wall papkrs windowhiiadjwanj cuktaim polks see our now wall i a para el c te 7 80 and km per roll window shades all cotor kates uh1d rollers j ate or trimming curtain tola future cuttain pin itvevythlng in abtve una st lowest pike geo iiynds inhftlaolb lioenbea issued chsh pkid for fowl raw furs junk 1 also mil all klnda ol fduniruhii tt srxb kotom real kstate ey tn loan at lowwtt rato of bmerai laurie namwr ofrarnui tar aale cheap hwcihimp and ether mer y in all pnrtu of tho torn w nave every larlllty for frauasneunjr ur buxlnohh to your caaanlete satisfaction j a willoucutt ceorstown thuhhday junic ui 1011 brief local 1tcms the first of juno jlorloua summer eaonlob banish tba file from your haute the wop are limit i tin unusually 1 iii exceed the month ur again yesterdays shower insly welcome wxb mwlom b promise uf a fine yield next tuoolh gait apriokjed gh00 b r ull 1 oo the street last weak th census eaunieratoi roiniitriice these guaauonlng loday jtha bank will close un halurdey king george birthday dotty etreet every when hurry up the oil or kub u water good afternoon i llv you hrnnw- 4 your pluue piikhu aubscrlpmon t another hunday with the mtroury at 00 in the shed tlial surely u the limit fur may ilalton faroter- institute annual excursion to tha o a 0 tiuelph will bejield op haturday lth j una tim 17tb eeaelon of llin hamilton annual conference will l italj in the lsetbodlst oburch jail commencing today tha bylaw against fire cracker waa well observed on the twrnty- foortb vary auf case of violation wear heard patrick oaitflold waa sentenced at goelpb to tn ynara in the pnnltouti an for aeseultlng ami attempting to rob mrs keough dominion day will la actimi itlg day the demonstration under dlreo- uon ol tha fire brigade will have otimerou attraction four or oualpha indian hat rill nni wera fined gin each on monday and two drunks 9100 and coat a each in oualpb iotlce court rav crawford tale of i lay or avenue church hi gathntlnr ha daollnad the call uf the klrl lyeaby tartan church urauiosa the advertisement of cattle astray in laat issue of tha fiirb iiikhh reault- ad in their restoration lu tha ownor tb day tha papar wan laauad tbaahooung of rubina la an un- uwfulacu punubabls by flnaa raitklnic from 91 to tso under h 8 nf oliaji b6s ravlaad atatutca at onurlo tba fire urigadn u tuaklnk tre- parallona for a bla crowd in anton on dominion day and hava arrangm for ample entertainment for town full of vuttore there ta a probability that a booat olub may be organised in aoton ahqrtly qne of ua initial pro- paadmona will le to aeoure the locatlavi of a ehopplnn colli here the lawn ten nla club will bold a taanlataaat the court in tha patit nexttueaday evening at a oclock all and tboee dealroua of becoiu lnynenibarai are cordially invited according to the judgment of the high court no olgmra cignratfea oandy leeoream oraoftdrlnka may hereafter be aotd on hunday legally even tf the vendors do oall t hero drug or food thba p kelleya hlnetrala oon- aimlog ottorty eolored artuu will be aeeu under ounvaa at the park to- avwrow evening the rainbow band jof twenty plaeee will parade at noon saturday june itufctwrd- king gaotwaa birthday haa been proclaim- da legal holiday throughout the dominion of canada only the banke end govarnment office will ottwrve it pobltoly tba annual graduation txerouea of the fclaodonald intuitu ta guelpb took puoa saturday afternoon on the eaobpoa and a luncheon waa aerved to over one hundred gueata inaludlng many parenta of ute young ladle v i the widened eecllon of mill slrvet hae been graded thla week under the enperlntn of street inapeotor harveyand will be coated with broken atone and rolled a voon ae the county ataoeerueher la put in commlaalnn mr robert tilbborui inform the fbx pbbam that it la nut neoeaaary to go away from acton to and an ultt- aehoree tlian the one referred to in kbdn auvocat aa xi yeara old mr alexander ucdnnald baa a hurae brad and reared on lite old hoinoetead oavyaara old which it doing farm work 11 eve day hair vbautirakr lenaa tha world om nlws iip local import hal ton varrnena inatllut euuralop ilia auloi olli annual eaoiiralon of llallon kabinaia inatltute to tl on larlo agricultural jullegv tlnolpti will t held on hatunlay 10th jltiir 1oalnra will itlvtt full partlcttlara quwn btrat to be oradad at the laat meeting of la4uaaio townalili council mr adam cook jmtltlmietl that iktdy to grade and turnpike that aw t ion of quean hueet frondng on cooke aurvny tha re- queat waa granted and tha work wul ih proraeded with ahortly tha por tion of the atraeb rrom main htreet to the corporation lluilta will alao be put into good ronditlon by nalng thl- alrt the hoevy drlfta on fhe mill mhmi roail will le avoided in winter woman institute umdmr meatlnar tha j annual aunimer meeting of acton wnniana inatltute will he held the tawn of un jame i warren mill street frd y aflorr bvery woman knowa thai there la nothing en good for hair and enalp trouble aa parlalart hagn u parlalan aage la uaed two or three time a week u will keep the acalp nice and t clean and remove dandruff it make the hair luatrtkua and duffy and keep it from falling nut we urge every women who love radiant f nd fascinating bals to go to ju t drown today and get a b0 cent bottle of varuian sage ue guaren- fefd it to euro dandrutt falling hair naltoluqa aeajp or money back x0 oclock dr jennie hmllue of rmulo will addreee the meeting on changing lied clothing and in too tloua diaeaeea or oblldhood an in terest i ng literary and mualcal pro gramme will alao lie glvau if the weather la unsuitable the meotng arlll 1 hnld in the town hall laacua sum mar bobool at klorat hool or the hamilton ojmrerenna kpwortb fague will be lif id at klore july id to 1 0th the puroe of he ar hool la to deeu and develop a wide epmad intereat in tilt tie etudy etnung the young people to train u ad ore to mlaalon aludy claaaea t to formulate and inapt re intareet in tha moat erectlve method of rolaalon- ary etlunallon j to nuleken a pi ritual lire in all who atund that the latent talent of the young people may b utimutetnd and related tf the world needa at hontn and ebnted ilaay flamaga hoe injurlaeoo bead damage of 912go0 were awarded to dr frank j lie ta man of htrethrny agalnat tha county of uiddleaex on monday for injur ee auatained wlun ibe doctor drove into al phetructlon the advlalderoad between htrath- roy and uount llrydge laat heptem- iwr while un hi way to a petlenl ttw road waa being repaired and a heavy log waa placed aoroaa ibe road on a pile of grave to cloae it to t re flic but no lantern waa placed on the log 1 ho doctor aued for 25000 but judg ment waa given fnr laxlf that amount a bauroa of oraat dauurar if the fast train in the morning and afternoon are to continue running through acton wllhout atopping atepe muni ite taken either to mt on gate at the mill hlreetoroaalng or at leaat have an electric gong inntellad never before hae train run through acton wllhout atopping and tha public es pecially the children are liable to be caught on the croealng by either of thfwe trahik klectrlc croealng hell have recently ben inelalled at i lock whmi and ilramploii and a a ineane of eafuty one or more ahould ho put up harentonrn taeuredianbt unfoatunte icndlnv u a black eaddle btklllun trage- illan got lome in the ataltle on hun j ay afternoon and waa kicked on the off front leg by another liorae the kick fractured the leg above the knee and it wan found neceaaary to ahnot the injurvd anluiat to but hliu out or muery tragedian lea horae with a hutory lie waa brought front ken tucky tome year ago by joaeph sea gram of waterloo who paid 40qu for him when a yearling colt lie made a record of 13 on a track of 11 ntlle and maintained it for six yeara mr black purchased tragedian three year ago he valued blin at u0u the brownkennedy waddlnc ttte telegram aaya tlie marriage wa quieuy celebrated at h oclock on thursday afternoon of mlee klma kennedy daughter of wm kennedy or weetport ont and john kerr drown ihm b the ceremony wing performed at the residence of w w kennedy brother of the bride by bev it o armstrong kfa b p the bride and groom were unattend ed the bride waa attired in a tailor ed costume of cream aerge with which she wore a hlaok hat trimmed with a mount of oapreyy and carried a bouquet of bridal roeea and lilies of the valley site wore i he groom gift a pendant of pearls the wed ding uiarchee were played by mlts dolly clayton and mr w w nedy sang because mr and mrs brown left for a short honeymoon at kenore and upon their return will reside at 840 jasper avenue to atnforee town aybtwai ete omkvllle ban been changing its con stables in a debate at a recent tussl ing of the council respecting neoaaslty for a change oounolllor gregory said i an efficient constable could do more for the town than even the mayor the const able had to see to the en forcement of the town bylaws he had to see that order waa kept 1 1 he had to serve the paper coiluected with criminal cases and execute war rants t he waa truant officer disown observation and the result of his en quiries from thoae officials of the town who hair to do wltb the cone table bad convinced hho that the dutlee of the office arc not being properly perform ed there w a ufcliy ahowii by the coustable in connection with the work of his office that wa injuring the town endthere ahonld be a change the council accepted lite resignation of the conalahle and appointed a suc cessor mevhed in tvoronto the residence of mr and mrs geo c thompson in kuclld avenueto- itinlo was the scene of the marriage of their daughter agnes pen ur julian ii wilde at kdmottton alia the ceremony wee performed by the itev gerald lleapard of hl anita church under a wedding bell of clturry blossom in the dining room which was decorated with palms ferns end pink and white roses mle bessie ihnmpiion sister of the bride sang because and mr w d kyninti played tie wedding march ttte bride who waa given away by her father was attired in white allk with pearla mull veil and orange blossoms and she carried a hrldal bouquet of white roses mlse marina thompson waa bridesmaid in pale pink and carried pink rosea mr arthur hewitt n bet man there was a recaption after thr ceremony and later mr and mr wlkls left for a abort trip return lug- on friday en rouv t thelr houib in edmonton t jfy to oo oood amu roiiqkt kot llte memura of anion iodur huns f england aroouniaiilod by bros john llalnsvorlh d ii j m and wllhamnterlrker iat ireaidhitt of berlin and several frout gueldi at tended divine service in the methodist church last sunday evenings when bev dr antlirf preacliml the annual sermon at the outset the itr lll tha emlhtrv ot thn lojlgr a moat rordla elroufo whauof ihe m mtx rs of the oongrrgalloii and himself ile was glad tliey wnm imtoml lokvlher with the two links or palrloll ail banevolaiirc and by thr prlnclp in- milnalihl lhy wrre alaii hound to the christian rhurrh you repreaent dlrf t churclxui hut all the rhurehav have rnrlslu great oartllnal prln iplus tn-wmrk- rhw j llal prloclphw r our chrlatlau religion the it- it comprised two clauses of um lit or chapter ii of luww tt do gkj forget not you nimir a said as reprautatlvanf old 1ng td msny or you like my sol were trn there we are not ashamed or the land from which we tme ami i trust we khall all liver so thai our n i t d will never 1m akhaiued or mtiinnrle of old england the old hoite end lie iteaituea and glorlrw war recalled lkeedlng the dr aald i apeak to you tokjlght not only as kngllabim u but aa tm miters tf an order which t n deavor to citltlvatn the grace of kind ness and helpful netf of imiiiij- good and doing good and in rendri such help as tuny ite ued d from 1 hue to time three factors in the principles ai the order were then forcefully linmswed methods measure end motive im portant method of service are to visit the sick to mlnlstei to the widow and the fatherless and be ready with deed aa wall as with word to help those in need the imltoda call forth sym pathise and result in klad words en- iglngejlprvestone ami the practi cal duty of administering help where needed dont send your glfla and benefactions itut take them to those who need tltem hef erring to the ip bestowed it waa shown that all are not clrcu instanced like i not all ate able to do good to he same rut en i but theie are none but have some talent of servlre in cident in the annals or ring i ah history were glvan lo show that its great itenefactormlncludrd thp great jord hhaftabury th toor cobbler john pound the fonoihr of the tugged achools and the widow or hit fluld all could do like jesus go sltnut doing gttod ijfe is only or velun ae it is spent in helping olheix never let any act mar the good imtim you itiar as sttn of knglatul motives have an important part in service if you want to make yourself roally happy go about doing good to others ilia rwftex influence will always pay the opportunities am e home one has said there is more true glory lu drying the tear of a little child than in conquering an aviny make it a matter of prtnclpw every day to do a kind deed or speak a kind word tha red rote thn emhlani or the order www much lu evidence kvttry member woivt a rose as did abut the pastor the members of the thole and tha tulisr the supply waa donated by dm jainten of burlln ttte anthetns by the liolr vt re will rendered and approprlatn to thn occaa- slon altout fifty members of the order wnm present social and plrs0nal if the liauia or your vuilora dura not aptrar in thla rolnmn it is tweause you have hot sitppllrd the kukk pmkhh with thn inforntntton your assist auce will tw appreelated by the editor mr harry frank uni was boma from icrlu over monday mia nellie llymle was home for a tew dafe last week mr melvln ho per wa home from 1rwaton for a day or so mls rattle lurlteree or call villad aelun frlendelast weel mr arch mctavlab or toronto spent the holiday in town mr nalon batter spent lb holiday at his tarenu home in berlin miss myrtln matthewa was boms from toronto for the holidays mrs jno miller of barrie is visit lug her daughter mrs kd uyder mia irene matthews of berlin smot the holidays with friends hai uuj -ali- o u faople rnttmiraca manufaatarlaa two hylaws were voted itn lit klom on monday no lo assist tho ulora furniture comitany with a loan of 9bo0 fur the purpose of extending their rectory the other to give the t 1c blseell company a fixed assessment with certain exemptions for a terlod of ten years the companys intention being lo greatly extend their present business both bylaws carried a most unanimously only four vote being nasi against the former and but eleven against the othrr at guelpb a bylaw to loan the lodop dent tire company i000 or which 990000 will ite lent by the cuy and 9so0o by j w lyon was carried by a vote or fifty one over the necessary threefifths the company will ereot a 950000 building and will employ iron 50 lo 100 skilled hand the drat year oharue boeyw assailant bant down the uautluon h pec t a tor aaya the magistrate handed ieo golden the lad who presented the almondeyed celestial cbax sney with the crepe colored optic laat hunday afternoon a tmher stiff package this morning when he sent hint down for two months suey totd the magistrate that k he was passing through woodland park young golden celled him yellow and that whan he went itack to remou- etreta with him be received several blowa in the face gulden declared that he had a witness to prove that the chinaman hit him first the magistrate did not believe this evl denoe saying that be had known suey for a long tint and he waa a qnlei lawabiding cltlxen vlkillng her mands tha miaaee mason mr and mrs fred h tew art r ki- frld vlslled mr isaac hnyder but week mr percy hconl of itultalo n y bttiul a roupla of days laat weak in town mr and mrs w a coleman of llimmler vlallid rruods hern on ibe holiday mr clout iwiuleand mis maggie of tormlo vultod friends hare during thn week miss margar1 payne of hamilton spot the holiday with mu j race jtthnstone miss amy walker of toronto spent a toopte of day last week with iter father here ml- marie black of guelpb visited mis helen nlcklln willow htreet ovr the holiday mr and mrs ii ii wordru or gutlph visited with acton mends during the week oapl and mr c h gamble have removed to buffalo where be haa taken a situation ml little kcoll who has iteait at terra cutis for a month or so return ed home last week mr j m cheyne and family ha removal from ietrott lo a fruit farm at plymouth mich mr kd uyder loft on tuesday on his second business trip to manitoba end the west this yeak mrs john hains worth and mlse klhel matthews of ifcrlin vlslled friends brre on sunday mr and mr james uvlngalone ol preston wire guoalstif mr and mr unrge sour last week mis nwltxer of meadowval ha been visiting her sister mrs wm mason during dm week mr and mr j n taylor or guejph ftare gursts at the home of mr isaiah coon iwst wek mr john mcctium of nlagata fulls n y prnl mtveral day laat wttek willi at ion relalkr ditrlng the aliaeoce of mayor thorp at the coronation aid h tt nalsott ouelph will ite ttcllng mayor mrs david williamson spent a few days last week at the home or her rou mr fredvimameon toronto mrs lufertne and mr falll and son of tvronto wete gurslu of mrs w j gold imwer ave last week mr wjlgnte itrother mr u ht- gant and hftj wife arilvml rrom llmln- sureuk ut week and will resldti in tiwii mr james w hdnr went lo new ontario a ctmplr- uf ivm lo mg to und the sutnmar on hi farm north uf new ilakeard mr william cameron buyer tt measr board more 4s co has just re turnml from a four months trip lo mouth africa he visited capetown durban and johannesburg and other points mr cameron spent monday and tuesday in act tuefl in canada for over half a century used in every corner of the world where people suffer from constipation and its resulting troubles dr morses indian root pills gtand higher in public estimation than any others and their ever- jncreasingsales prove their nuait physicians prescribe them 1 25c a bo nearsight far sight glasses an glasses are i nuisance which kltyptok bu 0 cals do sway whu entirely have the two lenses fused id one so perfectly hal you rsnnpt tell where one ends and ih other besina kry1tok lkmshs are unlver- ssuy reoonuneaded lor ihelr clever conuruc- lon end convenience a d savage orhctmm mom f ay two poatofpfcb phone 627 ouelph mnnmnnnnucmaoa iuv dr antllff and mr h p moore went- to oall yealerday lo at- terml the annual seaalons or haodlton conference mr and mrs ales iawson and uill luwa moved ui anion from the farm and are eettletl in their home on hn hi reel mr harry campbell miss daisy and laa a gbodlsoii of toronto tpent the holiday with th formers mother at victoria villa nd mr 11 p mmre mrs wll liam brown misses iutua k htelght d cura iv moore atundad hie sun day school convrolhio at ashgrose lriday t ir george havlll diatrlrt rwrv- tary of halloo woutau luuv t attending uia annual summer ineet- inge of thn institute throughout the county ihls weak p kcrrrow arrivml in town last work rrom hul york hi re keg iter att aim ore of a little over a yar daughter will roihe su miners utrty consisting of dr and mr mcnirhol and mis varna and mr and mrs itughaed of toronto spent lie holiday at the bom of thrlr aunt mrs geo camphrll victoria villa- mayoi and m r gmtrge j thorp gualph left on monday for ihe ion tlneotend will tuke lu tb coronation paris bmaell atoslnrdett and kcot- land lu glasgow iiu worship will htok into munlclal owuerahlp kodak your sahh hupjto- you are i itusy a this week that you will have wr no time ui think altout any- jf uting but enediug but later 1 when everything i ctmitlneno- wjc l to grow and the old homestead looks beautiful would it not be rtlrw lu take soipn picture of it and yrntr favorite animal- someday you may go weat how nice it would iwt to hava picture of tba old place with you and how pleaaant for those who have to remain behind to receive some photograph which you have taken on the way out i the ebo is hint enough for anyone lr kodak at u wl p n and will show you all how to lake picture and develop your film free lw6e right house 8 hamiltons rvohits shorrino rlace 20000 gj worth of table cloths napkins towels and f- sheetings join the june white sales orsla ttsetta in krln tsweahlp several case of grain stealing are reported from krin townahlp and anting county conatabteavm young hap gone out after the thieve ttte theft took place from granaries in ute neighborhood or mr geo kllen- lon resldeuc and ci rou mstau llal evldenre point to the work as being that or part lea residing in the district mercury gl sheetings mad pillow cottons hemmed free all this month i gj rph kk k- auux oulcuhgsjeaiushpartirnlnrly to imp rx upon you in connection with this immense sale of linens sheetings rr lillow cottons towclb etc l g onlt this is tlie largest event of its kind ever held by tub richi houu quantities sufficient for a whole monthv heivy selling two- llccuusc ol the scarcity of klax and the raising of spinners and weav er wages tjlmcn price liavc advanced since we bought this great stock til ueli the prit cs vvc have ujarlccd on the great consign m cuts that crossed the sa to come to us are ififi lower than usual loint i he impcrlect items arc weavers light mittakci that can scarcely be noticed even on close examination tahle cloths napkins mjkhtly lupkittlct oijghtly impuullct hljiu wobiu relet sl wosti1 raicit ana yards i 75 l ao x ao inches f i 75 v yi a it j yards a oo 1 aom 10 inches sou y ana yards jwi a 10 aaxaalocbes a aj 100 a xal yards a h5 a u aa x aa inches 150 3 10 a ml yards jso aoh xi x aa inches 3 aj itj a miyrda jo ib 1 x inches 4 73 41u a x 3 yards j 30 aoh a3 as inche 3 a a 70 3 y 1m a x j inches l 400 jiy 3 65 sj 37 x aj locba b 50 7 t i thomas c watkins limited w kirui and hughson sts tllli aikvlv ukpni v gives you an idha ok tdk many manv big itkdgctions thai have flllkn ujllkki in addition to iheae sre great while lots of ilemttttchedsnd scsllopod imirw damask cloths llaeabvsd and herauiiched huck llsod towels rancy doylies trays itnch covers etc towels smllowslluui ol all sorta ituwched and unbleached sheetings and pillow cottons hamilton ont av nadruco laxatives can you keep cool tx7e know that you can if you have one of our qual ity line ol hammocks which we arc handling for this season wc have better values than ever and our range of colors all harmonize let us show you our line and quote prices see our special at r f johnstone mtll strukt hhrdsnmirie acton ont many bwmhui oosne touie depositor in the savins qepartnoent ot the merchants bank of chnhdh t he steadily increasing balance give a feeling of content ment and satisfaction witli the present and assurance that the luture is safe the knowledge that the merchants bank of canada is- strong and secure with the experience of almost half a century and is carefully managed gives cei- tainty that all money intrusted to its care will beiafely guarded and can he had when required depositors in this bank receive every courtesy your account is invited total assets fa maclean acton branch manager bt what about your panama hat frem lelph toronto and a iteautliul line of eng lish papers i a t brown e dmjgrm4 w 3 c 5 acton ont s 6 b dnndbaauninmuu coming friday june iwt wlnpnol tml bll o0o th0s p kellys colored 40 minstrels 40 in tub pkrk hcton bl kauvaw ftoyal isaaerial baaj et xo i noes fl orchestra of i 1 i vttult uanii comchitl in 1kont ol tknt at 7 34 v u j 4w comloilahta itescrved beat two uolllts vnd onu halp joud auuskuhnl prices 25c 55c 50c iiox oplich oikn 7 1- m lliuiohmanch tt p m i am showing this semsoosj styles id all new stock not n old- style bat in the stock kvery hat is new this swoon i have three special that cant be equalled for style and quality at 5 s7 60 0d 910 each new straw hats no old slock or styles n american and lingluh btiavja strictly uptodate from si 35 to 84 so each conscientious plumbing heating is not k jutythl inilth us to the contrary wo mako it the most important actor so if you favor us with your patronage you will enthusiastically endorse us w i fred smith plumber quebec st guelph phone 337 r e nelson wyudfcusm street ouilph oht men marry for betted halves women for better quarters men will make thcirbettcr half more happy by in stalling a melottk separator and will also have enough money from the extra cream secured by the mclomc to pay for amatitk roofing for the bouse and barn in three years even if you have only five cows ur smith nelles tried lliree dlflerent separators then the i mtiloti ie arul on a 14 day trial with six cots ite had oaf tt tnctney than in the same hmaih of lime by l he old method 1 his 11 for hi 600 ih alrllottk lu 00 year npaidf wo giveyou a ircc trial without an order the mclolte will pay for itself twentyfive times before it ij worn out then why not buy now do not lo fooled by the just-an- good kind f dain great dane oneman dain hay uoapjvrs unequalled in america 191 x improved success manure spreader for two or three horses washing machines wringing machines sew ing machines hay fork rope barn door hangefs and track leslie brothers and leslie perrin say the wilkinson adjustable roller is unequalled any make nf implement you want at lowest possible price 1 v q a black actononu m