3 lines we lead in wall papers- window shapes portaim polfcs- our tfmvt slook is now in and rmmdy for your lnpollon atvm vm a oakjl manniabib uoimu imuid geo hynds real estate femiformle in holtftui aeel md wollliviolk moo laum for wle evpry iau iv ym taut a ifcm write kme far catalk r lfy wub ull r xcumi4 wrtivawe wti imv very i acltlty iter trmumrilnjc baalnc t yamr mlt mktutmcilaii carres j t nrixloijtbv vara hclulitf hrrljut voftvwetow 5ic jutait 3ftti fytm tiiuiujoav uayflfl 1014 brio local items jua lb tnottul of ro- htt mon day prlday abower war vary wetooma and beneficial th pt weeka rain lav greatly helped um biilowa 11m oiluhumpuuta ovtdenuy plaaaed th bnluretl anyhow it realt of ut veeva art m 11 ng grdaauoulterld il whole prte- of fciuhur baa jepedial per lootbapeatweek tender are in for th do mw m 000 poratara orjjag at oak v 111 illtl and afeh btrt bj daring th week and tbaddatweuaubdaed after th ebowar in th inorulag o lay th ddl wwt monday weatber ual for holiday mr w 0 a knny ba hooaetafdlly jimij hi m060j year aaantlnailon lu vtdnaryoe4hj tb ladle au ickurjiucmftt- uocmj church will bold uui i od wd lvyj th wata weather nhd tho coplou bower bv brfrdght forward th garden wia bwtofa fatuwihw xud wallao 41 1w pluterer of uuvu lav tiiy oonipleud tb veter 0 lb hw poet 04m thar we awht ftf dearth of tuooretlug o monday uaajly our diud aim to 661 u thi prlnolpel cotla of georgetown will moajr tauiry of fc2tod u ll bw 4mu my equity toit a too itneu fcgp tmtoo tlm tay u fouikl u luy lkif oouiis tavjay otwrab m bwuy bw fv uttiul itnud by tuv uri u6uilb jxlr mm ft fw t- af uttmtilob bf uu ty uw tfeouuuaft um to of fir- tmclwa ydtto i4y waif r 1u wwo of ijdmoau uwbmu am vuuy tti jboi fmi will t lt it lbwl fcou midt fob lhttrf um uuulttlr kto tufclkm ww wlfl u tiwul by uva fti uuuri tkntflttoi tu dir6l6 of uw acud vu vi wltbmoiluillfufnani it tw tfduik tfl tithhtr ibuw la oflaft wltlt tba vkukuvofllll uf w uamd ftkuu wltb tu tbmaluuri iu11 wy rrylatf twrty ipmuj bb uft fmt ftl u lu talbm- dmvy wd jy ut k- ti o of eu iw cfcwra 0uld u unli4 a wdour owlld wuuurt nu jfw kw fcm fcj jtolu fyoomwrf f uub i40uik bai ttituanul lj vul 1uy fo ikd hrt uarf u tbu buuly ftt uarg- lawd tw um jm4m t hl o4ors rma juiw rd ftb tb okhud wrty trt tu iwk w ut wmtelag uddfc talm uaaul jcimi liuw ft cuuf ubiu utaiatf kmvluwmd clalt4 ftbdl uoakwdotl w lauaty kllud by bolbtf ilhmoi frtol bu mhh wud blri tmtal wu ftmhd by ft tfnfcu trtbt ob of um kltej mbttk ft- 4 bw kb oktill ufct tbutaky kiwinj iuil of ullmd wil u um otbdr tuy attw lbs bw tvt mu ttd cuuui umm ku wu utuj ifttpratmj wiu tba bdft oliwalr of tb imuaifttf if r eirf will ufttur for ut of tb work w iba tuw mllkw ivmi oam u lflvu wjltwojiuyluiil bfom ifjwmt wd kr ftbd vtwik w pmtltlitg yaltrl bataiftotie of tba ufcm if tmdad kllty tod bid out will go bolirt um jf d ofuw wh- tom bortu t1i tu fyrubr wba hbm wj eur ulwhigb aotimlv om6u ft ik flfty tiillm pr boar wft ftni baty ttnmtwm uut ltd vtmwb to wbub uiu1m1 luu buo- op tw m yw ibroujb tb imgufat of tba old mftmlory 1 about ta b mmo1 tlw kjftftgbunof um bmi1w bay ukwt lb baftuftf id bjlttd ftttd ft immalaluft to tr opmuwubtuubu butt anulaud by tba bmrcm ottftftbry 0 ka bouar utftdidmatottaldlbivftbftaftittaila than b ftvaty vaaidtt for eoomaooa tbab tba wfcutujtttb6ldbdhjgkliiloto tboaat bottdluoti will ba ttotm qttkwy and watt ftiwuy aonm awaagawanii lor faidrt oan uay x unl vmpanw would not tw bi4ttjuttplaa ihiw w 0wjnrv touuw r ldduoottnm 4 aeatb ul ba b fewikj aaow aol oooaij jxlir j cbmmy jtba oily of luado afofevbkl audllmt aid 10 bay tb wm of qnk hundred douaatttbr hww of oatarrii uiuohnot ba eaiad by tba tuft of b 08enev bwora to wot m u mtttritwl in nij- iiiyiik t 11- j a ool0ral tka latanauy bdiraaitretbft blood aad aww news op l0cai import krlnftd fur wiun oa o kr jut mti dven itcntt tnati st era bsforo um taingutrkt tulunbiy tnornlnjr clmtvit by tlwi cinml tmitb tlatcuv4w wltli itavliitf tiatuutl on uto iwoimrty of tbsooinmny t1h all liewl oulhy ltutolferlvairioum bhoumii for bo tlolllff tim tmutrl hulml utam muni its ft kut imlt to till wwt of tliltiff rv bumy moauitfji wra ikclntf roimrlkl tlwsy w oucli flittl 91 wtlihitcolu uiiji lrrikl mom of mtuw ifwilm oim tly imi woek mr k oooimr wl- ttgton hirtt litwl in ft bftloutifr of lly luoulb ilooki otmr clilok wltb four nrft- ly ivo1opl ufk 11m lulla buttuantlty hvmi for four or flva ilayv ml umh dlwl aiout a monut jp mr uelvlti tliown of orton lubl ft cjf bom cm lla fnrt will felk un kwl two lidbt it w well tlavelopml viwl la kill lively ml urowln addluom to imkool dmmind ifr jma warm of wlkerio ivutilulou liiul htirvyorbiltermirvoyltttf um tuultuwi u uut mimmj jroumla baltijf mmutmi rmii w vi hturoy a boh lmt oil itlflkti lnunttlnj 00likiuunoo tbt ur warren uum1 iim origin mimy of um tot for iba mbool iwlulotf in r41 tfiu wai iht tlrwt iturvy ba lul miwla ly lilbikolf after ootnuutuilitg um troftalod um a ytmng ttuui rmwmd of k ktiminad rmaiy tba fatnlly of ur tbowaa uorha wv thla wok to ujn lilta in tba nw bottw id toronto aototi will wlu ibla wuib tttij fatally uli khim baa for savertl yoadi taketi ft leading tart hj u mtmmim iii 11m uatboillmt cfiuroli urn kf onia waa for tmvral year very aoeit- aua taebor in um btioday bcbool nbd wan ufiil la otter tcuullu of um tjturob tba beat wubaa of all fp wltb tuta uaa of rlmiratlmm d hftaawltf tu by law foruddlatf um touidff off of 0i6k wan wj obaerved datrlbs um holiday a fw buttebee vara twotiglit into towft fnmd tttum but ocm were told bat voheuuly no flrt4 rwulted from um um of umm ijlgully at otf bcrd at otuw mo 060 sra was ouwd u a luw w yhl ly a rodkat torooui bad four flroa frotd rractaokara tuul waluoabtiitf toat ft bue uok of ux kuwploa of all violator of um law tbould 1m wad hal i tin i tba laybttd uudodary holiday oji- fcru bau it uurllnfrtd halurtbiy hdh day and lfatfclay wj auotkud ly ajxhit iflo laywaii tba aarvloaw wera of inlt inleraat htul lad tatofcl loratloaal tbaadd cutaiuu wblu lb bedond momtary of new votk wra omteclauy belff tba tbougbt tbrottgb all tba iwocwjiutfa wtw tl o cballeo of illkkwji to um uttjuu uati ur jobn l uoora atuudej fnku ahod auiimj hapov of wuadlad ctoeb tba flfidl ysar of um ueiboju ctbrcb atbi wllk tb ub uay auil ua auuual rkta af eaaaud to um ihablot uet- iuu few aya later at um total big at hot but tkuruy ur j ii lky tb lay deuu freol actou wovattud um tutuuoal ttuduu ktai wblcb tu fullow- ittsfldgleaiuji jwurttiljdariiitftb j w 1 bmbtle recaovvdcy deaul uttw us a iaui paut fammbonblii fladi ootiaaxtotuj fnodalum of wblob tti was fot uualoim 1 faaoday oupeoded fut olkoult purttowa taclddlfltf cbuttb lujttowbivnta by tiuaa hoatxl um ikibday hjj kwotli liagy ladlaw au hoouly tic um 1 ulauera aaury 9l0dd tutal llaaftoan raiaaj duhug um yaar 4 baattiatoimm at ibu wkm of um yoar u u tuouklly pnwoklii for aay iopehy owiuiv ubo u uklti to baauufy ku uwu and boulevahl to bio iilariatw beoua it la oodveiilmt fm llatd cutting 2r0t abd ueupuds um raw ukult ba baa prettavj to ltw0v um atftratt6a of kla wui lsiulo gkoututa ausar um braate4 lujury lu tkl kahl but lbe4 1m taauy inuauowi wbeta lu luui private ktwl iwblbt itrofwity um ouroera of uwu bava bwu iwaotloilly datroyod ty u ua- tbodgbfel ibdlvldaau tba oimw kedecatlod aw not to it for uu gwuvaaoi aatlrely for tber ih tauay of tb oldet 6fj wbo ttaipam oft btbet paopu proiiirty aa wtl tb pvauint b tb mopr place for um foot tn6bj ad odd advloa to youag ud eid la doateet pcis0nal and travel notes at 1l lwuaaftftft gveeat at tbabmouegoi um awohb loaga od tuesday avwilutf um hatllatodi wklob tbay bava bua obnduouif ail winter was futnully wmofned by lovrtuum7drl eftewart- iwadlutf irotftuloi a oppodtlouratnluliou it favor of wowau utrvatf waa dlamaaed uemiu um govertttkioat took ft firtd btaiul akaliut tba haijutlotlt lit haulu foudwed a tftvml of tta itujtpotter war furod to bou uat- lajf tbair poaltlom lu tarim aud praaut addtma ttta votretiuluitt atwu daoldad by uta apeakar avlatf um buu4tf vol wlut tb oppmltloa tba argimot proamloiuiwer wu urayad luv ii w avuou aod ur floo tiuvtun of ftbby afetaorial oburob iualph war praaddt and ddllvated blort addrm of oodvatuliuou iftmmcdaumftwuuaitaum itw um liegltuilntf of tb year aapeolal ly lug muautua of uaw eaiuuj uw ajul old aud bumlrad of pouiuu of eopper wlr lava bwa lakatt frou tba atowa tad uaoblua kbop of um uaftaiaa af baard- uora it 0 nod aoloa tdttalotf oaupahy lst week tiny received intimation uiat if tbay would uanli tba prawhaa of ktooboar broil juuk tuakr flualpb iiuantjuaa of tbalr wuelhji uratu uud ooppw wouju bo ifouud a march warnult wfti olulftftd and oblaf lawaott wooupatibd by uaawa a o x itaudbiora mud for uala prica add iuou pruoaadad to ittalpb vbay eeoumd h otmuoderaua quaauty of tlmbdaalfttflrajwaudoopiter aoaaa of tba forouur being julta ttw baavy oullua uot yet drotoed for um uaoblium rqulfd- tba raodrd of tba juuk tbalere itbowad tbat tba bran mud ooppar bad baao aoc tired from jaook touttela during two vlmltalftpebtuary aud ajprll a warrant wan teatted for uoldatelaa arnftt iud tba caaa otifem iwfora u i moora j p for preliminary mmrihf oil twwday om tana day trtordla atapla avldeoo to warrant eouiiwltmwnt for trial wan adduood aud floldwtelu wa nt down for trial tba avldeue poluta blrongly to tba wubablhty umi oettaltt auiildyftta of tba uuoaru bave boa carry i uj braaa aftd oopr frotn uk ubberw aud dlapoalue of it to local daalera it la aowewbht ajjtdltloaht uut on um ttljdit of ums day of tba aaartifa in 0uelpb af oauay wbw bad laea uaod that day wero tajteu from tb taabary aboa a j uaklunoitftoledfortbowoit krtitiodi j a llowst luelpk for tba leftkattd w i imok grow a auomy for tb tirown allhamko burino tiih wktk ur jou iiuikhiu f tunwito waabomo mr atlof dillu waaltoino from torouto ulna j lleiiwlcke vblurfl at iter ihkho in ayr air arthur rcutmy vmi loom from tlm olty mr hmhuhu caiultly f hwnlltwi wuu iter ulaa mao uoora vlnlted frletmlx in tor otito mr walter wood of wlmlik waa in town ur vred uolttugthti of toronto waa itono mr ktl a tlarvln waa imom from to ronta afualuanclmtlumditaoiivlaltwl frlendaln berlin ur iiber wllllauuv wt hota from verllo mr juvid voktar u iiohm froui nairn cen ire r mr duirtoaclitkwua luxoa frotu weat toroiila mr joki ix uoord waa at llurlinfltwt for um jtotlday uaater eilwlu lawulkjroua wuli bob from itabtlllon uiaa una katuiay ant um itolldaya at lir fatliera botua ulaeea coiui uurt atul ahum uouoiudd vulted in torottto mlaa bartl hiwl vlsltod frleiubj in torouto tkla woek mr charlie llaoluto called on ftkmla during tba holiday mr vnutk ifbvlll wau lioma froto ottk villa for um holiday uiaa malu h botlui of lletlln huiit uouday at tba uauaa ur carlo willlatn of uault btauatla vutad bla paruutu bare ubw llllun wiulaua vlaluj ur tjaur uuj kallla at wukm ur frvank it ifolideii spent um holidays wlut frtertd in ultebell mr obultoim aud uiaa uumui lluahaud wer boaia froui toronto uutee huby cbuk and hokoo holmes wera boum from torouto ur yrd rmltfa of um uelropolitmu llauw uatoluod waa boua ur and ura komuti uaoahs toronto vulted frudda her uiuwd ur abd ura vi 1l bwaokbauar aud iaha war bar f rou toroiito ur ireonard alkloaoft was immm iron haulllou for fearer five day ur cbuui a b uauhewa aibd uu uyitle wer her frocd torodtd mr j ildjidaborottsli of toroikto vulted huaod ur win labtuhorougli uu ijtatel atml utar wilful lroiur of toronto tpaot um holiday bare uu huj near au1 mr kj kmt wm boum frou torooto over um holiday ur u mv vuloj wlui bar auur ulmloui a volley ur ftud ura ualeolaj uekacberti of toroulo wer ber ovet um bolldaya ur aul ura h ix croft of btralord bmiatum holiday at ura p uotlotulda ur jowiib cvihu of wfal yoronlo bpaat lb holiday with fruud la aolou uu kuut howu of walkertou waalba t of bar auur uu uaul v howie uu may fjtuuy waa botu from uaodoaald llalh oupb for um holiday ur llurtt urucauhbllauduaur itotuld of hauullou vutad fruada her uu uthatu ii uatluwa of toronto waaatpteetat um bob of ura william urowo ur ad ura w 1l vrlok of toroato r auua of ut itobeh jibhoua vooarf biret ur joha uckatberd of torodto baa bted apaajlog tb week with aoto friula uuuahel uoful waa low frotd kaw llatabarg lurfrleoj uu bead aooom ur aaj ura ill udkarrlbeti wotored from toronto oa haturday to ura t t moore ura robert crab toronto waa with bar irtur ura c uolaajwiu over um holiday jaii itaamm of vort wuluu tuted mi um batd of ur j a coleman lmtweek mr add ura jama boa uu atu add uaatet willi war from yorodlo for um holiday ur jolas a uadroii of wlaulpajf ekeat ft fwdaya darliitf um week with aotod frledd uu uadb turtou utuuded um frideral of br frwj uu uay uatcelf at oeoru- towo blet week mr jaidea kewoouba of toronto waa a vultor at um bam of ura t lov tbompaod ovar um holiday una fuattdod aud uu kautlaau of ooludjfwood atuut um bolldaya at ur who mawtbornve ur aud ura wtd jobttatodaauduuaea llertrud wlbdd aud alto mtoted to waauoa od bddday ur e a jobuatod add uu anula inihor of toronto apattt um holiday wlui umlrtdotber un h uouugldlii ur aud ura frank uoldbwb and uf ura c it uolutojj uud mui of orillta wor bar f nun hutu rday till uottduy ur and ura jatdaa uoor ami uu in paul add laura of iiwldi motor ed to own for a brief vult 01 monday ura a u druaa aud two lllu tbugrbtara of cnuibroob lb c arrived uat wek to vult frleoda o tba old borne ura j w ward add sou war bar froui touaiibam evar badday tbay will join ur ward patuauottuy lo a faw day mr kortdau irving and fawlly uuaa fallnl add ulna korrl iuolai wem feuau of ur aud ura johu rtaunay ovar tb holiday ura w by and mlat lillian of mount ikonla uu luodft caiaplaji of llallitut fad vuiud wlui mm w it oouur durltttf um bolldaya ur and ura ix ibudaraou u p wera iwkua fruldthtawd for a day or two hut week uta aaoaualod iky holiday givtnfl parluhiant ft abort raoom ur jaitm il uulmar vrllpal of perth avaau is1ui0 boboob vorodto apant um liollday will ur a a 1 uat- uuaaillmuur ur kelly tlrltfu vuiud frlauda lu oak villa bat waak ha waa tuocli liaprimd wltb tba iwprovemauta lately atbeted d uat fltfthif town of which ba waa for iftauy yaara ft naklanl dr b prio and bla ahstar uu auuia of hatnlllod and mr aud ura w jack- aoa mi atoredon catuplaal of toronto vultad at ura uao campbou vietotu villa bating tba bolldaya rev vatbera tray lb dd luly of holy auflela cbarob orillu aooonpadud by patbar knlly itarcnt mr add ura i iteottu kelly lata of aotod oalted on vajbar traydor od um evaulag nf um bolldfty wliua motorlug tu uuelpb yuib amhual diarmicnr mbkrrima tim annual tnoetlntf of lunlpli lufctrlot ftln hamilton confureuoa wau iteli laat tfmrtday ami i rlday in klora tlw llev j a daokbon vhalnnan of tlm dutrlot kreklded llo j milton carter wau elooled h6oretary aitd ut hi c b cole ulatlhtloal fcecrclary tliorvtmuta f tlm vurlouj uiiuiimmi lu tltoilutrlot wer iilnltly utunfalory ami iikiuioii vlnorouu urowui and progrow ther liua liooti ud inoream of iih in ut tnetuberhtli of uwoliurobea thahiuion ary oflerlnuu wr liuirednod y wi3- bom ms0 hau lioeti adtlod totlmmlnulura aauru and um total itwroaao in ulvlnua on tlm district laatyoar amouittad uao04t ttev d i triuwlrlok was elaotod um rumjilatlvooti um btatlonlntf commit too and itv ilav c ix lraper altera- al tlws fallowinif romiltitloii tnovoil by ttov t it kerrlhli aiul aooomled by mr o turharrmvwita carrlod y an almoa unanb hiouxyota wo tlm tuatnluiro of uu 0uljt 1hv trtot of tlw hamluaiicotifnrecaawinbuhl in ilodmlrattjomprewotirtfratltiufo to almlubty j01i for tlm cot llnual aitvaitou of totnimranod aeijtlgteiit ami tli huuy vtc toru aetilaved afpilnat tit utfullud llquoi traftlo we hereby re afhru ouriuiurtnlii- 1 and unaltarahl anuilty to tb irailla uo aotiltlouttoyinq floiluhonotiig and li itnlcaltolha ooralnir at um it inflow for whloli wo oanllnually uimmt ami lray wo ivjoloatluit tho abolition of tlm lloouaetl lair ami club liau now booomo a domldant political uut in uiu provliww ami wo ded ourwjvba to 1i4 all in our powr to aaoura uiu uiuch to la ilaalred reform and to support um man at tb polla wlto will their inuuonos to lwva auob law in oorporatetl in our province tba pjurlot mooting noxt year will ha held in actou gil letts lye e d tiua4vtllhoulmutwt6d rarai jaaioa varrall lh btraetavllb load wlu muraiua in breaking th lujuor uw and who wasfv four uionutaat hard labor waa but week taken to um control pruon farm at tluelpb titer was no work at rremp toti jail to 1m don harder thin cutting um uwu ftnus and jliouy batail the pauwly thllirmplon lltunar ur and mr hugh mcculoheon and twolltudauthteivtbirlllti etiti vut i tuir uncle ur wui auk tllduona avs torouto they abo iat wvaral daya with their unci ami auut mr and ura y iumjmw ojiawa utlklnft wban a loother yivcu a cblbl a ewwig lth um uaaa a wnji raff ha a a fool uaii wlu uilnku utat ha can p all ida wifea relatlona ue who pflaoa jmljfaaof buiuan ualur ket a good uatiy hanl uiwpa homo uomoii oau uoil lu tba faoa of advenjty jot a if utay tneaut it- tba on mir thing u that oa cant l aur of any thlnur lu thu world pood uoukera perietuata luaoy of thbn- oalled vuart iylag of children a wau wllotd geta any aeaer oat of a thing that doeot bafurat him frou bom of hbiuoaay wbu a woioau ooukiiur bar humbaiul a tamaary avll uarrtag u a fallur its all tight to pray for th tbtaga you want bat it i advuu to do a liuu buatling for th ihlag you uuit hav tluiohap who keep ei etlaauiigly at it eaooelplihe a lot of tblugs that aro uot met iarlly worth tb etfcrt church parade i sdiu 6f edffaad will parade to the baptist church next sunday may 31 si at seven p tti hlv buotiiek howarth will deliver the discourno tt j peters 17 hon or all men love the brother hood fear god honor the klnc all brethren especially soli cited to attend tuesday june 2 al b s hieat oiatirf hlust aoton j cadesky toronto tlie well known eyeilht spedtuat will be in acton on tuesday june 2nd instead of monday as hereto fore hours o3 a m to 5 p m evening by appoint ment anyone buffering romhead- qchutt cshtrain or defcclh of vision yhould not miuu tbis opportunity of consultiiii this eyobijjlit spccitiht consul tation free yfeft tddlev haaj hyaa tham ttu trotiblo tkotwooii tbv tow i ah ioibller katban kulliaiimtu ami imj pooplo of tho idrinitb iielblutrliooil 011 tho inonn tain mauuiffmmoyarniilluiiou nntbunnaii htsunoil nlioiit half ti tloon of ihowi in um acton ihvlwlou tiiirt tlioy duputo flio olalitia and tloail hut tho court luuj no jnribd lotion nuasaffau oya itolug in an othr dlvlloji cliainplnu hamilton ooofftmoo ma oatbar4n um annual baaalon of hamilton on if or cinoo will lx hobl at ht cuuiarluou from tu 4tb to lie oil of dune tim delegate frotu aihah are hnv c ix draper i lev dr aittuffhm uoura a v nloklin d lumlh moore j p feftoftd of bmii bratoppa11ftln a bull dog ttelng wnt to a point wott lu all t it latgipigo oar on baturdti vt uiod ulltookwood tho train wau bold uml umlkimartnanaiulotiirakavaoluiim ti10 dogjmttied too tiiudh for blu nirtiterw after u long oiuum um train proceeded with a intrapiring train crow ami mlnua uw canine pautiger mr j it campbell uteoftloorbetown wltohea to anuounc that h will open um blaobbihlui iiop of mr john it wauou main ktroot next woak ho bollolla um iwtronau nf all wmiing good pnrat blackkinllhl ng ami oarrlage woodwork repairing aotonuuis taka a utort evening motor trip to lioar um wonderful 30uu ltginiotit ul luml of uerllti aay at iotuetown purkvon tho klngsnirtlulayontbotivriuliig of tuikj ird under tin aitspleu of bt loorga churob coino conlo cotne this u i home dye uut anyonej dyola ll kind of cimi hodden andstouhtons nw srl11 ofdooh b o b lanca venuol ufa la um uaaulbllaaj bla af uwmxuluimwliiiiliu uidllbt talbmcjsa wlum wlitau baa toad miota aauww aa lirta tub law mm1uubhu a tala bt tli ii wt al caaaja la wbufa um wil 1 of ummmui wrtimauuudllsijleaaml lblr weuleaful kaaam ul biiaal la tad aefsnoae 1 ar taijiw ul wly uuirayej hm axjtam ivyalhw iml aoal ol lha itoatb tutm la ihu vaiaamumuamtlafter tuiiaa uj auea e shmu uaaa aa aaluiaf mojoau u vivuly uwflil late iba limllat- iohio huh vuatwaacf ifala toa u uu uivkh ula- aatablti laftautb hw ralauf hj ik uibw ybaimalaaluauailoaaaajuuv ra iba l leeuairu au e4br mlumi u ut aailaijm ara utial4l la at ill rta kuua aid u a-nioi- kim lo ufa t4 umkont u j kl uumj tlloeboal olotim mound uyoa hoddor oa stouoliton lomdow hmwvouk touohyo grand trunk system uppeh lakes navigation sltlmifcjp ptdi fcffweu june mtiu w tbutid wiiiuavvmaatll ui m oa ulllniutu bltaa4atuaiarauiwhulia warla rwi artbur vort wiliuai 1or uuruliio uotbera nadrao luxauvcfl offer tlm important ndvant ago tliat they do not dlalurli lie rent of tlie syuteiu or affect tlie child ajc a box at your drugglata hjj twa aj ci li1 ca spring millinery uialu luwruokngov uoiitoh cordial ly ittvltatha udleaof aototi and vlclttlty to their if llllhary hootna oksm uvkhv day amu asvamimo all tb uuit uoveltle lu bprltig uu1i nery will b ibowd muma hatrtliofrfub 4v morion ullltttrket actow bltsaa4muatarauiwltuljarmuiuw4 warla rwi artbur vort wiliuai vvlat attwjtala whlhaoaaaj4 smiev4aa iaur oam auj atteua aoacuw wuair tu num wiy hhkmwiaili a mial trala raiabarau wuuiv b baillbvamem 1 m y u aauiaaaa juua iku aj aatb twjuy ri i lay aa uaa4y inaraalur raurvauaua fr ctw uounimu ik i a torealt oal ihbiustuainnnodaaadduaiaiiiiihh pringlcs sale haa commenced 20 per cent off i evojylhlrnf except kodetts goods kept as long as you wish and de posit made tho whole stock must be sold so bar gains are awaiting you j gd priagle s wyodhamst gudph bnhmuhdndnuntiqtiauiiirili matthews photo mui street acloa mhhmhhmmhwmhwmmmhhmmhhmhia idustbanei mmmmmhmmhmmhmmmmmhmhmmbtmm it knocks the drudgery out of sweepday cleans carpets brightens floors orde a tin todey tram your grocer or hardware man dont ask for sweeping compound disastrously burned out but not out of business our promised wer badly litirnod lout week and all otir block ru moved during uta fire hut wo nr glad to ttnto vu bud tlie ktock liack again and ready for bualtieau ngalu on saturday 23rd may wa nvlt ournianycuttonieru to outliiue tbolr trails with uw vou know whole to got bargaloa morris saxe ntlljli dtroor assuring your business a policy ul advertising is a policy of life assurance and tho protection thus secured is well worth its annual cost old customers die or move away they must be replaced old customers are subject to the in fluence of temptation they may be in duced to divide their custom to do some of their shopping at a competi tors new comers to this community will shop with you become regular custo mers il they are invited to do so your competitors advertising is an in fluence which must be oflset if you arc to maintain your trade- not to advertise regularly to the read ers of the acton vnvu pimss is to leave your business unprotected a word to the public il la no ajo of wakata to follow tba lead ot ml war using vou owe it to youivau to got tho tuott for your money tb boat ood aud the beat aervlco and if you find that your inclination la to shop wheru ou ar lavlted to shop rather tbau to coutlau to tw a cufctofbar of lb shop wblcb never kollclta your good will you need bav no cowpuactioui of conscience shop where you are invited to shop i bank of hamilton pafrh auuuaaiaed tafioojdtio oattltftb rmidhik a amir vtbaftoao am itttkariaat allluteai wban a young tuaa drat make hi alliance wltb a nnaaclal laatliutkm by opaulug ft bavlhga account b ibould look aiiaad to the tltn wheti hi bank book will aid hlaad- vancatnant i growlog bank luunc auuraaan atuploy- rikatayouagnuubaaniaalaradtha prlu- clpl of froonornlo managarnant oeohgetown 0rangh i w u maatay llaaagw geo patterson live stock bulk acton ont cattle sheep lambs and hogs write phone or call personally kvomt vou bkll kk uk actoixs electric chqp jv chopping klrolling done daily satisfaction qoaranteed flour and feed for sale b f caldwell acton the merchants bank saydustbane m bdhkrrb op substitutes h ft hmhhhmhmhilbhhhmhatmhmhmhah jfij op canada chrift is rightly described as eco- nomical madttgement a shrewd business man is spoken of as thrifty be cause he saves perhaps only a dollar at a time perhaps more but tho real secret ol his success lies in the principle of saving one dollar will start an ac count with this bank all local cheques cashed at par cam r at aid up buuviruunakuuh acton branch p a maclean manager