Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 15, 1915, p. 4

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ffiljt jlrfnrt yxtt press riiuitma aiiul 11 iii the oldfayilloned pnesemts i tha uuim of my a criti au whan tlio 1 il wamndd- d to tliu yoars proy luiniimi of tli hudhliy tiutorttilhinautoouriiti thara woro nntvi tulitjilvlutr to hi wuy in which lie would ik wolomiwxl the mlulvinuh hnd lint immii wholly put la rout whatt th- luiuloal whatt fond reool loot ions prafent them to evening came view 1 mr fhiikil ho wo met uw pianist ml tlte the old rubber doll wllli the whistling imuilon and solemnly drove urn ui the lillly mnul to tlie inn where lis wu to 1 in i radio whe ktoiiumli hldoh wiui muoij new the hand painted aled and uietuenti cent jaosnlfo the animal lock nnd rim iii hi tin train ljlotilit joy to our hoirtm that wturuiitd la rupture a joy that wo ixjvor mill uut thiouuh hghln tim iltio juikitli jan it ami the model pll a tliat pulled with ilia luinphi driver tli hose cart andenuli n string 1 lntern the drum which wj fnllier would i urtt uie first tlilnif ofcours nowadays they would wtntwul of foal 1th the tlilnjpi that old bantu bro unlit wheti w wn small uut wlwn you consider tlio joy that tiny bva in the old fashioned luromiiu uero hoit after nil ksumaioo tlaietle carlot c it was assuredly en eveut in th utile western town tho arrival of the author of the tnotvuleiy discussed novel of tho day and it was marjory aliens privilege to call th greet woman cousin it we all quit inloslcallhjf 1 hub mar- joy mally did try to keep treat seyltttf cousin margaret ton frorjuenuy heforo the other blru aud otberwud alia si merely desired to live up to their dlaungulebed visitor lvrhape it u not reuuuk able when to uw dullhguleh between being ends lag that h girl of saveotaert should try to wake a good impnaalod marjorl wu vory proud of iter fuiuip with th t- valud attd dkuaud chulotu hoardoiatl bhaaaoouhivauj coiln ilirftamt h hoaaud to hw ftoualtl vou will p- prilau carlau bh fcjiwvonwj jui lknullfully atwl ah rad tuar t i guaad h nad hout vryuiltf wu raadlbtf ami aha talk so wall l it did lojod aptu- that curfctu wu ulk ltfloat too ually w girl of thjhtaad hut wltli mr eorret a6nt pair faotad abroad and wltli avldaiit atuntloa to aduoeuthm tha oultur boadwlrad ty uarjorla ixaa to ahow itajf in a efadit- ahu faullurity with topic of llurary la ufaat lupaftulty tlld llarkiru ajwlra today luahill wlthwhkh cktloua uoosht tha eodvwibiuod rouoj to th faiaoua hook aad u ot la ha haatly wonlad iiuu uiholo oodala uitgitwt who ika4 hid much of that aort of thlajf to aduraura it with fcrallotia patlartfi whartquaauonahodt thaqtialataiul foroaftil tltia of ha hook aha rplud fcoowwltat htuhy that it otti frou th ulu iodd r aald ouiotu with krasjul iblaw uay i aik jul wha f tit aqthotfaaa poajuy hoplag lo aaoap frou tha oaavwteuloa roa and uklatf a ulhu frou th uhu opaoad it ufort th two girl uyiaft vou will flod it tha curloua uaod haatlly at th p than aulud dfsfltully up at th lady uyia tu rfilmtlt of ivul th apoatu to th phlupplaa kov latatiarf to koowlt tu epul to th pfallippliua paatad couaio uargarm paualag with dw latanat it oartalnly would b luutaat latlf to kbow that- ibt soleg to rad th aputl lunaadl auly aald ckrlotu iuly ah wwt 6d with aajsglajf uodaaty 1u rathwr irf- bofaat about th biu vou a thn ih ao hjaay thlbga ot ttoc had tv uotldad th duunffuuhj udy ipuh thohtfully that ywiof paupla how do not appraouu th oppohualtu for hi vjitltuiv in that woiarhahl old hook mow i woodar ah aakad auddadly if you 0 uaijofu could tura without haalu tlod to th hook of haaaltuh for la- atatumf tm quit mrv uld carlotta ulokty that it laat lit th mow tuauuaal vou ar quit right aald ootuia uar- feairat jravaly it 1m1 la th nw tm uamal ttaa uaijorl wiui had haan look 04- at thaaplauawllh vddanlfa ohmka turood haatily to oonauh th iut la tha frost of tubihl why ham laut ay hau- klah la th01d faumatib althar aad thla waa th bsfllaiilri of doubt la liar jorua wlod od fortuiutoly la car- idtua ajao of th ttawat aoundoaai aud all roduduaaa of ckrlotta cdltura castor i a iw ukkbul cuutm in uaa tkm 30 yaws uy tlwr a rood many of ua to whom a eouoert u a kind of vanturo aald mr homo a thay mwrod tha inn 1 huttharoa two or throa famllian thatll apihroolata you ifyoudoyour hut there th la na ffirn lfattl awl mattle tliftt haa been in tha choir for morau thirty yean and uutraa tlta llow ker family io tha llowkeraalnif or play tiwulrl tliaitiualnirtn with a much irravlty aa lu could bring tn hoar an tho auhjeot lloth bald mr howe proudly i dotit aupoaa thht any wualo wrltun thuy cant alujf nolo or ohorua ami i roolon thnyiaonly to put their haada to an infatrumantto brlntfoutalltharotalnlt kuvo tlioy many uatrumatita v aakad ha muiolan feebly u in aald ur how all kluda iv ikaad there to a social wltan bja uuwkor wouhl 4ay ut maldotlaom l itowkar th hut pule tu ourlnai huau tlt unlo and ouu ut hartuonlc bottoartad 1 and aftar playing a plaoa or two uut way lhaym ehanjpg off huid take tha bar raualoa u ltowkar tha huu th clar inai tldla th malodaon and uaa th banjo ami if youd ahut your aya youd tuwar know th dlsaraiioa thatu wliat i call talaot aud thayvo vry on of r got a ticket for tonight aiwlumam hjuo you h truatad with a aaorat t ha ukad tha woman draw haraalf up proadly vou hav known u for udyaara hvo you r alia rapllail v ihiyou know hnw au i ana fbiu- dalphla inqulrar dont give eontlitfffloa k ohahoe u oh fmbu m vwr ifthm cwk uh mnt tlft k trnu dr woods norway pine syrup a cold if lualoctcd will toon w laua- davlop into aotu tort of lam brothle co would adi you tliat oa th brat tigu of a cold or cough you if ru of it i 1or thu purpoa wa huow tj bothiris- hatter thou iv woodfl howay fiiu syrup ttua ppajauod hi hitu ou tha market for th patt twedtyflva ywira aud thow who hav tifabd it hava bouilna but worda of prahw for its ttcaxy lira ii n gui tvtird wb wriua lt jnuary 1013 i uvvioprj aa awftd eold and it hung ou to to for ta imm t waj afraid it would tuni lob conaumptloi i would go to bd tdhbc and could not gt any iwp at ail for thai chokloa feelltia it wy utraat aud hut ftaj aooutlmaa v would couch till i would hum black la tha faf a fritnj cmm to tie toe and told fata of you tmttdyiv wood norway haqrrua v tot a bottla of it and af tt 1 had ufud it i eould ac a tfrat chani fo- thahattsc ao it trot another aud whcti i had tahad th two botuct my coub was au goa aad i haw tuwr had an attack tj it aw and that la bow a yar ao iv wooda norway hhn flrrtij b ptit up irt yllow wrapimf thra pte b th trad ittork and prw uc aad uk it h manutuctukd only by tha lluhura co lituiud forotita ctet hlhdicarrao a otta armad rafarea bad oluuga of afoot- hall uatoli up north a vial tor fuud tha bill and a ory of koul t raauiuil th rafafoa however ignorad tha ory and tha match proomdad arrah t yallad a plmaed irlihmaa la tha crowd lav hua in bhoya how ban tha poor davll aaa ivarylhlug wld only edaarruittt amixycov tliatboohy uudaa uutfat kuajag ua hut ulgbt and lhau quit but ha aaya you aoratohed hi faoa buekaoad lilt aya and aubbod hliu with a batplil wall a girl has to put up a uttl maid- idly rautanoa jbst uki motttm ihd your playuat anjoy bar vliitt aald a mothar to bar small daughter who bad juat hidden adieu to a littlo friend why ye mothar 1 i think aha did rapllad tho ahlld x called liar my dear vty often lu that draaay ton you uae whan you hava ooupajiy hmwavovsayitfdtt a judgv in romandlnff a criminal oallad hint a aooundrah th prlaoaar ntllad fllr i ata not an big a aooaadral an your if ottor hara tha fwlprli stopped imt fin ally addad ukaaika to ba put your word loaar together aald baomtri tw tfclapunuhawoodarfuliwww urn aantbahayoai feel hot w old happy or maroaa at wlll that nothlbg- uw bo oaa oar jattl iorcmiiadhw cbrlar the toast or the quest th ouasow waakly mail pubuahti th followiug varhaufdfaportof thaohalrnuaa cpaacb to th qaaaa at a tvoadt agrkul turalaliow dinner in soot land it glva os canny bootchwaaa opinion of tha worth of quoen victoria aa a woman now gadtumm aald th chairman willy a all your gtaaana for im about to bring- forrtt th qoaaa our quoad gwithnnao la raally a woadarfii womaa if x may tay it 1 ahva ana o th gld auld sort na whlgmaluria or faldandj about br hut a dooo daoaat lady buetaapacuhuhajoada doot 8h haa hfoebt up a rmiid auilyo wall faurad and l bar auldoat aod haiug a aradie to ooy ullhar and thayr a wa warrlad ana daughtar la iuui ia than uanrlad to th dak o argyll aod aad hair oauuomtt yll uayba ao baltav it but lanoaaawthaqueaa i did it whan x took my anil broott uo co ivtl bhow i raaumhar liar wl aucb color auoh bulr m lutarrtipuoil and erla of la it tha coo or tha quaau yr propoa in lii quoen gantletneu i bag your iwrdon hut i waa talking about th coo liowr aa to th quaan aomahody iolittad bar cot to ma at ivuth atatlon and tbara ah waa aniart aud tidy ilka and aaya x to myaalf jla my auld woman at liama allp awayo uaadna remain a widow anothar hour ungor moo gntlaman the quaan 1 the educatioh dp ababkixa mr- lo llftl i bo mliriiuliry from tha work tithla at bnr fclda mui imjf m ntlt chilly ut m iftiitr lino utrlp of linn 1 with ilalitly llittr tin you hiiiiw hi 10 mtld holilliif it u for oloaer liihimmtlon do jou know kdwln that arubolln look ulmply lovely inw11la ur fyoit wamiwdaeid wluorbod in hh nditorlal tlutt u merely utturoil a oauual dlaltitetvalod indeed t voa want on arahalua mother lr enthualaam fult uiupianehml by laok of ayntmthy him looks lika an angel in whit really 1 v cant help thinking how lovely alia will h whan uha kraduatea im planning iter u rowh tint will ha a dream 1 frllla and liimrtlou and all dono by huttd of oourao it will lie a pity to lilde it wlieii alio weara her nap awl gown but it munt ahow underneath a littla aiwl mr lyon now tiiorouhiy urouhml uu ajjdahla ncwpaper if youra talking alout aralielht going to oollega h aald grimly you might as wall gha it up ut ono x hall naver jflv toy ramant prm i liav always said umhiodauli ter of minaahould gotooollago mwl i aoa reason now why i should cluing my mind rut kdwln ploadad hla wlfo you know how disappointed i waa whan 1 couldnt go it was your greaiaat charm for ma gallantly interrupted mr lyon and i liava alwaya triad so hard to eatcli up with uia outr glrla want on lira tyoo unhdngl t1 lltarary bluha lv halottgad to and the ueturaa iv attartdad th on blot on your otherwise t- faotloii ur lyon again not so wisely uila tlma hut hla wif kept auadlly to har tbata anil tut foravar drivan with u faar utat i wont know thing and hd isa not golajf to liav arahalu lib that aad shaa going to collage 1 mot if i hav any infloaaoa with har i said arahal father attd h clutched hu tapr ao hndy that it ahaolutely rallied fjlvabereilth prauy frilly frooka you want to but dont dont put har in com- patjuod with uad let bar hav th faoj ulna doroeat id vlrtuea now auwin thats bodaaaa atd you know it la i anawared ur lyon with huts much amphuu buay i- waat tooullagd and aha married a poor mad and bar honaakaephigj faultlaa sad a for loa uauedy who didnt go wall aha bavar knew anything asd nvr will why aha doaaat vu kaap arnolda aok darned i it- all th woman harealf 1 col lag doamdt taiw a bit bf jioatartoa vvj all gu to say bagd ur lyoo halfrijnrf in hla anolteaodt a bat hii word of eloquetit wuion wilt bene h knowti for a tuapy yl vi yilag cry caaa front fallhor dowd th paaaagd tharwa arahalu now r aid ura lyoa gatuttg up to lav ut room i ktiew youd wadi harl vou always do wheb you gt so esclud har voloo trail ad rapioaohfully dowu to ut nursery and la a bioniit uora aha tataa hack with a hllakliif rosy baby ouddlod tight in arm for arabella was juat sight iwotn ha old and tha united aga of ur part amouatad poaalhly to fllty yaara than aomathlng of lit absurdity of their argumaat fla sited acroe lira lyons whim aloal mind and arabella not a year old 1 ara t w ellliea alia drmandad arabella crowed loudly la ahawe as her mother parted out th frllla of ur whila lltli nighty navar mlud that was a ral eoluaf yell wasdt it daughter f ur lyoo unshed and raturuad to hla paper wll 111 hav to agra with you id oo uilujf heal h said a h gaaed at ihafatlliuahaaaofocauduou arabalu earialaly do look cot king la whit 1 jpbflleflpl i ujjklbu boinos tliero ih no um in nuaaln wmii thlngu am irolng wrong for haying thlngu mid fussing wont bring good luck along if fortune treats you meanly youll find that it will pay to go around mmnly ami kihiia tlut good old way thera iu no uua d repining if you have got an uphui uira i ihi us whining ax tliougli your hoart would bronk its lut to fit mid suffar our lltllspuin antl grlw 1 your luob might im liiuoli too g 1 1 1 thmi it lw aver lu hometimaw thagwlxoorroi tou nud ffyou glva no screech your neighbor will m spect you ami uy that ynuro u peoeli tlier la no us in ranting 1 thn quiet man la heat 1 thai mouth u moot enchanting which oltan take a rout dtmt do s silent ui inking while logging on your uay 1 so many tongues are clinking ami clanking all tha day walt mason failure bus an oduoatlvo value ihougli it u a very coatly tonclwir hav charles in wood hopa is uka tlio sun it is brightest aftar a dark day a man is a fool whoa plans sll ami uils sld of eternity bad blood it tw ctusa el btlu tsl phajbt wan lulb of ljaitj slut to tank out ou your fuo or body you tmv rwt wind uut th blood uuvx bahm tt ud uut mora you out irt ttiol tt s w neowutry for you to purify u by miiut mod twt luil ia tlaurtf t uumotkbloojnitbrtubloojwrf- hlafttnety ooauutkubhaaautf irt lor the nut drtrwn oao tut u knowu 1 rota out cudoftb eoubby to tla ouur u tbl but blood buruw intfcuoiu itrtmboai 1 otiar dlhum umm rroa md uood boils cuuo mr akw b couuw juw osok mua or yvnu la did not ium ht it m to b ifj bufdotk mood mouacunbt otto boyor yufctf out ud btt foot and tuck brmk out irupfavbu ho trud amnd uod of badldu witk ls hi old fisblflim nrtiig ud 6rf fhig iutlta tff pills li lit ifrit iy vuil uubuma xauuraf ohus fetorf unlock tha kccrctlotu cbasr away ab waaba and ttfabs btatw frocd th iiis and guti toda and vitality to tha whold utcatlxiai tnsct thty do thla by acthut directly ss tfal livrr aud toimklttjt tha uka ug froscll tha bowald hutjcad of kuoww u to ga4 uh th blood aud thus causta pathid laundlca caturli of tka rtl iii and alnauiur troubles ifr1lm katajlimttjloc writes having beta tniausl iar yaara with ccaisupatiocl aad trylni miatf llhrcnt ktticdias vhicfa dh u om whakvw i was aakad to by ulttan uwuvrf ihlht i wvw fms4 twasl rdot uttaatkt fo thty am udotel pleadld plnx and 1 d gmv waw- tnedd thaw oil iwopis arbo fentfei fraai cohaurmtlott alllbuma lautsvvjf mtfai art 9d a viol s vula for i w at all druggbfa or dealcril e waikd unbct od ript cat pice by thd t uiihttral col unm torouto odt- nerves were bad na whu tsww u tw oavii ud whal tha bcrvc bcot shaky tha whola sjrttcql aocntt to haoonl unstrung and a tntral ruling of couapa occurs ft tha heart works in sympathy with thai wave urtwtdwytfahllowlaijoot writ i x doctored for a year for toy hrt hod berved with thro didcreat dociori but thy did ho sccri to know what was thai waiter with b uy awrvwi got fed bad at last that x could not hold a bper hi my hands to reed that way thay tieoihlrd x fen up docfcviaf tbioiiny x could uot get batter a lady firing m fa doors frocd tn d- vlaed tad to by g bai of atuourda ifetft and horvd tnlk so to baaam hr x did ad i fed thaauvf ul today to doing ao for i aaa krvg and doing toy bant work wiuouhlpt ullburas hart ftbd karw mlhl ard 80 cmts prr box 9 boies for 11 3d at all drusiuts or ilcdurs rf maiiad direct od reoript of prlca by tha t uuburat cd xjmlted toronto odt left ove fab tim nrjro fhkiolimnn tif n hniilhein hon ulor whti nttendu tha lplwxiiwl nhurrii ufloriiu luvitntlmi from uiakoimloru wlfi veiil into nliuroh him hundity monilng in suuid of tiluylng nuulda how did you ilka tlio saivlon jlnti klia asked afterward not much mlsaln dim replied tliataln nocliiiroh fob m ley wasto ton tuioh tinva rwulin th minute oh th irariouy maetln uie whon i carefully examined dm tlm iliymlelun brought ill for rcuii tfermatt cobbler hamlail tint tt say iitgt i torn kiiocu nlnt worth mending hoc vory wall liana mid tlwi doctor j then of egurua i wont havo anything dona to tlmm veil hut i hlutrg you filly cents at reiuly yet why what fort vy wlian 1 comu to m you ilr udder day you khurgod ma throo doll urn fur lei hug nvo dot der aint noiulinjr tltr matuir mit ma mssiri hero is h man ntflu dnor with a parcol for you whatlltlridgt ilae akli maam and its marked hj o ir tlian make tlm man uk it straight back to ilia dealer i onlarad uoul kansas city hur nervous lady lashjgrtodek hand havo you avar saeti any wotre waallter tlian uila uuur hailor t leckhamli tuka a word from an old sail mum 1 ut wealhera ttevar very hail wlill ttiaraa any females ou tlaok a makln iteoqulriaa about il rsck m up 1i old uantlemans wlfa waa got hug into a carriage ami ha imguctad to aajsl bar vou at- uot so gallant john as whu was a gal aha exclaimed in geatl huka ar no was tha raaily rpoowaj you ar not u luo ant as wbaa i was s boy t tit ulu hacv hetahtoat tha ahifablahop of canterbury a a grat auampucf a ready wit according to th ivuiflndar if was gojtuc with a humher of cwtfytaan in to a luncheon after aom aocle4atioal function on day vheo aom dignitary ohtarvnd 1 now to put a uulu n our appatiua quick as llghtuing uta archbidiop ra- tortad say rather now to put a ut between our ueui th llt tlut brings luluf wu aftar on has partaken of a maal h la op wwed by fealloga of fulosea aad palna lu lli atofrtach h suffers from dyapapiia which will petslat if it lw not daalt with 1armeuas vagaubu iiiu era tha very baatuedlolna thai can h taian to bring relief theuplluajraapaclaltyoompouad d to deal with dyapepau aud uair atsr- llimqualltlas in this iwpeot oan b vouch ad for by legion of usafa th surest way to uav bapploa behind u to run aftar it ivala do what you can do wall and do wu whauver you do do wlllum j hurt- achar aftar th sorrow of tlia abblng tkla ui aurging flood returns in lay at but c thaster uu was a hravff solblta a youutf canadian want to london list winter and was making a christmas call upod a vnty pretty young woman whom ha had mat for tha flras tlm ho you bvrelndr lu cunadst ask j ad tha young lady no uarilog- ho answered at this uason it alwaya anowa countlaas liavo bean thoouroe worked by hollowaya corn cur it hi a power of town not found in other prapayauon children ory ran rutchers ca3toria vahiiv arvaih fupaud uui thra children war to rivd mothar mrthday gift th youngest boy waa choeaa to uako th twaaodutioii iddreaa ho prepared it very oarefully aud thus delivered it in du season dear mamma this glib la preaeuud to you y your jim ehlklran ami your on ttuahand two ufall rowmm dhildrea ory roh hetchers castoria how hit kwkw vaa air uld the chlcajioan ive coma to tha conclusion that i amount to something after alb liter liave boat urn when i was dluaeed to balla that i was a tuarw cipher lu th world but lean never have ao entail au opinion of myself sjfalii what ha oauaed this tvuddau clung h your eaunutloo of yourself p i have juafc beaa talk lag to a mail who wants my vote uw it wuks when doe a man haoom a ae atrwaar when h hem aud law no whoa h threads his way v no when he rips and tear v no olvelttip never if he cau help il nobody ought to talk about anyudng ik tloeant thoroughly understand ob i dont know replied tha cheery clused nobody uuderatande anacuy what u weather la or how it is projuoad abdyet w all iay talking about it washing ton biar worm a children if they h not alund ed to caua cddvulatona and oilaa death uther jrav worm atxurmlaitor will protect th childbed froes usm distreaurlg amltioas doctors did wot help her but lydi el pftxrjawasj v etiufl crtpounj itgegwarl mi bruilcy hl- her own stieniil at tm aliinhaiu ur xutanloeutor if a baby swallowed a key what would you call itv i dont know mr bona what would you call ity a key in a talitor ur llaker will now oblige with a reel utlon entitled ragtime rag make paper lmpar makes mouey money make hanks thinks make loan loan make poverty loverty wakes rega two stranger walked to a oartaln vll lag and caltad at the beareat publl sl puiurly them a iloeabv and a consumption takes hundreds of people humlreda of people attocuiab to cou- autuplloti every day ilcisiico luovcs that the rrcrnis only thrive wli tlieayautulswealeiihl from coble or sickness overwork con fining du lienerel ucakucu ku the bret phyeklaua rvolnt out that during ehaiiunigimtaaoiii t blood aliould b uuutti rich antl pur and octio ly lul- nwttoottehmulriosafurbieau tfirl hver oil l bcotta m wan the hfttlyhyeurkhlnjitbebloo1 itpeculurh wlonlpeer canada etard years ago i went to th vktoru hoaplul uofltrajmfterinjfwltharpvwtb the doctors aald it was a tumor aad could not be reoioved u it would csila itutatat tuath thyfouwlthatmyorgafiswvre affected and aald i could not live more thaaalkhwthjinuweofiditiodlwasu afurleajn homaxaawyouf idver- thwtueak id tha paper and eofahanced uvintf lydu k hnkhitdd vefeubu codipund itookueodsubtlyfutwo years oaj feuli take it at time and both tay buaband and myself eubd that it wu that mean of saving- bay life i highly kdcohhiend it to sufferta worned ure oailul bgadlgy u4 jc4iusohavowlnnlpauanltobigch why will women tako chance or drijg out a sickly half hartinlktsuwmu- big threefourtha of tha joy of livltv whatt thay can find health u lydu fcl hnkhtoje vegu- hla contpodnd t for thirty years it hu been the btan- thud remedy for f e- mal ii la and has iv- storl tha health of thouaanue of uotnati who have boon trou bled with stub all menu as dupiacemehtd irulammeuoh uwrauon tumore irragularitl etc if you mutt hbnelal ailvle writ to iydl k ilukhruii ikcd- idlrte co otmrljciitlul lywii mihd vourultervllilmiophtul v and auewrrd hy wotusut usel hmui la strict wmr4jb6tt coloaib wlmtilk two colored urtore were ilimuielag uw war as they waited for a train to pull out of the oakland mole uati aald th drat maui uerwaiiy submarooftj la hholy gwlua to ulnl de j llrltui navy vas airee ileya iholy uwfae to aplod deu naval lusts date 1 waltlncutyonda i flho r aakl iorur no i awl wliata twine ur hsfhon deni why tletri oermany sulunaroons ll com right on eroas de oooan un aplodc de rest ob lie naval imisu oh da world lutn wlislll hapiou ilon well looby head lawge alut yo an me itelur deou ouuiiboivah a ooujjo o hooi nootral unotrslltlea v man said uawge o all kin l nootrallty if yo want to ahui a oar- eun children cry for fletchers castor i a the iclnd you kfavn always llonglri nntl wlilch imw ixxiii lu feiso for over sio yiiuu liuu bumo tlio blirnutum uf rjff lu iwcn lniula untlor iilu cr- jyja5yy boniil mipckvlalun idnca lt infaricy trjzaztad4 allow iio uo totlccclvfs you in tlil all counterfeits kraltatlonh ami yhmtaafrood am but lilmpcrlmcntsi that tklllu with nail tjaduniror tlio xicalth of luiauu aud children kxpoheaco offalubt klxpcrlaxeiit what is castoria cetuuoria la a harmless aabstltute of cantor oil kva rorlo xropsi nntl boothlinn riyrtijr it lu plcusuint ao nor btlicr 00 it destroys or than thirty lipatlou lap myrtips it lu plcujinnt it contains neither opium- morphine riot utlier narootla uurautee it destroys ifar more than thirty y itlp aabstance its auo l it fxuurautce it destroy a worag nod uliayh arveruhucsg ifor more than thirty years it dms hcen lu oonetaut uo for tlio relief of couatlnatlou ulatulrncy wind colic all tec oil 11 if trouble aud alarrhooa it recrulatos the titomuch and itowclg tuialmllath tho food b htaltliy mid nutnral feleei tbo culldrnb ittnttcoa tuo mothers xvleud genuine castoria always bears the signature of mu in use for over 30 years tha kind you have alwaya bought niriaitifiiihiu if vou feel bilious hesdaihy avl irritahu for thats m algn your liver la cot of order year food is notdlgeauntr it ataye in theitotnmeha sour fermented mass powiiiig the ayateni just take m doae of chmrnberlajrts btonutch and uver tatuu they make the liver do its workthy cleaned and s4tlwkuaksimlltlwk4jjewltasy ywu owheruld atleiicu ca toria 14 chamberlains tablets farmer john and the telephone v would never ue a telephone fanner john had njild when betng pretied to put one in tt will jut be uaed for the women folks to bottjp atkl now that the tetepaosie hu been tit a abort time it mokes aunt mary smile to se3 how tfhrtaer john runt to use it a dozen times a day he in surely getting his moneys worth he gats prlcea dally from the nearest market on all irjndj of produce and tells only when the market its right he make no more useless trips to town to replace broken machine parti but finds out first efcarji the dealer whether the part he wants u in ecadk in a hundred ways the telephone is savin time and labor for parmer john blest if i ever thought it could bt of to tsatsbh use to me he says i could ttevef da wkbout the telephone now the telephone can help you just u it hu belpcxl parmer john comult our local manager hoitf 1 teeaa afaff twphos imtp ihitanc suiihh sne bell telephone go children ory ror rietchers castoria bores heal quickly have you a persia tent sore that refuses to beajt than try dr thonus koloatrlo oil in the dressing it wljl atop sloughing- carry away the proud seab draw out the pus and prepare a clean way for the new akin it is the re cognised healer among oils and myriad of people cbh certify utat it healed wlien other oils failed utterly warm and strong k ou want a pair of gloves or mill in horaehide calf or buckskin sheep or muleakin be certain to specify storeya in no other way will you bet eaual value to prove it slip on a storey mitt say the wool knit wrist and lined kind shown below warranted genuine horsehide waterproof and fireproof jfuat the thing for warmth and comfort sold at all stores every mitt is tagged storeya insist on storeys w h storey son limited acton ontario kevm ats it wl i wjlw taught om lull llu w ol hi body fumtmllll mi- nl tt wluyiproplaor llluuiy kuj 1 ja mksllsjr urtllbf tsi i ummuuui i u iba two blum of lvr wtuly sjfjudfflusi s i tuyu wbtuuur mpluj vou ull tan two buull ivtrtt tutd yotiv mot u4oj wrfjvr imunmim you will hud tlm avouilutt4sr i rui i il i lwl yon wu trying ut rl lttotttutybitt keep the wheels turning buy madeincanada goods the grand trunk railway fauekiwakti rnalnat tl i ll ii iwlliu id utf- ttl wlllrli pumiir irslnu it i si arum i 111 i ml mabt otihh mksy ml h no n a rti u it u fliti- is m 10 at mbmbimm naanaoaaauaoc sg rain chopping 1 1 g well done and g i quickly at only g s 1 5 cents s n 8 per bat g li 8 a a s s i harris w co limited g ohrg hockwootv stjdaaaaannnasaasj boots shoes rubbers s all line q footwear g at rttfht prices 8 all mens rubbers at bargain prices g a dddd aannaodadaadclnadaaaa w wiiiliams mill strifi acton slliott l tonohvo onvmnio nona bette lp fresh groceries mtw rain ln nt cnrrinta nlw dates nw nina vcw pi i ncw npjccb rln line of canfcuanry kimt iiaf ln of kfirily cakea ond partr prtli ecy dai dvilcil xi ii lining ilocon with the iioril uuchiior bn d ind otlar food delivered pmnipll ui1 j r livingstone huoosaaoi to fcf o hloat htll street aetoa grand trunk swt doublk thsok all i ha wav torontochicago torontomontreal ron ciiicaoo laava toronto h anj l40 tktai bhu iii4s tf w dally root uonyreal- leava yoronla 000 aw bbo p aud iioo pm dally smnnti kotilhed llifliifi clmuttif equipment itilt imtiiouliithsiul in nil reaervatlons a urund trunk thket oftkc holmes agent phonet no 19 the delights i of gardening are much enhanced when only the choic est seeds are orown a luatonlur wrllci i your mtnlokiio rlioultl vi iii tlir limiilm nf evury umiiuur ifajr- ilciur tlio cultural direction nlu clour mid practical thut tlm book muy writ bo called ttie itrowutii loimtiiiit comjuinloii a post cai1dw1llatono bhinc a copt or this ree book carters rorill seeds inc ibs kltijr utvmi itm tobohio omtahio

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