itfat jvitiwit sttt tft voijtrstm xxj no an k y hub iih m i adi acton ontario thciisday mouning maitou 1 1i8 iu mipjion hm 1 od amui sinoiib ooribs thmists cbntfe ffilje 2vetou fvw rss uvtajuv tiiiiuldavijorhma at tuh uuuy in atlvae wlto in sumithm i m uuluj uiaus all tuorliulou d won lib wbut tli hui lor wliuuiiiwy liv tl baa tlil rno ilatl io liloli avuy utml la mil la nil ou lliu ldr labal alrrrkih uitmi tmunl uihui bmilll io uu p houiiblbll uu im 4 luuo ami a aamiu wr una lot ur quu ltttlou cmilrel ilpir iulviu- kuau lv m of illilm id or lulf tuhuu 11 miu v llllll mali lnwrll u yu4ivlriita lo bwllud jailor io uuta pr lueli u6 ltaif u avumiila wlllmul tifcwiso u0 will tx lnwtd till fui l i t ebarl olt ylulvitliluil ix ul iuuiuwo adtw will b ebaa saw cb uoalb ii tutul vot bluim laj kban mttallon i tba kill sold ii has um ru it u uvular ru 1 jiti luuuuiir ii p uoouk k41uw am rvtuw cpi tlustiiifiil oirftory jios ghav u d c m utgill ej b- o p uoiui l it v v a oi- biusibua rutuu ucii isaculeil shr- oassaralir butt uimiw ikvkrinasy roumlawittm vktkuikabv uullun wad-al- nf out rlo vtitrlnary c11j- nm oeailbuia moan umuadu uniui uoll- day u ullil iitotpuy atisuad la a j sjokinhon uiuevys wjt cmrvj gffetctf ulll htri in ptni04u weak dil j u dell ddb l 1 b dsuviv acmm itionotl tuil- us hulunm oonu ull tad prajajtab me- ob-ocay- or tsouvo ijivjt tb ltut aalu omj ii du d viscxuuaiiua a a iranoib hunan iumjkhihdbb m ajiniaok liohh0eu 11 p uoouh iun of uabailttll iilmuaiu fvluoai howlinmrjild irntil i in lb h1bj rm ftat osh aovom r uhat uttxlqan llouuino autmauhiir juyl i uiwi ulll uimm asiou out voy vmiuaiai lualkiut albl vrtd pmtphy jefc luhliud audtiauhii fdir ihu cobbiim or wllo ballou iw1 la4 wltti i i uumv to u ipluu r v it kmrnumoo lu boauau uu uubmtu oi lb ally of jtmlub tlalaa oadttta4 willi 14lufuluw uuvtaulpimal 0 m culau i hhuibu iu bouuhilau wltb ihm i vimw uah to tlu audadvw oldl ult t vtujm vkkrt oalu ufaui will rwlm lwiujlu kitmhuu mpjohl s4uoltml to mlm 111 aalatl ao4 vlalolty wlttut w ublx ob ilbht a ib chbbhbrs hook fcumduh otmlmmstttatic otmlfcllijchtt ulu4ul mm ittwij iu au oa imbua hjrub bfcrfamillhhiir ll4mka all wqhic kouptlv kkkottrtd the old and reliable granite and marble dealers dlnt it klantjtlc wamlimirmltaftturalutauttallawbol bataaa utoa fultilul mr 4ofcnia ao tkatr wa bav um bal mjplltali u bv habliua in tb uauldltt who sail op- aj ulaammla iaol ishmlf w4i aaij ilfj htemm rta buujlril fit ou autafalala u vomitd libd otbav mlmm wliw mhw bm u uw aulu lu twdkv la oaiiml w bv umutwu ukl taal iotk at ulrablla in ib uowlalatl w law than hi tavm ibum id ibawaat waiua lajlllttltu dwaltwa aud ataa- ham b ukacku ud da not ultih w- tsioambtf aatlaltijf out luotjlagiiu udtmm attibtoy utaaliftblm 6tily ukhuitimi hamilton sons co howolb and woolvbub hu oublpu grand trunk wwttf double track all the wav vorontooiiioaoo tanontolhonvhibal unuxcellud train h rvlco hlghiihtcliiuinf uqiilprrihiit wnteu tours to california howdm nd eju4qv boulh fiwt trttltih cltolco of rouluti low fareu now in lifted for full par tic til urm cotmult 1 t r ticket nccnu or wrllo dint rnitt ai mil toronto savage co kvubllltd idtu jeweller guelph the old and rcliauc wbleknukcr nj jeweller savage co cuelph out nobles flour and feed store bran mixed chop uteii meal corn teed flour shorts oat chop molansino cracked corn corn chop bibbyu calf meal robert noble ltd willow st acton ont hunnaadaaddadciu grain c i chopping g well done and quickly at only j seeats i per bag g hashisftco lbuua s i iookwoob our b mwuwhhadriaaoadadddapilhumhh waters bros ouelph hkadquartkhs ror 0 a c amd school supplies naturk study botanical ktomoloaioal drawino paintinq 41 wyndham street nanddddadbdoaddqaonaaadn i excelsior bikfby g oeorl stmksu n why do it why nwet oiir wlinlo iioum- itolii witli enrpvt lifting ami iwat liik owrntlniiii whuit n kojotmie vacuimi mwrcprt occanlou nlly will irmiivo unro ilunt from ynnr crpol ilmn innn uncnllcil cnriuit iwjii i inn da m iwlluve it try ii rcuiliiiitr iroo for u emaintriitltin tlio price in jo so1 ni c u twit iwiiiiiitf r s tlint rnikiiik or luck lreuu tliu kuyulniuiun cliriicthwccp- cr ami arm cu iikr comtiltieil it iiukuiia line lo joil it wilt ny its wny the bond hardware co llmltau fltotm io l2taitwalvi quhlih our headache curing record huiiiiicdn iiuvhikch fried from pcruiautit hediucheaby our iiletitiflcnlly fltutluimu when we urnlcrtaka to euro licatlaclio wo ilo u or rsfuiid tho money all lensiiu ground on tin rukunmii a d savage ott0merist 8c mfg ophcun rlghtrttho roslofllco fanners aecountd varnmft achlfit in thw bcil btlaauah mooy liiwd to iaaftoiuubld fuuerb chtmm cllkk ultbad oota cottmtad w dlacoutuad uy rifltklirt hi oalnrt bajik rium you luterat at n ud is ir4y vbu rijukd iytmitopattsvbiiaouat u infafve to pay oa your meat ks or to buy ww ifflplattwuta w ldb you toumu vottf baik the bank of nova scotia with llclt b uallej tha metropolitan bank owu1 a auaw ktti1u3iia w bkahchbs at tetoa ouelpb norral uiltoa tad btralvul t6e regal shoe wo lmvoiiuniaroua llna of ei- calient uhhon tn our welliuuiort leil stock butlortceniilno comfort litet1 cunmonej solo shoe piovii our ciuitnmeru lket come lu amlwxamlno tlioin rrpalilno promptly 1hbo rub ber limuputoil wlilte you wait kenney bros mttst aeloa da1ex niven 8urvyn hulmllvlhloiin plnim ho- csrtn dcurlplloim hluuprlnu etc bftlflcolcfr piircliawint ami mort- saueeii tturvoyafor archltccln null era ami mimlcliml council j drain- go itoporth etlmuttfo etc merchants bank bldo auhlfll phou 1084 ont h s holmes agent r phon no- 13 rj the bakery builtteu of b t titatlmai boa lu 3 attott wbub etna been n contluctd for ilia put i rj thirty jeaiv liui beau j n purcboud by qtfora j 1 stnthaht and will bd 1 cou ducted in tlio satiia j j flratclajiri itiannbrau in j i tho pant j ah ihikim of ilreail cubed pantry wod iliiiecautaamj chrul- itrii cnkcft will ihi mip j jillenl to ilia allufactloil j of nllciihtomem j oko statham 1 attorn olrl htiv 3 tto maccormackb arrtn guelph business college gublph ontario ww qivtt mn liimnu han h nil ml ju tvuli ilia in w lull uitwiiiikiiiiu lluiliiwocoutra thtt ll cluila ilimilkif jilli mahltllif lltullla imrmputiiunm tutluvaj in it ooliintmrall aklllimalli huiil uttiuuil iinnofcnii jw kuilult oiuuiutai coiiipwillu ru tdalkbli tlltalllur timrrhllii mini rllafu- kratliy uitxhmm tlivo kdurvah kn nf rt limkilml valua iii vlfw r f llix hiarliorl in lb br luiuta il t aiii froliu irmlu hmvktt now for niti t din r ii rilliiw t mi-1- i uwrllk n llhilnuiiir tflllhik ut pnaru- the prayer of a wee scotch lassie kutlior hfeir thy chiulron a- to tlum they pray t hiaom nr kliiif mill country tliilda uuiy by tluj take nh ifeavtily kullutr in lliy mighty hand tlioa u ho bert e ouv country oierwia ind land iab ilonr iird our uldleri ktrp iimih in thy ire jrllo ihdoi hmtb nod fallhful alwayu cierylmrc lllwu our ljluut a4lior lluiirtlini ua hy mki muy lliojlti nil duiiircru 1ut thdr trust in thut looiforl u in norrow hotui duko war lo ocao oritnt uu by thy nwrcy vi tory mul ue jy business mans chekd wo lon vlijor lliriuijlt thlnklnjr catillmiitlly the ml of thouahli tnewlhouyht lunow ute irir ud yamlip ttnbtig aaaanaaaaaann pa aa for luck 1t tuy i bh t jbwy 11 m k auuiiknit dp dd dqaadnnaanann hut jou muut have iioiuj ami you mmt have faith t v ou imut love am tie etroujf atul io if you uorl if jou wuil jou will ihid tho ijijico wir the four tf clovoru yro- balhwin imummomi uwl in one of the ijmt wliulowu of u chlca hotel in tlu inlla of the city cnikwie ho was turn in if over lu hu liaml with a half under lialfqululel mile m uiiall hit of womans jwallry bren eniittel four loaf closer itli a du inoiul 0itrr-h- two word or luok engrod in told on die luck will li undertaiul he ajikcul him uu wliat i mean hy it that it unt jual an onlluary blttlulny lft luck utaiwl for the nwo tiling with her a with mo i wonder luck taken hy if thore lnt really any sucli thitir out what it ought to tend far ia true he iuiiir from tlio window to n dek daihetl down four llnn of an old oiifif and added for jou ami mo tlieti ha foldeil tlie uper tied it wltli the little bo into a wckajfo addresetl ulu riorsiua vail htone cottife maruhud maaoliuett- and ant ft uu ita romantlo ioiilaa uirouult the imuuioaffonoy of bell bo and ruur- ed liutil fjow for oregon ami the bio tro- with a tomof heuuhlly abundant hair and a miuarlnrr of liroad ahouldara il drum- round oua got jour chanoe t sea wbate in you uont whine to ova aloiit bljr rltk aiul heavy rpanalhillty cat hold of every aliabla force you kno- of nalde uml out ami hanjr ou to ll ho abftail and buy thatlumhor hurt your sawmill dellava mid dare cod- in reattle ae wu a in lloatoti ami you can take your ooul alohff with you rjuooaal it out uier- wait liijr si ttlnfl on iinft and with thu cnergotl- haraiifluo to iilmoelf tlio author of it went down to brakfot daliored hie baya aabl took the tan thirty train for the fr watt down at marhlelteod along tlia ua id aoolout wave vera bonibardltm anolett rooka oti the one tide ami aoalety auumer life witli eery heout fad and fancy doltlnfi iu trlumpku and iu haariube on tlio atbor 1ia htone cottaa indatlywlalcadlnft noma with oool rooma ami wide plaiuaji with ita rail nanien ta oonvonlnoaa and lukurlaa mum typical bo alao waa bllaa vail fevered spieat of the 6taldmimnt far tlio cntlr- uuaoii tlie rhhttard uikajr ionuaarked cldcago fomul that young buly drjng for dinner on thaoveuliuj of liar uruuloy agmt fifteenth fllta uaa in a beautiful room with beautiful furnlamulf wl im mirror in thedrftuliig tablo told lier that ttlia wan beautiful too 8q alia won in a happy und oomploent wood only well titan uuaonwthlnu wrotiu lnida where aha couldnt get at it oetuiln teaultiu auibltlun in the very warp and uoof of lier a iattau challentt- to ooma potter for mora and better a muiie of aleant taaiponirliieia a rhlnr not up but out and around no ulia woaitt mile fled or altogether happy tbat ai a faot that om not to be borne there waa noma- uilmf alrtiud ami atiomaloua in it fiml mllafuotlon and bilnau alia mu and would t hho iropimml iloun hi her aoftnllk kimono and oponod tho ltfi tho veraeatluj rbtno ail oor threw aaldo and forgot tha pin alia onrofully eainlned tlien oompared llt uleamiiiif tlkmoudaut wwaauua tin whkh lay oil tlie table tlvw waa no doubt tliat vlarenoa vail wau a good jud of moiujy alua wluta ijucer on inoldenoa fiha ooitt- menlatl ua alia planed them together mi the pula bluoallk llolli far luck dear old win huoli a aiiaiului fellow tuiv he jiiat tliat inuoli behind llerltett kerr wlieu it omnoa to numey i vvlli the nwautlka wan wa hho kkod ut hie olovoruaf n mliiuto linitrliifily ultb bomethlnj like affeetlon and ritfrt in lureyea tlioii tjie jlnod ut tliooloek und jnmpiul up lmtlly i cant lielp it kha rtiuuered 1vo only oito ufa to lite aiil i mut luive moiuy bo tive put tho fmirwf clover urrb uway hi ita bo- jam tluit lilubt uikjo llirlrt kerrlikik hrr unt to dinner lha hutihtlki jwrlltid fmut ilin foldu nf iw tlhny uliltu dtenri mid uald vtw to hhu uhllu up in lb kiillittt tba n4aiidlil follow trutetl otit of a weouhy lumliar cvnpany wan itivadltnf the timber laml- und uarkln roaolutoly intolllftently to- wanlauroat nuooeu in hut lieart etnmal imps ami an idoal lmlf wbosa featura boro a itrlklnr rmmuaoco to those of wornoe vail on tlie iat dy hut one of augut at tlie very topof a loci hill in new hamp- hire on tlie atone dooratep of a weallter- lieaieu fannboum toul altliea htaad tlie urtde ami main upjiort of tier family am yet to tlio caauul obbarver he wrv- onlyallulddarkliaiid u with uylo and a nolloaahly uracful hjfur- cabual olmerroi- uldmii reacti tho irutli vt- motlwlr alio lollod leorly 1 muityu haol tomorrow yau know that 1b had a tino aatluu ulii wuatlier tint vactitiona nan t liut aluuyu in ttifjj workaday world tlten a- u plo dlitutlo looking uoinnu appearod in tha dooruaj alio luldod i dont you mlml mainule ill ul liack a day or two at chrititiuu ilu ever ho nioa to ho at homo wltli you ami fatlierumt molly toll- iter uml wait upon nut t hut it wont tlo tar long it wouhl coaii ewll hio what am i well ami ulrouu ami imliwi llkofar id like lo know vep to- mor row i take tlie twollltoeu train now im golntf down to uloli for tlo nuill on tu hank outside tlio gate tlio oloicr hail got into tlio pru it lad iimii out often liut thrru uumduaytia new growtli springing up ihogroon alope inakeil in vltiugaml alllia ml down mi a flat atone near the rural free ilelucry bo hut tha pot trust dhl not couto ami aaon ttia girl forgot to look for him fdhe wua alnging out tbfra alone tlie four uafolover umgi llul you uut liave hope ami you uml have faitli vou ntubt love am lf atrong ami ao if you work if you alt vou will find tlie iiuoe wltera tlie four leaf elovet grow i never fouml ona yet the aid to bar- aelf ami i never laartl of any one in our family uut did lth-p- that aooouuu for well for a lot of uilngo fllie tumeil ami ber eye took lu in a oomtrelienaha heei tha low grey boue with h- docoyiug oladmmnl tlie empty lini ici- tlie wuy tlie btuall vtgetulde gurdoii on oo vhle uml ilia scanty growtli of tlo field- on lit other than tliey fell unircnvatlatdly uton her own -it- paly rhtgua luiml which wa- proiplhg itself agalnat tit lunik roma urupokau uiought ftaheil ocrom liar face ami left a trail of iink hehiml it well ita never too lata alie infonued i herself alnrdily ill try oooe wore down upon her knaafor a long quarter of an hour all for nothing hhe found only ordinary three leafed clovers mixed i in wltli common rra- blade- thlng eemeil to derelop around tlila particular hometod along eonervauva i in al- thee beraelf woe the only eoephonal i grourtb an tlie iiaoa the glrlw patlenpe gave out ut but no use i that ends it bbe eliook her rumijed aklrta end stretched lier toog white arnu altove ber liead tomorrow ita hack to the mine- i out touuhow i cant give up ill keep a little cloverbed in iny heart ami aee if 1 cant grow one ometline ttian lie laughed at lierelf and want in to upper hack to the hot iiolay city went altliea to ho city with ita dust and melli and airaggly returning crowd- deck to ber family plaoe in oneof ute e-clualveatiop- of itoton wlutra a few wlae and foreliaad ed alioppera were already nuking ooca-lon- al advance calif and u aha entered early tliat flrt morning ou the floor oloee to the counter and aquar in front of her own particular let iter eyes caught a gleam and u apatkle blie picked it up hardly believing ber eye ami held lu her hand a fourdaavd clover tlroeii enamel with a diamonddew drop in the centre hhe turned it over uml rdltor luok ami lier heart gavo a suddou erratlo jung- uml ihiaten6d to leavo lie appointed plaoe altogether i then alia walked tralgbt uptoxir harlan tlie uunagr and laid the pin inlilaluuul if luck comaa itu got lo oouie by a trolght road thought altliea i wa bore grl be bpluned ouia auatomar miut have dropped it but ulghl theuuuager turned it oer carolewjy he did not oa tlie nwripuoti i but ha did aee altlieaa eyes uml lie wan u genlleuuii iloaldae be knew bar to be a buly wed iwttor boll it for u week lie uld alawly if nobody claim it by ibat time ita your vou found it ill advertle it onoe eakl the girl reaoiuuly ttieu if nobody call all right nodded ur lnurleu with alight liftiug of tha eyelieowa i and with blw ilia nakent u cload out altbeaa inner eelf during that lumt bih daye wan a battle ground of half tuper- atltioua liojiee und fedru ami tlie bopea won october i clarioua up by tlie old new england farmhouaa where tba riot and intenilty of autumn color appealed dumbly to thaw who were hungry for vmruitb and beauty tilorlouo la tba faretta loregoa where all luugaml hoarihlnaad wotlddo elusive ami glorloua alao in tha city is tho feel of tha air the auggeatloh of froat on tlie brick wall- in tlie long eerloua lent of tlie bunbeama in the ooiuciouh u-lbor- lug of iower for tba wlnura work und e- uriciioe- ltwoaon un october day utut altbea htead ami rauwin ihummoud cltmg to thaatraiof tlio aama eleotrlo car ua it croad copley naturally u tlie car rounded tlie little curve near trinity church und botne foroe oeiitrlpelal or ollierwlft brought the two wiuarely to- getlier lio aaw her huw too u gteii enamel dlmmldawed four leaved cloer noatlet coufklently at tlie bate of a welt- tlullig collar and lmvlng aeeti with the reel eyea which ware aomewhero inalda bin merry gray lklblonea becolild iwneruu aoo again althoa liorwlf ua far front blind honmtmiigpoiuiiuutuml iihenouieiial aeem- ed miming right uirouyh the clover pin into lier throat what if ahe should ml for fick winud lure on ber white chin t flhe didnt much cure what tlie reallcd mut wan the look in ihe xry ay 4 but tlio blued shoulder lbacarele- i htnnulh tho mt of the head with iu hook of fuir hnlr ucroull parti of berlnaunten- eoiix ihoivrui of n now und wonderful nutu t1tey lot other in the bubwayihab day mid beverul other- for mi oociilt iiooealty boeinwl to dm- them logo i iter in iho clootrku on cajjey kipntro irudtilly druinmoml crttoe taclauu ulth tlio might of tho golden dome aa far aa certainty and prtiwntioe went tlie dally upiearauee of hgraoefut enargetlo figure in aimedren with aunlt oeomortea aa soft dark hair longdaahed eyea of unekhmteil blue ami a mouth which woe both determined ami aeuatlve itlde there wan alwayu tlie faurieawd clover pin hla pin he knew it wau it bail been mode to order uml ha lad lusuled upon uu original dcljrti hut how had itchang eilhiimlat vlornoe vull tlie girl whte donga be luid held in bin heart for mora than one umnwr wau u myth aa fur an it won oonoernodl lie knew that too hut tlio rl ariiiocrulla lfla vail wouhl hard- ly bavji glvon tlie pn to a girl of tlio hmd- iiuw worhl ififwrlhcii luul it come into her uwoaiiloii 1 ktrauge bow lusutcnuy ihi- ialion rourrl ami puiuihvl him it never en tercd bib mlml tn auk her or to mako tlia ligblet attempt to cmut tlie imrrier of omiveotionatlty hut if oidy the com 1 no tor or omeiiotly wouhl introtliioe him wlit an almurd wo 11 it w anyway hie day one week lie dlil not lier hho wau nawliare au far oa lie could tll-oov- er ami tliat woakaainetlilngaluil listen the duine itualf looked tumlheil the common wua duty tlie uetaa ubyrlntli lrtikjrua a ltopui mmblle it mlpht liave beati mora couifortabla to he euro on a oertain avenue in the hack itav but lie navar went there now tlie apell of the uwutika reigned there uprie wliaravwas tlie duky haired girl uith the blue eyet tliat an tlie main concern in the ulvta hmldenly lie relled no be had rajjad ull the timethat lier wliereabouu waa of llret and uppatrmot interest to bin what right hod she lo vanish like that i livery bit of tha mona energy of will and purpoe the liotilnblm wok up and aserid teelf ha would fltvil ltr of ooura tlie only unoshalu factor in tlie problaiti woe the meana lo be employed tliat be would take a little time lo consider lirr bometlmelaat umtner u four- uafclover jii with diamond cantre tor luck eugrut edoti tha hock vlmur pleoe return to id hoylstoti utret room am ami receive rawartl althee bteed flying cityward on the boton erpreaa after a ten days visit to ber sick mother rated at lite uilvertle meiit with dilltlng eye could titer be another pin like betel tt waa hardly pae- ible why luul it never beeu advertised beforet uust alieglvelt up surrender it ami with tall tlia rounoe ami joy tliat the associated with it for there waa no question now tliat uiertitiau had uld iu grip oathu sensible little new engund- er tlie slgulflcance of the charming field aymbol hod grown mightily with her alnoe the dey when it luul fallen into bar hand ami aha could not deny at least to lier self that there waa something in the aluvaepliere of the copley gkpiere alectrloa that had fostered in lier a greet hope that la borne way yet to be revealed good for tune luul coma at but to the house of buad althee threw done tlia paper and gonad out of the window upon a blurred lands cape there wa no doubt in ber mlml aa to the oaura aha should puraua that woj a foregoe conclusion hha tried to tell haraolf that t wouldnt really make hy dlryarenoe but herself wouldnt believe it hhe unolupd ha little green pin ami looked a it ruefully lovingly it waa preubtptloua after all for her to wear a fourleaved clover tliey didnt grow for her altliea waa deep in ilia valley of dajeotlou four oclock too lata for tlie sliop ltqdoy but not too uto for uiia bulneu ill go right now and liave it over rooni 504 ohioe of a cerulti lumberoani- panyluubutonaocupantatfouroclocb t and tliat wua tlia junior partner mr hakl- uu itruuiiuond he wau ittiug ut die hlgtlek la tlia web window uhtlug a few huainea letter- ireparatory lo going home ha noted idly that tlia golden domo woe all ullghl with lie iueotlon of the near to setting bud coma in lie abouted lo repouw to a nervously rlulo rap tlieu with au in voluntary eolauutiou roe luntily ami stood giug for there lu tha doorway baroyau wide open in astonlahmeut stood the olovr girl i it wan certainly alio in the 8eh paler be tliogbt than when he had hut aeen bar i pole however only for a minute i the next she waa roy red w wont you ome in v uieid drumioond bluuiing guiltily blmelf oa lie offered her m clialr altliea luddeuly regained her self poa- seslon i taw uiu advertisement an hour ago ahe oak holding out the newspaper i and this aeeme to be the ouoe whaae number la given did you advrtie for clover pin i did began the big fellow inanely when um good tagel whupered in hli ear there la m tide in hejsilre of men which ukeit at the uooil leeda on to for tune i and he took u sudden and deeperate iealu uou will you forgive ma and believe me if i ull you the truth f he begged with an enxlotia quaver in hla voice which appealed for mercy i i knew tha pin you know an booh ua i oew lb i bub i did not know you and i didnt know how to know you tlien you disappeared ami i was afraid you wouldnt ooue hub dead alienee ou the part of althee huoii whllealttlnu vlatou of a gtojwy bank and o il v d uull-bo- up lit new hampltlre danced before iter ayea ho continued he ehaimvfaod coufea- almi i aikertied for the plu i knew if ymi oawlt you would come ami itwtui for luck yoi know llaldwln druwmoml drew a long breath ami uluued slyly t tlie down oast faco of the young buly before him what ha saw aeemd to fortify him for farther valor vi gavo it to a girl hut summer lie appended making a clean breeafc of ii i won aurtlne away on ubujoe trip a very mportaet one it maent auoew or failure for me and i hnew il i thoght she w4vl cure andwell i oared for un both it wawit for rnysolf you aee that i banked to taioh on lb hut a inan waaja ts occod aiuae llteu altheaajioko wlthahrave uuiunptloii of frlondly intorout didnt kho oi nr cure 1 o uld ltldilu iromitly 1 aba never cared before or after to lo sure awl a shrewd nmllo shewed itself for uu instant slm didnt realle the hano or know about the outcome it didnt seem to her worth while to find out and home- how or other she boil the mufortune tolooe ihe closer pin t veu said altliea with dowudroppod eyoo blie inuit have oome up from bomewhare on tho shore ut auiiimer to do oome sbopphiif v um i whilemareu fancy tore 1 fouml tha pin ou the floor tlie flrnt of hopumlter- hha to und lielil tho bit nl eiiinol towqnl him a gleam of llflht glauoul from tho gohloii dame and fouml tlie heart of the four leaf clover dfuiniuoml took u up forward the doordlo expresitlaii was on hla face tlie look tluat with itlm nlwaya meant aucoeaa and lulfllmeut lieav ell mo your uamr lie tund abruptly i uml mochanlcally the young buly olieyoil alloa in haldwin drummoivd kow uu are intrmluoad urcnt wof iheusa invite me to cull atthoa looked up mirth ami eiulirr mout oontemllng hor faoo i llvo with an aunt of mine in thrve room- ami a ktchenetia slie sakl demure- ly i ultto live lib my fattier and u vot iter on a oountry road ihrao in i toe out of abliottuvllle new haiuwltli if you sluiuul impiun lo bo ntr eitlier place we sltall be ideasad to havoyou call ivummoml did not uugh i lie waa too much in eamot for tliat i can glvo you reforn- he declared lioylslily vou can know ull aliout me- will you lake your pin sir drum- mom 1 und tbla time the glrln eyee were dlatlnctly rogulbli my arm aeho- hold- 1 lug it so long o idoaae xlts bted keep it i keep it ita youral ttiliik wluit an oiue- if l you shouhl glvo it up it uilubb weau illauer to both of ua uay i cell wed- ndu oveuiiigi and aa lie held hie door for her lie mmwerd to something brief and low ajtakeu thank you ye- ut bight thirty he did call not mice but many time- at aunt barab titornaa tiny apartment where the cramped roams seemed to ex pand and tike on cluuacter and itonvelinee with the lrervc of tlieir geulal viltor often and often loo through the month following there was an oaidenui meeting of tlieaetwo huslnee imopie in the our- face elevated car on copley square hub it waa aa the nuttwit of a long new hampshire bill at the claee of an august day following tliat tlie real potency of um spell wbioh luul been weaving ibalf about them won retaled oa one tide of tlie rood a ctuulforl- automobile had come 10 a full atop on the other cloe by the clover honk and very near together tood tlie daughter of tlie old gray h and tlie man wlu iwd come from the country of tlie big tree to dud her he luul just ojieooi a small velvet covered boa in whloh rested ami gleamed a diamond liuiro the clover pin brought me luok aweet- heart he whispered touching the gvn enamel at her throat hut thats only lba lejrinnlng i huve brought you aome- thlng now which atande for lupplneaa will you uka it althee r twent yga gleauid pram tha free prs or thurtday ftutth tthvlbflft tlie gentlemen who hod charge of the erection of the new kuo church were aa follow- 1 irjittilnu oviviuittk rev j w ilea chairman john tiialker tvea- suror i dr alckeague heoreury i a t mann jamee mcdorutld chaa davidson these are the preeeiit ohiore of ute church i iihtoh uev j w lue et pkint arch campbell peter mann john cameron auaoder watlla lochlan mouiiiau a uofbt di neadetou j j lawaofi clerk mamuku chaa david son chairman t a t uanh john blojat j a cordon craluiu mcdonald john hulker robl klcnard john cameron jus modonak iv uckague d hen dereou tvaaaurer i j v kauuawln boo- reury tuiktiui joliu uulker alex loltonald naagawea jaa e coltbu 8nautit school w mohui uuiwrln- undent i j v konruwln becreury i john kennedy treasurer lauia ain mr arch camphell iveldeuti lira ix henderon twaurer v f b c t 11 ua nolle fetere lrtuaiil w vu hur rev j w ilaei ura w d hmltli hecruryt mr a motavuh traaurer okual uiwioxs rev j w raa iveauleiit i leorge hyiuu bee- reurytreasurer yiik cuom a v mann lader i ulsa c mophall orguu- lti mlaaea alison ifeuderaon lbda scott baroh mcciure emma watklna husy blnouir belle fttero jeonu mc- milua i meeero il r jbtutoh tba p watklna j j lawson total oo of church not including work dona hy ou gftgtitlon digging oelur und providing rough atone und sand awoflt i all of whloh has been provided for by boaatlda uotea betrlng litureat at 0 per tienl of which twolbirdj boa already been paid robl blmpaoon new uvenstorey build ing oomer 0een and yonge street- toronto was destroyed by re tlie four cornen were deatroyeit the steede of knoitcliurob west of blmponhrelltlowu and fire even spread to st mlchaelu hoapltt and the sjlropollurt churcli luit was soon extinguished there lo alio- getlier about a mllllofl this is tha third great lire in tho bulnese centre in two bwntba dlkll fuikuam in milton on march 2nd dr cbukou freeman aged 0- year fsirwk in milton on feliruory 2ili holoniii leaoock aged ooyearo h montlta switiiiumbh in tiafalgar on march tub annie may daughter of t austin hwukhamer of hsnnon lu iter i7th yr clsealieat of all oiu ckmudderlug tlie curative tiualltles of dr thomas ucleotrlo ou it is tlie chaapet of all jireparathmb offred to the public it u to he foun1 in every drug stori in caiuula from coaut to voiut uml ull country meiliuiils koep it for kuii ho lieing ally prouuruhhi uml eiitremoly uioderate in irlr no on9 should ha without a bottle of it sons of hritain hon- ol hdr wliok0w hor fuiih mihrokaii if er who gttvo you might d limb nml nerve her wlioue c rvlco be it devoutly stokon lnitfeot freedom lu for all wbocrve her who gave you dower of iron sluow her who made yau strong nml swift and brava lv imrall tlie manhood that in in you i tin the royal gift her own handu gave england- safety kiighiuda dearer honor both forbid tit- 1 you khuuld halt ami wo it till tho enemy u liidood upon hen ho who vaunt- uml haunt- him ut her gute hod not overmuch wjun ihu in sbimler oilt vouru to guard ber from u dully n blow inura to urm ami rally lo her mandurd i vouru to rlui uml fuco tlio hrutnl foe man ol england mini ol loyal ireland men of faithful scotland liltliful wal forth ami flht far motherland ami sire- lund fight for lllghl lliut intheend prevail i lieu tltough yonder itattlefleldn he gary vou aliallmaka them groat uml splandid too ami with laurel nf eternal glorv she wo love dial i crown your ilwtl and you willium watson pravkr comuunlcntluii with hla uik- vr by prayer u tlio moat ok a i tod function lu which nioti ran bo ntiagihl bocnuao it ccrci tbo liluheut function- of tlio until wltli tlio intolloct ami tho v rid ll la iho limiliol of hcuvtuu choice blcmuinu- it osdiidoe no one it oiiihrncea nil in tl i irt i of its bciiihllrllon it ulvou uu tuhebn to our hisiv i lily cut her nt nil tlnitsi in nil pln en unit un uvr nil rlrcniiitniii iu in a vvinl pmyir rimltr- im mnp crutom vvllli mir rrtntur in the in onil uotcriniiiiit uf in world cnrtllimt iimmum reduced to auiurdlty tn bo urn hero arc newiiapnr oorrea ikuuieulu who okjtrb llwuitelvctj cltuly and keep truck of their comma- t but tlio9 burlesque hoolety stpilbf from lie woroater spy are llttlo mora ridiculous than tlie personals one my find in any paper that make a specialty of goalp mra mary woods sidewalk which woe shovllcd otfust winter is now belotr re uui natlian ivlce ubouas shot in tlie uub- urlia but wadueulay is now elite to get around thomas merrluh property in for sale itoonuta of a cottage containing seven rooma ami an acre of land edward jonee has opened a tjioe tore on front street- mr jones guarantees that uuy one can liave a lit in hla store tlia una of smith thomdyke la oncu tnor carrying ou buaiuosa at tlio old stand theoonoeru now wan la a man to sell on commission mra walter darrell would lika to lieur of a good nure for lier child about thirty yeare of age and with good reference- nose other need apply john bangs who will uiil for europe saturday would llko to llnd a purcliaer for ida valuable bulldog tlie aniuuil la no care as it will eat anything ami is very fond of children a touching incident was noted ut the uuion station yesterday ulien an uged couple hade each other good by tho old udy kissed lier husband fervently several times and lie kissed lier hack the two prominent young medical atudenu who have been stealing sculbi from tlia wohsett itoat house are warned that unleoa amends are inada trouble will ensue as the namea of the thieves are known iv franklin while has returned from a trip to switzerland speaking of the robust health of its puuantvi ho doctor soya tlie strength of tlia swiss woman la remarkable it la nothing unusual for tier to wash and iron and milk several cows in one day why we love him a littta girl was playlug wltli lier doll in a room wlier iter mother wen busily en gaged in writing when aim luul flulihod her writlug aha said i oucuncomuiiuw alios i i have done all 1 want to do this morning tlie child ran to her mother aying i i am so glad for i wanted to love you o much but t thought you were very happy wltli dolly r yes luotlier i won j but i booh got tired of lovlnuer for she cannot lova ma hack and la that why love me bectuse x cat love you hack 1 mutt is one why hut nob lie first and beet why what la tlie first and best why v beoauaeyoai loved me when i waa too little to love you hack the mothers eyes filled with tears an aba sold i we love jesus beeuse ho flrtt loved us and died for u selec only toafslv kxbw hu name was tommy awl ha came homa from school looking so down in tha mouth that mother asked him severely what waa the matter out of his little trousers pocket ho ab ed at note from tlie toacher which sd tounjyhas beeu u very naughty toy house have a serious ulk with him what did you do 1 asked mother nothing sobbed tommy bite ask ed m question and i was tlie only one who could answer it llm murmured mother what waa tlie question v wlio put tlia dead mouso in her desk drawer v answered tootiy llpplnoot tlie 1111 that leads them all mils km the moal ioruhie ami compact of all tndllues and when easy to take aw tha moat ooejttable of prpratloa hot tliey must attest their towr to lie popular a ivrmelees vegeublo fills are the htoeb ttpular of all ulla they must fully meeifll rqulhtmonu arcurtcly comifounded ami oomiowml uf ingntlknih proven to ner ullotlvt lii rvguiliugihthligexlhe organs thwiu w no himir inodlulne to be hud any vvher-