be mon yw ifc txiuituday january ib 101 ihamdout the lasy htllo girl that shiver all day lb tbe sultry bouse t her llslles ply with dreadful pain in hr head wll uevor never know how nice end wuro i the roy little- jlrl that out in th ooee skipping out with link- bimi hip cbjllbd arom duufej britain next greet battleship u to bm celled the iran ruke after the dulu or wellington althou that soldier cam by th kiloknsnie in a roundabout way 11a wa never so called until long after waterloo an iron steamship n novelty at tbe tltu wm btillt in th uereey and named th duk of wellington and so tb vessel earn to be known a tb iron dakelb transition being uy and obvlot it wu tba dukes union of resolution and physical energy which made tbe popular name for tit mersey vatlfe susmshlp to fit him ukeaperfeet ml of attested valu lufmlev vegetable till at the result of mt fill study of th properties of certain toot abd herb and th action or tuah sedative and laxative on the dl tivt apparatus tba tu6cw the oom- pouisavr hv met with attest lb value of their work thee pills have been reeognlxed for many yean a tb beet eieaneere of th byttem that beu bi got their xbelleno woe r06tf bleed fo the brt and tbey grow taow popul jolly unseed pledee of uesu paper are vxoetieut to bleeh tnlrrore slret rub tb mlrrow with damp elotb then polish with tb piper 8oaieudldjtteeou8bt to take the rest bari for their ingrowing politic whether the cow be of old or ttew growth it must yield to uollowaye cora our the simplest abd beet feor otfered to um public yadfcuow very well that tbeaxouee yod offer other wouldnt eatlsf y you diss cause asthma kveu uule spook too email to we wilt lead to agobje whleb bo word oar deeerlb tb wells of breathing tubee contrast and it fcnrrlyr if the wry life uuit pa brow thle condition dr jf d kellocseauhbik uemedy bring the near to perfect rest and health it reuevee tb pwie ud uomial brealuutf u llruily mublubed aalu bondrede of teetlroouuie received kttbdaily prove ilm effeetlveueee ipayej to advmwtimm the foltowlug puosrapb from on article by andrew lane may prove pntttably euafceetlv to thoee who have wui to eell tad are thy about dvttleltitf theeai when gooee laye oh tum uld llr lauff ba jiut wsauee obt a if fcb woe akbauied of it 4rtaaoee eba u m gooee when a ben bye em b- colli- huavatw utd eerth to wlumm ltt the ben u a uatural- bbftt adrertleer ueuee the demand foe babe en evoud the demand far gooetf eejjpv aud tb b b all the baelahkbeanatund to an ou for all matbe eallor the dldler the fleheruuih the luuberman the outdoor laborer and all who are hifimil to lujury and the elements wui bud in r tbouua edleotrlo oil true mud faithful friend to eeee peja rejuve ooial dree wound ejnfedti luuhaejo and oversow rbeumatuib it he no equal tb for le eboald haw a pue in all home uadtdoaeand thou taken oi5a jour- a woidari boant uueb ife for a taau wbou alie cant teaeb to be jeal- oae children ory roh rtetcheivs c copper eoa aoauy baelunedbyrub- bluf wllb a out teuoa dipped in table eit tbaa rioobie with elear water and rftlublng dry clo uosln moor old floor on be waxed quite eutv eeeefally if little tibia and caro are biveu ovr to the work the floor ehould nret be waohod thoroufehly mod then whea dry eoated with mn floor oil tutu an ilbaeed oll title akouia ba at eoe rubbad with awduel whleb remove all nunlu ull aad bolleha the boor after thle atay wax way ba used aeaonsln to ita du6tloua and thaa after a walthted bruoh 1 uaed the old floor will be an smooth an new oak- murt8hip or birds homoriublff nablte ttater into uw instinct in ualn- ol all tbo bird tribe y far the rnoet ibtoreetlntf in ie coetom of rourteblp and raarrtaxe hi the ruff tboy are a remarkable example v mleatlou by the female abd it la po- elbly from a cobtomplatton of theee intereetlna oreature that mr bhaw orlalnally tt ble idea for uab hd ftubertnn hid dr p korkmeb in u oddreee before a loudon college th turf le a mwaehbaokllha- bird with au impoalnk collar or ruff of feather round hie neck and a faecl- hatluk creet of feather on bl head iii whole object in life 1 to pleee mlw ituft but bo play autte a pea- tilvo pert and ecu only etaud aud wait la be ebdeea and not all of tb table bird are fortunate enonab to be ma favored when the time lor cfaooelna come round tbo male bird take up their tvoeltloh on a hlllalde abd walt for tlio tied moment maklbm them- eelvoe look e bewllthlne a poeelble hut of a colony of twentytwo hi ft observed only eight were cboeen by the dlacrlmlnatlna female abd of tlieeo only two both of them very kmutly tlreeey jlrd were eboaen lime after time one can only fcytri- batblie with tbo poor ruff who were left out in the cold altogether and hot that they nccepted tbelr antiu nion with homo pblloaopby ksven tbo london eperrow i tt- trmely interest in h bl courtablp altbougb w live a lifetime atdoutf them without knowing it the mat- lug of the b narrow may be obearved at any time between uaroh and june that sudden darco outburst or ebal- tcrlug which nioet of ua think mu- taknnly i the prelude to a tight i really a courtship conducted in epar- row alyl the cock hjrround a lady spar row each crying out ehrllly hi own excellence and the hocking demerit or tb other the lady accept all this homago by pklng furiously at all the excited suitors but eventually she rnakeu her choice aud hie off wltb one and tbey live hibpuy to gether for the rt or the aeaeon th cormorant also be a btoat luterutlng way wltb blm when he i in love be lie down and twutlug hl neck round lay it flat along hi back aud it uls cormorant 1 touched a who should b by tbl dis play olmlaery and devotion ah gent ly eareaee wltb her bill the feather or ur cormorant at the point where tbo nock curve over on to tbo body and all 1 well ttook kvolailofll rooks hav progressed front tbi day when tbey were only wood en rod or hits of bark or th derivation which connocts book directly with beech both having been boo in anglosaxon hi tba favorite one duthstaben th oermau word for letter of tbo al phabet weans literally beech etavee if uy book word go book to suob vegetable origin tba latin liber a book wbenco come our library we properly th inner bark or rind of a troo esoeclally of bepyrus tbo qreek blblob wb4uoa dlble aud bibliophile meant much tlio same thing a codex was a block of wood end leaf 1 obvlou marked by lubbone women guides and interpreter in budapest wear a different colored ribbon for each lenguage which they npesk they are to bo seen walking about tho city waiting at railway fetation and driving in carriage bonio bave two or three ribbons and other have four ave or si wright red represent kngllib a heliotrope or lavender is german a brilliant yellow moans proneli a pale blue is italian a brown means dan lib ddtcb bi a ullo green aud an on throughout all the color and meet nation or tho earth vribute to lb to whether a dog u the best friend of man cannot ba answered by me but of all the animal which bave become domesticated the dog ba been shown to bo tho only one that never know tbo difference of caste k wealth or habitation tba bhrlvolluv half starved dog clinging to tho wasted toller in tb humblest abode of a hungry family will never roraako to go next door to the family that ha the blue ribboned silver belled poodle or tho felt wrapped colli co jqha h le am yo kaperbnetlt tba two y rosily so two ob ject u tb two forefinger ba bold oe at the distance of on foot the other two feat lu front of the eye aad th former bo looked at two phantom of tb utter will be ob- aervod one on each aide if th latter flgura be regarded two phan tom of tba nearest anger will be observed mounting guard on en either aua atocrttant auditor you went to sleep during- your wife pacb ya replied ur ueokton hen rietta has been rehearsing that speech for a week i told her i bad better not eowe hero x knew some thing- ilka tht would happen if sh eotddnt about are you listening leonid ast every now and then and fce yea ktavw tt supposing said iff ueokton that you were a voter wellt rejoined hi wife and auppom i wore a candidate you want to know whether x would vote for your that wan the question x had la tatlnd yea leonids i would vote for you but if x caught any other we njea voting for you x should eoa aider their action very forward and impertinent houroe of mm ittfonasttoei tbl story of your 1 all right aid the editor but your desertp uoa of the hero automobile 1 sim ply impossible if there was aa automobile made as perfect aa the bb you describe id buy one tomor row where lu th world did you get your ideas that was v replied tho author i got my friend tiragley to desoribe hi now ear infantile chicken uroib ctutatuor what on earth hi this hrotb made or waiter surely it isnt tiblcben broth y walter well 1r bits chicken broth hln blls lilnruucy hit mad hout of tho water that tbo hogg are boiled bin london tltxllt hrirk too many words oro wearisome said kwour urnvity is tbo aonl of wit not always jrepuod tb obaorv- spr uut in any trent if la always eomueudatde oeteaau avoay abtoa til oernaa army jta bis eubil- dlsed road train thtwo are power ful automobile nulling several cay castoria th kind yctt lltivo alwtvya doaglit arid whlcb baa been in use for over so yonr liaj borno tlio elffnaturw of t ami hob boon inatlo mhlor lili yerw sjonnl nuporxlslon nlttco it infancy ahotr mo oiio todooolvo you in this all couatorfoltm xmltauon imil jtitumjrm4l bat akperlmemtu tlmt trlllo with and cmlnnircf tho ikiuilui of injubtg sumi cblldrenxllapesieooo sujalrimt jhbrporlbicatlw what is castoria cmkloria i n rwrmloas sabstltmoi fbr castor off xsvre- kjorliv arona nnd rkkthlnp hyrnpeu it lb aeobont it contains uoltltor opium aforpblruii nor other afnrooifo abstaikoo lis oirer la its gruoronloei it destroy worms smd nllasi ioverlafene it euro ilarrlua alhl wind collcu it rollevob oetlilnp trotalilo euro oowstlpauoa suid jtibttilnncy it staslmllato tlio bocl rojciiloim tbo fitobiacli nnd llowi ptvlup btwltby mid uutuml aleog tho obtldren iaiibcoa ti hotber hrioud up the amazon oknuinb castoria always ikoei likely tommy lpa a river u fed by small streams isnt it wpa ye my eoa tommy then x apoee that is what make its mouth water isnt it j not chftboe paying teller- you must get gome one to identify you before i eaa pay this check llav you any friend lu this town btrugernot one im th dog hid salt rhean could scarcely do work skin ulstate are invariably due to bad or impoverished blood and while not ufually attended with fatal result are ruvertbtlert very dburoning to the avcratopenod among the rnoet prevalent arei salt ttbeunt bourne tvttcr rash fieiht rimples and xtcbjng skin sruotlaos burdock blood bitter drives out all the humor from tbo blood and snake it pure and rich mrs btlwood hesbut apeley out writes x had salt rheum so bad x could scarcely do my work x took two treatment c doctor wedjem but they did bmno good a friend told me bb wife gad had bait ahebnt and that bjtrdock blood bitter bad cured her so i got a bottle and before x had it oil taken my hand was better buiovickrtjaiood bitters 1 manufac tured only by tho t alubttrb cow limi ivnobto oat the kind ton have always bought in uso for over 30 years whea running date or kg through th meat ebopper add a few drop of lemon jttleato prevans tb fruit front eloggitig the ebopper isllur worn lewder net mildly bud without injury to th child and tb can be no doubs of their deadly etfeot tapou worm tbey have been lu buooeeeful use cor ft long time and reeogulaed a leading preparation for the purpose tbey bave proved tbelr power lu uumberuee ease bav kjvu relief to thousand eblldreti who l for tb good ol of tht superior oompounj have uoritlnuad wealc and ebfeel one eaa never buy a aatufiei brand of popularity at out rate children ory ron rutctiiias c xtubber baud are inexpensive and are of great us lu preparing lunobee to fasten the waxed paper around sand- wicbea eakea fruit ate if table silver i placed lu hot soap- sod immediately after being used and dried wlura soft olotb mueb of the work of polishing wui be aavd a cold devetoped loto bronchitis however slight a cold you have you should never begloct it in ell pot- uuuty 11 you do not treat it la time it will develop into broncblua pogumonla or some other serious throat or lung trouble xv woods norway khae ttyrup i perikillariysdaptcdrdraurjjdsnmiam broocbltl pneumonia asthma whoop- ius cougbiand all troubles of the throat and longs three points in favour of r wood norway xhue syrup are x lis action u prompt a it invigorates a wdl as faeabv abd soothe the throat and lungs 3- it is and agreeable in teste mrs albert valt brockvuu oat wrlus jfust a hue to let you know about dr woods norway mb syrup w oldest uttle girl is now su yeat old wbu she wis liuir mouths ou she s4 a cold which developed into brouehhu aud we tried everything we tbttld think of and bad two doctors rttebdiag her but it was no good ooedsy i read in your almabao about tut woods norway knue byrun so x tried it and bron she bad finished one bottle of it the iuy backlog cough bed nearly all gou there i nothing eoual u it and we are never without it lu th house see that you get dr wood when you atk for it aa there are uumeroue imluuous on tb market tbejrtnulne is mauuiaciund by the t attlbum c xjmlted toronto out prtcd sse lamuy slea mc sutorranlaj i understand be aweare a great deal i wouldnt say that exactly uut i would aay that in th beat of pas sion bound it impossible to eobho hmself to tut tut detroit pre pre woman suffered n ten years vpm fetaak vu rntoaxi johejtf by lydiae pmuuuivebeuye coattpotirtd beluvul ncebda i doctored for ten yr for female tronble and did hot get well x read in the paper about lydla e piakhams vetable compousdbbduvloadtotrylt i writ now to tell you that x am cured you can publish my letter a a testimonial lira buvhing ttjuung belleville novascoua canada anotlter woman tlmovera auburn n y i eultered from nervousness for ten year end had such orgable pain that some time i would lie fas bed focor day at a time could not eat or sleep and did not want anyone to talk to nw or bother me at all sometime i would suffer for seven hours at a time dirferwot doctor did the best they could for me until fonr mouth ago x began giving lydla e thnkham vegetable compound a trial and now i am in good health lire william ii gllxno ib weaeant street auburn new york the above are only two of the thou sand of grateful letter which are con stantly being received by tb finkham medicine company of lynn mas which show clearly what great thing lyjla k- pinkhams vegeubls com pound do for those who suffer from woman 111 if you waul spe cial advlee write to x ydla kt hahham stedicaecaeehh dntlallyumvasa yeur utter will be epeued read gad aawweivd by a w wan end held u irut mbgdeaee jomk hull abboao tiie paris liberie has dleovare tb most nervy of unglleb tourists always a selfooufldent ra this wan entered well known restaurant aooompaaled by two little girls order ed a bottle of rulneral water and three putee and began tn sat sandwiches whloh be bed in his pockets the manager nveroome by this out rage approached him aud said i should like to inform you that thle le toot a who are your interrupted the kugluhman nut the manager was tba reply oli you are the manager are youf that is rood i was just going to send flor you why isnt th band play- lugr thing that are good for your skin are all green vegetable pertlculsly splnatk tuilotia auhtfloin egg and uearly all fresh fruit when beklug pise either fruit or meat plane the pie lu a tin wllbu little eold water it will save the syrup or ajravy from bouing out riven a girl beadaeha la forgotten when eh has th tbotbsoha castoria lev infbt bgg oubejt bhjpabtsbwdf sttseee speak louder than words over the telephone children ory rem nrrcuirs c the ouau ubleobttb eatabei tba early grease spot ifeny mother have reason to bleu uotbarqravm worm uhteruilnatnr beoausa it has relieved the little one of suffering and made thru healthy tear of joy aud sadness flow from ilia sattmi tank nerves were llnbtrung vstliftlwtr aisafif mem httm usby women broom run down and woru out by household cares and duties never ending and sooner or letef bud taemaclve with shattered nerve abd weak hearts on the first sign of any weakness of the heart or nerves vou ikobld avail yourself of a perfect euro by using mu- burns heart and nerve xhus urd archie ooodltu tttley nd writesi wbeu x was troubled wltb my beart two year ego x we vny bad my tune were so unstrung socaciasses x would almost be out of my mind i doctored myself with everything x could get until at but x got four bo of uufanm a heart aud nerv pwfc and they have cured me x cannot aprak too highly of this vfbodctful remedy and wui recommend it to an aufterers ullbutua heart and nerve mils are me per bo or 3 boxes rer mi23 at all deelers or mstled direct on reoelpt of price by the t olubura cm lbalttd toronto out ssmmi mnhw not long sihc b booleb eebonl hoard inapeetor asked the member of a el that was under examination t what in the cause of the ealtneof tb ocean kfluebrd wltb the 4lteovry whloh bad fjsahed upon her mind one tittle girl raised her band i may tell said tbo ihapeetor fllt flsh elr ablalsbset tw pbpll triumphautly scngluh kxplom toll of a voyoejo 1 up tb ru vnlrtd rome vary strange tribal custom and picturesque experiences are re lated by dr hamilton nice the ex plorer who reeently returnod from a trip ox tending over seventeen month along the upper reache of i the great amaxon river h peak lug of hi ascent of tbe ilia ynlrida hit ay w reached a beautiful waterfall over 100 feet high which la a brwak between high precipitous hill run ning in a northeasterly and south westerly direction xt took two day to convey our big canoe around thl fall aud five day more were spent in the hardest kind of work smash ing our way through to the source of the ynlrida tor day uc w began to de scend to tb river the country on both side teems with jaguar tapirs and anacondas and tba river is oiled with raya th tapir were an tarn that they swam around our caboe curious and absolutely raries horn stood on tbe shore whistling ut u x shot a magnlneent specimen of jaguar aud found inside of it a whole tapir vor fifty day w descended tbe ynlrida wltbont seeing a sign of a buman being we camped on shore at night and jaguar and tapirs would com up and bos us at will they showed no fear of men in thl journey we paeaed three great raudale or rapid tbe first encampment we saw was a fishing village on the beaob these indian had had no contact wltb whit they do net belong to the greet tuplguaraul family which ax tond tbe whole length and breadtb of the amaxon valley but probably aa member of tbe great carib fam lly which embrace all tb indians or venexuebt aualuls and tbe central northern and northeastern portion of tlraatl a eurious feature of tbls region w that tbe indian for tbe most part not only lived back from tbe mala streams but in tba villa- wre found a great predominance of wo men who from all we could make out were permanent inhabitants of their respective settlements while lb male voro transients tbla brings to ono mind tbe question whether tbl may uot be tbo district whence come tbe reports so well known on tbe amaxon for two centurle of tbo existence of a race of women living alone axoept at slat od period concerning thee legends both alfred ilussel wallace and hlcb- ard rre tbe eminent ktnglub travel er and scientist of more tbau tlire generation ago have written by a oualnla indian x was taken to a settlement of indian living back several hours distance from the le- pauaua where i found bvry intelli gent native who spoke tbe tupl-ouar- aul language which would make it seem that there had bea a dividing lib between the nation of that bame and tbe carib tbe papanau indian travel frooi their river to the upper leana and bave a wellmade path bin miles in length which erosae elevated laud flanked on tbe east and wst by enor mous impassable swamp asd la- goomt xry doing ft lot of medical work i got thl old indian good will and be entered my service at thl point the columbians x had who had beeeme mutinous through exposure and hard work were nt back tbe old indian had promised to get rob native for my party but they did uot tmrauup so x had to cosbpei blm to take us down the river the first village we reach ed eoatalbad no man aud fifteen wo men xa tba next we found a settle ment of two bus soma twenty wo man of all ages and any number of children they had utua or no food but gave ua smoked monkey to eat gt mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmr easiest way to clean cutlery- just use a little pan- ehlne sprinkled on at tlnmp cloth and let your cutlery be on dirty greasy grimy no it may panehlne will make it glist ening uweet nnd clean in m jiffy for an euoy ohlne use panshine jt8 junt an good tor painted work and woodwork lor poto pans llnoleuma and bathroom fixtures panahlne la a pure whit and clian powder without any disagreeable smell and doe not harm the handa lartfe sifter 1 fk top tin 1 uc at all grocer 111 xae a iten yea aay emaetloa to uy uanytair year tustaaurf no nbluj ur caurox to t tulu ive taku aolu a llkla to you htti i may eouaton you aa a truaat 1 auouldat do aaytala ilka tbat if i mw you iff you tutrodueo youroalff aa a fruad or ulaa mother aud th airla will take it for traatad that yea havat aay aoelal ktaadlu whaur gbnadly iter wehy 1 ma yaur borrowla treubl caltt what tha bsattar aowf 1 waa juat thluklalr ha uld tbat our little daatrlea uay arow u aud baoou a araud eura ataaor aad bava to uaort a hubhaad who will uot b wohby off hr coue lata look ovr tbla tuoutb bllla aad have aouotblafev taal ta worry about ohrtan nia praetlaa ybauk you tuaau aald tha old man to hla little araaddaubbur who bad brauabt hit hi allbaar or ratbar ba eoutlauad thauk you ulaa you an aet a uaau no araudba ruad tba ala yaarold but i oyfiaet ta ba aaua day aud yau uljfbt aa wall aat uaad to eaylae it wall potted have you beard your wife lo- turej i ahould aay ao radllad llr ueektou i waat to aay that ive heard henrietta da a whole lot off leeturlu that the uublle never aet a flhauce ta llateu to vlefare tba party better have old uau why i evaeet they will dlay klaaiaa kataea aud iff ao you may bad your- aalf duauallded for routbaata hmhhmhmmhbhhbmmhhhhhuhm mmfet m m u u b b b b b b b b b b b b b 5 the empire typewriter w jj visible writing perfect alignment lightning escapement endurance speed a uud 1 tha c i u c n tt uaak of llcitr uftuaute bak uoyal buk horttttni crown luak ulbt dlrtrirf ltd luli tu- phou co etc uad hi cauaaa thtfot uv a 5 that latut b tid a duty ea ethr waited it c i vu hwala le try oj ea ava u v nw uoj1 eiaalw b wiluam9 manufacturing cohpany ltd b u a at w tmi wmuafatbal ha bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb the merchants bank op canada bfeelmwiau hb jvthrift is rirhtly described as eco- nomical management a shrewd business man is spoken of as thrifty be cause he saves perhaps only a dollar at a time perhaps more but the real secret ol his success lies in the principle of saving one dollar will start an ac count with this bank all local cheques cashed at par cum ru raidur emlalwo mkataxvai auhda e acton branch p a maclean manager vaiaeted have you taaay eloae frleada herer cant aay ive never tried to borrow a eeat you caw cure constipation by the use of kjluhs umuve1 mui a free motion of the bowebt daily should be the rule of every one for if tbe bowels tlo uot move daily cotuupatlou is sure to follow and bring in it train many other trouble when tbe bowel teoome hearted up vou get xleadachce jaundloe fuea xleartbum floetlug specks before tbe lyes cetsnfa of the btotnacb and those ured weary feeling which follow tbe wrong ocllou of tbe liver mr xoljsh a aycr pawcett uu mb wrlte xwns troubled with con- stlpatiou ror many years abd about thrte year ago my htbbaud wanted u to try lullbums lxsuvr wll as tbey had cured urn x got a vbd and took them and by the time i bed taken three vials x wss cured x atway keep them on hand end when x need a tnlld laxative i take one muburns laxsuver pitts are 9sc b vbd 6 vub for tl 00 at all ikakrs or malted direct on receipt of price by the t of ilburu -o- timitsd ivjroota ont warmest kbit for cold weather tougher horaehide will never be found because the best is used or storeys gloves etui gauntlet and yet the skin because carefully tanned by the chrome process is made pliable insuring rattraowlinary wear resistance waterproof and hgw ieproo the beet working gloves on the sflffib mairloet sold at al atores insist on storeys me grand jraunk sauwax aa8hbimabat toukimal bquih aaakav a r saiirie ho so liwsa4lbbshipto moa r it p box i mo tujflta tbe popular isiperlal coonur check hooka menursctured by tb abplecerd counter check hook co limited ilasa- lltoa may be ordered at tbe fax f mufcs bsmnle and price of all style shown on application frenpt delivery there br more imperial in ua in acton than any other check book thav acloft frea ivesa l6cal aogstc ttw betttosttni bleeeli ti marui wgfcs uesgss1h atsiaum ijgses and bellders of rjtsjbea aafaadoeaawu m at uarser aad ifeeditrioe sad all klads of ahnsric cuutnuuv w6n juluaxse wb heslsttutbt aoknt actok ok uiltom xji v wciwitu jl bus iikie tottdi lb taiiae af a bab- lleaad uia tbe iu wall 3wtsasis a lore utile beb saeets au lraiibmeewklklw sad gyl p w cemsej btmsuksei gka every brow tb weat ol coss- merrial lrebkr hvuy seet john lbjtililialwt rwokbuarraw l dandad bnnand bwbsvsej rockwood chopping mills all chopping will be done speedily and well on plates or stones flour oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices hamsusocoh ltsajtes hockwood owv- aarjnnnnunuuurjnaitktatiml boots shoes bttbbbes uunnndtiaqdorjunttnudaauaaana aulfaiasqrootvmmu- et rlht prteies all mens rubbers at i batbttfaa prices baanuuannntuitmnnantjnaatmtjb w wtlliams mill street acton ovum a vk1m y conscientious plumbing heating is mot sfutvyh sutlthi us to the contrary we make it the most important factor so if you favor us witji your patronage you will cntnusitthtically endorse us patents auaaaehfaw atents hiitjiiyiwiwv fred smi3yhs plumber quebec st guislphx phone 337 istuilrenliyjmacilaaimjujoirttl llac1atafwafit o luawwarubloil wnntnalirutt