Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 12, 1914, p. 3

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xltfb ctrry a complete stock of hpctacle nnd kyu g insula nil tlia latent utyleu alua new lramra kyo jlatui mount lett hrliig iti your broken hpectaclen uutl lgyu glutumu our repairing churgea are renu mable makthhadkd liotehskb laauttd geo ryintds real estate raurtmafor suit in uullon 11 mm weluuuioii itto form for arte tvery ulxr ii you wobt m flam wrwo ue for catalogue or i you wlb to kell or vxrhmug write ke w fauv every lurlluy for trouhhtiluu buulucw lo your mmjtlt aauufactlou 4irr- fcvawetaaire mollr hed j a whllolkiuuv para millutf hptsetuhut corgtowu 8je rton jfm glress tuuithday ikuiuaiiy 12 1011 bail local items turdyrt valuiitinea day february ibh lon giving na ulluard itavo been frequent during lb week ullton council otoil the town hand utobuu w ltd lleatdtnaro 4 co hockey toain ef tvwonto will play tlta acton tum lure at 4 is oo saturday afternoon both tlte whoala and the runiwm lutvu be coaittllwdon during tlio week w h furage haa itcan ajipolntod in w for oakvill at a salary of fcmo tcleotrlolan foster of floorgetown hla bad hlaulary tncreaaed to is parweek gaargtown imhllo holiuol tn addinff fe worth of itooka to tli school lihrarj thar i a propol to strike off three houl iiomuuwj nfluetph thlnyer ifth th doutlalojrvatlniatoe contains an tua of igco0 for a mvetuwnt wall at bwurloti kv w h htallh a a of homkbr bmumitulltulttotu oakvill ubtbo- ducuroh tor ucandrew tleorgotown hai toeu engaged a unllcaloulcir of ihulth at a aalery of frtoo jimghing ita been rather iwnj fur wnril deya tut it kminia to luio canto again to slay for while th ooloud count in ilia canada ti pr06 act election 111 iw1 increute tb majority by ww it le now 67 lajl a li boclal in hie uetliodut tkheol room tliiu ccninff llaotl pro- ttwbm uj i joyal u locui svculiff a eourile of itoya lit toronto wera ast io 11 tr uilhy iuy on hatunuy for anow- llj tl oocujiauta of a piiug tig tiwnj uwr fluclnli tax ooluotur bu ialrtmd uo aaya lie la tlrl o the iiitydua aihiwiowl uy u tax ooluctor tt hydro cowtalujoo iian rooooi hhrtilffil a iwluotloti in power ratcu for o0rj4towu to go into flfoct frou 1st slf rtuvy uluaunuunturoo tmao co jir ial foiacboo rhirum liao ilmi uu ujle auoa a co torontat 05 kmireuit ftv h iuhutt jenoml kaoroury l sdajjy fkkool aivl epwortli ijcobb ywmta will oaoupy tlia pulpit of tbj uuodu cfaumlt on huinuy 22tul liut tfcj lulua aui of dm muiimju ciutj lavi you to ipetul tltu oiehlotf wuh tbfed in uk uluwl rooitt ait enjoy fcurihalatf bubtiarraiig6il atlwwlou 0 eutuftuy eienliia a a otktuur vn tl f llrowno ivug fltort a ktwlrkl eaujfht uut door liumlnf it vub fcwm fora to shatter tit hua ftdu iguas pattal f iita ami oonnrrvtifatloti of tlta baut ciiuroh will attend tli annlvrwuy aifvl in ukok churoli nest ruuuy todndjhf ukl tkft pulor aiul iwopld of tlm klaumklu churob in tha evoiiltig id u tj4tuary aala rpoujf tba bio ura wuluu njiu mull in tho u l wkm to wwjta ma tlia uauu i rt mi of ttaoa waa liudvoruntly wa hdnt akoeodinuiy tha l but boka thl hunauo will uo news w lqcal import ilondum wtrlnaf ktand ooowwri tim vtiuliui hiring ttuud uiul xuilttl cihitjmtiy will til n noimmtrt mid intir liiliiimiiit nt llirf lufuj hull auton on fildayotoiilntr i3tl inm aduiulon 10 mid lamntu khox chuvh annlvrskv rito mmlvormiry wrtliwaf knoiclliurali will ito lieli iwkt hiiiiduy vov litr ilnw of liax colle torotil will pnunli numiiiitf uiul eiilnlt tti cliolr will furnluli ujrkiui muulo lwvarai atttui t ttal tliodlmkralmi ualo nf tlui okmuiotm of tlio u4tiiloof tlio iut itoiiuu mmi tlilid lino half milecubt of acton lout wodnou day una tlio inot luruly attoiultwl ualo lold in tlila uootlon for yoarn tim vtltolfl of tlio funn aloov and otltnr oflttota wont iluiuwod of nivd ifooil roem uro oualnd ouf county 0ad noda tlio blmwlliiu oonmilttoo on qooj road of tlio tiomity con no i miii nioettttllurllnif ton nntnnuloy 17tlt ihm- ut 1 1 3d u m ry indtiilmir of tlio council la u nuttnlmr of tlio oonmilttor tjuj roatlu to la ron utnicusldurlou tlio year will l tlooldwl u0 ulllad ht 1akh coltxnm wo it lia iwon rowiut by frfotul loro unit 1 it ilruoo ulootrloal cnultioar wfto bjicnto j car or wj in acton aiultlmnrcmov i cm i to montreal wuu kllluil in january i jillo cnjpiod at ida wotk in a factory at rl collwinio sir druco utwl lur latty lioy nro htll in tliut town thlitkai wau wtmxry act o t la faco to faoo with a trollain tlut u 111 iimaiinootmlderaud outlay to tlta vltuffo liut wldoh mu ba tloalt wltli that u tba outauklirruot of a waurworka ayataot tlwt rtumrtt flra itam lwooftrit tna htatlar promlnantly lfotvt tha ratpar xi 1 1 ton itafonuer imv6ouu to o4 lo wa at tlwiatimulcortvertto of ida waterloo county tmporanon auoatatlan at twiln on monday tka quatlon of lurlnglntf into ouralon tlia caiwuu tvtnperann ant n tliat count rrud lively dlwmston ikillitlta artloilliowavvr waatfrrai until oertain aniulnmnta in tka aot wlttcli r iwliifif uwd y tlia ikomlnlon alllanoa to lio nuulaat tua irnt aoaalon of lrlla nunt ara rwul mav4y drowtud in imrta uou niloiaa lubatumoii kal a narrow ahoap froin drowning ifomuy n at flualpk taklnu a akoh rut arrou tba hvar oi tka loalia walked lntonttiwalartnfwt iimi anil wax alrrtoi anhaubtd wtwn lifl pot out bpraln owlajr to 1eltr itfiavlly nlail aiul waarinir u up ovrooal un bad lw oulllntf usatrul fitil uot vit upaiiytltlnr to irvwiit wopl frani walking into tlta wur an tlm law mulraa tky kkonli wtnchotblvayawtri hall hllwy now hat nnr frimwia tka urm hat ral mall dolfrcry with i hair utura atwt pajir dfillrurl dally at ihalr famw dont tli ink tlta lwinatr41nrtfl fcltoull conalur llw unlivery to our ltoai of lluvvinf on wltollva in tlu tow nut wantlt quar of a vanaraua oltlun of tta vuitk lhhiui tlm otltar iruwititig at tlta lot offlcw ratuautlwr ita said iliaia na fault to flul with tlta farwra rlttf tlta mailing trtvlva tkat itava oooia to tkia itat i hi ink wo tltaum u6w ita ooiuurdtl aa well tt ptlua winner at tlta amateur raluontaat at tlta jrifflti yttaalra lul tult wf joint cwrty uimi ulaa lena ckhy 9aa wallluoon htroot north fltfu twla ii 1moiw4mi ful katliurliui atrt mtiliiuul uu volabluihulor911 ier kit wrt wootul iwlaal a mli la ami mr yktvwau 1m juaaii ulwa ooulli third priaa llawllton biiooutor faja 9uo do u la ouihh a faatura notloul la aaveral local ntnrou a4 puwl in a tuoat itromlnrnt altow uutl tloo taxlay wan wu oawiiou jutt fkitur kby tlimiotha hydm liwer itivakdown tlfttwdeo huara ami dtnulaa candlm aiul om oil laupii wara vory tuuoli in lunutnd fba btarcluuilmaoem to liaio rcniomtmirul turiuwl eaudlas nro to lw moii in moot rroor wiimiowa today hatunlaya mar ttry a avdhlaualo public uuiliy tlta earnlnipi pdll nvr to tlm pity of ottalpb dy tlta luiti junction hallway th ltyri aaotloti of 19 ujiiom ioiuwi to tao outuuuan rais railway for tlm 4aur ndliyr dm 3lt atanuntad to mmlttl tltla ttukoif a total for tluj yaroul74 unnrua ofwiuiso ov4v tm travloua yr oavtawob cauluot b oub jauhkjmab aircioati0n p w lhadl raiarrhlaaboad auumiaialmai4iittjtiiolmraait a mmi la lakan ibutaiily ai4 aia r4itbtjo4tv1blw hal la lyi tu4 w nuaah btailalu it waa mmbrtybaathtvalauha fu lltla uft1 la a ytnur jrat of lua l taid sucarj aooc kmi mw lit bat blttrxi mltjrn artinn maamaamamm iim lira laarlimila i what t children ory- ror fletchers castoria w auowty ltftaufl ika vvolo lat wklay uuwiilutf duhatf ua pra vailing uiuar1 mr a o clanldtfa dairvuun kad a riaivo aop at ll i t r uill rtrat erowluir owlutf to tlta atoru ita iuji tha door of tit tlallvwy riff do eivl tlta taow waa mawtajf la awh ilda that tta oaulil only m a fav fat away jut aa ha wit to oa tha trak ita haard tha train froia tha wat ami hd luiralv tlroa to ttwarva hla itaraa to tha alda of tha track whan tha aagloa ruhad pt n la a vary thankful wan utt ha aaaitwl without injury lara ktma furdly laia oitlvuayaur oat ha4ajw woarupjrinuudlajr tlta holatlng of aoua tlndwra into tha uw coal fchtitaa at tha wwkaof thaactod tvwitltirf company ha had hla uft uta uutfht in tl uotal altavd throuii whloh tha wlw oaxu wan ruunlnir tha rlrtawlihaoodfliira m tain fully urratd aiul ahrajl tha aall htlng torn off tha flrat rlar atwl tha aul of tha itoita cruthaj in tit toooul mr iuardiaorathlnkahlwiffortuiua thalha twapvj toalnjf hla haud tha injurua ara haalla utojy lao priapaaao aaofc tit 6nl h a tkpraaud lhrflih out tha duotlaloa uii ywr waa kttaly m ity our buuiufactorlaa at lh anuual uadtlns of w if suarmy bo litbtuj do tuaatuy howavar tha proapaota for tit itraaflut yaar wm lmtul to t ntlvey hrlitlit ortura are pouriu in pablly froia tha northwaat of uauauau ura voluua and huajnaa la butt anaouhfrlujf tlta lootto4i of moat waa iu foliou lvukhhit w a btoray vloa iwktadt 11 v moor i turmtora d ix chrutla julpli john iftrathfook torouta who tm to iftlawo fd thka a uat utloralj evaat wait witnuad after unocwkontuihuy ulht whaa a church ttwl rua batwmn 79 uwl 80 year of ajp waa uaa aurgriuat ftotu wtird from ana of tbahttala with tftoat dllhculty in hu druakeii ooudltlon ho foil haadlotig into m ttnowdrlt vortunata- ly a uularuil oau aloiijy hiki frtuttd hlbi and with tit aiutattoo of m twihw ifat inu itowo out of th i4ttr or4d a lullf hour lotufdr po4urd with tha luro um wnitiiro uoiikl irohatjy havo uwl to fatal raaulta wltar in tliu mwl almluv oaw ilmn tlta law altaarvniu lioeum hytdeu fltf nro t imattytkliujiuorolirmkaiily oowlemn ahlatuan liifctaiineaof tlilablwll ofoonrmi iu one woull jar to hint that idplor u over aohl to an inlokloaud nun auouiaj hadimtb attmutlou tho huoflaw of tlta cfclotgo lle clnlt oonoart in january liaa wuvwraflj tit uttlalrti of ht alhaiim chuivji to attgajfti auotltar of tlio great httnustkuuiituioa th roiul ity tha tladpatli ihinwu odsdturday evening bn1 vajanuad ecooaki trill b ivan hyta raitownad klllarnay oltlt mimi hit- ituli tlta wvati itrlaltt kllumoy llrlhapwtiyit ihhooatuwfldwltb au upitfopriiita salunar will piucni pro- jratntna of uatrutueittal uiu4fl uiwr aintf- 1 injf wltlt nimu1 atnphamilti oo um lallr- tf utram iii in irlah mtut uttt rtiruj front alihiklafalkiovatothalrlijtelttaliiutatjta kltirant art real artlu lllaa ttlu ulcb i u clavor lnikeraonator lit aauff- tba pram tivarywlitiro nwwka in hhjltaafc trnwi nf tlirta itlffliclaaa ant attain hcouhji eowiihltui hava invaruijjr boon auooaaaful in actou horatt m ebaumm for our xrijdi fnllowhiltlmnn to matdfeal their pairlotlan owl nb tlta mum uwc enjoy a daughtfnl titeuliiff ttta comkaluea ity teolal i tttttfrbwtt la ahla to offer tlta popular r rioe ef admuakm personal and travel notes oilwanlbb duhlhci tttm whlu mr hoy iimnunntiit of flraiul vlw iu vlnltlng frlondu in tltu vicinity momrw n tkirltlo uutl w 1 flmtililo luoliili ucro liit4iwncnitmlui 41 ro ttutk tlioiniwon itf bltnonton alurtu lultod actou frlouda on mondny mr uimi mio ahiwi hojwr of ltolevaiu muiikoim trnt ukltitf aotou frltiwlu tlda waek ur und xlra i h taylor of corwllu vlultod mru k im votiuu hi root lilft umik mimi mary mulltorwiit loft u wiwk or uo ajratoufciuinmimumliloii ita toaoltur u mid lothian mr w h ktnitli jr of han rnntolaco cul waa a riieit nt iajrvuw liuoa duirlnu tlto wook uiu a nit in mullioluiul reuirnail hoina uftvr ntmlliiia ittonth with ltr ulater in owensduiml mr uiul mrs t v martin wtroat ah qrovo oo tuowlay altetnllnff tlta funeral of tlta lata joaaplt wright mr t j mooro city clerk jualt aiiit haturday at tho itonta of hla mother mm t t mwi loimff streat mr itobort wataon baa iteeii in uol loaltiy lloupilal toronto for mvoral uotkt liavlof hla uyea troatad for cataract ur ami mra a rwlnianwlinlutvahaeii with frleitda in knitland tho pmt tuo mootha aallad for home yettanlay on tlta tloyol kdward mr jamaa moftonajd of wt toronto vlalted at tlta loota of hi eoualna ueaara rahain ait1 alta mntow vouittf hlwwt thla ueak mr l r oaokhurtt who haa un draushthmaii at tlte llaardmnra tan twirl a for fcocito time uft hut weak to taka a poaltloti in tlta topograph bul rury tlraneli in tba th part man t of tlta inurtor otuwa mr ami ura wllllamflrant oftoronto formaiiyoaraeataamelrkltinuof aoton oubratl thalr fifty fifth wmkllntf aiuil vertaryytrday tbayaxoholbanloyliik varybjood itealth mr oraut u in ida r7thaar ha i the ohlt nvamltar of tlta adult ililtla cum in bin tfiindav holtaol aiul attatuu noarlavery ruiulayi ml mm okokthvatiohu hooatlta bum mentioned lut waek in tlta kmka ksikaa aa liavlutf itaen put in tha lkalnlon oatlrtiatea uut tla flovorniuint itulkllu at aoton ittoluila u iirouiott for kaaplmr tha utvaroantu uloofuul axprly lmromntly and reguhuly claar nf tuiow aiul alualt to prvnt loa t tlta hoti lloltt itouera tjtouhl uaka tblu oloar ttta uifa ty tollfouful huuof chnku of wotk a in iatralllg tlta building aa wall aa that hl tannary aniployma ami olhehi ualug wfl low ktrat and cltliana ptnarally ojnff toaaaaltout tit maff of ufa at tlta vnl htoradauaiuutluttluallwi robt keoptlta law aa vail aa otherm hpaaklutf hon hobt itoafira it la lain much taootail au to wbbthor ita may l uppolntad lord llljrb cotaulwionar to loudou to auwd lorj strmthootia tba ittajipfop tahaa may rucall wht m boud paruibauham wit jowph nytajall u 1 ihoj ou joe ojtoo aald id th llouaa of ooouootu a to a a ar of john llluurj cawamu to a oertaln pojtioii that it imw altoot tit huvut rwamhuhoa to johu hllllutl an a tiottd eat to a battgal tlr h tba aklll of lloo robe la baitdllntf l ln19 to bull hla party la iu atwiff ooutrat to aafcm of tha luonai uoliotaan oaca wtti an m p in uaiulluu up in tha llouaa utv1 dveurlny that ba woo li ilk to support tha flovroftwt if ita ooawilaiui otujy oukl but ami on tba lattar idoua- aylubla hung tha dfat of m tovmmaat for aftar bir dmali a with fouiwl ba ooukl not da aa ha othorwia would bava likad it waa uan tltat tlta tku had turaaj aiul a minitry of lotig ataiullujr una ra- ahjdil otbar iuutau an fivwjy uieutiouaj for thla nimwtant tot aiul laoautly it ooeur- rd to thla butdlil aotod obaarvw to fcug- gwl our own raova hytula ha haa eofai ajortff tba way a fichool truu oounojl w and roava with yaara of rvle in aach jwwlt ton and now la wanlao of tlta county by tlta evidaot approval of alt aa gtt evanta fauwa akly h wbbt b id bl to floub hla ywr out iu tha waijan- ahlpbaforagolttjr tolodjan aud ibao lb warjaoa dlnnar would ba a uotau air h woukl po th lodjod oftlo wall and u vory enough anyway aiul that u a tint ouukuratkm thla will ail have to it takaii itaok rigorflb will get tlta halt aiul anyway aoton ooukl not y wall ajiar tba raavoyal it la to ubopithathaltvuiff roacltad tba top ruin uiuulclpally will oat allow hluuwlf to droii oulof aarvloafoirtbard uuo avajuttla butatlal lit alght to take hi puo bar iu ratpeot of hauaral aullty oawf ul datallad vutiervuioa of uiuolclpal ifowavar tba cdntarvailvea buy be after hloi for auotbar puirpiwa it u at kind of untleritowl thing tltat m nw atattdahl- bfearer will lia rteadwl at both tbojdowla- ton otul provincial elwiilona tmkt anaulaif uul iu mr j v klllott la tltalv in a jud6ldl our loan might ba aa likely as anyone elue here aulii it buy truly lie wtui lie ia tory enough uul aa haltou wwiattolwvo fallen into tho hip of tlta tories tlta iiaoa wwtua turo imough zlxjbasas hera afriattd i indeed conaupatlou la th baaa of old mjc barh icathartlco auraw mtm4 avoid ihatta uul ua cham berlain talbleta tba mudoat md vftkaotleaioffajcaiiwa baataortba artvaaall tli ul tufa rtimkf hi tuiali rtaaa that seventh line crossing am kamluaalnar naadawnt lnuaul amlnt d4y in wtaotlon d ovkniihaiu tanidaks dibmahdkp hid klnr in ixtolvod tlm follottliik t iturfrtini ii j it iiiuimi of toorun town doullnu u mi iipplltiitlon for u ilimu uiuloi tlui t it ul ibo kovanlh hoof f kupiimlnu townatilt homo tluvo ouru iign un aiilloatloii wiiu hindu h tlia council of tjp townulilp of ljjiiolllllf to tho louiltiloti ltullwtt lloiml to nrdor tlio voiutt ritctlou nf u uuh wu iiutcud nf n loud uromalnu wlioro tlm nuilii lino citwo4 tho uuvoutli lino of tltu ultovu touuiiilp on tho ifiomul tltat thla crowhiif uitu it tnimitott to liutnuii lift ami had iwou of ifivuit lo of viduhloimnrty tlila upiiioalion una thrown nut on the irromtd that ullhougb tliu oroaulnu wuu ultualed in tlto heart of tho townjilp of jnckliijf whna toopla wtiro threiteiuul iiuil una a covin try road bo wo went to uork iiipiln niul luul an uppllcatlon tut in from tlto county council had a imrvoy iiukiu mid idiiu prints itvttiri ly tlm county knulnoer showing u im1 lroatlug on lojtof it itl foot eubiukmaut lutd wlt- uoimtiutoprota tltat at iciat tbroo toopla i hodti klllwl llieraund it birgo tunount of proporty doutrood hut tho ruling of the italluuy hoard wax tltut itucuuaa tba doatliu iiud not ocmirrotl roooutly tltey wore not juutlllod lit onlaritig tlta change lit plulu tcrnw tltey uuulod u fow tttoro of tlto pooplo in thla cciunmulty uhtughtered in flulor ttt prova tltut it una ulwolutoly iteoeodry that the railway ijtoiikl hienil a few dnlltirn to roctlly un outrage which waa jiiftt aa much an outruns tlta day tltey put it them aa it i today well thev hawi aoourej tlta athlltlonal ovulation which tltoy dainaruioil on frl day ovoulug taut in a minding tuuwatorm anotlter of our neiuhltora ur rolievt wrlsht otto of our lieat iul moat careful cltlmua waa killed on tlte croain ami two acltoal glrlx to whom lie was giving a ride wro aorlotuly injured one of thaw now lying in tba houpital with an arid ami aiul loir itrokail lilda otltar injuria a now tuutu of tlta direct partlolpanta in thin tragedy wera to itltma tit oecu panta of tho imggy ooukln t iu tlta train tba anuluoer ooukl nt ww tha luw aiul rig hut tlte condition wore wrong tlta paopla vlu are reapouallda for pertotuat lug thoh oontlltlotw are guilty of man nuuuhur tltat la not all a few rod further down tliu bawa roatl tbetitrontorlulrfirhan a ituay ootttt rue ting anotlter lava oromluu- in tlui liottoiu of u ravine with u tleep bank on either fide it luau kleal plo to oonalnirt un dxoihnatl oroiajng for tit roiul our oimjtvoll uuul rtiprwinuitlona to tlto railway uutltorltloj ullli tlta uual romult tlte tuattsr va tltou taken lut fore tlte hallway hoard of oubirio hut of oourua no one lmi itnaii kllud it wu pnikwtumta aiul to tltotonmtobulnuuati la to lia alluufu to go 011 ami onoatruct thla levalcroalug aiul oparal it iiionlw to keup dowu tlu txut ami luerjm tha dlvliaula uutil it ii aoakad la the uool of tbeilefanoshmprttau ciluaji who ha jient hla time aod btouey in volu trying to gst j oat loa front tluw wlto alt iu tha blb ijacoa ami taka a fat aaury utular tha pra- tance of look lug after hla rlgkta church societik rtafednize aoawatawnal vouujr btuta atnd mathodlotal vta4 atot both uavtf mmjovaolid hvktf- 1moo agaunlubt wau bmmit iu tha rupllat tliurob laut tjiurwlay eeulug wltou tlto jouiigpaoitlo of tlte 41eorgtowii cliuivh laltaltlta local boouty they tmimi in alolgh lwl uhont thirty tlvo atmug uc oonipanlml by tltelr pamtor hov mr holme tlto vlultlng uoclety troildwl h trogmnniu nf iinuaual titorlt in tlm form of mualoal ami literary mlecuoua followml by an lllithlmled tuhltww idiowlug vluwa of many intereutlng poll ita awl partoith among tbem one of our local mrtitny ex- cltaitgera in a very eliaraoterlrtlo poatur local leorgttowti vlewa ami parta of our northern ontario autnuer reaorta uimim alao given followlngttia progrumrne a boolul hour waa btent around tahlaa bulen wltli pood thlngw jtrovldwl by tlia hullea in tlta neighborhood of midnight the company vllabaitded all r porting un okoeltatit time bovbuimiamaj in lexilm whiskey bottles through windows again oakwiltf dppaa mlaloa thotjatfc mu tiannmrt w on monday night tlta metbodlu kit- worth league had tlta pleasure of having tho memhem of lit jeorgntown league aa tluilr guowla for it few itoura about llfty of tlte georgetown young peotjo were iirewnil after receiving preliminary kliulneuut tlta haiulaof mr and mm t llrown tltey were oouducted to tlto lkiirch ulteie tltey irovkhvl an encelleut trogramme of ttolaa inatruuenlal aeuctloi a aiul readlmg a very uukiua feature preaeuted on tho iwogratnua waa that of tlte poallde eftwt nf woman olttalnlng tltelr rlghljb it waa portrayed in vivid atyla by tha luekuaa ur lvnelope par ipiriiig over tle waah tub urn luitetopa vaa campaigning aa a parllametavy oawll data howotor ilotrujtlo inuihloa wera uiuljy ailjuated upon mrs wuelope find ing berself not neoilett a a eamlldata an addreaa of atreciatlon on inthelf of lit tleorgetowm peophj waa given by mr manning ttav b u hoajllutuu tba paator waa unald to attarul but rev mr ziiuwomwii of tlte worval clreull waa iraeut aiul aautad after tit pro gramu hail bean retuleroil a very jaaaut informal hour of 000ui titeroourua waa bpantaupliumentetl by lljjbt luneh earvod by tlta looal loaguo mnlanah ef tka haa tha awortuiiuttt nf hm mm nro tha mwrlalutu ujuhirtlulum wiuhalithj tuttihl ftubaa and thu imrvluil wlui lln wplrrit l twlutvd ulriilulit inuka htiwliolua llilmblt hi wuniuir whim wlillu iiiv litirwhal la u rttiliirv uf tw arttu tbti luak of tltf narwhal la hollow umirly to tbt point uitd u titlniltr krouvad ii iimm iw luak nm a wcupthi f tlffotiiia ilrul tit pluugo llimmli lliu tea to htvallur hit iwrwhul iu fuu f eatdrii roiuatlnitu u iumi u imuii tuia ikhhi fniishl in llu kv gnitt im uan itin lustn luhutikl liy hit luipilul tlraitoati or bluudurliig nf thla urcut eriwtura hi it aonirtiiutx rviu lust u uuatlt of itftistn fiht ultlt u hub fvoin ulx to tun futfl in uimlt au u rut itowttvw lltv uarwliul ioum ita taak tar tlta puip nrkllllnu rlah fur food iu tlta mulht of itoavulmru tit kluga of oawuurtf imva long tvmtfaajsl a utagalowiil tlinuif mad of luak of thl eetaceoii tbwwf lutfc are harow tvd wbiur tliao uurr valmwhilamom wotaktomo amor hhtv baujumtt oo thutwlay ulght lul altar tha raault of tba cltaja toiprjta act wj mada kaowa utmjj tj rowdyud nt wjuajl1 lit tb codtity of tul taay yra duplayad at rtmeuvilu about tan oolook a whuky bottle waa thrown through tha wladow of th uwo of ur w kap ulruaatw of the hujb aobool half an hour aiurwarda aoothar window in hi boua waa lrekao in tha vtni way about hillalgbt a twtttu wa utawa through tba wlulowa of th iwbytarui uauwabd four itauaa of glaa broku iu lb thopof mr aajlrwa tlta three peraoua wboaa luluinga wr attacked ware aatlr uaiparanoa workara tba wetter waa thought ta tha attorney ihva tuiahunt mu tba em ajgu- d to a limvjtwlaj oor the act la isjprjtauuua frou evry poiatof vuw and it la to ita hopad th gulity paoa will it brought to jatlcd ft la auutttj that they wera under tha infloaaoe of ikiuor and it la eva taporud that th liquor u aa brought from toroato 00 idctled day tba pulty for twulag or even giving liquor out 00 tleouou day i vary aevara tb paopl of bipwtavjiu oaiioot ajliw it logo abroad that tba village la at tha mercy of a few uw uuul buokguarda by uriah brauptou ufcuarvator tillefrfa ismmmwmmmsb aulh- wha wrat laolbly no hbtbor or any un etav fur thai matter could fwwlwy lute wrlllfit mor uiibly ibaa rrtinrla thojuotr ii tl rvaqimiitly iu iujoxh iu 11 rrfu rouod baad that woubl bv put bcboolboy nt tit top of hbi writ uufcuaa lib copy u hi way good for th eouiioaltor whuli wua fortu tut for lltar waa utwuya th grwit at dlculty io tmtlng bint lo torracl tb rooa hla review i bar lb uiaubcrlf of 6 of hi ulr poama which a child of fn rwld iad wltb muo tbodeb it 1 wrtllao iwartly iu ink and pdrtly la pott and mrafully ttucb tdswtbar wber tloa bv ba udmwd out wltb wuaor do waj probably th only writar of gaolii who bead pauay aarebt bodkj u tnatid wtfpt hpwloodou bpocutor 1 ej a t tu4iiobu tv tbocahu bd aftortbougfafa uiu tbbi ul ef lord tvouyiwa tt pat waa luvlud to h rertnlh rountry bona and all lb fihhortng luuilnart of lb routtty bad ttau luvllrd iu ukrt blni after dlnuar 111 boat aak whuhr ha would like lo look ml lb fctura tiun5ti took up lh leu- acopa and ferghlllitf ail ktaiad for iwwtty tttttiiiini ml tba wooavtm ot tit hattven trll wfaal do yoi thl ok mr ivauymtar ltuiitlr9 hi bout i rtaot think wart of our oooty famluaa wanyoa tapllad vuaabuvo drinking ftuaao ralud tumbuf ow uiejr nam 10 th fart that lhy ar th aurraaaor of lb littler round all rr iwwla m twrfertly lulanrad that uhlrti evpr wuy lhay woo tlvd aluuil uh lh labia hey tuubud lalo pokltbui hu4lu and ibafo rauialnad wltb lb rial upward uallimavad tlta metltodl rliiiblay behool toa iueet ing at hallltuiftul hiht friday ovenlng wo u luairkntl mieceaa ctunddertng tlta trovaib ing weather tim ohumh waa filled to ilia ilunra tlio tea wmwl tu tlte iwll wuu jmt what woukl naturally lie expected when trovhbul ity ita fammm onoka of thla turn ami it va- provided in great almu- danoo tba programuui waa tilovatlugantl ioable tb uethodut hmwlay rohool juvheatdi of aoton trovldod u gonaroua number of oxcolbuit aeleetlonu and aooupte of quartetteu tbeao woro uuicli eppa mud bjitii mltoltcu teaoliar at ivaoock bobool uiul ml cbeyna ef 0plnjrc a rulng young alooutlojilut wm loudly hp- plaujled for their number exooueut ad famy laky la job may luaya ao hm for ii why bail go fttla a revolving door and tb wait tor riinuduidy iu tiimi lw um turo u uvuuad itftrmt conu unldddvn will all duwo umiakftl irlali ivotufu it to much aaklar to be entertain than it la to tia htortaliiliig severe cold on uuksmd chest quichiy reuevh uaorl atl ck ur jf baward droytoavule 0u wiltra dreeaea each giving valuable rood for y autb ewy lituaodmyxbmt thought war given by rev o d draper auw rev nwaddeu bjlliulid tuv tor uoartltur tbapanlor and mr ii 1 moore jtltu aotmt fhkk 1siuh mr- lleawkik htjperintaiultmt of uta acluwl iwtforineil ttteduthwof nlialmuu in ttiib talrehle nuniter flooil kulgblurt again after ourrooetit thaw una wadtml who ban beeu in clutjph wwriotluto uttdorgolnjr treatataut ba r turned homo much improved her daugh ter ulna kdlih w w- itura afoowpauled her ur undjjra wtu illtchla of wlodw bavo been tha guaaty of mr aad ur joaepb bwladlabunt for lb pat waelk wail very tor bicatuuni bacuiigcougb iwaafaaxkttlaatable i bought m bottle of natrwfco syropof xiaaacd llootloa and cblorodyoo and alter a fw doaaa i felt great relief aud i wttt into a utd atotp a thing i waa uot able to tlo for aoutn olgbta kext day i waa able to ba arouwd agalu and biore oooipkllrjgllm bottle felt a well a ever it la a flue oougli aud cold ur karu co rynip of lluued llcot c and cblotodyiie relltrr tlio irritation and atulfedub feeling lu thairp ageaaootliatlinllckiingwhlcli tuakra yoit cough looaeii the phlegmt aiul drive obt lb cold before it gttatroubu in sfto and toa bottle at onr dntgglat wallooaldrtguildcbeiiikui co of canada untltad ul ilin lot of a dullirntiud kluv 1 1nt ho dreadful aald lliu llret nanolnun when bo had had but u hrlof tnmiro of hie im po rial thronot llitlo tl roam ing wo may b niii that tlm fulo ho tbum ilobcrlbod mould om day bo hi own and it 11 mda but u altslit acaualntunco with hiatnry to prim that few tuen aro mora to be billed than tboaa wbo are hung into oh aeurlly anil poverty from tho union dour of balaeea and tha homatto of uiauworld not that poverty la by any umuna tho lot of all dethroned monarch there bavo been few mora pitiful ob ject than lou la ihlllppo of fratiro aqd bla queen when on that bleak march morning in ithh they lamlol at new haven in tho gulae of mr and mr smith lo apnnd thalr daya in exile hut tilth our louie philippe never aaw again tho throne from which bo had been driven with tho threata aud exocralloua of ilia mob in ida ear hn lived lo hi luut day a king in tho almoat renal luv- ury of claremont when king uanuola crown wua natehed from hut bead he found a refttgo and a welcome in tho uutnp- tunua home of hi uncle tlio duo dorlaatia at wood norton where hn bad an environment no let aplondld than tli at he had left bw bind in llaltoh wltb tho proud aym- hola of majeaty around hlni and royal cliamhorlaln to do hi bid ding and loday liu haa no lack of mean to play tlm klim in evllo with hla private forttino nnd n notulon of 8000 0 yoar the htnpwa cugonlo haa tpont mauy lonely and rorrowful yoara alnco that beplomt or tlo in 1r70 whon aa an pkiio ulm aet foot an kiirlffti anil at imver but at her palatial knallali homo alia lark nothing or tplauilour and luxury that money can buy and aimllarly forlunulo in dlinaler were outfit laaballa or flpaln and oilier dethron ed aovcrelena whom anile ho at laaat not lucked ha r lid ing wllblnth laat acor or year britain tin had in her cuttody at least a many minor potent a tea who hav heu alrlpped or ibalr regal robe in imllu ahe ba round mod oat homo for yak 00 b khan and ayoub khan or afghanistan aud tb oxking or manlnur tho kin- or renin and uganda ivmpb hil ar of aahantl xbbf a chieftain of th hudan lobengula three on the and many mar minor royaltle have bean placed out or harms way aud provided wltb amall income on wbleh to ruminate on hfea vaultle tremnb wbo one lordd it ovr athantl waa lurnl out of but blag- dent lo ism and waa carried off to surra laoue to ud hi day in unwarllko lauur h live w wera told not long ago in a mud- hut nt vraetowh wltb a civil ual allowance of fifty ah ullage m waab and a retlnu of a polleo auporld- uudant and aovao aoldur to kaap walob and ward ovr blm wbll tngllahuea ar puylog golf am id tb rulua ef bl badae trompeb etlll cling tanaelanaly to bla royal atata under eondltlona which would auroly dlahaartan any other mah iii chief pleaaur u lo narad tb atrl drfiaaad in bl atate robe aud ornament with bl wive and attaudaut la but waka and wbiuvtr b werahlp at tb local ireabyterun church ba uvr asnaar without ht utiibrllabarir and hi toolbarr a lo tb day when ba mad hi regal pregnae to hi devotion in bl cabltal kor sou yr rrempab baa bad a rival in d unowned dignity in baaery one a great nouatata ef weat africa whom tba wahcb aaat to laaguub at kay- 111 unta jaly who began bl advaalurou life aa a llav and won but hlugdoid by an ibdooiltablo will aad brut atraagtb now vita on a mat idjuad of a tbrona aad epaoda hi day ia tb nutting ef intarulbabi clgar- tta uehsuln daboraaya fallen raur play th king ilka hafeory en tba lowly tbroa of a mat in tba uar- tlahju home amoklng pipe or clar with bl tbroa wlv ebaoqulddaly la attandanc on hold bu u- oty umbrella anothr attend ta tba aplttoon wbll number thra c tche th aah a tbey fall d- baiutla varle hi amoklng and tdedlutlag by frqudt haug of at lira how dmkad la bl royal trap ping now in a null ef linen cot in lb lata colonial faablon uwaui onallma king ef ugan da fled to german territory wbaa tba fortune of war want agalnat blni and thora ba aottlad down oult haiiplly on an alio wane of four pound a week and kbba ragga evimpror of kltwara wa utt to auetalu hi royalty on a pound a wok aior tha king ef llaola when b wj run to oartb la lh buab alalaaa year ago after bl bldeou taaaa cra of a paaraabl hrlthib uleeleu wa aant to old calabar to rpnt ef hi anortullu en a plttaoo ef un abtlllug a day and wltb thl cbanga curloualy aneugb bo pro foue hlmmlf qulta ullaned nobt tliu b oho admitted to a vbti tor i mla tba dally aaeribo of forty raon and womaa to tba great jttju hut really tba algbt got mouotouou moat of lbs victim dto so tonioly now i atu not troubled aud 1 1id in nonce lltalu lurtb hair tba tlrtii raio in italy bi si 61 par 1 001 luliablluut omfort soap m all right is e plbbaln as name comfort soap positively the largest sale in canada come in make thin your headquarters or sliirtfi here yon will find the choicest patterns all nirco and at price s quality considered that cannot be beaten whats more our shirty fit krfcctiy step in and let un eiiow you what excellent shirts you can buy here for 98 ccnta today f r e nelson 6e metropolitan bank oa1u hdd ut mfiaojjdajbb uoaiumi ojit- tfittuuftai yaud vljuummodm head office toronto phrwors business given careful attention loans made tn renpon mble farmers for jbuuincos purponeo sale notes discounted or collected bnanciieir in tun diothict apton milton guelph campbellvlue 06 co 0 b c hen and woman you now have a cbanee of regain ing your health since the importation of vigorol the great french tonic into aoton by mr brown tho loading druggtat wealt and run down tired and full of nalna do you know you can feel better in a few day if yon am only wue enough to take vigorol tba treat preach tonic your pain aud ache will go if you ore run down uo ambl- tloo tlro1 and laty vlqottol will uuk you alroug vigorol build up the nerve purine tho blood rewovtl tbeumaiitai cleaaw the wbol yaletu drive out everything that pertain to ana dluaao cannot live where vlgokom why mttffcrr surely your ufa i worth a few dollar well then you can buy vioohol or oaa dollar or elx bottle for ave dollar at brown dmg store pringlb is now ready for our watch and clock repairs prompt- n and good work is what we strive to give kickle alarms put in thor ough rood order same as new for fi cents t geo d pringclie tiittjuwulum guiilpii out vack khlqhf st0ye lerwirqilsh ibmairrmess black j l0htne93u3e the merchants bank op canada 11m 8fiulm im cuu4 thrift is rifihtly described as eco- nomical munanjoment a shrewd business man is spoken of as thrifty be cause he saves perhaps only a dollar nt a time perhaps more but tho real secret ol his success lies in the principle of saving one dollar will start nn ac count with this bank all local chcqucb cashed at par camftmmiduikflrmloo mmkbvh humph mh1qhm acton branch p a maclean manager actons electric cho m chopping- rolling done dally satisr action guaranteed flour and feed for sale b f caldwell acton

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