9be ttpn jtrerress tiiutbday dkokmbuu 28 1011 thi boy pnbw year what plana hava you made for lltu new year bojaf you oan u it fcir m or iii fill up its playtime wllti wlinlesuine joys and work at your taake wllli a wtu or warp it and twiat ll and wmu its days hut what would yu gulp if you dor you must use it boy inonn of tliea ho whatdona ilia yt ar li id for you p shocked the guide amlee a an lira varan visitor at tha national capital a wtf mnu wlih irr urlxlllutf unir lietird nmt wutrlny it i rhil i ilui med nlout h 1ml m tr tint it i n hi main tniridor of it ilt il v fdtlontil liy u lhui ui u rt l i they had lubpoclccl l iluary lull mil umj rotuudn aud lookid in ul tli li n i berof the huurvme tt urt and m itor liml iimiln 111 ullmr cotnnn i on ibpslffhu nou iiiid i linn to um r mi aocaalouul urunl snort or crn i tlio liui uinu paused nt hi til f llm corrtd tincl jerked lilt in tl lo word n i ih td ihiri wimiim llniu i unj in- doltitf lo dnyt lie demnndod tlie hounie la not lu vu 11 ir aid lha guide in allocked volcu anr lb llxflor hid dcihirted lit guide ant donn on liu t liulr in front of tha statue of imnlel 1 iwlir nud mopped hla itented i trow that a on klu tlitil foniua in re be aakl tto lunr nil kind but hla atyla la the hunlmil to dim i wltti called tbo sewilo burclnra you hoanl him and uo kkkrnl ni everything else i showed lln tliat kind cornea pre pared 10 kick they ulu i cot no pa tiiotlam at all nod n uulled btotaa aauator ahi t uo mora to them than a doorkeeper why im nfrnld to taka men like lilm into the a u promo court vjkely aa not tliey ii any something disrespectful right out loud do yon know whadlmt onovojd vrheo i shew ed bin statuary lutllt ijo any a tvbo are all tbaaa crookar then bo wanted to know how much till thorn statues coat tba government and nho not 1h rakeolf i told lilni llioy went fiweu by tba states and ha mild that was ones uban llio atntea put ono ovar you wouldut tb ink aald the gutae with a sign that patriotic americans coald coma hero nud uo ao callous bout hie thins tliey see they seem 10 bcgrudtfi- el vine n dollar to be shown tba place where webster stood when ho made hla reply to nsyue 1 don t know what the country s coming to 1to been a guide here twenty years hot i noter thought i d live to bear tba senate called burglars washing ton cor kansas city star lightning versus steam testing the telegraph in the karty days ef its invention yea re ego wbeo the electric tele- graph was a new idea and a mystery to the m there came trouble one saturday night id tbo bank of eng land tba business of the day had closed and tbo balance was not right there was n deficit of just 100 it was not the money bat the error that must be found for the qfflcere and tbo clerks there could be no sleep until the mystery hod been cleared up all that night and all sunday a fore of men were busy money was surely gone from the malts but no one could discover whence on tbe following morning a clerk suggested that the mistake might have occurred in packing for the west in dies some boxes of specie that bad been sent to southampton for ship ment ills chief acted on the sugges tion tier was an opportunity to test tbe powers of tbe telegraph lightning ngalnat steam and steam with forty eight boors tbe alert very soon tbe telegraph asked a man in southamp ton lfas tbe ship mercator sailed t tbe answer cams bock just weigh ing anchor stop her in the queeu a name flashed back tbe telegraph she is stopped was returned have on dork certain boxes marks gtren weigh them carefully and let mo know iho result letrnrnphed the clilef this order wax obejod and one ixix was found to ho aaniewheru about one pooud- swd lew heavier th l mates just the uolght of the miming sovereigns ml right vet the nilp gop was the next onlrr tha west india house was doblted wlui the 100 and lite flunk of eng land was at pence ngalu horners weekly 1 1 alloc i nations of htnbane henbane bears n remarkable roputn llou for creating tho most pitrnordl nary hallucination dr houltotr latca thnt some monks who nle lbs roots by mlstntio for parsnips trans formed their monastery into a lunatic asylum one monk rang the ball for matins at midnight and of those of tbe community who attended some coald not read others fancied tbe letters wen running about like ants and boom reed what was not in their jboflkjl bran tha ighalamniui froi brown b w1ss bjrkbd of dairy oattl it la aomolliiion inmcit hi il 11 dnlry f 1 u n 1 1 1 t iii urouii hnhm brood liim 1m on imiir todnnd tllu iritil reflnrwl by tlia amnrtcnn inrwler wo linro rtilllvntml 1 litaj bread for tltr inat llilrty jonrn writ i m itnrfon in llonnlh dnlrymnn 1in iiiolliixl f mnnlng linn innlidrd in rmmlina ttiir rnuca lout lllmirnlljr 11 hi li ilicy an gftvliig nnd hi i rrfwllng hn liolftti about 11 nr uirlltir tlmn la tin swiu i rnrllcf unix in illpg tin m liun nud laauvr tliwo lhay would ua if lbo had hnd in uuiiil 1 ire hint la uluin 3 line 111 ml in hivhurlnlnj h f honing thin rn ii o f r r llir cencrntloiih hie normal irelcht of i mnu in rvduitd luu or tun liuudreil htindn unil hi in in d no wllliout amll ing the cotik f r uilluiug punoao whlhr ihla 1 rnrlkt tnkes off aonip thing from tha milk nnd butter qunlliy and wlifllhor it inuoi off anmntlilnc from tlio unnful llfn of hut row is bard ti nrorn ono nny nr the ottjor but i hnld to the theory that the breed being t the highest dnlry piahty and nt the nma unto of considerable wolnht as it line boon bred fir hundreds nf gen orntlous in bwluirliuid tlio chances are that tho rod ill it ff proress so rajlod which has cne on in this conn try la in reality n atuntlug proccas and that liy illktiil ftcdlng of the cntvea na in irndlcod in swltxnrland and imjmmtlri ly 1 itu i reeding of the hrinrh no li ill uxi to lbs true swles lh and hao ih tier milk nod butter floldti ndd loiikir itfo i hero wore nt lie nntlonal dairy ahow in hkato liiat full two cam low 11 ijiwhiii nnd mcrnla that repre out lb ui in nil i amarlcnn lircodlne tho 1 irmi r w is helectrd bj llm jmlo ns tlui liuiiiliii cow of tho lrvod nnd the inller jiiil made a line record for amount timl economy of production at tho wisconsin oiperl mout hint um 1 1 1 into cnw hare finer bone tlio hind loc nro less straight thrlr uululit undnr 1 00 pounds arid in dm vlow of iiiiiny cnorts ahowed if 10 hlglient dnlry cj lilt illy they are good nillkoni and good tons hut to ny mind they nro nut as ijnlcnl rcpro sentathea of tho hrtxl ns the big headed strong libed nunro buttock wd 1 boo pound iua thnt nro imported and occahlonally rnlaod in this country and such ns you and represented ilu large numbers in the stnblea of their own country the normal weight of lown lassie the champion row la 1 iso pounds with her second calf she gave within itaiufcstjtuorurfuf- less and brat 00 tains neither opaummorphiive nor rfioual not narcotic stmjmmfoujksobjwbx apetfect ilemfdy rorcoosupav tlonsourstoimchdiotthtiea wonnsafradsionsjwtah- ttess a lossoy sl yecsuwu pt o ocnc0ry0tvlarau cast0r1a tor inftmta and children the kind you have always bought bears the signal of in use for over thirty years castqria m the drown 8wla la ona of tha atandard braada front swltxarland it ha bvcoria awarally dlatributad ibroughout eurotm and wa nrat lebperteil into lha united states in m ilrown swiss catlu ar well adapted to condlllona whan a com bination nf dairy and bf produo tion is aouslit tha iim la madl um cowa walsh j ro to 100 pounda tho fjiiantlly or milk is modorouly larsa anil tha tat eon tnt irood according to tha amer ican atandard tl a color la dark to light brown or aotna aaaaons ot tha yvar amy tha ow bar ihown was brad in now york ami midi a reoord of 4103 pound of milk in ib flaya a enr 10 0041 pound of milk testing 443 iiounds of butter fat ond dropped her third calf about thirteen months after her second constituting a dairy record of u hit h ono need not be ashamed she la now making a record with hor third cnlf which will prob ably surpnas the former one noegell thnt was exhibited at tbe same show has a normal weight of 1000 pounds after dropping her sec ond cnlf she gave within twelvu months 12 010 ouni1s of milk testing 623 pounds of huttnr fat these pratfy bat vory poisonous flow ere produce these weird effects west minster ossette in the feed lot bare the feed lot located on a well drained slope to tbe south of some windbreak such ns a grove or tree miff sited or on tbe lee side of sums sheltering bill this not only shuts off tbe piercing winds but afford a potwbeftue suuililne will wield its boost potent influence it la aidrlaabje to clean up all tbe ref rouod toe racks and mangers 0c ddy els it iknp rrvemit there making if nereaaary to leoro it in tbt mt antll spring whkb not only causes bore and mora harder utbar but e tawubee conditions that turn the feed i into a petiwt tlofi wnlldw lo he waded through wiien sprtog thawing aslta law finn and fireside v luge l merats ftlbigo cannot be revomuwnded foi ceoeral feeding- 10 h4res of any kind some bare reported gratifying results with it but okhers bare lulled then boism oreo wltb the nrat reed dt it it la generally suspected that in these jujortauto cases be allng was not offlrat close quality but ns there is no bsssrsqc that sltfge will not ocratlon- qy oontalnl some moldy spots eitry r iwtffrbwm be cautious in dmliug i n out to bones horns are far more oasn injured than erf tile by moldy j- v htoea a opm ibrd in thi eornh of b 1 fa not pi miry barn bat 11 ufro4 aarnmage do hag tir tltw nurtb and proof j- traatntant for boratohaa the drat thing to do in a case of cratches is to see that tho horse stands tu n clean stall where no mud dung or urlno can come in contact with his heels writes david buffum in form and preslde failure to attend tf this is aflcji tha cause of scratches though they also appear without any external cnuse owing to some condi tion of the system scratches nro somotlmos ery obsti nate about honllng the best external remedy thnt i know of is white lend hare thu sora places perfectly clean nnd dry ami then see thnt they are eoraplefely covered with white lead illnd it on with a bandage if it will not stick without ono nnd renew the application iwlco n day meanwhile tbe ottlmnl gonoaoubly keep salt in his nuingor nnd give him enough bran every dny to keep his bowel open this trentment if faithfully fol lowed up should make an improre ment lu him ory soon though f tho rate is n bad one it impossible to say bow long it may tntlo to offect a cure petit aulaae or cream cheaae petit suisse cheejo is osaentlatly thi same as nenfcbatol but dieters slight ly in shape according to bullotln 103 of the unitod states department of agriculture it is mada as follows tbe milk preferably fresh is set nt 6o degrees v with only so much ren net as is necessary to secure tbe de urod coagulation in twenty four hours in rammer aud from thirtyeu to fortyeight hours in winter tho curd il then inclosed in chdeecu5uiniiil drained for twelve boors after which it 1 subjected to pressure for another period of twolre hours it is then ujoougbtykudndcd by band or in the larger factories by moans of a curd mill and pressed into tin cylloden about two inches iq dlatneter and throe inches high the cheeses are re- mot fr nni placed aqcr draining for twenty four hours they are transferred to tbo so called drying room whore tbey mo- come covered with whlto and later with blue molds tbey are then taken to tbe curing collar where the ripen log process is continued for three to four weeks the appcarnuco of rod spots op iho kipfaco is taken as nn indication that the ripening has pro gressed far enough tltacheesee nro then wrapped in tin foil and mnrkoted rfrns fame is easily noqulred hi ynn hnro io do la to iw tu thu rlglii pintt at the right time nnd iht thf hlit thing in iho right wnjnnil heu ad tortlae it properly puck 3 bnnul r tomtjiypop what ik fyimiu turn njya poprnnill mj kit u n dlhrnne that attacks ile ptopla who nro hu t that hv got tired of-rostlng- ladolphljiibcotvi u headache seems to be habitual with many people some are seldom if ever free from if buffering continually and wondering why they can get no ebcf headaches are generally caused by soma derangement of tba stomach or bowels or both burdoejr blood sitters w acidity of the stomach improves digestion regu lates tbe constipated bowels and pro- bootcss perfect circulation of pure blood to all portions of the body thereby curing the headaches by removing the cause mrs x kfagulre klnmount ont writes i am writing you a few lines to tdl you what your burdock blood bitters has done for me i used to be greatly troubled with headaches but after using two bottles of burdock blood bitters i was completely cored tfab was two years ago and i have bad no return of headache since burdock blood bitters is manufactured only hy the t uuburn co limited toronto out fiivery one is supantltlnua enough to bellave in the dollar bill sign we often do mora boot by our eyra pathy than by our labours webster worms feed upon the vitality of children and endanger their uvea a simple and effective cure is mother graves worm ux terrains tor ii a man owps a pocketknlfe it ta hard for him to pass a grlndatone good the more ooiomiiulcated the more abundant grows john milton thi day or hb5t in no way la human n ii li i m re clearly wen than in tlm vtay ptople aeek after lhlr on n pleasure on the ruiihalh rrftanlleae ut the rot to only hit imporlona dnnaiiu of llm pulilia wlfre are a sufflciiiit warrant for depriving a man of the light and privilege of a dy nf wrrkly ml when no the tfehhalli mm of the chief safeguard for that nialiiten anca nf morula and tellglnn iliaappears tlie ixria lay la given lo man ti deepen and tu ennoblo life it almll sanctify ua and we shall aanellfy ii atuaaavuoa ptaolpjaa first 1 when we undertake to fill your preeoriptlona we give them our undivided attention suid heat cam the pajienl a welfare is our oral ooi sldotaulod second we guarantea our drugs to be of full strength as well aa pure and rreah third t our customer axe supplied with just whavttheyaakfort au ball lut ing la never allowed pantara ocuaty ouwrouhti f you am a sufferer from kmney disease liver complaint blood troubles rheumatism neuralgia or nervous prostration we confidently reoota- mend the use of pajnee oelery oom pound this rallable and never dis appointing medicine is a true disease banlahar and system builder we supply the genuine paines celery compound at brown aoton ont castor i a for infuita and chuaren tba kind you hanjutajs botgfct bears the signature of bay what you please about moral oouragr the man who has a lot of it la mighty unpopular an always kaady 1111 to thoao of regular bnhl medicine la of illtle con oern bit the gtest mejuhty nf men are nob o regular hpblt tbe worry and care of huamaan prevent it and out of the irregularity of life comes dyspepsia indigestion liver and kid bey troubles aa a protest tbo run down system demands a corrective and there is pone hatter than paxmeleea vegetable pills they are simple in their composition and can be taken hy thu most delicately const i luted dont oaokli a ban lays an egg 8he rushes forth and proclaims the fact to the whole of her little world hbe talks and scolds and valla and screams and brags until an esger greedy listener ttnde the nest and takes tbe egg i tho talkative hn talked too much she achieved a little feat as nature in tended she should but her boasting lost her the fruits of ber effort many man emulate the silly example or the hen we have our eaoklars ihe world over in the workshop in the legislature id parliament there never w und never will be a universal panacea in ono remedy for all ills to which flesh la heir what would relieve one iii in turn would aggravate the others we have how- over in quinine wine when obtained in a sound unadulterated stale a remedy for many and grievous ills by iwgtidngtgna jaaicirnii useihr frailest systems are led into convales cence and strength hy the influence whob qui til ne exerts on natures own re to ratjee it rohovcs those to whotba chronic- state of morbid despondency and iaok or interest li life la a disease andby tranaullhdpg ihe nerve dispose to wound and refreshing sleep impatts vigor to the action of the blood which being stimulated course through- tho veins strengthening tbe healthy animal fuopttotltit the system thereby making activity a neoessary result strengthening the frunje and b llfe to tbo digestive ortfana wbtob naturally demand inoraajwd aubaunot feulv itoprovedpiteuie north rojplyoii btvegivcw tb the pvlbllo thtlr superior quinine by the opinion of mlaotlsta the nine ppproaoboa ntareet mrfeion of any on the market all druggists tell it 1luhoh room unoo man asking for his dinner 1 want two boiled rggs and a piece of cured bain welter callliig two cackles and a brunt- i the greater the irrllallnn in the throat the more dlaimelng ihe cough becomes coughing is ihe rffurt of nature to expel this irritating sub stance from the air pasaagea dickies anil oonsumpllve syrup will heal the inflamed part which exude inueona and reetnio them to a healthy at ate ilia cunglt disappearing under ihe cur ative effecte of tho medicine it u pleasant to the lawte and thn price 25 cents is with in reach of all an avpkotiohath vty foury earold frank oame running in from the garden orylng lustily what can be the matter p asked the mother something tried to kiss me sub bed frank whatwaaltf i guess it was a hy with a pin in his mouth vou must not judge the world by the fact that you can aee little good out of red eyea a single firefly in some parts or central and south africa gives suffic ient light to illuminate a whole room there is no poisonous ing radian i in holloways ortrn cure and it can be used without fear of injury ant aid to try ont be afraid to try something qqwi plenty of people have pallanoe to fallow along a well beaten track no matter bow rough and sleep hut they bukoourafpitii blase their owmcay ufee prises are for the one who will make his own path who la not afraid to try something new t were all actors lime alexandria vlarda the polish tragedienne once propounded tbe fol hwvlnr- it is a strange thing bat ask a man lo mend n rip in bis coat no ho is nnt n tailor ask another to stop the faucet from leaking no hes not a plumber or another to dd a bit of cabinet wo sic no be is not n carpenter bt ask an one of the throeor all of thcro to onnct n ii ttio port in a ploy nnd occh nlll aralhj la fatuous confl donro nnd instantly acquiesce but wntcli htm actc ohssp eaay to handle i nep require no more attention tba wuhr nnd leas rfinit awlne the occa- r fanner who heepg n few eh p rarrtovlnlswwawtui lovwiwhafr ont tbem ohildreitdxtr 5 t ffi f tttcucrs baatoria i am all right now thanks to dr miles heart remedy tho same relief ti ready for you arc you sure you do not need it if dr miles heart remedy helped charles holmes why wont it help youf i waalroulilc 1 wilhbeart dueaaa ud after raiding hoat lit miles heart kernel v i got a bo it i lla- u i t iho i leait hemcdr i had lo lt uj mo i al ikn nljltt and fait vry liad at mf uomach whatenr i wml i cat made mm fml irwye and mr heari itcal vciy fad hut tianki lo it mlw heart remcdr i all r cht now i ft lp ck and feel like a new bub al tl c i am altmmt ulyeaif 11 i imvr imcii a u idler in ih lal war til 11 a hwlli m and wal liadly winnlr 1- ciakl lsiiot ml j i ivale ll 4thn v infantry j inlorl v iufia co n v dr miles heart remedy u kept in thousands of homes ai a friend always lo he relied upon in tune of need gold by all dfoooma if the f lm bottl falla to bnflt your moy la ralunud aak any dnoolt uilks medical co toronto can the n naaura of your lovn l its eot lo your lift- it u rnhlcr to kwp a aecrel than it la lo khp m pr iiiim- a ii n for thi hllioum tlio ilvr la a moat aonallie organ and eaally de- rangnd wim this occurs thsre la undue ecretion of hlle and the acrid liquid ii ws intothe stomach and sours lu it u a inosl dlatreaalng aliment end many are prone to it in this eon dllhiii a man finds tha heat remedy lu armelees vegetable piiib which are warranted u ptdlly correct the dla- ordrr there la no lieller inadlclne in llm entire hat nf pill prflparatlnna theiimii wlmr in hla business i his religion n tshow hi religion a nn hualneas witli had we4k and dizz yspells could not sleep at night people all over this land toss night after night on a sleepless pillow and do t clove their eyes in the refreshing siu iiocr lint conies to thoe whose heart ami nervi ire rl jit the slecplcasness comes cnlirrly from a derangement of either the heart or nerve or both but whatever the cause milhurns heart and nerve pills offer the meaning of sound refmhlng alumber they do tbls by their invigorating effect on the heart and nerves and will tone up the whole syateraho a perfect con ditlon mr a it martcll rockdale n write i was troubled for a long time with my heart had weak and dluy pcllt onuld not sleep and would have to sit up the krralcr part of tbe night til it tlat i left side at lant i got a bos of mitburns heart nnd nerve illls and they did me o much rood i got another and after taking it i could he on my left side and sleep as well aa before i was taken sick they are tbe best mcdldne i ever heard of for heart or nerve trouble imco fit cniu icr imx or 3 lioxes for si 2o at all dealers or mailed direct there is a good deal of inhumanity in hnman nature pew men have courage enough to be timid and admit il you cant judge the speed of a loco motive by the way it whistles the poor kans friend put up in small bottles that are eaalty portable and sold for a very small sum dr thomas kolvolrlo oil possesses more power in concentrated form than one hundred times the uusutly of many unguent it cheapness and the var ied usee to which it can be put make it the poor mans friend no dealers stock is complete without it children cry for fletchers o astor a toujours ia pol1tb0sb mr maotavfsh attended a christen ing where the hospitality of tbe host knew no bounds except the several capacities of the guests in the midst of tbe celebration ur jaaotavish rose up and made the rounds of the com pany bidding eaoh a profound fare well but sandy won objected the hint yere not goln yet with the event n jtut lurted r nay aald the prudent maolavlab im no goln yet dut im tellln ye good night while i know ye caught heavy cold left tliroat and lungs very sore there 1 no better cure for a cough or cold than dr woods norway pine syrup it is rich ta the lung healing virtues of ihenorway ptoe tree and hi a pleasant way pine ti iffecttn m safe and effectual mtdlcine that may be confidentially relied upon u a specific for coughs colds tjroncfaltli hoarse ncsa sore throat quinsy and all throat nnd lung trouble mr s- monaghao chailottetown ptt1 writes 1 certjiy thai dr woods norway pine syrup la an exosv lent tnedlclnefor coughs andf colds last winter 1 contracted a bcav cold which left my lungs and throat very sore i had to give up work and stay in the house for two weeks j used several cough mitturcs but ot no reiki until a friend advised me tojue dr woods norway plnesyruj me and i medicine for coughs dont be imposed upon by taking ear thing but dr woods as there are eey4miutom of this sutliog remedy on too market dr woods li put up lo yellow wrapper three pine trees the trade mark rtce 36 cents maniosctund only by he t mllbura co limited toronto ont y i up three bottles entirely cured me and i can recommend it as tha best th sphericity of the ear parallax bat analnat ii and ha loal hla waoar thn atrnlghleat rnnnl in tlm world 1b in icnglnml nnd runs from krllh in rambridgnahlre lo fienrers blulco tweply two miles nwny it wns here thai yenrs bco a declsuo e imnnt was conducted to provo tha siilierlclly of iho earth at but time anys high ways nnd llj ways in hmlirldgealilrn a deluded aautlaman who called him solf tnraltnt nm oiwonbihi with the notion that iho glnlie una n ftnt dink and ubod to go lecturing nllh great lgor on llm subject afler iiipt ire lures be luvlled qorotlona i li of which nns able to shake hlq imtllof u lion nakml for osnmple uliy does ihe imll of n ship disappear iiaiow ilia imrianii whlo tba mnsls mtualu vis ibltr ha wotihl answer ilernnao thn lowest stratum of air u tho donnaat nd lharofore soonost roncia i i jiti sn throuch it flnnly ho ahonhl his wlwla bnarietl tmllef in hli nbaunl rlons by inylng n lioavy wncur lb it no ne wonld du mvi them the hlnkcfi uero dipoallct in lunlmndu of juderf and tho trlnl nndnr agreed eondlllona look place upon iho now rln r na part or the rnnnl in rnllml tlirte ikiih were moorerl tlirro mllrs n nrt mirh nroililcd lib n rr- ltv or njunl ttelght if he wirlli nai iliorlrnl llm eenlrnl rros notih nppoir nhore thn other la nn nltacrrer lot king hi roue h a tolftseope lnrelo1 from iho rroaatrev or the boat nt either mil if ii nns flat ho would hoc i x 1 1 tho other rnsalroo ns one i arnllnx dixlnrtrd hint bi did see them no hut lift j ml cm imnnl moiisly dectdm ncnlnal him nnd thn itonr mnn loat hla money gift of a dying tot vln of a lfttle child dying of tub rcuur trouble ooea lo help the consumptive poor 11 w truo it la in many llflnmiil wnlka nl hfotluib alltuaohildalialllxlthanv wo i avn lw iihiwnt oipy of u ulur writ bin liy n uulyof bl john n il who only imiiuiufilnatlmllluarhlkl ngirlif nii yeaia oftulierciitar tronbln tha mother j own words tnll llm atory hollar than it oan be tnll in any other way kho will lo hut plaeraury of th uokok kra uoapltai for oiuiuthi tiien nt jravnnhurat in uhm wonlai kliloiay tw i i ill i on lllght nnfinnd aoro illaratura intra hi at ur lwuidn hi aakotl po what it wu i ud1 1mm- it wm n wparmkhtg fir ail teriiiuooa to hi miiakoka trea hnjjul fw rfmiatiinit ajwl alwiwail har h ilftumt ii lu imphut- hlie aidiod if aba coubl not v wlutl it liail in bar llttla aavimpi imi k u ui her vw to five it to the doctor and it would ni il tut nil ui loo hlek when lui cam aniii ao i am enelnalng n ir onur for um mimhihl i found in th luk lift 81 0 a mall p ilmnrliiuoii imt uuat you will rocelio it ill tbo ailrit in which it wu thn letter it i iinl nf many that hr liai g not atantly rnivod al um hen i tina f lu ii ik k hojui 347 king hl u 1 wwiti tltemi mmlie from all wrta of jiiwu fwimtifi la aroraobivwal from any wlieralnuio u ml ion al uxi wit tlim tiwm r 1u1 pmlumu in rr1 wimi in tlui xlimkoka r roa hnaitiul i jh t whom are unahle xa y a alngla oant aixl i o other ith only imhnii al auma wnch lea than actual rxwl nf mainlanancw inring tlie nlayara that u muh u hiutal for con aumrflven 1 aa liaeii oenal not a minsk clla it inn nirr n rnfuand ailnriaaion iuihi u ml lo i i tay fecdino the fapm horbe tbe homo uliuul i rinclto mttma wi t ihu llrul till nj in iho in in ing attir n ring ihu horse la fed a small amount of liny ami then given gruln after all the hay has bofii rnlen hy this plan the foetlwlikh is the niimit dlfllcult to dlgeat is loft in the btomnrh nnd thomfore roceuoa proih r digest leu tbo noon feed hiiiiiiiii im glron afler the horse is cooled nud litis been allowed lo rent for fifteen minutes or bnlf an hour a small quantity of water may iki gtvep soon oft ir thn horse is hrtnight to iho liarn rood liny nnd thcn lha nnlmal is ihoniughly rtmilpd giro all the waler ho do i row nfler which feed iho iruln at nljilit food iho mhio ns nt noon only clvo more liny lu fact fcmt as much bay nt night ns is ghen at both morning nnd noon men is when a bursa is working linrd 2 nud is fed lartre qiinnlllles of t grnln ii it found ndrlinhlo once a a week lo give a bran in ihii for j iho ornulng inrnil thn it rim n is z ns n laxative nnd irtmtitn hull v iteatlon and kinslbly n rune of j eollc j e self islalng lour would be a great boon to a man of family who is unaplo lo ralae a barrel of hour hlmaelf back was so lame life was a burden for two years mm joseph ttuoop upper point de ilule n tl writaa i cannot speak too weu of dnans kidney pills hot two years i was so tired life was a burden and i gat up more tired than when i went to bed and my back was so lame i could hardly straighten up i took dlf ferent kinds of medicine but none ol them did me any good until a friend advised ma to try doana kidney pills i did so and today 1 dont know what it is to be tired and my lame back b all gone i can recommend them to any person suffering with lame back and that terrible tired feeling doans kidney pius are a purely vege table medicine realizing quick perauv uent rellcr without any ill after effects doans kidney pills are so cents per bos or 3 boxes for l25 at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by the t jubum co limited toronto oat if ordering direct specify doans we are here to j do your priniing we have a lartfe assortment of type ready to serve you we print what you want the way you want t and when you want it the hcton free prgss the grand trim railway paawbnoacn trtalha tu inlluwlna la ii lima at l lalt iwmu ralaa aalat aoluti golden opportunity ii dm pay ii i an wall ld gal tila bail iuilph busimss c0uege uullph ont iwnowlwimi luil ojolmt a fvly miry ol fcivll tiioum vh1 ijoh akm ii wmi par any auaiotud oubm manor wanan lo eat a uionili tia4lnh ajaeaitoh at tuw fauiona inailiuuoo lor it btlnea wiutla bui ta lalaau oppormallr and sta aai toalllaa oo lo inai by ii wa ijlacata tor ufgb and hoooiahla muni no bmlw umm lo nlti tor a aoansa iban now bi dltaal to lb aouaas offlw in itppar wyaabauhlraar or addrwai malcolm maccormack b a prlfj papjsr makers oxoxo ktow n out hook nkwh and 0oixuki iaphiw iho u1ia1uiku tbe berlin steam granhs ail marble works cabpbr bflaun propria toe- desl and dulkleis ol blslnoa mana loeums monumenls markers and head siones and all kinds of artistic cemetery work wm hemstreet agent acton warmest kind for cold weather tougher korsekidc will ncvci be found because the beat is uccd for storeys gloves and gauntlets and yet the nkm becaueccarefuly tanned by the chrome process ir marlc pnble insuring extraordinary wear resistance waterproof and the best working gloves on the sold at all btores insist on storeys plumbing heating is mot h wlvtit with us to the contrary wo make it tho most important actor do it you favor us with your patronage you will enthusiastically endorse us fred smith plumber your chopping will be done quickly and well on cither plates or stones if taken to the rockwood chopping mills flour oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices harrtct co everton f eden mills the best quality ot manitoba family and pastry flour for sale at lowest prices our own make chopping dono and oats rolled daily feed for sale caih for wheat and oats quebec si gtlelph fpwotwkhbi wwlffmwmjw i phono 337 paahaaagac nni seksbk r jftml3mmnt hulam l 1 iwt imrrllmm marion fi p sssvslui