wht jvjrttftt sftt prjess volumit xxxvir ho a rhtt babaotiiloa raid la adw acton ontaiuo thuhsday mornikg okokmbkit 28 111 hinujab copies tiiitkb cents b ttott jree kss vkht thukboay stornlto 41 1 j stuuet lrm ikiiwiiih 4jiw dollar wr r mrtully iu uvwium all ub uvttjih4m uumolltllluml wull iii i1dmi tetr wttiau may iwvk un lutlti tuut m etrwa lit ant ij wtatcti rvry sub eoruuea i wil uviiuum on in l irweti uumu r- male transient dvr- i iw causa r vonfaruil lln lor mm laaarmon 4 mbu inr una far ntl wilmqiignt inmllun a4rtlmaial wltuuut aimdldo imumu will b lnerid ull forbid and okuitd aocordlaaty transient d tinib biiii null b paid ik adranm ii be etuluod one loauv if elrau or alkta us above enllond tba owta peemon etuat b pua or at tiuif ita prbl esontbljr- xauli oom wul btreat i-on- al cj hn ataais hl and x ur a- oo will raelv tar a naaa mbaoripuona and dvrtlmnnla sad wbm ovt rtaomw ean free or ohara- as ear paper wen la holland h p xooiua ul tor nd 1 foprlator justness sirctorp mn ukdical iios gkay u d c u mccill ibcj v ktmaauaoal i a r r h oiflw iaa mama mhwul aipoiiviam kru t b holuus m loiwl xa m 1 b o fart boa karaoa la hi joaopb hospital kjata ofclaf hm minukli to um vtouxta mliaalail hanem to 11m maradltli umooruj maasraujuospllej lowloa vasee m s baavjua7 eamlkh actoh ont josh uu10d01aij u d cat i prop end hap waaaey iospt dbmsl of vtoptaa and oaoaral ruan u rape in toronto rboakorln xu fr tmcta r j fcuailkmon serwmvuo ooert oosnty of hal iiliniriiiiil i ii ait mousy to loea at d ta use aaaealbeue aaad if datlred drk s hah dili i d b uhhtitit tftras saa mnlktry la all iu bnnibm qamlq daafua et apalaln uukli b mftaexllmtoua tki md hardy co anvbimaimo coitcta md kswacomrnksroainta ao pua sinai loodoa e c eofund aattimi xajeato wbom advlm vntda wuwtrjsua wnkjahoib huham atiadaaai m qumph oalaria 1 ijovar w bbwa inaaal baaka of all klao nada to o mrtlaavatoeavaobmbruoaemlvtkaal suvmlv m arbiaob mobnqbs b t koomi mnltomm movitaaaaaraattlrad lawan maauaaaatautbla aaa rnaa obafc aoom a black lickmmd auctionrmx g tea taa ooaaual ol ualtoa and walllniaa umhmam imblaaiaaul rarallara and tfaujiahummuoltod riuuo bmsasu oramblabaoffloa 191 catalogue udoalgnb to ofloi a wr m tlima as lo i ha in r oxa an i to aftonl an ulaa i our prices ur tpciaaialn bualnoas aauaa ui iu imjufivo our boylnf fultu il llila lalhr with our relj lively xull flijiaato jml iu in ft pocillon la iu04d prices as low it diui ijualllj a mii card lautftua iywlcia lur goods u l i y you itila savage co fj3t4slisjf0 ft ouelph ontario hoi n i mow hichvki tim eicelloc d our ii ddnka loclodlnj beef taa tommto bunion oofle oooottti o h baen taall pco in past aaa we cammengd arvln on saturday haroldwues tiik actum cav uhi slncm waters bros ouelph headquarter tob o a c ahli sckool supplies nature study botanical rtomolog1cm drawiho pa1ntiho 41 wyndham street phorwsso hand read bonds advertisements all the they bnaflt yoa nd the bond oomptny bxpeotm a benefit bvbrythino in uabwabjb the bond hardware co the best in gfasscs at reasonable prices a d savage autipti oldyearioood niohti lit il iaa4tlattl to la olttar 1mui ii iut1 wrvt hih mlitlry nun wlilrlt uln liin ny 11 ujk t intnl u i ilrfhl old vaarl 11 l 1 lln foeraml tkr -iht- ta i r tit- luruioilantl llndln i m irinll xolht moia nival ikafi- 11a nw vrira ahrrhl in a wait l jawiloff ti iu llfcht i 1 hi ilflt old yarl oixmi ntut1 i nr m ihir uiirulllllnl dalra it- failiirna boil dafralat willi falaa aiubltloaa smoldci utg tirrm illuoluna add droalta i our lukawami rltitm lur tua illjrhi i jhi night old ytrl oool il ulvr place old yaar to rlrnr da will hiuhar liiaa and alma our lhri 0 r7w f iuiy- ulu luat rurimilr lha tintimt mlht i o tod night old yaw i locl nlsbl p ii nd ilia 1 hroacnlng clouda tlat lla t tumult and unml ktllh mm with hcia ht untuil aya- a future ilchly m fw ool la truth and ltlu u ulht i jkxi nl old yaarl juod nljiht i llnnry kaulknar larnll i i 1ui1 kcton livery bus lini6 tba underalnod tcapccl lolly tolktla tb pairooaaa tt ba nub- lio and tnlorms ibom ibat wall kulmal bjms btvltala rut can aiwaya bn aecurad at bu alabua a camloctabu boa mecia all iraina batwaen muto a w and 6 iq pm carafnl altenllon glran to vary ovdar the want of com daarcltl travnllnra tally met mo sti st m winter footwear boots u shoes wrhrat full iloclf of olntar welcltl boota and shoaa lor man woman and children la all lb newoat ahapea alio a tplandid una ol man a wklerprooi show rubbers oar slock ol ihasa wood is vary complete indndln hnbbora wool untd hnbbm ovarahom and knbbnr boots uat u supply your wnur foot mk1 v7 wttiliams mih street acton ijrfflrp darknvaa of tba htltci yarnilq entmng jl7 ibmfltttbbt i mail ii lnirnrir twtha oanadaa al waulnfton and uataan m3m aaaon ill ba pnwpur at- w aaan fm uw oamlaa of walllastoa juluo paal spaasdaiaamiwtamb m aston and aiollly tha 0w4indjbellable qradlto and marble dealer i oawwb at wbola reiavs it aatlonma in nihf in isi jton- sons b uton jtctt jrss wanted i a um reprnaanutlv for aqtom and sorroondinj district to sail bbjb cbua stock tor tba yohthu up mora frail tmas will ba plantad la lha fall ol igti and spfinjr of igik than uvm belorn in tna history of onurlo tba orchard of ibo fulora will bn lha boat paying part ol tba num wa leach oar man salaamatisbjp traa collar and bow big profili in frnll- can b mad r yahl pa nwt hi qalivrrllory t r writ fag pattic stone fie wellington y- plfr gfcllveson j- firirbmpttr plotore vnmer sto- begs to inform the lajesol acton and snrrounding vicin ity that he has been ajipointed agent for three of the target wall paper houses rocan ada ispo samples to choose from prices right alan that ha is prepared to palratl granite alnrniiiunr and linanwled warevknives anovscissora gtpnnd r f tare repaired shop mlfa stbbst actov eeady for u tlouk t undo cbkba1j bham ud blloktb corn oats wholu guacked in 1iuals 1wiioiu crushed in kluals hav and satt and all doslrauo td bl0 e noble n r moore mautagwr e- excelsior bakery 1 nnvr bread quality oakbb christmas cakbb ibtc bto oystkr9 nd pish vowl- ib t oonfbotions r y bent link oau topay y okrota klklbhohk imlud ployrd olfotlng her tba rood wuhaa nf lha nnaattn aa kba pa had with ihtwn for tha hnlldaya bha knew what it tnnnl lha bop of bar rturn sh had workrd for r yrara wllh i ho llnw f myt ikayn a onipanjr and now had baan nftrd nttwnd atrnniprdrpartifrafor llioold huuaa pa r tna rah i p in lha concern with full control of on dpartront thoy had bn hr unktra duriita lh yar of bar camful conadonlloua aarvlce nnd now ontarnd hvr thu a to inwnatmant for hr luimay n wall pokltlim wall ottd lo bar cultured last and exceptional ability r that aha should hnaltnle an hoar on th qaeallon mu a surprla lo 11 r fn- irrd uye thsnlorparlir indeed bar dtilay atttnawhat whollad hi r- nlarl ihialueaa inatlnctand he thought heacenlad another proposition aotn- whre gonipetlnn with their but atum kjgetnttra vouchsafed him no information on the old rdantor farm all waa plenannt iorctty waa cmilng bom for two weeks hh did not wult boom a often uieen late jreera ashe love of father end nxilber crev- d but of oouree imw oould it it x- peeled year or buunem life in the city luid brought around her many friends interests and demand that did- not touch the farm circle at alu th dear old people were mighty proud of loretty and well might they be when the was only flftern he had begun to here ambition with a busy young brain she had in vented waye to earn money for her self saved up enough for boaloees col lage took a thorough ooorw and la twenty bv year hrr am bluona awoke abe had inade a clean bright bus nee record for beraell culminating in the honor paid bar hy may a day wife i you havent forgotten haw isiretly like thoee mutton turnover have yhi and the raspberry pat- tie r no joel i have forgoheo nollilng mother never forget dont they f whats the maltsr ikra not sorry the girls earning hauier the farmer stretched out bla uborecarred band and tenderly touch ed hi wife cheek 8he shook her head the laaia falling faster at the loving nlovenent im juat thinking joel mayb im getting eelnvh they my old people do hut there wou t be many more homecoming fur the hue were getting well on in years and and 1 d like to see more of her shes our only ona there there loral youre a bit blue tired eh tall you what when loretty comes ill lake you away for a day our wedding day cornea then and well go off to the city oureelvea its ell right lore only w must not gel in the girl way she ha her lire to live you know when we are gone it waa just a plain old farm houee wellcared for but devoid of i usury j pjaltt jolka ajfld in the busy card qf bold and oreald cattle and dairy end all be otltar work if ja farm which i never doo they found no time for bxing up the tquare iltil parlor bad ibe una horeehalr set that lorelta used to slide off in tain attempts to keep- awake eo utahlavuuoday wboaly tb par lor waa used wall were dingy and every ihlnsjabout ibe house bore mark of age and wear the last of the fgood ibingv were eel in careful array in the pantry motbsr and father were stiff and serene in their beat clothe alwy donned for the bret hour of the city girl visit she came and they bleeeed her for her earnest kindly her thuughlpu jrenarous glf l bar loving reverence of their year and their parenthood ah i yea they were mighty proud of lwauyl n and the trembling hand secretly brushed away tb tear that would fall for sia waa th aly one and fluahed clurks to the girls atorte of the city hhe was aiwaya eamful to mkanolsof thing that she knew would pleawi them and i bus i hey shared in i- tme niasure the wide and varied outlook of hr ute thrn leaving bar in chargn fir a cixipl nf days that lovers f alnioat half a century want a jaunllng iii the town where tltey had known lh bunny dya of courting afother waa t4n dent in a long soil warm cloak and bnaaw imnnet that waa stylish and yet kept lb searching wind from aching eera and fat her laughed atth neurahrla- bread log eaat wind in his fur cap and orercoat with greet fur collar who would n t be mighty proud of a girl uk loral ly i so they calabraled their wedding day wllh tear and smile and then each wllh a hidden burden went ltck tit the rami fvr lnrelta could only be wllh them a faw days tnnir and who could tall what might happen before another yr bad ttlid aroudr in their absence loretl had gone all over the old house it was a lime of reminiscence upattlc ah found bar cradle and remnmbered how site used to rock in it th little brother that died in the parlor were th old albums with the jueer faded old plctui ra but more memory awaking than wll slae were the unchanged cenee from th low window with their shining tliueeeretebed ifltle pane the distant hills the rolling pasture the dark woods the winding creek what waa there in it all that wooed her so and moved her to tears r hhe looktd around oo the agtjned walla um uld well preserved furnl- tule the few books her own gifts of later years wliat it tuuat be to spend ooea llfu in such surmundlnga what a contrast to the city suit of room the arlbtllo wall paper th persian rug the booka th picture i aht but ibl was bom where ber char acter had been moulded where ber father and mother had lived out the record of a united odly life thus thought wa busy until ibi wedding party returned then there were tellings and tear and laughter gain will you 1 quit a buy this next yearp you couldnt coute in oftener could you said joel looking wlatful ly al bla girl kite made an attrac tlv picture in her tailorsuit of blue her snowy collar and cuff ber taste fully dressed hair ber general air of rebnement and ease and kindness i expect i shall be busier than ever rather but i will write just as often oftener if you are lonely lonely 1 ob daughter t why mother dear what is the matter r for now nobs were shaking the mother slight form 8b shook ber head don t mind rat ah said brokenly but i loe you loretty and my old heart got hungrylike thais all youve been dutiful and beautiful child but we are old and you mustnt mind a veil dropped from lorettas eye had ber father always been as white- haired as bent as tremulous as he wa lonlghtr had mother aged thus in ten tnloutesf why ten year ago she was plump and rosy and brown- haired how waa it ber eye had been holdao thus f kl other got up and moved about the room striving to regain ber selfcontrol loretu noticed that the dear feet onoe light as a fairys dragged a o father a she go back to ber work hleee ber and make ber a blase ingi we are old our days decline we may not meet again keep thou na o lord according to iby tender mercy we pray thee the dlatant city gong were strlk ing gun were booming horns and whistle and balls were clamoring the of the nsw year in i h coun try ll starlit stretch of snovrclad raids lay still undsr the calm blue sky all waa well with clods world tb froet winked jovially al lha jolly red twinkle irom the farm wtodowe they stood embracing by the leap ing br would another year bring them together again i i bav a new year s present dear ones said loretta standing bet twintv ystalia aqo t statham son bakers and orocer3 motat st actcfn 1 tkettheahs yseroej lo fcior frf ber ah illifj allent huttgar of lova that feajs on tlia tears and smiles i tboy bad aoina long qqlat raotnga by tba big hearth or and the deakr bid powo- imtetrett wllb wldaeyw ktm l blteno sa with thejrronp before tb dying br thetflhogood nights were quietly said but in that quiet house three heart kept watch in lorettas room the lamp burned all night i and under its glow lay a peg with lh underscored words honor thy father and thy mother that iby days may be long in the ladd which the lord thy aodglvslhkhoe when the day before new years came it seemed to the daughter that her parsnta were grayer and feebler than they bad been since her coming oan you stay and watoh out the old year with us child r they asked at breakfast ye indeed i do not need to be in tbeouyuu lha intl yes wa will batgan om lime w night w will have nuts and apples and s before the br then rather will pray and then while the nsw year is press ing his rosy face against tb panes we will alng the old hymn ootne tat k anew our journey pursue we have done it ever since i can remember we three l lorelaa spokegall y butcher heart sank as she noted the look of sadness settle even more deeply on the faoea of bar beloved ones it waa a beautiful winter night that lt night of the old year thay draw back tba curtains nod sat far tn hearth alternately enjoying the starlit scene of snow crowned hills and the wonder that a plclurelovlng eye ai waya floda in lite hollow down by the flare but ibtfydld not talk much heart vote bad full sway when tba granduther clock in uteoornev pointed five tulnutes before midnight they ware on their knot and joel poured out hla heart to ood thank and praise for tba pas trust them and drawing them close to ber would you like a new years pre sent f you are our beat gift darling urmured th mother brokenly iirtl laugh wa sal tad with happy tears wl that is just it there 1 no place on earth like utle dear horn and im going to stay in it i mother i dont cry i o rather did you want m so p ye i will be your girl again ull death part us v the next morning when joel had gone out to give a new years extra to his faithful gray lor mother opened the little parlor door and look ed in then she called hafaughler in low wondering voice fou of queer little joy quaver loretty i do tell me i am i eraay wllh joy i tb old houee looks ell new the walls look fresh the look bigger and use old fashioned than before and i do not feel tired thl morning like i have generally been lately it is all true i em going to stay here for all time to oome for after all love is better than mere bualnee success and brings with it far greabmtr pleaattreand satisfaction himtb ror tub hoai when cutting bread and butter very thin dip the knife occa in very hot water an old fowl should be skinned be fore cooking either for boiling or roasting when choosing beef press it wltb the thumb and if it rises quickly it is of good quality washing tub which are not to con stant use will crack unless some water is kept in them an onion for soup should be stuck with six cloves and added after the soup has been skimmed wooden spoons end pastry boards will repay a good scrubbing with sand in preference to soap comb should not bo washed clean them by passing a piece of soft rag between the tebth only have juatswbat saucepan are i constant ue4- otherwise some are certain to be lof to mat linger poultice are as efneaelou as mustard and will not blister they should be md in the same way when hanging out clothes hang skirts by the band nightdresses by the shoulders and stocking by the toe baked potatoes are much nicer if tbey are bret boiled for tan tnlnulm drain thoroughly and than put in the oven sabbath dbsirvamoi when we cutulder that this com mand to reat oo day in seven is based upon mans own needs are wa not do ing a foolish thing to discuss the bab bath question p there are none of us who in our secular life rebel against any law that will make life easier for us why do wa against this p there is no being living who la not strengthen ed by physical and mental rest who is not made better by religion activities and service and who la not a complet er fuller and happier being beoaueo be spends a portion of bis time in wor ship either in hh house or church or both prom selfish motive if from no other we should ssek to preserve the sabbath let us at least be con sistent in our reeonlng and if we com- talaln of the fourth tmmmahjmanl itev llr onallon ha been engaged as pastor of the died plea enngreg tlon and will live here mr francis lltlu eon hdwln fell on tb lea on tb pond the other day and cot hla lip lip clear through wllh bla rront teeth it was a painful accl dent mr altaif mann lost a oonaldrrable im of money last week but fortun alely it fu into booeat hands and it wae returned to him by lire h a seoordv a soon as hi right was prov the mthodlat sunday school annl reary oo christmas night had th largest audience that ever was pr the scholar were lha principal contributor and in tb lolrmlion th missi boa were opened and found to oontlo the respectable eaqrro- gata of txi more than double that or butt year there were eighteen recita tion santa oho dream wtlt tiumeyi t olaue and th mouse ada french tb weber lads christmas chum moore j lay tom jimmy brown j plan baetl bpehrbt no fibbing kdlth nlcklln tbedredturky ferryman i company coming willi itutledgei dreadful thing folly did lottie kbbag ir i a olrl bean oralue betsey bob- btr kvs mckoown our countrys flag fiddle moor happy birth day edna miller t a little boys wonder willie taylor flos let ter- eva matthews katy wish bdlthvlllums there were a nam ber of choruses quartettes recitative duett oiia lor prince kva wll llama and media monabfa two long ladders gaily trimmed and dacoraied were loaded wltb presents for the children court o ive branch 1 o f obi tre t tho c moore j i h c 1l o ii brown o u a wsobam v o iu nllmoulll 1c m cob- ilr o c rpelgbt f h 1 ja sharp chap jaa mcin tosh a w t m sutton j w i p l masales h b i u j kdmutoo j if w h lowry fhysicun at the municipal nomination the following were nominated l forheere dr lowry for ooundllor j b person geo havill john ilaxvey joseph anderson alex secord a o ueardmore john kenney a k nlck lln john william tlie two lauer since declined fur school jsmee mauhewe qeo uynda isaac francis w il storey james cobban itev g u cooke kobe holme meesr storey and cobban have since declined a very interesting public meeting was held miss jessie mcnabb is visiting at ktrkfield mr john miller went home to orll- 11a for christmas mr and mrs u j i ull of berlin and mr and mrs a hall or pn- etang visited here in the holidays mr b ii moore of toronto who a the groom at the moore- lane wedding la spending a few days bare the pleasant countenance and cour taoua manner of mies annie wllllaensi deputy to poet master matthews the past three years will not hereafter grace the post offlce the young lady having resigned thk hew yiabo shop mlood luatlullona for hal hero to dayl- tlii u the sign on uio dour tb children come hocking in throngs root i heir play frllty know it i only uium now year s day tltat ihea eatt li r mild in llu roid father time krepa tiltt j wltete lbeyrxld and he keep it tn melt a tiuwr way mot nne en you buy for silver or gold you can lake though as many aslmiih arme will bokl or but on need you carry ewayx thie is only one thing that each buy r moat do before yon can enter tb stnr ynu must leave all bad habit b they many or few and all things that binder a life good and true outside a you go i lh door before you oome out all these habit and thing a by magic have gono from lite way at o many good sale old txther tim sing then tb door of the new wr wid open h fling and th children troop gaily away youths companion wasted we refuse sympathy awl iu llnutry wllti people as if uro waited for iumuo better ympa thy and intimacy to come nut wbenre aud where tomorrow will be itlv today life waslr haelf while we ra lur pari uc to lite 1 mertou a mbw vatjtni oarb now what is here f a word of cheer to harald anotber year may all its days be free of bunrn- a liule nobler than your aim may all iu labor be confeet a llltl noblar than your best f and all the joys within its aeope a little brighter than your hope and may each year be found whon past a little dearer than the butt oood ror rcvil us also otr a protest against the sllh persons and property ptiae formia r jlnd abpye al keep lha steps of 0t jshild crown bar ufa wllh thy loving kindness i wa uimk the for bar jove ska baa been th dd m bw bid kr nw haki ucctfll your bpur wbataver you have flone make your spur let it luclte you lo do better thing it la a sad occasion whan one r04ihmltlfiumit ol ml capelvj be does ibe thing be can never sur pass people wlur tba right sort of ambition do not ooms to this point till the powers of mind and body begin to give way write uon your heart that if you bare done wall today you can do better to morrow make your suc cess your spur will amd dfttuflm4h tub fottvat lwbti without steam aba quest engine ever obstructed a only fit for the junk shop and without wiltpower themostttujtvaiamm mental endow ment u no better than tb brain of an ox there must be something to ad tba p uua1 mid i ui krwnky joiiswrosf in acton on decemwr ssth by rev 1l fowlle mr tbos kenney to miss maggie b johnson both of acton wenuau gooilaxj at botbwell on iecmbr23rd by rev mr uynd albert t wenkanujof acton to ellen ter of x 1 good ball l daughter both well mcdonauifammitu at the home of the brio father township of dawn on december isth by rev john luynolds daniel mcdonald oakdal to lisxle eldest daughter of mr john farmer moottclanatat the borne of the bride father b h- meph kdge acton mi n f moore only eon of mr tbos a moore anton to miss asjglv qeo tana bri town utile billy had been n tbe war hie dbwolored optic supplied striking evidence of ibe fact by jingo r beerled ill give it to jaeky jones for this no no renionstratsd his mother you must return good for evil low when you go to school again glv him this jam tart and say jacky yon backed my eye yesterday but mother says im to return good for evil so here is nice jsm tart for you 1 billy promised to obey the instruc tions end on the following day be set off to school with his book in onn band and tbe jam tart in tbe olher but he returned home with his far horribly disfigured mamma mamma 1 he njaculaled between his sobs jacky been and blacked my other eye and he says will you please teak it plum pudding tomorrow f ipllmabahtrika a man hurried into a quick lunch restaurant recently and called to the walter give me a bam sandwich yes air said the walter reach log for tbe sandwich will you eat it or take it with you both was the unexpected but ob vious reply how is it you have not called on me for your account t i never ask a gentleman for money then bow do you get 00 if be does not pay 7 attar a time i conclude he is not a gentle man and then i send his bill whats lb price of sausages dwendy cent a bound you saked twenty be yesterday yah dot vaa ven i had some now i aint got none i sells htm for dwendy cents dot makes me a rebuiattoa or selling chssb and i dont lose nod ding huts to crack i suppose barnum went to hsaven when he died p well he certainly had a good ihanca in fact he bad the greatest show on earth why is tba nose in the middle of tbe i faoep because it is the scepter centre what motive did the engineer have for stopping tbe train p locomotive why is the letter d the oldest sailor on record because it has followed the 0 for many year if an upright piano is the most moral instrument 1 the lyre the moat untrue p tkhpauiahcb auibotiohs when tbe alooudiee ibe devil will put on deep mourning u la bard to find a man engaged in selling whiskey who has any hope of beaveo t a hal tattll irmt aroun t fee tuaebina u without salua will de termination and the reeotuuotf whteu pereuu in tbe fane nl dim miles ara tu motive powes of tbe intellectual tnabnltfcry man who feels confident that moder ate drinking won t hurt blu wblcbnf us fellow do you intend shall stand iu tbe footprints of ruined nenp must we wreck all tbe good in our selves do you think p in the cruel wave of f- sea of drink ifevet tba devil feels proud of ids work it must ba whan ba baa made wan mean enough to awve hia wife and ohildren to death while helping to keep tba loookecper 4- yonrmay think yonr heads are level but i ear not what yon think t yon ara voting for the devll it yon vote to limns drink first stranger i say that my nnbraua yon have 1 seeond stranger 1 dont doubt it olf i dowtdoubt it i i bought it at a r if father is always busy reading is ht-nsaulogtlvr- chicago may be a hit woke hut you ought to hear datusscus what ib a akhtummiwr it is said that every mans definition of tbe term gentleman makes it in clusive orbtmnir ukawiientirrtrue that each man la prone to believe that his manner are the beet in tbe world a writer sneaking of this point re lates tbe following story 1 on a man of war there waa once a reception and it happened that a distinguished statsauuut forgot or did not know the usual formal salute on comlna aboard whos that lubber that dont tip huskypiece to the skipper p said a sailor choke your luff returned another sailor thats blank tho famous tariff reformer wall growled ibo bret sailor vrhyhilnt hegot- enough to saluta the quarter- deck r j afanneral a third sailor chipped in what does he know about man nar i dont suppose be was ever otfrstgntotrxwllnhulirw