Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 22, 1912, p. 2

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j luitmaji aawauewa a 11 da vbrauy u ny uxl 4miiu x hasaua ajlof hornby m wtliint i4tb rttbrwry by a rukw tniw a rjwkrd uw j disco ukill mlikihwy 11 mm at ii mil atd bwhl mai ivrk i huavaar tbomaa nil rmum ahaf v n uilto hi uutuur itnii 9be jutioit jfm rtss thursday kkijitdaitv 10ia ditorlat wot km is a iviiitoiiim in hi toronto olobe on unnday on plitka and hiatal reform thai journal declared tbeoukbe miindi w iwhpvt ibe solid body of temperance opinion lo ontario stands end list quite inde- pendant of t ha views anil ectiona of llm dominion alliance for the closing of every berroora io the province a liiu baa been introduced in tit ontario legislature to prevent the extermination of ginseng digging or gathering in ita wild ute in prohlb- lud between jan 1l and sept 11 penalty for the violation not lea than 3 or not mora than 20 umlf of penalty foai to the prosecutor unlaaa otherwise ordered by tha convicting agist retr- immtorant hkttijimh to tha uu ruber of qutos arrived in canada luring tha tba first tan ntonlhs of ibecurront fiscal yaar april to february this number 188000 arrived at ocean porta and 111700 from tha united state tbeee figures show an increase of 15 par owat as compared with those for tha corresponding month of laat ii seal yaar pjuaudtukti 8kbic from tba atlantis o tba pacific ovir the canad ian northern i tail way in ilia eunnner of 1011 waa tba forecast of kir donsld asano as to passed through winnipeg from um coast to toronto ibis weak a freight service from coast to coast u waa stated would go into operation in two years with passeoger service tba following summer the first by law waa to autborlaa tha council to sign a contrast with tha hydro iniwer cum ml avion for niagara power and i ho other to issue dab iraa tor 8g0u to ejulp tba u ualdpal na tor hydro powir th council will prooaad without delay to have tha installation of hyd ro kleculo completed at iba earl laat data continent with perfect and per manent wok in thla ibay will baa lha willing co operation of tba hydro klectrle oomiululon and it le confid ently hnpad that by ratdsuntwsr tbs naw power will be giving ull night lighting service and turning tba w bee la of our uunufactorlaa la afrtwi a kaankkwccati it sikktiu of estfssos of naaaatt ttabatuae attended by many tnsxnbers of tba lagtalature nod otbar prominent personages laat week reaffirmed wltli but three du aantlng votes tba desire of tba colony to discuss with the ioniinian cavern- stent tba proposition to enter tha canadian confederation tba mealing urged hie kxosustury lha governor of um colony to obtain tba conarnt of tbe luparial authorttlaa to auoh a dia- wltp duck con biat ation by frank uyda fonnarly kdlto of out door canada la iba loading number in tba vabruary laaua of kod and jun in canada pvbliabed by w j tylur llmimd woodatock oot no port- man latareated in tho preaarvatlon of ttu tntportaot paclaa of our wild fowl ahonld fall to proaura a copy of tha fabaoary anmber and read this article from flrat to laat otbar article aarva n internatlng ratulodare of the rpre- aentaliva eharaetar of tlu canadian portaenane publication the v0tc almost unandhous i7 voran roa only m aoainit nvrr iwfora in ill liuto i4 anlitiia tiiitniclal career waa any lay law eolkillog tlta pandllui- tt inoiipy mriltd with mich a nvam f unaniuilly ait wrrr iba hydro- rlactrlc by lawn at iba election on llooday- tim vnta waa a bpleodid rzpraaaloo nf anlnim lalm tttr progeaala and u t ilal tunuundinga tba vote waa aim raclcally unaollcltad trtni4iiy of ilia rllb of our prfirny nwntira ht aatitti future and con- ndenoa in lha advanlagea to be derived from connection wltb tlta gi eat white coal aybiam developed by the pro- inclal gnvernmant tbeee advan fagre w era ilaaed be tore tha people at the council at lha meeting of clll a and through the nqlomm of tbe kk ilirkm hut there waa noeyeti rmvau nor any concerted plan u tllritf out the vote tha electora wr inl free lu exefrrciae their fran m they deemed la lite beet intereate of the invn end they did it li a apirll of unknlmlty which wlu give the council greet aatlafactlon i carrying otil their rxpreaaedrube the votee were aa followa iivllmi krjwtmm itv aw vith aalaintrr no 1 town hall 71 a no a hneightehhop h5 vf successiu held day waga eeertaaree hunday waa iwid day tbrongliout 1ilta aed fall tba of iba counly were faeuted with mm etrong and effective addreaeaa anal aermona aa were delivered in acton the county muet have been decidedly eurred aa io tba duly of chriet laa pf ia banlah- tbe avll lufluencaa of be berruotn rroaa our lair land alany ware no doubt anrprued at tba rapid and per- of tba tempe is7 a lit diui oniiatvri uk ilv iuvt no i town hell no u npelghrhhop lit halt0n county tejhkrance convbown an kauimelai oa of atagwe both ttw domlnloa and provincial ootammeata bam agreed to give graota for tba evtaoelon of good roada throaghout tba country tba oik rllla star wboee editor waa a luamber of tba dapotauoa which waited upon um govamtuaot in tba matter aaya hal ton will bare hendeouiely it tbnaa gmnu nod it now beboovea tlia county council to take n band in ad vanclng utttgood work by inincdule ly pmlqt a by4aw to apend i wo hun dred tbooaaod dollara mors which with better maebfnary nod the im proved knowledge of oonatruotlon ehould give tbu county quite a number of high elees tbrougb roadav iet not one opportunity be loat tlik natiokat oonvkntiom of taioparanoa workara bald io uaaaey 1111 laat weak waa the moat influen tial nd rcpt gatbarlug of uw kind ever bald in tbe dominion rafwwaaataalvaa were preaant from arary province the determination wmetrong to aim at the banlehment of ute barroouie everywhere and thla waa eapeclally tbe oaae aa far aa on tario leconoarnedfrom which territory tbe larger attendance naturally came at tbe county convention at ueorge- r ttt mltnt lh eanta leaim prw vphed tha delagmtea from biqueefng are irongly determined to vote out next janoary l men ullllp fromevery part of ibi espreaand tbemaelvea the four re- inaintnf towna in iba counl under llennae are alao u italy to have con lea u on tbe eame data wltb the aame object io yew local opnoa oahpaxomal ukb- ky voh oaaoaklbttowm ahd nquamiho oite nf tlie imtat rrpreeeatatlvegaue- nrinfr of leiiiprntiica work ere held in the county of helton for yea re aa aeutuled at the annual convention of helton temperance alllanoe in the town ball georgetown on uonday afternoon aivd evening u ii ton oikvllle and hurungtou were repreeanted but tba bulk of tbe tea were from tbe kownahlp of kucaing and tbe towna of george town and aelon at tbe opening tba irealdeut ii p moore acton in hie a re to iba ract that with tba townehlpe of naaaagawaya nalaon and trafalgar and the town of acton under local option abunt onehalf the population ot tbe county had baoubad tbe egaj- aaht of lliiuor and it waa moat de al ret tie tttmt ihe mudldpalluae of vw- ton oavviiik ilurllngtoa oaorgatown and 4iiieeing the other half abonld enter campaign and cloaa op tbe bar- tha beneflu of local option to acton and many of ita dtltena were ahoeo tbe ptoti octal goyrn ment waa given a large ahare of credit for the aotlvttlea o lu offloera in tbelr eflort to aacure eatlafactory en force men t of the provisions of tbe law in concluding hie addreaa mr moore appealed atronglyto tbe aleo- tora of oeorgetown and neqneslng to ppen campalgna to aacure local option for theee municipalities because of ilia benelltelu adoption would be to tbemaelvee and becauae from tbe deemed bare in ibeee places aoma of actona cltiuue are obtaining uqnor whrcb hfdttaatroua to uuun under tbe topic local option con- testa for loia number of tba cduasns of qeorgetown and kiqneaiag and tavera from milton and burlington apoke favorably to engaging in eon- inata flev dr abraham aaid that oakvllle waa alao oonudsring n nam- palftn and it waa wry probable b four plaoea now having lioansed bar- roonuwill almulunaoualy enter eon- teats to secure local option ton proapecta in each of theee places are brighter than when tbe previous votes wars taken aud tbe number of promi nent oltlaana willing to work for ute adoption of tha measure has locreas- isplendld addressee were delivered at the convention on -org- 1ni whjcb tbtpsakr4 pointed out ervnons were p in all the protectant churches in town by a1u- e field srorkere of ability iter w s- mctaeuh ix fx toronton naaaa gawaya boy who baa made a high mark for hlmealfaa a suocsaafnl mini ster of i he geepea le giving fau enure liana to thla important work ula aesvnona in knox onnrch in ute morn ing and tbe methodist church in tha evening were vary strong prcecntn- ttone of tha need for voting oat tbe liquor curse from our country tbe dear duty of every christian voter with hie daily prnyera mr d a moimarmld of toronto oocupiad the pulpit of the baptist church in the nmtrsdog and presented the aitnatlon in forceful terms from gave detalte of iba accompuahaaant of practical results throughout tbe in h albanv church on sunday evening rev j lyman cotton b a of toronto gave a stirring addreaa pointing out in vlrld detail tha tiny evils of umbgrroomandthensoseiky for um sake of ihe boene and the country that us uqoor trafoo be root ed out bar mr cotton pointed out that be was not voicing lbs opinion of a temperance crank but waa giving expression to the proewonoamenta adopted by ihe qsneral synod of tbe anguoian church la oanadaj which charaetsrtaas tha fanrrooan as a pub- do msn and urges that full advai tags ahouid be taksn w vtr pracu cable for the adoption and- putting into fores of local option under ue present uornss law a largely aitauded mass anast me heu u the town haul tttour o clock on snndsy afterneoo- whan practical and inspiring addrrmas were delivered by mr molmsrmkl br mi tavfoh sod rev mr cotton dooglas qtsnbnry ute hoy contrail of torontr eang at all ute churches and also at tha mass m t tbu wonderful young vocalist ublyeoetaji edth apuodid repntalion earned i bla prnvlous vuat to acton hi sob vote as you pray and abolish tbe bar at tbe mass meeting were highly effective rev ih- mctaviah who baa been ossty associated with acton all hie ufei ventured the predicmon thst acton dd never repeal tbe iooa option by4aw and it la behaved thu predlo- uon u absolutely sure well well this u homk dyk jki anyone bright days bring spring buyers overland bvhrland howl avt motor cars and trucks ijij mimlcla are imhutjmksrd for vslue and efflclarivy abovu cut icpresciitn wu ive liauongcr thirty jiorto powrr par at s13ir3e delivers in toronto fully equipped call without lail and ko uur iqis uodeu shawoverland salasco s3 to 39 aclauade 3u wat toronto ont the municipal c0unul aodrrostsr i the regular meeting of the council on monday evening was n brief ses sion ao the members were present and the first proceeding was to con gratulate each outer upon i be splendid vote in favor of the hydro- klectrtc by laws the fourth report of i be committee on finance passed the following ao- oounle lake rrie coal oct coal s 181 10 675 can sunbea lamp co robt storey work at osme- alsx moore work at ceme- wnxarsnnc pou clerk oeo agnew do ooa- uavui agent ix m h a jaa 1l reed jss andereon oeo hynds sspsawss to to- sr 5hs 300 300 i a auiiwlp loltorao- a k nlckun udltor jrtmook do 1 iso 17 ao 17 00 winter resorts bfew hound 1ili touiim ttcbalu now on io all principal wloler liewtda ittcludlok cauf0knia mexico il0kida itc tbe allfacllvq route io western canada is via chicago steamship tickets on sale by all lines lull inlomiailod front h s holmes agent livliuy hour of hvery way now wo arc opening up and passim into itoi it wmc iiiich of bkirdl niv siking goods mill nhvvkst goods i uli goods that will he most altick sought t nhw coloks nil w iaukics nlivv designs and also winch is very imporum the veky ijest values in i he trade your dry goods requirements for spring will have our hebt attention and services henderson st co mill si acton oat liy li jwv j send the free prlss to your ftiends in l west they will appreciate your thoutfht- p f ful klndii very much 100 wui give them this weekly letter from home for a yeeor aukvaidb while chnpitlng in hie woikih near spejslde our day laat week jack afcdouald son or alax uadonald nt spavslda had a narrow escape from deatb a falling tree struck lila head and koooked him aenaeleea john af eoorquodale who was working with hint got help and brought him home the young man was stunned for some time a doctor who was aummoned found a scslp wound three inches long e i posing the boos of the skull whloh fortunately was not fractured nnd he predicted a a needy recovery settlers- trains t0 manitoba alberta saskatchewan low colonist bates re spcdal trafw um laws tareeta et tub ay baboi aas arts ia20 rji v mb la retdir traiu ojofjl dairy colonist cars on all trains iso tewww roe- to through trains toronto io wfnnlpet and west ajrcpr aesbre veeceb better a great heart in a frail body than a frail heart in a great body annual report of thk wellington mutual fire insurance company hal j la ike comaaay a off lee at clsalae ea wesaaaday raarsary iklis tito savunty scion il annual uwjng of the weill o too mutual fire iruar- uijto lnnituiiy wmi lidd uccording to aulvertlscment to the office of the company tlm 4lh day of february inia at two oclock is the eiteruoou the rrcullont having taken the hair the meeting was called to order and tbo secretary mad the notice calling the meeting tim minute ot latt general annual ueeting were oa motion of ii gummst hdotiried by iihml dowdy taken aa read carried 1 ho st mtury thou read the following report sevcatyscconcl annual keport kn1lkmkn your dlroclora beg leave to present the land annual uei innloa uatiml klre kuaurance company for the year ending 3it ion eper day t of tho well- of december tha amount of insurance j force 3ui dcci 5b6 1 6187 i9ii 709 5100 n3ssim- nadruco laxatives ssufio tbe auditors report was presented and upon ssotlon was accepted and vooooplee ordered to lie printed hauurqi pktavnfaalkrl if bvommdlaraaltatoa tbanaiul mwtlnv of uio oounly uc htod ioli held la ulll lmt wk offlnrwki utaittd w v w h hinllhaoloii d wb h wh rtjklll iteo hkap menallj owrglown vh btc o nyior okvlll lvauaaotkiiiiur0kuk 0bpw h umlar oklll uo- ibm meoraney oahvllfaf otwm ttytafi brant o of 0 iftam tipwiois palrraid tnatvtwill ba do ooiinly odbbmllbn 1 of um mth orjuljr m hlu ihl jr tloftepai3i ov uvorgtdnnw irwbllifl ldnpt lilimd ukauog aktfffatnlr ulidlmoaiib of aotoo ji cua otowlj of tk olo- erf law knlorosmsnt and the provln- clsl bituatlon hj ilev dr abra- hani and itsv dr metael in which wldet vlslona deflnlte knfor- mallon encourmgment and inspiration spa imparted mr w j i- llamahlrs presided at the evening meeting and revs w k hlndaon and s al itoadhouss led i the devotional aervloea k natch nvijl on tlesdav fisrnoou of last week while jr cliarlee lunnle of ahlls was euttiug down a tree in lu hush it became lodged in another tree sod in trying to get it out caught bm breaking one of hie legs in two places thotatvod below ihe knee lie waa taken to the uoapltal at uuelpk for treatment us- will he laid up for some time he wu preparing to fix up lila barn in the spring a week ago sir david boles bad a narrow escape win being buftaed oej tire uules had tiaed up the or balore rejhng ami did uotqollcea apark by outjlpoange nsjir tb toto tbg are burned up the lounge sod soma other wood work their son kdgar was upaislr wa wakeard uphy tleai iarsaligatlng found the kllcbsn uu q amoks jk lkivgtmtieajo4atsr to put oat toe are tht glass n the tritobe i ljmreasi jhis window ymm iwmjtod plllbe hiea usnd young retnrned to to ronto on saturday last to iseinue ulaa gibson of blylb u spending m faw days with bsr irlands alias edna thompson at uulerest farm el laa aihann jorvnsr a pjimprr in brln tba bidle aid of tbe rreeoyterian ohoroh am prep for their anojj ohoron are pr for their anm rwanseuog wbiob b espacted eollpee ail former records oven that of last veer ton alck folks in our locality are nearly all on tbe road meat the wsnuer weather of the past week baa made much work possible that had to he postponed an account oftbeoold sir and aire ira yeoajter entertain sdsevrrvddftbeiiisjdbenctbelautbo- dlal church at an oyster supper en friday veolftg teat at tbelr borne on lbs seventh una air a i vena and wife from tbe west celled on fi lends in our district heveral of the ymiog men who have bean working for fanuara in thbrioio ity urn expecting to start for weetern oanada as soon as there is a sign of spring mhw varna wiggins baa ehsnged bft4 mntki atom frrtmhnrsa day tin saturday ooninewmang wuh tbe stb inst school children will nfvbinu uija tm douu sod jnon jj ibfwwiabesue u lakaadvutage ovsnme toe voting oochnrfh yninn ia uu pna wui bs af m surprise haawaesipc twov siltutol4amt 6tbvadui oat v w6e metropolitan bank held ofllec toronto oni oapltal paid up h rund uatdlvldad front a mooojqoo syatcmsvtic savins aeee www l la re tw f will snaoont wllh inlereat in ten years to f th open sn account to our usvlnta depsrlment ad nuka it paint tori aside as much every moaili one dolur la autucieor 10 make s man acton branch h b burling manager 97 o490s oo tlie claims uuiwlil jitt oeceniber estimated at o1s74 3 the financial statement and auditors report are submitted herewith i ho 1inanciul btstementat are prepared in accordance with the requirement of the ontario insurance act the retiring directors are ceo a clara geo sleeman and h p moore ell of whom are eligible for reelection your director have declared a dividend af 7 per cent on the paid up capital stock of tbe company fer tho year ending list decestber io all of which urraictiully hubmlued bigssd cbo blubman preaidettu fiaancil slalement for ihe year feding 5iu dsuabcr i9ii u1ic1cifts to aniilc brtiiiftlit rwul i589a a caab fremiuma mutual premlumti kxtra promlumrt ami feen asenu datauces of kilo 1 1 crest kb- insurance cluimu 48313 40 76 61 s s36 73 a113 b7 60 03 disbuhhemtlnts cuilmull ire 1orikett ifiu claims fire leslies ill i rebates and return premluniti eteliiiuranco office furniture dividend inaurmnce plana comralasian and boiium poeupi 4 telephone telegranb ksreaui and hxihaure travelling rxpaiimm adjustment of culwu btauoiierv and advertising t fuel and light statu lory auesanient anil license fee rent uovenimont and mnnicliutl f uvea bolanes pi rectors ami audi torn fneti in vest men to balance of cmtli at i ration hunk balance of cash nt head office 1036 1i440 37 6v4 o 3 00 a071 so 1o os ll6l v 3 s34 04 3 v 5l 16 47 00 7 oh 7s oa sss6 to iletu tifarziisnnrnts ttbf wnplist cburtlj fton til v to numibll d a pseior a i lv u1xul homk liaialtry wilk oukuli all micau 7clldmt cii0i0k illlllin0 for balc una 1 1e i 1 bill counter oukck b00kb thu vsae iaane u prepannj la ml tj 11 in lev oaeoiatf clweai baaka of u aia w eeaorlmteai rauniaiua larbuamd ow ay obmr klej a made to meaeuret biiukmia cobhkt not eold in btoraa mrb w monabb utd lb ayeey io uiu i tum uietaaiva si am a thliaan u biu4 t i he a ml lavtum otualbm notice notloli i baeeby 4a om u aaeiiaaua will be naaate bf uae timauvlmri rlle onaur lo ibe upiwan el laa ro- vtawebloetaaleet ita meal ftamluai ter m al aauaarlilas ibe coanpauay a taeauadltamee from eoese boiat at aw sar aawlph in lb oeeelr nl watiiaalaai is oete peial al or mm berua veaaaoe haapa w ad oeu u ib eoealf a weaehae aad uaae to aeglet at ea bear ua ulaaohalril weaveortb baaete ibraaasli aw bear tavlow aalaaeluaa sabrta deawna rwibaae beverit v aa b wat sea ae r b to aaanl haattee oae of tbe ktalelae ef late bv la art las attev uae enatsa ia uae mb dee it mu asat aaaaela urn kovpb bakdkxaolb taasats hank tellieaj for lb taniau hnlieiliae si notice to creditors notica la b fseae le to tba uaieaebaabwerqaaaaa7iaat aeeslsb 1 11 i laaai 11 1 1 i of tbe aaat sjeartbamll ars aaa aae lae oa or aboaa ike ssea saj ef ortebar imi are aw aalied ba aaeat by aew i laali ae aaua- te a j at ef uaeenaaaaaf aiaaa aa tbe oeeatr et a awamae asetbanoaa tbe a ef laae emeaa et taa aald 4a- h or b tbe let say at a wu tbair ctwaslaa ees larasaiaa eeavaaete ue eeaa partlshaai mt laefar alala tbe a l a et tbalr aiaaeaaa ees tae aetan el ute aaeerlnea u ar beu ay umaa aaj rert wsa eeaaee taal saw eeak laat p le samrtbeta tbe aetata a tae iniaai i te as lae paruea e taariu aaalat ra aas eelj to tbe eaajaae et aabaaa abe aasiltbee bare aeuoa aad taaa tbe asu eawiwstaauim otiee ebelt ae save eoaa m twee et pjaulaettae vj uackurmlaat dated tae arth day at rebreary aatolauataia notice ceed1tubs bbarabya4vaaenaaeattelabiv tataa rfoatatleaaw obaa iw tbat a baa laa a la lata aasbies ute ui ot aaaa tboeaaewbiuey iataaaaft ebe du 1 or abeai tbe aleia say ef atoiastliti imi e raeelies to mmmtt by paaaiah ear sauaar 1 a j elaakiaaoe al tae vtuaa et ete- a weiilae aas asa he ra ef tae taaa will saal laata amrartbartaka eouee tbat etter eeab leal lueaadi 1 tbe eaid t awed te olatxtbete tba aaaata el ibe osaeaaad e be toaxttae eauued ibereto bavue t rd oaly te tbe atmima el wbiaai tbay abau ibae a aouea and tbat ibe aald unaiiaa sill bat be liable tor tbe aaaa a aula or say mrt a j uagaihnom houaiter ler tae aaid miacaura bete the tulb day ol tmarearr hu 0765 373 7i 0i3b 04 hlt ruins 100 wittfts whsre use wai l keen your watch clean sod ll la aa natural or it to go as for your heart to best ikinclu has experience and ability to repair and properly adjuul walcbosj poaallih aa rreat aa any paraon in canada q d pringle tfic jdreltef alisetij debentureacetitrsi canada loaa having co debentureai uuelph out inves sawp society rjmeiitatwcurpurautofcity nrgueiptr cash on deposit traders bank cash on and st hesil oluce preraluma d hv atrenu rf- accrued interest ofuoo furniture and insurance ilans premium notes less paid thereon 1 subscribed capital stock giajsoo leui paid thereon 4b3o 8i74 50 08 as 74377 3 3 loo ao a733 s4 3o3 s4 clulmtl utiiler adjuatmalit keinmrauce reserve liailltileu 74 33 r 3i330 44 rlty of policy holdem 3ji0 77 balance of assets for becurlty of policy holdem isj6j5 60 bubscrtbed capital block 13430000 audltokfi report to tbe president aud oirecior of the wellington mutual fire insurance company quelph onturio oenuemoaij we heg le certify that wo have audited the cash vouchers and boelts of your company for the year ending december 31st 191a and wo hereby certify that tho aacompanying cosh statement and balance sheet bearing enr slgnatorea is a full and correct statement of the affairs of the company at the date named the books nr la good condition aud all dralredjpforaatun bu beea j u riy given january latji ioi v blgned i- a 0 nkplicomparw cttirurmacanunftwr tiios w baundbrs f auditors lnsuranculn forcli 7o64ivao0 by george sleeman and ascended by if quumer that thereport bo adopted carried lloved received and zxz2 euctldn of djrcftrs thouecrelttry thon read miat of shareholder who had uinuuut of ittouk retireientsd vakj ajhithayj t proxies tho clare guetph v jeofeollowokrsro tlsguuoouewfft iop 1 george tilesmaa and it p moore 1 uveahyh p uwro sstooflod by h quataasr ibwa cksat and thoi w saunders be veecttyh auditor- at tha tasm trmnaenujon as last year carried uoved by ii qummor secoaded by h p slooro thst the tliaoka of the tdwefaotderii be given tho piroctota uxakti offlco stsfl and ageata for their tmmm clkarino auction sale -or- awm stock uucplie- mbnts btc ed b bean laalreelad by h jouqm te eau by boblia lot 4 eeav t uieaaaaeea yafctejallm by xjarat iaia ssooa beartj earnoaa loaat i bleak stare 10 yaaas eubtf oealpa bar eeed driver 1 1 bay ware aaaer bepowyeatsoldwfeejta j jfljff sjeaum saavaket hy ms dene- oattui1 jarae oo bethi 1 blask ae damafarbtbiiieeaydaehayut 1 apet tad eev dss htm utb 1 mdeow dee om llabkaralyaanem 1 jeraey aalfar ikt ib lb tl tm mvtoesly eest lupuiubniulubar tea beswy aeaily twsaa ateastad beery nmaeevnaaiaiir ebaliaabovaj asas sad va m tea swat area ea atejtllob 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