Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 18, 1913, p. 3

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hbhdquhrtbrs tha 1luco t 1 o lluy youi ii 1 la luuu llltl u in rr 1 ui 1 11 11 u tm l uu 1 111 il lu watihr j crviatf wl kiifuii ihi1 1 iv lai i in glio hynds aotoh omta lo real khtatk rm lr alr in unllaai ri wrdllaxgtaau ioo rrm lr xale every uwf if yu wm rm rril ho fr ratalngne r ii yam wink ll r irluuutc writ mr w have nery lawluty ier tiamaarllaui amalnra i ywr eetaaplotn malurartlam t err-e- atondmre hucilrd j a nillocchbv vmrm hilling riatrxlnlut torfftwii rxljc jvrtott jttc jrcss thuiihdav 1 fuuhlt ih iui i nlws of local import ibo men books meal hsmiu wuhcommmltuaaipedhoo mu tuipin ulmkiunoriuarluu p ii rnry ha completed lb tlai lllea tn and cataloguing of lb 1w new luiuee selected week of ago by the hook oummlllm the kuppleinen lary catalogue will he latued klur- iuy avettiug and lit iew hooka will be available nll monday aveulng jiwum jokbmob raturoa lo kfajtoat r j a johnaloo i trafalgar hu taoelved word lhl in brother julloe t c johoalme of lb so aue ehirl tit emeheudewan he tendered hie reelgoallon lo the ui ulemf jnatlieun account of hlbeellb ii- ovlll m retired on kuperenouetlon ami will uioit likely rtum l lb oakville dlatrh i to uiki liu l u- eubdwji opm wlotv two clt of repute wool owl yeetarday fur a rabbit bunt they w muio over a bald wbi lit gree wan julta long hn a full hedged riw hopper jumped u in fron of the oil uf lb umii hi i ckat brllf local itims only a w k till iiux lb- rahhll ho ting on monday fjeorgatown hx a woman ivlc association hlal ci flat in a l devoul- ly wulitd lor uiliaeu are villi ebl lo dig salary in their gardnt the debenture del v of mellon county u hjut rlai iwtimw itooaaa lmva miocum in iuli tiu y- tmd1iu i- urly tl- day uraln la comliik lo m ly acton hslxtola tt clttruuuam holiday liiiirnw altnrooon 101 1 i almoat kio kanaw your krkk lhkkhulrill tof luil norval aillt rv talllf or building a fmlory twua tli nburcli thorn a ihhii kmmi ukatlnff th kwat wk ui oorkraltoi lind akid lalry iako a moving trlctnri iichiim faa of aou ban bwau iwik by vornilowo council htrtfimu llo now 1 1 it atatlon wu hoad u tbii ublui ou tuawuy obeai far4 on tba rallwavk com taanott our lh 2od luart oc ctikialutam holidays oburchllj uuuday hcbool will hold a obrutnlasmiuirujiiuxiot oaxt mon day venlnk the annual lll krloolal houia will ba hnld in tb town ball uhuiur- ww ovauliik knux hunday kahiutl u irr mrloc for lha ukual nnlrtliunt on nw yaara n iff lit canada m oaw mdtc1m jwmt ly protnlaad by lb i mttoaauir gnerl fur january turnloa aro ooinlok in tcly ajln tha rlca haa tmell aa blifb an twauty tmdba thla wank the llaotll hunday hchool cbriat tna ourtalumuit will lm liald oil tuaaday imrd inu tiaorknlown sobxil ututrd ulwoa tha band the u of ona of tha mihool rooioip for batid lirautlca tti uiarchanta olirutmam v dowa nevor upaattd mun utlrao than they uru ibu wk ltativu llyiulu wau mi ullllhi toaaday allundint tb iiikiiik hum of ttj oouoty touooll nu 1u1 l tha rilaman j hall uod hukmr laat friday night wmu ukgly allandal outaldu ni4tm ru tiuiiitiruuu the atn bny dayu iim- tha imwl offlca itfllalau hie mull both lo autl from town am unuhually iiumv tha aptlug ala for llallou will ba bald on tuaday uarch 10b with obui jualio uaratlltli pmldlng itaavo mihira of lh uuorgvtown ilorald bauacidatl that ha will liottw candidal for th itoavnahl for 11 1 k j krr anntloiuar wild tha grain atid rootu at tha whiter ralr gaalph oau aold from 1 im to 1 60 per bushel tha tilglil ww alrni t hgbtm on baardnioaa umwiant wnw turned on saturday a van lug thu jrmianl looka ilk dlffrnt plana now tbadak villa kvcord u how in lb f vaoth- year mr w j klooly tb upatiaruihil at tin hlti tuada ttiu voiilura a auoaom intrtalanfiiluhniio having irtrtwt lafclarboaamtiiatallad hy thti ii mllulon qovtrnnwnl lhal will lw aotima nxb federal ioiitrtivuuiiiul for i hit town mr jaiiioa lotikh imulolml olrk of pari hlaitloy fot hti pant lwunty flva yoara full doad wu bi iim to rd tha mluuttta of tha cmmull on moiuuy wnnlog a hydro wlra on iho outuldu uoilmt of itmiit llghtu aiiaiitid imiiwhum ux and aaviin monday nvuiiing mild thoun atraatu wi conn unitlly without llhla fur i bo mat of tha night mr jcm ii llnyi who i lo th aoltpodua haa klhdly twiiirntlivrtm tin jfkxic i1uw with a copy ofthnlwaull ful cbrlatiuaa uuuibar of thu aunk land nnw zuil waakly nwr li for us inorita or mo till lritttl oppoact lh nw v cllllmt imu bfmil iiumd with building iuatn ui it haa pprbmo rvmovud and ottloor urvy hia olaanwl up all rviuan and thu traat la qulla ptvaontabtu agali ooaof tha unaacaara of fruit that aar ufl onurlo wu ahlpoed by hi mj tt huh from norjuttwo fit rtfloa laat wak lh upplaa warn northern uphrf thit tilghaat ttiallty atiaj wrappad bit4 horalj thaontitgvlllm ucuitvr publubnd a ltto lllualratad nuiiibwr taut week hqwntf many pnltith of lotfiaat and promhiahl individual- of the town utoiig iha tutfcar ro thtt haiidaonin fa4urtaor juunalllor jhoihu a mat ibnwa una of aoton houorad atitm tlm burlington loaal untlnnlata haw qotldad tha aditor of tha fjwiattb thmt tby will not avi lil oulunma turthar during ilhttihinpalgn ihn artlolaa aupiliig thn barroom will oonllnua to aptiar roth partlaa lian hean paylr for thalr arllolaa aa advar tlalng mallr aavao vlar grabtiad it aod dacnl u in 1i olalnim it la a ur big winter doalph ilarald mavy abouab it advlaaullty of aboluhlog ib- iligh khi kntranca ko inatuma and aujiarandlng thla by raporla from ihfl imolala of lb- public hcboola la lha which will mtum u fw mm bldaratlon to day in toronto whan tlii high bhool jluard of hkaiulom will hold a mnrrnr ulll for lha bhcifl0 hirpoaa of bringing thla kiial lr undar diaouaalon an appaata hllalmpal uw an hooorartutm ttf m tor lown clark w it htultit lagaroll ba 1 hh n lnooimu a ndad by aiiajiia cotnuilltaa or tha council on lha flrt of hllanlr labt ur hoi i lb aim pnlal twanly r of airiclanl arvloa aa lown clark i addlllon lo tha hoooraklum an locrraaa in aalary or i par atinuiu u raooumoamlvd to data nun haplaanbar lkt n boyai ana duu jlarafn savaral wya wri out khtxitlng hal urday alurnoou in tha vicinity of victoria hrldga whan una of thn huarfolt by ttatn waa acoldaotally ahol lo lha lft iui tha bullat waa takn oul near lha left ahouldar and tlia lad in galling along twtj nlealy 11a imyu wini about uor 11 yaara ild much lwi young to ba handling ahol una cualph hrrald aooumit on m1u tcawat ontuaday fomnlktll mr alal donald main street waa drlvli mill htraal whan hla bora baoaiua frlghlanad at an auto standing naauf iba cuaoma ufhca with a audd alda lanp ha oapalaad tha buggy m mcdonald waw llirowu out but aaeapad injury tha top and aaat war utrn off and lha tb htra freail hlau froui tha hbaftw and ran up toward tha lot onira whara ha waa caught hy ilunlclp1 oftloar ifarvay bnuaphm ohaaaf r ktaaarai rteaaad oo thurwday night abackttr anthual aatw of i ira in p too wut up to aoum lo play a match with tlayra in that town and hem haatan by flva gatnaa ilia vkltora wara met at lha kuuon hy mr a k nlcklln who aaaortad lhnpi to tha hotel wbare a aplandld upper waa aervad tha nialob attar- warda taking placa in lha hramana hall kvery oourtaay and attention waiahown to tlw vlaltore who war wall pleaaad with lha traattiiaut lhay rocrlvnd at tha hand thalr hoata cnnaxrvator itfworth ibaakiruaa xmu orwwaat a joint inuullug at thtt junior lutar- ii iidluin und munlor kpworlh leagura wahuhl on to dy iriik in lh mf hiulkt hnhoil u loin au lottfnal ilig prograiuntu wi given by tht juniura and luluiinadlatia a lm ubaurlinunl of dull j toyf clothing ilr wau rt ntilliutfd for dutrllmilioi uiuong lha daatllulu child ran uodvr tha auporvljoii of ihr ihwennami ionia i hamilton the white gln f lli acton young folku will bring joy to a largu number of lllll folka in the atubltloua oily tna wardwn dlnnav warden karl enlariahiud l m iieru of thn ounly council the cimn ly official and a numlar of perianal frituula at a banquat at lha mcolbhon loiiit milton at hut turn dual on of county couutill hualneaa on tuaulay ovcnlng tha function wmu a vary iinjoyahla onn and waa a vary fit tlnu ihnaa to lha long municipal oartrnf warden karl in mlllon town council ltixivn llyndd waa una f ihw guttata and apoka in reply to thv toaat the county council many worda of prelaw warn epokan of warden karl for hla rfllcleil uarvloea during thn habzhboroi muundavajtaudlnat a tmiht w4m on lha dimikwl- befor ii 1 moora j 1 on mooday mnrolng in which john ii ihnnait nd wot a murray itotb of onwaona cornora dlaputad thn ownership ur quantity of wodd cut itftha rlglit of way of lha ioronui hubnrltan railway through ihnlk rmpoallvw farm hanunlt pro duoijl a lultwr from flootreotiir mlif i ho allowing thaw hit tfail purchaaad the wood in augiiml lurray produc ltd a loiter from mogliuwr wllkla to the t4fttnt that if the oonlractnra bad left any wuiik on the right or way ha wa qllltn wnlnouut lo have it for clean ing it up when the matter weft rdttreplklhed mr uury willingly agrend to py lor any wood ha had taken under thu mlaapprehanalon and mr ilaniialt put a very laolaut meat on th value of tba wood horn rule foa- ire an llituraallng dahale under tha au- picim of ktiox ohurcli young icoplev mlarfiy hoiilnty waahald on monday itvoiiliig a knan lutereat waa takuiiaa wuu uianlfaated by thu large attend inna rim aiibjfol of dabatn wnh itv holvatl that hntna ibula fur ireland will im or ihit haltttmiaiitoe ihn km hm mth wlinl moaara a j mjto- klmioi and john it krimady aupporl ad lint hftlrinhllva ami lldniil john c de and mr william hunlrr nag htlvit hilh aide gave proof of their ability aadrbaleraaillilt waa evident that ihy had glvwn lha auljaot aiire- ful ttluily wnd wld reading tlin judge wertjmriasr w j x uln ahhv oeojjlurrwy and ale maoka 11ihlrdeclloii wmu fur tha efflroiamve nrt m nday uenlng dr cray will gutf an addrmui on tha life of t boot a ujirlylf putsonal and tvava notls olhanad i urimq thar wbk mr j i weiiuapenthunday wllb alatlvaa in toronto mia il k nla cualph vuitad acton frlaoda uat weak uia lleaale ucuwa of slayner tailed aclon frlaoda raet week mr harold h nlcklln waa botna root torontti tolvaruly fur a week- hi vlll mia uuu hrnllb f toronlo la lilting bar aunt mlaa hawthome main hlrral r lr ilryden of ualph vuilad beraiura mr ale kaoord and ura k nlcklln mr and ura joaaph holm vutad thalr daunbler lit willuoi- ilreutp- oo friday ira jama kirtuook who i atay- lag at lualp at praanl vial lad acton frlaoda during i he weak r rboa kmnai of w log ham apant a dy or hi ual weak al iba aeofmr h j krnkum lr entl mr ii 1 moor ellaoded lha twantutb wadding ennlverar of r atml ura h h uhra torttolo ikrulay a log mr 11 h if intra who waa taken huubly hi i wrak ago l4aa ucb luixovad in baallb and bla frlaodn glad to aa blii aboulagaln mru jo tj orion and babe of ardau uti arrive bar laat w k and will a tha wlntrr at lha ha of her fattier mr jauita hamlerwtn maria htr wedding superstitions mr c h kelwooj an1 maater oharfea who bv b l varal month at llta blmnn uf iter parent mr end mra a k nlcklln ho war avanua lafl for lgary yaa- tarday kflarnoon mr w m mcl otul who haa had charge of a lupllt chuich in qtaalac lite uvat kw mihilho wa a guaat lif uhu il klmla mcikmaldlaalweak mr mchonau la now taking a oouraa in mcuetr cnuralty bomb oukrvatiomm irohahly lu uaand of raadara of loionto evanlng napeva of the mon day laaue of laat weak would y what a fooluh act l not komeihlng much klrooger on wading of the cltl aan who aimed a dido t know it wa loaded revolver around at hla guaata and tbn at him lr receiving imw aver lha charge which waa alter all in one ur the chembare when he laavea the boapllal it would be alrange u he ware noteent to ona n other of lha two well known puulctnemtutlon of the province for a time uutweara developing right in our mldat jual auch a recklaaa kort of kplrlt which home day may reeulldlaaitr ly we are permitting bo ye to babdl toy platola point thaut at eaoh other aod aa plod lha cape thereon kaaulll arising themvalvae now with tl- uaa- leaa puythlnga the aeoaa of horror of tba real thing later on will be deaden ad and inatrumanla that in very few caaaa are at all naceeealry will he a aourcoof much danger through lack of caution larentaahoutd ktrlctly pro hibit tbeui and officer had lea chare should be empowered to vbnnacata and deeliroy thatu curuua cutloat that ukad te a ob j in cnoland kuitanlltuu uavar lliulered round any eowua uf hi more than tbat uf lha wadillag day especially in olden tueu 11 waa cuatomary ror the brio lu iruwdt bar ruiure anabend wllb a buorb of roaemary tied up with rlb- boua uti hla heat appearance on the weildliitf utofului thla waa auppneod tu mctiii bla love and loyalty and to male bar happy roravar tn v rlalilre the old aooenution atui aboanda tbat g more unlucky could happen than for a newly made bride lu leave tba coorcb by a different door fiom that by which an entered anetbet qhalnt custom for which there u bo known origin la that prao- lued id mm of the midland and northern rouuliaa of unadand tbla l to tint a marry peel of the church belle at the oral reading of the banna uf an lutaodlua matrimonial coo pie it la railed the apur peal which in old ahctolleion tneane almply aak or courae tt ta wall known that it la the belsht of luck fo a bride to be to diaam o falrlae tba albl before tha actual coramony ho uiocti waa thn kla ttaluvad tu that tuany glru would poruee fairy taloa befor goin tu bleep ioudoii teiacranh no name for a poet mular waa opea t cwvwi- fd shad the heavy iun cjuciouatua heine wea the bame lliat tha perenu juajuln illller be klowed oil hhu at hi chrialaoltit how the lt ram to adopt i he naina joauuiu uitdar which lie la uulr aalty knoan wa told hy mr charu 1 blllipa fdlttw of tlia bali frauclaoo uoaltur ilhw in coolbrltli of whom ha apaaka la ute callforuu potea who tuut itaeu called tha happbo of the wave tu i87q wben be tame aown from orsu and puulaltl hla tlrat little ttouk of pma artrwnioiminlu bl be twul aliaa coolbrllh or hbt de- tanalaalloa to go to london and win fatue- how lu lha world bhw aaked him mo you aspect to climb rarnaaaua with bach a uanie eat you bavev kill w u ttail enoutili hut clndnnatua uilnala hupoealttlvl hut what can 1 ilov ullier baked ita uiy nam lao t itf why iloa t you lake aoma name that will identify you with co ii for iila alias cuolbrith rejoined lake the name of your drat book i call your- belf jwaiiuin liy aora hi do ur aald mllur and from that day be alcued blmaelf joaquin uular ilady bfeppwl oaaul at dualpn ura fiar t old waterlimi a venue cul4 wl w i her tut gh ullh at ha1 fllonar wih it family ottomtnday dropped dead in i lie et i obtck in ll af tat heart failure waa i be reuae f dnath tha entailer an estate the fewer legal quaallona are involved the october bride la beginning to iilaern a few things aha didn 1 know taalln renaa ua mallwajrw ierey cunnioghani and wallace 1 i ifllapalar who pleaded gull ty aur ihflr arraat laal week to tbrea chargaa of lbefl rom the c if and i and c i it and ul il onlr there were aaob eentanoatl to two year by judge onlaholm o toaaday on- nlngham la a married man of iii and den oh laeingl alntf about m yeare of age -r- jpinbjaibihgaibaimnahbaibi in view of the fervent dlecuaelooa of tha irish home uule quaallolt in hrluln in canada even in anion thtt following observatlone from tha cord of the upper canada aaeeuibly of 112 year ago may be of internet i onmyawh w1 the uul covor- nor imer huntar k ipilre in hu hpatrhln the nawlr eleciid hnuae of 1u nivmlteru am thu itgllallvv coon till meriting lu york hail till par graph l llonorwhle cvntlenien ami cenlleman it with the klneareet plaaaurtt that i announce to you an event uf tba ulmit lnimirtnca which haa lately taken place jnkurope i inean the union of the kingdoms of great hrtlaln and ireland the hrlt- tah nation urn now entirely oonaoll dated and all that aeemad wanting to ta them all that they am capable of being la attained kvery tht og that waa partial everything that waa local every uiuig that could recall tha reool lection that tboa whom nature intend ad were dlallnct is dune away and the btost intimate union la etabliahed on the junteet and moat literal principles qur strength la tneraaaad hyllteina itrougtit to a centre our reeourcee air enlarged hy tha unraaerved ntunloatlou of every ulvatitage la it to be doubted that under tba auaploa of tha auguat atid enlightened imncfl whose wisdom haa projected and whiten paraaverenoa ha aocomp- ukhad thla great event areola the most beneficial will toon be fall which altar d iff tiding wealth and power and ly houfihluluh happlnaui over tha now united king ilouia will gradually a p read themaelveu ihistukh tha mmoleat hranche of the ttuiplw j ne a elalc the late theodore tbonuui liuuralua ih chicago orchestra on tba atare of the auditorium theater hf was disturbed by tba wblatung of al bert llunidge that wall known acaue palnlei- wlto vaa at work in tba loft above tba a lace a few inlnuteej lanat mr tbomaa librarian appeared on the brldiv where mr hurrldgo merrily whuulng waa at work ur thorn compliment bald tha librarian aod be reqoeau toe to atata that if mr hurrlug wlabem to w be will be glad tn dlacontlnn h hearaal tu which mr burrldga irapllad b ly mr florruswa eocapll ma tbomaa and plaaae inform mr tbomaa that if mr irarring cannot wkdeua with tba orcaaatm aet wont wbuueatell- raddng chair blona an obaervaqt atchlaoa woman saya aha can tall from tba way woman rock on bar front porch what condl lion lb bans behind bar u in i lie awaye uck and forth wllb hopuy comfortable motioo plumping both feet down in n relaxed aort of way than every t blue ttltout the bouse u abaolutely clean ami neat hut if bite rocka in little nurvoo rka lap- plutf her feat down at abort and irrecu ur intenau it alsnlfleti that there am unuiade hcd bohlnd bar und lark or unwuahed liulie and duaty ooora atchlaon clobe 4 they all wear twee manager of hho itlora ive trie my beat to attract the women to tbla place and tltay uuiiply wout 04 iceman no woudt r your algu tuoura tlui trade muimir hetwllyi vlt wrout ullli tint kit n hulo manlt hmk the llltr hhou htora vjpplocolt a bandwloh man is old the walking ndt rlluuuunt kuowh u a aandwkh mm la hy no m a modern idea lu uk u proceaalon of man draaaml to ritp runout atraw rov red wine bottle tiaod to parade the street of elorencn italy beinff hired by lb wlnilwenihaula there sz4ojljsls ohmwatone cxrmkh quite a number from hero attended the winter vair in cualph laat weak and report it the i teat ahow yet mr prod crew eon spent buiulay in cuelph mr and mr n mclaughlin of knatchbull vulted friend her on sunday mr llarnlo tavlor la her from haakatcnawan nn avlsll to irunda ur wo orpp br left for mlltoa where ha haa secured a situation mr m cdiwaou of mlllon apent a day with bwmthr hern durlng the week aalxlnatad tha remain of mr john uhortlll who died lu lualph on monday were 1 11 tunad in thn cemetery hern yetar- day afternoon the wonderfully mild weather 1 the excellent road are appreciated by many christmas aollvltle and piepata liuiimare avary where maulfeat mr it- j harber or krlti town ship has purohaaed the 100 nor arm belonging to william crahant being east half of lot 10 in lb and ounces slim wasl of cblnguacotmy townehki bala mi mad by j a wllloughby temporarily handicapped mr doughtalghl krnt that french nuhlamaii count do llrle today lot- itoally la h brfl llabt con versa tlonalutt mr dough- bjlijh well bo not at pruacnt ha haa rheccoatura in be ahouldare judgn plaelnq the blame mr knabkit uiay be true aa you bay yoe ware lob young to marry knaggldopt try to abht the blata you war too old foe n caffonewa the eraulleaa thn fal xx ume but w do not rearta tbat mil wei nave hid the exciting ejqteriawonl which biwak um hynipatliy la luarej often in i placed than luat r i ynull nuvergttt litblde thu gate uf taarl ou tha utrkngth of your good inlan lions i 1 ray appataluw haa iteen invented for killing thu tiny parasite that net small hole in leaf tobacco uarruge u epf to be a fall ire if the female of tha apealo bpettde money at tlia millinery altop than lb butcher bhop its your move wt arc now showing our new line of ciiribt- mu neckwear jtii may wo add a njqsi at tractive line all prices ic up tq m color- itiks and styltu ofler an almost unlimited choicr se our new lineti ofliracc sets arm bandi and hritc all liandaomely boxod tc up to im r e nelson anhul tailor nataaamwaaabinaa s 3e empire typewriter j visible writing porfaot ailghmentllghtnlnk w esoapmont enduranoe speed h 5 mjfete c t ir s w a z silfev t uiclinljliiu koyi1 hiu aj m m m rbmfort sq lvr all clotbesbtay white if you liiiissjl clothes btay 1 treat them right use comfort soap fchuu i 1 ruhtly k rnbt iioidk il m in ifi mi nt a hrwri bu in in 111 1 olv n of 1 thrifty ht c iu t lie avc li rh ii cily 1 loll tr tt i turn prhip mon but the re il becret oi hi um lit in tin principle of ivntj out lolar will jlirtiii iccouut with tin bulk all loc il chqtt c ihcd it par cat ital kalo ui7roo ukhkhvic iunum mleulao acion likanch f a laaclean manager blllous-av- l certainly one of thn most dieagre able omenta which flcah is heir to coatrd tongue bitter taste in the bamith nausea dlarlneaa these combine lo tnako ufa a burden tba cause b m dbordvred liver the cure ur morac a indian rootlmu they go atnlght to ih root of the trouble put ttusllvcr riiht cloanao the atom ach and bowcla clear the tongue and tak eway tbo blttrr laale from tha mouth at tba fir algn of blllou- ncmlake j dr morses w iadlur root pih grafonolas v fit tli wtu o fcikahhopiioneco cost frrtai 20 to 650 1 i ffnlttt wm ill 3 36357 soruurcii avc on otnvcnient terms oiiluli till csa toronto ontario music supply co so a t brown km 88 west wellington si 1 toronto onl local agent acton ont

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