ftbt jutmr jfm rs rmrnsday perruary tj iau nnr it but qoicni betty bolter bought hhm butter but she u thw tauter itliivr if 4 pot u ia my better it wttt mkmrktlmullr bttl mtof better bmirr v wui bat asehe say ulur uu o she baawjs a mi o 1ml ir ilmur tbsa tbe bitter hmr aad mdi bar utur batter better ho tvm iwufr butjr bxtr bought a bit of better bullar there i m that will do mart- read mid a be uld mid bu uun n that be wu ut be hoped fervently thai mr mexweu bis latin tmcur would nor uk bin to give llw ooaatroclloo of evrel word which were used u lb last in rather a prtrr t- bat ror all that be cnaoldored ba had hie mm wall mma and tbat ha u reedy to tarn hunttnnlioe to hi awtsnetry tart andkpwuwiammtaia uttw lb mil day whew mr maswell falling to igtw with blm that ba bad hi latin liaun well hmhiiii gave bias a itnrar mark than ba t hooch t ba ba oglil to ban a month or bo later bntrandc bad thoroojtblt enjoyed bu mi trsielag work at th btgbncbool aat kio that mmm evident 1 la tha rapsotad i tha caiihi t that- hut am ernn and what otber glvaf l tha uibaorlpuon la when w paid only etz douara a weak for mom kiji of faalp thai now eoati van ttsomua ufltaibultw pay twenty 8 v we go 4foot wood thi cord and it u now vs and on and ao forth would you tmmaider t good reaanne for lh advene in tha prio of the paper f nvr look ad that war at it but eertaialy oonvloclag iw befu tha w pay twa cathere mm at the dialog labia was lob a birthday gift and ao to ba bnhkad by a eartain day a tha uaa grew abort and tbar waa atlll a good daal of work to barton a dactread 11 hla haata heeana ratal a and on day la a aalatnfce la s on off th plscae that war to form tha of dm chair it wm auob a llttla n only a fraction ol an inch tbat bartramt wondered if it would siot do aftar all it will haveo do tbata all r ha i i at another piece to bar and if i dont wm this i cant ft th chair dona in uaa i dont beuev it will make and ao ha maj the piece that ha had eat a uttla too abort it didnt malt a st damj off dlflvrsnoe joat enough that tha chair did not aland onlt inn orataady aside from that on defect it wa wue i chair that would bi a to alt in if it bad only etond fires and true bert- mad bad felt proad of hla work a r bjit now bla plaaaura la watt h had don wm apoilad fay thli imp atf aval uii that howd ao plainly instead of offering bla sift to bla la prondly ooraclonc that ha bad dew a good piaea of work b had to pi min it with an apology for th h fraction of an inch whan tha chair bad bam in taw two waa or ao it dlaappeaiod front tha dialog room on saturday bb lhs and whan it was pat back lo ita plena at night it oo longer wabbwd- vat atood strong and true an booaat plana of work of which nny boy might haprood wall wtur bla father aald in niaaa anrprba aa ha aaaiad him what baa happanad lo any ebslrl it ebsnda aa etaady aa any chair in lb i took oat that lap thatl cot a buia bit too abort and pot la n on thatuu rlgm aaagtb- bartraod w awn proodty u yonva going to aaa famitnre yoor got lo hr it jna4hgbtoritan failor i thottgbt that lag woom do but n thing wont do la woodwork unhnw itv righu staea hla a with tha chair bartraod has baaa hwa ready to throw aald hi achoal hooka when b baa olypmruylmnmhulmaoo the ant uaoa be tried ii any lag to hlmaair igneaathat win do- there flaabad tntobk aalnd hla own word a thing wont do in woodwork nnhwa i fa right and ba eoald not help aeeing tbatlf loot do ja woodwork lb i it would not do anywhere alee mu itr ut inuc mil tw ie tail of th cry coaunoa ah th body may be yatraa la all opwt on account of ttr tronblm and worry which tail to lbs lot of one who ha to look after the trouble inddeat to fciiiininam and when w uw the heart ia aw catretrd in uitburn heart aad nerr puu m combined a trcalnml that wio ciue all lorma of nan lujrandfarihiei to au ura wav bauta ivrra nora wt- eritrn i wiah to tall yon that 1 bar iliienil nerra h1w hanlly hrf aajr- u dm until a neighbour lohl m lo try your alismnie llenrt and krrre rhua 1 apt thro bosaa and did not have to aat any aaera aathey eontplrtely cural toy aerrom ajralrm kltlburna heart and ntm him ore for aale at all dealer or awilrd dirrrl on trreipt of prior 40 eenta ik htrt 3 bow tot it as tha t unburn co limitad totooulj onl castor i a tkn kind vcu ilnve always beenrkt and whtch tam one for over 30 xw ha borai th elgnnluiii en mod baa beon matlonncusr hla pn- 57 oeud awportlalon tnofi urn lateaiey- stcca aiiowmoruitodftrmmyonlatfcm rftdta iinhnttonn mwl jiuun good are heat atwpaetmbnt than trioej with and tan th hualfll aw what is castoria la a bnnalemi saheiltntt fbr cnator ob far orifl irop and rooialae byrups it hi iwnamt it cawit nniuior opium morphine nor otheur mareatla rmamaaofi iu c l ita rauanlm it dftatroya whom and alia j vnttrrlahnnaa it curd vmarrboca ami wind ooue it relloroa teething troablea mrra fmiallpatlnw and klatulnny it aaalmnatra tbo food rrerulatca ta btoaaach and itowrda giving healthy and natoral air rip van childraa inaaoea t atofhora aicad genuine castoria bears tho signature of always pat moommm aojumc pal baa always breo otlabrated th world over for hla repartee aad h did not ball bla reputation for eaaart retort quite recently it ha that a warahlp toocbed at a military port on the eoaat of irev 1 and a tommy niaatlag a full bearded iriah tar m lb atreat aeo edhlmwlth her i my fat when are yon going to put tboaa wblakara of yowr on the re am a lb t h juatm eoon a ever yon place your tonga on tha civil llat i wm the qolek reply the kind you have always bought in use for ovetr 30 years ub bumrefwiteus mm wllaoa 11 wlekaoa avaj teroatn aaya abent roar year ago a earn apot appeared on the right eld of ay face tela apot lacreaaad hi ana eat it baeaa abent half an taeh la dlaaeelar aad very palafml i went tn m doctar ant tha ointment h gmvn wm did aat have any good etect- the aore aaatlened to dhv charga freely and wa aoet pajafal i had it enntorfnad tried pealtma and all kinds of salves bat it waa a senapt of bsavvak was on day greaa to wa and i ased it ahhoagh th nor the trtuta waotf i tha common people get have your nsonay and the arar you will never regret ll hlaep la the great reatorer and to be deprived of it i vital loam whatever may ba the 9 it indlgeauoo nervoue d raa or menial worry try ooona of ivrnmdeaa vegetable 1111 by regulallag the action of atoeaach where tha trouble ilea they will restore normal oondltlona and healthful ateep will follow they exertaeadatlv rorce upon the hai and wbara there la unmet they brii astagiasavbsk thia weeks 1 aaw that it was got- to heal the pern in ana than rem pona 4onarrea a man in lachlae by ibe naam moon got aurrlrd and that wa ch of th moon indue time hit wue praaaated him a daughter then there was anew lloon theo be went 4ewn town and got drunk for joy sad that was a foil mood i when be start d boats he bad only sb orals sad tlnu was tha last qosrtar hla m met him at the door with a rolllag pin and thai waa children ory foi arrcbers tta3xora ttt popl tat an irishman with a very thick head of hair wae nan day the oentor of a ring- of kngluh faroar who were ndnsvorlag to crack foke at bla ex- wby h one- of- the yon barest n heed of faslr use tack of hay ah ratamsd pa narnffled that la joat what meealf was thinking that aeeoonu lor nan having eo tnany asmsaroond ear hv aw tha man who baa the nerve to any with all you against me i know i am right and tola way auoke till tha cows ooom boase save ma from the fallow who takes a little pd- vatfhare and a htus there and a lltua grate of hla own jodment making a wn miaaaggafliumi with lb p lnm palsiag au noloce of lm form 4wgaajjwai h oriaae- aald the rector io lh aafi on tha flmhj burning before qhrlatasas thu naaalng wa i know a lady tn the east of the dry whose hssbsmd ssffercd for years with an opsn sore on his aa 0m my reoantamndatioa aaavbak was tried la that case the other day when i eav her she told me that it had healed ths sore cemplstsly sfy danghlsr whs lives la i-eth- fftidre alta has also seed zambak with the same nusfeetory resnlt i think it is bevoad all dbabt the asest hssllwg balm known sneh la the oplskra of all peraens who have really triad zambsk it la a rare care for eenaus piles alcars acalp aores ring worm cats barns nenlds braises and all skin injuria and diseases itc box all drscgtaui and store or poet free from bsmbak co toronto far price in case of akin disease ass siao esmbnk soap itc ublsu the moon sffecu the lids and many young people who wiah to be cheapest of all oils oooaldsring the curative quail tie of ir thomas bcnwtrlcoult u th cheapest of all preparations offered to the public it is lo be found hv every drag at ore in uarmoa rroni eoaat to eoaat and all country merchant keep it lor aale so bains easily procurable and ex tremely moderate in peace no ons should be without a bottle of it if the atove pip has fallen down put up the pipe wash your hand aad reaa jamsa 8 f several mnltlmimoaelre bars re ceatly been msrrled to young actress- a a young jrtr njusf nnsds be an aotremto makeoee of iboa mumiy bags b r haurnmis rest love in ischsnge for hla nttfay jncra iinsalm f repple wrtbi mtiu aomf aaon dyspepsia it is ons of warn arsvrjeat ttoabhal of ttvllund life and the poor dyepeptie esnoot jrrcn enjoy p daatvwuboatdtetrbas- log altar anacfafcr a swr t that a aaajk vanaw atonaeh acta a bordoa blood btefjba will tloa of the aalrvs sad gsstha lake to fnwittlc i dlnmljiag iwaiiantdfty and hhta dlgar4kmiwaaia navdtty and a lb naunrmhas rsl draeis bsbert b benjfam wrui have used rdarooek on the anhjeet o iadlm home jwnal ml i trtc bottk alwra ao nocrnrrmfwi i beasbi tm nana and an idle rums oever apeode much lime in the office of a busy iwen luduoed by asthma the constant strain of aatbnwv brlnga the patient lo a jsrendful alate of bopelea elhsuatlimi karly use abould by all nam be mad of the famous ir jf o knllofpa asthma remedy which more ll eay other acta quickly sod surely the air passage and bring bleaaed help and comfort no horn wfa asthma i present in the least degree should be without thia g rest remedy child re ri cry for fletchers o a s t o jr i a a k ass preacher sayewoman wear bsloe in heaven instead of bat there is ao longer any doubt among men folks about heaven being an ideal lace wins sod nsperieoeed mother know when their children are troubled with worms and lose no time in applying millers worm powder the most efferhlvevernilfuge that can bs used it is absolute in clearing the eyatem of wot ma and restoring tboaa healthy condition without which there can bs no comfort for the child or hope of robust growth it le the moat trust worthy of worm exterminator a arouth wa idem the friendly leland of the houtlt seas are deecr i bed as an erthly kden the nstlvm bsve itolhlng tn do but catch hah gather fruits alng songs aad groat fat th woman are vary beautiful but a trine heavy weighing between xso and 400 pounds when n white man goes there to live he has to depoalt gfio wllb the oovernmnu if be live a decent life thia money i re turned to him at the end of two years if he make trouble the money i ono- luc snd ba is deported thi bjiiohtbov want a situatloo aa errsadufiy do you r well can y bsvme bow for ibe moon le from i be earth f well air i dont know but reckoo it aint close enough to inter fere with me running errand t fell away to a shadow u ha has tacu m hti coisimptroi mrs wm uartln lorer hhip harbor bast nj1 writ- i am anling you r t of my cure fay lr woodv konrsy pum hyrup li may i took a old and u anllld on my urn i got ao bad x could not row si night i had two doctor to treat me ihii ant no rrttef ah of my people thoujht i had ooasurnptjoo i had fallon swy to a shadov i had given up all boprs ol vox getting betler again until my daugh ter went to a store one day and bought m a bottl of i wooda norway lin syrup afm taking half of it i fejt beuer ao i got two bore and thanks tc them i am weu today and sole to do by nousd work i cannot amy too much in its praise and i ahsd always keep it in the boose lb- wood norway pine syrup con tain au the hug healing virtue of the fsrnoua norway pine tree which makes il the vary best preparation for oouahs gold and an throat and lung troubles ow that yon get dr woods when yoanav for il there are many trait s- a on ths market i prion 35 sad woeots ee that lbs name the t mubtae os xirnited ia on the yeuow mother of large family tjb how she kcp har heajth happirsena for ltto who take ha- a4wie bcattvuk mich- i want to tan yon laaihboodlytlirphjaismlia saasuvev aomrb lureona fsjw snd have worbsd very hsrd i am fortyflve years old and am the mother of thirteen ctuldrso many people trunk itatrangnthatlam not broken down with laud work and the care of my fam ily bat i tell them of my good friend lydls e plokhsma vegetable corn- pormd and that there will be no back ache and hearing down pain for them if they vriu take it as i have ismscsrosty ever ahthontftn4be boose iwmsayswothsti think there s a to be f oond for young my eldest daggbtor baa takm rojajvagitahla cam plaha dndfnrrniruuparktda a endltrnahelpodbcr i am always randy ad wlittn to apesh it goodword tor lydm pfak- hama vegstabi oorapouod i uq every one i meat that1 owe my beshh and amtooutwondarfbrneracin jq joatmow brattvltle mlcfa bpixa lyduk rniumaaa vaeabjuas oraa pound toads from native note and brala- a talna no lawootamoybsjrraftddta kaavbiaijptbafaot t the ht paul man who alerted fnrtydsy faat in sn attempt to prove that hla mind waa superior to bla body loet out a mat who would attempt aucli an e peri men t lissnt any mind to start with a safe 1111 tor hntterera there plllv ibal violently purge sod oil ihe atomsch and intestine with paii parmeleee vegetable in lie are mild sod elloetlve they are purely ae- table no mineral purgatl irig into their oomposltlon aitdlbalr effect la eon thing and beneficial try thera and ibe convinced thousand can attest their great curative quail ties beeaure thousande owe theli health and strength to timely uaeof thia meet excellent medicine children cry for fletchers o astor i a his borrowi ha oafaoitv a well known hut broken down de troit newspaper luan who had been h power in bl days approached an old friend the other day in the inratehsrt- raln 1141 and aald what do you think t i have juat received tbe prise insult of my life a paper down inuuoclr lndoffoodme tin you call that an insult f not the job but the salary offered me i3 a week wall aald the relet id twelve a week is better than nothing twelve a week thunder i exclaim ed the old acribe t can borrow more than that right here in detroit de troit kree pre they tulle heckwear laea cttara owtsida f cast wlex nvetty there is im arllrt or n nrjr of drees naora fasriruiilac than the tutl were wear thai la ao fashionable juat thera are mnuaswsbl wars la wbkh tnu ea be made up into dainty frilla pvatty jabola rallars end mff tar wear with plain or fa ory er over nor dm piece froefca atreat aenta i- la prance all fine nets are enow tulle neckwear need not be i et no parunshw net bat i well lr 1 on imiiii iheoi glrla aets snd tulles known aa waterproof wblrb sjmjy turalta a alrimisrr fabric that will wit bat and roiwldersble mount or uiniidna even align welllnrr and wtilrn wlmn darruaswd allchtly ran lie pmteetl lulo fraahnaea ao in by nwn of a warm iron this material ran he lioukbt j tbeyard it 1 not exjmtnlrend provkle a bunv able atwt sllocntttor dnllstil fully oaffy fabric with wblfh to mske all aorta of pretty cnncelln for tvmliilne sdora- mcul 1acn rollers woni outside tbe coat ant one or tbe aeaaonm novelties rutrb a neckpiece la seen in the illus tration colors for babies whit cetans aeeeelatlew with ten le hta oaad uurti or hie irttlaueneas and peer- abuess of bolikk anil vouu clilldrva rnay hf put duwii lo tlelr nmatsnt ss- aoriatuhi willi list rolor white ilaniah while rrouj your nursetieal bee tbat averjthlnj about the children is colored ejlher breen bluu vf yellow their clothes cots toys nursery wsll pspers end even cehlnssi this atartllnrr co of while was made by a busy practitioner who bt a clever childrens doctor efany nuraerles he aald are deco ra ted like thlsa enow white cot whlla or creamy paper relieved per haps by a fairy tsle trleae white celrins of coura white clothes sad when they go out a while perarnba- lator with a bbiring white bood at which bahy lies and stares it lasneer cruelly it at jest like blaring anvbody on tbe alps where they cannot eacwpe from the r onona dsssllng tutulm of anow apart from tho dlacomrort white is sxtreeaely hurtful to the del lea ba re tina of tbe eves and may perms oently dlsarvaaga tbe ahjht toys cots baby cerrlsge every thing should bo colored never by ibe way a brbzbt red which is even morn irritating than white and nurse ahoold not wear plain white clothes bute gray blue or print dr in abould be worn tbe association of bu all white aaast make baby fnriooa a aslftan aroraopoljarr tw man wre dislng t malplainlou- llml llteir itr li itiusl and iwj tlti hi i llic w r wilh re lontly ut lu kd then ihe new yms trllmne um prtmveds lo lllnstratavkbat a itad uuwiopolv 1 oimi ut hlkw lb ualur if iwd rtiixii lil ttwre waa a young man lulbehou whowenl oa miunur on a vmt some rlalvra in the north on i talurn he bought mil amtlwr yuui man and aald ltuiravaly look a here 1 uiuunuuij that y lfkk auifilage ut my himucs fm town lbt i logo calling u1h llenrlvlta ilniwn voi ar uulakvn ill- lhr i anawrml it la hr bltar cullta llrttwk that i h-v- 1 c is u castoria yor inikau and grdldrea lu uet yn lun alwm iwejtt llaars th uigaator of railroad man hadjolayoff bafl ol tmi ail mil uttjuk nv i have bee a rnllaws ixmkluctuc oo the cpr aad vlfchigaa central for tbe laattfanw jeara i pais in th groie i up zlfvrb with tatei ore back when i tried tn miaats i treated wilh my family for two month c crawf in the ladder bat did not receive any brnrni about that tlnae i h asmbrr railroad nun who had been similarly aflvctnl and wbo bed bera cwnd ba oin flijs allrc having bean given up by a p- abn pbyeiclaaa who tualiil him m dialietc he u mow ruanlng on the rind aad upeifertlyrund heslnmiy advised ma u try un ltlxs whi ll i di with tbe reault that lb pain hlt me entirely frank s iii 50c a wa s fut jjs sample if you wrilo ntlfnal ilvuv and cltmunl co u cuu uaatted toronto i j7 the grand fri nk raewav pamknokh thaiha t z i v xsae bakery 1 marriage may ait har form onev cbsnictrr or reform it hweat and paiatabl uotbarfiravn wttrm kataieulnator le aocvpialile in children and ll diiaa ita work aurrly rul paotuptly aaunuu uuunrmatiuu uuniinuuuuaaaaauauuaa we thank you ifor your patronage during irjia and wish 10 increase our acton shipments therefore for a linrt lime only we will shre hall jpur usual profit with you and offer you this month our special seven room outfit n electric fixtures com plete with shades for the hairraising price of these fixtures retail regularly at 1500 special prices on other sets all this month a dainty tea tray a novel snd moat economical way to makn n pretty ten tray was discovered by a gtrl who u tory clever with bar wits and iter lingers 8 be first pur chased for 40 cents s large oval pic- tare frame from a eecoud baud atom aaeniins a very good bit of natural old woodwork then with u bottl of stain eotno sandpaper and a little var nish aha pollahed up ibe wood to look like new then sere wed on two brass tvlltai one at each end afterward tattlay a piece of pretty cretonne tbe bum alas nstibe glss ami mating it aaamthly where tbe picture would ordinarily go covering it with tbe boards that beloru to the frame tack- d securely lido lilnce thrt eutlre back than being covered with a piece of felt when she coupd herself poascased of a awet fetcblng tea tray which la the ahooa woakl cost from so to x56e guelph electric works geo e b grinyirof co props i i8wlkrkilsuk culrk ot uuauuunuuuuuuuuunnaauuuunnadaaaaauanmhmmham sthe merchants bank of canada hvawy iwrsan wl receives and dsya oul money ahoald have e cbwiaing accuunl laymcnl by cbetae is the nwal practical con venient smt salast tnelluxl of handling all -tt- iraaakcliona whether ol a bualaea or poraooal character tbe relnra of cancelled cheoea are voochera for every autn naldoul they show what dbv borss have bean niada and lo whoa deposit are received by ihte hank sahrocl lo chequ withdrawal we pay lb rant attention lo small deposllora as wetloilrafeoraaaadeacoersllaaven interest allowed oe ail savlnga acooanla 1 yearly total assets 8i8ew4 f a maclean acion branch uiiin urc quality r cakeu v cakhh uyhthlfa attlfilii- conclctlunfllv call todiy t statham son bakers arwi grocers mtain sl acton your chopping will be done quickly and well on cither plates or stones if taken to the rockvvood chopping mills llour oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices harris co manager oeuulnld beta in fancy celsrs toilet sets of fancy celluloid are ao much id vogue that nsw ones are con stantly tn be found one of tbe new est is of deep purplish blue and trans lucent it may be had perfectly plain er ornamented with silt it u really very costly aheii the material of which it is mad la considered por instsnce a pair of military brushes aslla forslfluo almost tlie price of olid silver- all the usual toilet pieces uay be had in lti act a similar set sot quite as dear bt to be bad in am ber color vvben stuffing turkey after stufouc n lurkey or fowl do hot aw up he opgulng luslcsd insert wooden tooibukka nod with a trine of mag or alout thread isre lack aui forth over the opening when tbttblrd fa roaatsd allp out tit tontbokks and with them the airing the openlag will be crosodand no urnugbtly msrtji ft to tall bow lb trick was dona ve ovmrauianlria wliero have ynubeeu alary ann t rtve bean to ihe ulrla impruve- mrntulaas insam wa the nialda te- v well and what did the curate eay toyou did you tall him who your mistreat we r give nolle ail intended buf that i waa to oonsldcr you aa mybnrdso and hear il i vvay abouldnt wonra hsva soff- rage we let men vole wno cant ulk the bngtish language snd refuse lb bsjiot to wntnfa who esn talk enough for au of a i thsre may bs other oorn ouref but bolloway corn oojprj atanda at the bead or ih llat so tux aa resulta are concerned suffered with a lame back could mot ttwuohtipi p uany people fail to undcnuaodthe stgnrflcsnee of nbune weak aora or acalng back wbavurmkrbeacvtmconieswcak it la a warning that the kidneys arc affected in some way heed toe wsrnink cure tho back snd duposo of any chsneca of acrious kidney trouble following- mr c orscc hamilton onu write l was mflering wilh a lame back am two wfcka waa not rdaptosttrdrtitcn wannest kind for cold weather tougher korsehidc will never be found because the beat in used or storeys gloves and gauntlets and yet die skin because carefully tanned by tike chrome made ptiublr miuiring extrnordioarv process wear resistance waterproof arid the best working loves on the sold bt dorcs insist on storey u aotujura sr vjcw 1okoniu canaos g symons baker rd conrectioner sole uakara of vam acton pork pie wfecllun llumonuule bread ry our toe utdlara iruli cakm our lolf iastry is ikellcloua assoilmanl of cakes and iulry tmh every day all homemade wedilini awl huihday cake a specialty ileclloaery muts kic j oltukrs illillvkhki willow st aoton nnanuunt aeiiannnn e flour uade kr the jumi gouu ce llallad geelek oal for bread n iip to- walk sad hardly able to ail dosn fnr the pains in my back bipa and has 1 hsdjusod dilterrnt klnda of ihwa piss ten nnrry rtlb and decided to try them irary nib find hewa- bsjhlfew uasd i au a arc i lo try t ildt b daal better and by the time 1 had uatrj two bona i was cured i ruvenobeis- thaa ha dosna kkfanry met co am pat fcos or jj buns lot 9ish at au dcslcfsvpr mailed direct or consciemtioys plumbing heating wnorbmythwltftus to the contrurywc make u the most imiortant factor so if you favor us with your patronage yob will enthbsiastically endorse u wkmadrbrvmlfjr fred smith plumber qoebecst fttjilp phone 337 snowdkirrliins uui itnt rcoplestllluntli floor uafle ler- iuinilolliir for pastry u dictatok kamlrea 1 sltoiinlti uiatafthor klotl lkbiwfcouu- 1 1 cmmj h utstatiumtt son aoton p tf jasclark gaortfalown wlawaonstawarttown twa h waun rockwood b scientific flmalcaa a en t 5 littxeibeiraurii l comhlrlns ask for our 1nvkn- tolirrlatjvlhicltwidchwiltbeaantfies hariom a sfaiuon m4 unfveralty st montreal- i