ht jutcrtt sttt tft voiiumm xxxix no 41 knfv luueilpuo tu in adnmh acton ontamo thuhsdav mobnikg apbil 0 1014 aeenetiom fries t63 rr ah hrngle 001ik8 tiibkb oentb mv rii nniiia uvbtlv til ilhuav uouh1no ax yuh trnuio ihuwi huhjimwu uiix llrsakr aorow owr saiumnsllumtairtiotiquedoliarww yaar uieuy lu kdnaut 9 60 lo ulwf rilit lu tb united fetal all sobaerlmjowa dlaaeumnuad wben ll urn tor witub they ba itaan eld baaasplrad tbed4lllileliatery suucrto- uou i ttld u diwud on tbaaddr label abvaarrulwa iuthm yrarnunt advartl menta u saui tmtr moo ra rail tin for ant ineeruomanda mat tw lib ifw eaeli auuea hoal ittsmtlaa contract illtpuy dvriu- knaau imum lualtae mart par tuduid 10 eenutteriitebabob lulltt va art yean tracts fotfkwllumtidaluvueoiiuiwrliiou eaeb ins adveruaamanu wllboul anaelfle direst will b itiattfifd iii iwlild bud aliar seaortl laly transitu i tdvartl a malt is tuuat it pu uu will be ehiij on luadvene avutiluu moatu ij daalwl vat elian oftauar titan above manueaed ota antra eoulpoaluea njual be tw for retfultr tales all eeubte olleted uioutbly it 1 uoohbj emlter and jvetwutor hubtnifltt bittxtotv t ii03 gray u d c m utgill btloft ebwauuasf x b v r b a limw ubsmabttmtniuiuitjduuii awaouviou ufa oas fcr4tuk ibul aatenoal adouglaft laki u d pbytldin and burgeon x4ouuele ol call el p sad ik oaurl cwifoiiuvluulrtjiy el uubluu and ol tbe ubluio ud haw yon vee lltadut awheel an lloapu i late olluual asaleunt bejel london uputawl lojdu kdutt and ftaeeamea llmpo for til of it iter mae ylird and itua leadae- kasland aw4 lalk ip4i aunlna iw unlud bta4m tanratt ol imtalooa waabltuitati u hmhiiiavi lutitllou pu utd mkldm iw uibu4 uu mnilm uuibtnat aatmi d r o s hodouit wiijon oiloplhui hiykuu omdaalaolaumluii iklioal of oaarmtby uuda w a vrutlll tba lmiur of ilia lulane ud8ht 0 to 100 ui asmix llaiimur lion- dav ittul fvuav 1 in g it u uvulae or ooulda valla by polimuiit wyodbaai ami ootk liu orar iba luttk rbwucll qualpb ottufto uailod iwi futo voliia bi i t nil u iii ba piajuom lur ua la iilalii oar tvatllm w vou klodly uvocuavliuilia flmaura im tabu killta pmtnlon ilol llouu t i5 t hum m m dally aiiaai i sunday cm in ouatbb tl ida 0a llooaa dlaali ww im lo i w p w 3 j t u n bi i miua 11 gmualullaatajtunijualiaurml or j o ooodpbllow 4 j ulotutjnou oawud uu btfaaa lu pam tuctt ultek d il j u uill ou nldg aotou iiiomnau ubua al uuuuu caiuh uill a4 vtmuuk strvcia tfa ulata jmtltaua 6 j ii tualoaj 1 u l l hbnhfctt ulnt1bt mxtcmlla hmo ujl bookuludhui tvybdiiu bt a4lfb oautta toirar willuu a4mt llaikt ol kll klttdd udj klaaiaaliilknyilauddaaadi hiuu f mvau w a kua uv 1b m kvw fra ottw acrmul cihaufaild awjioimil fof lb- wtuiua ol w4llutm au4 ualtoat uwyhill iiiilaaautji tll ih bmabmly ia3aiii ttiua uwwriabla auai hiftawy to loan ott tb ual uvuaabu urfmawbd fclthaftwal vat6f iuub la muatam aooauj miwji h j uuiua lloliifalld al7uuitlla vat tbu cmiau el wallluuti uamloit fail 4 ihisatlu au4 iba ally ol if tun 0alm aaduu uu laaiaiaauoti au4 ujmh umuajbj uu la ulmom v x w cduua ltlubaacd iti la aomumuau ultb tba iuatailauau4ad- bj bfcamilajttailuau4ad- utu4 u ba uado iwdaia ui at fawm ftuua mba jui4mi will raal ittluaulau hilamum ufmaial tuualld la ulai la aetou and v id oily r4hu vm ullix oh 1uhy j a1i1i9 sicdomald llcktlbko auotiohukii vat lb bouutbu ol walilnmtoui llaluut wtuatoa wauiwocui aad tba city oj hajuh wodualaj ou kauobab iillafaaibvi kiuurajlul lu ofalry vwurnitutajtljlr to ualdt buy ba uraugad m r vammi eaw the old and bailable granite and marble dealers my kauuraaiahm ami tluai luiwrtaaa tv olallhltiiuoimotitttitatiulaudraadataoa mafe waaallidiirali4oiuubtaanatmboli mw w ibiad ufa- ou edtimwn m kutf aw wi b iba ba jitfbuauom and ui- aady haabaalaa in iba douidimi who mn eptr ktoyoaeinuia taobirroaatly w au ki if an tfota bandnm of onr atutocoata in taaaata il otbaa toban o4ba ba k 4a7ua milw la ordar la aoluaa w bav ah bnwa baal atoak of ilraalu in lb doailblaai m uora than any ibraantaalaralu wwwaal waaxralmltlbuu oaajaca and ant aat afnla bjad da no una m t uw aaadtik oa unoranlaaania law tali nla tmily mm dwji savage co btabllihd i840 jew tilt r guclph the old and reliable watchmaker anil jewellera savage co guelph ont waters bros qurlph headouanters ror o a c amd school supplies voh nature study botanical etoholooicab draw1no painting 41 wyndham street phouwqso spring millinery miua liunkav u now iltowlutf the latent htylct in spring millinery in mx pretalftajovor slatlibttis store in the warren mock a cordial invitation u untchi lo all tad4 tu tbe dlpla miss murray hillr ac1tom something entirely new sanitary household brushes the fuller brushes are made to give the longest 8r vice poinble may he washed wiihoyt nn damage and arc thorourhly banitary tin laual oooja ol call c spoioht mctom business education r- r u guelpa business couege ouluw ommkm vwl u1u turti lult hlwij ikmb all owr lakttlliv la uttjuka kbd u uill i3 m uiml uuf4lm ibu la mubb b mi nuim la kkftll blaiwl ciuf olrmf t lb oaiu ofim h mikolaj maccoramchib atmrt fresh groceries fruit and caadlu k always ih stack at v statham iv sons new rsliiik but cddedcjl currantt otectatt pedt otutgu elft lemon dale tinpe fruit null jripe csndles green groceries freih leltiuc ridbhei etc fretattyiandfub just a word about garden hard ware wonlyur ynu u good rnli at kit ceula mm knudr at tio cenlrt good lioentks canu cioo1 tiliovul pt so conta to name nvr tinr lut of qanloii nucblkarltit would tnku moro ajiattj limn la nt mir dlujknu1 but for hjmdei or bliovulu ilikttor knlicu korku or trowulu t tlarrow or ttrayorti lawn lttlkem or kallorti you cannot do ltlr tlttnlro in wllh yftiic order and wscurclli value in bvory ciu aiftoffered by tlic rllj store u linvo what you want the bond hadwareco usuud phaum ioi3 fan twltfa ouailfh 9ahrp bobnvm mavm 1huv lrullwn- tlwireu miotlwn- lioy to iiljiit wltoa iruylntf ton unl utatm hiaiio of wotxl i lln nalm it lo ialio mn ol lilm till lipid aim loio lilm titit ll uont iw uny uootl ho li too fur nway lo nuiko mm itour i id uo lo him ami oil mm if tooum tliafc youll takaihtro nf mm tlmt you t i know ttod wb yon it liu only know 1 know luid lovoyoti if iiooduld t ikuirllotl tako utroof lilm ami lovo mm tliu otlir loy wfioua uod u inuo of 9tuil yantlltj hrtmnjj oldctvu kmvrrok modern iaraudnuui lvnwi luch leai la a nfllid unhroken urfuco ttir la no cument to cloud or offer u lodtfintf plnco for dirt dlufignrlnfytljtinpnwirftncfl tlie eylalit of youllilarc mtabllahud au well an tliorc liavltitftlieaoimarancoof younjj folka ulauies ground on tlie prainlua y hujmtta a d savage optemetbist miu ophcian rlfflit at tliepoat oftlco iltiihuaum hum do nov want ib0iokly iwanavaia man aud wowa in tbjribl auand aehoolllilbaa ui rapuuiltui few an dillon uiu1aautoto bell art pianos pouu an individuality and at l rue tl van a which cannot ucan the attention of a musician in many structural points the 11iell stands alone as m dlaltict dopartura from older nivtliodi the now pointa aro ulrong points wlteratn purchaurs of lie i planoa obtain that nicosuru of tuiiirfttctlod which enable tham to say wlib pride uy piano is a 1111 bold only by c w kelly 133 upper wyndham st autlph ont uonethlnv but ijultiniflt into praxllm u ao emlrily differ rit propojlloo w- 3mat ulamt wa do yout its a rtioj tu2bitloa and one w cau fully qualify on khumbititf 3up0li kumlhd byu are all ilaodard tuakaa whlbj tba wojk w do is superior in vry particular killbiaurdglvou stevenson malcolm co taaltilllaiillllwafrwtritiaaa iwrjuli bimu otjtlth omf 13 cthubblbtis book islhoath qaavbdatl aiailauoail ala wokk rbouimrlv bvauutho rnoble four feed and seeds hamilton sons t stathaatar son cwotoavo4wllhlbuuulm mulfll q uw foiloou wo linvo jiifct rccived m irw atock of seed of uod clovof timothy alalke alfalfa kod top cnuodlan blua grojui all oovtirtiment standard wo are paylilk the highest markh prltstfor all khtds of grain at our kt- mrnnciin twimoht bail flton over tte litlu fltditnrf iuvg hftlita lian to twinkle in tlte rrtttft along um filtora aiul a uanta of pejww runoiled all luford ui little while gate of otvo ootug mood a lioy ami a girt ho einietl aiul plodding tjro uiu1dtig and mrotat ittjf ob katbuon wont yon o aerbhu fo- ono uiluutot tij no uiujmikg matter dear bia dnln itonwt fuoa slight with a great lov au lis atldoil uoftly for i lovo kathlmti i lovo hut tlie qui naw only ute pldiiucwi hla unknlilitly amaaaratim so utterly dlftaut from lr ulml llmt ideal oiialirltuml in every glrlliji benrti awl brokaln impatient- ly dont jni dont no ovr it all aoln i know uhat you aro going toaay and my anuwer is tl uhm ah it nlwayu will lie you tnlgbt ob well know tlwt i uoulint lay hew in thia tiny dull oil vtllago for a fihtune i want to baa tho world lo lie ant of i lie world tnluo i i could gl e you ail you wanted tlte boy ntruuml ytw know tlierea eitongb for um botli bis voica thrilled on tba bat word but tjn falutl to notioa iiithor it or llui iloggeal ialn in bu mua eycu her tooriiful htmjh rang out and live hoy winced a if fcomaona bad atrueb mui fnougli for uk both yen with skimp ing biui living a dull titnivotonoua esutoiim wi might inanagg to rualio it do no jiu thank ynt i dont want that i wont rul ufa and you cant give bla that 1iu fctony aildtvca bosmed to touch her ami itr volt waa gujitlor aa tita uxa out lwr baud i au aorry luil uia boy luurupleil bu aloo barah and piiioat idart waut yor njnipathy kilhlaeii i uant your hye uot ala ho uylujf ba turoul abruptly oud btiodd off dowu tba ick vat tba fw luinutw lb girl blood mot loo ulna wutcbuig hu rotrootlug forai with lalngld foiling wblcb b ibired not aualyta jiu bod beu bar play fallow a od bwcwutaam evar aluos liut coukl twibibar uu without jlma iwaauoa was a thing ualbought of it boil httui tbeir draattt tbcwtobulua uttlawhlu ootug uauof tbjrou but fuw kotblwf tht dtvani lad vaautoj afur a vllt to a bjgfahortag city ita bhuuuoa ua gy uuodg gf fujjilotubly dtan peopld bj awakhad wltblu br duoauuut taa rbl- llod at her olatpla lot if aba nuiliaj jlnt hbaarguod all ho ol city ufa auoug tba wvaltby wodll w guoa ao bba rsfaanl to luau to uu idwllhg bba waitaj uuul h w4 out ol tight tuoulth a half wut- fal blgb turi into tba boua wdung oa bba dkl bu tba grami bbulk clluuda idobllag upl tba wnt and hblvataj oa aba fait tba fcunx of tba ld rulug wind awsketmj about bddnjgbt by tba raging atond wbia abook tba liltla eouag uk a loll kathloait waa uuabu to go ta idael acalu ami uy lltaubia to tba war of tba aurrianla th tbuudut erdabaj aud roar- ed tba llgbulag tuirud dugonalby acroaa tba aky flllidg bar llttld roooa wltb lriuubt light again and again wblu far dowu ou tba bwkbb aba could boar the augry mm ujtlrtg agnliifal um rooia huduwiy it tad to bar that aba board tba baaw ol a wodudad vaaaal ealllag for hali hut aa tbauorbi tjaarvd away about ud botlta lour and uotblajf iiualaod of lb uvo tba bowling wluda and iba awalllug ua iba tauat bava tauu tuuakau but bo praeautly hba keard foouupa and luea d up tba liaaeb bearlog uaurtia tbalr voiom rauod liaoauaa of tba wind raaebad bar idalaly through liar baatlly hang up window tbarau a hltlp ou tba rocks youdar tla itbun euough l but tberaa no hopa of ra one uo ooa ooubl roaji it u ulgltt llko thl vjuutd uot tltay uay tliat youug jim la itouiul to go lloa getting tba man to gather mliut why uian luiu cmsy boll do naught hut droun hluiaulf iiik iiu iw aya tuaybo hut laa a plucky tin titer vtaa grudging adwlratloil lu tba tuaua volou involuntarily tbu gltlu bund wont to immt ibroati jw fait iw if huu would tltoko how iltuwl jlui wit bin ii fo in ibiugor willi trembling clumay uiigaru hardly knowing wliut bjui ilid jm droaaad aiul klltkd uilt uf tlu boum afuw lalnuua lutar kutbloun uiunaulng along tba baaob beadle of tbo htlnglng wind which out bar lika a knlfa or tba wavoh oooukloiuil dreuchldg liaodloal of all j fcave tluit ulte tuutt get tbare lu tltaa to atoijliu i hut dkllt ler hurry ibu wind hud bin- ibjrtd liar juat auhkieutly to make imht a fatv tulnutaa too biut the lifoboat bad boon buinobud and itur ktralulrur iyw iaugbt alght of hint in lha liow a low aivjaglod aob eauid bir as au pauiid minting oct tba vergo of the croud which ilod already gatliaml therell uot one of tbent an woubl havo put out to night if it hadnt been for jim bottio one mhl it won bfa urging bla oourago tliat nuubi ant go theyll never reach it never in tlifu worhl ho tuy talked ou hulraxolteinant 6ml log rellefln bpeeeli in an alatroeb faali ton thd word reaolied tba glrlaeara but her ityca wora on tlie ilttla wove ommmi boat bo gallantly btrlklng out for iba tauk hive luilp outlined itr tin ploohl with uiery wavalt wmei that tlm uttla ufa itoat with iu berola oraw would jlj iown into tlta eager bea down and not of tight jilt icy lutml olutolwhl umtbleena iteart hi ait unyielding gnup all fueling aeetned nutnlted tba couldnt tldnk iiho couhlnt wovo ijm oould only atarwl and watch tba frail craft which liald her liu to go further awl further away front iter on andon tlia ilttla itoat went luiroou iwialy lnatlng ilia wuvea further tind urtbar away froin tlie anxious watobera on altora and nearer ami nearer to the doomed ahi kot h few curtoun glanoeti wero levelled at tba glil aa fcha stood rlghlly iter kklrta uowlng about her in tbo ueroe wind iter fair lialr hanglnfr about bar white mt fooa i in which her mg dark eye looked liked dep unrthotnaljft walla mu nlk gatuwl tearbuajy uinoalnijly idler tlie boat ibmemed yearu lo llui waiting ftowd ami oenlurhia to tho girl before tho boat hltadowy ijuiie in tho early dawn slipped into bight then tbo rigid forto of iba girl reuvad a little site leaned forward bar uuall liajula cuapet bar dark ayaa full of an agony of fear afraid e nn to breatba leat all hi ton u tie loat a mlghryclteerwukt upfrour tla crowd mtd willing luuula made reaily ta aid tlta bravacrew in binding nearer and it er it oaiuo llllad wltli tba reaooad arwl tba nnuuern everybody crowded to tba water oilge only tlta girl blood lu tba atwa ibusa her whlta faca growing whiter aa tlto awful atraia told ou iter but still alta atood until aba taw jiu rot atwl triumphant stand up in tba boat and waved fllte look a ttap forward bar llpa moved luit uo bound cauia another ateta aba btaggeroil and fell lit a ilttla patbeuo hadiiou tba aaiul tbetd waa a rush lu iter direction but jlut bad seen bar aral and uithod quick leap ha wait out of tba itoat ami at her aldev it was bin morning wliaa kathleen opened iter eyea n bar own hotae jlm aba yhbrparod whairaa jluf rtlghltteru jiu answered coming to iter at one katlileen sat upon tba couch- jiu thaiaid oh jlru you arwt drownd ynuvaooida back tome whenllbought you vara goiug to ha drowned during tboaa awful houra wlkvu avery tuluuta wight sapaiuta ua faravr i found out jtut wlua you wet to ue tba color waa coming haok tu iter pale cheaku and laer oioa ua very low aa aba want ou i knew then that i would uvir ba bapfiy in tba city in any place wllbout you i knew that if oiy you oatua haob uotblag eua would uaitar baauaa booauma jiu i bha iturtad bar faoa la bla coat aud wbuperad tba raat jima faoa waa trauallurd iba light of tbo latter mau thou out ouj lcatbl u burvallad that tba bad aver tbougbt blu plain love bad opuaj hw ayaa ftba saw ubdar jlaaa rjajnaai bla trua grat a lora ebacu all thing mouahmoida hity wlu gubua ara oookad with lb- ooiar off tbadiifa tbay ratala thilr oolua in uuob of tbajr original fraalihiaal wbau a apoaga lufimaa aliaay soak it la stroug borax watr wring out aid hmsw waur couunua tbla until tba podga baoooaea claan if potato ara rubbed with oliva oil bafora baking tba jtliu will ba tblu aud buft aud will uot dlntf to tba aida of tba potato llub a ilttla butter undo tba eda of tba stout of tba crasu jubt it will tnvwtt drop of eraabi frond ruhulug tloun ovwr tba pitcher bafora waabbig uoa eurtajua uxa a uarrow atrip of tunla oloug tba outar ajgd allowlag it to ramala until tba waabv lug and drying prooaaa la ooutwata wblu dlaooloratloua ou faralum uta auaoai raovj ly tubuaa tbaai uuiy with a soft clotb luouaj with unaifli of uraalit saiaii bdarda ou which to sat aauoapaua kaubw fryiug paua ate caa auly ba buda and bay ara a final mvhvg to tba kltcbeu lalli itauova ink and fruit atalna frou tba floor by wathldg tba aduad uut wth oold water than oofarittg it with baking soda wltea dry uah off tba asda vbitlroua wbao put away for aeaaa ibsta sboubl ba rubltcd ou tba bottool whau bligbtly wariu with u talxtur of vaaallua and sweat olb olakshaen vo tmmiaiirw tba liquor ilealora jourual baa uada a dliootary chrwlau toofla hta uckla- la tba eburlly which tbay profeu oil tba other hand they ara vlcloua and uali- clous and bera u tba oof of u in iba jouruulu uu ii worda i it l u fout that thu luubt v ludkillvo utul v uiiouti tituo iu nay community aru tu ba found among tltoaa who ai umulterod ui chrlutlauu wo llml proof of tide lu tba but tluit lu mrloua uita of tho fllatalbfiau iklloih uihi luullvlouu ujrtiouh uivil ouui- bjuatl to puhllah all tba iwuaa of reejtaot- abb ultliiaua who algu btthealjott kan ikpior lioenaa applloaota why slioubl it bo tbougbt so daaaoaua a uilug topuulab tbauauoofa uuut who fuvura u lugul und ropuiauo bualuebw uuoh ua tlta juuwal advooalaji and support why siuhiu u uiaai who algiu u itatltlon for u liouunti waut to bava tbo fact kept bouhty wluburgb adiocatu hiru muootihoi a lbtuiu gntbuuau waa isudlng bbi vacatlou wllh moauefrloudalu tba wat of irebuid white hulug drlveu to bladaatlii atloii ita uotlood u bog that prombtod good bhooting uud aabed bw iarvey if tltera wer auy bulpu in it t hbnlim u ll t ind ya say sbulimi hliurolfyo wut into that botf wldout a guolboyvluttil why oo to church f it u seet on a stimmera morning when tba air is aqulver with tlto hive aohga of the urdu and fragrant with tho odor of roaoa mown to boar the mualo of tlta church going bella an invitation to tba world wearied to enter ooda um4a ami find peace because tba instinct of worbhlp la in tba heart of wan and the church a tlta tampb of tlto living god i go to church heeaum i tlnd teaoo thero tluit peacu which io fjulnoy do ucrlbed uu a rovtlng ftoui it u nun ulum a kabbatb of raposo a repiu grantecl from tlte aocrat imnbinaof tbeboort on if i btowl at a disianea am aloof from tlto uproar of life i km if tho tumult awl fever and strife wero appended ua if ttera iwondedovbr ma dovevlllte ltoloyon calm i go to church because i lovo ilia rnuulo uiat i liotr titer tlta mighty roll of tluit great organ mingled with tba nurvelloua bymibonlea of that dlvlna stringed huttru nwnt the human voice untwisting all the cludns tliai tla tlto hidden boul of bar inouy i go lo clturch beoauaa i delight to hear tlte teaching of tba preacher whose aoul la dedicated to jol whoso field hi aa wlda aa loda unlverwe ultosa theme is tlte deatlny of uuui ami words ura tlta oraclea of fata marvellous la the spell of tlta preacher lo whinn god ban glvau genius and eonaecratiom and tlta power of liuatre tlon drawn from the obi sacred immortal hook and from tlte miracle of nature uo lee revealed n tlta crimson tipped rower turuad up by tlta plowltar of llolrt duma upon tbo aoll of ayr than in tlie long reaches of tba star girt sklea i goto church because tba way is dark and i ou far from bow and because tba eburcb is tlta polar star to light uy path way in tba raylsaa night i go to church hecauae tlta church mlnlj tare not only to tlta spirit hut alas to tba matarul uaeda of ufa ami becum it la tbare that tba charitlau tltat uoollta and heal and blew ara boattared at tba feat of man ilka flowara x ro to church hoaauaa vca ami crime wither and dla ih that atuwpbem i go to eliurcb because i bear tlta taacb nga of tba pblbuopby of jesus lit incom parable nun and if you toy bla teaching is philosophy awl not rvllgtoa and thit it was a tauut and uot god then the philoso phy of that man baa redeemed tho world from aavagary ami blessed mankind with cbrlbtlau civilisation audi to my mlad it la a thing worth while to bear i go lo church because v and there ooa aolatiou and hop because i sea utaia tba dawn and not tba sunset and it la batter for man if tlta hope la ltaseloaa and tlta vhdou but aualuaiva ijtantoni to cherish a dream so glorious aud beautiful titan to ba weighted il i ami cruhod with uta rjuartlod moun una of a uorld without hope and without god claude weaver crtrtgtefcmrtail froiu okubouia w a vi now or ihkohihiiati mum lnrj selkirk hutwitba lord bal kirk sattlara were among tba first aava of clviluatku which lipiud tba shore of uanlfoba and to tbem bt dua port of tba debt of gralltuda for security auj waaltb now aajoyad tbay ami other plouaara earvad out tba rough roada which laad to rlche of tba weau tilh dukb ov oou wacnur canada iliva of imluatrloa canada will ba oh of tba graaiaat agricultural eouolrua lu tba world huay hive of uahufaoturtea i mlnw la full asplalutloa i fljiarla abundant i aad tiaaltar butda giving large ratunu loiid rrraayuooma duty of grat powar uay tba day boo dawu wheu tba great power will teallaa that it la tbar mitlat duty la baltla all diibwrauo by uutratlod i would regard any old i could luring ab the uoutat purpoe of uy ufa pojlulkjt boabka- orrawa our oontniow country tba lmterbjt- au eilkad eonl that boa ver bouud flanada bt louda of uulou lov atwl aneo uou in baudlug up gtaaiawtbaulalou aud a bdgblua eajplr bolu strougar today than ever lefor uow u itttifcaa oa vawa worua nw luttudil liver aiam tba aaruaet day iuau bava lawtl building sbltw but tba ship wa am ijaualua la dlbwaut from other it oampit u tba heart u fabeua carry gej will ta loa am projated by tba brdsailani pawdw oflovat iut4ulubtbaamdcaiof asaoa it u tba skip el fuuljl no target con withstand tba sbota that frlaoj- shirt aanda aboard w j unyiw hul kmkuikalet u wav agnltlat our real atoatnbm wbo destroy ow peopld wllo stand for lajuatioa for tba rule of tba strong oea tba weak usd ei tba wealthy owr tba poor let ua tfeht against uu- eiau ukaugbta and intaneranoa hav a w goumtv wihmirfcu worlfa neada tb wotkl today la cailbig for man of induuuallty ami ilatna ndlnjf paraoualuy hkv j u luwv wlvtllhiu cxawadaas cawal twtrto tba voluma of truittr which iased tbrougb cubaiiub caiubi in iisegfeftat- tjetbibtouaa toaa over 1012 tba ehuf incraasa waa at hult st afdriemom cwur increaam wrai wellaud hmmi be uwaattea kuttu i uurrayi 1060 i uuil kideaull0e4l icraaai wer i chambly ojhla feaplva3203l jhuwa ab- 19l trauf 2iu01 amlht abfrs us44 i aftar eliminating dapllcatlou tbara was a ut touuaga of 40oiu of wblch omy tlwmu totw waaof cuimuhsw ohgln tba jptom trsud baa grown to umm dlmenalotta from i356am tons n lithwiorrct lit tbo butt docada tba uvorugo ratu nn txui jwr uillo in canal trauju lu 101 it wau iu tba oorrua- poiidlijtf average rato fur all tba tallwayiof cauada wan ttu thu rail rata ou wheat from tjurt wllluw to uoatreal la 12oljiruabel or t4 v tou tba water rate u itbl oeuta par buabab or im tr ton u a didbreno of par tott la favor of trauarkrtatioit by water tba oaplla espeudltuieii of tiuiadan tenuis to data la f imoetf 9 and tba oust of ualntfttuinoa for 1018 w8lw0w- wby tloe tbo averag woman uae tjor iuujrojitubliyiugad4wtjip lb ucilrahd twsuttv vtuuf ago hotaaa ivoael us lreai rsaalosrhu4- ilajr maty d takm actons ameaament has increased 521- 000 this year i tba population 07 tlta llrst annlveraary of acton tamper- anon union win onlebratad lost ilumlay o eulng by n union servtc in knox church leva itaouml rmgaavastlrrtngaddresm ea agulnst the legalised liquor traflui 1 uiou minnie morton tlaitghter of mru 1 mary morton died lost saturday heart failur was tho imuiedlala cause of dealli itutsliloluul been buffering from tba inroaila of consumption for soma month mis morton was in her nineteenth year tlta waa an active member of lha disciple church tlta funeral wan conducted by ilav mr ilaker interment at kvehou cametery it la to lie regretted that uta customs of observing may day haa been duooo- tinned of lata ycanc tbla annlvorsary u remembered with 4easant remlnbioenb thoughts by many vi fly years ago last tuasdayi mrs ft a beoord then attend- ing a young bullos school in hamilton was crowned may queen ly young huluw of tltttt city ami waa esoorted by a proceaa ion uirought tho prlneiail streeta a ery buoceuful at homa wan held by acton homo circle but thuraday evening ur a j miller of orlllla ami his son mr j c miller who have conducted tba buftlttf acton tanning co as iriau agar ami foreman respectively for about tlire yearw have severed their con uoctlon wltli tlta firm and tho employe i tendered if r j c miliar ah address- and purs at a supper at clarks houl on rat urday night following ara tba names of tho receiv ing highest btdudlug la lb reguur montb- ly anamut mr tt moores room chas mccauii nottta cobban mlnntairlma john cook aib francu maggla wallace tloy mclu tosb etblla j moora uay llyder wm tcdruuuon rollia perrymau james bmltli arthur moora wm tuewart vennall dniytlta joe rtewart ciuuih mclum ncllla holmea joltn moora edwin praiiois wmaruoli mlu c m mopuila booacwa comsf ixiuy nubliii usul itu bella uononsld miui nlcklin beabatt clark kva icrryman minnie arthura itnljna wallao mis lalerit roomjohn arthur edith warwick tltotuaa caupltell lrwbi wright artlo modouahl george oram etlla mcdouahl tvnul lawson edna eiwackhamer muj u e nelccow room josla utaphaiui llorenoa boper ella gaiulil mlnnla ucllterson kihl miiu alloa iwia aiinia ilroinan paatl rtuart- roy arnold hot la ml drown jennie camp bell mr w if walker of mitchell visited relatives hero thu waak lfr and mr johua norrlali nasaag- ways have taken up tbalr raaldeoca in town mr aud mrs wnt guruey mr roltt j guruay ami mr and mrs adam rtawart want to grand valley on monday to attend tba funeral of mr jamaa milu mr ami mrs ww drown want to georgetown ou kamlay to attend tba ra opanlng servloaa of tba uetbojit church mr joaaph hopar baa sell bla farm stock at crawsoua gornar ami gou to huntavilla to tab position oa carpenter at lb tauuary thara uu ukhshal wktil vwtalmm dont la afrakl to wajs kaoda it u vrnry well to bay that it burl a boy or a man or woman to preb t tbera may it tbol who lb tbalr lasat work without au- ooumgemaut but let ua le till nearly all cf ua who liva ou tbla eahb ara bumau beings and work beat wheu u- 06u raged it la a graat ulauka uot to tall taopla wbed you ara satlflatl with them if tba cook uta bafora you a dinner fit for hug tall ber trf doot ba too lofty to prua tba oboa boy if bla work la eowmaudalwa tell him so it la bardar for aoma peapl to glva pralaa tbiu it la for tbem to glra mouay mauy a geeeroua fauu u a vary niggard of pralea do you ilka to ba praued yaureelf tbeu deteud upou it iba ctbar fellow will like it iour tba oil of eucouragemeot ou tba wbaeu of raugraaii aud ratob efa whlrl im not advocating soft map or nailery or gusli no ou like to ba gushed at aiwl any fool can tall flauary from tba raal ing vut wbeu a waa luui uada ahit with you tell him ba ha may ba dead before you tret another ehauce or you may dla your self it tale- quality to appreciate- quality ut wenyou prajaaathliuryouara raally of- farluga oompllmuit to yoursalf doout that appeal to you t will you let alt tba good thing lu ufa p you by ami you aa mm aa a dead owl f waka up uau t waleh oat for a cbaaoa to immlm aoua ooa admit to your own self tbatyouuka wbalbabafdouaaiwl tbeu tall him so 1flmiiba icagaklna hwoohvuhhmv tfaara waa a young man vain of blu aooomijliluaenbl ah a preacher wbd aftet oolcuutng at a certain servtoa for ahoottlsb minister who oooasloually hod to avail himself of uta aslstanoa of proliatlouew wan mat by tbo old genuemou with ex tended baud am itu deaoeuded from tba tulplt expecting high pralaa b aid i wo ooupliateuth i lawy nu no uia jouug fiea said tba parson uooadayu fui glad o ouyboily msakif ho mrohtup tba sun waa blinding elouda of dust wora blowing evarywber and joruia waa most decidedly off bla gamo it really ptt- the lid on it wbeu just aa be wan struggllug to play hia liall out of a quarry a itenavoloitt old lady passed by wild u tompanion bm bolted in avwattt aurrlse aud pointed with bar umbrella at tba earnest golfer dear mo my love hlto vebjarkbd in oudllilo tones wltat a cry raspccuhly divjtfed uoii uut id tvealldgslfloai kvirvbodw oahdelh all along tit wjiiln ij eeryhodya garden 1 thern uto wild rom blnsotus through tlte summer dayw i round by llebl fenoea nml cier strulchlng onward it iu goda own frarden vor it give him praise tu gay with goblourutl titer l4oomlng grasses ium ami suuftehem smairand yellow turn ever to tint sun i juulut darkeylmiulh uro thutwt ami daiaiom wild uml fuir in every body m gurilcn luiii floher th loteliatono1 r nrybadya au along tlto wayuldu js garden i coma out atul gatltur poulcut tlta ery air is sweet com out wltli hearts of glailneaa y big and llttl chlldnui ilftoour aathera ganlei niada for our strolling feet the hitting i tut tor ly tha fragrant winds tltat blgh tlt tiny clouds tliat hover altera ua in tttev qua tha itird sonu high aud clear make heaven draw mora near in everybodys garden tha work onca ui6 la naw william v hhvlwln in unersallst leader wheu u young man taken from a itoma a young bride titer hi ito thought of eny lltlng happening lo tlto mluhd career tltay start upon usually they unit poor ami right lifes itattbw togother ami nuk for thetnaolvetta itomu iu tits story hooka read awl they lived lthy ever after wards bat tba story doo uot always and that way lu real life tba husband often qulla lb raca long before it ia supposed to and au accident an exposure and death from sicklies or a long lingering ufa of malum net due toon of tlta abota cause- oud hia earning capacity iu stopped if be comes an expeiis if lia uvea and tlta earn lug stop if it dies and tlie widow oflabi a mother la left to struggle on alow my husband friend wlmtprovuiou ba you mad for tlta tlay wltsn you ooasa to ha a protector an earning factor in tba homar ifavoyou aoohletit slcknoua or uf huor aric tluit will carry tlw widow bud cbll dren tast tbo uoudu of thu awful calam ity t vod bava taken tit wwu to trotect bar and litem unuw jou oan protoct them iter deaut you itavo not dona ourfnll duty even though wealthy lu umla and stock you may bethort of cash nt the tlma you ara shumed oft thu earth oud lb widow laoompelled to sacrlfiou boowtuug in order to t reaily cash insurauc money comes itamly to mn tlto wealthy and anotlter thing have you uuulo a will fix inatten so that in cub of aud dan death jour property will go to tho who wiah lo receive it ami with tba least poeflihle legal fusa vou will not dla auy ar by having life insurauoa by having ami a will in wadlne for tba final roll call but you will live a whole lot mar at ease knowing tit wife awl cblldntu will ba provided for if any thing happen to you arab tmu pouhli ov oousttataiv a btava active intelligeut terrier be longing to a lady frleud ana day dlecd ed a monkey belonging to an ltlurut organ grinder ouited utoa tba bank within uta ground u utul at ouoa uiado a dash far him tba monkey which waa attired lu as jacket awl bat awaited tlta onset lu such umliaturbadtranqulllty that ba dct- balled within a few feat of him to recouooltea doth animal took a long steady star at each other but tba dog- evidently waa recovering from bla surprl aud about to tonka a spring for tba intruder at tbla junction uta monkey which bad remained perfectly quiet hitherto rain i his paw ami gracefully saluted by uflua bla hat tha dogu head and tall dropped aud ha sneaked off ami entered lb bauad refusing tokaveit uu ha wajbausdodthai bla polite but mysterious guaab baddejwut el irlab time vats ihtllwipaleratlom ouacf lltho wotka had to uy oft au argumautatlv irishman named put boltasaxeddlacuaalod by putting tb dlaebarga in wriuu tba next day pat waa ulaslhgi but a weak later tb boei waa pasajn througbtbaibop aud ba saw him again at bla lathe going up to uta iriahnuui bo dauuiudod baroely mil nt you gat my utter t u sor ol did said pat duyou readltv hure bur ol read it lualuo aud oi read it ouludo wild pat aud ou tbo insid yd sold ol waa ared and ou tha outbid yet mid lutum to ualdwluu looomotlva works in tlve dayu umdhm watch atudreaa reltearaal of a company ol ainatauta llrowu tbo ittro feeuetl ratber bird oold and restrained a novelist sat in a but uaat to a charming woman aj tuldduaga ubasald at tb end of tw third act i it goeu beaut llully doeat it t beautifully uld uta euuemu but brown doesnt wake una u that pretty girl in aa ardent u uuuoer u i could wuh hid loi making in ficb atrlkas ma a vary tame and plhtldu tba woman frowned he wont pot any mora spirit in it whllu ive got ray y ou blu let ma tall you ah fold im ura brown women and asthma women ura ubm beretl among uta suaerera from uslbua by tba oouhtles utouaaiula in every clluat thsy will ij fonml inilficm iu uta grip of tbla nunuosu disease unua tbey ba availed themselvca of tba proior ramedy dr j d keilegg asutma lutuady baa lirought new itopa awl ufa to many audi taaumohlau sent euurely without eellel atlou bbow uta euoruuhia benefit it baa wrought saong womaii every wbaro a mild pill for delloata womaa tb moat dalicata woman eo uudarge a eoar of rirmelee vegotalua pilta without iaat of unaasant oonaequimoeai their ecuc while wholly effect iu bt mild autl egfaay abu no violent pain or mirglnga follow utelr uae aa tbousands of womau who bv uafril them oantaetlfy they r tba auougly recomumtsjed to women who t know prune u disorders of tbo tttgeauva- brgvna uia mui