wallpapers ceiling papers window shades a lahalt aaftokvrmknt piuaita kikaaohakilh give us a coll mahhiaob liounauo idqubd geo ii ynds jlarwellary und krnktoy good aotom ontakllo real instate ferea for miiu in ifultou ki sd wlllnutmi loo farm for wile every nine ii ywu waiit h fkrm write ui fur lutulouur or uyth wbli tu ucll or ovclutaafl trrltst use we liwv very anility war tniumrllub buiiluckh to your m4t satlsfuctlmi comr- fewimlttt fiollrltoil j 1 wilmhifliltty riarul htilllim kirrlulm 4jortftowu ffibc xtolt jfm tm tiiuimiay ahtil it 1015 brief local items now for spring in ourmut am soltool re open next monday halt tax rato for thla year la 28 mill victoria pay jilh of may the next public holiday ilotb tuscber and pupllc uro enjoying the euur holidays the ralnathla week will help to take th freet out of tlie around pitt bright epriujf weather wu enjoy ed bit both good friday and easter fhekorth west la belting the start of iu in some ruaoes seeding lias already eobuuaoad uoejdsya snow etora came a quite a eurpttee after tb beautiful weather of eamursduday tfce new autotnoblleeare now appear lug ro tb street the roods outside aro bot fit or touring yet however ulllua order from ottawa announco that honorary colonel blr donald mann la to be booowry colonel of the 20th hal ton biaaa 1u bertie titutth who waa liomefrom toronto satiated the oholr in the ol i hoes ehureh on sunday wltli much accept hjuoab it war stamp go into effect next uondsy obe losi omoe will supply you tb vaxu ivitss waa tlio llrat purchaser in torn mr oeorg edward liaa removed hla hdftum besjneea to the ttore next kennay bra wber b liaj more cotnmodloua rj darter to ladles who have loan knitting for the soldier will pleats muvii in their oontrl tmlioe to urs james l warren by tlw ikhtaet wa degree of doctor of divinity haa been eonierrwl upon ilev if w crewa u a woodatooli freaidant of hamilton 3coue by vlotorla unlvaralty tta rad gtom society aujuraau tliat ttaaday april oodi uolmrved mm sock day wnw avary dtlun who can will pdttlua a pair of aocka for tlia uoldiara ddoifort every fent boua in the oomtnunity wu bad m tauphooaof grant oonveuunoe ftj vilms look lb to ilta matter th oa la ho rtt la tacuro thu dealrabla otfoara of tba ueaxlquariora uutf kuuutiod eatup toronto vara at llaorga taiyaatanlay lnapctinf lb ttiou of tta aw tupjittat 7tb ilatulion third oon lrtf fcaauhiej thara uttdar tba law now in foroa all pantoaj tal butur oa tha toaiket muat biva tlw proftatly wtappad and tlw wotda milry utur or crsaiuary butter thpi apt it wfappc- bv jr w raa who hu beau in to- hnltf lh ptat two yeara haa axoe4ad a 6au td th cluhhaa of kawoaatla aod uaartaaivula vwaty yar i0 uv tlr tu waa ptator of kaoa ciuh auan aawur bvw tootor eara hav com to lowri darina th week mr vorrauoa bahlsboiii haa boa uaw owuaj aod milirt kf kviureoa a docker and a j maokloaim hu ch roajvd oii of th hiaaaajelirorja th how of mr llonrla b our leadlri jwufa oiuuhi wan bu vry hauy by th arrival of fla healthy ud haml heir dmbif laovar week th hmojmb banoay of ejfvtauuoa will b trrfarataj at uood tobuwnw owlaajtd th reelgoauoaa of lira j u iikwila beoretary and ura j o cfcafci aa tveamtvr of th red onjrt aid httuey uui iurtl bpaubt waj euoud haoralaty aaj ut ti if uebaiul triaeurar at m witting hell od batutday af tanukmt uheuods blr ud air j mooul of torodto aad sir dewllaj of iflrtoll wew at th pa r ulbotod 11m y fuorey and cmldron apeot eauer at th boeaa of their uoola mr jauu fwt4m w aj ieuj to hear that mm wa oojy 1 au to b out aaln after bar moeatuloea hu u newuu who ha hm 111 far maatt tie u fealalag alowly wi hop that u warntar weather oowe eh will ariah aaar tepid proftwee towahl reoovery mia e iveda of toroato epeat huoday ai br bow bar uacou aud hax ukinjthormwarabom iwtuholuay mr w eaui of toroutoy apdut bub day at hie hou bar un ahhur ivan and eon hotnuy vutad fibb low daha lb holiday ulmoutwitu willuw marehall iot th holiday- with their paroau h mr sad mr wu mill- toroalo ipmt bdoday with her toother mm v downing and baha of iiiifereol wn bom for tba holiday mu anal tuwl urt mcdowell war lu tfaauittoti for th weu aad vultlug their aaaaar ulw w ivoim ham aeii vlhltlntf frlewlm la twonto during tba waek mr w dowdy metis it buinet trip to awotttolaat batutday tt bamball cjub aeema to liava trouhla laoaumf h path for th eomlag aeaeon wewlatoitta to b th good hatnaritaw aatd help out 0m boyat laat thkjraday waa eoolal evening at thai yotatgpaaplaaflttlld and alt praant va porta pi aeaaattlwa most of tba oddfellow her attended th l o o v fiobool of intruouoa held t btoo ou good vcidy news op local import llotl cross concert jlio itwlciuo aid stkiltty bux tccltul u liold ii uouctrt in tlio town hull on ilmtwliiy ovenlitg iitllhit a ery ut truollvo pnruiiiiiio if under jimjhtrtiilim lnrgo issuootfjoolu mnivb uuuh biiuy moiilli for tlio 111 rtr un of acton v rou i ibrury anil lieruuituntr llioluutioof tllojiioillll uuu ki1 wlllullou- liiolirkht luino f mi iiiontli uliioo ilia illirury wiiu njtciicil ilia nuniltor or bor riiww h now wu womans institute mooting ilia iimiitlity iiioohihj if llio woiiiuiih iiihtltuto will im liold in tlio council cliumbor on trldiy uf hruoo i ut tlinw uiuk a m nloli l uwllltumiom tlio niikitltik on tho hiltionnd lln million u hdhiiii all nm wolooino pjtrtridgo plow through hatoglun a litlln ufler uovon a in on rl4y morning in the contra oflloe of the llell toloj liono co ilia caretaker ua startled by a rrukli followell by falling uleuf a rufttlfrotioor iwrlrliljtolitufilovn rolit lit ilulo uliu window ut hucii u nwnvl tlidtit went lltrbutfli irtuklnn a i10i9 not iniioli lacker tliun itoelf it wan hutterin vho plokoil up i ut tlloil wltliln a few inlnutea milton ctiuuiplon ilavo hover- vot lluod an luuo attbn imiglmiliiir t aok mattera looked an if the luti 1kkiuj would be uu ut la to mako an uppearanoe thia week kvory iiiomler of the vtaff won mora or low lnonmoltnuul ihrouyh an ejjdentio of la uriu we era very muoh pleaded liow oor tliat this old reiki le bnnie paimr h nblo to auatuln ita reputation ami uppeuiw liriultt und iiitereetliig ae ustul tbu morn lug the viutu iium it never jet n lu od ati ianuo in iu forty yearn of puhllca tlcn havel and uioful aid for soldier a unuu eohem haa been inaugurated y tu olrla pund of toronto whereby tlio eoldler will tireutly benlllu tlifs society hue made one hundred coierleta for 0011 taleoaent told era koelt coverlet la ootn nooed of 02 muare 1 each aquar oontalua tliaiiame of jio girl uho aawotl it ami wlio paid ten oenlv for the privilege already 100 of tlie iiflls lime lioeu inado ami unt away mid it la hoped that many otlier qlrlatlitouahout the dominion will follow the excellent and patriotic exmnplo of the yirla of toronto boy soouu en tour troop leader hector muodoneld and hla brotker corp cliarles uaoilonald uona of dr d m mawlonnll toronto and i win rod lay three ery entliunlutlo hoy scouin walued from toronto to acton on laoil friday and tuturday they arrived in soldierly trim and liata lioeu tlte gueela or mr wllluiu plank and mm c h bm i hi of falrvlew plaoa troop deader mucdonatd wluwo oelloe la equivalent to iliutof sorut major a a well de veloped imi who clalnia acton an hu urtlijiuo ha only lllteen but ataiuls bik feet in bl rtookinir new school on the mountain meuira j m donjon puljic uchool iuaeotar j a traoy aiwl dolin marshall towndilp clerk of hmpjeiiig ami naiaa ftaweya tlia board of arbltretora on tlio uxipoeil new acliool heollon far the milton ifelgliti neighborhood liave glifln llieir award it provide for the formation of the section tn be compoukl of lota i j and 1 00 1 7 nowjuqaweyu a ul lou 1 and 2 oon lgnraof lot 1 to 4 oon 1 lot 1 cm c anil 4 town lota on lot 2 oon 2 fnueiiig it u aujieoled lint trueteea will be elected in april and that a acliool building will lie rrocted aa soon uiu year a poulue cbumplon eutorhllltary visitors a numtter of tba military men from oeveraloonllngenu vlejtoil frleuls during tjutartlde tly were llo ijlwln juoddock of tlio ifouihuiir tenthuntof llie ihth lutt- loudon himlur jno i mooru of tlte 31th iuiu lluelrli ijinotcar warren drown of tlte kn glueerliig ooqia at ottawa ite john mouukhy of the llnlvlty ueilicel oorpb toronto cotl w j iauld of tu joui delt toronto lt ueo auiund end it joseph iluxhau of th lull utt toronto wer ftuetatt knox charti muiie qeri lftuaurtl injdetl ollelph troops majoriwal v l leeard c a in ipootor lateral for lefruru fiiada artlv ed a iuejpb thurnday avnlng and oi flood friday ititpaoled th 10th vuld ilatury ti k v of tit uooud caaajun continent and th ulh batulloa ct of the uilfd cunadua ooutluganl both of thaaa organluliooe parodad at ulna oclock la th teaming and they pwauj a ueet lwpojflif apeotiuu eaneclally th loth ilatury which u oonekurvd o of th flnt bitterw lu uaiude it was 1 era uundof major hjupeou fiuefal it exiuedblaifa4uuchpuujj with the ahow i iitf bud and aiok very highly of th excellent bearing of th mad big stocks or lbjuof tbr hutut a iiuaiber of our austrian eltuen lakl in heavy btoeka of liquor for th balabratkwi of easter during th day aoei booeina bouterou th provincial llaeum tlapait wont evldanlly expected th4 would b umoa dolntre in town two provineul ohhceni wre her 04 flood friday and ijuter hunday it u alugl uiat they purohomd inuutlcatlng liquor at j hjuj- kloloeboardlaghouaeoa main btret- lu th ejurnoou the two ohloer and chief lewaoa arrived with a eearoh warrant and mined a number of kegi of beer avrl bottlei of wbultay and m demijohn of high win thaw were dekulletl in th eelbmt th town hall irovlnflui luapeotor ayeant wu her on monday and ukl lafomutloa agaluat rlntklolo on ohargw of keeping and telling liquor thau will be heard tomorrow 100 b 100 tit reader of thlu paper will b plaaaed to uunt that there la at least ono dreaded iiiuumi that tolenoa has been al4a to cure in nil iih mogw uml that la cuurtb haluuatarth cur in tba only iwelllva our now known ts tha medioa fraternity catnrin being n cojialtullotul dbeaaa tu nulreea oonetltutioiuil treulmeut llalla uttatyli cure u uken inurnally noting iltrnouy uimwi th blood tind muoouu anr foooi of tha yatau thereby tleatroylng tha fiwtulatlon of lb dlatmum and irivlng tli patient etrengtb by building uu the oonetltutlati ami weuting uatura in doing ita work ttta kroprltoni have 40 tniu fulth in it cunulv power that they 06w flna hundred itollara for any caa that lb fall to our head for llat of teetlmanula aildr v j oiiknkv oo toledo 0 hold by nil ikugguu 7bc take frail woally 1111 for oonulikt tlon children ory ror hetchers oa8toria massa0awcva mr rrmu hijim im out vvitli blu innlor 1 ii nir liu no nu 1 1 1- of a ir enjoy h thlu fiiituitulo p4imhhln 1 mnixf tlittn rtauk a iinw ulijiliuiu llnu jh pitjioud from aulon in tnit nuuiikiuojn nu far w kmiklibiill ut loimt i vtiry farm tin urn tire would ntillt from cruhnjf ooniiiuitlnn eastertide visitors iih niir liujucii iroctd iuki tlio i wnoier mothodlat churolt a uplondld otikravlnjf f which ijueialtovo will imi torn down naxt woflu memorial mrvlceu of 11 very jinpnjmtlvo clmruouir m ill io iteld next htiuiluy iliero hue leeu religiaua uorubip in thbj iiaiiowmi joco regularly for ultnoht novculy youm postmastor matthews fleeting well hlnoo hla ocoldont by which hla rljiht tliigb waa fnictureil ou tueuday of laat week mr jumoa mntlhown roaluiaator baa niada fair progrcui lor miverul uljtht lie could not uleei but lila coudlion ih how mora normal nnd h retting niooly ml i v hnjilor of mnntreil uma in touii uu wuin un ik inuid of tbo iloutli tf i bin iniuli itiilwrl hnydur uml kiiiuiiimi friends who spent tho holidays muii urtr tio funoud here and citizens who went pine easter monday concert tho oratorio zlon by knox church choir a splendid success a very appreciative audiexce the production of tlio hcrlptnra lauutn 7louby t s itearla rondoretl by knox ctiurch choir on lister monday ovenlng woe moat creditably done it not ouly provided u modi entertaining high claw musical nvonlng but ita appropriate new aa a ollnink to tlio lihtertida oervloea woe niunifoat tlirourbout tlio programme tlio twenty two uoctlo m of the oratorio afforded line opportunity for bringing out tlia ahilltiefl of arloua aalolrta of tha olioir tliorolou iluata trlou tiunrtetto anil reel utho pumagoii were 0kcaediujly well romlorwl tba vnrioiih mi tn of tho f irutorlu were on mlowa 1 i lyelmlo 1fano mum 1 111 u un 1 huh heoltatlve ll wniwii ur 3 ion auaho cliorua 4 i love thy kingdom iml duet far koprano and tenor mlfth auimi anil liu wlllult ut ilia foundutii 11 ii in tba holy monnulua hotu mu lborua mini uu tun irr u ilei male clvorua raritone solo 0 wbon biiuii tl o voloo of ulnglug duet a id chorus all wiji ukl 11 ami ii tin ll mx lruluo waltoth for thro c boron ii interlude llano mtml i vvll llaurt 12 lnnluhoaball abide holoand cborua mn ciwum tn 13 how dcuutiful triosop alto ten llnu j u1miu uihauuiituaiid mu vv11 mn ut 13 tukemy hnert holu und lhoruu mu wiijmiumt 10 arlwt hi no for thy light in oonw tenor ami luua holoa and cliorua mkmua wu imii ot ano hitstntitoom ltl unto tlteo d 1 wo lift up our fvea juartottu illiu4ti aiuknu ami ifjiavky miuutoi wn lu i ht tkl uu1ti1 17 hmg unto ltl in a new kong holo und cfiorua uu ctuutn u la tho lord fclull comfort lou soprano aiul alto ikiot mlwfch j mciomai u xu kiuu id t1m ijbtii u my shaplutrd uiorua with hoirano obllgato mi- mcli hm lui tlk city of 11 t tenor solo mu wilimiiur jl our lord la lliaon duet and cborua mlwi alukmi inillill wilpoiht 2 dudu tli lordcjuloflmml fjho tii oboruaa war eokecully well rei dreil tlia volume ami tlie harmony being all that oould liadeolrod and th spirit of th oratorio was devotional and luiplriag tba obooihi iart ol th prograuu waa a followa 1 1 solo thar only one room but ll a bona mm may wiuuiifcr 2 luadlng tb lai hymn ulna mvutlu clturilmjk 5 solo daaui of neuon urahuw mu h wlumioy 4 luciutjou teaua railway miuhmav wilwimv fl uolo tha creole lovea tkuig uu l s coluuiuk 6 solo ruuud mimmav wiltwitay flilu htmttllh kivu th oonoart oommlttea wu mhaea auas and wllllame maiwra smith cockburn and wiugtuu mr wlldgiut waa tlia conductor and ulu u willuma organul tha choir was au followa 1 sopranos mlieea aklos agusw lar vlu 1 johnstone w johnstone moclar movbarwoii j uadouah a modouu keld ranwlok mra wlldgost alio miasea f jiahsm harvey and kaar tenor meara- clanldg ilyelop mo clurannd wildiiust rafcaes mouro uookburtt hendersoa usua and 811 th a14j mala clears out rata mios eta dont die in tlie house i tta awl luo at drug uivd country btona iikness thi nothing ham vver 7 or compurtti with ju mtdldnal fat bt8ooh9kmhmto mat the dechne iuyicoimto o wood ottirenblhau thai kwrvotia syaternajd th wppn- 4ato md reatofo tha cotiikca better hestlth imltadwbmbj bm awaasvasavav wmom wuuot awnautal drc trtitj away from town mi arlof dillo uhij bntno fnim lorontn mlku llerthti llrown luhomofrixnxepliy r mih- knly clurk wmuikhio from toion tn mr r rlo f iiiriiu u to hoini from lonm mkullortin hiultli uuu huiiur from lur outa miwi aiiuio hyndu uu hero from lor unto ml is hanoi kurd lu homo for ibo holi iluyu mluu mury a itlnok ucnt to mount forett mr holier william viua homo from llerlln mr lulward tuoodale won home from fluelph mr j linton keuney vuitoil frlonda in fiuoiph misb murgaret ltounett is homo from toronto mr joint h moore uou homo from toronto mloa florauco holiaci was homo from toronto mlw mildred matthew uau here from toronto mlk mia maltieraon wan home inm toronto mra hiirold davhi ami miua alleeu of mitchell mian itoae maonitou went to her bomb in doderfch mr john mamurohy ia homo from moil leal college mr w uuntoy of wuiuiiriii waa bore on saturday mim annie wallaco la vmilng her buler at wingliam mim mao keith of toronto vbdted with friends lu town mr tliomna hrunt of toronto una lit town ou ha turd miua lwrl moore of fluelph vluiteil mrs t t moore mr loo kennedy uau homo fram toron to for the liolidaya mra i k cook wnftoil friend lu uuelph over kosler mr r v caldwell mvd mim ifsxel vluit od friends at barrio mr arthur kenney ami misa una u ere home from tot onto mr kamuel culemuii f uuolwoihi vultod acton friends mr cheater plunk und mia llanunh are homa from huiulridgo mr and mra c h v bhigo uml children ucr here from herlin thaa margaret kennedy uaa limine from i jeorgetowu for koauir r mioltael orrieiv uou homo from toronto medical college uios vcllio williams is home from hamilton normal school lli mlwca lottie anil haul mown vuitetl relativea in on ilia mr curlou wllllamaof bault hte mario waa hare over tlio ivoliday uua mabel moftat la lioma from water loo county for uvo ivallday meaara jol n and j victor colainan v wiled frlen la at hoieur mm n k hardyof fleorgetowuvlilt f acton friends vest n i a mr uim mra wm hutlwui of rietor vlaltnl at the parental home mr ami mm cliaa w maaou ami miga eleanor of horlin vera herr wrp dr cray of bu tbomoa waa tha guwt of mlu manila moaalao ur ami mra t workman of rruwp- n v id ted at iba iareiilalbouto miua aunl harvey u homa si filiar inee onjoylug tlva etr holiday uloa jean rmltii of toronto u aneml log ilia wek at bar faihera bama ma kluialt lena of umfcliouw apent the weok end with frienda in towu mr and mra ilaorg j wajtaoe of wtjjt vljed tlte prulal hom mra tha fianghab and bob vulud friends in rrampton over i lie holiday mra uu ur of harvie uud r daogbur mra kj kytlr this wmii mr jaaia sujllh of aototi epwtt tlk luterholldoya with frutula in tluslpli mra a p boouand chlldreuaf rrauf- toe spent tuoajjy with attom relativea mu s turta ep it sevwal vuya lu toronto bux weak vljtlng frlsnila tlwra iv nevlu of londod spent vaur with blsdaujihur mra twrano luardiuarv mr j ifosrj of hw ontario vuud hlebrothar ur hj lloiard last wek mra ualcoltd uauoaik and miss mar gsrst vljted frlitda in halt over raster t us- uia j i willlsmoon and mua ii prio spent haste at their ooiulns at tor uuto uum lwrl baksr and vranrsa brlek nell wont home to toronto for kouer wask mr howard it- hojikiiu of unefoi was s gut at tha home of llr n r moor mr and mra kugeno hill of toronto or stsylng wltb mra tuttoa wuiow slreot mra lewis of toronto was bar on saturday visiting mr and mrs robert jlbbnao mr jack chapman was boou from toronto ii leave on a trip to winnipeg nest week mra w a stewart wnt to tha hop tsl lu uuelph oa tusajsy for treat meat for a eeupla of weeks mu margaiwt drown hss gun to toronto to take course at ou ol the busbies collages mr and mrs j uatjsii kswusuket spent the holidays with mrs rsbuliawsml other friend here mra alav dohbio from hamilton tpsnt lli ksster hellday with friends in liuvshouse and acton mr and ura wu hall and family pent easter at the luune of mr and mrs wm beott umebouse mr end mrs john wlulausoe of unr llngtou were guest of mr and mm d wihumsoti ouejitli streel mlsu modermld who had been vloltlug un john cumeroi and otiier frienda her returned home on saturday mrs areh mohabb who has spent uu winter with her daughter in hanillumv returned to aotou but week mls itulh nelsott eoeewpanwl by miss jsequellne ileettyi of markdale is eiend log eastertide at her fathers how here mr and un henry awrey of aotou wer guests of mr sud ur matthew lore- el the o a oheelph uereury mrs edwin uodjock of undou aoootnpanled her husband pte msddoek of the uxtdoa eatap oa s visit to acton frfend mrs cbss ifyiuk of fuumlen saab ami ura w logan craig of tlrsud vol ley were gnaau ude week of mrs u u c uiimui 11 a uu ul tho aniin il meotlni of untnrln i llmiry kuaw llitlnunl toronto llilu rri uu loprcminln liva of acton liin i u rn r j mru amu miuldoi k ulm uau ilkl homo fin n ltnglun nulugto tba incident uhlch mo bur futlicr imtniamcr m ilthawu urrived hern nu saturiluj ijonoral aymiuitliy will ih felt for mr lltev l 1 c wilimiu in tbo donth f ui ftbn loktueeb after fuomrof illn ltev niiil mra u jlau nltomlwl ilia fiiuui il nu txliicblaj mnttsrn john cole und robt soolt uint tn lomnto uu sstumlay mvd uctnwiiilid mr joorno statham homo from the bos pllul hu bnt improvml conhldcmhly il 11 ring ibo wouk mr lohn kitcblug u hora ou food trldny ho is removing from llurlluulfl 1 to wiitonlnwn wdoro hanud bin son mcrvfu tire golnir ijito parlnernhlp in hardwnro und iinilertaklng mr ituliert hymlu of lllonwilllums oon of luovo hymlu biuouliatotl willilbrtjuth iluttullun dund nt toronto mid will pro coed with thomcoiid continent lo i- iijjland hewuabera on tloml friduy vldtlug bis purcntn und othor irieiulf mr mil mm wm hiiydur hon 1 mr jj 1 snydor mourroal 1 mloa iter 1 suydor toronto 1 mr juorge hoydor and ami uruiiiplon 1 mr nud mr xv l prick tin i mra salmon toronto wcro bora on dond krlday ultoudlng tlio funerul of hwj luto llobart suydi r g9 lllljtg3tgcg3cs3cg3tllclcltglttpllilts fis let us do our part in m i your house cleaning 1 rm knox guild debaters tie in tho debato onthoncuti united statos in tho war in knox church last week tholjulldul kiiok lhurtli wnu groctod by n larkn iiltomlmiii ut llio ilcbuto on wmiiicmi i ctliiiniruf i it week much iutorcbt wiih ttilou lu tho live uulijoot under iul 4kiou tltowubjocl houilvod tliut tlie lnllul htaleu is jut tilled in reuiulniug neuirul in tbo prouout uar w w dcfomlwl ij mr w t hamiwlilro kootch lllock nntl mr john colo i while tbo negative waa bukcu to hy mcniiru a j mackinnou und b i inuutn tbo hjkialirg wus good und evidenced much roudlng careful thought nud apvnr ontly nut nltojotlior for ilalaitlug purumaa but ua ordinary mattora of courw it ii tu tlvocrotlit of our educational ndvanlugeo that men of any uvooallnn tavn ttaay faallillcn ftirim roving ihomuclvcu nml tin irovingotboix mr hnmpulilron mldreuu wan cnlcllout and uobalily in ibo opinion of uiuny loll little tu he uuld mr maoklnunn trmnwl tbo trend of nations bines tho tiuto af tlio roman emplro and showed that tlio out oomo bna ihjou tuo main irinclilou free dom for tba inaaanu aiul tbo nlwoliitlmn of ruleiv tho latter has been adcill by germany and in trying to foroa ll on the worbl ought to bo opjiomhl liy 1 11 other natlona if not treaty hound the unit btatcu is at leatt morally bound mr tilo took up the monroe doctrine cliiihiiijt that tlia american prlnciplo of no luropeau ayuroaloii on this oon tin out ooul i bunlly ito connintontly met by american inlerfer enao on tha oilier mr faonrd u iutdrvu aaa i rlaf i at 1 rutlcd uiih thrusts of com man uiiuauirggitonuatthougb lieclainvoil uureurvulnow mr hampshire nuinnuwl up and put on the rouslna vigorously reading ambaasi dor llryoe s opinion ami liaudlng thocfialr man ibo tout of the haajuo convention claiming il to be of more vatuo than tlie ofdjiiona of bin opponent rev mr u 1 1 son und meaara m irtay uodouukl and v a mclean tl udgia retlnul lor a few inlnutau ami rctumctl evldentlv ghid tlu uaro not lu lraliunt wilson a vlsco far tl key lu i to ojll it a draw tlwro vraro ut many good iuluta and so much involved tliat mr wluon humomajy rvmarlieil that if uh s good brain food thacpoakera might bavo imou din lug on whahtf during tle evening mr wlldguit ooiig a patrlotlo tame and mr cockburn gave a piano nuislur while ut the opaulng jurt bfor prayer tlia audience joined in olug- tha beautiful byua of prayer for peaes frooi the hymnal mr dun ultchlaocodplad th chair and timed th apwiksro i grand trunk 1vv rmumlu tasaor all vasu wav torontochicago torontomontreall van ohicago lmav vesbta u b 43 bvba kttd 1l4s tb tuuy rofct mowtstk al lenv iaevebtd oao isbs 8jj0 kks and tlod bitoi dally suontli roaillwl higheax class of equipment pull particulars auj berth reservations at grand trunk ticket offices ho holnes agent phojnw no i h hi a it m u auaua d a aanan kwbi muh h ckanucwaiie tinware 1 ay attohvb kmioiis sjstauffer will supply ai iifamlti at tbo to towing tttw ijiil waiti tv with wrltiaer lit laclimenl a and bird cuae bii in wimli llollcrt ilho l oraull wlr piu lie and rc ownll iliddlok dlallm 10 is uollc 9 iurt pahm jllllaimd alwoitlml q co6r lot b aralern 3 in i lc 9 tlu water tll ql far ttc fl olv1 4lt for 3gc b mull punt 1 4 al for o j clrutllui haute lvim k ac h araulhltlcaorullliuollurtmc ti 1arltox dunluui mom tno nil ri turlwia iloor iollaliar uu ulh ei simiul h tutlxu uustlau dual cloth itsc b trlkui haudl duitlna uiulr h a jmk b repairing uoltluiy dona kttovtia rt removed ltii cleaned and put h s sjstaufier bouttoatlt old pom umm mill et acton m aancki u oaauoa we can help you in two waiys first we can help you to make a success of your decorations our m un wnru tf lxpcrluntu iii tlu nrt t dnnnilhig und rciinvnling u iii w vitlu tblu tn jtu in agisting yu lo nlilnlii lliu lu1 1 pomlllu ruhiiltf our i inpiknt mi n uro rnpnlili of itiristluk tn vmi tho bcht ldniblnii- ilon of if lor nnd ulv lu niul tho ihomi onlliitill di nlur for ilm nu shape uml liuitlng i ynnr rntinia our larijo ifuntu ptiriilslilng li i irtuiont u luljncont tn our pnclnnn wnllpnpnr storo pnjwr hangings for llio unlla ilnipurli rugx utc muj 1 1 liu uhimpi in liiiruionimia cnnililnnlinu vnrdmi ulfcclh uiny imi vvuru- id 1111 in yarn 1 1 ro wiii co mid jmi into u uuro mhiihiii hint llio final rouult will iwt pknnliig mid tmtlnfylitg slconii wc can assist you to economize in buying the new home furiilshlnt you need ixtonulvo purctinites of hrunil n ortiiiuiln cuublo un to nbtnlii tlio low i poualblu prkeu tud 1cniiio wo pny tho lonal wt tlinrgo uiv lenut i licrcfovi lu cnmpnrlng iirlcca mid value i for a certain valuo with nu y u pay tlio lowcitt price or for a certiiln price you rjbtulti llio liihuiit vuluc our prices in ifoiibo iurjilulilnjt too nre linnilvnliced tiv wnr coiidftlonu oitr ontoru wuro fluccd eurlj enough tu uvolil incrt4ti in loi t cmmctl by tllu mnrcltv of mlpplku imrllcurarly in woollui nrnu tho tilfllcultkh nf manufacture and trjiucportntluti wm tnxex ailvmiilil tiiiljl i itc li 1iuv now lii now wliilu mu tun oltur you tliti uw imillii llicy uti tuliiia tliutuu mliuul uuiu rc l il d e macdonald bros lind ouelphs leading and largest store cor wyndham and mncjontll streets ouelph ool atents ipromptly secured hauion ft hahion rtltystcejstcjtlwnro- eggs for hatching wo are n w liooklng nrdent far urgu lor lintchhig from 3 good punn of iho following liioraugtibred totk 1 m c nhedalmlnudlledts hllvk0tm- tolna hfmkltnh lrnellldlncuainhuu- hev duoba pgghfrnm each nf tho above e00 ktkrtling a ftv trine nf runner iillm f r wilo at too mr trio c boittmi cw aotoh h stevens mill nnd walllnstten ut robt noble ltd flour und feed the tuodiug muuon is nlniout bvro and are ready with u full line keeda of red clnvor aislle mamoutli alfalfa timothy mungk bugur utol tumijia vot ami flower secdu all govurnnunt teftud wwda j l warren millinery vour 1 iut rnntiet s uaally chosen from tha many gtylva in tsgul baru ysfd belgian aud leghorn itrows w have choice shspei in all of thee miss u cooper iueel ttlok hill jutns 0ialt oeee yvoh yke i hal ww af hh at wat uu ajaiat w pial il w aj u j low fares j j fo westeun canada i e good going every tuesday e front march to october vwohohvasmhasyuhhlimbv j 126000 free homes oamauiam j nokkthmuh hjmlway p ver lltwsturs sud x twuhttr i uis ujiv uatmachal rjuusunoath dat oe kltur alt fetu yesroato c c speight for uptodate goods sllvrweure fat tbiwaure tftfits vairitv also rin cutlyy hsurdwsur tlnwaura end orsui ltiwaire irs veurleily pentdorss stoves euuf reintfeie feutloua hassatemh sittttll stovem oliadoveva every article is ol excep tional value c c speight mill sir aetna actons electric chopping mill da open every day i he fitontc larmcrs chopping mill in now open ev ry no lonn waits or diaappointmcnto chopping and rolhnir both tamifnctorii done b f caldwell acton ont proprietor qsultsl authorised ibjc osplui paid un umojbdo uirelus lecvoc0 use the bank 1 here is nlwnjj a icmptition to spend tlu nmnc in jour pocket hot the habit of depositing the un ill hurpluf amounts instead of cirr itij them ahout our havlnjrot depeuhteteht helttoi you tiv georgetown branch w h ukr yaaaia birik of hamilton i i i 5 k e d ib7 morris saxe this week mens choice suim twecdu jntl wortitcds at uaincoatu worth 5 00 tor 24 mens pintu ttrire and worsted 179 corduroy pantu ll overalls 0c and so spring underwear mitt 33 i j bo9 suits ih9 special lines of oilcloth 2 yd and 1 1 2 yiit vlde at pet yard 41 carpets ti 7u skxe the brlck store opposite hew pojjtoffica its like this il always pays to hevo your bulls made to oidsr as aalde from the fait unit vou cau select the cloth twtore the suit is mode lip you sfcuru un individuality in the cut that is impossible to fin- curv in a ready mail suit at our prices of huuliiffe you receive ilia result nf the best efforts of skilled tailors an excellent quality nf mulurlul nud a perfect fit vou will mako ro mint alio by hav i uk us mako your suits bee the new suitings 1 am showing to day h e nelson 7 he merchants bank op canada bumuuisj 1b44 h sautam la cmaa thri ft ie rirlitly described an eco- noinicul manaiumciit auhrewd bubineua man is epoken or as thrifty be- cnuuu ho uavoa perhaps only a dollar at u time perhaps more but tha real secret ol his success lies in tho principle of saving ono dollar will start an ac count with this bank all local cheques cashed at par acton branch f a muclean manager