Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 3, 1914, p. 4

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he ctou jfrcc r tilllthdav dhtuiml 1 101 1 tiiinaaitisat oanmot am donm ii aaimalouio liiihiuullli tt humiiwii ou oil ii t wnluli h i rum ultli ti urummar uandimhhttllliiimuliil utilhl tint lm t lilt ii ihk lot mw uultmr iit i iniu u llli 11 1 imor ou cant phu la ku with h u klo vnu eant trnio lliti uli u witu it hloiili lluok hum ulth tl imvn fh with it liljfim lit nor muknymir uululi thili withn tluhlft tiu nun t urn lit 11 miitii nf jour malar v nu cant ml 11 rato rimi u u niter calch titolua with u iimliir luuo rolu wllli 11 iiihor hub jou cull not u unit from 11 uultur ou cannot iuimj urom with 11 cmwr you cant jiu jour ohopa with u chop ilrealt mi fa wllli h mmixor hllouti uura with h hbltflftili nor pop in u ylrl with 11 wijuwr ou cant itrnu vlui imwmiu from llu ltauir you cant eatoh llio in mi fioni 11 la iwr tlat urxlun from 11 yriliu r drat atratiia fim 11 u minor korcleaio tooufwlfn wllli 11 tkimr a hat 04 it t lw mude nut ot iwitlti a flat u not a tiling tliut nun hat it f a jmjihi doe not ponder a wuiul iloa tint wftiidor ami ho tluit 4 tho cud of yifjir tyiltur 4 ii v the land of ophift am mmmdtl uphootttd ktvnr waa docp luiatod irrcr iimro thoroughly uprooted limit u lite unolnnt aujjumption of iiuii tliut wotimn am tliolr inferior trudlthwtnl coiiventftnallnilof aulated for prtuuirtluif a form of ulaterv hut woman livo hrolvn llilr immmiu und ha proved thalr cupalt in u hundred kiwutof activity formerly tliwwl to llwni multitude aro in liiininivtw ufa thoy adorn many of he laanmtd proliwailoiie the mio oead in inliora where ahovo all tiling in uluctuallty con iitu- in ion of thacutaaof tha american union tlioy huto gained tha ballot ami thoo kin tee liue fjuluwl in moral uplift unil honoet ittlniiiiutratttm tliruuuh tliolr uiifrmitlilinuiil children ory for rletchers cast ojft i a it u uflhtutu ulwjtlwr tlio iunrrwinoma people ul git 11 urhwl or tlio iiihitumi milu kll yet iuiiinluiiic a num hlmulil uluu lcoli liu tiuulilo to liltuulf or ut icjitt until ito mcctu bonia itilov uho in laobiuir for it it luu t atery man win can mil in wcsluii mul tkminu uufilcloiit wulliltrunii to linp iront roll hit out of ft ivormu fal ujion tliu llulity uf clilltlrei fttul iuinqr tlialr iiou a nimilo uml 0ctucuro a motlmr tlmvctt wonn ei urtuiiutor ij04t imliovo tlio fallow wio lioautn tliut h iiatnar ulla tlio truth ho iw irauutly an infernal liur many u man compuliim tliat tlilnyn ar not cowing liu way wlteu it b nully the fault of ma way children ory for fletchers castori a mailing u ho won t nlwa kenp it down a hanti account tin t lwny tlie bant yanutlok with which to moanure a nuni valu a man can do alroott uh much dainag with a oofltfccraw an u uomun can do with alutiin occonloiwltj jou moot u iiuii uho uctu um though nut nre hiul intondod him for u iiuffrootta- it rually doofiit mnko much illtfaronoo tthituuiin thiiitm m long nu ha dooant think out loud theyre fine for kiddies chamberlains tablets oauttb voh wobhy what in oworw worrying uhout his dur no 1 liaaiiuwi hn in uuahlo to roiitruot haw on norillnot coulowf italia jan nothlnu imluoe jou la chang your mhul aiul marry t uim keon evidently nut ltegalo havont you trld arul fulloil hatttt httoardh to bclbhot solnc attack 1 tlm uatulwlch la a hoaiultui ileraa honing it luu htter luok with ittluii we liava luul with soma pur ehajttil at railway inrwli oountorw whhhh um vsll bhohy hlio your unolo la unllko ho many ntlwr moil he la alwayu gking money to tlio nwtly ia yea with nae ommhiioii mt t the weak spot injrhe back when tlio lhlneya tret ill thd buk out uta liack la not to humc tba ache come from uie imayt which lie unucr uie small of tha back therefore dull twin lit the bock w utuitj quick twliikw am wamitufsi q kick kidney vrarnltig of khlttcy trouble tlutera atul llnlttiettti will not cure had bck lor they cannot reach tha ixldnrya which eautu xou kidney illli reach the kldiiya thmiaelvet hcy arc a rmcldl kwuy ftud bbultfcr utctllclne they iieal tha illaeiued hutface of kldttoya aud buuilkr mud help thttti tn uxt recly and u4binuy mr chatter itomalii 1oct coulotute 0u 1 writ i hud ixett troubletl with ion lutck fo over fotir ycam and could it nothing to tlo itte mty kootl until heard of yotir kun kidney ijlb cot three imjuch nml took them tutd now i am completely cured don kwiwy hlli bn ftoo a bote j boxes for 91 uk atblldcatcraoritialm irect on twcclnt of price vy the t mil- burn co umltcd toronto ont whiutonlruigdircckixeclfyioiiul deaf people can hear ttrrliorj vow khrcllct hr hnlo- imm out ii l oold 1h count of houttimtmtorn africa i not uuunlly roitardod to day into jtlun or any ononola laurttat ii rfiiihily holonua to ihnvaat lindevalop il territory of lortukuna kcaat af won 1 1n intarlor la wild mnd thinly nhiiblud nor mrt from tlmhr poll ilrul tmulllon ami thnlr rathnr trltl u cimnnnrrui imnor lance r thf owiih kofalu uovatnhlqum and ilmir rollowh nanoclally invitlna tlirui jrvcrlluih mi linro lu much that ii if in ut imrlmiui uiiiinunn lntareat in thlu mom nr iond iiiirttllct territory tl in c rlnln that it iium iwnn in th iiii it or 1 rent roiutunrclal importhncti i liln in by no mnana an undarallnliid ilu 1 jiiimintt iii liutory tho decayed own or novfforod in huaala wai oiim tlio niiitirrliim or northeaut ku ropi tho nwful ilrt of mekrau ih lit liichliitan iiuh ikion a irroat tradr llljtllvmjj ihoro la iiniiih ovldiiiicn that tlir n ilnn lnhlml hnfnla turt or which in now knoun mi mttitliuniilamd iiiuhnily of vn til imnortanco owiur in hn ioil ml 11011 it eontalna u tt uinrkiibln nirlin of rulna noatly at ih plnln from tho uvldoncft thordtid l hit in thorn of gold minium in t ra olio of tli oao dnaorted aoltln uiftita lu lolorahly wtll khown undur tlm nam or 71m hah we it la inly otiinf many cnihtrtilnu tin poonlo who built ihcur ui ttlmi nt nnd exploited tb mlnorml rtuourci of thla atlll uurftr mil riklon ihnnt haa lon much ron trovirny ho much aiiaiu erlaln thai iluy wt n not an arttutlc race thu at ouri rulnh nut tho kgypltnau thi almoat untlm lack of artlatlo objwti and tlnlr v ry poor ehnrctr mliht mbi to nolnt to ihoanlclatia but ulnrt tho crlan dhtcovarlh tha riioonlclana aro bttluk rliat6d to a lower nlaco in hlatory than they huvo hitherto occunld wad turly ihoonlclan etlterbrlaa in wouthaaal africa la bin lily improbable tho indication rath olut arabia the eotdtnfcrelal itdbortabea of antbu baford tha uahotamadan era id cortalo tha habaaaua of ya- men might very well have ylerad tha oaatom cout of africa tha du tauce from adas to dalaao hay la houio 3000 mile leu that that front tyro to tha ucllllfta and thare la real ly uo aolld raaaon avalttat tho prob ability of tho tccompllabueut of mich a voyuito by arab aaatuau it wu meraly a matter ot letmfthy coaatlnk the gold field would furulab an ir milatlbla arsunant for ayatamatlc aatuement it la indood poulbla that tha coun try la tun laud of opblr wharfrom holomou obulued lit icold wo know that tha treasure ahlpa aallnd from eilouhohlr on tho ned hoa wn know alao that holoraon had ruuob with tlm hftbiiettoa tho voyas waa m innu oho iho nblpa ara said to have m ouco lu throe yoan tula obvlounly nolntu to u dlalant country onu comparatively nnar at band aurh aa efouaulaud the kaoktrhlibara 6f lb itoman kmulra warfi nerforlly aware of he comiuoirlal importnnro of aouthaaat africa rtolemy namei aavara towna one ho placn or eoura vaguely at 16 dekrooa it mlttutaa aoutb and rathi it iraalum thu altuatleu eor- rcanouda opprosliualoly with that of kill mane at the mouth of tha zau- itoal other trading atatloa aw known ooltl however la uot uaa- tlonod there la reauott to believe that tho auttlomenta ware than da iflrted all ahow udulatmltabl traeu ot havlnv bean doatroyad by flre aad preaumubly aome eruption of aaaj- ary from tho interior overtbraw tbani they ware radlacovered about a i 1000 by the people of uotfadexo aud again becarao immanaely important bbt if they did indeed fumlah salo mon with hie troaaura thaii oldaf glory will probably always oauhtea that of later daya uak la kwttfhl mlaa ellla tho teacher of atraaeh looked at uertle in aurprue aadaaid im aurprlaod that your vnh u ao weak uartle now thlak for mo moot chapuau what a thatt ilortla remained tlunt ajbauy loat in deep thought bat to bo tmr- noae wall aald the taaehar jjupauabt- ly what do your father throw us when hes merry v uartle brightened iiu job mvatn he rep lde clock was wrockadt dlway uu an alarm elok nowa day jlgaup no never tried on bttt oaee illway how wai thatt jlgaup woll you aea th fhrat tlmn it want off i didnt exactly know what it waa and ao i aald ob for heaven aake uavla shut unl llarla haupebbd to be awake and well that u how it waft uauntholy bulk havent you any milk that la more cheerful than thlay queried tho new boarder aa ha poured aeua of tha liquid into bu colfee why what do vou uaaoi by thatt queried the landlady oh nothing rejoined th new hoarder only thin milk kmuh to havo tha bluu fwtilog off uaay very well ihe aald if you are afraid to auk father for u wo will con alder our engagement at an end thank you ha replied e wag afraid you might bo diaagvoaable about it didnt get a cbauoa flhowhat did pap aay wbea you aaktid him for my hand ho why ha couldnt aay a word he coutdntt no your mother was there i itlghceotu wwwua a raau will lone half a days work ana all of bla temper to attend a do boaltore meeting if ho baa iijl l auapeuded bank castor i a vta lafiats sail cumtta in um for over so yaatw r uu uioirr uavu two irlahuien hantoii robbery held u ajkuuiinff bootfihitmn after 4 loiitf lloroe njjht lit uhlch tha kiotohinun ulmmi lunl thalietlorof it they auooooileil in noiuurr lug him a thorough march of ida olothea illmtloaetl una una five oenc ileae troui lwtual4l mike ilhwuuihlly if hed ittul uu elnla fnutatul of u nickel liail liave murtlirl tlio two of u a houaehnkl uulielna they ilwt aro aouiil tited with tlio fttatllnjf iroiertia of iv thouub kchwtirlo oil in tho trealinent of nuuiy ulhuoiitd uould not i10 witlwut lb in tlie iioum it u ruly u houhehokl tued ulna and aa it u bnootlvo in uealibtf with many orduutry couijilalnt it la cbeaier than a doctor bo keep it at hattd aa th call for ft may eomeiuoab unairoaotadly klut not tho uy mbn uytui vtbrmttotta that tha daaf can raally hoar and do hear but a dlffarant way from ordlbary paopla la a fact that few peraona who are not deaf undar- ktand rtanlay ilohlnaon who be earn deaf at thti ag of tn tlta juat how thy do it mot only do the deaf bear aound but they arw ofun kaally anboyed by thm tbay f aounda through the conruaaton on thn diaphragm of thalr vara and tho vibration rob tha brain according lo wr tloblbaon throuah tha barvaa of faaitpa rather than by way of tbn audttbry narvaa a dear man feata tha motion of a paaalng truck through the vlhratlone it raua on tha pavement ha doa not fel the paaalng or u trubbertlrad vahlcla on ah aaphalt paved trat btcauaa thla cauam no vibration lf fau tha rootatepe of a horaa if near by and not ou thn aoft aarth ha doa not bear a atarap upon aton pavement unlaaa it ta quite eloaa to him a deaf mute aaya mr ltobln aon will b conaeleue of all tha hourt n tha room which ha oceupu ho will f tha door alaw thf fall of a hall an ipple an orange a key or any other weighty the footatapaef pfraona in the room if it la not ear- peted or ir they do not have on rub ber ahoaa or allppara alio tha nolae which ha mekea with hla own knife and fork whan ailing a deaf peraen never faela the bound of a ball aa ita vibration era confined holely lo tha atmeephere i jhlttk thara la no way by which th aound pf audi an that rum ont can be imparted to our feeling bo ma of tha davlcaa etnployad by deaf paraena to wavn them of the ringing of tha door ball are moat in- kanloua ona heuaahold has a rub ber ball auapandad from tha ealllng of ihe living room and tha ringing of the ball ueuaee thla to swing back and rortfa one man has a dag that drops when the bell rings another has the ball attached to an auetrte lamp so that it light up when tha bell puah is pressed one deaf man has an alarm clock attached lo the foot of a bsa bad he feels the vibrations when the alarm goes off juat as plainly as if ha could hear them btoss to tha oceaaloai kven dead men on the atag have their ehtbarrasslag moment as a ear tain actor who recently played the role of a poacher in a melodrama dis covered th poachar had bea shot by a rival at the end of tb secead act and the curtain ahould have fall en as h dropped dead as 111 luek would have it however it stopped hort when a few feat from the stag and opposed all effort to lewr it further the audience began to lit ter the situation became lena and painful whan the dtad man saved ii ltulng wearily ha aald in a sepul chral vole alas thara is no real even in the grave and glldad apec- trally oft the itaga caasau jour nal maintained tfaelr llottor a deputy in the italian ivrllament lost hi ablrt in a alaeptng compart- maut while on a railway journey lie wrote an indignant lettar to the dl rector of th una in which lie aald it is hhatnsful that tha railway ear- vants for whom ao much baa been done by members or parliament ahould dare to appropriate tha be longings of passenger a fuw daya after this preteet be wcvlvod a let- tar signed by 300 railway employe in which waa inclosed a postal order for 91 wbleh the latter said waa tho result of a am all eollaettaa and which the railway men hoped would aable bin to bay another shirt tlwtoafu they were talking of figures of speech have you ever noticed said one how foud people are of vegetable metaphors when they are dealing with a woman t her cheeks are roses her lips are cherry her hands are always illy hands her mouth is a rosebud her couples- ion la ilk a peach and her breath is fragrant aa hoaeyiueku youve forgotten one aatd tha cyalo what that her tongue it is a sesrlet run ner fatttl tfcewi at kas praoedenee la net the only buail la auclal and soeul clreles in any eity but to aay the right thing at the right time is equally neceesary to wake tautak in speech u suicidal said a etate department omelal recently lct it not be as in the case of lira mrody who gave a party aad when all the kueals were in the parlor she entered with beaming mui and aatd do wake ysurselvs at heme ladles 1as at tayaell and i wish you all were trieklats the if ens chinaman have a way of tricking hens ao that tbay assist lu the hatch lug of fish viab oggs are carefully placed in an eggshell whleh is then seeled aad placed under aa uasus- pctlag hen in a low days tha pawn is warmed into ufa and the contents of the shell are the east into a shallow pool where th sun shine couplet th work jolly- uui dont tall ue there is nothing u fobtuna telling ylaltdsd the tun- ess i consulted one today and aha described you to a dot what did she ssyt laaulrod the inane she said you bad thojghtful eyes a arm mouth and a hou brow radly luf how de do uiuy fliuytuet iv jusl driven tho motor over to fetch my wlf away how ttleo of you admiral t hut i do wish youd eotuii saur london fundi no alum vhab cam ny dumoi it a kaftl of a oortuln villuge dunce in ahnlen that if ha wuh uffarail tun iuca nl iiwwmjj i mi wouhl ohooua tlio ooih of botallur value why iloyou dlway uko tla usnny 11- fauail of ttte ium3iioc- lie iiw ubkoil una day don t you knan tho dltteronoo in value f ay miutearoil fho uiliiiottd fool hut if i took thoulhtir tltay wouhliiovea- try ma again ii yh wth id da wu yj utttl kruf thn bmb trbra if the bowel do not move rulsriy they will sooner or later btcouo con- btipated and oonttipatlett 1 pioductrvn of more ul health uun almoat aay other- troubls the sole cause of couupailoai u att inaetlve liver and unlate tha autf u kept active you may rc ataured that lwadscbes j hsartbttltf plkt floating speck before the eyes a fteung a if you were going to faint or eaburh of the stomach will follow the wrong action of thla onoof tltc most important organ of that body keen the liver active and working properly by the ui of mubums lexa mrs utiih a ayer pawcett ttut nu writeti x was troubled with constipation for many year and about three years ago my butband wanted u to try mubums laksuver khtta a they had cured bun x got a vlal and took them and by the tlnie i had take tare vbleiwascuted tilrrawsnfnaanttai hand and when i need a utud ktaatlva i take on mubunts taxauvr thns are 3oo a vlal 5 wbus for i1jw at ejldealers or awlled direct on npt ofjsic by tha had a bad cold with protomged couching tmeo meiuly evebvthihq iniajlulv or- woods norway wne ymit curcoium mr walisco h oeaoge vascoaver bc write durlag a cold apcll be about th middle of last october ibu i eausfat a cold which got wore dcapu all treatments i could obtain until about november 32nd a friend aald why not try dr woods norway mas byrupr really 1 had uo wth bt it ad the time aa i had triad nearly every other rmedy i had heard of to us avail but x thousbt i would give thht hut remedy a trial t purchased a 00 cea bottte and bt three day x was beuag a different man my cold was so hard and th eouthlng a btoloartd that voodthuj occurwd alter a hard spell of coughing i carried tha bottla 61 my pxksb and every time x was eud wtua a cobghlttg spell i would tak a imau doe x tan moat heartily recommend xv woods norway lsiw ftyrup ta anyoa with a sever cold as ita powr are west btawelouj and- x never inland being without it at all lime when you aab for dr woods tea that you gt what you oak for xt 1 put up in a ytlhw wrapper thro ploa tratsihetratlaniarkt the price tzoe and so manufactured ooly by the t uuburtt co umlud toronto out divlffoutwhavuiaviom ah old lady uauon iter flrtt ooeen oy age whata tlwt down tlierfi li aaked tbeeapiahi that dm steerage madsm ha re rjud iwllyi alt exolalroad in mirprtui and does it take all those peo4e to make the host to straight f away with iluuilun awl melunclujy thaw two evllu are tha accompaniment of a dluhuerad btotnach rivl torjjil liver awl mean wretcliedneui to ull whom itiev ull tlia anreat asdaneedlest way tu oowhat them la with wrmeloea eetau pill whloli will restore tlio healthful aeuoa of th stowaolt and lrnu relief tbay have proved uielr uilafulueks in thatitaada of ouu aud will continue to give relief lo tha suffering who are iaa enough to use them lllgb bleala aro aometiuiea nlwott aa unnunstfeau aa aoronlaneu a macsiiful man n inert ly one uho can isakataore mouay than hla ttlfounu spend will you help the hospital lor sick children ihe great provincial charity -1- luar mr fillinr thanh a for the prlulrtg of uppeal ing llmiurli oiir column on hhalf of lhi llnupimi ror kick tlilldmn 1 ha lloapllal takw caw of atok and d formnd nhlldreii nut nitly in tomulo hut in tha irovlnca nulahlff nf tbn cliy thu coming yiur r ull tlm your in the lloupllaru hlmnry ha u morn imrlnim oullook uu r nardu fundu foe malnlnnanrn than any year that ha ifamaaii it calendar ito many ralla ara blug mad on ilia uraaa of thti genaraua bopi of to ronto and ontario to help tha soldier of thn kmtilr that aa i makw my dally rounds through thn ward of tha lloapllal and a th iiffcrlng ehll dran in our cola and bad thn thought atrlkea ma as to whether tha paopl will aa of old with all the demand made upon them nar our appeal und help to maintain tha institution that lu righting in tha nevarandttig battle with dlaaaaa and death in ita endeavor to save tha stricken utile ones in the child life of ontario iaat year there wera sfj in patients from 110 place out ida of toronto and in tha past twenty year there have bean 7600 from plaea in the lrovlnce other than toronto it coat u t si par patient par day for maintenance tha municipalities pay for patients it per patient per dy th government allow 10 cant par batlant par day so deducting 1 20 from is ii it leave tka hospital with ii 14 to pay out of subscriptions it receives from tbe paopteof toronto and th province tha abortaga hat vasr ran to u0m nine 1189 about looo esse of elub fat bow ufjs and knock knee have bean treated and of th kk bad prfot eoirretlon maarly all thas were from dltfrmt parts of tbe kro- vines oatalda of th wily of toronto raoiambar that avary year i a war year with th hoepltal every day is a dsy of battle avary mlnbta th hoapltsl naads money not for its own aaka but for tha chlldrab ask- th hoapital i lb hattlagroubd where tha arwilm of ufa hav grappled with tha hoeta or rwath shd th ufa or death or thousands of little chlldrwn la th lass that 1 mhiad in that war will you let iba hoepltal be driven from tbv field or ita battle to save tbe llva of little ohlldren for th tack of money you esn glv sad br mlast ktvtry dollar may prove ltsir a drasdaonsht in ii balll against death a tunable in tha ttt that right for tba hvas of uttls ehlldrad ttaueiaber that the door or the hos pital uerey is th door of bop end your dollar kind reader may be tha kay that opus the door for some bodys child will you send a dollar or more if you can to douglas nsvldaon tlaere- tary trurr or j kobe hoiilcrtwow chairman of th hoard rf truauaav twrili loiu uouiluu fur otheru u tlui uiuloiug ol ourmlveu llorao llauu there la uo poivanouu ingiiluiit hi lfij lowaya com cure and it cuii 1m uj wlttkout ilauger of injury uauy a fallow aeara out ida welcome bafora lie fat it xv ban a clack la all run down it limply btooa working hut a man la tllffrut bus war mews affected her laaay people who havo been reading the terrible war news from day to day especially those who have relatives at the seat of war ha become so nervous that it is unpoealbl for them to sleep the nerves have become tuufamng and the heart perhaps af uubura ueart and nerve 1hiu will build up the unstrung aefroua system and ttreagtbett th weak bear t was hildls dieaire usrtlntown ont writes in august 1014 x was out of school for my health xwaiviilt- log friends la london aad heard of th wr xt wd ua so nervous that i could not ausp but altar usuig sill burns heart and nerve thlls t improved greatly aad could tak aty school again i have hcofnautttded them to many of my friends uuburo heart and nervo wu ar ftoo per box a boxes for h15 at all dealer or welled direct on receipt of eric by tbe t mltbura co limited toronto oat nil i announcement to commanrjing officers regiments military camps and hospitals the columbia graphophonc co will be pleased to donate free of charge a representative collection of their famous columbia patriotic records to any camp or regiment of the second canadian contingent as well as to any red cross hospital or other military organization applications for such records should bo addressed to columbia graphojihono co toronto out 1liciso columbia pntriotio records mnda in oanadn aws tho samo as thoso being sold by columbia doalors ovorywhoro columbia patriotic records give you tho latest and best of all tlio sours that the war has in spired including a now tipporary record by a full military band with male chortw this record has a splendid climax tho british war shout- aro we downhearted t no castor i a trho kind vcu ixnvo always bought tttitl whit ii lias nmii ta us for over 30 yrnh linm iwima tlio uliritur4t of 0 ttlitl iwm itnori itllliln tltcdtir- im jwir- tmfw scotamz al all counforfoltu vmltatlfiiiu and tiiktupwml hut xshtwirlmentw tlmt trlllti wltli uml niiduutfi- tho imultli at knauit and children ksporlouco nuuliimt lporhuont what is castoria castorla is a hnrmloas auhstlttit for contor oll storew rorlo iropu pjutl hootltliip kyruimd it 14 xlnnnuut it contains iiolthor opium moriililno wor otliorr nurrotin bubstanoo ita no u ltu citarutite it tlfttroym woriiw nnd nllays lyovorluhnoiia it euros ilurrlinii ami wltnl oollcu itrohoveu toethlno troublam enrvu cihtluttlii auad iriatuloiioy it asmltullatcu tlio vmax rtuiiluteu thn btuuiucli and lsowclu ulvltirt lieahhy uiul iiuturuialemin tba clilulrcuu ipiuuitxuiszuo ilolhort ivloud oenudhb castoria always 1 boam tho signature of the kind you have always bought in use tor over 30 yeara i tilt grand trunk railway 1ahbicmunkl thalmat ii r i ill lull ii ihllltlllllh al wlilcli tahtuie n 1 11 uu id hn tnj hi m ulsam 10 jo a til 0 i nti ni ujiv n t u fn v a 10 bt n 1 1 l 11 no ii kllu ul sll m iii io it i 10 a bt autumn i millinery opening minu i loiiknob mutlklav iiiisikiii lar i nil mliriiiury oiumlua in in r 111 w inlutcri on main btreut the kl nm1 sioju ructutly occupied by swat id 1 inari fuillry und u ready ulb n uh iiiil tl thu lutort btyuu in mllllntrv for lnlilii miumu and chlld- 11 cordln iiillntlmi to ult the merchants bank ypi of canada ijhrift is richtly described as eco nomical manarcmlnt a shrewd busincnn man is spoken of as thrifty be- caure he saves perhaps only a dollar at a time perhaps more but the real secret ol ins success lies in the principle ofcavmp one dollar will start an ac count with this bank all local cheque cinhed at par nwtlkhvu vumdu and undivided fcatoriftt 7u acton branch v f a macleaa manager s warmest kind for cold weather tougher horcchide will never be found because the best is uccd or storeys gloves and gauntlets and yet the slcin because carefully tanned by the chrome pros is made pliable insuring a extraordinary wear resinttmce waterproof and the best working gloves on the sold at all ntores insist on storeya ireproof market keep the wheels turning buy madeincanada goods matthews photo mill street aclon geo patterson livk stock dtal acton oni cattle sheep lambs and ho i write phtrne or cill personally irate vou bbu wt he nobles flour and feed store bran shorts mix 1 chop on chop gluten meal molassine robert noble ltd j u wahmkh huu willow st aoton ont maananaoanaaacmmm rockwood chopoing mills all chopping will be donl spcidil and well on plates or moneu mour oatmeal bran shorts the btit at lowest prices j harris 6 co umlltj 8 kockwood out b 8 nndnanqnannannnaaaiaaa kcton i i i v jiixii x and bus likj iiimhh mirihiuid tha lliury uiimm- mil goodtvih ot the utc i tli bate jala wlllleais 1 rcpcctfti1 solilit the patrnn- illi 1 f in puhlt comtorubla nn will ilw i bo supplied at rt isiii ihw tli irgia i r tho pniuiii ur oearge hall vvho hua hiul tho mnnago- mrnt uf tin mubloa tho past yvar v ill ciintmuu in charge lie will nlwavohi itiund lourteoun and wbtluini ouo mcrtfl all tr juwtr amuttobe mccann mill st acton ant boots shoes rubbers ili adntjdd all mens rubbers at bargain prices dopalioncinnaqaannaoarvaana w wiijliams mill simm acton imicjiti

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