Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 25, 1912, p. 2

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mamklltd c a c nicklin j p chairman uanynnavtunn 11 in n v v t m iliir aa jastur- nil w t- ii tw- m it il of the hoard iwtllv i latoll dnnuulkmii i vwair nil iii mill at milton umm iimcj md of lr j ma uaot lila itil lr htukai 1 xarr hlraal loelpb tbun- terjuutfmik allaabelii ttrltioa of mv jan narrtr alelran t ueatoltlam lmnuiln lovins tairy i nbt laml i mdmjm im iwi um oa doer bnrflv lljy i i we innmh 111 umla ou bora w did not yon dia hl mm m aaray kiyab ikh llamitn i tub do ai1d a mkkr1r short tl iiiimt- ami iiiiiiiimruoi f lllltdl imiirallun wed nesday evening t last week at ivsn 0 clock as per statute fur organise bin alotnlwa prasnnr i a b ijflnailn dr i l anil ami win johnston iiint vlil 0 o npeltiht and jnn knitiyjr tim w niamura tk k liti declaralicm nf nfflcp illti htniolary ii p moor t tho chair it ml rouotd that tint u bow tn nlvtitjltilr proldlng officer fur llm yaitr m a h niikll j i wm lit miaiiliiiiiua thole of the member 13 in 730 4 jth flflu actoh ftc press tiiohhuly januaitv m3 101j thehydxolucmonlvbylaw anew blnr c it kmplln1 fay hetwv lynda waa olvon flrwt and be ootid naataunar a ralil fair for aoiok council met mi mooilrty evening lit regular session all lhntiibr wrieprenenl iteevo hynds in ill chair tha committee tm finance present rd their second report and n-coni- rntmdcd payment if accounts a ful low kleotrto maintenance co sup pita u j o u1u ool and weighing ol j15 46 wm lutohla umiulnb coal 13 47 canadian gen klec co sup- llio- c o speight supplies and k ulnar booth anderson vxprrsa and cartage t j moor computing int on debenture n p bloiin repair i 40 dr r b holme ex pre 121 n tha report wu adopted th byuw to provide 8ts00 for the porpoee of completing and equipping tb plant to distribute electrlo power in th village of aoton and to author ise debenture fur that amount wu lotrodooed before oonelderlng the bylaw there being a eottemerable ratbeilnu of lad ing eillaena preaant luee piynda gafiavwj lucid and inlereeling r- aame pf the beneflle to be derived by tha municipality from the inatalla- tloti of tba hydroklectrlo power the ooat of inetaualum of the new eervloe oa atreete and for private eervloe j tha revenue to be derived i the annua payment for eurrem and for the principal and intereet on uie deben ture to be leaned the iteeve allowed vary clearly that the new eyetein would on a very oonaervauve balahe a paying investment from the data of tnatallatlon and the coat pf installa tion would ba iiuu greater than the expandltura oeoteeary lo put in addi tional machinery now neceeury at tba old plant ooanelllon mcdonald and bell elan xpred tbelr htltfafltlon wllh the hydro- btfotrlo achema w ii john cameron o o llnn- dereon ii v moore and john h ken- jnady epoka very favorably of the new eyatam and miggaatad that a public meeting be held at a convenient date bafora th polling on tha tr uw to be addrmd by reevo ilynde and other member of the council when thr in formation o clearly rlvp at thl meet ing oould ba given to all concerned mo that they my be in a poaltlon to vote 4otelligntly on th quoatloii 1 tb oouoell agreed to the prtipoaal and will arrange for a public meeting early in february tb bylaw wa then introduced and raad tba flrat and eeeond time nd ordarad to be published three time in the aoton fnsb plum and to be vot ed upon by the propertyowner on uonday lolh february at tfal meeting mr o o hendercon inlrodaed1h6 iqbjeot ofm fall fan- for aoton and wa oonndaut that the peoplerof- tha- town would support a fair here it would be largely patro nised by tba farmer of tha four town- hip adjoining and would ba an auur d oocm from the outset it i vl- daotihat while the equrtlng society baa plenty ol lunde oeorgetown will hold tba township fair for that town tba auggmtlon wa very favorably ooaakurad by membrr of the council and cubum ptauint and the council wa requested to arrange fur a public meeting at an early ditto to take steps toeffactthaorganuatloitofa society electric line is coming sure 9atoroavtd wm aotoh to a uaglph sir donald uann la abroad in llils eaotvan and that cn ba taken to mean that iba long talked of trolley hit through this part of the county will a b malltyr wt have it from a n whp talked with bltn tills uiomlng whan ba mat ulr punald driving in h cutter tmni from georgetown to weston with mr j a wllloughby the llvo real eatatit mau of georgetown tba trolley line will run from cooks- vlll to uaadowvale a stub line from lbar will come to brampton and another run to uiltoii the main line from mfdnwthlo will muw through ohurahvllle niidperhiin llutlonvlllu will be able to getlt then on to oeorgetown acton and gualph sir donald intimated that his penpl would build it hut might not kep it hald be guessed it was tho last rowl h will build as it wtll pam through ilia eoene of hi nuyhood day tim native at last may iki convlnceil himb bir donald in ml ntllroml hulldet brnfnton bonnet tum ovmland motoit oarfl attention i illrecledtn hivi un ndnnptmank of tha olmwoveruud fja co in uur bushifsn coiuiiimn 1011 model all interealthl bi tuotur sltr bodld call at tliclr nlaroom a3 to 00 aduw st weet tnronio mid i tbalrtwlh models a k nlcklim j p hairman lloard uf uduoattoo 10u r niiklln in uallvaflf acton a acioa ol nf uur iiloum h1 irxllna famlllra ha m hlmhlf a pului of th kiwii of which w in now lh hrail ami haa alvara tocn intaivatcilla lh in auumlok hlii poaltlon kir nloktln lhaiikml llm member for the honor conferred lln reniarked that it wa eoraewhal uniitual t hut very fitting that four of thoae praaent locludlng the secretary hail twen pupil of the school in their boyhood day ua felt thai the member would all exert the ntml vea for the advancement of the oducatlonnl interests in our growing town and if unusual responslhutlle comn umio ihouinvery man would do hi duty the ml tiding ounitiilttnee of the year wrw hlhlilllu mm flllltlwd i riantk dr k i aultuhalrnin andc u hpalght pkopkiitv jolm kennay chair man and a k nlcklln sulif liw win johustone ohalr- ntstt and the membvr to im elected dr ault waedeciadarepreeentatlva of the uoard no the free library uoard the coiniultlee on finance paaaed the following acaimnt i c ii tuylnr repair i 1 23 geo havbll aupilie 1115 david tuck work at hue a 00 tun kbhage piping and work 1 78 g g hpeight miipplle d 00 ttio secret ary wna inatructed to re- quo t the municipal council to take step for the election of a member to fill the vacancy on the hoard the regular meeting of the board will im held mi thu second monday vonlug of each month at h oclock social and personal mr arthur clave has returned from g1giry mr harry bl or toronto vllltwl acton friends mr jowehli lyud has roturnm from llrlllsh cofumhu mi jehu kialon if guelph was in town on monday mr o mtyd of wingham wa in tuwn on thursday mr w kltcmng of woodstock visited frlomu lum this week mr and mr j n stones orgliblpb visited auton friend on friday fn1 molwiikiiuii of toronto spent timtday at hi- hoino meln htree mr ami mr- j c lnalln left on hatnidry for their homo in calgary mr alnx haiiishawaiidmlm jaule vf weat toronto are vultlng acton friend mtumiiggln orlppcnr weal toron to spent sunday wltti her aunt mr c mclugilln mrcharle muoe nf oalumct mich spent a day or so laal weuk with hi later mrs anthony stephenson mr itevyh ii wilkinson m a arrived from hi oalllniincfl last week and st ahtan reotbry la now becom ing- quite homo like mr aured milter and maaler thompson f paiietatibtitahene are pending a couple of week at tha home of mr geo thouipton mr john itussell who has been con fined to the liouso with nine inj christina ha improved considerably uiid lu now able to lakn a drv out mus annln whiiuoo underwent a oiiuchi opentllon on saturday at gimlpli iloipltal for tha removal of tumor at the last rrport fhe- wa mnklog fair inogreai mr george htoroy of kiuikatoou satk is spending n few week at hla father homav maioteyu pro par lug in the grow log oily of hi adoption and great fellh in the future of tho weat 70 years old and getting well tlanks to gin pins ci mamaon avit tonoirro aphiii7tii 1911 during tho put two year i have been euffcxlug with iculuey tro- sever plu tit my back at time atul with feet ankles and legirao ry awollen thnt i f mnd great dtfucnltyia moving aroiiiid the bouse even in slipper 1 1 ant pleased to tell you luca taking gin viil3 the pain b goae uie swelling he subsided eud i ngalir weai my boou wldch have not been upon my feet for nearly two years i am aeveuly year of 01 and ant uowujungmiywthboxofglnfilf k a scaddlntir old people with lame hftckerwho anffcr with rheiltuatuin or kidney or luaduer trouble will and welcoma reuef la giah vllas jbwry boaq fpiaryhteedoua money tm mtlafactlry 50c a ttow 0 for fiso anipl fft v you writ kahooul dtnv ml co cauwu wmii ivrouto ff i georgetown keeps tall fair th old resolution pi nff in ftaa at aoton mnt omrgsiawn alvery alternate two earai raswlnaad tim anotial meeting or k qiilrg agrlcullmal himilty waa held in 0rgwm on ratinday aftrnmi w glrav jrealdenl in ibfchjilr the diianclal report of the hecre- tary treahurer ahowed an increase of 102 00 of rrcvlpl overpayment fori it year ami a balance 011 hand ol1007 co the iue or prle paid hut year in- chiding the puree for horse race was fj the urgest ainnunt r paid by the biolety tb nxt imslneaa wa llilng lb place for the next fall flr ii 1 umirearton said h- hoped that fr ihi pmka of tha gfwwl feeling exist ing btwrn h town and grargetown tliw tarn ttt the reenlolton which had ihhii ii the tmkoks of the society fr some year to lb vffnt that th flr bo ild mrcmatvly every wo yrara at acton npd gekige1own woilhl imhoti ored the fhlr would mooordlnrly nal urally oomelo aoton for 10l2and 13 u wa aullifirlaeil by the uv tl council to saylhat everything will li don to make the lair a ancceaa in th way of free grounds free use of hall for concert and w grant or 23 00 mr moor atd the mrcbant and hualnea men wuuhl alwi exert tlimslvee in bebatf of the fair and endorsed lueve hynds further assurance hint am pi accommodation and good arrange- jnenla would it mad for all visitor vicepresident moflat dlrectorolar- rldge and mer nell gillie and j leslie also spoke in favor of aetna a georgetown man then suggested that it was time the reaolulm re ferred to was rescinded moved by frank j barber george town weconded by k mcoannah georgetown that th resolution to take the fair alternately to acton and georgetown every two year be res cinded f a member remarked that it should remembered that before thl arrangement waa entered into the fair wa in tbe bole and prhw money had been paid at 00c on tbe dollar the vote waa taken end stood 17 for to 8 galou about half the memhet present were georgetown men ii i moore then moved and thomas moffat eeondad that inasmuch as tba past has proven it to have been in the beat interest or tha society to hold tba fall fair alternately at acton and georgetown and with a view to preserving tbe amity and good will prevailing between the two towns i his meeting recommend that the fair of 1012 beheld in acton thl resolution was defeated wllh tbe same number of vote a lh res cinding motion xtpon motion of iteeve moore and k mooatmah georgetown wa then the officer tor the year were elected a follows 1 president ii darne 1st ylcafr thomas moffat and vic pre u g clark 1 director g a fisher j cunningham pdw huffman j no i moore a g clarrldge ilnbl heed jr w cleave and f s near george town g hynds acton hon dir ectors i3 m moore h ii mcglbbon j a wllloughby j no bingham w a watson it- g mcoullough n gillie n f undsay g hynds ued in canada for over half a century used in every corner of ike world where people suffer from constipation and its resulting troubles dr morses indian root pills stand higher in pabge estimation than any other and heir ever- incrauana sales prove their merit physicians prescribe tkwn a 25abox wnuuii mom f motor cars and truoks loia models ureumrarpakied fur value and efficiency above cut represents our fia paimuger thirty horsa power tar at 37m delivered in toronto tuiiy equipped cull without tail and eo our inia model shawoverland sales co 02 to 09 adallact 9u west toronto ont real estate a6ehts hotice lasiead of ojasrlng your clieais auburbsji lots itt far off town vbere yda dont know wharyou are eelllu and your costo- roer doe not know what be- u buy lag- why not sell lota la lb town in eaitarn canadif theie is a town in ontario which haa secured as latge sctottetj in the put 48 months and hss grown from 1700 people to 7000 la the same lime uvety bmkwwlllap4k well of lb town and all the mdlcallotu paint to it becoming in a w ibart vsahi ihe greetam manafae- tatipi cliy in canada fvery foot of it real estate baa doubled in value during tbe past two years and will do ea aiaki daring ids next two oasroar ollente eon property la ihla town where they can make a handsome read where yon fcsn make a larger esti ohmi8sion ihu jo d ob any tiunq kl3e yollsll mr biecial frdra9ltlbh lo drop u canl hh o oar dmcriptlm clrcnlnr ohtotn inwjwofarlrlhw tnd 1 imi llltauw cxnadianl obnukm bbcuttltibs we at ntau mowlflr viluoh or aotoh jbyvlaw no 419 to take the vote of the rate payers ol the village of acton entitled to vot on money bylaw on a uei- tion to be submitted wheth er the sitd ratepayers arc in favor of a supply ol elec tric power from tbe ildro- eiccuic power cpmmis- mon of ontario iuhh lelwl oull of 111 u rtpaia nl lh iiu m ntm am to wbaba- iba salj 5yj 11 viiue of ame lt la a a nl m ajt k sapali d slsmil w iroen ll lljdiohi lrta ioan u4bualoa qlaiu ell of ii a joipawouoa ol uw villa tf amy nssu u lolltxia 1 that lha loll il btfuaalion lo im kulmll la tba nuptiwidl tba muulelual copw- a of tu villa aelou anlulxf u o ua koa lt io it otululit trooi th lljpjro eiim 1 cisfvr l3oatmlaal4mi ul ontario a aop4flf vtiaa ibst volas of tfaa laid rlaparaia shall ua takan w llil qiiiloa at 111 tolluwln llua tn4 h tpl kmurnloatime my db th- lotlt da ol vauuair ilia blw lt itoura b otn nalbcb la uw lonctaoa an 1 ibaal aswtp id lb toaia hall utoo o oua ajtdu cmpas tnaj lllag latkuftaioo no- two boaatiall im apposmmcf uanly ita lia qe fe jwllta aubdltulaa no aa h j uanabo dapnly hat ural a urtam lor polling aaboilalo no two oaat ifm attall ba oopolomd loll ulwk lor folllu subdl utn no omtal wm raaraon foil olomtlo polllae biabdlvutob no two a t tfua ootv of iba bylaw afaall bo tooblub d i tba lot id wins nawapapwa on um daya borotaalla aaaauouwi i bat la to aa i ua a a to fro waaa on iba bbui day ol jaaaaiy ad lb isi tad alb day a ol vbioary itlo bjhi a op of ihla by law aball ba bostail at lb to hall foat uon uarabaata han and ualxopolllu uaali lo uaa aaid vlllaawol aato iob lb llih daf ol rbfarr wit oooboii obamba 11 iba vlll ey aaton at ua ftalooa ah as tb kaava will lo wriun ilaaad by btai aovolat two baraooa u altaul a us rftaj aosaoalu upol th voted by tb- iwta of ittla uorporatloo aud oo wtaa lo alland aaob rotlla iuaoa on banaji ol tba mtiiim lotaoav d la sad daaliow ol uw shvutm ol iba said nuaatlso in uiainraialltv ail a auubaf iiij int ins of iba aald 91 ittlf tnaatad ibla bib day of by opfiolalad tor use anmmint up by tbo 4aib of tba oorpaamlloa of tha ktu lobar oivotaaf1 van utbaajbinallfaawl la iba txgalli not lly jaamatilolf truu 1 tkif nw astf tajjaj ullkissuh tltv motiuh taba botioa luaauot laa tm- a y of a by law poaaad by iba wnnlali al uouuoll u iba vll a of act do db lb blutb day tf jauuay and fnrlbw ua dot 10 t bat at tb boor day oodblaoaatbanla aied lor taalofl tb tota of u auotor loo poll will bo bald flnt pablloalloosotbday of jmuarv i bit aob tfljd a j u vckihnow villa clark oouaoil utuut mb day of january ims viixagb of acton byfiaw no ir0 a bylaw to provide for the expenditure of eight thous and five hundred dollars for the purpose of complct ing and equipping the plant to distribute electric power in the village of acton and to authorize for that purpose the issuing of de bentures of tho village of acton to the amount of 8500 vhtitm it u ilraltau t h unt of pkvf anuum be impended by ihe villas f artim in m niello bod rqulppln tb plant to dlatilbut electric tr lu fba vjiuk of acton and wbamslaornartnraloiilk uui aara i will b mcnaarylolahwdbrdlurorthall vlllan of actonlor th attni ol avo aa bcrrt nriirorovtdol which la hvanoaul j ik itrbt intended lo b crvalnl by thta byuw th procveda of th nm nvhanlurra lo h appllrd lo b phrpoaesi alumabl ami lo no other purpose and vrhema it will miulr tb uini mention rd aod at forth in lh acbedul brrrunlo annea ed harked a to be laued annually lor n ned- ot of twenty yaara the period of lb nimwy of tb debenture to be saord under tkla bj-un- tupar iheprlwlpal moor and inleml of th- aldanot ofjitvw the aabt auroa aet forth li lb aad ochedul isrtnk aodlrhot lo rilacnanr the mm dcu and inlareat within tbe peiloil foreeabl aa lha aaam beuiht payoble ami bmllhitirfl antonnl payabla in each nt for lb principal ami intern in re- apect of the aald lebt la aa nearly a pttsalbt eaual l the amount payable in each u iba other ywooof lb said pailodln innnl of h aald deb nod inurral aa ahuww in tbe aaualhr1 hl hclutf aubiclcmt lo iluehar lb hm andlnlcrealwitun the perloil aforeaabt nl tba mum bacon payable and whetvoatbeahivtjateaiuounl payaub roth year for pri net pal anil liitemt in rrapht of t be aatd debt la a hearty a pooalblc cooaf lo th anaoual in each of lb oilier yearn of th ar period in reaper the aald tubt and lutenat ahown in ibe aald achcdule lb tola smount ba rataeil in each year lor principal and lot llub raised an bally 14 tuw of tajwo with being si ihe rate of j intention m aeo namely md lu b raised anm or tb payment of th aald nureallba aald inter in per cent per and whereas the amount of tbe whole rateable property la the village ol atton amnnllae- t be last kevwl ameaauaaot hull t hereof u iwm and wbereaul the amount of lh rautlntf d- bnlnr debt of lb said villas ol acton la tba can of fvaitvu ntl sra part of tbe principal or tceeatthcreofla in arrears thereror th aluoldpat council of lb vlllaje of anloa taicu na ol low 1 i the sold sum of kjofl hatl be enpet try th aatd viltanot icton lu mmplttla e4nlpplni ihe uini forih ittumbotlou ol elect rto power in the vtllae nl actou and for the krpom of ralsluw th aald aunt debcnlurea of aald village ut auu to lh amount of jj a hall ba tsaoed un the day of tali xach of which said ualmuluiee shall be dated on the day of tmue thereof and aball he tuad pay able in nccordanc wllh lb said acbedul and wtlhlu twenty ycnim llwrratter at tbe vftkcof thf tieurcr uf ibe v llun ol alton a the said debcuture kliall be sljunl by lite uccve of the mll tllage sifl ibe treeuif icjieil i allty lh rate of uw par cent txr annmn payable f early at tbe olbceuf tbe village trmanrrr on lie tlayut tuiacliauil rv ry yeai 1 tea aald debethurca utall bear luleresl kt i rate of uw p- early at tbe olbce during 1 lie currency thereor 4 uilllnktbecurrettcy of iii- ualil debriilui there shall fie rabrtl nnnustty 1 irota1 rales allralcablepiiipedyln ihe vlllan- ol aciuul dm of faaati for iih ihittiomi of jaiytiig the a mount doe in tat hoi ihe aald years lor principal aud interval in rcaiwtt ol ihe aabl tlabt aa ahuwu la the mbedulo a baieyshsamueaed eftthevoteaoltheelcclonafiheaaht village r w be ifkan onlhubydaw oauoaday ibylbarolknrlng iii llvj l lite f deputy hcturnlng ohce rlhal llcnllink subdb isim no t nt lite townjisll with a j aiftckliimm deputy meiutning omcer polllttgauldfvlbn rtoialc c bpelfhla shop wain atreal with r j uenatih lhputy uetuntlug oflker 7 on the tllb day of tcbrusrv 1st th kavnrbe vlltagn ot acton ahnll attend at tbe tew halt acton si ten unlock in lh ore 0000 10 bppojot penootoatlcidal the vsrloua pull wscvn aforrtaw and al the muat auntmlag tap of use vote by lb clatk ml behalf of the per- mlntrrird luaaa promoting cvoppoeibg the ming of thl byuw respectively tbe ctcrk of tha council of lha aald vtlug shall ititistuwivwo liall at ten ocloclttn th foreaeoh of lb toth tfcrypvtsrnnryrtwts nusi uptbenumbeeof toun for and again afiydar- jaed on ibe hbedtlle a refrrred l lu the by uw hereto taoot nf prltlcipal ami inurrat required yaarly is eetfr ekjeo debenture in twenty years nt ave per cent payable by installment a foe- heavily reduced at culls i here arc plenty of clothes sales these days but theres as much differ ence between them and their methods and what they really mean and what you grt for your money as there is between tbe clothes thcty5elves we arc now holding our annual stocktaking sale which means that all our stock will be offered at prices low enough to force sales nothing reserved all our hijh k suiln overcoats boys and cluldrcns clothing caps and heavy underwear go into thi sale at deeply cut prices its the buying opportunity of the ycir dont miss it all mens and boys overcoats at a stralzht discount of 25 per cent all mens and boys salts at a stralrbt discount ot 25 per cent onequarter off all winter caps onequarter off all heary underwear xs all goods arc marked in plain igorc take onefourth off the price and theyre yours r s cull co 6e outfitters 35 lower wyndham guelph htbt 3ubrrtisrminli the merchants bank of crnhdr proceedings at the fortyeighth annual meeting of shareholders tho fotly eighth annual ttineuug of tho hliamlioldetn of the ueichanu ha tilt of can aula wak bold on wednesday dccomhcr both li i at the head eltices of the unnk the atatemont of the result of the bufilneih of i bo ltai tbt net profit of the year after payment of charges rebate on discount in to rent on deposits and making full provision for bail and doubtful debt have amounted to t1i79slm the imtlance brought forward from 30 th moveui bef loiu 0jl l for tbe year ending 30th november inij whowed thin has been dlapeeed of as fbuow olvldend no 04 at the rate of r oent per anaum 0000 3 dividend no v at the rate of o mr cent pr annum 13s0000 s ulvldend no fi at the rate of to ec cent pet annum 1500000 dividend no 97 at the rale of to per cent per annum 500000 atakln a toul ol ih78llb i tinnijerrml tokeervap written off bank fratnuve acceuat contribution to otttcera rcmauoa fund balance carried forward the general statement the fitatemnnk of liabilities anil auaotn at 30th november iqii wait then lead a follown 1 llabuitles j m530iqo 1 to the public notcam circulation n uoposlts at call 5bj7j3s do posits subject to notice ac crued interest to dato in cluded 3o39d7 7s deposit by other fuuk in canada i3soq7 14 dalance due to agent in great britain tho united sute and elsewhere dividend no 07 dividends uncial met i mv4s 3iotjors t6lub h 5000000 a 170 50 assets o1dand silver coin on hand iomitlon notcoton hand notau and chetiues of other hanks ilalatice due by other banks in canada rank and agents in the united states cull and short ieana ea flood and block in crauula tj 054845 31 call and bhort loan on bonds and black elsewhere than in canada 009101377 a 149007 08 365010000 4667s8ob ovarniueiit uunklpal ttallway and other lloodtf and debenture 1 to the stockholder capital paid up t 1 1 m 0000000 eo ketmrvo fund 5400000011 balancci of proflu carried forward 580781 curreut ioaos and discount laa hebata of interrat reserved 1 koann to other bank see ored 3m347 1 i tplf tttrtoanlootgbvnimejit lorticuic ityof note ciruulallou uortgaveti and other hccurltlea tho property of the bank keul estate hank lrmikcii nnd 1urnlturo ollici ammiu aoovo iovaosa3 38 s 176s 1917 sso07 4446734 viua8w4io a if montagu allan ifmldeut ykvu 1st stul lied 4th 31 h mb 7th 8th 0th 0th lllh loth 13th lul lfllh inth 17th lth ittth- hh iltlst 11vl ss57 0h aii 01 2kji1 an oh aia 4ti loshou iii iu b01 71 47u h km 70 41873 410 01 401 03 48 1 711 608 07 ktl 41 fim ri 108o 10 oib on 010 6h intbuibrr j423 00 41s 15 an es 381 4b noo 00 isi 07 1cj7 u7 ton aa 179 00 in iu 13 it va k7 03 tl 1u18 tutju i4hs 00 main osa rw ataoo oeaim nam 083 00 osa 00 m oaaoo 08100 osa at osa 00 oki 00 ma 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uuetrtwo n of a aaan taw uea lt 1 ail iroa vtasa i is iwuiolsk taw liioijan will ao obeawj ear nol aaajsa a rsaae bid aa be um aai mini tiiuh of iulith a a uk mr hoaaaaomy anall beboidto la nrri tiial u ua ubm of male usa bajaaaa ahail baud 11 uon by lb fwabaeaar to la raoli a tala a wliai uuny wan tm tear nhlhoat latsrsst w two vi i 1 aaall ba iil tat faanatb vify pay ahatam of utlo ear pailan y m ukeaa court of if j vanae savrttaajlats saa bo bad tri w noic ban hllwt stag a ala tureot kaor clkarino auction saxe fabm stock and im- ptbments too a ba beaai laawam by an- a lot a eon sra uookrl- w t ussday sou january a oat o otsw aakaxp uw oiwlaaj i ttoamausl animr yan mtf i asstv ll taar vjm t wa aat wmeu b0d iba anpa w ba la awkl la usaaau lae lf i aulf i ta s yaan buw b majaj ausstai 1 oil auia s yean mma by wauaesce wan t i ajil ill aa by aviauj smwar rita ooii k4rd oy napoaaob itwsasits htfwlnqwrbrarat 1 kwd a va arobiaauy su l uaa aoar as rob- raarroua inta aas i sir mat i uohtauoowdharabr 1 jwnw w aa maeeli ou 1 rod bow data alaioa mas 1 a m oow daw apeu uolnd sow aa amau 1 1 ro now dak etab 1 awawr aov r- uajtia timawanseakoloatmimlskajrjonwa j toajsgoaid ut gv un i rfjtttt aw ary w i tuhatttot halm- ttaatl t w taout i n eaeaua as tb itotwioto taavlnuia uj kirjik welu6tm iutual fire msurmge cqmpuy the ueaeral annual ueetlrur of the wajlington uutual firo insuraace com- pany will bo held la the companys office guelph on wednesday 14 lb day of february at a p m to receive ihe report of tho dlrectom with financial statement for the year the election of directora for the entitling year and other biulnesji relevant to the meeting john davidson becfeury look here cm knd rwllkt lend foryoa i lll b 1 jf uomlnlon noteir acton wednesday febm1ary 7lh hoars from 10 a m to g p ca uake apnolnlmenia to avoid daisy mrs f gibson ft son 71 hltu st li tsattta winter resorts ibmod flip tomlu tksfa now on tiu lo 11 lmocl wlnln llcnl cauf0kn1a mexico florida be the altraciive route to western canada is via chlcaro steamship tickets on sale by an lines vail inform ilqn from h s holnros agent iifesoosii4aj-

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