wedding presents rosra khtvsi 3pooi forrla rray stlvetrwarei fttoh cutglaaa kanoy cklne wedding rings matlriaald l1c km s kb issued geo hykds real estate syurtn for- mile in hut on iel atnd wwlllngtou loo form lar trie ovrry ulie ii you waut n larai wrilo me for catalogue or you wuli tu well or wxchattge write m vti fanv evory f anility for craiiuitf tlua tmluttu to your ompiti hatlnfttetloij tlokrcft frendenre uoklcluid j a willoikjkluv vehrtt helling hpoclullet georgetown fflbe rtort jfm tes tiimtaoay jikit n mu brief local items crow wlieat orow more wimuil flrow kii the wheat you oati coma to tho fair next week turnip im coining 1 again in quint i tie r aoton vail valr uavt wednesday ami thursday ifaug out your log and hunting for tb fall selr iluy canadian inula goods olovea ami ubae especially aoton extend a liearty welooma to all who visit 11m vv1i fair a new iiathrooui and closet with septlo tank are being installed itb knox church nuutm kioto- vehloloa using tlia highway without lighla alter sunset are liable for sever penalties mw n p lindsay liau the tliana of the pom i for u splendid ikooquet of mauva chine astora alkmti ttio hundred of tit loan of ouelphhave organised homo luard to b koowtl iu the cutk itltu tha contract luu been let far the new uethodut church at coohstowii the estimated cost whan oamilald u 18- ooa what about how guard far acton t lunuer gould would malieaflneoommand r wouldnt gould uarda sound all righti work has oommenoed for eneerlng with brlok of tha store of mr m bans mill btreet tlia briolt lua been delivered for tha work ofa kohhuon liostler at um hotel alexander orangevllle wu fined 9100 awl ootta for selling liquor in a local option district lit judge court of revision of the aeton voter list will iw held in the gounell chamber on monday oritli bap- iawbar at 10 oclock ifr atuuiiswaokluiineraharw which mim mriooidy inurd in july itaa al uoit fully vaoovahui and la now doing uaw wotk avry day ain j cadttky th wll known ayulght apaclallat of toronto will ta ut uia fiualxon iroul next wftdnwdoy 03n liifct w oodhltatlon thin day only uv uy u oonlon rector of cttrlt ohumh ntagaku v1u lua fifono to dm fradb an a noldlar am a younj uuut ha wdn eurala at qtuoa church ulltoti tha blrectow of actoti voll tfulr hv fernttb to adult all aohool chitdranuodar twlv yaw of tit viiwwi wanuuoi of kobowri ticket auitolul ly their uachwt ur a j thobua fontmily of aotou who hut bt firaltiff in ifrln tha kaai y4r lui ipdrchamj tha j a alodouau iim tt tha fourth una from ifr jolm danny act kuctaa cuwjtttf uill u bow bfwui y day tha btlu kara luu grown t pdpularlty from tit ouuat and ftuaiara i ta acton with tholr eltoi frcn aag tha fall work at vairvuw oonitwy haa rmmlrd thla ucrd tpot votry attrao u tha ifimaa a fttd and i nh vary fcw and tha walk and driva ut alj olaaaanduval tha duck ahootlng fcaaaon opanad 04 trtaaday bobw would ha hpoxta avuantly atbiook bubday uomlntf for tha ith judging from tha utooung which took tuoa aatly thai worthyf ur klug ooopar ahnant ooutnotor a flaublng a btmy aauaoa of work for tha towbhlandeounty bouufilht hal now xggd on an alghttod foot apau uugaoo tha fourth una wtr ur uugh uhuka knilad wkuaavitar nvild lt thdrjy nl vwbkllu llall yodbg wan who wui buauag u rlda on a o r k train fll off batwaad acton and lualpb ami wu klllad tha rujua wra uhob to lualith and at tha lonut tha jdry axouatutad tha train craw from all fewjioiulblllty u1 laid nmwy to iduajpb tha trackuyam of thatorouto huuirbaii klactrlo railway uvo iwacltad uia vicinity ofoul4i onhaturduyitlitht thoy ww au far a cooka hrijga wt of akll thay wrahbld uji a few daya until uta dhunond eromlng tha c v it at this point waa 4aead tha uarcury uat uaelatuda and uunn tha prontouraof tha eoupuiy wura iuccawful in kaourlitg knonay in tha old country to cohiilcto tha road and it will i it u ttupoctoil ruit- nlaglntouualidiltcforotlmkiiownlah tha acrootuml ataal for tlta 0foot wlilga ovar tha rlvar at tha pttaon farm waa taken over tha una from acton hmt woek awl in ltelu tfaota i tuora gitarth in thin ucotiou of tha ootiiltry than all tha other duj iut fojtathar and until tho lut faw yaara it va anppaaad to ba inonmbw vor n great miliy yoara doctor pronounced it local djneaaa and iireaerlhcml local retnadlea and by ooncunuy falllug to euro with local taaaiatent ptonounoad it laauraua botonea bm proven catarrh to la a oonhtl tntlonal dlaeaaa and tbawfora rotulrii a oouatltntloa traatnwtt ualva oaurth chmh bmbolactamd by p j cheney ofetomo ohio la tuwily wmtltutkml taiaootua nmtkol it taukan internally it acta lurbotly on the blood and nuoouh tmrfaoea of tha ayetatti they offer 011a httndiad dolurm for any oaaa it falla to cum hand fai elraulan und taatlmonalii addraui v j c1iknkv ft co tolado ohio hou by urofnruu wc take lulla uoo ifu fof cotwtlm news of local import had oroaw ooalaty wu ouppllad tim aoton ltnd crow hooloty tnitlm that tho twiiim to tha ipmmi for kblttml nrtlolea for tho wowlert oomfort ium tti w ironeroua tut 110 moro will it naadail for the prwonl due notlca will ho u if furlhor doatlonu aro rxiulrwl aaton btaboolw tld daiy llio parent anil tho frlettdw of tha btuthtnta of aoton high and lnhllobohoou nrolnvitod to attend tha hold duy ijoru on tho ucliool jrouiwu on the aftcritooit of vrlduy fioptemhor iftth cotntneucliijr nt u oclock hallv by haxt blundmv itnlly lty lll tkt dimmiivmi ueiit himilny in tho mothoilia huiiday hohool tlicbe wirvloiw am iloulgiiod to htlmulato now intercht after tlte interruption of the holl day uoouin kvtry method l t fnnilly u invltod to ltflreuentiu full urcnutli uiul tlio mthilmnthlp of onch ohti4 lu nxootol to ito present a moot interciitlng pro ttrantnui uith initierouu horiibcli nnl rocltntlona hao i wort urningod oavbaula bhillaut autumu krollajm thapromjtaarfl promlitlufefor tlte flu not duplay uver of tutumu foliaga tlta kumnwr benaoii hureaultod 4n folloro un uhually venlnnt far thu tlmo of year oonoatoiuilly n uwta tiruh a llantlng ctoli into the romlahla nlrctuly ami tho early frofct which otiglit to ba oomlng along nlmofet any day now will tpeedliy do tha rt- thu autumn ioaf excuraloua of 1du will ute rich folioga from which cltooaa vlalud thm old landmark mr v aruuir of cliloago iii won itora on monday itlting aoenea of hla htly hoyliood daya wimui a loy bo llveil with his btapfather tin lata tltotnaa bamarvllle hr on the fourth una lie twoen thirty and forty yoara he lalt for toronto and lcaina a railway nun in a fewyearahe iliiftod to cliloago whera ba ha reolried for over thirty yaara mr arthur la a proeperoiie imalnoaa man in tha iron trade hpl- to ynuuavy mmoum htaalt operetlona liuve iteen in irogrm during tha uaek on the tall ehlirney at tlia aola leather tannery homo tlma ago it waa ueoeftury to remove awl rebuild tlilrty or forty feet at ttie toj aftar being rcplaood tlil portion did not properly mtlla and nguln ikecaina danfteroub naoeiutlng un rentovah for tlta present it will not to rebuilt aa draft mower have iteeti mulled on uie furnaoa and the nhlef function of uta chimney la an outlet for uut smoke thuait la not iieoeuary umt it la rebuilt to ita farmer 110 foot elevation llmyaaanavai lit tittlttir tha mormnt hohool enrollment of tlto provinoa for tlio tenu uhloli openoil tlia flint ol september waa list atudenta theaa liutltutlonaara now t u ruing out a supply of aohool uachera for onurio and the department oonaldera tha fchowlug thlw your onoouraglng in uio faoa of oonahler- able unreiit which luu twin felt in etluoa tloiia1 circle tlui uven normal achoola of the province ara kltuatad in toronto london hamilton ottuwa lstterboro noitl hay ami btrotford kattsa atetunuy atvalmr club a number of youiig men met in tha parltli hall on baturday evening uiul oont plated tlia organlutlon of tlu men a bat urday evening club tito officer are aa follow 1 lvaaldent jolin wood becraury ii king cominlttaa c a uoora c k grid- und and 8 1 flunton tlio inetnbera will apend utair saturday evenings ih tha iaruh hal in niuatc gaum and outar paatluaa their invlta tton to man to jiartlolpata a very ltaarty tha old fcjojrat and tilli lavlud tlta grat 4aaiura artalng out of tlta vlait of tha acton old itoya and olrla of toronto haulltoti lualjt and outer polnu to aoton vail pair but year u ttlll remembered with groat intaraat ur j u warren toronto who otkud uo auooeaefuuy the totonto oodungt but yvar batl made luaptratloua for another vut tha ynr hut tha influanoa of tha war interfered with the plane and thara will tharafora ba uo organlad auurelon how avr ipgmt of former raaidanta of aooa or puualug to ootoa and tha number uay aftar au t brgar than uauax low farwi will bagltanorar all railway a a codul wjooma will ba ktaadad to all who eonu 0lft luuim maoid to uala owing to the fact that tha unlfomu and a number of tha uaa of tha ttth hlgbund- tnt lland which had lteau engaged to play at aotoa vail fair aoooupanlaj their ragimaat to vabahlet u vouta to tbaaatt of war luadnuuer buttar found it uaoaa aajytottoojuanajagi tha wiaetoc at onoa bat about to cura leading bad alaahaa to fill tha vacancy and lava augawl tha iah klltua uaiwl tha chaaga will no doubt ba qulta accept able tha hlh hlirhhuular luwl waa hara at tha vlrnmona ueaaouatrauoit on douilnloa ilay and tha clalt organlaauoa hava uavr boan hart bafora tholr vut will uuvfora la hardod with much laterttt thay will arrive oa tha 0 a u ami htoudn until fttfl a tha availing 1 attair odarilaa ma ttwaaif j laat imday avaalng tha klngaocdatllaa lllbla chua mot for thjr uiuuul auctlon of oihoara tha following man wora alaotad 1 iraaidont u vcauwoll vloa prml jna l uoora 8ectraaak 1l laar con llavotloua cotaulttaa- p hear- tow con ueiulutralilp couiuiittaa uaitlu uokit coo bocul comulitaa wall ucnubli con lookoub commit vrank kao- nady kraontlva k v flamtla jm louttat w kvau j h colantan w h btawah w j ibvu k hurtltluw lunnla j ii demi tha tnw ara eonaldorlng thma for tlia fall and winter campaign und are aiming ut a huwdy inoraamed mombardilp of utalr ohtw ilov c ihupar la uta teacher thu rd hlbt oottoov tha committer ium baao vary fortunutu indaoil in hacurinj auoh u galaxy uf favorlta artlata for thb entartaiuara at tha vair night couoert tieitt tliuraday even- ingulth itiftt tha lut eowpriaaa harry u lleunett tho humoroaalaglng character euteaalncri ulaajaan audaraon thlrda ut talented concert noprano 1 ula lvarl oneill tha vanattlla reader avnd imperaon ator and will j ulolutby uta aolo planut and aoootupanut kvaty oua of theaa rtutt hava dellghtad aotou audlonoea on lnvvlouaonoaalouaand thy ara all much bttaamed favowtea hero tha oomtnlttea hurnugadttiiktra which will alao ba apiwtclatad tha lalt klltlan hand will give u brief ooueah ut the dot of tha hall prior of um ohiniug of ut ooucotl th bon dona td wu hhoriff kmlaootl of orangovllla itoa no hum thraa w in tho ug mlllury oump at valcarllef leorgo uiul lloughim flalng ycung biihluowi men in vattoiuvr olunurod with the llrltuh columhhi coutlugtitit itnlfjt u youuuor hoii la a inomtwrof tlto orungcvllla ontlngent of the uith mr oihindall llatuvnai tvontuia ooaat in renewing hi ktukk pnkom niiloriton mr henry tlrindell of fort william wrllmtliatlwnnd muu wlmtlo hava juut roturniml from a trip to the aoant uttd ilown to hoattle wash they mopped over at all miluut where hero wuu unytlilngnttroo tlvo to ucd and fouiul frleiulu all ulottg the lino miui wimilo oniuou to toronto tliu wotik tonntor the unucrslty mavkiad atfe aahatrov a pilot wedding wau wljmnlcd ut high iiootiouvoilncwlbyhoit tttulat thaboma of mr nud mrti itlohunl lllok anhgoo out when thtlr dauyhur iiomhiu uay wa united in mnrrlaga to mr ooorga a kennedy of hornby out tlto llav j a verguwin oillolatlng after tlto oeremony tho bridal oouiud loft- on n trip to uta paairio coaat maw auouoomc mtad vetluattov ur itouhmllhganwlh recently took up hla ronldenoo hi anton luut doclded to ongaga in nuotioiionrlng rnal etnto buel tutow tftc mr mtlllau vo for aomo yoara in jbirtnerahlp wlui the lata john btnlth m p p in pool county ho lis hod ide aapeirl nnoaatidhla knowlodgo in hundllug alock renderfl hla aerviooa unuuually valualtlaas a valuator ah amitl vult ur if it hara our county rpromnta tive of tlta department of agriculture bpent tueatlay in town ctettlng aoqualntwl here and making prdiaratlnna for tlta an hlhlt ha- u to auteriiiteml at tha vail fair neat week mr ifaro won very favorably lttipreued with aoton uml waaveryoomtli manury n hi akiiraumua a to tha loca tion extent and aurrouiuling of our park for fair purpose vha tovouto ta if umlltou kavd moaid oreat reform noma slowly hut nana tha leu duroly anil unleaa all ulgna fall the long looked for and much desired toronto hamilton paved road ibiiowtoheaiiamurad foot tlta committee selected li composed of ceo ii looderliaiii repreitentlug tha city of toronto 1 a b rorttor oakvlllai u u bmlth ilurllnnton 1 alex porter trafalgar 1 controller ilottosa hamilton 1 william hutledga toronto towntldp and warden ilertrum wentworth that v at c a att vauaurtt tha u o a u doing great work among tlte soldier at vatcartlcr a urga number of helper ara now at uork tan thousand letter heads and tlve thouwunl onvelojtoh oro eupijiwl u10 wold km fraa everyday camp lira mooting and song oer vices ara held each nlglit the peiiso of thlachrutlananterprlca la urge hany readers dealro to itelp jn utla uud abla movement tliolr ooiitrihutiona will la gladly reoaivod and forwanhwl ly ur j c matthava local reprentutiv at aoton poat office aoton rail vmxr hamt waak tiia vail fair to lo hehl in acton next wednesday ami thursday gives promise of being tha moat tuoouaful falraver bald hare oood weatlter will render its sue oeaa oil uie greater the park u in axoel lent condition tlta director ara putting forth every effort to render all sectlooa of uta fair attractive entries arc oomlng lu in urga volnma tha lut of special are more uian ordinarily attraotlve the judgea will all baunlntareatad ami impar tlal axparu from a dlstanoe and iiava for tlta moat port been secured boat ba oauarbt tfcta way a slick swindler la operating in ontario upon entering a town ha lay ina aupplyof small glasses costing 10 oenu saolt thealta 111 wltli cartli into which ha plaooa a couple of short stalk of milk weed or uny othsr plant and tltso aaolnta tha earui wltli attar of rosea ho is now pre pared to furnish eon lid i tig purchaore with shoots from the oeultratad ceylon roe at 91 0 each and doea itaa folaa ha can handle tbiai thau people who do not read thilr own local paper ara gaarally the drst to get i4tten sraa fw tbo rll r4 ctoan up for tha fall fair next wk live visitor good upreioaa of our town have the groie and wda et on uta boolavardo rava up uta roadway oppojle your borne or place of bualnaaa have all street erojaa uaolly swaat oft hong out ovary you have or ban se cure thlu year of strsu hage shoall ba much in evldonoe have goad ward for uta town when you meet vultara do your share to have ex ary psoai whooocaae to tha fair go away with good imp ion of acton attd bar paopl personal and travel notes 1 a of th town of lunglehart in uta township of ursntond mihu aunla wallaoa vlitwl inttookwoml lust week mr trad a maud of hamilton visited hi town last woak mr- ii htransmr of heaforui vlltrlt hnr fathers homo last week mrs k h illodwenttokliighoitweekto vlalt iter alstor who waa vary it mr ami mr w llahluhi of hmilt hte mnrlo were iwmj i n vuit tjtia woek mra taylor of lllyth vlultwl iwt daughter mrv dr traylho pout woek mrs i h wurrou wpunt several dayu during tlta v oek wlui f riends in toronto mr john mokaoheru tt toronto luui itoou visiting acton friends tlto wut week mr michael v ollheu ha retumod from mu julian wltero lie wpout tlte sum mer mr john loavfitis of parry hound visit- bd friends hi acton ami ouelph during uta uoek mr and mra d henderson m p re turned ni tuesday utter tialattg relative ut harnla ur j wyim returnotl to colorado last week tim family lu now rosiillng at cu unison v iiu aylwu could or pjuahurg iv wn here lout week the guest of iter hrouter mr w v louhl mr ami xira lea i wallaoa returned from thrvltojieymooii tour last wool uml are now getting settled in their home in lueltli ur and mr joslah iloyoo of cedar urook farm kranuua oclelmateil tlte six- tleut anniversary ol their wedding on uta 12th inst ur wilt khltuga or llutta montana arrived homo tlia first or tha veok ami will spend a month with his rather who has been very 111 in tin removal of mrs juinea clark and uisa clark to toronto thlu ueek floorga- town loaa uo of its mot highly respected residents iforaul mrs permit of chicago wlto was a guest at mr thomas huuiama returned home lost wouk uro hurling and bibe returned itome with her ur j a price and dauulilers and ur w i ii prioaoflumilton vuitetl utalr oouslna ur and mrw j 1idgar tlaubla and othsr friends over bunday ur ami uro uussallwltofoaiumltua ohio wereguesta this wesk at ur t p martin mr witt neemucroft resided lu acton far a year or so prior to iter mar riage ur ami mrs nelson ityder will remove next monday to orimshy where ur hyder luu secured a penmuient iosltloti many friend will regret utelnjeiwrture chaintion ur carlos williams of rault bte uurie vbiud tho parental homo lost week ura williams a in toronto nurmiig their son herbert who was taken 111 with typhoid several week ago when on a visit to uta city ha la now convalescing has purchased m farm belonging to xi r thomaa price italng lol nutnlmr in uw qui ooooesalon of krln townjtlji kle waa inane by 1 a wlllou town hall acton tiiuubday hkptkuuklt 3411 grand fair night concert a galaxy of nrllsta all prim with acton audiences favorltea harry m bemnotl hinging oinroctar comedian and hum oroua entertainer onuof canada moat popular and esteemed favorltea mloa jasan ancfairaon third concert soprano a highly talented ttrtlut who line already won the hearts of music levers in acton mlii patskl onodll in uong atorv and recital her dram- atia tecitala thrill mid hor humorous stories alwuy captivate wm j ktiovtobv bolo pianist uud acoompahkt thsvoolt kllua balnd will playn short programmo nt 1ta door of thu hall before the concert openu reserved seats 40c general 25c plan or hall at haatarda drug store hvstryaorjy oomu goo iiavill prea owj hvhu trcos committee d u hendaroou wm job intone juo h kennedy guelphs greatest fashion show opens at macdonalds big store friday september 18th 1914 you are cordially invited to be present d k macdonald bros limitisd take giem pleasure in announcing friday and saturday september rbth and igtli aa tho opening days of their great fall fauhion bhow in which will bo exhibited all the most popular style in new fall millinery stills coats furs druses waists dress fabrics trimmings etc a cordial invitation to bo present on this occasion is extended to all the women of acton and vicinity come i view the new fall styloii in their frcuhness and beauty d e macdonald bro cor wynjhkra and maedonel street limit ouelph oat esqvesino aouiculivral socieilt 1914 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmkmn the slxtyeujhth annual motsf motot wm fall pair mmm mm to bb hbld at wonderland moving picture show dy trying to keep abreast of the time and in touch with current events we have secured a complete oat of war rlidus which will be uhowu even whdhttafday mushy we alao endeavor to select the heat or pilus that all patrouh may la thorough ly satisfied r l gregory prop tha publla aohool opened cm tuesday of lost weak with a record atteodoboa in all no tlta first form of uta eonuauatloa elasaaa oontaiua k nauua the largest lu ila hulory poltowlugara tha naute of uta teoohara and their aalaiuw i imnclpold k uaroellua slooa languages uii kruaiag iua khtranoe ub i vauag via th depluu l ualu km 8th deptuuh lh klllou 419 4th dept ulu a little 7s inldapt uuw 47s und uoptuuak north wood 475 1st lhptulsj h k uaww uo 93000 a yav hocouunteat today fca caa tat three tquart taeole and aotaatlwali otto wt tacauaa chomuilalna tableta cured btouaeh troublaa and gave hha good diffeduoa yosi fay thaw mo si bou autwultaanddesurorby new surrouddid but old re tuble buildeu kenney bros the oldest shoe store la town we have secured tha agadcy for lha celebrated regal sh l srf and have stocked all alaea for ottttad mho lines of all kinds of udlod fthoa ttepalhug promptly taiav mad rubber heel put on while you wait kenney bros mbinsl aoton huumuhdnnnaaeindauaisiaisiaih ptingies i bargains are truly i genuine p it is not a quemioii g of cot wo bavn to ijive up the xtore at thu nd of the year mid the oods must go it you need a wed ding present now a is your chance b gd pringle 1 jawalfar n wyndhamst gudph g ibuthtfsmauauaaauau georgetown on wednesday and thursday sept 30th and oct 1st the prlict wllljbe the best ever offered by the society the splendid showing in horses last year will be maintained there will be a corresponding increase in interest for cattlemen every department is being well looked after the grounds will be in good condition every school child in the township wil be given a iree ticket to the fair on the afternoon of october 1st adultn admission 35 cents splendid list of special prizes grand concert there will be a grand concert at night in the town hall highcla talent will furnish the programme tickets 35c and 35c style fires ea all tuuiys bold days jw huffman j a- tracy i bank f hamilton oablul authortaad tuxxmmw ctskdtal paidup majaoojmo uhitluei wxmmwo ah imkoittjlnr axjuamoih wltca a young man flrat makea his alliance with a financial institution by opening a laving account ho should look ahead to the time when hi bank book will aid his ml van cement a growing bank balance naaurea au employ- er that a young man lias mastered the prin ciple of economical management gkokgktown branch wn ueksy mr sibstbiauatbtriwwwmstmbibtblsibiaisistbisiw i a question i i foreverv0ani do yeu lad it dlmcult to sourehita that look well od you j and fee comforublar if no that u ucauio you have never i bought hat hara you prove tha value of your bead whan you make your hat selectlou ber bo my window h e nelson m m s the empire typewriter h visible wrltldkperfect allgnraenttlghtnlng jj j bscapernent endumnue speed a uud hy tba c i r c n k hwk nf moutrul utrfihuit bjiub koyl tuuk northeru crown llnub ulttht nirlolej ltd llali toto- pbohe ca etc mod lu cuntda thcwfom ixvt ti thkt ttfiut b twld u tluty on oltur raakem ii owl vm nrivlu i tr fm km ltawa la vom nw mtxul cmolra wiluahs manufactubiho company ltd u acuimu bl wm toronto woriu moatnal u actons electric chopping mill day open every pay the favorite farmers chopping mill is now open every no long waits or disappointments chopping and rolling both satisfactorily done b f caldwell acton ont proprietor canadian northern opening of direct paasengei service ksarrwmuh toronto ottawa quebec usdes tolsvusi oesiisml rx t h hialuos tt of at aslamsat and valcartier military camp effective august 2uh 1014 ahq tmiimuaxmmkjjuljv uorrbuhksav is lv vorodlt ak vri siilwiin ck bsaisg wuba swlbeeisd ip 7ebt mooh tw lo as uhllfui jd vimrtilv 8 msshrtia btweu ottstwss auxl ctuabad uly daily btssutavllshtad oostahaei sumi csuw fcsa4d ceurat batwaaal taas auoal ottstmrsb tiuutbtrd slaaplug cara ond pirst close coajhe utweau otuwn ka quebec city double dally uervlce except sunday aad oodvenlent wek end service between toronto iort hope cobourg trehtoa tktoo dellavilmi deseronlo and varker por tlckotu und all information apply to uoarest c n k ageab geo patterson livic stock ukalktt aoton oni cattle sheep lambs and write phone or call personally bkroke v0u sill skb uk hogs whr owlngtolhapreunt hlrliigouo cauwd by tho war i wish to- clear aovflrul lines at luaa titan cost price mtma sholt30c off every dollar ltsdla shtmsh 3c off every dollar ono douin hens bulla regular 810 00 for tjufdm metnai clhtrta at ilitc a1maity other llucu ut reduoed prltcti a lot of ladle dramseta cloaring ut bmtstt theae drua ratigu in value us hlgli tie jto 00 iladtam aind ohhdrns bfcut at itk laillov winter coats worth tjbjo and over all to go at sbf come and sob these wonderful bargaliu morris saxe iuiill straor