xt n volumii xxxvii ko 1 acton ontaiuo tjiukhday itfoitnino atfjuht hi 1011 jjlnolb oorikfl thbeb cents ffilje 2vrton jra press vkkt thuiutoay mounlno 4ilx ht1uckt acton mt 1lac- oa oollajr ear r miuiily in uivancw all sab grtltllona utaconllaui wbaa tom i ltd w wnicn laay baaao bona ivaiil nae a- lra th tatf to wfejb ry mub irlpuots la imtitl la ltntd iba ad- ouol advar- nuoitarall lino jaia nr un lor loaua will bo lnrtd till forbid uurnd oooordlnalr trenatmi rill ho lim4 oom bm b paid for at roauta iiuita najreblo ihiy kulla ootntv i iut wnl oa l c wkn ataasra kl kdd jl tarer co will rwhlvi for u nwa mosorluimka and hlvullhhitlii aa kn tor lwili a o fraa m aw ptmr wbu la kactaad- u i afoouh ball toe and troiirlalul euitatu blrtdorp t lob chay m d c u uccu-l- k iiolwii 1 lood li m 1 1 o ita now h v jo laua uatatt limn itintoiab to lliwallil hgiam alandim ifmaamlr tleeptta i kill i turmml iiiaciiomauiu ujm 1nuditapl an lloaplial i wnin uvd uautj ruiy toaoat itwea klb -wedding- rings in ai r wi kmi hot 11 wmi ani n uinow savage co guclph oaurio a wornout preserving ket is a risky ilccc of uuuicss vliv lku ynu if i rout ll uli rf ivel narllki1 1 w vll iw y lltf- y nor nd ala o jlvcii want ali in or fill of lil x in ilottrn uoodknouqh iron hi lh world they aay in getlln ohl art llul writ ma down aa saylu its good enough for mo lla good enough with ll it grief lla plnauum antl ita i and irmuf a ray or uibina tor tvrry drop of rain t tlmy tniln in lirtoni ufk limy tiry for hkiil to 1il writ mlimn ataylr il rnniltrwro wn lavo 1lh our i orb u ah 1 likilhy the bond harpware co liraltvi ttatall ihuna u7 i oukllii lar gimson painur paper hanger plolur fnuner ftta ryes lxaminca fcsscs ntlcd 0ilumrlrui util filclar itlglil a j kuakimnon j hhwabb ami aaaw begs to inform tlie ladies of acton and surrounding vicin ity that he has been appointed agent for three of the largest wall paper houses in can ada inoo bamplcs to choose lfrom prices hight also that lie is prepared to repair all granite aluminum and enameled ware knives and scissors ground furni ture repaired sllol mixi- sihiciu acion the bulla stun granite and matte works caspsr brauh proi ilwttlter and lluildsfa ol hlatlmm maua iiim uoaumnnli jver md load and all kind of your chopping wpll lie done quickly apd well on either pi stones if taken rockw chopping plour osimcal bran fjhors the best at lowest prices i ir un ufflil tiooorh wllnrv w fanl and fall ihn lilllloo tlaarvat iumwtml wn wnwl crown ut il- jl 11y talk alxtut lln fad imrm dial mok thn yoar to i ilulwrlu ni down ayln tlir loihtionrlifrm i- i do oldworldm walllo tlm iwiwu ml uiualc anclla lli mtonnual oikii i lultii atm bnlu-thrlkil- 1 tlu world o liidili ttrlklilor iliad la my urolhora imty hut ll rrault opportunity donaiit mean anyllilng to imt lit mm la vanrayrln vu to aroui fallow who isnt rtiady for it to lila lnurrt ih joa lln kpt n yn an nlnn hundred nd nlnaty nine out of llt imiy aftar llt dlarovoml that hn ihouaand llm thing llil ijpi tuul made gkd thai thn men llkrd when i waa away wmild liava lxrn an hin in apita of hi liandlrap of lan ovarwlinlnitnk cataatropli ilu nli ilroaniod or klv alnlhur andttu jhalnavll i i m thankrnl thal im llwln 111 a llmnn thai- fr wl thn imiiu rliir i lo ma malmlr stbcl 3fnnxilrj ktabing s imssi aum danilauy u all 1u braabaa bltupauoo uu1um to u x i jihnnktt dbmt1ht b mvicxlammo vs amu j iiakby ft co alwaatialmc coktliactdaaamu mkwa coabjirawdkmxb y moot blraai icmwlon h c unuu4 a ftnl nf tbla rabatf mm b- aaa fra al tjliakn a1lallaa ta vbooi advloa ittu arttsflc gamatbiy work yvm- hemstreet ag1int acton for example twalva hamaraa dollar salary plu mainaroua oomraujuoo looktl like jcmmi mmunef atioa for tho kervlccn of a loy in hla toonn who has iufit cotuplotwl it lit courto of trnlnuta at tlie 10 towin andcartaln point a in woietn clitcaro liululh and l f ajdliiooml rniurnlne i sis loronlo 14 jiiiu in llrilotjiij jii iiulh llioraof ui of cuelph business collece cuelph ont itkilanaln ontario luinil inchidlpr mln uiw rufdvalo sainln i unnol vl stratford id mil including the una if 0111 1 otonto toljtli luy and west in ontario t antfqlt lethlmni toronto a itona mui in ontario alto rat ol 0- a and scolu jet in ootailu i aatfut 23rd- mm m itlallnn tew to north ilay and wmi in ontario no lil of qiillu and boilu r lewt of the buporlor trnlalntf for punuilfai biyoii by thi fmoiui liihtllittion ihore lit no bellnr lime to enter for t tourvt than now 1 iiib i th ruyof urvo opiurliinity coma direct to too colleko ofllce 137 upor wyudimm iilrnol or ttddrohti malcolm maccormack b a prin harold wiles ror quality confectionery ice cream fruits cool orangeadd summer prinks and ices hill st acton canada full drilcuum from any grand ltl a or andrew a h uulf lalixi raaaanger aronl lornnlo onl y iaaa j loo iflluui aod g laiad ltb aalufacuon and upoa h ibavma or oapriam or ut m vmm vaaa jmiii taoelva iwiaaduia altauaa 4ames ucuonald u walilaauw alm j uoaln aiaa aoodaetad ou n 2uuu rmlum la liu unu v tjaht hi ouimi uw lit uiwlpl m lie old and reliable ilte and marble dealers mtufaatanka and dlraat imtwfura idaolhoaiiiamlalaadllaadauba wot if wa aall dlraaf tooarouaiaiuaraatwbola stathams iou ice cream a gunkroub ilatuiul nnuciods iihiiiusiiino uadh of iubb infiltltoiiimi 1imbllust cuuams mmi viavoiungs a duiirht 10 tlllt wkii nouhisiiing to tiiu invalid a joy to llllt ci1iiuhkn twine tlw very lletl quality t itw1 ivic piyuioutl ani gruptrord you k noblk acton flour peed store ia proaarlr 1 m bdrda of m 9m ao aad outar plaoaa oara otoaaw ri aw mat uw miia in ofdar to aollaet w u abo urat u4 baal iumh of uraalm in iba toaaatawaa or laoro than any ahraa oaa in itta wtaa wa an laahuaul douara and bob- bawf m aftaaita aod do mt annoy or paat ma- kt aaadiaaoualaoraaiaaantaioaollbla vabaolaa only an4 dafy hamilton sons oecllattola and vfooluta uta ouhlfu biaaad cakon and pastry fvttah ovary day full uno of grocerla and provisions fruit ft vegotabloa t statham son bakers und oroctns main st acton wo havo juil tocolwod a ur tliipmoni ol iho moat upto daia footwear trom iho vary ulml american lau 1odlwaat thai villi equally ilollglil men women and chlldnui drop in any lme nnd intnoc thla oomplpia atock n high claa bumniot ftaolweari t i1cn mm wnuy p nam oil hr aon for hor hualtanda wtiallhy hntthor it couldnt hawn ihwii tnknn ua n indication of hnr aftncllon of tha rloh nianufncluror 111 font mr porter wan in ihn hahlt of cominnnllnb un hkr limtharlnlaw in a faahum liulloatlvo til nnythlnn ht daap roranl all joaaplt inirler had mhin tlto vclplunt of an viral auoti noiiipumrnla in thn cotinui it hla naroor m hla lnal wu nol titrnrdl ho m11l hla nuphow a chork n llm imklnnliik ol a hank recount and mr porter aul frruuontly that it tiilllhl a well havo ljn flwo hundrod dollar an uty hroihrr joaopti would linvor liavit known ihn illlforonor tiia anihll jivwih grw up hftarlntf hla irmmtla of inhnrltliik w hrtlon of hla uiicibj prokrly ductuaed with inuii whirl uflllm faw llhialon 1 wm a ralhar nout wy whit dui worn liiiiivlidk than talklntf and who utiilar a rntlmi kcntte luamirr had tiiim own jimin tnolhar liltii- d hltn a an ornakiiaiit ui iho law kaucii a kntv proftioalou aahl irmra71irlarrand if jo homo in for a ahar of hi unrln joarpud money itll hn nal liniuly for him lo know nonili attont law to limk oul or liu right jon did not with hu tnothrr ho ml 110 ilrawlnu l llm li pro- fasalon wharvaa utacliitiory had for him a famliiatlon miiooai irroaulihlr wimiii he ntachrd thn vol 11 1 of aaa-k- lllk 14 priifaroncoa in the urn my circle hla mothni turn ml wliltn jivwph porter 1 khn uapd do you ktovv what yonro aaylnp a niaohlnutl a mechanln in uvomllal iwn alwaya aald it would lm a aln and ahnniw if your uurlo joorpli didnt ro- tneuihtr you handaonioly in hu will hut if you took a atp ilka that ho would h hirfctly juatlflnl in ltnoi- lnt your uiulfiiin lint jtmiu fathrr who i nit moat tltluk lo hl wlftr tool tho unprv rndonlttd ulai of cliauiilonlnk hia ho mid in un many words utal ha aaw no ruiviil or ltcllavhik that jtm would ho a tartlutllar augooah ua a lawyer while in inuchlnary hut il lunt nvcumuiry for him tonn a aucciiha i crlrd um porter tnar if hu titndliui aoutalhlng tilea and keiitlomhuly your brother la hound to in lh rl uilur nutlfhopnta nil ivtitallw of nunrao holl tlnatrny lit hancrw you and jimi lttvon you wuiil dmtartiiliird in i tlllt thn loyk prttfimirln whiui hhu ylnhled in th invvllahlo ll way with hd raoi jtmaph wont into hu uiillaa factory and though u curitfnl nnuur lo lot hla mothar m n hltn in nvnralla ho wan not alwaya iticoanaful wlnm other mtople warn oonenrnttd one dy wr jitaeph inirt ttr wum uacorllnn hu wlfo and a party of friend through ihn facutry wtu a young fullow in nwaralla itmiktrd up noddod ami tinlll- no of tho ladloa tta tight thu look what a hrlght ucrd young matt who ctnniiimttikl hadoaiilimik au if ho kltow attn to- tiling aahl joacph intrtnr and hn klutti d lunik tivur hu ahnuldar hla nciliialtiutio with hi- nephuw wa llmllwl hilt hn had away vrrj tm- limtly utknii ll for granted that yuung joo inuut rvhitmhhi hla mother anil hn looku un chaerfitll con- tlntiad tho ltly- i j work nd that u worth no much itlu indeetl ll inirtar lie wan lhlnklng lor um hrt tint tliat young j hve enteretl tho tkuktry hocaufte hn had a fondnrao for tliatutwl work it wouldnt ta idlaw oholir thought mr lnirter and wbulty would nnver hava urged it nf i wy inuat hav mada up hla iiilitd fur hlinunir ha hail h aoituatlnn l having mailw a ralhar ngraahlo oould it ho poatb1a lb at tethlng in weo- thanophow of um 1m aid i iydiaa wmi thought ur porlot- and tound hla confidence in liarodlty luully ahakan i ynl at tho rloao nf aovoral yoara uir hail i toon nothing hmclarular in joatiplia advain llq had loan pro niotml atitlily and alowly ami know twiro aa inurh ahout thn hnalnnaa aa any fallow of hla ago ennnirttrd with lha oataldthlnont ilia unoli joaph ranlod aa on aiilhorlly un a good tnany auhjncui that tho innii from thn ofllco wore nulla likely lo no to him r any infunnallon limy wautad now and then ha took nrraalnn in tho nvlnut of joaa knowlodga nd what hn ducovnd pliaanl hltn tlioro waa un lunrr any rjnaallon hi tho mind of diirln jo pit that hla ko wau a rrlll u htm hut ll took a rriala lo warm that ronrlualou up to tho tomparaturo of nthlllaain uncle joaph waa away on hla yacht when tit crlala cahia ha had nvar- workl a lillle wlle the ug drat wllh uio lafflngwll toopln waa ondor con- aldoratlnn and whan tha order waa arcurod and ihn factory running over lliiir ho ilt tha nootl of a 1001 pie la hmu ami it wab during hla ahannra that uiidnn ihn tnanagmr waa taken down with an attack of inflaminalnry rhaunallam young jon worrlml a tillu when morton want homo in a call ho won ird enough to got down to ihu factory varly linkt morning hut- though tho alrrrta were iihhhmi ha found a gaping crowd at iho wnrka thoro had imhoi an nuphvalnu nnn of ihtiae rrgmt table acrldenta which a llllln foroaight and ram lould havo hltml hnvoral mrn had ll rlod to ihn hospital and mm nnglnn waa dimthliml coudnt hn hapmnod at a wo ran tlnio bid a whltf hpiird rmonian wo cant carry out nur contract willi tha lrmngwallu how what am 011 talking attappod jim wvve got to carry it to you it you met it with oour- judgmant enargy and know i rgfi ivn had my nyo on you for aorul yaata and i vo auaoclt you galling roady fur a hlg thing hut tho way you vi handled thia crlala haa rouo twiyond wy moat aangulna axtoctatlona jow my ly iiia volco changod auildanlj go homo and alftf aroiujd iho ctnulc if you ran im hero and nvnrythlng ariniia to m goingwall uw noodyntk well arnd for you jima molhur la tioty cultn nkniiclicxl ui ilia having worn ovnratla anipor- arlty hho lolla imr frlenda auillln thai hi lu audi a favorita with hl undo joaoph thal hu lu imuiid to in writ a largn ahara of uui ultttim pntarty- ttioy arn both a fond ol drradfill grtiaay tiiacililiiim akplalnii mm porlrr that itu ijuito a tin lm twmin ilium i llllt au for jot- ha lu liiiira atnhlt lima lo he hla unolna partunr than hia in ir and ha la atlll atrlvlng l ih ruady for now opimirttinity oilichafns comb humkto noourr a young man in a rnrlniii montrral nflh r put up a jokn on tha hook lumper who waa a ulal htnudy uiirlonu chap kvaryone wah lo tall tha victim that ho looked vury vnry had ludaml it waa wonderful to uva whal affnet thia would havn uwaaahol augnul day when the joko itogan thw nnirn lxty utartihl il aint ya wall mr quilt v ha uall yuorrnurur wlv r quill auk- rwatntv vbar j j pa won tha oi clul hlu c il iwt pala aid tin it work uverllino with wo niidod i ikiiii engine well run ihoolhrr day and night ill thia la in coiuinlaalon again wall havo to bond lu ohio for tho drive whovlu it takna week to gat ait ordwr i h rough mtmetlmnu it wont laku wtaku thia tlnin uaid jo ha aald ihn aamo thing over tha lutig dutanro tnlrphoua later in tho day to dim rapnmtintallvn of ihn ohio firm j 00 waa hot all ohlrualvn young man hut iirthti rniergunoy h had taken the helm thn abaauca of tha proprietor and managnr coupled wttlt tho accuicutt badnlilir paralyaod llto forco all uetinind wait ing for a hnad aud joo utepwnl into in vacancy to a w mark of the ohio rpreenta live joe returned a laugh irnlght thing i hu komarked i want tliaan ahptad oil the feat exprva that leavea your placo al a juancr of throo lhle afternoon old haacoiii tho luxik knapar pnlud hla eloove hla oyea pmttudlng tliun an joe ahook off hla hand ha aptwaled to the tdllce force thu hoya gone cravy 1 thnrell imi an eiprraw hill thatll uiwkh thn old mall ul k 1 it waa not till id cnnverabllun with ohio waa llulahed that jno imulo an- uwer ita no ilmo for waving pm- uloa mr llaucom h aald ptully my uncle will understand it waa tho brat time ho had ever fallen back un hla relatlnnahlp to the bead of the firm tho connection waa aeldom tnnnlloned now more than one man thought with a ulgh of relief thai alter all joe wau the old inanw haphew and that it waa ipiltn au well for hltn to ahouldci the ruuponulblllly and what- evurmllum might hntlachrd lu fall ndod why yi imy 1 roel all right rntmned quilt calmly aud he pot on hla ifllce mat and act to work hut when the uhlpplug clerk told hint he looked 111 quill fro aald h had had a bad night tliat waa all when the oath lor auknd him what made hltn havn aticlt a iptnor color he aaui hla heart fell airatigo or an hour or un quill wen lor- rnontihl with aiixioub imiulrle full of gloomy fttrehodinga about hla health ally with au impatient worried geaturo ho ihrewdowu hla ivan and linutnned lu the office of tho chief hu waa gonn about live mlnutea whim hn relurucd thu chlif waa with him man uald thn chlr raulng hi hand in command thn altoutlon of all aa mr quill la ulok i havo h hltn a tun day leave of abeence ploaao arrange lo illvldu ida work wpially atnciiig ytni while he la gone the ilatasst uihoon 1qoooh illtjivrry ally waa m iiye ami miol a lr 1 ilia udy i w- hlw u to dlcnua human nature than hlmy ll t tdtonhil h hie nhaiice on f will tm aelnr workman liliw w aatiijiiiams iill street acton i kl ututlaiii ml it it when the i i mi ring v that uelf roaecllna dnuht lie dom roaiwk him aald mr porter that when mr joueph pnrur li from hla yachting trip tho imwn ol noinetlilng wrong at the fwrlory met him at ihn docku lie utctirvd au automoulo and whi whliled to iho workeata rate in direct doll unco nf peed regulation aa luck would havo id the ftrwt raaponulhta mraon hn met wan joe and it wee rather to hu credit that for a moment hie nephew appearance put other thought a nut of hla head what un earth la thn matter with you hu aald atari ng tito pale young man with black circle about hla eyeu am lied cheer fully oh im ell right hn replied jttal a lilun abort of uleep lhalu all toll me exactly whale liapitenod aald uncle joaeph and joe twgau hla story waa froqtienlly interrupted by terae ijuoallona once ho wae moved loapologlae i auimme lldoea look ah if i look a gihml deal ui inyaolf hut asiiiebody liad to lo ahead waa hla uncle a unlit re ply whan lite ulory waa ended lie went hack to look at the repalred en gine which wale running again then he went to the office and old llaaaniii draw him euldr and began to murmur eoniethlng about exlratirdliiary peneoa kalraordlnary ocrauhnia demand lexlraordlnary oamtitan uaecotn aald mr porter il waa not till tho mlddt of the afternoon after ho had heard the etnry from aevirml people that he aont for hla ut phew when are ynu going home j oof why tha troth uljivo t been going homo mi pretty into 1 get my dinner miotlnd the corner wuit time do you gel hero in hie timmlng ft auknd mr purler joe healtaied hut a direct uoallnn calla for a direct aiiawer auitit live oclock hn aald mr joaeph jorler thrut hlajhauda into lila pockuta tlien he tureed mi hla nephew u look which iulckened tliaoung fellow heart bcafa t joe he aald 1tit vrtntd of ypu a faalilnunlily dreaaed man unterod a toliacoonlala ahop in the weal of ioiidoo in which aoverol peruone were lielng aerved having aelected a hlkhinny cigar he llghtod it and then turned in the uhopglrl and aaked for change out of lhn half crown ho iiaii given her the girl denied that alio had rcoplvtd n from hhu he row very indlgtiant andaald that if uho looked in her till uho would hud ll adilng tliut it had a curtain niatk on it tlierfirl to aalufy him look nd ami found a half crown piece marked aadeacrlltod and apologuing for her mlutaku waa about to baud him the chauga whau two jmtllro ofll co ru who hmpnuiiud to havo olaiarvod hla manoeuvre from the onlaldr en tered and took him into cualody ho waa taken to lhn police atallou where ho wau rfcoglilod ea a aklllful praclll- lonorof ihladnucrlplion of theft hi plan wau to uand uomeoun into tin ahnp lo piircliaau a trtlling arllrlo with a maiknd half crown aud then uhorly afterwartla to enter hluiaelf anil apijaa imivn deacrlltod lly lhle trick lie iad managed to make uoino loupln of muiida a day modal hit aooro waa tl hpelghl had tl a very heavy rain atortn oecurtod on kimday nearly four inchee on thn lovel waa tho rainfall n tho iwanly four hcuro from about mid night halurday thunder and light ning woro olmoat ooatlnuoua very utile dnuiagn hae boon done and tbe growing rope will bo groally hnofit- uhi a tree waa blown down on mr umi mullmllanda rarm let con ktioeelng in rtlindaya atcrrm kllrrna ibeoo bhort tlie roof waa mown off mr hoht nickall a new barn near row aona jornora ttundaya atoriu caught ore local aportu four of lbimialbrra ol fainlllea dlojrlng oul a foa mi a tiolgh- ihirliir hlllaldr they did pot nolle ll until il waa no haua in great fury hnauu live umllod hunday nulla and it la hoped five conaciancoo utoro mally active it haalhmin uugkoatod that tho drill ehed lot on klgln hlroot imi ratal nod by lha council and fitted up for a mrk it would bo wllbln nice llaten- llf dialanco trom kranklin hi nam b uid uland whora th band gln lltolr wu lly concert a an unfortunate man in iho domini w llotil brawl got hie heat badly cut on monday ovonlng with a tkambler in tho handa of a young man wt ahould know batter or lowry had to do mime tlkblng a dlatuta alxtut wagea frttnt near orowimtna ornoru waa called tueaday morning hoforo j i a iow- ry hall and allan it waca ad turned aa one or iho part ire did not appear mra kdmondaon ijiuehoua wont a couple of moeithe ago to vult her win duncan at hpanlah luver and fromtheinabe wont by wy of iort arthur over the p il for tacoma to vlalt her kin harry hho haa arrived at tho latter point in company with her daughter ur thome hood mlaa allterta and maater luchard drown are v tailing in toronto thia woek r mlaa ucphall relumed leal week from manilla whoro ho upent a ploaa- anl lime willi old monde mr allan mann la now able to walk with the aid of crutcheo mr time h tat ham who waa injured at a it murrey barn mlatng about iwo tnontha ego la a till unebl to uae hlaarm and foare it will never allow him to parform the dutleo of hla trade mlaa oolia hlarford waa homo iron toronto thle wook im a vlalt mr and mr w prick of newark n j are rua healing hare mr- ototmtdroloy 4 joo l pending a week or two with friend a here j mr and mr jatnee itoaa of toron to vlailod at prinrlml moore on monday mue kmtna mmtm haa alao tieen homo during the week in the council complhlnt wau made of the too frequent dlanao of aomn of the etreot lamp on dark night a the m o waa luatroclod lo attend lo it and to give the hiblia light ho re plied that he would do ao if hla ruultl- tudlnoita dutlo juat now would per mit dan ia vry buay atpraont atbouilbsomi oaiabr wa wore gulag n saturday orcr o for my mother and i to tho dollioa baaaar where fifty wax doll lee the loveliest ahow w walklng about whan they wound them you know you would not belief a hajf lhn thing could do t why 00a aald flood morning aa plainly a yu i one played uta piano and one dreaaed walked up lo tlto mirror and powder ed her faoe wok when wo were roady wo aupped in tha hall and found there a lady jual coming to mill chanced lo bo pau nly one mlnutn to hhe aald ahe had t ing mm way and rally had 1 ur i waited ami walled and hoped ahe would go thpu law il wu a time fo 0 ahow yea wa heard tho clock atrlklng all over iho town and 1 knew that lltndolllea were gut ting run down ho than i juat aald i uooltoae mra illnek your little girl wo why dont you noma heck r tltala all that i aald ovary dan ileal word hutahoaald utile r aliould 1 boon and not hoard npoae that a proverb no doubt it hut if people dont know what can lltluglrlador my mothor looked queer hut that end d tho call hut wngottothedollloa itaabar alter all m 18 pits if oi ciiooao lo repreecnt the artoua pnrui in life by hoil upon a table nf different ahape aomn rlmilnr aomo triangular uonui agunrc aonio olilong ami the pciaona ncllng llleee part by bit of wood of almllnr ahanea wo ahnll cenerally find that tlie triangular person hn got into ilia a01uru hole iho ob long into tha irianstilar and n anuare person ha squeexed mm self into the round hole tho officer awl tho office tho doer nd tho thine done seldom it so bsactty that wrt cnu ey tlwy were almost inndo for eh otli or bjdoej- smith vouthul ilooio the teacher rt elementary inatho- matlra lmkad hopefully shout the room now children ahe uald i wleh ynu lo think very carefully he fore you answer my next uuetlon tlie small pupil sat eagerly await ing it wideeyed and in aomn i natal cos openmouthed which would you rather have threo bag with two apple lit each bag or two bag with three apples in each bag t aaked qt teacher threo bag with two apples in each bag said a boy in una of thu uat seal while tho clas still debated an lo tlie beat answer why paul t asked lhn teacher itocauso thored bo ona more bog to boat announced tha practical young mallieuiatlclan youtjb companion compumkntf no tub bard bit tint morning wau an inauspicious one for the nuw liarher for ho hail juut started hualnces hut be was full of hope ami a he industriously acrapd at hla flrat customer ho made the uuual enquiry t luxur nil right nlrr my good iiiaii aald the rusldmtir if you hadnt lutsittlunid it 1 should never have known thorn was a rxor on my face tho tousorlal arllst smiled delight edly here wsaa good omen indeed thank you sir h said no ailed lhn customer re hoc live ly i should have thought you wert ing a die there never waa and tinvar will be a tint vernal paitacua in one remedy for alllhuto which fleall is heir what would relievo una 111 lu turn would aggravate the other wo have how ever itt quinine wine when obtained in a sound unadulterated stain a remedy for many and grievous ilia hy its gradual and judicious use tho frailest systems are led into convales cence and strength hy tho influence which quinine exert on nature own rout ore t ives it relieves thoi whom a chronic atate of morbid despondency aud lack of lnterat utc in a disease and by treiiqullislng the nerve disposes to sound and refreshing slep imparts vigor to action of the blood which being stimulated courses t lint ugh thu veins nlrenglbenlng the healthy animal i functions of thn system thereby making activity a necessary result strengthening the trento and giving life to tho dlgesilvo organs which naturally demand increased so balance toaull improved a pit tile nort- rop lymaiinf toronto have glveu to tho public their superior qululne hy tho opinion or eclqallata tha wine i epptoaohes nearest perfection of any on the market all druggists ctl it a kiskpchlkas llohthounm whst do you llilnk of a imrpotual llghlhouao needing no keeper and yet i as regular in h huhoa of light a one maintained hy the government f ask ed allmra d van wyck a glolw t rol ler at the raleigh ttiu natural light never alls and that moans much for navigation it is a volcano on tho island of ban hal- vailor thia volcanic tlbhthoua is about eight miles inland from tho port or acmjutla it is a veritable jlur of ilnud by day and the flash of it light by night ha been valuable to mart nets for year tl can be seen far out ra and a hurst of heme has gone tipanrd every seven minutes without the variation of a second for many halvodor emua tlteutaelvo the first fnw day by holding lltelr wetche and timing tho outbursts of name a lighthouse foe u collected of all vessel that put in at the harbor near- oat the volcano and no skipper ob ject hn know that the volcano 1 mure reliable than the light houses kept by human being on other coasts and iho novelty of the light i worth the j trice 1 barged by lha government there la lha usual detonation cauaed by tho eruption ovary seven minute aud the ground i shaken but after a short sojourn un tho island you fall to notice h and would be tlto luore shocked if it did nut ooour waaii- iugtou post but in hakital our fate la written not in the star but in our habit a man who ha been industrious till he is forty wotid not know how to be laay if no ha lived purely and thought purely the shafts of impurity fall helpjae agalnet his armor and on i ho other hand it is practically a miracle if in middle hfo conquer evil habit and start a life of uprightness destiny is not a power uulslda ourselves compelling our reluctant obedlenoe ft i made up of choice which in turn deoide our habits aud these are tlie true arbiter of life too blow von hsin the young man wa calling on ibn girl ho didnt know her very well but ahe looked good to him ua wanted to call again the next night but hardly had the nsrvo to ask per mlsalon to do so id like to come up again hn said whan ha wa ready lo go home how about next week borne lima r a look of disappoint ment came over her face next week rh said why unt thal er wall pll tall you wliat to do you come up tomorrow night and well decide what night next week you may call shirkimo rnkarariaibilitv there are a great many people who are ready to help in a worthy cause if only aomo ona else will take tha re- sponslbllty hy ibis they mean that if there are hard decision to bo made some one else moat do it and if there la lo lie any chance of failure the shoulder of another must bear it hitch people ullou credit themselves wllh inodeflty heoauke ql their unwill ing nee to assume responsibility- a a matter of fact their motive often com o nearer lo cowardice do not shirk responsibility help not by merely taking order but by taking iho led if leader are lieed- onfb way or proposing i plead tiut for myself adeline murmured tha young man passionate ly it is for my brother albert i speak what of yonr brother r asked tho maiden blushing deeply i plead for bun dearest 1 ie is my only brother and ho is lonely oh so lonely i ye and- and he want you to ba hi sister- inlaw 1 will you adeline r fur hlu sake will your ed oavi hip hu9 qholob tfux hiiunder1 say old man i wish youd make a point of being in this evening i ah want to eea you shout utarryla one of your gal the major with plaaiure will oh du you want the 000k or tho houw ui aid what p london opinion nkvbr roboartthlb when papklng or the country cot tage dont forget your box of zam- iluk and your zamhuk soap dilator sunburn oratche insect stings etc ir nut immediately at tended to are likely to spoil your pleasure zambuk ensure you against trouble from these 3mbuk 1 anuepuot kills all poison in wound whether from barb ed wire fence or insect sling soothes ohlng feet and blistered hand 1 hcttlu baby chafed place 1 000 those suit burn patches and prevent freckle no mother vhould ho wllliout it purely herbal in it composition jumj ook is bupatlor to tha ordinary olot- mente containing enlmolla ami fat and mineral coloring mfttlnr all druggists aitdttorea ouc ikix uun loo zanuiik doap heat for liabys bath audfur tender aklu 23c tablet 1 uklyfflfff