a weddattktft weddku prcsenu e watch bcsaktaf ssedarvt aad eye c bmai ammrt vmm nulla fmrt mid i l mr md hj the miwkval patlmment geo fltt atnw beajl k a wejut-a- i ftw l vllaaa ol www4 rata jumit wluuaa waiur hmwljtl aumv ubf v luiy iw cmmimmum ovammj bhwui llmk rjme i- 8be xt0o tbursday frbh ftbe juton jfa jress rihjkhday pkfimsaity 7 ims jn7pajai nvxmm- vivmuat jxmvxmv of thle rmroua- da exported 1167100 owt of wheat agaliurt 1001100 ot during lb imh mouth lent year 11m export thle vonl mo fa hn bean ooewldambl kxport of ohtow wen 33436 owt for loa month against fl75 duritif janu ary last year lnuiuutnom u aked of th dominion uonniiiwat in tb mailer of wife deeeruooa complaints are bring constantly received aapeelally from kngland of ww dmsrtlng their wive and famill and eomlng tn canada tb deputation suggested that wlfi be subject to deportation municipal weld eappli a twwwi bo- rrttr job harvwy supplies jnhattny nh a a bpaaghu hardware w d rtnrterann freight and obttlmiv mm j ii ni ou sudy morning feb loth un ii nlion pa mo ajt afl til rtassiiiiovtfabm- about tbu uae ebe we take iii gripp which left her y latrr typhoid tmubla developed and for the last ihra wweha abe was boq seed to her bad lib bv aerial into i uaaadlaa owmnj kuctric co hydrokma t p oommie- kee static neay ilydr donnu wit and iron work toronto hydro- bleotrto hye- standard 1 oomtppilm jaa gymoo mroim tb norther rtbmtrie 119 17m if 48 uuef lou march tbeloebajr l pretty b- wl wml tb turnip crop uvwred wlton council ill i jyaaterday ano it la tuovuirr in polio circle tbroahonujaaada that i b uw again carrying dajijrarou wvcclai- trrvotvr7 aboou b mad an trloctt botb a to uwrcb mad or and alao aa to piinlahmant uad it la reomtjodd lhat inprtaoamant m rii a a on abould b impoand for vlotalloo of tb law oo tbl ahjet 3 jatutday dyaort ulb t j- bin auw uafakf u boial i or lb vrm library i sprl ltfci aord oo of toronto olpb klwaaday b i t to wllb all b mfmha qoarph t bthcx i baa bm bllnutor of mu- itia i bava dbanlaard nla mmo wba prwd in dhnbln- so daelarad ool 8iun huajbm in an addram to lb w o t c of ottawa ihla wk- h ffo loo aa i an allniatar tbd will not pay for tb of d fcaida i ffyaiy clan boy mtaring tba huitla will h a ood ela abane tbarv ltcdwi su0l48 motdby murray mrirwwamaaaowd- d by w ii haalib tbat tb rffort b tbpla of tb iwoato b railway for tb roau tbruagb astnai ambar of lb rmlly wa it at tb raaaralrkopt oa bdward who w taken to gi hopltal on saturday to nrrlotm opaaauca bar of u umuz aj mm dai4 aalut uf 6ladtona man mr bv ortmn mtbowpmm of tapwy town i mba dall at bom i d j r and r ii nixon of oaoiwatown m tl jflxoo of mltioa t j r niaon of mlddlatowa ooaa i and wlffua at women in cages f of dr bartbam payskamn tn tb prtae tav- y tb fuaarml waa bald on tuaaday aftarnoon bar 8 m- bobona aooduetrd a priat avrvla at tb rasldana and tatr a pnblio aatwoa at aafcgro matbodut cburafa or wbtcb mr tlxon bad baan oonatatant and aetlv nxmbar for qtttjd yaara tb breb arrvton waa urindy auandad nwuiy rb and frland mw to pay tbakr laat mapaet to lb a tb rtnalna wm lodrly laid t raat in oman wood wuftary tb paobar war mm nlioa four brouwr unnw william aru- bald tbonwr bwl jintapbuwaoaad iwru p and jo hobwa mr nlson and bu faaauy ba tb aynapatby of tb an t eoataaunlly 1 r to aa tbat tb rndn lor tb plain tb pinna fully lalatooaaul tb matter of tb hydro- huctrfa oroaaiam lb suburban ballwuy waa abx tnbaa up but no a at tow waa taken council ele and ffer cirri a latter from luarrttn fustb nanerlba tb lampriea li aad dla tb fttmknam aaapliraae ot tb draaaa aba worn all tbbj ntaat fa napportvd by a tb fal and i she at to it i a tbaowipanbrta aalfsrof1a oooooooooooooxhxnxxxxx othejrweekfort act know bow abe ii red en nway yaan fnl oaalatbat it bar their luyn fraa la watklan aad are net baaapared by afcwta aad pttt- aaaot baaglaa en tfaelr ml aad tbaetbanjabarcnaa hi tbat tberabib art nf harmony batweae tb aaaynr tnde of tb wnawn and tb at of tb which aha urea the county mads system xtyertb ijfat ootttmbaloo of tlariio paid over to the ally treasury profit whlab raduead taicatlon by on ntin tbu year tbe oommiaaion bai been notload by tb hydro- kteetrfa oommle tbat proflu or tb eletrla departuiaut oannot legally b dlapoaad of in tbl manner all aarpln as be utilised la extuelona and red not lot of rata to name of current s scukmku for tb eraatloo of elevator in tb ca weet bare breq a oantr of intnreat not only la uw provincial trenuneot but funoor tb railway and farmer aaaadatlopa tbe objeot of lb railway la to faciuut iraw dortauoo by pravenlla oowyeet rwab perioda tbe aim of the fartnara la to aware looal elavator wbare tbay can bold tbefr grain u dmlrabtn at pranent ibay barn to nail it at onoand at the pravaluna market vela wbteh ere naturally abnormally low dorian tbe fall and wlntar f tb hot aoum and brt monday abjbt mb mri nb c rtw mra tarantytbi u baailng loj ejntnla waak- to teor trip a u if aw niagara on 1 in a few ba jdaand i b lighted b i r n w bowiox k u leader of tb obbpoafoon baa given notion to tb provincial parliament tbat tb pobua tntamat demand i tfaa immadlata aboutloo of tbe bar including tbarein the nboutlon of all botal and dab and therewith tb treating snob other reel rifrl lone on tbe ria d of tb liquor traffic aa x- pnrlnno may abow to b nec to unilt it operation and effective to raanndy ha av looal option to be umlotaloed mna of wiping oat the reeidtm of tb retail mm where the al eo decid tbe atrlet nafbro mnnt of tb uw by oflfl la y m- patby with law etdoroamant and tb uminntton of political iofloeoe from tb admlnmtntlon of the uw rngauuoa and inapectlod of all booaaa of public entartalnment mm to en- ure reaao accommodatun for tb travelling public ktt ma oaurwim the of tb connty cbnndl mat in acton to oh over lb work to be nndartakrn in tbe oonntm of road under tb county ayatam dnr- r tbe ilyud baova smith g p moorr uihouwanun rmrl oakville- beeve brur kaqnaing rear wrlalnvwortb and papnty ooaew naawtgawaya juav campbro namoo deputy readhead vrabjar reeve ford aad dpnty porter reeve smith of bnrtl ooenpl- d tb chair and breve bynde of acton wa srcrtary tb wbobt altnatlon of the dealgnat- d good road throughout the connty r and mr jt bruce hunter b au vm gueata of bev and mr curk t the mtbodwt rvraoange thjaweak bee mr hunter preached annlveraary f at lb suonm at oa sunday to large oon- e the ijaedy grb- to the enoldir tb tana ttvai head app to every oa that work ba th fnetttghta unapt the nhtyara i at tb auavatlon of i aent a few of tbe arc toad in tb from tbe original urt of niilgwilid la in order tbat a ytm of u in road tbrougb tb county from tbru- lj eeay uta ontario i k all mnwril foomarl tbarcor 8oprara f a hrwilb brokatbro nast tbanaw mbrcul kmtruay moot mtm wlll tbek w 7awtw dining r apf7 aoaj the assessors duties atto in tb ontario legislator but wank hon mr haanaprovlolal8earetry puoad on tb tabu a copy of aartaln order be bad caused to be forwarded lo tbe bansera of tbe various tnunlolr palltu throughout ontario wllb a yiw to securing closer compunnc with tb aseamnt act in mid order b quote a part of lb resolu- moo adopted by lb sprcul amam meot cthnmitlr of tb legislature prnmng hit tbat lltare are a number of municlpalltl wbuh do not building in eonfbrtujty with seeuoo b8 of tn act and adda tbat tby rly to a urge axtwotva tbe coat of build ing in determining their aseubu valor with the mult tbat tb mm meat of buildings in such oases ii blgbar than u authorised by a proper intei p a ion ot lb act apd o c ahardahlp in a number of oa in this straet tb provlncui secretary admit tb ambiguity of tb uw which leads to bardablps and open the door for tan raform tb elreaur tbeq proceed to unfold tb purpose of seatloa 21 1 ft uy ba stated general pro position that a building should caver be amsmad for mpr than tb coat of reproducing it to ooat of tb build- log however may not be tb proper gold n determining tbe amount for which it should be i bum id lo tb boalnaab paction of a larga city or town tb cost of a comparatively new bolldlag dn allowance being mad for any daprecuuon on aooount of aga and waccof rmdr udorbapatbabret guld tb lupractiblllty of a oat tn th act nil tb circumstance which should b taken into eooaldaratioo by urn aeaeraorio determining urn mm valor of aitw larger bl mr haana ajsuth w aavi that that the ealating aaay beoovmed the rspteeen talis of mnnlcipalltja outlined the fooowlna year i beojun tb eventb hi it iota 7 s sod lot x aad orosmnsn 1 iweesaalonsonth anton ororaroed from tb jhbrd to the aftb i acton to build froea the t t b croaselng to tb third una nov k idwoed half concession tbe monnit una froea tb g t- tt truck at acton to the kdn tnwnilna ns magawym on gnelph road and a half mile below poet office and on mil to uarbyvitta twoand a iota on spayatd crcneroad on westward from the ksqaeelng townuna to contlnna the new road bujlt from acton lt year nelson prom momat namo to towv viue and from lownjine ball neuoo nd pumboro lo ulbrlde trafalgarprom hornbvatajtion nv iota down prom th boyna ar into up no 10 alderoad on first line to oakvule from lb etation down town tb four crasher end vtem rooera will he kept in cowieuano all aaeaon at tb enucloelon of tb fcnejn t ms took a trip abonl m end through the manufactorire they were amaaad at tb extant of the uaanufaclori we have and the num ber of employ engaged mu mary cray who woe lb her- rury contest for this ee left with tb party for bar afternoon tbay will be gone for two weak nd great round of sight seeing lu store priced bare received a paper from china tb oiber day giving detalu td tbe murder of the utlu eon of bv r o joultf miss to that faroff und tb party wee p to it dtlaa in a bonne boat when they w attacked by chlasee robber the awnt volley the ulue boy wa killed or cox waa tbe only one on board who waa armed during the ngbt rot mr joulfra blaemlf received a award throat in tb area after lb kuung of tb utile boy tbe robber le off leaving o band of tbe mission arise a few day barer tb ugja avnnt mra jouufe gave birth to a baby boy mat mcoana eon of mathua mo- oann of lb centra inn hvemona waa uijuxed 1 n cnllmlon at oocbran- o the 13th lal after tbe aenldanl ad to the near s boapital which waa awvernl hnndrad nslbja away ham botb lag were amputated in to save in ufa word wai wtradto idafalber i left for bl tw boy m and brothe left next day they ran tbe hnapllsl after tn rarnltnre aad dneoraucan f ihnerage there am tb fly ma whs maajpejat tb rope at tbe mp f th theater hemttng and lowering irit d ake rabdnx bad 6apptmg lb enr- bdn the natural babttat of the y awn m on plat form p to th tm amejr rt above tbe atagaw and whan not etherwm amployed tbay have the dateoocerttac habit of undtmy awanp- lag nd playing card than that are th elect rtctaa and ale neabdaatn wbaan fc m to cpnrato tb llghta th bnm of lb ragnbu- amir hi who nsually infeat lb atnea trjaoa kugenta mbmmbwubmwawtmwagh cawaal jaba and apoaadag npan tb fiitto stocktaking barf dins mens and boys enefs of linoleum ends of oilcloth ends curtain material lacheswinter jackets ladies separate skirts oris winter jackets suits and overcoats in all the above departments we are closing oat lines at iricesyery rnqch berowthcvaroerihvcsodir henderson co mill st xxxxxxxxxxxxxx actoa oat cii0ick t tzz tool and valuable pi tm laaaeaai bakery andj baajn a comndttea of biveetkmuag aemm- tmta approacbml a lady madam anfd lrolmanr prewte tbe spoke n otrerlnk bar a magaw- rent enryaaatbemum or rare and lovely madam prrmlt us to prent tbla ewer to yon a n token of oar ugh ra- ard the body bought back by th baertbrofcew latocred la th laaaity plot at ountie in connection with th above lb grand trunk beltway ctystem will lu round trip modrjkm tlcfcata to point in manitoba saskatchewan and ajberta each twasdey maren th to mth inclusive vu chicago and st ivul the return fax to winnipeg u iarjtf and wnootm ksuml propur- tlaoate low rntos to o point in manitoba saskatchewan and albert llckeugoodroroodaya the grand trunk pacuk railway h the ahortaat nod quickaat rout ba- twa wionjpnaaaktooa kdmon- ton with smooth roadbed electric lighted sleeping ear and enparb dlw log cvaervfoe throngh lha uiwt ooat plctario and auoat rapidly dc vvjoping mcum of wtev canada through tlcknta om and raaatvahou wad by all grand trank agent cou do mora than by train now la op wlnnlpag to bagfaa torklon and oanora seek alao to oamroa mirror and tmaonj alia tw rent via objoafp le wa attnta uvaooa m aaany urge plttm the annlveraary ee at suoam methodist obnrch ut swnday and monday wre in u renpeet and bav mr curk and hwco- workers tbar mw aanefa gr wlth the re- jta tbe co wa fortunate in curing bav j brae hunter b ju of toronto aa preaeber for th oeoa- pation lib wrmonn both morning anil evening war able axpoaltlon of gospel truth and were highly apprecia ted by tb large congregation which nblad it may faea matw of aanefa intnreat to then who beard rev mr hauler to learn that at the baeat- ing of th fummtive or albert oobage belwrae uat friday ha waa aauetod aa vloaprlndpal of that worthy ineti- tutlon theoloby f r oburkwn ewng with apbj a voma and melody and war much appreciated mr curk baa euperior talent aa alagi of gospel eongs the dnnlv uurtejnmat an semper on monday veuing attmeted on ttmery addrsaw idriivered by bav o o draper j a wilson acton and tb the methodist choir mag several authasa with epjnjld effect andquartallnsnnd bofoa by members of the ohnlr were also re re to lb m pleasure of the awueuce mccatchaon of oepriago abo aang and redled with anucb accrpt anoa tbe ire served by tbe ladlr at the clove waa enjoyed bar uiy bend braathhwaiy th bow banmirol it p aha ahswamd what an exqnfadt abade of parpml i ra to bav a dram of thai dr prewtoa nodded knowt to lb c an it in any 1 told yon ac- nwarfckwa ft as betarcatmg to record that th rat crafting of a pecan tree wan ac hy a negro aktr and km doabtfttl whs tbar any other ammhar of irer pa aa tea to thb country thai u no atgnal fa ha latportono in uatf antobkv tb alar ardasmarof tama- pboro j boman of jffttmia grarad ahriaaa tree of th varmty that bt now known an tb cantawaku h 4abw aw to grafting 110 otfaar pan and unaw war tb only crafted nul tram la amarlca bafbr uatl-archl- bald ihrtudga la outing w are enjoy lug a rear mora day aukjthlog again a nnmber from bar autaetdad th at suoam on snadaj fl moeauy mr waaler hurray u nukla pre- perutloo for rmuodalllng bu bam daring th coming annn mr and mra w vannorauan and mu nora and mlm clam inla of guolph spent the weak and with fr here theprapir way iwlahyca wouldnt growl an touch dared tbe wife an eraraa why abaaldat i grdwl when tb mesle are aar totortad the hnabaad ton took m from the otngn to b yearsrif 1dld tba if yon daapprcr of tb way i play the part kindly a approval by banana of 1 city journal advance display of tiienyir suits in the latest spring fasliions here yon wfll had sefcded for yow approval aa advaaoed dbpaat of the best aad most aporotcd styles the most hulavkaable aad srfloeablc mattftekaad tae brno tumfk of titctoott art in assembling this advance display of new spring salts we took particular care to weed oat all that was freaky and unreliable in style fabric or workman ship we searched for styles that were new distinctive and chic yet were wearable and had the oil approval of the highest fashion authorities and we band them i we searched for the latest handsomest and best wearing and we found them 1 we looked tor workmanship above the oixlinaiy fcjr snootji pfaiect fittingprnienta tnd found them too the natural result is that oor collecuon of new spring suits will be unsmpassed for style quality and variety even if you have ho intention of purchasing your spring suit just now you should not ail to see this advance showing come and learn of the new ideas for spring see the smart and distinctive styles rvkfaor auacf saturcuor ura lh baat days of thw raanortohrjat snto hurry tf you wamt torohr bfg anrbagt rvtomrmnajw from s127s to so200 at s127s 1soo and 1voo wrw ajrw thowtnf meas ctothkir a e macdonald bros cor wyadkae aad bacdoadl streete guan 0nt dreugmds notice to imtmwmmr mt t n oasrmv naisk awyawdm- a rajnwa trial ef wealth wiui dceaat elway bring ban- plnearamarkad the youngster with the tars apertactea m amarted lha othar kh hlcok at ma cooaln ycadar hav got i ronta and be rant dechm bstwe to cm poet t twoaera are born gamhle tbalt la rather it hi true- allahty few of tbnm bo r wilting to marry rjauy brother m mkbg am ay than b can apsnd awmaatffaitfft aaworkiagy uiwm mlt- holdup watchmakers vou have tb privilege of having your repaired by a atnedavod competent mechanic von dont have to take my word for it my credentials tbe opinion of former employers are bare for year nepecuoa w h foster gagtowa oatarto j toaoht antkaio eliiib bshasl a the h aoan tturm w cawada grand trunk ivmv homeseekers- excursions tbeoommoa peo get tfckntageedfcrco day pro- pcftmaato low ratoa toother point la majil saakmtcbewan aad albert ty wreak taataa hallvay m tiailliiiiinilsilihiii mam h auaapaakawaabawabm ammaahaumamniisl ethst m nvnmw mhltis as uw itasalvrmai rasmsar way i new aaaena omnalrraea j ebtahv notjck to noaobiahweerp 1 deems v r elmnulmiwi daiel la alihdsy at v and atow frfthaionrawy lauid psban aad be enow of ut saturday baa brigfatecmd thing op and farmer taking th meet una of it mr albert modatahaoj ha illautwad of ida farm to mr matte sutton lor in thallawr la tha anhool ham on monday on tog to mhw gray autor leaving for bermuda ittoect tochmnaa lha ayatom of luaml and whato snallnr in th borja arttl mr hm i the baat s upio pills ak auaeml raabanl geaaa or the maj piu c octawaanevpnt- v i to make lire a bunk the canaafaadhnrdered liver tha cur dr morses indian root fill they tpiifct to the root of the trouble put taavver right dcanm tbe ntom- aaadbo char tbe toue aad utenaarythabhur taatc from th awjaga at tha hret eiga of uomms- dr motno india- root pills t of douar ynrly oowmaruv apparal lant much uka urn at hvr of har aa who didnt care a ftg imfforemtblng- having tnorivwj a urgej atook of punlramouulagsof i am prepared to nut ftaaalagrnaatl- at raaaonahu prleaa s otmbim mill stroat a tjotion sale paiim stock imilb- mjbnt8 bto the uuderalgned has received tnatruc- tlcaa froni a- n orkb to sell by public auction en hla premuca lot fifth liar brio on wadnancuy march oth 1013 at un oclock sharp horses a team of draught borma 4 aad a year old aorrehi a brow draught bar years old a 3 year old draught reading a s year old draught cell yvmr aid draught coll a brood mare la yean cowsked cow due way lath grey cow due april ilth roan- cow d-xprft- itlbrad cow do april join red cow due march ayth red cow due october 3rd sstaeni rising a years old a heifera rising a year oldt a ateera rwn t year old baifar rising i year out fall calve j beef cattle hogs a urge yorkshire ow dun to farrow 8th april a small votkahlr aow do to farrow tat april shkbp s lekeater ewta a cm bred oxford down wa all supposed to be with unb fowl a quantity of bens a pair of implbubnts mccormlck binder ft cut j mccormlck naowar ifccor nick durdrtn new paler hamilton col- llvator a low wagon a in tire a high wagao of ura a market wagon a act ofhob aloigha a new cutor a und roller a dpx a act toltoa liarrowa fan ming mm a set maooib acalea a pleory powe ne at on new a aouflur a frost wood borea take turnip aowar lbarrow a tolton pan h a boat a stone boat puaks awgar knttlc and other articloa too nainarou tomantiea aooaautyof bay far aau and nlao qnaastyofaaia a jfajatla crjp paracn ffaajn- w6e metropolitan bank head oihea tpnato 0l owiw rmi tim joint accounts are a great convenience for parmer otfpokita or witbdraweia can be made by husband or wife in earner death ov either tha money may be drawn by tbesurvlvor without lomef time or tnnecmnajyua procedure acton branch fowl i f0v wknti auc nudl luill ir sitxa t a halsted manager j agi mr mart mwpit 19 mmj jg pbinghjb l isnowteady for yonr watch and clock repaira prompt- neadand good workla what we strive fojgure nicklo alarms pat id thor ough good order new for scents cristas oturpr on i7i j j ajjctiol ifaltm btookij mbnts ft tvhje the undaislguod baa 1 by antfua kalth to u auction on totso coo 5 a pbid ay rcbrtjartl t one oclock harp tbe fi hoksksi bay horeo sorrel ytorae ix yaara old j cattle- 1 pouedcov frenh red cow 4yeani spotted cbws yearardne mj row cow a year old 1 fat years eld i frrcy steer old 3 hellers rising urinr calves a calve v hogs 1 brotxl sow don i j pjaa j months old fowl ehena 1 pair f illplkmkntii bnutfd uaxwell tuovcr noxon 1 ploury plows cultivator 1 aenraar a stone beau bay 1 itgoo top baggiea 1 airbohsulgha cutter chi mill set of ncaloa sooo lh bay rack wagon 1 ektvuftion laddar b with rods quantity nwgh 1 lumber set alngle harnw harnem mclott cream be kettle s wagon tongues 1 trees a neckyokra iso bus seed oau 5 too c bushels of turnipa furniture gurncj ihunloiou orgau a bet leather couch leather r table chairs a rocking cbi boards kitchen table butter bowl fruit jem too nurneroua to nieuuoavl bverythlng quit be said ftfl 1 ranted iuu the proprietor tbrms op salkau a dollars and under caaht amount nine raenlrueredltoavl kdnt oolea five pefoant fowl bay grain audtaroipr rj r j d rami clerk c lily rv r f5wissplpw7whrawp