Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 29, 1914, p. 3

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wedding presents rbtfara itntvom spoons f orfcla tamoy 3llvorwara mok cut glnaa paunoy cklno wedding rinq3 manniaae lick nana irbued geo hytfds oxom ohtari real estate varna for ml hi ualton peel and wellluufou ioo farms lor ale ivrry ylo you want a lanu write me ror rutulomie or l hlab tu krll or exeluuiimi write mo w huve every laelllty rar liuiuuirtluu bilglueau to your caaanlvte mutltifartloil orres ktaudvih i nolleltetl j i willoikaillv farm kdlluie hptsrlulliit fteuraeiowu klje ttan ne jjrcss thukhiiay ootouebw ion brieij local items now for indian hummer all halloween saturday ileal october weatltcr now out tha lot of tha root crop in now november will ba ushered hi on hun day tin tint lurry of now of ilia aeeaoii foil on monday morning flood mortiiinr have you wnowed your vuvu pitiuu buuwrivtkm t kleotrlo light and power rate ara to ba reduced 10 per cent in tluelnh aelona polios tuff anil hiair aide will la n terror to evil doer on saturday n ljrh t 1 fal loween tlia halton mowinoii aaaoelatton will bold their annual plowing match vueeday nov 17tb ttk garden fctuff waa badly touclwul with froat on monday night tho mercury fall to ten degree of frot wtuxn small pukm of money two looea bill two bunch of lieyu ami raincoat call at svjck vvku 06i00 tho autumn iuii la golden d tha autumn able ana cool i tha ruahee have all withered around tlta wild duck pool tha farmer of wellington county uvaconulltutad 20000 iruklmla of oau for the war uppllaa they war delivered at gueljili on baturday the rrloodii bar from aotoiih contln- fteot have 1en reoelvlug letter hi la week from hallbury main tiny report all wall and in rood aplritu la tha allotment of membership for tha mootui canadian coritlngtmb tin floth halton riflea aw allowed two officer and aoton quota will nooarily fifty meu be email turnli oouunue to coma tn freely mtwllbiutuliuathat tha price baa drop ped to do pur buahel aa many aa a thooaand bathala a day cam in botna days during tha wali tblj popular toulara aono will ba rarul rd by ur narold wiluuat at wudr- latad lhotura bhow ou klday avanlug wltli grapkio luuatntlotia icimdlv wauuwmtiriithammm oawibva rtia uvuddri 6 hhytiimd ktoblii- ttbdakwumod wawambantttawa about fifty of llta ituatht and niftbbo ofllr and lira j it atdrwa ut at tbalrbotualo23 eon b on motwlay itkli tau to fray fardwell to ilbau on tba eva of tbalr vattutal to tblr imjv boua at darby- villa aftar apeadlnff au bour ur so in aoolal biuroourb tlw followlnff adjra via rul by sir juom aklua and tba prtekiutlon waa wua by ur and urn uaaui wbltly and ur and uia jakmj uamalua on lebajfof tba ootdpiuy i to ur abd lit jobn r aadoi iwrnalgbbor i oa uiaava of your dv pakur fryxti our uojifbbtekood w your kkvlgbbani avail aurmmvaa of thla oppiwtun ity ftl aipraajtitf our oonmjloutiuuai of tba kklwu fcmuun- botw4n us wa euud u you our groatltur and oooffratuutxona ukat you em wurimc mi lb akduoua labora of tba farm wbll you aach n news of local import auatvun haaarvlata turnad baatt 1 maroky attd a blnchuk two austrian rmirvlu totunrtxl to town on monday after a trip to montreal in tb niulaavor to kat back to auul to rajoln tlialrrflrnanla tttacaiuutlankutltorltuui ht uontroal furnod tbom back lmathodlat oommutilon avawtaaa tito rular quarterly doromunlonmrvli of tlo mafhodut clturoli will im um naitt sunday in tlta tnornlttg at 10 oclock tlt love faaut will bo oonduoud by tba tlta paatartind fclkkwliigtltanvwilngaarvloa uto mararnent of tba lorda uupmir will im kdininutorad a joka on oat bthultm oapt ik it shulu fitrnvwly oapultt of aoton comimiiy of llalton itcglmant wa arnmted in kiitjland on monday on uail clon of beting a tlaroun npy everybody lie re knowa havo always waa a rood loyal patriotic canadian even if hi tuuna baa a oertuait look kntlntona mt tba station tba palnuni of tlta i t it ikava been at work on tlio bulldhiffa itara uiltf week hip enlarlor of tko atatlou anil ike freight boukaaro ikslngiwlitted and alio tba big witter tank a eoupl of ooala on tba poata uud piplhg aurroundlng tba uwna will alo bo ail iwprovoiuent ipoat diom janltoa jippoltuti all jkftduuuoit aa to uietkeraonueluf tba jtlnltor of tlta iw overniaeiit building biu at leut ioeii net to ttl 1a appolitt- nient luu lioen inado jamea k anderaon la tba man to whom tits jjurn ban dropimd mr audftraoii oommetioea bla dutlea next weak ha will reilda in the building motav oak ooaa uu in aaoka two men in an auto drove through aoton lut friday ufternoon au roau for toronto when oppoalta tba rami of uann droa ou tlta aoton ormuroad tba engine bwk fired and an overflow of gawllna took bra tba angina and front teat of tba car wera badly bunted out tba oar atlll huiuim at tba uann farta gate loaal ttubac for hoakay mtlak it uuy aurrlm many to know tbat tlta aaw mill of tlila vloinlty aupply urg quantltlea of rook elm tlulier for tlio manufaoturo of hookey etloka yeetertlay ueaara i a ilenderaon of tlta aoton mm and p v sayera of tltenakvagawoya mill j lotuled a car of vilina rooli elm far- tlto urtyjton ullb ijmlted ofjwyton and toronta tbla oar of ktoelrnettad our mill ownera over 760r djoyinjr a fair abara of imod ualtb tiartldpault a wllaajruad ttt vo4trfioiwatn4y upright i- intagvity bav lived tba uvea at uta good vourtiat tbfedod vour utttwarf ajvooaoy of all tbltitfa for el tba u4dgbbotbood cotuinaikud to yoar ltklgnuat and tla ltaltbful teoral utj fcijillujl rwilu of your inhueaca od tba livaa of all wbo lava iwpmt for wviua law will tonijf lw mtaud ritbr- ad your6ittjpleuour imrilim toiuluta to adatlra abd to po4i tbrouub tba yaara tbat ura toootua wsaliopotliatiiotbltig will bur tbd liartuooy tiat ptavalu bo- twaaa you and youf kujabbora uw abdantoo wa aalt you to aooept of tblaooubb anl ur aidi of tbu fcbalr tdlnkoltbawtftftaouiy aa aublania of a rrauful aiul loving itjihtborbood wblla wafeeltbat wa an loalug two tulura in til vicinity lb will i otbttv gain our prayer it that whan ua toll of ufa mm 0r vi will ha tiriuuphantty uubiler ad eatodif tba ranaouuhi and oountad wortiyawtatlbjrinitlijn1 of fin wlmiwuiaraaauraotlonauti tlta ufa blgaaj on behalf of tba nalghliora 1uvii wuikuv jauiu cahh4iah ur aadnkmi txkada a ty itppropriata reply tlumblugr tba frlenda tu folleltouii twma on labhalf of ur aburooaklblroaolf ur willlaui aadereob asuui falbr of ur audoraott mbd ur itoliavt aklna aud otbra knada bappy tad mulolaoaat apbaclma a good lrogtaiinua oi nuifclo waa alao glveu ur jamaa cu ouuplad tba chair aamwma jalialvaawuar tafiaa chulvduaied bjf mi aavr -im- ifotaico ciop tha annlvaraary uarvloea naniluoto1 liy ut t bodrrow laathuuibiywerobirgoiy aita tlta frea will offariay won very betmuoua tba flrnt sunlea of auow foil ou mon day bamldlng tha apiroae b of winter ilta fanuera bava finlabad dicing tlielr potatom vrv abuudant jlelda ara refiort tbent will ba no butwlay sobool nat tttday on aoooitnt of umv ouarutly waet- lug of the circuit at siloaa i uiih emily yauug erii i who luu been vuluogatur w a murmyviluui return ad boma urv and mm it laavoiui uul oblklren fjaalpb and ur and irvra j acton rutent tlio week j nd at ur alax chpp- ur and ura ix w uuunkon aelou vltltad tbdr daughte u ra w a murray ii juawmtlutf o t k ifrantlaaw prokldtht e j cbauberlalri of tlta fraud trunk railway uwaupjinled by a large atan of ut leading omoiala of tlta road wera in aoton for a tbore tlnta frl day afternoon to make an impaction of tlta grand trunk property track elation and tlta aurroundlage gvrterally tuera wea nofrblng but word of pulse to agent holweaand liu ataft for tlta wtufaotory oondltion of tlta premuea kddl j la liaaioualy iu ur oeorga jarvl of newnutket father of ivddla jarvu who waa that in the knee while on a vlaltbera uveral week ago by tba duobarge of a unall rifle carelaaaly bandud by oompanlon aaya bla eon a tu a very orltloal condition lid la la tba weatara hospital toronto tba bullet went through the leg and waa almtreetad tha oppoalta alda from tba point at wblob it eauirwj it la feared uood- polaonlng baa eet la orl o uaaeatti saturday afternoon a trio of man very evidently ubdarthalnbueaow of intonlcaaia who wara potnntej of a rlfla caua vary naariy dolug mtloua injury wblla wm ingtbabouuofur j v soarrow ualo 6uot in thalr drunken tnaaponaiblliiy they duobargwd the rlba at a tilakj la tba yard falling to aa ura burrow to whom tba bullet ouna tn very elou prox- lulty tba chicken waa bit hut uta boarrow fokunauly aoapwl ualdjurd ttta dlaclurga of fliaattdj within tba od poratlon u a aarloua lafrittgaaut of tba law and tba parpetmtora are aaljt to itaavy paltloi tkay oxantml m huuutm cooipuiuta bad ikwi nuda that for u day a number of boy bad beau baking tiwoialvea a nuuuua to tba raekuata along- lb una of tha auntrla railway by running a batul car upaaddowa tbatiaoka and over tba ktraet otoaiugii at a dautgeroua apadil on sukklay aftaraoon chief lawiori iuvud ou the aseaa uaair tba ualu stivot oroiiug attd catiirkt a qiuruua of tba blurloua lde in tba ol iu took tbalr batamo gava tbeoi a wdl- uorlutl loatura and advlted a dlnwuttu aitoe of ti unruly oouduou lairtl louuan of tba peace will ulo id tobaauawsnd ineourt 1 auioua onv u tn jfaheala at lt rdoedt uawtlog of h owldty teadaer aiwodatlou at uurllagud it waa airauged to ouerva amjay novmaber ltitb a- iviriouo iwy lo tto ioboola of tba oounty with bjwui rfaraaea to tba du- uj caubail by tba great odaolot now ftojng on in europe aud lu wblob our kiaplw u uklug in order to loeuloata tba ijilt of hyupatby for tba uiawwa u vll an patrtotubj tba pupua will ban tba opjmxtuatly ou that day of ooutrlbut fug ptwtual oootlugiia bowavar toulb to tha lvurlolio vuod ttta aggtegata it u hoped will help tn ioua ueuura to ultlgaia tha dutr- of uum wlo ara uuftortug tba borrora of war xmmtjtvm kouahiantaury ml tleotal owing to a teclinloal vote ou a vvotoan rjoraga reaolutlaa tlta government of tba prllataent vblob tba atpwortb tavifrua haa loan ooed acting redojved an advan vot at tba uat aotalou and wara eouw- quauy eallad upon tha realgd tba aaw irovnumtaaat oh tueuuiugtharejuaof ofaoa appoeled to tba elan tor to and on tlta buaainga tuaajay night tbera waa fougfat an lutareauug and keealy ooataoadl bat- tla leader of both paitle phaeutad tba plauornui and prealdctloo ptowlaea oi mob party speaking for tba vvogram- ulvo imtrty wera a v brown j ju uoora aud j p roarrow aud for tba iwplea varty jr v oolattuui ulw u 2 ilunnutt j c mutlbewa ulaa dorothy neleou tba plauoruw wero attt forth with vim and vlor by ieb of tba wpeakara and apjieabt tuada for awpt- uport ofmolnaloa of tba hpeaklug tha loatlaataok puoaajidwlthdepuly iwtum lug ofuoani and duly appointed mlanee tlteeleuuonwajooodtfcted inrogulartorder very tanaa wtra tba uluutaa whiw tha keturulng orucar rav c ix drape waa counting tha liallota aa from tba flvat tt wua evident that a oloea ota bad liean liolled uowever tha ivoplee fwhy w oblalned a waiotily of flva in a total tm hattlool i ioti ballot uaai they will ooo- aeqtmauy again noma into ofaoa beveral grauapbotso aaleotloaa of pauioua tnoalo wera enjoyed tlta popular aoldlatv tnarohlng aoog it a long way to 3lppav ary waa taa favorite annad lfoa ttajhuna at oaowwatown magutratea owen and fcfeok iteld court at tin town ball but weditaday niomlng chief mclonahl kutnmoned jamoa uarcb inentandiyoliii ihiutf m igbting on lb 1 in hi in treat tito aomited wera uncli llnod 100 ami colt- ifernhl tlta jaekolla wuiw tlta tsan in tlta moon looked down on tlio fleltl where ute golden tumpkln lay he wlnke1 at blm and ha bllnketl at him in tlta fiiunleat eort of way hut on hallo wnon when tlta moon looked down from tha hky tlirough tlta ahadowa dim tlta iwmpklrt fat on ti gautoat aat and aauolly uuffltel at blm tna maiimrau lvt kin woaj maglatrata watt itrovetl utat rta la hhu of hi word homa time ago it lined a bioyoltat wlto rodo bla wheel on tlta kbla walk 91 and ootf himi htatetl that uto next oua toooma before blm won hi get 10 and con ttta victim hakened to li ulward hurrell and ha jeeded guilty to riding on wellington street and waa fined 10 and coat fluelph herald aoaldant to knlto of dunda htnlf mr a h moore editor and publlaltev of tba ikindaa bur baj the mufortuno to make a mla tep while in tha judge ktand at ilookton valr and ewlned ona of lit ligament in hi bnaj ho waa oqn lined to tha bouae for tlta remainder of tlta week ho i around again now with aid of crutohe hut with a very pronounced llnt whloli la gradually becoming leaa mr moora iwtlte on of ura jamea uoore hower avenue uydtyait lwetm auid ktoan tlta initallatlon of the new hydro aya temaut vergua and klora uaa nomiutd l4a weekend tha eleotrto current turned on hut vrltluy a dupatch aaya i vriilay waa a red letter day tn fergua the uydrolcleotrto cotamlfcajon oomputad tlta 910000 oontraot with lite town for light and power from niagara vau by way of cuelph and orandm voota tha oldest reeldent of tba town now in her 160th year waa given tlta honor of turning it on which aha did auootaafully a oovaaatlou in tlta outuary notice of the lata ura ault mother of iv ii ii ault it waa in advertently n luted that iter fatlter wax rioltanilxuoka a utorekeeper uw fath ar wa john w ixucka a farmer wlto aaw uotlva mrvloe at the battle of chry btleru farm and waa for many year clerk of tlta court for wllllamauurg ilia eldeat mmi auo j w aerved hu country during tha rebellion of 1b37 and wai afterward honored by tba oounty of rueeull being aeot to tlta leglehtura an member ura aulu mother faulty were from england and were of tlta medic profeealou htlto county lautotla jtaaoatauon at tha county council meeting but weak ifaltoti relief committee waa appointed at tha ug8io of tba cauadtan ltrlotlo aaoolatlon thuoouimlltea la to report every eat what wive and dependent of men are left without aupport at preaent ttbaa bo fund to dletributa but tba ottawa aud national iwriouo author tie will make tbla committee their rapreeentatlv in llaltoa any oeaie wbora rwllef ha not bean given should ba toported at onoa tba warden tleo uyada aeton u chairman ami tha other memlura ara reevea l e vteek of oeorgacowt t j v ultla of ullton i u a smith of burlington and a b forater of oak vlua s17jj for lambs killed bv dogs maw treat in ounwll llama to ba opened by vownahlp oounoll tmb luarr or aooounts vamamo kafptealng council met mrnuant to ad journmetitllw tteera lu tltochalrhietnbei premiit a hy uw waa md autltorlilng tlta council to borrow jjjwo for current aooount wera mtwtod n tltoa moffat 210 yd travel thoa mosat outting bruali it ifenderaon hjmrrwlitig gravel m campbell hauling grave m campltell uiweadlng gravel joeenh allen jrra vol it ii hume rilling apmuiolie jama iviillo gravel ikevld joe gravelling yolin moore gravel wm hoar opening ditch ingot iron co oulverlh john llrown gravel follow t blfrido noa iktw 4 kit a ii ifaoo 14 s 1200 lt 2500 41u00 1000 personal and travel notes campliell aaammor aeb 1313 24 00 soaoo il00 rrlnal haaunafaatoa maaabajj club tha aotm hamball club bou thalr winding up butting for tlta yar tba other veulug with preuent uoltnaa in tba chair tttatviauiwpieaeotedadaullad snanolal autamant for tba year which waa vary uuafaotory for a new olab i total moalpta war lotto expenditure mw burplua oirried over tu it waa decided at tba witling to havo all uniform and aiiulpiaeot turned in to tlta morelaiy traaaurw or ha lit at tba merchant llaub where they will ba avail abla for tha club in tha spring tba president complimented tba club on hav ing woo the peusaut for 1914 and hopaj tby would gat an early hurt in tba tpring of 1013 and aodaavor to repeat tbla uu- cail ah ja4ww n oiatlajmnj beautwed rav italbar tvayuor will alay ba reuaoiltered for hi great later in im itrovlng and beautifying tlta ohurobea of hie pariah within tba pat two year eutduelva inipkrvamwiu bav bewi mada to st joaapha church bate uou tba louilov and aaurior bava btan urgaly improved aud tba lourior tyhn ara vary chute abd i4hfoprial st tuomaa at ionretowti bae alma ua mtwovnl be lww at ooallo u now la tba baud of tba point and daoorator wbad cotupletadlhiachurcji will ba vry atlrao tlva tha paaotaary u alrttdy oompuud and tba auditorium la now being deoova tod tba faot that tba work u btlag dona undr tba aupervllan of ur v c hrowna tba tiburob deoonitor of torootti vbaaa work on st joripba and auo- on tba uetbodut cbuh but yaar wa u iatlafaotory 1 a guaraatea tbat be patera will alao win tlta approval of paator and peopu ucuwotm rna lata ftkawia mewabh rnnaanl aft aevaral tnontbe lllow tba raaultt oi mitutroka charu uonabb patwed away on tueaday ubjrbb floth inet iouod waa eon of tba lata wlllutu uonabb otva oi tba pioaeera of eramoe townebip wba aatuad on tba farm now owned by ur aroh uenuhb over a im yoara ago by uuurlug labor and thrift batuoaaded intnaklrigtbaucnalbfaunlly ranowuad througboub tba aastlau for it lodtuuty integrity and ktetllug worth ibtyaahhgde06aodntlrad from tba farm and cam to hookwood to live ha waatjaoud raava thro or four year ago alter having aarved on tba council with groat fidelity for upward oi flftaau year ifo waa of m quiet retiring dupoiailon kindly dlapoaed toall bd a falthfal bus- band and friend a widow who ualdon nanta waa uary torraood i ona aoa archibald r idlng on tba old b whara rleoaaaad waa bom and a daughter ura wiu wilder of xjndwiy aorvlva two alatera and a brotlir tba ulatta jaargavot and agna uonab aud mr john monli of itoob- wood alas burvlva tba funeral on thuradny afumooo waa vary largely attaaded ura l b ouikl waa again appointed huperintaodaoboftha uudriot at tba kha- triot mjaakwiary eonvabtloa at onalpb but weak uaflbmooala tna fauetml of tba uto joaepbcbtrli took plaoa from bla raaldenoa at suvorcrauk on xonday to tlio oanatary bare root milton culvert und cutting hruxh anguu moaruiur work on road jame momutan gravel jtvu hlrd work oa nulverta j h mackenala iiunk c joyca iteenkllleil bv dogm wm surk umltakllledbvdog king cooper on aoot itrltlge fieo wrlggleawortli reevo mel juror j a trany clerk ml juror coo 11 thompson uftewenr ael j c ii lllngbam teaming tlio etc 7 00 a reaolullon wa paaeed to autltorluatwl emitower tlio reova of thl towuidilp to luooaed under by law ho xm to oten up tlta etroeu in utat portion or tlta villege or llleuwilllama known a the ilaeaor aurvey aiuloouupuvl by a wheeler ivgan ilroa and outera and utat action he taken liefora tlta out meeting of council council adjourned to meet on monday 1 0th novoather obitoauv una putku mcnv mr hettlo xfocunn for uilrty your realdentof ac ten dlel ut iter homo tfl rimer avenue kew lloach toronto motwlay soth inu deoeaaod vua in iter 73th year uha cumu to canada from county wexford irebutd with her parenta wlten flvo yours of age herfculy ufa waa epetit at nakinea tluolpli ami leorgetown fn ibah ijwj wa married to ute ute wter u uocann of aoton two won meatra martin e and charu k aiwl two daughter miuea antreu und hetlla buter fll anna of uta order of tha uood shepherd raalda lu toronto mr uccann waa a aleter of tlta lata charu ityau of leorgetown uitd judge martin ryan of vergo hakou iwtb of whom ware well known locally tn early railroad and telegraph circlea she had roaldod tn toronto for tha paat nine year tha funeral took plaoa yeatartlay from st ulehaela cathedral toronto to cnelph where tlta remain wara interred iteakla tboae of her huabaod j a vtuucu jamea aaderaon itranar tiled on tba 9lt but at hi home at ullton ha waa lom in seotlend lu iuh tha baa jujtrt uil- urahhwlhlmlullierol tba virat iu- vhuon court anil ba oma from uarlln to uka that poaltloa which ita bu until tlta inter of 101 s whan hu age over ho and lllneu forced blot to twlgo ha waa a constable for ualton up to tba time of bla death ha waa iioante inspector for aoma yaara hut bla appointment lapaed about ittas owing to tba dominion lovemuant under uta uocariby act taking ever tba admlnutrauon of tba boott act which waa tbwi in foioa ha waa an alder la knox chureh ha waa a prominent uaaod a pat ofoer of tba llraud lavlga of canada and a peat orund superiuuo daat of tba hamilton dutriot royal arch uaaofta hu death u uouraad by a boat of friend ha left a widow but no chll- dru champlott maamaauawhvjt tu rvwaalna of tba lata ira stork of uooouilla who died from inflammation on tha 1mb lac in torortto cuoral hoajjul vra interrl at palrvuw camvtery aoton taat thursday rev iv illalr and j a blaok a a of mono uiiu obulat1 at tba grave ur btotb relxled h naaiagaweya for a uuubar of year asajitiug lu tha atora of bu brotber- lu law ur l eljy ha waa biarrud ha ud yoaf ego to mlw eluabeth llradga who with thalr thraa children turvlvo they have tba aympatby of all ur stork built up a feiooaaful h in uouo uiiu tu a gwoaral merchant ha waa atlva in all work oalaulaud to banab tha oommuulty aud waa highly ajeaoud for bu aurllug qualltba a a ituain btau ajtdblumn william reunett of lot la oou s dug bl patatoea but week aud from i of an acre had a yield of 145 bag tba variety main crop and they ara exceedingly hu potato oaurallhou the illluburg heaver brag about flud- lug bufnouat wild raapbarrua to maka a pi tboouelpb ueroury ull about tba wmutni bllaiita and a taoackl orop of birt lei your corraapottdeub alao found raapbarria a couple of weeks ago but ballavaa thaw to ba tba but of tba fcummor crop how var wild strawberry bloaom ara in abundance and a vary abort aptll of continued warm wather will ripen tba fruit mr uanuook arrived homa but week from bafckalcbewati ha la reooveriug front a aovor aocideut raoelvad in eon fctructloo work ur mao uonlvou of llrant reoewed obi aoquajnuuo in tkhiplaaaindkvavtou but week f coughs m tkrrmfaalblf cli tear dam ttoq 9ltrtijfitf tu rjbttj tuvtfanwi ijf fctt yoaflaaoy i i uu to bootth khuuaon u brobcbltla la an aaar notnral way ita coratha oiuto0d aootboa lb toatabrajma mllovas tba oou that ceamlb troauo od avafy drop fcalpn to t mi- i mknam sumartrvrxs ailhamktu uun i no rum wmuit mlu fern llrown vinited friend nt ham llton thlaweek mr llert holme of toroujo wa lit town tilt week mr frank holme lia returned from hi trip to the northweal mr ami mr l it luihl of rookwood vwled aoton friend hut week mr harry holme jr of winnipeg i holidaying at hu fauter homo mlu craoo joltniiioua of north hay virited mr jennie smiut tbla week mr wm hematineet waa reported from milton yesterday au allghuy improved mr robert joliubtou ita movwl from fcrln to iter ttnm itew itonut on knoie btraet mlu mill okn of toronto waa a gueet at tlta itotna of mr wllluuit llrown laht week miv wm mnaou uiul mimm lotlla maaoifund hertia smith vujted frienda in uarlln thl wek mr atil mr william hall attended tba funoral of tho uto joili clark at silver creek ou montuy mra walter devereauv of leorgetown vta u gumt liut week ut uto homa of iter ttrotlter mr william llrown mr thoa 1 hemlerwjti of sudbury ttuuht a abort vlult laat week at the homa of hi- ftttlter mr 1 hemleruou m p mr ami mm john modihbou of ijum ing vltitod mm tho plllott mill st and other acton frlendu over tlta weekend mr a m hennutoun anil chiklran of reilwood irtlu wla huva raturnwl itouta alter upending u week at iter fatlter a hotna her mr wm mullen jr who u lu uto military hfwtjtnl quolken i now mprov lug awl in pea for hit recovery ara inur ulned mr tine cuiupltcll and mr j k oamtle an i tltalinn hnva iteen in toronto vitltlngtlto fomvera oou mr c camp lull of lulliimfud uho u in welhuiuy houpltal in tha removal of mr and mra win ilowinati and ton edward to may tie id this oomntuuity iouw aomo of it licit cltlxona during thalr ntay itora tltey have ivuula inuny friend wlto dotidy regret tltelr removal but join in wishing them all tltat in haat for u itappy future in tltelr now luma uoorgetown herald serenity oouiea alter a man iaoora lotaly uturatetl wiut indlftereuoo when you snffcr from your back v0ur wdpev must we wmhtt uany wocntu work day alt day with an txcrtteutltmt pain in tba back and really do not know tbat tba kidney are tba aouroa of tbu paid wbai tba back ttarti to acba you may ba tuaa that tba kidney ar not working properly and tba only way poeribla to uahr n cotnpleta cure u to taka tlma by tba foftlock and gtt rid of all tbtaa aebe paloj by mlng tbat old and tbatv y tried remedy bojurs mbnavhtulti ura john power peek butlon pbk writtaj i buffered front buk acha for uua yean and x tsled all kind of thn but got no rjkf x waa to bad at tinua x would not ba abb to walk a friend told tna to try you jooan icldney puu to i got sva boxca and befora tl bad tbre boxc uied i waa tv6aiiy wdl i used tba other two and x can ay your doan kidney puu cured ma had it not bean for than x would ba batfcridjc yt boatv kcldnoy pill ara so cant pat box or 8 for 91 a at all dealer or uauad direct 6l receipt of price by tba y alllburn co untiled toronto out when ordtrlnjc dlrvct hoodf y and palnl oubfy tri piles ymwraubzalbh htnt bsrekaysuaaacj rk kamdef aad fcriaj raiaii ml amasalmrtc wkym9p a mvbuk madame youll delight in choosing your winter appeirel at this big store youll like the styles the prices and the service it m n real pleasure for uh to oflcr you this sort of apparel its evident chnrm its style and its quality combine to place it on the highest plane you arc sure to bo pleased with it and pleasing you is our business so extensive aro as sortmentb in every line that every woman can he easily pleased we would esteem it an honor to have you call and inspect these ttocku millinery trimmed 3 to 25 untrimmed 2 to 8 suits 1273 to 35 coats 1000 to 60 dresses 450 to 21 sweater coats 200 to 750 kimonos corsets hosiery pure waists 100 to 750 100 to 700 25 to 75 modestly priced 275 10 j20 underskirts 100 to 665 corsets 1 to 7 brassieres 50 to 2 gloves 1 to 3 neckwear 25 150 handbags 50 to 10 skirts 300 to 15 underwear separate garments 50c to 275 underwear combinationnsoc to ft llmlud l d e macdonald bros ohelphs leading and largest store j p cor wyodhmra and macdoael streets guelph onl j idebifibdabtsbdibtj tdatfedfetjfettcdkdgtr3trt3thits3t3tscsbfflj men men read this suits and overcoats made to measure 1500 satisfaction is guaranteed or money back readymade suits and ocoais in all the leading makes and styles beautiful cloths and all that a real nifty dresser desires the prices run as follows fm 1js 98m sltm isa up to 2 and plenty to choose from quality always higher than prices undbrweat i have over is diuerent lines for your inspection 96 ma garment price irom site up to working pants and overalls see my stock in this line before buying prices sc up hats and caps in this line i think i cgfa safely say i can show you the largest assortment ever shown in this town all new no stock from other seasons selling capu with and without fur lining 5c to 1 2s for those who want the best suit or overcoats made try the style craft madetoorder line i am sole agent price 18 up to ska sweater coats prices sac ysc siet 1 js tn m u to ntaee w c deverell the clothier uiillstheet acton ontario xa00ojo0tt3oos3oo you get bilious fccauua you liver is laky vou gat a uuoua attack whan your uvr refute to do ba work tba ui do not flow vou baconm tonaupeiad rood aoaua inauad of dlgtatlng vou bava thai w aa cau tba tffirriarh biryimm irt tmil f tuma akh vomiting and violent ha ad at b tba baal fafwvrtlllvt and eiura ear billounaa u cbaaabarlalnv tablet tbaynuka tba llvr do ita work a tba dlifcailva organa and taatora to batiait baaldi ibfcfaatbatiaa adl daauta and dvgbita or by tnajb 1 cwmkua ililfdaac ajy aadaadaw chamberlains tablets of ufa and athod titled with tba ol tin iqipiailoa and fouowad by 2b0 aboft atorkw el adyanton will make ihe youths companion better than ever in 1915 then the family page m rare editorial pate boys pate girls page doctors advice and ton ol fun artlclesol travel science education pram ihe best minds 10 the best minds ihe best the world ctn produce or you and everyone in the home there l nojue limit to enthusiasm for toe youths companion s2 timet a year not 12 safld 4y to tha yotub cam panlaa boklon mu for touuat cttakunnr ta rwpi bubscbimohs bece1vhd at this office cur this out fcr butaad wa will wad friffilniffi- bank f hamilton ctottul autlwirfaad inj ftcaoy money it ti bftau laid of a waa hat ba owui valu abla property imt u for lb tltua tiod up u you would ba wady for every bwobaa opporlunuy oi amkooy a p yoct aavln should ba htld for imtdedlat ua bocb fund can ba wfely tiapoaltftd at idurtit lu a bank of hamilton bavlny ac- i count oltorgetown bkanch iwnuakay ma t iff a luma wu rn

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