Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 25, 1915, p. 3

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wallpapers ceiling papers window shades a latlou awuotltmient kukous hkabohabu glvo us a call mahnlaok tliounouu isauu geo hynds jewellery aiml fancy oood acton ontaidio real estate farma for lutta in uulluti- ael ud wtjlllugioti ioo lamia lor tale vry ue if you wafctt u laurai wrllu kati for rtttulotttir or ii yap wlsli to tie ii or exehnutfe write ur w buve every i ur iii ty for trnuuhrllua buulueuu co your i complete ttatlsfaetloii corrrs- avotidriire solicited j a wltluucmuy rairiu hellluu htichnlui ueortlecowu ckhc juctau jfrw ra tiiuitflitay moumhiicu ioio brief local items justnno month till cliruttnas cliruluiau fulia on h at u relay this yur motoring for pleasure is atwut over for tli it jur uuniopel nominations monday heomaur u7tu ill lion tamil bylaw was carried ut wek by 1j to 2 buudaye hlluard oon did era lily deel buted th attendance at the lliurclifla 11m young folka would hlo wry lake and carjioretion ioud in frouia up eo si toufford bfe idiatlug luirlln council has requud th provincial avsmment to incrua tit prot poll tea oil 00 lo flu let acton lie wall represented ly uaditig cltixeas at ilia resulting organ iwtlon bietingal milton tomorrow aur uooj a carload bf milk down carlln blfaraaiidfcter will he bald by auction at the dominion hold stable on rututday afternoon john lfotatub an agent for th lilou shewing co or luiln wan fluad 0500 and coal at wallervlllo labt week for ii loyally nailing hoar ur ikmuld filticlalr kant tho iusk plutoa a branch of a rapliarry liuh but friday loaded with npo herriee pretty good for the 10th novemhir the town council ban decided to iwy tmw tli ml a for i ho town hall tha old one looking seedy in com par i win with tlioaa do by in tlia now poat olhoe ullton cnsmpioi at tb meeting of tho town council it was decided to have both em i a of main etrt paved witli tarvla imtrodmn it will make a iarinnciil roadway a treat ami ueoemutry i m pro v e mo n t ci ia ronton ur merchant i aro yon ruilltnr tlia value of goods you ho raw tot if not why noty uuo tho kum iuuui columns and or to a demand fix your gauds tun you afford not to herepremwuul inouroalumnat wra itov j j llddy of lla lr iiiulior of ltd mr avlnan tho juator aanjf with inuali aooojiuucs that hoautlful aolo a hoiijj of tmm at tho sunday fcveainu uorvloo in tho methodut cliurcli tfho ilno uirtruit in oil of lird koloon wlttcli adorned tho fiilk ihkui window far i lavara doj la to ho lun iff in llio 1flh sdhooi mora ol luch pictures could ha klaoad with ailvuntugo to tho rising gorf ration ilav ii w avloon ii a ii l will preach on uillyhunilay and hli waa- aogiion huialay ovenlntf hi ilia metlin dlt churali ur avium ationdad loth aarvtou at which dr uunday poba in to- ttcata on monday news op local import ib0 wookly paperu in future tim wthilily piturri in ralty ploon wrn uiloptlitlf tho eifio mir yaar nulaoirlloii raid it u a tiulur of aolfpraaerviitioi llio ooatof produolloti lua litoreaaed anil lonthtumi lo inoroaaa rabidly kk men from 20th battery corp itoy lliifd una hom lout wok uaylnjfuoodhya to hit frlantla imrn prior tolenviiijf for 1nulaml wltlt tlia rs ttian draftad from tlu sfuli ilatlary flualph to form part of tho tmw imtlory wiwl up of other battarlm raomltml uttova atranlfth another hod croefl ton saturday tim yoiinjf lra 4or our wouiidad club will hold another taa on saturday afternoon and ivoiilnif in tlia roottiraoantly oocuploil by ufu ilorano murray trillhn- or a lljiht lunch will ho aarvad for lon ffomoiiiado oandy will lio on aala dooo- llanu of cako and candy will l ujratafully aooaptoil by tho club want to follow actons exatnplo acton ban discontinued tlia hnfilnrt of ita town hall lull avmpt a a lira aurtu tha council daclillii that tlia atrllihiif of the clock on tlm naw nt oilloa waa uho- lout a propoul to follow actonaaxatiipla waa dlaoiibaail by tho town council on j llouduy evanlojf hut no action wan tab an tho town lull axoapt for flraa aeouotry vlllige inatltutlou u ii ton cliainplon from tho northern wood tlia carcaaaaa of two vary flnm daar oaina to town hiht waab thay ware bhot by vrail wilda am will kulbar wun on thalr linntlntf kpciitlon up nolli thalr frloiula hava iiuh aujayltik choloa cuta of vdnlton ainos a ptlma rooat raclid tlia fulk iuiju uan uirouijh tlta bind favor nf ur wlbu and waa tuuh apprcl lad chriitrrttta fr6anti for our efoldlar tin ilod crom ahl hocuty ppaid clirktioaa botaa for our hoya at tha front aiul in togunj lfcl lliuraday ami irvkuy ovor thirty pacboua wra uaila up aaoh oonulnlnk a ciiruibtaa ck chnoolata hara cltawln juia mw tnaila oooln knlttal fl loves a clwiura lit atul a khabl bandrcliiaf t1iy w alilppad wrlyaoaa to rah tlia wlllwa without fttll liy clirlumaa booapuon to our tytteatsrp bryd thayoanif popl who hava hod urwlar preparation for aoma tlhjia tha olda tytua draidai lumptlofi to our uyuaura liryd will ptitthl quaint aiwl muh- ly inur ting mrojluctlon la tha town liall on tuawljy 7th dwwuiltar thar ara about thit chareura in tha drama an au tyua ore lustra utul prfw vi ay wall will urovhla luuuo tha proetla ara for lud cm work aoverrihlent donlotutratlon civ dunt full toaw thaanhlhlt of tha pro ducuof mortharn ontario in tha dmuu 6t ration cor which will u at tha o it utatlon acton from 1030 atai wadnai day ltombar lot uout 10 so aw on thurojay daoomhwr 2u ur joaa who it in oharga will ghully ahow all via i lor through tlia oar thar la no adinlwlon fa th puplla of tlia achool ant aspaolally invlud woolen hill dyuw gutted tha by law to pant a loan of 0000 to henry corks to eiuhlub hli waolun mill in laorqtnwn waa vatatkon monday hut and carrlad tliar halng only 13 votaa aalnat il tha bumming op of tha ballot at tlm clnaa of tha poll raaultad aa follow for tha ily law 170 apdnst mr cork haa alraady a larga amount of ida machinery placed and lu running ordtr herald social amd personal mr vlotor luiilon wna in toroutn over huuday mua itarllahmlth wax bom from tor- onto tor few dayh thla weak mr jtohn nioouoii of marutto uloh vuum old frlanda hero thu weak mr john h xloora and ml lyittla went lionio from toronto over sunday hut weak mr t 1 martin baa iwati confirmed to lilu houae through lllnaaa tha pafet taa day mr ilr frank if moore and children of vancouver ii c are vltltlno at ur win makayhnihl mr uoo j 1 uhly of lleaimlerhiul ur lome lldily toronto vtns gueftta at tha uotliodut paraonag thla week uaoaro w makahb leonard wordeii j 1 roarrow and hargt coles war in toronto on monday to bear hilly sun day lira todd of detroit relumed homo on saturday after upending a month at tha ham of ur william sprowl and otliar frltinda ur and ura tlio uocalfum ef h- tutdon soak spoilt a couple of daya her ut week after attandlny tit funeral of ura m6calluma hrotliarat dnuon mr itobert r slatham llrantfon ur william statliam itar mm ii 1l hurling clilcayo ura sulhaw umt william nobi ami jairaa soott toron to war herayaatarday bttandlnglha fun eral of tli laufleork stulham w ere ootry to itave to report tli uhoua llliieej of ura ltoliertaon widow of ilia lata iv david llourtson aha pant tlia butnuar at uutloba and since cowing homa liaa liaen ana of llio moat actlv of tli iutl croa workera ifar lib n4daaloped quickly dha iia hti in bwl two wak today cliauploii bev ihl b mem 1016 almawac th rav irl r uuu 1010 aluanao la by far the finest laruw ami btt vr itaforw prfnud tha hicla btoim ami wmth foroahu for 1d11 again hav proreu lllr truth aiul value and thla ipuiulid altwhao for 1019 ehoutd flud u way ttralght into trery honi and oftk la amarioa tlia rar irl r hlob uaga- ilii word ami worla and hla unhiua alounoji ahouu always jo utfielhaf both for only on dollar a year tha almanao aloua la sjc prepaid send to word atul wca iuldlijjlbg company swl franklin ava fit lou to uo s0mb observations after ahoiib llilrtytbre yeara of aervlon the town liall ull la retired in favor or hon llnul uoyerv new clock bell during that time it lisi rung ilia worker to anil from thalr toll and helped lo nheok up many a lioma plook in it ordinary work a time indicator allowing an average of about aevontyatrokd to tha rloglnpf- awl for aotna year ther went on hundred i titer have iwen nearly two million eight hundred and eighty two thoueand nine hundred dlnu add to thla tha time- when tt waa rung aa a fl oclock a m belli ami a church aervloe liell tha number of ringing liaa beau largely inoreaoed small woiuler tlien if it wer poaheeeeil ol human aanblhllltlea am power of ax rwait if we woud not hair aoina murmuring at havlno to tak a buck i for it la a han thing for u man of long experience and long aervloo lo feel that aoiua on haa arisen with more upto date notloiih and power who will take lia place it i related of one of tha early pioneer inltler j weateri oniarlo who air iwiitg informed liy bin hrelhren that h would nnoj to eujieralinuui jumpwl up twloo on the hoor am crack hi heel togx ther to show that he tfaatiotaltogether played out hut there waa mora than agility of thla kind needed for an accept able mlnuur and tha town hall ull cant count tlia houta electric light bulbs bav teonay on your xmoa jewelry auotlot tala now on fuatara jewelry ho a ceorgelowii dah0er from auvh5 in anaddraaareoanlly djlfvarad in buf falo rev 1 albert moor 1 i touched on u auhjecl that idiauld not lie allowed to tlrop till tha nation u aroused to a aanas of ita great importance ilia subject waa tht- challenge of the allan awl ha aald in part tlia further eballenga of the alien lu that lie beooma a eltlui thla inaans tha oath of allaglanee but what should lb moan in preparation to that oath itealdeiioe not laoa than five year enmit nay seven or longer hut uthateiarythlngt should nottlio candl datofor naturallutlnii ij ablo to rcail ami write am evldanoa aanio knowlodge of llie ooiiatltutlon and idaala of tlia nation whoa eltlieiuhlp lj dejrea to aupousot fa lb not our reponlbjllty to ereat rlulit oanoehlone iumi lead the aliett into a proptr realisation of what eltlunfchlp meana t in it not our to aurround him with higher influence too often id remleatouit la the aalooti 1i oonuuiletti umleairahlea and ida in atruotlon from the seamy aide of our civil- lutloti t we ullow him to inuke the bar room hi aoeial ojmtra thua dwarfing ida ooneeptleni and degrading hu purpoaea let ui fully real lite that upon na ilea tha reeponatulllty for the bettennant of the immigrant the future ollljten thla war lio revcall to u ilie immenae lupuution of eultlvntliig iloun of oitluu- ehlp that would mkim to uoe the vacred frenchloe for tlialr own wlhhpuriomliut hfarweliao tuudo little or no eflott to uaoli what uithienbhlp meane- ita duties and reaponal bill tie lvohubly the great- at influence ui work bwoatlug political ideal i tlie auloon what limn could we evpeet hut what we have got robbery aud corruption in high place and a large number of oltlaetia haoe euouuli to bell their vote o tha hlglumt hldder when the alien arrive in a atrange land b m ueleomed by tlia iwloon hoon the party worker ootne end routul up a lot of ihein and get tliem uaturaliited under promlao of being faithful to the party and ko ilia geme goea ou and our national ideal heoomo ohaoured and our polltlea more corrupt what are we doing to create hikhetr ideal of citliiiuhhlpt what are we doing to teach the melng nf freedontv lh we oot owe ittothtmo bt ranger to remove i the aaloon and in i place encourage workmen oluh would it not he well to hava a regular course from the primary school up in patrlolliita and all uutt tliab word atands for if we do tuit sob promptly lb doe rio retjulr great wisdom to foresee bow it tauet and stlrhner sorvlcoi in baptist chuwh i mrs frsnk mokeegan toronto oondtioted the aarvloea in tlia haptiat church lait sunday they are experienced evangelut and uio aervloe were highly nlereating thalr tinging was much enjoyed am ur mokeegans reiuarbi wer especially effective an effort i helng made to have them return for a oouile of weeki next sunday itev a a evatii late of oagetowa n i will preach morning and evening bleat be the tie that binds tlia vultof the members of the voung ivople society of the haptiat clmroh u tlie voung people flufld of knox church on tuesday evening made a very enjoyable fraternal evening the programme was w9 of interest and tlie addressee by sergu fred coles who headed ihedsptlttdsiegs- lion and mloa j e renwlcb freeldetib of tlia freshyterlan voung feoplaa soelety were replete with the spirit of christian fraternity the presbyterian young fooplo entertained thulr vieltors to cake and coffee at tho eoaolusloo of the pro gramme the county bogutry offloo the annual report of tlie inspector of the rrgibtry office of ontario for the post year has juki lieen received in helton there u ero rejiitered 707 deed 1 010 mortgage j 43a illuharge of mortgagee 70 will and i laane tlie total number of rsgulrallon waa 2103 and tha fees collected for regis- terliiga theprevioua year there were 3 077 regulratloaa tha aggregate amount of the mortgsgs regis- tered was ll7flflh4s there were q0j for fl 1000 and under uh between 11000 und 62000 in between 92000 and aooo and 31 ovr b50m arrested on cbatfro or araon john 11 camphell blsokseilth was urrealeil yeiterday aflernoon hy chief luwaoii on a charge of arson following tho recent hurtling of henderson saw mill tli in action followed luvestlgatlona which liaveheen in progress by chief inspec tor ireerof the provincial llloe who haa lieen working on the esse elnoo bibb week cawpholt is also charged with the theft of lumlter tools and certain other article from henderson mill these bevjxg loan mpured and identified on a search warrant he waa remaaded to ultton jail for trial neit monday chief lawaou oonvsyed hlw to jail last evening hlfth school do bata luoeutly in the high scliool oounte of btudy a dlieuseloh arose aa to tha ability of canada to held off an american invas ion for a year and ulu ilaker suggested that lb should he taken asadewt aocor- dlugly several day later those oa each side of the subject advanced reason for or agonal the assumption a judge was summoned from another part of tlie build jtigtooouiit tha points who dedlded that according to reasooa advanced canada would not be able to resist for a year tha bpeahere were harbert rltoble alio johnstone jack kennedy stella uclaun kipling i and uelvln wllliau tha idea waa a good on a it required much reading and inquiry and young people i should trait themselves in power of h 06 rti it titf meeting- at milton at tlie requab of major 0o if wllllamo dilf racrulung oillosr for no 3 ulliury duuiot a meeting of repreeeet atlvea was liald a few dayeogo when it was doclded to organic the coon ilea in the duirlgtouuide tha cities of toronto and hamilton to aid lu recruiting and other butter in ooaosottoa with the war which deiaaad atteotloa csch county la to be organised separately and a meetiag tar organisation of ilaltou couuty will b held la tli town hall ulltoo on friday after noon at two oclock acton should send a good delegation to thl meeting lilting- poople who wont pay tlie llatall merchants asooclatlon of canada hava isaued their fliat ilsport of delinquent debtor as reported to the credit reporting department in toronto and thla report i now in tlie hand of all merohaiiu who are member of tha associ ation it contain the name of a few of tlie residents of acton aad surrounding country who have failed to pay their debt to merchant of till aad other village and towna similar report will be laeued regu larly from time in time as name of delin quent are reported for too protection of retail merchants happy houso woddlnsr last week at noon on wednesday november 17th ab the home of mr and ura ww a flank main street acton a quiet marriage we celebrated when their daughter mua hannah was married to mr arthur u church postmaster of bun- drtdge the wedding march was played by ulu josle stephenson of toronto cousin of the lirlda and the bonila of holy wedlock uoro pronounced by rev k v pinnlngton of suudrldg tha happy young ooupla left for toronto on the afternoon train and from there they will proceed to their new home where tlie good wishes of thalr many friend follow tliem- oakvillee voter lut method judge elliott held his annual voters list court in oehvllla yesterday and by thla mean over a hundred and fifty new names were added to those entitled to east thalr ballot at the various elctlona all went merrily nearly evert nam being added by mutual agreement which la the aatudutory manner of correcting any error or omualoaa assessor fiugerabjj was on band to give inforcoatlon deputy reeve hillmer and w enri repreaent- ed tha coouervauv- and w j bluett jaa n uoclregor and a a voraur the llberau tha court was over by uooa and all parties were pleased with tha pleasant manner in which it was conducted star hut tlie old ull not entirely umiim in fact it is the esse often with falhar and blather and agtd inlnuter and old tlm frlouda and nkllud workman there are vital enirlenoes in life when none eau di wor careful and ealutary work howvi uptodal in many thing the old ball la bill allowed to bound forth tlia call of ore i uauy a tlm it its sumuontd our cltluna at all hour of day end nluht to boense of true t ion imminent or advanced where ansutyund toil or curio ly and iuuu- uaut w ehared by ilia oalookwe in this tli old iwll wlllfla superb satufoo uon a it gaiee down at ita bright fod hjlghbjw tliat it can eav wliab tha new government clock would sllow to go lo ioa tlia write oaoebaw a bvodr hludr on tli o a c farm trying to manipulate a field of tmavy rye- the bhaee were rolling oh all right bub tliar were patch i of luavy lodged btuff tint hod lo be brought to lime by savra men with the old fashlonsd cradle a femur who waa looking on onswhohad cradled many an acre before even rajsr were pokn of almoat joyfully ovolaimed bee wlten there i anything rel liard todotliey lia to have the old way to do it 1 81 no the town bjl was bung up there have beo vary many changw in tha com munity prominent men have passed away addition have bn mode to tlie area of occupied territory and avaol af greet ntrt have transpired inourmuiet aa retirement and ulsure afford opportun ity for retlscllon and ratafnluence it will lie little wonder if the old bell should con fide much of die hlatory of what lias occurred under lu notice to the reader of the fmsb phxu at some other time thla has been a somewhat re mar be hi a year for tlia removal by dsatli of face familiar la tha community end now tha pesolngof the bright and active account ant sidney gun ton and the cheery hurtling vendor of tlie staff of life leorgo stalham add to tho gloom tha latter baa been a very long resident here and bio cheery everybody working ashebohbed in end oub of the house wive kitchen with hie basket will long be remembered his toilsome weekly journey on some of the neighboring country roads were enough to severely las tho vigor cf the strongest of moo why lh delleat heated to inoandeeeenee lu tho bulb of tha ordinary electric lamp used chiefly for house- light there- is a thlu fluuieut of metal wound on hnt la called ui arbor ttil fjlaacut 1 so prepared that it otfer high realstauco to tha passage of the cummt of electricity und because of thla it i boated to incandescence when h current pnuso through it all tha air having booci extracted from the bulb in ii malting this provonta the metal from burning up a it would do ir oxygen were preeent vegetable fiber wtm used for the die- tnflut of the flrwt lucandescetit lamp tlia uoat devolopuiout wbn thai cellu loaa procoss which 1 still used la car bon and btetalloed lamp although a uumher of prooeaae areusod now to improve tho qlsmeut the dlaeovery thnt luugaten metal could be used for thla filament in incandescent lamp wa made aa recently a idoo ami lh rnt tungsten lamp waa mad tu tbl country lit 1007 at flrt tha tuugateu hlamtiiits were oompoaod of what waa called tungsten pat that made an extremely fragile who the new proc uow used pro- durea a alrong wire under prosadre finer than the tmt human hair thy run up to 0000 candle power this ringing message from macdonald s cotn- that tlioru arc plenty of good tnitigs at ficncrouoly tiood pricei such a i proktcbrtvc departmental store can look after tho needu ol a vast thriving ci- m unity with tho liberality of pricu the copiousness of selection and the excellency you may depend on macdonaldu to rine to tlie occasion and rnect the economic umuity ui irico tnu copiousness of selection and tin of quality thnt only enormoun buying power can effect in these timcu ol war there in need lor ivllrinnni ii in need tor wellplanned merchandininp judicious buying and careful pricing- laion and meet the economic with tho highest qualities rh neccuditfcho the timeii in flip most satisfying way merchandise at the lowest ponsibht prices from a weeks important news note these jotiingu siaflo buys a mans splendid furcollared ovor- oaat pluali lined and rubberin tori died with wool cuffd in sleeve theres choice of five hundred other good overcoat models for men similarly wide choice in boy wear fur for womunii anil tnluaeu wonrnru in ioinlr fill rangtr our ualltot aro noted for dupeuduhility and our jirlcoa for moderation eevrly r mllltrtejry 3ty mere fractions ol regular valu oz lluarljiq n among special saturdiy bircainn are womenh and chimrenvs flan ncle tie wear corsetu mens sweater muftlars underwear and now fl ui etc d e macdonald bros guelphs leading and largest store v llmllj wyfldkam ikfkcrfoadcif and carjein strcla guelph onl a skeleto in t closet the legend frem whleh the well khw oaylna wee yaltwi tha origin of that ulugular aud wide ly quoted uaylug a skoletou hi the closed whkh hi found u aliuout uiery uuguag la luropa hi found lu uu of thoee curious colloctlou of alorhhi that have comedown from tho hilddhi ugea in one of those collection complied by iti unkuowu band about tbo middle of the tatitb century there hi a story of a wealthy lady who ha lug a evcret grief confided it to a rrleud who waa apparently a perfectly happy woman bha waa the wife of a uablemau who lived lu bl caatla in the uuiltb of franc she and her husband wer ontwardly on the most lovlug terui not a care cloud seemed to rait a shadow caj her path after hearing tha story of her afflict ed friend the uoblo lidy took iter by tha hand and led her to a secret cham ber adjoining her bedroom there open ed tba door of a closet aud exposed a akeleton know my friend abo aald no one la happy kvsry day i am forced by my husband to blaa thla grinning deta bead which 1 tbnt or gntman who waa my husband rival and whom i would hava married had not my parents willed otherwise szaj2- amlir driven should tuni out when mr chambers our baktr was going down to tha burlington fair last month in bl motor car he gob la a ml- up on the road with one it heatherlngtou who waa taking soma stock down to tba show and failed to turn out ileoeose mr chamber didnt give his name in writing to ur heather i ng ton although lie did tal him who he was that gentleman bad hlu summoned before a burlington magis trate who bad no option it seems bub to inflict a floe which bo did ur chamber then thought it wouldnt do ur heather- tngtoo any bona if be were treated to a dose ol hi own madlelaa ha accordingly had blta summoned liefore k j ouapbell j j v uiltoa for refusing to turn out on tha road when requested to do so by ur chambers the result was ur heather- ingten waa fined 9 and cost ull ton i reformer for jewelry bargain- go to foster auction sale at oeeargetown if attmonv mb uopb addressing the pauie older but stronger to he healtliy at seventy prepare aft forty 1 sound advice because in the strength of tntddln hie we loo often forget tlist neglected cold of careless treat ment ofallght aches and twins simply undermine atretigili and utlng cluwdo weakness for later year to he stronger when older keep your blood pure and rich and active wftb the streuguibulldlng ami bloodnourlehltig properties of scotts itmulslou which us food atonic and atncdklne to keep your blood rich alleviate rheumatism and avoid alchueaj at any drug store- lleeuftiaowaawtmmtteoat ceobgetowns wbicolkb to wodmdbp soldieh pta pmd lurklnsluwg cordial be- oeptloa by hti home town band and t pahade upon tha arrival of tha 815 train from toronto at georgetown on tuesday even ings flue stalwart soldier in tlie familiar khaki uniform stepped eomewbeb slowly aad with manifest pain from the rear coach immediately a hundred vole rang out here ha 1 welcome bved borne and pta vred hrkluhav stood again on the platform ol the station of tha old borne town after an absence of more than a jear spent lit faithful and courageous rervioe of king and country tba crowd vociferously sliouted its hearty weloomered flise flared up ab various polnta ifitheo t ii yard sand the lund of pta derblnshawa home battalion played be tha oonquerlug hero oome after re celvlng the welcome of the home folks and many other friend the wonndedsoldlerwaa escorted to a motor ear and heeded by the band a big parade with torob bearer wan formed and tha hundred of oltlsens marched down town where approprlala speeclie of welcome were made pte luuklnshaw who was coo of tha first to enllsb under col hallsnllna in tha 80tb hatullon in august 1014 for th vjrob contingent of tlia canadian expedi tionary foroee was seriously wounded in action in one of tha severe engagemenla in irvanoo ha la still buffering from several of the wound sustained one in the neck gave hlu tuuoh trouble and a greab scar j noticeable two other wound aeoount for hi laminae pta heriiluahaw bis bravely dons bl hit and has returned home honorabiydle- charged a uaflb far further servio 100 bkwaftd 100 tba readere ol thl paper will be pleased to learn that there uab usse on dreaded disease that science bo been able to our in all ita stage and that i ostajrrh ca tarrh being greatly influenced by constitu tional condition require eoaetliutloaal treatment halra catarrh care a taken internally and sots through the blood on the uueous sarfeoes ol the system there by destroying the foundation of tbaduees gtvlug the patient strength by building up the constitution and aseleung nature in doing ita work the proprietor have so moot faith in the curative itower of hall catarrh cure that the offer one hundred dollar for any ease tost it foil to cure bend foe list of testimonials address i v j omknbv co tole do ohio sold by all iwugguts 70c oh the mash the question ooold a man llva on tha moout has been put to an ami- bant astronomer who replied i am afraid not a man transplanted to th moon would find himself th ion in habitant or a perfectly lifeless orb in which eternal alienee relgua ij would have to manage without air water or are he would not need be put wlndowa in his boil for ther 1 no wind no rain no duut upon the moon it has been truly and practical ly observed that tha moou i apparent ly abandoned to death uuuruihtug uo inhabitant producing notblug reaeia bllntf tree flower or beautiful things of any kind useless in abort oxtcpl an a mass of extinct volcanic rubbish which drags th sea into tide and re flect tha eunbaam in mooullgbl this range was made for you am browns trees tha best that can be grown wbo our agent id your town mown notmbsmmoa nuieerynieu limited owna hh wejiawd pow oat baked men workers in porcolalu faitortes are utaraliy baked but by aouiu miracle thay remain nufflclentiy undouo to live at least if tbey are not quite baked thay endure a stronger beat than that which browns tha sunday sirloin the furnaces wherein procelaln 1 flulshed are kept at tba fiercest beat used in any industry a chain of worhmeai tbebr baada and bodlesj swathed tn flrev proof garments take tha finished pieces from tb flr one at a time and pas them to the cooling room tba man at tha held of thl chain ba who eland dearest tha furnace can only work la flv minute shifts in hi utsrlma of rest be ilea on a mattress drlnktnjr ftlaaa after glass of lea water- from tha band of a small boy 99 by a firm who have special ized in the making of stoves and ranged for over 70 yearn the house of gurney has stood for tho highest quality and tho fairest dealing for nearly threequarters ol a century the gurney imperial oxford i am not interested in giving my customers a cheap price at the sacrifice of quality i dont think anything is good enough for my customers but the gurney range and the experience of hundreds and thousand of homes all over canada where gurney stoves ore used is jur the same absolute satufflcflorl the gurney oxford gives wonderlul baking results it is wonderfully light on fuel its exclu sive economizer draft control actually saves enough on fuel to pay for the coat of the range two or three times over during its long life its the biggest value in the stove world and i am making the prices special for 30 days 35 to ss5 according to size and attachments i say this- i can thoroughly recommend for you to order noi if jfou want a moneysaving the qui 1 naving range tn your kitchen you ought to get it here and ey oxford and mart than that i am making spicml inducements handsome m set of kitchen aluminum ware free to any buyer of an imperial oxford itnnga for 30 days only this la full weight and guage fluent seamless nlu milium waie very light et moro durable tlutn copper sri couaisu of big double holler kettle and saucepan every kitchen needu them if you bought them in the regular way youd pa h i will five you a set free and the worlds finest range the gurney imperial oxford at special prices vour money will not soon again do as well come and see me jas symon acton dean swiff complaint it u uo new thing tbla complaint which oa hears of tba high cost of living writing to fliella from lon don lo tba year 1t10 dean bwltt re mark u lodge in ilury street bl jam wbr x removed a week muo i hava tha first boor tha dining room and bedchamber at s shilling a weeki pbletuy deep but i spend notblna for eating aavar so to a tavern and very seldom la a coach yet after all it will ba axpnsla making him vmy lawyer to kicking client wall hava yon at last decided to tab my advice and pay this bill of mlnay otlentyea luwyer very well to euk william add is to ur bmltha bill fee- further advice opportunity call opportunity is nt your door wbfit 1 hf liiqulrod the prlmt uo elthton opportunity to hiilwrtba ta noma worthy iimue or 11 ihunca to tovastr louisville courlerjouraal i agent for tiubnev stoves and ranges c c speight for uptodate goods suverwar ta yejolewesn acinar vartly also fbas cutltttry haydwaw ttaymrm auad orcm- itwauwti vaurlly pewdcura susvaut olid ilattltf a veuttoua hemittta otcaall stoveta oudioveui every article m of tfonal value excep- oaahal autkerised famlum daahal pale up umusm kuralua taiaum dominion h war loan copies of prospectus may he obtain ed and appilcstiona received at any branch of dahicpi iuuiltoh georgetown bbanch w n usksy uaaagsif haw they da lit uteva they say that waiter can at way alaa n man up rdllbiu i tu poee tbey mwuuro hlu from tip to th judge wmiim- i ttin his hut baa it hut his that enjoy it c c speight mill aiiwl aelon bank of hamilton children ory ror tletchebs castoria caution ba careful in choosing your underwear that you choose the kind that is made for comfort you will not find better under wear than the lines wa carry tbey are made with a view to 1 giving the ulmoat bodily comfort aa well as the greatest length of service tbey nre flauhed perfectly we carry complete hue in blanrielda penmans watson tlgr itraud in aplece suits and 1 combinations prlcsfrowl to this hade in canada empire typewriter r e nel8on ouwltm omv saves you 40 to 60 try before you buy at our expenuu empire typewriter co uxhuton dai wnamo out b4c3cackmfts

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