner by any per son or by any prooeas of law and you are protected against posslbu preaaure and the many temptations to withdraw your contributions in order that the intent or the act which is solely in enab you in provide for a comfortable old agy may hot lie de feated the annuity cannot be mixed for debt of any kind t it cannot be forfeit ed i it is inalunable yttu may spend it foolishly nd l en i in provident way if you like hut it will not depart from you it will come to you every three months eo lung aa you live you may provide for an annuity of 00 or gftoo a year but no leas and no more you may contract for an annuity at any age between ute ages of ft and 85 but except for invalidity or disable ment no annuity shall be payable be fore the age of u and n6 matter how lilt u you may pay or bow much your benefits will be reutlvely the same it should be remembered however that the purpose of the annuity u to provide an income at a time when one u unabla to work and thai if it la providence promotes temperance anil conduces to the happiness of the de positor and hu family a very cordul vote of thanks waa moved to dr hamaon at the close and complimentary word a were spoken by ueevellymle ii i moore 01 i and llev v g ibirre 11 a who aclrd aa chairman ouilth otartriot m kat1 ho the iutaaal nillai 4a be held in hauaodla cnurah today the annua maetlng of the guelpb district will be held in the methodlet church ibis morning and afternoon tha ministerial session will ba held at 0adam and the general session will commence ar ujua m itnv i w solder president of tba conference will preside the ministerial members of the dis trict are aa follows guelpb norfolk bu ltev j i pitapatrick 1uv w j henderson p i rev k b blevsnaon b a quelph dublin hi1u il ii bell b a rev jaa walker rev james harris rev dr oornlsh guelph pauuy memorial luv g slneulr appugath kloraluv d w bolder preel dent fergus llev charles deacon ih b acton luv jf cooper antliff if ad d rockwood rev w ii dougua maaaagaweya rev arthur n cooper b a ponaonbyrav jaltea ii dyke kramoaaitsv 0 u woltx luv w 0 wataon m a belwoodiuv wl uaaaon ortonluv ohas g r cou krinaiev j u mc arthur ui keen cltarge will also be represented by a uyman who was elected by ballot at the may meetings of the reapectl offlcui boards ootapetluon bad been enahud to pay fc na an iii rjnitriii i income to be derived will be niueh undbsiiublk iaisslalaht oauntev bmould osswva hosw cai in allowlnjr hear oonaera to otuwa may 10th at tha evening session of the royal society of canada prof ramsay wright delivered the presidential address on the progress of biology he urged more careful selection of the class of immigrants lo be admitted to canada karl grey and m j j jusseraod french ambassador to the united states were press nt professor wright said it waa belle ed the physical basis of i eredlty beeo discovered in certain particles in the cells of organisms tha problem had been attacked in more than one way t by means of statutlca by the prinhpau 4 theeehool of eugenics who sought to show ihe affects of the introduction of good and had stock in the race london for instance slowly becoming decadent ought to be careful in ihe selection of tgtgnjr i f- kodak your hrm buppoee you are so busy tbls week that you will have no time lo think about any tiling but seeding but 4aler whan everything u commenc ing to grow and ihe old homestead looks beautiful would it hot ba nloe to take some pictures of it and your favorite anlmala some day you may go wast how nloe it would be to have pictures of the old puce wllh you and how pleasant for thi who have to remain behind to receive some photographs which you have taken on the way out i the above u hint enough for anyone prlngle aelu kodaks at 3 9 up to and will show you all how lo take plctui and develop your blm free f j ilia campaign of the montreal vt- paaa and lie friends toduble its cir culation ha been sremjjhfik mooeea ful and there u now every prospect feeathu leading dauy journal which atanda for the beat thing in both pablki and private life will ha saved foe a loa career in the future in foat- rimj the prlnclplee which mean much in tha ufa of our growing country bufc tha efforta which have bran put forth tbapaat few weeks in behalf of tba wltnejee moat not ba relaxed it aqoat be pql upon a plane high enough in financial aucra and circulation to b beyond the paradvoaturo of any otdjaary contingency canada needs jwat each jouiwel of terilog oharact- e and wlo loflaenoe bvery friend of uw wltneet aboutd help in the mod oatim hy eeourlng and aeodlng forward all pcylmo naw suoscrlpuona derived will be niueh larger than it it began at 65 you may paj in only 25 cente a week or you may pay in ten fifteen twenty or more dollara at a time you may pay by weekly monthly quarterly half yearly or yearly pre miums k you prefer that plan tba coat being no greater where tha annu a rale u split up nto several pay ments than- if paid in one sum in advance you may start wttlt a lamp romtfvood4jnndnoted the solemn rend inl and continue by periodical payment jp aa ee o the preahyurian lo whlob ease the periodical pejruenls would be smaller than if ho lump ua wettapald i and you may deposit lump sum el any time which wilt give a corresponding increase to your annu ty tbere are no upaee and no pen altlaa and no medical eatamldauod to pass the ercurlty la abeolute kvery boy or girl young nun ur woman who u earning wages should invest lo a government annuity fur ssc per week paid from lb ego of 0 to 00 an annuity of 911060 any be obtained to commence at the latter jgo and will be paid every threa 4itonlhe for tb rait qf life for a boy of 6 tha mleetfe ttft which on eo tbatlta futdra oaav be ineured and i annuity can lwirobaaad or payoeflfrfgrvatlon lbv mr doddv the mln i mow and iuvwgwlleon guelph thepeoplf tha data or tha induction wn uft in rtsa baiwla nf the hnderajtor and olerk its indsrahgabu puoiilw mr j r i begin a ingle payment or 1q0 at thai donwaa ha ntunwly enoouraged in tha i age would aaetmt him at so a ufa untin eof hligteatand eeu imposed i ity of 6760 or elfto of 10tv tbupun induce thrift obeokrtlu- rookwood the funeral f thn ute james auld i took place on friday a from lot nonieatlead rvamosa and waa very largely bu ended the aervlce at the imuse was conducted by the deceased pastor rev mr dodda aaautad hy rev mr hall at the church crowds had gathered lo pay a last token of respect to the memory of heir old friend luv lu blair naaeagaweya aaalated by rev mr dougua rock church the pajl bearers were i mi sehkarrwro malean wm argo m low elder john rutnaey arch ltdertanu and g af andereon rev w h dougua will attend dutriot meeting at aoton today mr culn0nt waa at acton on monday attending the meeting of haitian fire insuanoa company the call or rev crawford tklf ur st calharinea to barriea church bragkoea waaauslalned at the meet lug of guelph presbytery oh tuesday u the oall 1 accepted the moderator ttav 3 d wluon a a aoton will preside at tba induction rev mr wright ktora will addreaa the ooti- oourt ll intf vhkil luat other uiatto out action altd u15 ul ath n miimuy clock chi dlaootaed willi lii adj turned a led tim oknaua man a quhstiohb when the ckiuui man caiaoki yon n june be will oak a great many ouea tlons ne tchedute comprfars the popit latlon by name personal dtwcrlpllon etc and ihe following qlieatlon will appear no the census paper nauin each peraon in family place or habit hon sex relailmtahtp nf bead of family or bouse bold whrhir nuiglr inarrlid widowed dlv tend or irgally aeparatni month of birth aitd cl 11 l i lih day tito following iillon aa to cltlaenahlp nationality and rellgli also appear i country or place birth year of imiulgtsatlon lo canada if an immigrant year of itettirallk hon if formerly an alun racial 1 1 tribal origin nationality and religion five ilea lion a pear under lb bead ing of profession occupation or meaiti of living to wit 1 chief occupation or trade if any employer employee working on your own account you will be asked where you am employed if ynu ere a wageearner wbat you work at by the day or hour wbat wages you receive your total earn inge if you are insured tb amount on your ufa end agalnat accl dents and sickness and what it costs you your education will lie looked into and also your physical condition or disabilities the census man will not be aatunad until you give him all ilia particulars but you can rest easy aa he is sworn to secrecy htataovoaie oittottujumi lioou oouvty i frank j qbanay uum oath thai ba la ol bamaar of the lra at wj dbattar a co a dttu lnaliiv la tba oltf of tolaeo count r k uula atorald awe that said una will vt iba ana el unh buhlirmd ihuuuh lo eaob end vary ese ofoatanb that eaoaot lie enrad by uraaaaaf hall a oalarrb cair kwtxii to baton tarn and babaarllmd in lay br utla tui dar ol utmmbv a 0 mat bnai a w ul uahoh noribr pusl id ilalra oatanli oun la uhaa laurimlly and aela dlmouy eo tba blood and aaaooua aorti ef the rjalawi rend lor tax noon lata traa r j ciirnkvaoo toledo o ha4 b all iwomu c take dalla vainlly lh1u of constipation ba1lk1mavad tha funeral of the lata joseph short iii of the eighth line on sunday after noon was vary largely attended luv dr mo arthur conducted the service after a long period of illness death ended bis sufferings on friday last ha wuabletoba anuuttunlll a fort night ago when be hvok to liu bed mr shortlll was born in livijueslng and spent hla life in the township ii married margaret kirk wood who sui vlves hlui as well as two of tbblr five chlldrn william of dutidalk and mm ii anthony hequealng mr shortlll a death is the fourth in the family in as many year ills brother john died in guelph uat year and hu abler mr i ulwon kln and mrs ciii1hi1ui shelburne couple of years previously deceased was a htenilter of the methodist church and in earlier years waa a member of the official board whan silver creek church was at tached ui acton mr levi guu who has been in poor health tor oome time died at his home on the seventh line yesterday mr william shortlll who was very 111 a few weeka ago is feeling iitucli better a thing of beauty la a joy forever keata charity is the sum nf all demand ghryaoatom who hath not known misfortune never knew himself or iuotvn virtue mallet first box cured hisirback high praise for qin pills j brtlivilaosl i aoctvd tor ihrsa yentv wllb ralu in hy hack i am aqw lklna uin viiui ant lauantal ui sflar lakuaanly oaa boa w j axiiiwn is it any wonder that we sell gin pili3 with an ironclad guarantee of money bock if they fall lo give relief we know tbatcin ill ls will stop the psla in the teck relieve the bladder and cure every trace of uidncy trouble and uaenniitinii cihv1us have cured thousands of ceaeanof kidney trouble that were regarded as boprlets we dou t sale jou to boy gin pit 13 to find out what they will do for you simply write ua mentioning this gper and we will so ltd jlou a sample x free then if you are unable to get the regular sue boxes at your dealer a write ua and we will supply you at the retail price 50c a box 6 tor 3 50 cin pii is are made and guamhtccd 1 y the lancet wboleaele drug house in the ilritlahkmpire national drug an 1 clirmlcal co dent a toronto 7 the original ain piha made by national drug and csiemlcail co of cnnadn limited toronto are gold only ip this box i new arrivals of special interest to the ladies net walsls and white mumiil watslfi i lie very newest ideas dutch colhrn kimona sleeves etc excellent values ind exclusive sfylcs lonj gloves bilk and lisle in mick ind wlntc and rtilof colors parasols a particul trly tttr ictivc rinc in bl ick ind colors including the long mushroom handle sec tht viiuch yt ire hliovin in tlicc lines black taffallnr undcrgklrts with the rustic of tillc ind almost ih light very nictly midq ideal summer skirtf 1 50 and 1 75 lace hose and plain lisle hose in black white sk pink hclio and grey silk finibhcd at 25c 35c and 50c pair summer millinery i he fivontc with the young ladies will now be the large white hat silting deep on the head for the most part oiled off the face m ide of fine silk inoh im ind giurxs ind i tec v inously trimmed with white and colored fcilk roses and small flow in and liberty satin ribbons lc tve your order with our millinery department for one of those beauties correct style and excellent value ilrb bbfrtistrnintf liano lior halik at i ev at meuiodlet personam ab 1 matiinfj fob 8al1b aiioiit ai i nl boooanal mlus lor sau liar ut iuaolltf sold 1 i ifoeunsa uabdbm aili ii mlf wamko nm uutl ba ii iraara et as t c110ick building lots tor balk isai molut co yearling attjo astray t s avaala kmuuik boat maf ind oobacalllauaaa p40r pmpf t p and raeaov henderson co mill st acton ont buggies the barber buggies are stylish buggies call and sec what wti can to for you before buying elbe- htjfc prices are right single harness we arcvcry busy in this line just now call in and leave 5 our order and have them made to suit you wj gordon harnela and trunk man acton ont a longllfa roof is one covered with brant- ford asplmu roofinjf a pure wool felt roofini with a thorough asnlnlt mtttr atlon weather fire acid and alkali proof no more durable roofiii is made to our knowledge but whatever style q brantford roofing you select you arc certain of superior quality brant ford rnlihcr is without doubt tltc best rubber roofing on tlic market and bran uord cryatal is a real no piuit roofing not 1 makeshift brant ford molnwk ih a pood roofing too cill or write for mniplf s prices and in tercsting free roofing book r f johnstone bole agent acton ontario enipa or wisdom men who have never failed tloiit bo- lleve lo luck hartl work u tbu hoat antltlolo for hard lnqk its as utiles to worry aa it is to lull ttenpls not to worry vlattary u i lie tribute that vanity eaaots from frhuidbhlp a llbt ral minded wofitan un t always giving herhuawnd a ileev of it kortuuhlily for mttat ol us w are not cmiilu1jd to follow our own ad vim t riioman who lives right lives the longest if not in years in satlafnol ion one day of unhla thinking and grn aroiia acts la worth a life of atdtlmhneea and draelt alanorr not every nun la as good ua one credited to a lulilu gsutlemaiv of long aft 1 hy tle author of a recent book entitled in many laud george iv on hie visit lo ditullu in ittil titet at a reoentlon sir philip oraiunton ireland greatest surgeon in what braweh ofiho service la that tnagnldoent looking man r aaknd iii mjesty thny gentlunian to whom the ijilus tlon was put was too rmlliu to hint that the king was mulalteii in auppoa ing that the dlailngiiuluhl aurgtiiii waa a naval ur military oflloil 8ire he reilled iih in a k neral in the ijaiiceib a go word la an may ohlgatlou but nnk til iiieak iii only reiulrea our ellenue whlahootta u nothing our- uiyorke hats for spring 1iikgunu1ni ilolloai ina msda la italy the he a l soft hallo llm trade at 350 s hit hmickt kll6ckl it an amailcau atlfl hal a leading jj alyle a nadvcftiaed 15 00 value fur j8300 9 till ykatl iiata bttlendul j njluli alylo ihe beat b quality we carry lrko s4 oo 9 our apiclat lllack bilff jn hal ii a leader at j30o s iiouhk 10 kent in nabbaqawhya will lot htfxib4lrofmitiard oa loin s nuuaawj torn ecu p tnoott 1uiii4 diiwuxf bii i p una tkaming i1usinj48s pllk undhilciwl i u l budnm ind nnintal w i aadawa la mmikl in do all kluda o taaoaleg car a wiwal tubll ntwa iw tnavlof pronptlrsltattdad lluo imliallad kqllkut u lahmy trslully liimllail jlaltou cream and it utter co milton ontario mr arah thompson aoton a kibje 1 im i luuf y to hu um t kill oniiuiu utu aarvloa aa mm u w tliuik ir ami auatanmei for laair pl ttnus uxl iium i tt m soailoaauob aaid oli alvaia ido it tally uuf y oar isiiaa john ibvlto mr st u alllms oat municipality of acton court of revision notion la wab utat ibaj arat aa la of ih vovrt ol havulaa lor uw vulai o aeiootaul b bald in ibatoebhauob monday may sou nail tajjjhlp- m uilural cmnplaiaia aaalaat u tawium uoll lor tall tui us litujnrib la the aakl ooart ara raquatwl la altaatf at lb am una and puaa a j afaoklmhom daud at uoa ll la ic4b day el mar 1ul am r e nelson saerehant tailor m ene furatahea l z mm r many benantai come to ute depoaltor in tha bavlsata dapartmant of the merchants bank of cknrdh axiie btiadily inaptn bilancc gives a feeling of contcat- memr and silislaclion wl iho prcscol apd assurance that the luturc is safe i he knowledge that the merchants bank of canada is ttronj and secure with the experience of almost half a lentury mid lb circfully managed gives cer tainty that all rnonc intrusted to its care will be bafcly guarded and cap he h id when required depositors in tins bank receive every courtesy your account is mvlted total asshis tfgt f a maclean manager acion branch finest western wheat farms dirt cheap i i ntio 17000 ncrvm m the flncat wheat land in ttlt world i niii bhihk to anil a part of it unkk at low urlotu t tidvtrllan tli dlatrkl uaiil lo tht tlral hm but kor or invest rs wh writ inn 1 um un to m iku tho iitoat nnuirkahlo isimi tronomuioli crv known ttio rloo la an i w lliittlio llrat years whit til rrnti will in nil irul 1 lllty fay hat k the ett tiro 411 it ti f ihn lantl unit imymniita a tin ay that ynu will acariulv mlna tho m nicy tht no farma are right in thn hpart of tho wcatern canada wheat country loonliml in tho foxnou latst mountain valley saskatchewan the golden xand hungry hnrneaaakara are ruahlns into this rertlle valley uy thiiussikla kovcii rullr intla ranch this dlslrlot unttre tnwn shi pa are broken un and uut under cultivation nviry duy dur1n plowing- aenann new towns and olllea sprlna up ovsr ntrht the fioputatlon f this vnlloy will increaan four- fold in lte ymm uv rur in laat mountain valley la like llvlna in y mr own homn country tneanw shtttara havn all the romroru and luxuries of the homes thny in ft nnd are 1ktt1no rich nicaiokbl oraap r novt this irent opportunity to secure choicest wheat land nheapl our prtce lowest our terms mt liberal w hup a hat oe lniid i argalns am ti aa wnh never before known our prices are absolutely the lowest- and we sell on small easy paymonla no lher culonlaiitlou company can hope to in 01 1 these terrns and prli on tiaoauat nt no rah hny- land ttow in auth enormous tracts send for free library of information i ahout tho ljat mbuntmn vnlloy b ittka pkluroa f rarma eropa plotuma of people who will 1 o your nrlkhbura their own v tor us of auceeas our apoeul low 1 rltiva nnd ltaml ttrma and all about excuralnn trains rates dnlt f starilnir yti addreaa your letter to 1 witt pearson co ltd w torontosont hlatsupav btraa una buffalo niagtira falls toronto season now opon ltaw toroalo except saoday 7 yt a- m a p- m ardve toronto except huouay i 13 m h 3 p m tlakat orlea os vonara ottranarai bank bulldlnar toroalo hair switckes and puflfe madl to okdhr if indies will aave their comblogi 1 will muko up their own hair will buy cunibincii or supply new hair ordem hy mall will receive prompt attention lrlcet uoderate mr5 w c waller church street acton cksh prid ior fowl raw furs junk 1 alio ill all klnila l purn1ture 3wt snxb hcton melrose tragedian will probably stand at their own stable this aaaaon terms to insure 9 i oo ei time of service and io on pab let idia tnaokdian the treat aire ol baildle lloraea some aelllag as hlah as f 10003 an 1 when bred to unto mares the mult u the production of the very hast poaalbls claaa uf farm horses ublrobk lite uaaarpwaad pro ducer ol hearse ho s almost all orbto c its hclnr a rood block color hearea hnimrs are in vrrat demand and sell aa blflh aaf 1 noo 00 llreetl all klada of mares kt ponl 10 tht rourhbreda imii never bteed amsll male 10 heay horsea 3 a biack owaar aclon ontario grand trunk iv the popular tourist route -to- mljskoka lkus- 1 aki ol bays 1kuaaui ai gonqu1n kark i magnutawan rivek 1llkncii r1vbr i ikorgian j1av l kawakt11a lakhs htc jj hoijnu rtui ihomeseekers exqumloin i io ti1u wubt ato low rates j vi sniu or chicago uirft1un uk i lull lofonnattoa from ur oraad trunk amit or luldn a h hut dblrlet