Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 10, 1914, p. 1

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ht juttftr sttt ft voiiumic xtl no 34 ery ouetlhio aahm aotok onta11io tuvlthdav monning deolombjffiu 10 1m4 eubacnplio tote l tx rr auaasa bingtjio coxribstnttioifl okntb scijc ctou m rcss r iiuiluinm acom dht yaamscy huuuulitiomoua ttollttr oar yay kuiolly lu advaaeo 1w lo auumrlbara lit lit ubiuj ulam all utmorliuloiik duaoulluu4 wiiu ui iluii lor wliluli lliy luw ihmq iiafj boa et4ret tim data lu wliloli svsry subaorlu tloulapldlrii1iiaifdam tliauddirtsa ull awwtiitttt lutus traliinl adva- it lor u or i units til or r inr i j br luob saoli luasitlmi viirly lillnduiurttjiilmrliiijli eeli iiimv- ailvamlmiiialu wltliout itnlfln illrmlloa will lie lttsn4 nil lurblu bum aliurowl ooool- iualr yrainuuulsjlvtrtlmuimiiuiiiuat ba paid lu savin aiwluiiisul will la olisuattl ohm mli te until ii islrl va etiattaaa afutvr thou above htttitlniitd lliw amr ooiupoaltlnu luuu it vsw to regular raia all ss0ubtuuluau4 uibttltilf ii i uoouu lultor it rroffuuur lybjcax rpiios orav m d c m- mcgill l u o p bowelf mb lilp pertl qwuw ustbm llbitum liudioil- asaoalariam hto om vrwuu street aeumool vurxkinajiy htm ii in ait y uimauum 6auvlo uc jill b gelt day c ul twotupily etuudsd to jumfax a j uwkihhon huuunu botumui owvmwua cvvms uui blr la pamman bios ajunrxl do j ii dblit ddo i d8 dlurih iota rtioaa ho ua don hi kwmiiih cmbw uui ud awutlab ueea 001004 os voaomm uwivuact uui nseluh usad if dsfclrsj m auuqlf uobm8e0 a r uaouw uj tiakklfca rtsa smauoie nowitfewrauba laeed tj i id 111 awauuw vm oa aottuf b osmut ulllioau llctfulud auotkjhshb fof urn couatl ol fl aaj iu1 lou vuluei sual kitou aku vunj poit iv wu uiiw i oau wimi uui tutmiu oiia ool 0wj ti imuhi iuiu imi l ww iv tmm will sik ivoiiipi luuilou jtl 1 ukl huori iculwiil mb ututftaultaauv x c4 cuan uiwtwmld t lit i in i it maiiwuau wlid un vuu yd iuu 6 itmuit j b chbbvbrs hook iuhdwh qubmaiu4k oimlibaut tho old and reliable granite and marble dealers w wak wrilldivlkuttmtmul l w b uia vl aumlu savage co iubllahd io4u jeweller cuelpii the old and reliable watchmaker and jew lera savage co ouclph ont iisalongwaytotipperhry wliera we would all like to go hut it u only a hott way to kenney bros boot and shoe stork where you can gee fitted in all kind of footwear and rubbers for the wet ueather and we also have a full line of winter goods in both feltlined and heavy rub bers at prices that are right as we carry nothing but no i stock wealno handle a nice line of ladies boots and slippers and children footwear and a full line ol hockey shoes all repairing neatly and promptly attended to kenney bros main st actoa l w bv uj 4 tiuuiluiaw al lam 1 mithihui u ib uiailulou who eu tw- adtiitiu toolri fauwly wi ut il riijhiaryoiabub4irw ol oaf auibuai2 lu vamkth4lbatlamwbirjatbjraihy u fclaa u sulu lu ohlty to oallut w bw iliau u4 uai tumk dl ikttll in ul ttaoklnlmi ruf uon ttu uy tb iwith lu ibvwmt w u u4ulbuu dlr ha ni mua hamilton sons of htrfolb dd woalwhleh lu tiuujll waters i3ros ouelph headquarters fott o a c school supplies hatohe study botanical etomoloalcal drawino paintino 41 wyadham street htonasso addddnadtfaddaanaadaadoqti excelsior bakery 0org statluin r ckuttk bl aftlaa s ttis lakory bualoeas of t uthltiam ban in acton which has been comlucud far tha iat thirty yeftrti ha beu purchased by geartfa fiutham atid will ba comlucteh in the lama flruciiitft manner uu in the pant all huiilu of llreitl oaken pantry wwl- ilink cakei and chrlkl- niu gakea will be sup- piled to the satisfaction of all cifhtonwru busin cha j h llvlnatono yiupukhakedaiidtakuttrummuionuftlie oimmwiv ud fmvulab butlrmut carried on for ten ycur by it a utov uui nutt bycutifiil pentonal attention we hope to katlify all our cuulotucrn the pnrmek trade i particularly umkltml and to tnuku thin uutulactory wo bv prepured to pay wrt cah for butter and ejruh uiead will be dellvored tocuntomera heretofore mill tmt aetata olio statham i h altt oajari k annanduqaudnadnaciaaanaaa many christmas lines al quclph big hardware store hotil thirty rok willi homauttttjr to mmry bomwuilnir tow ktathac somihlhir r mothtr honivthlntf rokirb ovlllkm our proknunnio hlmulil ilalp oocltilniiii joelro kllverwuro pocfcot cutlery tableware larrwl kuefwni cutlrry latniw umvuru ilrwuil ttoxcujllloar1 allnnilniim rortd tootu ilram nioiibi lloyo tool hoxea tin 3rnnlle anil itjuonf and btrotw wiro wore cnuf anil htlck uoa iloircollnrn tileialmaud hunte lllrd caimi hockey goodi vacuum bwcopura nunnnitd rfhett pcwinr mow lckuvu for informutlnif lrooiptlyan wered the bond hardware co phon- lo 13 ten take advantage eves examined gl asses fit ted in two iioubs we do our nun loiih grlinllua on the prumiiwa we mil grind any pair of hpaclul lpiiheu lu tun linurv out of towii patrons can liava their oyca examined and flaw home with thtm that day wic ari optical spec alistfl the fact that wo do nothing eliet but ex- amino eyes and manufacture gliiuiei it euarantee of our ability ad savage optomerttlst mfg op fl ci an right at the poit ofilce wihtum tib mm oipknm jaw 4tm hiott tbu hilfhil lmi4 wluiaut uu la ooid wflutmcuuilu w j ulllott ktlhollal 74 vodi bn t olfal toronto w6e bell piano a piano net only with a rep utation but with all the qualities to back in made in ouelph lly tlw largt manufacturers un der the llritlili flag am by the buwt hkllted work men known hutl id sold in acton purely on itt mcriu bvcauu it hau riven hundred of popa perfect sat lf action bcauu it pohuei the wtl tone and it utaye in tune the longem c w kelly cel son 1c33 uppr wyndham st ouclph ont guolph business college rsiiocltuiiuifl lutr nniue i i mvmnvbodv voxbm bo mothkbh kverylwmly oltut ittit htutlicr hlwi tikwl to i nte oitne too hut wliou nlm rfot timrriwl lo futhtir timj uw imrit wouldnt do wltdii motlior wau jiiht u iplnir fjko my njutotacfed nilnr ami lio itml m rl uillot hut nluu t nlm uiurrle i n inuu ho nvoryluulv votu hut null her i kiillmir huteraihinnil my widow mint a iul my lircilmr ami motltor wuntu lo know ultj k5hody volu lint ntatluir cmie mother siockiuifl 1 lookihim thouujli tomohow or h timiv ukouwuy tote from fllo wild hate hii cmivictml in erurt aid it kaaiiui hint wautnii ulio marry ar hracboud with hut art ho thats ultore thy ruuk poor motlicr i thyve utruok iter lumui from the roll white autor aiwl aiintnnd fatter and i all ko to ilw taji thmuijli our rlujvjd ami ieiiwletu law ami tlmrett not mi the hut another who iiomu the voto mora tlmn uu i kha care far the home mul tlw ohlhlren ami kite luin u ootl ilftht lo a tuy oo tho lawn that ahot lim itouuhold in any uwialhle uu bo ue mimt lutiou ote for mother wltliout malllnir for dil to dlo i for the wife an wl hh tlie widow and nplnkur r msh know why j w luiicoufth rsaanaanaaaadh observations of a rural philosopher j u luunoi u ofiferlrtg a suggestion lgouetblf but uttltif it into praulce fe aa entirely di ffereat propojtlou wei 3uaiaft uiait we do your plumbtng its a good suggestion iad one w can fully qualify on plumblntf suppua lriirnlshcl byut are all itandard makea while the work wa do is superior lu every particular estimatea given stevenson malcolm co uminia uauul jijui oubi bl guklmi ont icrand trunk h udtmallmi mill ultaopiriem m lbmu t4 lutr mmd ir9ll vollhiaiuitli thhitltttf hirail jum on lota uuftmmtut miluuti lu imnbiutt eowmto ll urulmi rrmti lot tmlillo mimuii ttta a oun eyrudien- cvailum i iltwlil urn fm thutwlmm tttl lh ftalm iljtbmliriirii ufmfhituu hut liutd ihrfiiiteal tl uf tnnltu muhud k lwait ly tmuiwui ol ry autijmt toronto ahtyrkyurh rahe and onethibd from titatlnnu in canada kibktoh kenfrow and wuwt thereof oeod aalu v h tmlau dewmbv ml hud mil ulu tkmmblh ii ttd 111 acuount toronto pathtoeb show all tloketm valid to return up to and la- cuidlnr lucemlmr 14 iqia itill pnrtlculam oid tlcketu at g t k ticket itfllcti o dl nnaaaaddr ek tliat oil too4ur out there with hie hetul hehl m high htrullln urouiul to pout kmi- like youd think lie owned an uulououu now woukb nt yant in wine thluy i uilnk tliat elilekem are more ilka huuun belq than any other thlnu tluit jjom on two lug i have heim that reulnd me the toot o aomo wlmueii i know iet you uay he eure 1 dont tall wlto tliem wlntmen are ild that itefare and itgot out tliat id um it and if jane tyrfll didnt hear of it ami come tralptln over here with her mod up to uk if i meant her i tokl her tlie trutli when i said out i didnt for i aint u hen on tlie place that alutot more unso titan jane liaa every time uuu old lamlaeoker roowur cotuea atruttln arouwl i think oohl siulre lepba in a ragttueutau on town muster day tliuv both not the ume elruu if you make a little study o hena aiul rao tare youll find that they are awfully like folks in tlw fool thing they da that maku me feel like asking if you ultete in thlafool talk about the ralnair nation o aoula of all the noiuwnoe tliat coma from mine folks hetng kind o un halonoeil that in tlie liaauree klvlm meed hoe got tlie reincarnation liee in her bonnet and hut i con tell you tliat her hard luudul huibdnd jl aint 1 aiwl one iuy tliey woe owe iwv atul klvira ukl uuit ijk luvd a perfdct ioollotum o the time uliaii hhe woe rothlna but u oobi- mon goo ami joel npake up and 4ld he remembered tliat time tool tuwl it buule klvira w mail alia mil it didnt date itaek no farther than to the tiwe when jte bur- rleil him if there i anything in it it wouldnt he hard togucea ulmt aoeefall uwd to lie whan h rich huh i wont call hy name charges a iworvhlow with ave little nlih- dreutwelvo uroent iiiterom on a loan of fifty ilollara ita easy to biieve that he oau reowinher tlietlnw wimu lie won hogi mul wluui another nun not a mile from here take ml vantage of owry one ho known ly ovry form ol low cunning lla rvauau- aide to think that lie can renuihor wlien he wosa fox t ami that on far an my i10 lief lu reincarnation goea ever mteaujthlng grow like tlie corn liaa ihia last fw daye ihuo the rain anil the warm waatlier roniot ami two weaku agofolkawiu wyhig tliat there wouldnt be no corn cro lieoauu o the drouth and tlie hudoa waa all curled up und lookln ki dry ami parched m kind o fait aony for em hut i take notice tliat old mother nature can usually he depended upon to do tlie square thing ami tlie hlgtfwt orofh i ever luul liave noniathnea heen after the aeawui begun with a drouth ikoulli or no drouth you dont gain atiy- thlngby bulking a fuu over it tuwl ike older i grow tin nwwe im kind o bonve la upon rue tliat thin u a worhl o ooinpeaaa- tian aiul tliat what you loe in oua dlrao- uon ih taade up to you in another if you uv nerve it and of tea wltan you dont ohl ah hunker lum wkl auoli awful thliiga ehout the early droutli that ite iianl- ly deaervea the uplendtd hay ami ooni liea got today and klleti nawn net titer on my poreh one day a month ago and wept and snivelled heouuaa o tlie way tliedrouth wua drying up her roaherry uateb that the usually gem fifty dolure vfutli 0 barriea from 1 und hub evening 1j10 at0uual imh on iter way to town with three llg oratea o roalierrli on mid that lite oro thin year would he tint mgget ulted ever iwd and die won going to imve u telephone put in wltli aome of her rottherry money tluua the klml o jjeawnb wirprlaem tho ijorti aptlnue on people imt lotu o ihetet tutver take tlie troutde to thank him for it moreathe pity irailtude to dud or man aint tho oomwonefct trait lu humanity now it t it wive you a loto tvoulde ami aome wrlnkhw wliouyou dont fuu almvutmiy thing one tbty not long uo m hlg red automo- ulo tliat inuat o oakt five thouwml dollara uu ftlu u uooil deal of what you call mrde up mpeaku out a nil uuye 1 vou aaveiily two yaari old t why j on dont look a day over nlnty id like to know wliat wwmatlon you uue and i uioka up ami naym kayu i 1 my oomhmmom are cheap kiimw tliey omihlht of nothing imt jirly of frwh air ami phmly of nunsltlno within and wltliout 110 frattln und twin at iioaoa with my cre ator mul all mankind then a man i take it wan iter luuhand tqwutlu up aiul fcaya uiyu lie tula id udvue you to uike that klml of ooshmitfo hlnoo yon are only sixty und look wivolytvko and tlie went retl uml iter dull ajex qot u little nabh lu em uml aim mild it viuu a wondor ahe didnt look uhut two aftar hmjnif 1u1 with him forty yearn 1 and tliey cot into u aquabhle hht thare awl it uuueauy to moo that having dtumonde uml una irowna anil mi nutomoltllo luulnt brought tliem no liapiilneui ami them things alone neierinaileany onehapiy for long und heer uill guana i get more haiiploefw out o my little lartn o twenty aoree with its old orolutnl ami m pemtlon o twelve dolun a month tlmn home folba get out of a million a year i aint 110 grouchy pujmltt itut 1 uot to ooufemtlmta lot o thnga aint golii a they ought to in thl world hut iflt the fault o the uitrlduii tlm ioile in it i fait ilka uiyln anvan wltau i raail in a paper the other ihtj that it wasnt tlie hijfh ookt o lliln that was makiug to much ugly work in tho worhl ua it was tlie east o high kvln tliein wni true uordi what with the younir married folk wan tin tout art in where their parent uft off uml all thla fool effort lo keep up ipuaranou beyond what ou oau affonl toapoiid thra rolug to be del ami trouuts on got to have a atandard o your own tuts on your own tneaiia ami have moral fotvo attougli tollveaooord- lu in it if you want to i hanofit before tlie iml ami the world und not expmlana tlmeu when you hate to afcaoeutte with yourcelf heoauaa you aint got no sif- rapect it dont makeuo dlryranoo if lira hom liodydaea iwmg up uoe ourtalua nt five dollar a pair when he luu m1je a hun dred a weok inaame vou uiot no blineaa to do tlie tame wlien you itava only hfumki dolum a week lut tliata a uwple o the ahant and imltutloa thats going on in the worhl and making eo much ulaehlef well i fpum id hotter go and out aome lettuee for aupier ami put it in cold water it kliulo crip it up to aoak it in real cold water awhile hafooe you tut it on tlie utile lettuce u a real ooolln duh doat you think kohmieil fktatei wmohiftoal in tlie door of ida ranch louae ou a wotern prairie lta i for ker known a rorreuete eat idly whutling and whit tling alien bin old chum xlootowlea roila up tlie trail ami ttopped whoop i ohoatetl pota jat look whos hero ifavaot oat eyea on you uiuce you laved my ufa lu the old boouvi mine back youdar no agreeil maoi ami apeaklng of that im liare right now to rewind jou of the iromlm you mail then 1 do oa rememher it vaa uir i low tliat any time you wanted anything offn ma youd get it no odda what it waa wtlh 1 wautmuaatblng now eoufwad jjuo hut im faabat afrajj im oakhig too much hbo ifl bet yoa aint no ouob thiog whatuit coae right ot with it wall my wife ami i wont you to oome over ami toatry oar eoolt jinks 1 wouu aha have ma epoaet 0h there wont lie any trouble about tliat youre jufct tlie atyu aha like- and lie ut not eo aloy log el ngu jtmt listen to that rhe awful homal lookiu v not vol tul kin ahe cook v fin well im hackolor man i ilka wotanifolkuaiulgoodeookln aa well aa any oilier loawuae old ctttur tloeo butuheree tlie favor im doing you ixoka to in like its all ou the other foot hey f vm ehee tho worhttemperel woman tliat ever tacklad o rolllugvln my wife dont dare go into the kltohea when the 000k isnt feeling ouilalle and i woauat hanker to ellkar ami bke wont ut ua dluliarge hen wve triad that but aha juut hliarjy woukut havo il our only hopes in merryliigheroff end we thought of you but i guaae uwt ucrisee la too bsuoh to oak rkartfjoe ttothla v obftuted peu vou bou oa ull i gat a cotter aejilyl obj 111 hike tight ham with you tad marry the girl luttaajiate if aboil eay the wonl thuga have been peaky quiet here lately- 1 no fljhta nor nothia 1 laeejallttla ohaij in up ami anyhow sorrel pete aetrar go baeli aa a pnkaue if an old btue that saved my oraery life or the rak of hu own hukee a plnt of tuo tuarrylug a urauky oook ill do it wlthaut tauio an eye conie cm 1 lb u pleemut to be aide to add thai barring a few interesting aklrmlshea lwo ami hu wlfj tlie ekoook ar now iaggiag aloeg tt a very filr atata of fellelty the voutha f jwupanloo vuh dl wmoli tuitiiyaoa or longfellow eouu take woilhleae tjiaeb ct paper and write a pom 1111 lb awl tuaku lb uuuh a56mthata genius john ik raokefeller or andrew carnegie can write a few word on a aheet ofutparaod make it wortli 306006 thatu capltal the ihuulnlou of canada oan tuke lialf an ounce of allver and ittaup upon ib u crowned iteatl awl make lb worth moeotathatawottey amuehahle csan take tiwterlal worth s00 and wake ltlntowatfhuluga worth il000 tbabe okilt tltere are mea wlto can take a bo ceul pieotj of umiivao ludnt a 4cturo i fc 1 w- s holmes agent malcolm maccormackb a prln thon no ia came along wre with u party lu it l and i uml nwko ib wortli aeveral huialred dollarti wanted to know wouhl litllwu bouquol tliata art a ntercliaut can takes an o my old fashioned flowero i told em i urttolo worth 7sceiituud eelllt forfliboo that id ivn llowom in soil but that it would i t lulls imklnow- a woman can purcluua please nwi to ulve urn u hlg bouquet and wo got to talk i n und i huimmeil to wy that i to4i tlie wholo care o my flower garden after lb was uulod up in tlefewlng altliougli i wanaaveittytwoyeartiiikl 1 ami umoimmiii tlwtuuto whowaaa good deal b uvardreaaed to- my way o thinking and tbalvrougu a itiadv mbakl whatuymirhurytmakcllr if youll wait u minute ill go uloug will you tito young fullow ulio liud juo ooma from the oout room had not yt shukeil hlnuelf munfortahly intohla overooati hut at thlu oner of oompanlouhhlp lia aitnwer- mi hastily and with aome anfuilou florrj clark hub i cant wait today uml was off dowr tlie nhja with a d which niijgtl a fear tlmt llm other might catch up with him hefora hu could gat aw ny the joung man whom he luil uddraail aaciurk ami who ooeupieil tho dock naut to hlu tiwn luul no wish to follow mm ttntinut hla wlll hut slpied into hu oier- ooat slowly uud tlioughtfully thatu ute tlilrd tto in twoweoks tliat kicnblllhau given me tlie goby at noon whuta lie up to i u0mlr honvetlilug that hea not iroud of ml tie itouiwi jiulg- ing from tlie way he nolo llolblie and mcneill were back at die office a few minuteu belore tlie cloee of he noon hour ami before beginning tlie alter noonawork itoiko ut the window far a moment to watch the structural ironwork- era clambering over the huge ateel frame of 1 a sk j scrap 1 which won being erected just oorosa the allej from their itulliihg one of the uprighla for tlie neat story woa i lialng loweretl into ita plaoe ut the corner j of the building wliere savers toau ware waiting to drhe in tlie rhetu that should i liold it tlnrtly in plaoe on ofttta wen i wlio wau unkliug the upright finding that he could not work to advantage where lie stood elluliad otar tlie hide of the frataa ami with one foot resting onu lunrowledge of the st sal akelmoa hung on with eoel hand while with th otlier he helped vwliig j the heavy upright into place he waa eight atoriea above tlie ground uml tli alighteat mlmlqi woukl have hurud hint to instant death 1 lloth clark awl mcneil turned away i from the window with an instinctive dread of what might happen ami the utter said lightly to cover the ahlver that ran through klu none of that for met i havent a steady enough bead he wan close to clark aa he spoke and the utter eaughb hla lweath it wm a wordlne hub eumeuub answer lo ilia question clark had asked hltdaejf a little earlier turning to ajoneill he eakl in a lowvoloa unleee im much mlataktu ucnalll youre la greater need of steady head thaw that fallow ooro the way for youre doing aomatldag even more danaw- oua what do jot meant u0nui asked wltli a aliow of bravado though lie did nob care to look hla eoupanlon in the faoa i know from your breath that youre walking in dangerous plaeea woe the ans war ami i tell you mcneill if ever you needed a clear and steady head you ad it now the clock struck ute end of the nooa hour and the two clerk went hook to their deaka to take up the days routine again clark wondered if hie brief warning would do any good uenelll la oplte of klauelf oarryvd out in hla thought the oomparhoa which the othera word hod ugstaj in eome taapeota the atraetaral iroa- wotkare dangeroua aa their oobupatlon la have tho advantage el the young fallow who thlnka it la smart and aa avldaau of m to take a drink with etowd they bava- a bauaa ehauce of keeping a ltaody baad lhaa be baa for he l hu rfiihaea with every drink be tahae while they gala in etnlnsa end steadlaaaa aa they go oa with their werk it u aald thai the work oa the great steal uruoturee high obo the oily streete rarely look down at th pavaoiaob houw that tbalr safaty ilea in looking up tad not dowa rat the young fallow who la taking hla arab ttapa od the uaeatulu struetura thai auetokae aeroa the pit of drank i a iad aegradatioa la use and uaa likely to look up a tins goaa oa if la safely toe uia la looking up bat hla oeejpauleaui aad hla habit make it a hud i thtugtodo awd thuore balookauowu the aiore likely be u to dang late th pit that u wajtlua for hlu ilea of good aaaia do not wlulagly fo into puoai of iuag4r uabaa thy or well assured that they eon keep a cool and steady bead ttxoept when duty lutaitku lb tliey glv daair a whu berth why ahoukl a young taaa lulharataly run a risk tli ooauquenoa of whk h ore foroed upon hla aotloe oaly too of twit why kkould he think ib otaah to faoe a aesduwa dang t he may prtu httaeelf upon hav lag a steady head bub k mub ramsmhar thataa he oodrta thl uuaeaaeary ubger ha will shvwely bub tartly loo thu siaadi- ol head la whlob ilea ida oaly hop of safety urn momamsm hlarbyour aulu auly la lbs morning aad wotlbovaatlaaa flat your gud hand oab aad kaep it aboab three feet u froafc of you all th time that whab makes a town greet aad make peopl slick whan tliay oome it the glad to sa you awl hob youll stay algae yoa hang out tliat catch iopl a town asay be ileatl and still have a bunch of live wjrea vinegar never catchea hie fllea havo uuu and ore cunning lika folk for you have to put in sweet dofm a whole lot lo oatfcfa them vou dont have to tanglefoot a man though jose gt thai glad haiul out a a reoeptlou ootamlttee aad ulve a sui on the shoulder when he leaves and hell no only stick to your town bub hell lailld u koue atul rales a family of votera to help kaap th towui going iba ut good thing yoa eay aud kill deeda you tlo that toko root aad make a man want to ntigv tor lo you mahta uah iruaielrtooiujalia ouchrlstmaa kv utile ilorothypouow- ed of the whoo4ng cough woa doing sotao fancy whooping for eoatjtany thai bad eowe dorothy dear tho uiolher said yon must step tuwgblisg for hanla cuu wont ooa f be bear you coughing liell bo afraid to come in i oheuui worry dorothy idldsiaw ing full familiarity with taodera enpre4- ton hea got tubarouloau huf tuwreuloais who told you runta twmetty vajaftfj auo moual nwn the atrae faeatof ttiuah dmv deeenib uthiso mr t htutluim loikar ban an ordr for w coutoiiariau hlrtlnluy cake to bo 11 od in oolnlmutlnu of ilie kiotli hlrtliday of mm cobguhouii kaasiiuaweya lu a fow duyu it lu tlttvki monlhu slnco llov c ii cooke haa boon in hla pulpit in tho paruh ol rt auhiuu and kb 1oiiiij ou acoount of hla illness imt loahowlinwhln sirisltloti are sympatltlw wltli him a quartette of tho ofliclala of those churches messrs j hulncr and h ijilr1 of ku aluas nnd j juttar imd j h kuowuuj of hi joiihr wni tod on him at the pamamtfi ust woek and wltliout h formality preittej ur cooke with a purse contain ing s100 mr cooke thoroughly uppre- elated the kindness ami hopea tlia oomforta the doubtlan will protlde will imiterlally aid in tiriuglng imcu hoallh uml etrdrtli tin cmmuiiu ist hunda wasconiriuuioii humls in knoa church ami tho entire sorvioe preparator and communion waaoonduct- d by tha ivastor iuv j w ilw sv o ichuring m a lean of wycklir coluge praachwl lu hi alunu ami hi joluia ami gniosfully tliankod the oongregalioo for their klndnesu shown the previous weak to the pastor kev j h cooke hav c cookman a former poator of the methodist oongragatiom was preaeot sb th prayer meeting lost thursday night and gave a timely address on whole heart ed nesa in cftristlan service thaooth anniversary of th met boil ut congregatlcn was oltoerved last sunday sermon itelng preacheal hy rev a tturna i iof the bodies coluge hamilton the fifty aae dated from th organ iietlau of tlvasooiat sltliough eight or tea yare previously hav zstuta adams hod preach ed in a ing school house oppoit where the pteantt itriok chukih north of actoti stamla and occasional services had lveta hahl lu tha community by th clrcultrldara la thajr jouruaya tlia fatewall social to rev t 11 adaua at churchill rut tuewuy evaalng was wall attended aoton tewparaaoe unloa hli a motk imtllaweitt last vriey evening mr if p uoor waa flpeaker of tli houa aiwl leading speaker of th evenlag werei filr j w roe memlier far helton 1 vfon j v- if owll for routh welllngim 1 john warren for hianstead 1 i prdaeu for ilrookvill 1 fl harnahy f uih water loo t if joans for minualchl 1 a ulng for north vork 1 wm williams for west muduev 1 jama wiuon for rlmoaskh j l cliarua ami it j kdmls tea were whips and j a murray wu clerk of the llou hla kualuoey lo uryara lovertww eoaral wa an interest ed visitor at crewsons corner oa budayeveriliig llev t if adama who la leaving the paetorate of the coogtwgauoual church at churchill preaolved a very imprewive sartooo from hauui at 5 mr adams departure la much regretted by ell who know him mr william anderson of creweon corners has owing to ill health rati fad from tli buoksmlthlng bualo snd ranted hla shop to mr jama rauahaw of lowvlll thu wohld mohoh nolil a imt tie ihundci shook iho wholo sad world hod havoc utalkod in ruin limn mul fur and all that wo had fanrnihl of honour truth u held llio iqiorl of chsiiti i liu prix of war man mood ughustt mhiio shrlckul tint world ih iiuiii 1 ami others hiuuttint orlod war u vain hut many moro found qulcklj some inuve task and lossflucd thua tho uulvcrnnl piiln high flung nltove thn roiitircnlu there liangh an honour roll liifccrlliod on ifcavene -own- hlue wliero all who will 11111 write und sword in band htund tlieii with thaw who huiid tli world unow tim hitlrlt or the au untrjlilnv till llroatliaa lialm mul pity for uuinu woes ifopeou hltowhlupcrw jronilv truth khull hvp i tills hlglit tluxigh dark uml i hrlng mnnliml a glorlouu dawn f a aolaiul national priendohip my other tncsance la to iinuiirv you that tho friemlulilp you 1 11 tertaln for tbeiwoploof tlio tuii d utatea la reciprocated l lliim far boorer uulrcruiill mul fur tdoro heartily thmi orcr ihifurt ttiero hi a friendship of uoviru meote and n rrloiidolili of nn tlooa tho foi nier inny nlilf t with the shifting uf iniitcrliil in tereate or lie utfihlcd l tlm rn latloue of encli imviur with oilier lowers bit tlio hitler rent on solid und uirmiilimit foiiiiiliiilniih with our two uwiiiti4i it is imuitl ou coullllllllllv of whs4l of lit eraturo or itiatlttltloou of lu- llefa or irndltliiun from tlio itmi of idoala for tlit- future lu nil tbee thlnus ihv llrltluli uml attierlrnti luhipuw urvtlmur ilnii auy two otlmr msiilih nu lu naturv mul liumr lime uitvinl tliota to bo fruiulj jiniuu ilryco poruwr aiiilmuhiulor ut wnuhtiiuloii to tho itrlllhli u 75 otmt tut hut prefers one tliat ooet tftflhut foollslinesa a dilolt dlggwr worku tea bourn avlay aad handle several tons of earth for 17t lists ubv the i cuu hod tttbeirouloaur writer of thiamin write a clieck for8tk oh everybody kaowe hut iwbyou thhuxmi but itwoudutbewurtbudliuoelbuy tulwroibosui eump for him- every vpjum okrlslmaar cow ooimion ov hm bbiuo lay i eg aahu for a time our own llui of ibetoouomy money value and ooaven- uao of the alio a contemporary remark lab ua ask th cow for an opinion on the alio aad allage feeding what woukl she ley it require no etvat stretch of the imagination to bear her answer thua 1 that tall round building which my master call silo 1 ooaskur th ruosb im portant oa th farm there u more solid feed peeked inside that round building without window than it la poasju to plaoe laany other structure oa lb farm with cawal feeding thl fd will use sa until grata aext spring navt to graao i prefer thla sling to any other teed i am very fond of it it li a succulent a june pasture it sharp en tuy appetlti and enabus me la njoy a hit of dry hay and fodder all the more i au enjoying tli best of health and aure it la due to my silage ration- it make my hair soft guway aad silky master ha oildej up my but month milk yield and i lieard him say ba oouu uotoooount for th inoreoaad ataouut uu uaa ib waa froui feeding stuge 1 am tibul that i am doo picking tlie blade off shock fodder thrown on tli ground in all kind of weather i oau now stand in my stall in tha barn and eat my mass of warm ullage out of a ouon trough- new england vurmer wohmtt than wam to tli ldltor 1 lutea to thaw great taeu hon josetli ciwmberlala said 1 no statistics sure need cd to tuwure you umt teuiperumw reform ilea ub the liotloni of ull further political soolal aiwl reltglaua iwogrewi if i oould destroy tomorrow tlie iloslre for strong drink in th people of knguud what change we would eta we would sea our tauaa reduced by millions sterling we wouhl uee oar ulbt and uurk houses empty we sliouhl see more liven wved in twlvu uiontrw tluiu uro consumed in u oablury of itjttur ami savago war tlladston said that drink destroyed more llvau than wur pestiunou and funilmi eotttuned iv hir jauiwcriglitoii tliowueuayatluib uieluirmful insiienoa of drluk la exeited more strongly ou flno and sensitive nature i ha found grvuluatoii of kngunda oudst i unlversitloa uinoug lbs most degraded tramp of australia ami two hundred college rtailuatea inono month in the mblnlghb breadlliis of the sluma of new vork kvery one of the waa vletluilxed by lluj false idea umt lie could lake h or leave lb uloiie crouvwou said this batloital crime ia u thing ihut tlod will reckon with ami i wish it may tint lie on tlie nation a day longer umn you cun find a remedy for it when will u alataaman aria strong enough to grapple with this great notional enemy 1 ii arnotl m ib u c p h what ih kovkthtv tit man or woiiiau who hu to consult a dictionary to fltul out the nveaninif of the word poverty h rrrtalnly neither au indigent nor a pauier whan rtoloaioii ngicaku of ilw drunkard or glutton coming lo poverty lie uuiaoa thst they sliall come to waul not ouly shall they lieooma ilcstltuto of property they sliall actually sufir for food and raiment poverty as the word u mulerstuoil to day lee relative- term wliat is poverty to a bullloualre woukl ba rlchos to a ctun- won laborer one man may feci poor he cause he uoka on hundred thousand dol urn of having a million 1 anottiar man faiu just oa poor liacause lio hasn t a cwnt oo woman fsls poor hecauso slia luunt two or three different drosoa for each day in lis week 1 another woman feu poor hesauao site must wear tli same dress winter and suroowr tlier 1 not much ooiibohitlon in the saying muery loveu company 1 imt iu uuea like these when micro iu so much talk of hard time ib ma hour ilie poor struovur to it reminded that 110 matter how bad off i to u tlimnclull titer u somawbare somebody just u little wore off think of u wor sick roirgod footsore wsmurer with uo homo no fuully no money vluglntr your dourliell arul whaa you greet hiui lie lga 1 will you puai keeoklod aa to utul meonoof yuuprooma lodlalnr what 1 liovcrty ait you poor t mutat a kkheltor rood a man might ilia mi nuts dorurod a doctor who is director of tlie taborutvry of the boton board of lioullh nuts uro area taob iraportunt fond loojo ought to realia it now that the price of moat la high la many 00004 nuta can lake the puc of maat nuts uml milk uro tlio only parfeoti foods ami wiiftn una mund of butternut contains x170 boat utilta u quart of ullk conuilna mily 700 putter- uut are taoet uutrimouu also clilstuuts walnuts and hlokorlea i luurtil recom biaud them to ull yimiiv atuintt plan ikirllig tlenerul prencha retirement on isulo a urltub onloer overlmartl tli fol lowing dialogue lietwocn tommy and tirnuiy atkins 1 hald tommy well bout tlui beggar nearer ivria und dually tout them flbura ropllad tlmuiy pliwy uot lick thin bar un save tblui an ua the devil of a long walk v won ib ham pull a little girl bad sent hook hvr 4ato fivr chicken two or throe times und had been helped ikounllfully to ull tha oilier rich tiling that go lo uuibo a food dinner finally alia wua observed looking ratliur disconsolately ut tier uiiiiuibiuhi pints uf pudding whats tlio uiuttur ikiru uiikeil unclo jotm vou look mournful thats just tbu mutter wikl dora i uiaiiiorti full now wild tlie pliynlculii to the dutln- gulahed oeb wlm luul suuiuioiied him you uro nob in good ulmpo uml i mut absolutely forbid all bruin work hub doctor ivrotesled tlia kmt amy i uot write aome verse t tha doctor uugheil hum he said writs all the verse you want to mllure worm lviwiura nob only inako the infantile system uulenahl far wortmi hut by their action on the stomach liver and bowel they correct such trouhloe a lack of appetite lillliouuiesa ami ulber internal disordem thub the worms create children thrive upon them and no inatuu wliat oomlltlon their wortnlufomod stom ach may lie in they willsliow improvement aa soon aa tluj treatrneiit begin i voull unvnr get lusldo thn gate df tfyujpatby w tnor ouiu mlspjiood than ihlit on tbu strunth of your uood labsb toot tioua

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