Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 27, 1916, p. 2

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mllvk at oak lake mull nit wednes day january lath lulll to mr mill mm jaino mmno n ami malinied unit uvbm nvviwii at klmiicmir id u rob kuurawovu u now yiuru ifciy 10ni ly iuv i m carter h a luuoll 11- hy toltmicdaughlernf rimmpuon hhnr- wood ull o nukumuwfjn cauniki l ta ijiu at llio motliodlst pur sousire aoton on huturdny 2jud dun uhry by ltav ii w avuou m a 11 p calvin u cuimlwll to vlrowi hiss- iteth taylor daughter of 1 ii taylor k both of kasnagavrej a ded nuttkii in toronto on saturday hind january tjuruli wood widow of tlio it jsiuen nlckcll uged h2ear jtswes at the family residence hamilton on thursday milt january the wife of william llsvtcu gardouer formerly of acton mccrrtutow at oapring on wednes day january jtlth 1 0 1 0 susannah yiaher relict of tlio late john mocut- cheon lit lir with yar smith at newberry mieh on hatur- day 22ud january 1010 anil wiltml wlfeol the tele iearg bmlth formerly of acton in bar flhlh jeer bousux uxfc a augusta tleorgla on hunday january loth lqilt cavanagh nixon bom r villa or the naval aviation corps eon of mr i- i bortervllle georgetown ljt retort 3fre jras tiiuiu3day januanv 27 1010 sditomalhotes orvkul rirti uih show that emigration liit yr was tin lowaat on reord ilia canadian flgur for 1013 were 1073 1 md for 1914 71870 in point of fact thar we no immigration at all arrivals of urlttsh subjects from th dominion and elbewhsf setuslly esofodlng departures by fifteen thousand tn tiik ututu of m v mclean en m i far many yare editor of the huron lupoitor at beaforth wetrn ontario ioe on of its forsinol flgura in the puulollfa ami activities of that community ur mclean diod suddenly from heart trouble on wednesday of last week was a biaa of sterling cliaracler of hint than ordinary ability ami li apnt ida ilf in th nuretts of ida conttltuanoy ha la tuivived by lira mclean four sons and oia daughter ur mclean was an elder of un presbyterian church of ida town im it luiki thna ot lu moat important rvdtaibttada liana hi oovarninant com uimimoa uaantployniaiit in ita mport piluiaud but wk oouflnafl uta policy of ur ilowall tboaa tlirapolnu ara t tlta akma tat im rfonii tlv ijlvlaaulily of a dphu4it f labor and tlta unfoi tuaataly clma taurruuon uwmh tka liquor umaanj aoclal raform tnaflovarnmant la tl taat faw aaulotia iiaa rapaaudly tvjaoltd popoala of tlie oppoltlon for us reform ami uo for a dapartmtnt of luor now tbalr own commlulon reconi tdaada tbaa raforblb laanr vaua wbaoileova foratar of uib vilu btappad aaldato partnit ui alaotlon 6fltava0aipballof naaaagaweya loffiva lltdtuawardauftliipwitlioutaooiiutttltwaa uoltly understood that mr voratar would blmtad to tb poaition ha bad justly aimd at tha grtt tnaating of tha county oouuoll tbu yar but uia unampaotad uaj happaaad and by a vote of aavan to all uaava ifucw of gaortfuowowaaiilvan ih 6ovatud honor ur yuck li a uaaful uauthar of tit council but to gain tba wmtuaa obilr aftar two yaara of aervioa id munlolpal oapaolly takowawhatunuauial luav voratar u howavar oood loacr anj will eonuna to 8 ooouty tb bwuflb of fala load xpuaoa lu puhllo ilia mattsaoaweva aroaajdtf uaa wmtibjf in tu of tk petition of tlio cltluna cottiuittm of on hundiwl wu bald u tb town liall bohvllu taat tjlabt m k it oimv ur ivaaldant of th county and ur sam carur u p p war th apkr in ward wo 3 12 alffoatur for the aubulaaloa of the canada vampanuioa act out of 180 voter waro obtained neatly aevattty par cent tie tnarrtaft of uu lun bherwooj tlausbter of thotapaoa fiherwood kiq and uutmll kulav aon of o u kuiey in tfc new eunatar cburob wa a wob happy and lulerattlntf svenl tito bride wu dread in white aatn with wul trlmffllbga hhe wore a veil of oraiire uoaaoma and earrled a bonquet of roaa and illy of tlto valley ulia olady elalay we lurldmnuld aad wore blue nlnon orr hllb and carrleil plnfa roaoa lunuer flua downey of kington wa tb groomnman uev k u carter ii a waa the offlciat- intf wlnuter thlaltelnfr th flrat couple burned in the church it ia prolblo that th twatee will pnaant tl bridal pair wltb a family hlbl aa ia uaual in auoh oaiae after th ceremony tb weddlnif dinner waa aeived at the bom of tit bride parent ur and mr kulay left on tlta evening train and epent their honey- moon at toronto lilt and brentford ba tim anow la all done and tbs wlteeu aro runnlu again ur george hlllx hat returned to bin houa in toronto after rjwndlna tuo weeha wltb frlenda here ami at acton ur oliver hilt of norval atent the weewend with friend hero ur and ufa u d bujer euuiililuetl a number of youiiff iwwplo laat monday venliio it being tbe birthday an niveraary of ulu bailie the woman- invtltnto will bold their january tneetlng at the hoino of mra ft bbortill thlhthuraiey nrternoon wearegtaj toreiwhibut mr 11 far- gaaon la programing nloely after the operation h went through on thursday th teauicetlng hui in the methodlftt church here iai friday evening waa a de cided iiuamaa tlia church waa crowded to the doore end nn excellent itrograwme given llov ur uohonald into of lllln wver giving the principal nddreia ur wm muknery a vuithig belwood frlenda mia uarale oilon who ha been th gneet of frlenda here during die t week ha returned to her how at tb jataracl itepnty lleeve b ueawlob i atundlng tb aeaalon of tb county council at cuelpb thlfl week heaven baa no crown for will kunend ered towlaw sundays housing recruiting meeting a highly intoratlng addrcts by pto uorodlth of the 48th ulgh- lutidoka a wounded sold lor presentation to ptk john hah li onmif tltu llnoat public meeting held ftlncu tlio oiitlirflalf of tho war wna thai in tlm i nun intllmi hunduy evehlngnjur ilia uvrvica in tlio ohuroliea it whb nrrangttd 1v tlio ollloora of tlio incal branch of the unr aiinilinry nnd recruiting mub the li3 nolo of iho procvedliiuv itiovo hjiidattccupithl thnchulrand thn cltrtfjiiuni of tlio limn and tlto olllcoranud men nf anton company of the ifllth i niton i o ffor in lutlalion ocouplcd maik on tlm illform acton citlionu hand played e itumlter of fwcrd aelmtlone and the choir of know cfiurcli and tho cholra mala ijuarlette xluiitra wllduust hcndqnioii kinlth aiul hnrvoy pruvldod appropriate ami well- rndrml liytitna tlio addrthd nf the evening won glvan by pto meredith of the 4fllh lflghlandara uhowalin action at the fnninuu mtt- menta of jjt jullen and langainarck he waa woundi through imiii thlgba ami ajient many niontlm in the lutapltat itaove hynda introduoei the buavar in a few timely and a nee i net eantenom touch ing tlta uar ami the great nead for the n- ilatment of man and mor loan pta ueradlth tohl tlta atory of lilt ex- parlencea from the time of anlutmit at tlte outbreak of lite war until h received tlta wounda which incapacitated him for further aervloe ilia recital wo wall told throughout in fact it wan tlte moat lntr- eel lug atory of a aoldlera euiterlenowi which baa been rehaarted to an aeton audinoe during the war vary naturally tlta eucowmlte etenta from the time of leaving toronto tke mot 111 mt ion at velcartler tlte trip aoroaa the atlantlo in the tlrat transport bearing canadian troops the following winter at haliakury plain with lie interminable inud ihecroe ing of the channel to fratmf ami varlou eaparlencaa in lranoeaiul ilalguim at tit front in the engagement with the oar- faiana ttie auffarluga front tltelr ga and tit various action a in the vpree amotion were all given in vivid word picture which only one who baa hail th ptml experience could ao vlvully rwrtray in cldenta aonta exciting and noma antualng inuriparbl the addrw at tit ciom pte meredith mul a firvent appaal to the young man aa tltey value thalr couatry their home and tltelr religion to enlltt following the aildreaa reeve llynd oalleil upon if p moore to preaent to pt bahll one of our returned wounded aoliliera with a itaudtoma monognuaed and inscribed gold watch on behalf of the ci ti tana of acton in recognition of hi ur- vtooa aa on of our acton boy pt bahll feelingly expraad hie thauka for th beautiful testimonial pa tented rev j c wiuon a a and rev h- w avlaon m a b d also aaalated in tlta eervice assistawc to brejoebs wilt ba retiderd by tho dominion dnpftrtmant of agriculture to stock association owing to tit heavy drain upon tit live itock of tlte varioue warring oountrlea of europe they itave been forced to go abroad for aupplioe tlte longer the war huts the greater will le thl damand moreover ubm peace la reatored tlieee oountrlea will require urge number of the varloua olau- r animal to replenlah tltelr herd and flock it ahauld be barn in mind however that lit buyer who come to thl country after tlta war will require better animal than have been bought during war time aa tltey will be tieed largely for breeding purpoae with thl end in vlow tb beat af tb feaaalea ami particularly tit young atook kbould be kept for breeding purpoae breeder abouhl not fall to lale all tb live atook poealbleat this tlua in order that the country way be able to aupply bug number of th animal that are certain to it needed by th warring eountrie at preaent itowever there i an unequal diatrlbutlon of live atocb in tlte country in oertaln bmtlon there la a heavy aurplu wltb a oorreaponding aoarolty in other part during tho put year hundred of young cattle from our prairie pro vino have rod to th united state as etoeker and feeder tbahouid have beau kept at bom particularly tho female see- tlonaof the weat are reported aa being in need of good draft horeea particularly draft tturea while la eeotlona of ooutlo in order to remedy thee condition th ulnliter of agriculture through th llv block branrb ha decided to grant 1 literal aid to breeder who wih to aeoure good breeding atook the condition under v hleh aid will bo given aa follow t in uo event of a number of fanner in any dlatrlot of canada wlehlng to oo oper ate for the puroliaa of breading atook in carload lota from aom distant aactiun of of the country tha department will pay tlte travelling expenae of tltelr duly ap pointed renreaentativo during tb time required to effect tlte piirchaa ami trans port th ahlptnent to it deetl nation should it be dealred the live stock coinmlaaloncr will nominate aultabl iteraon who will la directed to aocomiaiy tttld rcprotontutive and aulftt din a fur poknililfl in bjjiup ami ahlpjiliig tha unlinala prfona uhi lug to take aihantag of thla odfor miould make full arraugemente with tho uve stock commltelenar a to iaoeand tlmoof purcha itefnre aendlng out tin ir reprcuntattve why ttouan meal lit best for your child tho inteitiuat muaoloa inuat imve wait to properly develoji tltegrawliig muaoleh and organ mukbhave ubuudaiit nutrition tlto toetli mid itonch nerve tnuaoleii organ and blood muat all havo nhundaut inctrganlo aalti- itoinhn meal i filled with bhtniiy vtiain which ftlvea th liiteatlnal niuhclch uxeroue preventing oonitlputlon and ludlgeatlnii it haa more inorgunlo i wlu than any other kuoun fowl wu tho moat nutrftlnua rood aold atdf our t dootoh doboiallr roman ueul porrhlg at grocer loo and 2ao rowan meal la mad by roman ua co toronto and your groeer can trocur j it from any wboleealer i ur john jam carttaban of acloti ha purehaaod a 170 acre farm id erin towtlahlp being tot h in tb alxtb non and known a the wllluaitbocnbeoa farm bale waa made by j a willoughby leorgetowa the board of educattoh tho inaugural mooting hold on wod- tiosday porting 10th inat om par statute j01im u kennedy is cliahlmam the initial itimthig of tho nnartl of icilucatloti for thn roaiiit j our wm held in ihncmmailchamlwr on weduowlity even ing ut httvtin oclook memltero n forwa nnd holtert hcntt and niembera elect c c hpalght john kouney and john it- k mined y were pre enl tlm deolaratlouu of otlko having boon taken the hiomlmnt took thalr neat the kocretary requested the lueinltcra to elect thalr chairman for tho yoar i0is moved by n forltea aoeondod ly c c hjmliht that john r- kennedy im and a hereby appointed chairman of the board far the currant year carried tlto secretary congratulated mr ken nedy upon hlu aloatlon to the imitorunt poaltlon and ataud that itaaaineileapeclal- ly fitting that one who bail apent hla own kchool day in the pwhool over which be would now trealde ahould lie th chair- th htandlug committee for the year ware elected upon motion aa follow a i fihtj-rolit- rcott chalnnan ami jolth r kenuody isuii xttrv john ketinay clialrtnan and h vorlia bvrrilk c c hpelgttt cltalrman and wu jolmaton the commit tea on finance presented tltelr drat report and ioomiaemud paj nvent of acoount aa follow a i k crlptta oabl wire itoata and raiting flag pole ftfl bo a t brown 00 oopua atory of tb war lumlataon it co bioom dominion of canada ouarante co tr4surra bond 4 00 tit report waa adopted a fur general dleouaalon of tnatur of tntaraat to tli aclooi lb board adjourn ed st men hav khl herb thlrth have hot brt beoelved owing to being modlflally unfit tit eul lt want of wen in anton com party of tb lflllh halton duftorin batulioe prooeeda with growing interne tlta need of men i becoming more and more appar ent ami number of young men are feeling oonaolentloue preaaure of loyally and duty bergt cola luorultlhg offloer ba d hated thirty on men here unfortuuauly a number of them are uaable to paa the rigid examination of tit army doctor and have therefore been declined th following i the lut to date j p boarrow btephn george c matthew b bwaokbauer a watson a bhand k kade w ilughaou j j oooney f ureen j wlntoo k flt john f h roddl p laauluk l- eaadown j baeoa b boutohlnga o w cook u kaley u coooey e barr u boper a young a ohbheu a a moore a if perry f jeuklna u uouomlah t uanb a ualoome j uotavub ilelwiud a tnedloally unfll th acton branch of ut war auxiliary ba compiled hate of all tb eligible young men between the age of 21 and 40 year and thee will b oeuvaaeed by the reorult- lugofnoer the men will attend divine eervte at ut preabytarlan church on sunday event ing cbkws c0 laat weaka old faahloned winter waa followed by an oldfaabloued january thaw that took away all the anow and tit wheel are running again the quarterly aervloe will nob b held hare next sunday a waa announced taat week but will beheld in rookwood bun- day february hth this oommunlty waaahooked and griev ed hut week to hear of the accidental auootlng at bumalda manitoba of ur john walker a former hiblyee teemed realdent of tbi place ur waller had gono out to aboot aowe iparrow when tit gun vtaa acoldantally duobarged killing dm hutanuy mr- walker fomarly lived on tb farm now oooupled by ur wm dennla fl waa a man of many eetlmablo quail tie had a genial dlapoej tlen and waa honored and reepeoud by all lioth if bualnoei aitd aoclal luteroourae mr walker waa a auoaeetul faruar here and alnoe hi removal to ut wtet a number of year ago auooee ha atlll downed hla labor many expreaalona of aorrow are beard at hli untimely death and alaoayupalhy tot lit walker and daugh ter agnae in tltelr sad and auddeu bereave blent an illustrated talk on tbs war wu given in i ho church itere ut friday night by ur a t brown acton when aoute very interesting and instructive view were ahovtn tlte meeting was of a recruiting nature addressee being glvori and patroiuo aonge sung itev ur staltberman was chairman lleul kennedy oeorgelawn who la in ohargo of acton company waa present ami made a allrrlng apiteal for recruit polntlufrout that tit need i for men ami more men to bring tha war to a aueoeaeful termination he urged parent not to put anything in tit way or hinder tltelr onn from enlisting ergtooteaud pte boarrow also npoka briefly urging the need of rocrultn roverul tutrlotlr aeleo- hon were auug by tho uudleuoe ami by berglcolea mr w a mufraj i confined to the houao wltha ttevcre cold and broochltla hu father ur john murrey who wa 111 last week ha recovered ur and ur fred crewaon actou visited friend here on sunday ule rtbal damper apent sunday with friend at anton ur kelson botw uited at ur it damper thl week ur charlie uodougall nnt buttdav with frtend here w the tonka bean vrem it we oat the perfume known a new mown hay onta frouhly cut or otherwise httm itntl liolblug to do with tho production of tho porfumo inltolml now mowu hay tlio hoiirco of tho eaaenco i rcnlly tho tonkn itcnu found in tha tropical comttflo of koutli arnorku chiefly in lliu vnllou of tho orinoco ceurn utnl cuchlvuro river in vno- tlola nnd cortuhi noclloim of colom bia nnd bmxl tho toukn itotiii troo hi aohtn canoe roncboal o holglit of nlxlifocl it baa plntialo leave anil inrgo ixintclc ot rower wblcli uro niieccodod by n pod containing n alnglo nood tho odor which 1 retuaflinbly atrong ronemblen thnt of aweot clover uow mown hay and 1 duo to tlte proeonco or cutnarln n cryatnlllxahlo volatile iieutral ub- htance which in nolublo in alcohol or other trnd notnowhnt bo lu boiling wa ter rroni which it cryuitbu on cool ing the bean nro tirton ivoetod with crystal of thl aubatnnco giving them tho appearnuctf of being augur coated tho collector in vonoauoln nnd colom bia usually act out for tho forest in february when tho fruit beglna to rlpeti ttiey go up tho river in canoe or aklff by iho hundred utopplug wherever tho tree nro plentiful and wbou tho fruit begin to fall the pod aro gathered and taboti to aome open apace where nunalilno i plontlful and there carefully crushed and tho beana extracted aud thou spread out to dry when thoroughly dried they are loaded into tbo boat and transported to clu- dad uoltvar or aomo other convenient port where they nro sold to tlio ex porting toerchaut kiore they go through the proceae of cryaullbutlou by being atecpod inatroug rum or al cohol for about twenty four hour and tlieu ngalu dried they lend their fragrance to blgb trad tobacco flu toilet aoapa to brulbiutlnv and other hair dressing aud dye to coametlc to flavoring ex tract used in confection and to many ether thing that gratify tit nense or mall piham s take car ft what veu kari and then invest it wleely the greatest flnauclal genlue i ever knew and the richest man i ever knew personally one ald to too there i no greater duanclal genii- powlble than uklug cam of what you earn ami there a no better or surer way of taking care of your surplus than to invest it in sound aecuhuo paying ft or 0 per cent and such se turluee nro eany to tlud any day ur nuy year bo any man may bo a flnaa- clnl geulu if ha will exercise the sim plest conituou anlise i protested that tt would bo said of such n man that ho waa uarrow and selhsb nonsense the financial genius re plied i havo tuouoy invested ta rail road lu packing houecu and in tnanu- facturlug enterprise could money be invested mora usefully yot it 1 e safe aa government bond nnd pay a betur rate of interest i invest my own monoy but a man without finan cial experloiiro tuny secure snfo invest ment without dlulculty if mau has n bank account hla lianker will find aafe lnotraeuti for falm ranker are men of financial oxporlonco and do per cent of the in nro intel llffent and honor bio thoro 1 uo oxcusa for u busy man losing libs having many women when tboy cooio lulu ivosses- slou uf monoy loao it uocnuso tlioy invest it lu bctiamoa batiloni would not trust or onto tbo women lunn utelr money to tnou who could nut borrow mouoy nt n bank bvarythlng in life i simple aud oay if wo would only accept experieuco uud bo enroful of big and aeutlmeutnl uotluna flunuchil aeuse la bnowlug that cortnlu men will promise to do certain things uud fall therefore when you invest your saving get security aud it is uo more trouble to net good security than it b to gat bad if you are guided by common aeuse and experience pat cryetale if itmsu quantities or butter lord and beef cafbe separately boiled and slow ly cooled for imy twentyfour lie lira the resulting crystal will uliow eery waiv differences uuder the micro scope the normal butter crystal is huge and globular it poinrlto brll tlsntly and ahows a woll uinrked bt andvawai cross thnt of lard show a stellar form white that of beef fat has ft foliated appearance in course of time as the butter lose it freahueas the globular crystal degeuemies uud gradually merge into peculiar rosetie- hke forms imthtet of th mudfish the remarkable lusttnct which causes the mudfish to roll himself bi n its ii if mud wfasn the tlry seasou approach la a wonderful provision of nature in tended solely it would seem to pre vent the extinction of tbo species the most interesting fact about this ush is that tt breathes by means of its gills when tn its nntue olsmont and by mains of lung during it voluntary imphsonmont in tho mud cocoon strictly business i always read one of thackeray novels two or three times i ihmt want mlnu read that way uld tlto couipllor or itest sellers by the tlmo yon llulsh one of my uoreb 1 uiu hiiuthcr rcudy nt n dollar flfty in fje ylth slnryur delaney snys her ultie nlrl lis lenrmsl tu play the plana in i ilntp allivycs i beard her olsy liii jt null way tlm other dsy the more i see of men the belter i ilka my horse january remnant sale previous to our annual stocktalcini we dispose of all hliort ends and broken lots of all itindii of dry goadu you will find manj uscful barnns on our remnnit t ibleq all plainly marked at prices that will quickly move them out kunios and uvcksiiolls a complete range for every membor of tlitfamily henderson st co mill si acton ont 8oooo0oocwocmjoocoooo chamitv bermontt wltb malice totvnrd uuue wltb thsrlty for all with hruneas in the right ns cod glvas ue to see tb rlsbfc ijncolu the desire of power tn exci caused the angels to fflllt tho de sire or knowledge in exe caitsod man to mil hut tn char ity there is no ovces neither can nngel or man come to dan ger by it nacon no sound ought to be beard in the church but the healing voice of ofarbdliu charity tlurke 00 glove operators wanted to manufacture tha well- 1 no boh- lontl brand union made gloves highest wages paid brit shop condi tions in canada apply to r c 10ng co lid 4j9 wolllnskm 81 w toronto ont tftohonto canada boots shoes and rubbers whebe whebe whehef al keaaey broa the dominion shoe store footwear we stock up with i will lug but tho heat makes such as the regal ameslloldeii and the williams shoes for men nnd the km- pre and claulc for the ladles wo havo nliui a largo nrkortmont of boys youllis uikms and chil drens aud thu prices are right we do uot sell you a 3 oo ahoe for eioqoraft 30 far s mo hut a ijoo in s300 and 1 jo is ft so rnbbtrs of all klndx always in stock repairing promptly attended to kenney bros main st acton shaws business schools toronto canada giro thorough courses which lead to good salarlud office appointments fi cotohniit explains ie 11 tor any time w ii hhaw prenldtiut head orlce vonge be tlerrsrd ktj toronto free a post card addrtiaaed to us as below with your name fend address omlvoti the other side will coat but one cent drop it in the tveereat null boxanditwlllbrlnil prompt- ly a copy of our luuatretej ftdpeife catalogue for 1q1s with tt will coute feuorree a lbc packet of byron pink tomato a perfectly formed tomato tho byron pink i uniform tartf and attractive thu nsli is llrnl and tlie flavor deliclousaiulfullbodl6d it is n robust ilrowcr nnd n heavy cropper it is on ideal tomato for fovcinii you ore ifolnii to buy seetls anyway tlton you might just as well tend for our catalogue nnd jet this freo premium for youself rtj cdlafaou tails about ia okr iioluama pumlum which tra gwn with my attr dabcii fit iluwrtw seed ca liurreo londoh oktawio canada bvsm rihs lluuto li si cs eightyfourth annual report the bank of nova scotia capital paid up 0 boo ooo ttaeerve rund 12000000 nitlnuco dec n si not prudin fur provided for tnonv and lois mfojy 4 loinob by butt debis ssilmated nnd iaaooay ih iiuug dlvidamla for yar nt 14 unr tax on circulation in dtcndicr jiat iota coiiinliiiiion 10 omlcih pulsion i utul duluiico tarried fontunt dtiiiubcr jist 1913 hfcsatttvtc ruhd balance dccndur jtst 1914 riilnnca forward dccembr jist 1915 010000 09 65000 00 0000 00 tloooooooq it2jdoojd0otvj ocnkhal state u en y as at dkcembkr 31 10is ttatjiliyics capital fiiiku paid in 650000000 retrvo 1 uud 11000000 00 balance of profits an per profit nnd los account ayii4 09 dividends declared uud uupiiid sj8oj 50 igjisjyiy 49 notcii of tha rank in circulation 7i5443 s8 drtoil9 not bearing inlorest 181640571 djnouits ivearlng iitlereut tnchuling interest nc- tnuxl to date 511644 no 47 j6ftafli6t ftfl balancea due to oilier bnnku in canada 130026 44 balances dun to hanks ami bunking cor- reurtitndulw in lliu united kingdom 70804 sj balanceu duo to banks and hanking cor- rcyiniiulouiii clsulicro than in canada and tlm united kingdom fit 1331 71 8498437 94 acceptance under lettcni of credit mi 174 so atsarrs currvutcoin itlnsofl si dominion ntitcs 13081403 73 note of oilier banks ttsyuio gj cheques nn other lliinkw 4636884 99 bulaiicua duo by hauktt nnd banking correspond 11 1 a in ilia culled kingdom uud atcrllng encliniigti 9ojqq 34 raihihoi due by llauku uud ilnnuiug correhpoiuleals cluowhoro limit in canada und tho united kingdom aqyism a s7tf8i303 00 dpoalt in tho contnd gold reserves 730000 00 dominion and provincial govern ifttnlt securllleu notes caedlng nmrkul vnluo 1616500 50 cttiuidlim municipal kccurlllia nnd llriiuh foreign and clvicihiiii public uecurlllea other than canadian not dwijulitij mnrkut nluo j447i5j7 so itulhviy find other hoiulu daltouttnvs uud stocks not tjkcoodlntf uiarknt valuo 4ts7i9i 63 doninud loans lu canada secured by grain nnd other staple coitmi jill lie y 73o38o 55 call and demand icuus clsewhero titan lu canada 7711 rfq 17 53966540 14 call ami donimid hiiuu in cniiadu aecured by bonds da uenturaa nnd hhuku 60303 1 06 s9wi46i so depoalt with iho mluulerof ilunnco for tha purposes ol tlto circulation fuml tto336 4s loans tn government u and munu ltalltles 364441 31 other current loans and disioiuilu in canada less rebate oflntorvut 3401 4by 49 olhtir current loan and discounts fllsovvliem than in canada hemt ivlulcof lulereat 303446 43 liabilities of customer under letters of credit neper contra a3374 so overduadflblu estimated loss provided for 148 soy 71 bank irenilses at not niora than tout less amounts written off wjisuj by real hslata other than bunk ryamlses 316000 00 otberassets not included lu the foregoing 78086 00 joum y ravzant pmsumi ii a riciiahdsoh oamial uaaasw auditohtt okmtiviaate nswjiacavlivitkafklmi tt tub4xu 144 ismum4au suit a6wjvth0m m vwmm cute 1 itassfy mbimtllm u4kjwtlum iku u im ilj sm4 uw aike ltmvx 44 i t cilia a umulk uwstu si js flthi tvmirdtgrmrnta ffilic jltrlljofjit orijnrtli tlon ii w aviaonm ad10 mlnleur- nondav jam noth a m bublcuthe clmrcli nt thynlirn m tuiirlli herinon in ilm ntrlua uu tha hook nf udvututloii fivii iiilmuo tnik tn lliu hoyu mid glrlu allllllill conui until uiu tjunrutfu mrx watnu miuhcii lottiu and huxol miiuouniid hurtij timllli i u luiixctnircli aiinivurmiry no service fin 11 day helmut ut 3 30 p m alu wttlgomas valuakllb behidenttalj tooperity ipoii malfeb that ry iltaliatila llrwli nt land si hie coniur ul rlrvlaw avium bui ustn lllrsel amnii aniilalulna one liall aer upu llin ruium lluro la a auiall fieina iioum a nuiiiliarot trull irons ami sn smllitt niviuti terms an i iarlli ulara iiia1burwu uunti stititl- eilloii 1 11 ilia iriiiue if not 1 laifouly kola llio 1 ru hy will lia rnr rant nti liit ut atwil liim rout nltmldm 31 t llosha actou notieo ut tifjaiuusora odu uwauaweya alia lot w tills holue bltha u4olally to tlioja wlio ausaa i tttaot- i nil willi j ofli isls johh ii utthnletf fdll falk bi11ck tfnuuuea nu llaln htr will 1 1 hard sit ull wl irult blmtrlo hfllih ilnubla wof ju dlula lillcliau ainl inlri vkhhuiimi rour tj auilloiuuiui iwn ellaa villi iuimw alao lliipy f loufllil itaiida an4 otly tutbt- luraaluimi uaw lu aala vi uailulata ao- ytrlo lib lata ill iiw lu tmmd m m 1 uelau recru1th wantkd foil ilia llaliou am duff la llaltalluj al rouuu man o tills smiiuu wlio aau qualify ilioitl lruuii tly do tliir duly au1 aului or idrvlnulu iiaiuiic ol ilisirlriuw lialr aeuauy 111j uislr moil llrlui your lu oau tawu ip buy made in canada goods tiik mouk of quality groceries anil provisions pour important points cleanliness quality price service you are en titled to them groceries dread and meat flour and pmtry vegetables fruits and con feet ion try jr livingstone sill bt aotom new wonder land theatre d pnidav jam 8d tho mnrnla of marcus s parts fentuilnr marlu dora alio spec lat mimic by the trio from my georgetown theatre ayuhdav jam 9 mr c holmes will ring pte uichaulcobsldy v c wohdav jam u lepisode 11 nf the master key wbonvsday wmto 2 episode a of the romance of elaine o rl gregory huooiefeissvuii mouooi ynuv slid rharlaa htraau i yonohfo onyssmio lands in a etssi tn itwll vtliau altletlv flrat iasvreiklaeausl4arvd writ tor aatauaw tutor uow uuous ittwaua lev ear at wjsclliott prlheltu p p the hub ciotlich play an important part in a mans appearance why uot wear good clothes if you get them from us you will get the style nnd 8t hint is in the custom tall- ored hull give us your no urder mid you will always he cittomtr ill nnd workmanship tutuitnked geo f agnew cuetom tallo mill si aelaa 0 p grand trunkwstew winter resorts bpuoial rotvho trip vahattt lono llmtatornvhrsj ashovillu nnd hot bprluiry n c j clnirlestum b c nuwuui n p iot sprlnuti ark i reucli lick hurl tigs lint ijnclkouvllhiildullfloriht points 1 lluviiuii culm i nd now orleans l via now york utul rail or steamer iilcordlug tn rich illation or via buffalo pel wit or chicago urilmuua tno west amdlm ottieruiiillhltewirtx mount clemans mich llntllo crock mltli stcathar iticaweil onl i preswu bprlngs ont pwllmhlcuursoiiapidlcallnnegrand trunk agentu ti s holmes agent phone mo 13

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