Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 18, 1912, p. 4

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sbe jlcton 3fra press tikjiwday aj41ic ih m2 do voub i it yitur laval beet ih y alaray ferjrwti never ntlnd what ihlierb ill 71 fair and ejuare duty cmll to uiwmi mm lit eptyeet iuii youra4vecof4tr ikjp and i your lvvl bentc iko your trvel he bu what f your 1 t may he grinding in lb study or aalling iw the un or plow w hawimr or in scarlet tunic drt iuii yourselves ufinll r l ja anil do your tow i lwi xui your leval brel ih y all boti nt work will wer yaunliimiwllirih k i lb rarv ij cb prdou m 1 irn nil trluinn wv dapt iuii yourselves lftl rr i- ya i d your level bl lb oar wl boat ty b me wrk will tail though urn taak ih irkeo to do it wall tinsel oft may glitter but will not land the teat iull yourealvhtther boye and your level beat davhl juhnaton m usulvluma ssoost hi-4- htm 1 tma orociha budb1 of till arrow v bo uucli baa been eald about small dealers who cheat their coilnmm by selling uwlerwelghl and so on that lbs following extract from a letter from a groesr publubed in u- woman ilome companion to inlerellog 1 tbre arm honest grocer and one do not need a lantern and tub to and them ivwtk at the otlier aide take cotm at twenty ave cent a pound mr health wanta urn cant worth dm op la a bag that of oouiw coat nothing tied op with it ring lhat costs lees and delivered wbkb to even laaa a i on the grocer doe she get ten tweniyoftb of a pound uott certainly not mid any gioeer who would glvm it lobesdeserve to go into bankruptcy tub eotteet eoau tweoty000 and a half eaota par pound in hundred pound sacks weigh ii out lo tea osat parcel and you get alight- ly onr ninety postnd where u tbm grocer profit r again if 1 weigh lcuy not glm dowawelght i cannot keep lira bjoaee trad sun ameer kick at half or ooe ounem overweight txi bar sugar or matt mod u la impossible to oat earns aadafcede it oanely hot if the aoalaa do not ooamn down with n bang aho coaaplaln of dtahooaat weight ate and ura bjonaa to thn in tbcra to nnother thing boom sat urday might lira drown osmw in and aaya lfr ii mrhmlmnd ot working uat wekj j uhh to 1c ttfy ilula boonnnt go otr sbn to a fair eawtoaaa paya onaa a weak or ommth and gu bar cradlt at amah prion am nay oao atoa dne lu mftj rapauibla atorr ao lu au right mr brown nod 1 carry bar- right along for two or three naontba paying- my wholaaalcr avery week or thirty djuram hto terma maybt if aha paya in tho and vm aafa if not i m lot now when aleknaaa or loam of work latartmm it to not the big omah store in tbn centra of town on tbn owinaummi that halpa um cuatomer long it to thm little oarocv groo in your neighborhood that yon hmvm baan maligning for not balling you m dollar worth of good for nlnatynlnm tub iimmbt1mc1 umrka thmt urat oabbwgh u a parfaetmniason of m woman park she bmrdly auggaau thm qiamrfhm of old to mm lfarkmoh i owmn um riymr bkfc b m huga booath s od ahmraaaoa ineaaamnuy t 1 thm hlgbaal of all his j hldweikakifilzzjispj could noxsleep at night avqrfllsrmrti not dome thdr era in tba refrathlns t ommcstdtaoao wboae heart ftlw if lit fll it a rung toita i 1 i n j- 1 b r a v i in ky artvnrlt a nut frtnn i w ikliu j wukhu llilm- if tho bmiwiw lull and tha watar dtuitk w uld thtt luminal ll rtmndr and if urn watfira could apak they flow bow w mid ung uland hmindf jf you board apmll at a ah hotal lathe mlftow that you pyf if a alngu oar waigha akral lona wbmt d mm um aubway t gn a acannngrr b a cheerful mar whan ho alya in the duiopa if lba water plpn in a dnw hall lurt wotill umi danrera tiaa tblr uim p ifa haroanl nnuxi m w ithall in wl aid m tlt aaloi mi nm hrntranugnin l tli foaii nirlli wliat d hlb h dtlntop if a fii 1 mlaud flr- wi uld a pra rhulr f h rr kiln iaik la a uautlfiil p t why ia jamaica llaln p if ltm bullfrog w a boltltle klrt would ih illy ad t if a parrot can iwror ujo a rrocut umi t dootb and haddlm- thn wfill known call f boo la and aaddlau in rrully a corrupt tun of tlur dd krancli algnal houtavaellaa put 00 vtmir aaddhm front bouter in put or place and alt aaddto the madalfal aaddlaa were of ancb ron- bnmi end heavy utake that lhy war taken 1 ff ilia horara wbenrvrrpoaalble in klalhawa powerful katorit of 102ft oocuaa the phraar lb truinpeta aouodad bnulemalla in 170u hteela wrote the teller tlte aound mi changed to boot and aaddto but it probehu that the pliraae ran in lu preaent fora before that dale poaalbly oocalae into uae during the dwll war among the roundhead to whonl tbr old krenob boutmeelto won d aeem pandering to the cavalier trndenclea of the court london time nadrec heyj r telei powjw a em uu c m yawjjreanti ef wow at b there are many thlnga wo eannot afford to get for lea than their full rice a ill that to prund there iimn been many ptlto put upon the market and p upon publle atteauoq bqt none he enctared ao long or met with eo moeh favor aa parmeleea yegmtmhle pllto wldeapremd uae of them ha nitrated their great value mod they need no farther dvrrttoament than thto hewing firmly oauhltohed thmm- eelvcm in pablie eatmmm they now rank without a peer in tbn lut of atmndmrd vegetable preparatjonw ttu do not aeeorm a clean bill for yourself by mdletog the rea of umaolty children dry v fletchers c astorl a ilviioobd11m1tiuf1ioiii on olijvcilnn to tb ulaphoo h bmn uwt it fov no traoa whimflr o tkaqttuveraflliun trfuunilul 81 jloai bm iflltphon bora rtctolml4v tlta courts for thtm romin thmt iwr wnnnt it bgiaaidhra rjumirtiriaj ocuhorpunenorr8nila notnjisootfc a perfect bencir rorooallf- llon soar stoaachjlimtum woraafoirrufaloiisanxiatv kuadlossorsinr fc1- si t cxact cofrorvuanak castoria anjcmmttm ww you have always bought bears the signature for over thirty years castoria gutenberg invented printing nd 5incm hi day pylhl baa- done more for thm m a rcr warld mdvineemeot than any other thin our type will advance youh dusinf55 trfjujjp your tnnttttf 9lt rton ztt jjress why tuflvr rrom corna wl eu they can be paloleealy rooted out by using hollowaya corn cure thm wont failure- are those aucaaaa me whleh eome at the coat of the eoul wbepa man get aigulog with ills conscience you may im sure hto appe tites arm busy bicrnssotft uf6 w a buhden fdr two years ura joseph tsroopf- upper pomt loo so of oiximf ttu foe t am as mted b lew a b hi max11 vi1nha oatp vienna can imast a carton- recentrlo who turns hla life upld duwu a rich young puto who uvea in sumptuous style but always summons hlsservsnl by bugle eajls ills favnrli paailnia is driving an nmnlliua a mired like an ordinary bus man and though be la said to spend a fortune eaoli year in clothe he wears no garment until it has been worn by i l vahtt ii aslontahed guests at a hall by appear ing in a cost a me of pur white ui for shirt and tie which were black to eomplet hto oddities when dining whleh be invariably doe alone at a table dbol he reverse the usual order beginning bis ineel with lb sweet a and ending with the soup mowomdftl drummer hay what are you peo ple so swelled pp aboiuf tas tjitie i went through everybody was con gnsl and now 1 can hardly get a person to apeak unele fbsn you ii pardon us but its our own towns pride ynu see si hummer nicked up an automobile guidebook that fell out of a machine last week and we found that the old tannery swamp to a mountain tarn simmons s atoosvquarry a ryemptos the methodist cemetery a colonial burylog around bill h oodlee saloon wayside inn mod the whole cooauy chock lull of huloricsl antldoustaftd delations bleues anti oonsampuve syrup neen no reooronjendssjpn to all who are familiar with tcli speaks for itself year of uae in tlte treating of colds and oooghs and all sjtecuoos of the throat has unquestionably estab lished its place among the very best inediolnee for such diseases if you give it a trial you will not regret it you will find it 23 ceote well invested the ability to learn marks the limits of actual living children ory for fletchers oastori a notuso to luasur of himself who cannot control hto guests in his heart a ueady weapon agslnst pain therm to nothing equal to dr thomas beleotric oil when well robbed in it penetrate thm tissue and pain dto appear liefore it there la no known preparation thst will reach the spot ouleksr than this magic oil in eon sequence it ranks first among liniment now oftered to the nublie and to accord to gel the bmst of backache oat a box of dr miles antipain pillo otherwise backache ftlay get thm boat of you noiding oislurl i o i mi an nymem more than pain wlirtl r i lc in the form of htaufllf lacche neuralris atomiclmc t r tlie pains pccolur to t t i r milca antt psln 1 ill ire n standard reme ly for pa an i nre prsird by s great army o men and women who have ui 1 tlirm lor years a filrnd was down with iacripp ml nculr enuerl with awlal bacliacbe i ct ber one anil i sin pill and left swtlbcr for turr lo take thr helped sr risrt ivir and aba mr ba will avrcr ba wlotout thvm afmlo ms o il wsas aamabais o at all drwaolata as deaav ss ovnu milbs mhdical co trntcan character is never put on it srows spirituality to a poor ref iga from uortatity no man vmr ovecslioots lis own moral aim md bu sorefour ye1is kaubdk has hbaubd it i mrs wilson 110 wlcksoo arm toronto says about four yssrs sgo a sore spot appeared on the right side or my face this spot increased la sus until it became about tslf an loch in diameter and ety pslerul i went 10 a doctor but the ointment he gsym mo did not have soy good effect the sore continued to dl charge frcoly and was moil painful i had it renteraed tried poaltlces and all kinds of salres but it wss no tool opd x contlaoed to suffer from it for four years a sample of zam duk was one day given to me and i used it altboufh the no entity was so small it seemed jo do rao some good so i purchased s further snpply each box did mm more end more cood end to my delight before i had been ualug zsm uk throe weeks i saw thst it was going to heal the sore in less than a mouth it was healed i i fcpow lady fn the east of thm etty whose husband soffered for years with an epen aore on his leg oa my recommepdstlon zsm buk was tried in that esse the other day when i saw her she told me that it bsd healed the sore compltlmlr my daughter who lives la leth- bridge a1u has also used zsm duk with the same satisfactory result- i think it is beyond ell doubt the finest healing balm known booh la the opinion of all persons who hare really tried emok it is a sure euro for ecssras piles trbmcesses ulcers scalp sore- ring worm cats barns scalds bruises and sll skla injuries and dlaeaaaa btc box all otuftvtou and tore or post free from eambuk cov toronto for price in case of ejclu dltesse use also lemiluk soap no tsblat maurd won a auh0p there used to he a new zealand nawrepspor in which statemsnts fre quently appeared that were vary ney fas from the truth sir joseph ward met the editor one day uavs you a bithop on your staff f be asked a blahopl the editor exclaimed no i haven t you ought to bare one you know sir joseph said earnestly but why on earth should i have a bishop r asked the agitated editor because my dear sir sir joseph espsnd smoothly many of your newspapsr statemsnts need eonbrma tlon so b v pills that have benefitted thou sand known far and user as a mora remedy in thm treatme of indiges tion and all derangements of the stomach liver and kidneys psrtoelse vegetable pills basw brought relief to thousands when other specifics have failed innumerable testimonials can ha ravutnt r atl1ik ifr nf attmhobd to it a re i tain librarian waa vrry alwent i it lrd art i nlwi vory inucb a 1mm rhed liu prt fvhi ii aa llti irlfpbont wain it f idfr ia wlfn aakel him to allwnd lo a few rrrui da for her on blaway i i llif library on lila cooc enllngali ran to lila dutk and liaxt lly laklttif tlte iifareat canlo i from a hat f asm pie hi rary cards msde mil a hal wltltili ah bended to hlra lie put it in til pocket and promised ndli f rgat it al dinner that ulgut alio rendnded blin of lita prunilae i was guhtg toglve you yourf r lie ileaaert hi t glnerl rend w ill mlklna in it mid whippet cream be nred i im reproachfully but i ha i it k ml not enouh ralalna ao i c lit the grocer dliln l bring tbvni r attylhb g ii rilvred y u 111111 i tv f trgotlen after all lodevd i d in t f rgl lie aaaured liar erieally i atn perfectly auro 1 mltended toli tliale odd waa lliw anawer llieyare not usually csielroa nbout order what dark dij y 11 p clerk r lie repeated veg tely 1 don t aeem to remember seeing any clerk than in a uh ol eo lly it truant he added with a gaap i why 1 dldnt any i 11 did attend to tb lut hut i mmi afraid i filed it in the card calslogue under tlroserleal and there indeed he founlll ll e next day upaoainbt it iiokua- why don t you try to gat a jibp pokua h tnpl yere prefer lo mr married men llopua then why don t you get married p lokua a girl won t msrry a fellow unleee he ha a job a lot of mcn7fs tailor sul band mmdown kins headache seems to be habitual with many people gome sic tclilom if ever free from it stifleting continually and wondering why they can get nu relief headache are generally caused by some dennigcntent of the atomacb or bo web or both durdock blood bitters removes acidity of the atomach improves digestion regu totes the conatlnated bowcu sod prc- cbotes a perfect circulation of pure blood to all portlnituf tho tody thereby curing the headaches by removing the ransr mrs i msgulre kb mount ont writes i ara writing you a few lines to tell you 1ut your burdock blood bitters has done for me i used to be greatly troubled with h but alter using two bottles of burdock blood bitters 1 was completely cured this was two yean ago nnd i have bsd no return of headache since burdock blood bitters is manufactured only by the t muburn co limited toronto out castoria for innta end cbildxem tki kind yoirm alnn bngu bears ih signature of the blessing of motherhood healthy mother and chil dren make happw homes motherhood is womans highest aphere a life it ts the fruition of her dearest hopes and greateat deairmt yat thou sands of noble women through some d rangemen t hsvetmen denied this blesalng in many homoh once childless them are now children because of tha fact that lydlae pink hsra evegltal ecuii ound mskmwomra normal heal thy sndstrang this u evidenced by the following letters which are genuine sod truthful london onl i wish to thank you for the benefit i received by taking your fsmous medicine lyilla el plnkham s vegetable com pound before my baby was born 1 waa so ill i could not stand long or walk any distance i had to lie down nearly all the time af u r i took y onr medicine i felt like a new wo man i could work from morning till night and ws happy ami well i certainly think it relieves pain at childbirth and rocom stand it to every woman who is pregnant you may uae this tesumonial if you like it may help some other woman mr funk coefttn u2 adelaide st london ont brooklyn n y i was siting all the time and did not know what the matter was 1 wanted a baby but mv health would not permit it i was nervous my side ached and i wss all run down i beard thst lydlae plnkham vegetable compound was good and took the medi cine i have now a beautiful baby and your compound has helped m in every way sirs j j 8twabt 299 hum boldt rt brooklyn n y tilrst t when we undertake to all your prescriptions we give thmtn our undivided attention and best car thm patient welfare to our first eon sidernuon second i wm guarantee our drugs to ite of full strength ma wall as pore and fresh third t our customers ara supplied with just what they ask fort ubetltut- ing to never allowed rjumva totutfer oomfouwd if yon axe a e from kidney d liver oorapuint blood troabess ritmomattoni nearsugda or dmrvooa prostration we ocnfldently rmoom mend the nee of paine s oelery oosn- pound thto reliable and oevea- dis appointing tnedietne to a trot diseaem banisber and system boflder vvo supply the gmaojno psinms oelery oompoa at browo act ont nesrly all the eblldren ere saheot to worms end many arm born with them spare them suffering by nalng atotbev o raves worm rstermlnator thm best remedy of the kind that can be had oomoclgnoa muoatfttm the little page boy i wss not extra fond of hla job ha iraajrinad thai be bad too moeh work to do qne day an old tody cam to asm thm ml trass whoa she warn going a she said to buttons well my llttlm lad what do yon do bars t i do a butler ont of a job mum was the reply london tit bits w the old folks find advanclngyeara bring an tncroaalng tendency lo constipation tho corrective- they need u nadruco laxatives entirely different from common laxative pleasant to take mild and painy a tablet or less at bed time regulates the bowels perfectly increaslnm dosna never needed compounded like all the 125 nadruco pre- pnrauorta b expert chemists money back ifnot satisfactory 3so a bos if your druggist has not yet slocked them send 25c and we wilt mall them national drug av chfcmical company of canada umltcd montreal 22 05fc warm and strong the grand trunt sail ho t ih no h do n no ib idsaaak bsspaa ai4b excelsior bakery 1 tirst quality bread cakk6 wbdoino caksb ctinistmatl uklh btc tc hbinzs ickleb s7 verletle ovbtferfl ind fibm call today t stathath son bakers and oroccrs moln st acton the btriii stun gmltb aid haima works cmpir bkaun rvopeiatev designers and llnildars ol blaise maui loenins moantnenla marker sod head sad all kinds of artistic csptwiirjwirt wm hemstreet agent acton yoar chopping will be done quickly and well on either plates or stones if taken to the rockwood chopping mills flour oatmeal bran shorts 1 he best at lowest prices harris co limited everton eden mills the best quality ol manitoba family and pastry flour for sale at lowest prices our own make chopping done and oats rolled daily feed for sale the sleeplessness comes entirely from sswvea or both but whatever the causa mttsam resort and nerve pius offer the btnautgof snamd lefresuag slmnbcr they do tbis by their invigorating effect on toe heart and nerves mod wfll toe trntstesrimle system to a perfect con dittoa 11 j mrs a it marted rockdale ns writessi wss tromhesd form long thud with my heart bad weak sod dlxsy sptth couu not steep and would have sit np the greater part of the ulgnt and ttwsabancmatble tnr me to be on my toft auc attsstlgotabosofuubcm hes herve rub sad tbey did me en osach good i got another and sfter tauac u i could be on my leftside snd stoep as wen as before i was taken sick 1tw are the tattmedjcfam i evermhmtd l25 at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of by the t mflbura co uafjjaav svocfasmrawv 6 j stjaecat under the ordinary requirements of proof tiekl a competent bur sev oral years inventors have been trying to perfect a mechanism that will ojakm a record of conversations and do it obmmp enough to tnsko the day toe practicable for ordinary use iroh i rnrtti ranee has mnnouncedibl euooess with such a mechanism u tbm telephone receiver i cotn of two loudepeaklng telephone iooe of theee to furnlahed with the vtsusl nnullhplnce i tbm oilier is eonnmeted with the vibrating menihranmof wbst le known a the paths phonograph the current required to a little greater than for iheeommnnkind the phono graph record cap be made tpvrprodoee a omrvetaaihtftatraoy utnety puqing it in an ordinary talking ma chine sod r tot op more tired than when i went to bsd snd iny beck wss so lame i couw hardly strnhten up hook df fcrent kind of medicine but none ol then did me juty sqod unto a friend arivlicd me toe to bqans kidney pilht i did andqewluoiit know what it to to be tired and my uroe bsck bau gone i can recommend them to any person suoering with tome back and thai terrible tired jeehng deans kidney pills are a purely vesw tabic medici realizing quick perma nent relief without any ill after effects deans kidney ifthi arm co cents per xw or a boxes for tlju at all deafen ii ordering direct specify deans ed first plsefe among competitors utile hcoty tgftieewqa is a v and liimoskwi varoas jt z be ssjtod solemnly into scraps meat siorss and laylor aoonvenlen chopping jdwp pants worth ol steak laying the floja bpoq pplng block demsnd sit was stone v m wmm k fuls passed it therm never can be aufflcieot pnjuio virtues in a life lo balance private vices avoid tub bmjatb tha campulion td yield to the blues often assails people when they are weak in bodily health often it at tacks them when ibey arm incumber ed faymsatal troubles a wise elderly woman once said to a young ghlt anybody can cope with real uoubto v to the vague inunglble trouble that get the bettor of one and aloud tho gay spirits until on walksmu the blackness of fog whether trials are real or simply imaginary a good rule fur every one to to seek the sun shine if therm to the least derange sent of health trust in god with all your might and apply to the best phy lolan within reaeb thto ssesrtion once tried they will be found superior to all other pills in the treat men of the ailments for which ibey arm described no men ever served life who wii afraid to dim scraps was pained sfckmned unmov ed two cents worth or steak f ha qomrtod sadly touve inado a mto take my lad jus ear meat you y with what tho i doctors ftyla rblch id to v t cbt awv7 dont keep boy irt wu mu hry umwl ii yoo mart fcaoir tauiiwfpotutjljc ka5tr y csllod laflsm- tnstlou of thm bladder inteuse la thm bsck snd loins etui dubi ttrtnaung and use attacks became toore frequent amounted tmbeaiable sjony i became so weab tisstlcodld ttot walk across the 0oor afy wfle rcstl id the papers abont tm pux3 and cent for a box prom it 1 t-g- lml ojn wxls good tho psln was fandi the attacks were ia ntowo in the vtoddercejno away u when i recall liawwfieiukodllhow now i am able fo werk x cannot mtsn tryllstm free i sample to wet ion nanbobt iiuat do it rrthe afe aremieacol sr wmitfnw when the tutor or trinity college osra brfdgt givlnga lectura when a cry of br was raised away rushed the pup and trmlng themselves into m thm baldlnsj whleh was tlaebetwi jqlosest wn and the river bucau from one loanothsf thm tutor qulekly following found them thus engaged at the end of the lion one youth wai standing up to his waist in lb river ho we delfoata and looked consumptive what r cried ur liar you in thmwste qterllngi yoo so jiabla to iskeooldf finebddy most ts lnvs thm nobis reply end why not lr tho spirit of thle sttswer is all that to great and gtrnmvua obeombbody wilt dolt and l be iilraswrtstobotthao to deft j ni i homebody tnust do 1 why ot jaad tbm work gu donenpslv nottjtedei ued in cenarlw for orelialf a century hiatjl n evety corner of tho work where people ufffer frofn conspmton eul u dr morses f rtpills land higher in public mtnnatiaa lbmnuqr attien and their errer- increaiins late proro their merit phyakian pretcribe tlmiw ji r 5c a box caught heavy cold left throat and langs very sore then to no better cure for a cough or cold bsnr dr woods norway pine ayrup 1 it b rich ia she fang nesung virtues of the norway pme tree snd b s plesssnt ssfs end effectpsl susdksoe thst tpsy be coafldentisuy relied upon ss s spedflo for concha colds bronchitis hoarse ness 9ore throat quinsy and stf threat snd bing troubles ur a mcosghao charioturtownh pbj writes i certify that dr woods norway pine syrup b an excel- feat medicine for coughs endcolds last winter i contracted a heavy cold which any tangs and throat very aore thglwtipw if you want a pair of fovea or mitts in rloraehide calf or buckskin sheep or mulealun be certain to pecify storeys in no other way will you get equal value to prove it ahp on a stqrey mitt say ute wool knit wrut and lined kind shown below warranted ffenuine horsehide waterproof an4 nrcprpof just the king for warmth and comfort sold at all stores every mitt is tagged storeys insist on storeys cash for wheat and oats henry hortop vaiw iibnoi w h storey son limited acton ontario- i i oom plumbing s heating wbrk and stay hi the bouse lor two wttti x used aeversl cough untres but got no tvjwuhtlt a friend advised tea to use dr woods norway tim syrup three bottles enllrely cured me snd i can recommend t ss the best teedic for coughs dont be imposed upon by taking any- thing but dr wood s ss there rt is iniot w svavth snzixhus to tho contrary we make it the most important factor so if you favor us with your patronage you will cnthusiaucally iendorao ua i s many imjtstloo of this sterling remedy on the tnsrket dr woods b put up la s yellow wrappert three pine trees the trade mark j 1 omls mfinufsoitarvd only by 1 the t7mjjbimi ce umiul toronto tsallisbsqsy jt irewnfh work sad qai ssrnw4srtwuvcntlqs rsteats procot- ihioaih ktartoa ft ms ftes ivesivmbbecmemtke wttlest tt evtessrtvrariapita duilbulad tbreegssel u ralant taiiin of wast stsatoetrs i smmrta and stoll i i6l

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