ht jvrfjim sttt ft volirura xijt no an kttary huucrlltlon fm in ailv acton ontajiio thubsday motmno jriflbttuatty 1010 lwtllu 100 far aunum singlb ooii as tnmstc ownta ije jetton frrc itias vuii i ul bk lllilulsu uill uruur acroiowt uu of huubuhittiam ouo ilnltat- r year luuuy lu dwalio0 1 14 m aiiliatrlti united ulildi 111 till oilinloii dlanontliiuul wbaa tha lime for whlolt limy liare liu m h eatlrl fit data lo which avsry aultaarlif ueu la mid la jjhoimi oii ihaatl lrullu1 auvhtttiniha iutiib traualiuit ailvarllta uattul is miiti jur wont rtll lino lor lint omatfot and 5 eaulu fr una for toli aubaa- quul luutllou coulraol illlay tilvertlu baaota lor bo or iuoiim more iur aiiuuui 10 eta par leali sarli iduitu d yearly contract kadluaj mailer ocaulaiuiriueii oh luaar altuitmettte wlthniil aliealaa alratnm will ba tnutuu ull foll i a nlv tranelmil mverclmu i cliaraa1 umonf inuuiuat b mu ffccrv wwtuouml tha aiua etitdjkmltleii mutt b mu or aj ruly rtiw all itaoatibu ao4stj uioutlil ti v uooub kllkw ani rvapwtlrw uiuaitirfls dtmtorp rpi hos gray 11 u c m mcgill ho 1 bdiubuhok l ii f t ii luioow uumkanliattiauukmoji ataoouriom wro onue rdtw lltreal eelau oat osteopathy d it veknonnainiuhnm oituoratino ilivairisw ofaaalpliyalnilicina illoolinauaua iii j t tutejaja sul imday al ciuhoihactic duiiatiplnil hollo wav cuiaoraaproa uavald nulldlni nualpliotil ilf awtwq uornuy da odlti i will bast ilia beta el lira win anurau ulll dumi aston monday tum liv weluotdar tliuradav end tfthlar at well waafa dam to u l m vktefunauy alia eay er ulihtpaoniptiy a j muktnnoh hajuuaraa bouoitob oouvbtamomm 0iaulll ttlraal in pamtuaa block oma- kamiouiiii mmw doaalaa street guar pit dr j m dull ddbtdb dphvihv lorou i bone no bo ottee at uetuansa corner will aiid prjlh uaau uohos qaitmiara or voonyo uwivaiuinrv ba uum utitauiau uud if daaiiad d t l oenhktxdbntiax omhhfjuu block umokottyowm scmijiiintova jduuioiu hon ah bookbiuoalb iumui bmlia of all miufa waja la wfi rmodldal o i aary daaah p una omfdl i y boaad baluvuauiihi urtaibtivilatia m abbuob cioenqku tv a p uooum umvu 6 uinflm ockii4kj rnvtuoflu nowltaaamira4blid iaaaia itmuuum im tba awaai w vva ph ojdaa aovom j liana eiioauahd aooyiotmaa rar uia ooantlaa ol walllaila haltou r4l aa4 paoanln uu iba ally or uttalnii baud uuiuaul wlib uilalutlou ud upon taviiia iflatuvtallthaaap o o udau it mtbuii la couumuou wjtii tha dalexnivkn oattaha laud sijpvbyo auul civil burvya subdivlalouil piahb r- porta thaciflplfoua blueprluta etc lertwcotea for purchaser and mort- ffatfdda burveya for architect bull dara and uutilclnal cnuuclu dralu hje reports kbtlmatea etc merchants bank bldo auulph ivhtmm loan out j b chbbbrs 0ook bihoicr uftbtlatiue aimlboait nuu taiuwj in said oa lllblaa utu uaoiia aud ollii iioahi akixt wobu rttouitejy hxeoutd the old and reliable granite and marble dealers wmwt mknufaaioramaudtlltmllkiiimmrtam of all kind of uauuuaalai aud hwuutatm qk waaalliureahanureiiatuthttaaimbla mia tnrlaaa tbua kairltut our euatotnam 40 uatr hatra lit ihmii auidlauaaa aud tha ilaaln ihadomluluh mho atwaniai awaftaaft oiur uaabaulaaln tba damlulua wtta eau opals ul tuaua tjjolajotfly w oau i a frou baalmda of duv etttutbtaki sre 1m laraaal aod tl atoah eruratilta lu tha mlalaa of toaka than aby ibraadaalaaala ml waaira laahlbiaidaaiari aad pjar uo aijauu aud da not lauo o t inaam by aaadlua auk laorautaatu mdara atuploy mmbatilaa naly and dan 9aiaiiuoa hamilton son tie mwfaui aad woalabub fata duwuno savage 45 co ctnbllahnd iu4u jlwilllk gui i pll the old and reliable watchmakers and jeweller savage co guefph on ah a bkabonaul gift la a present ntiporb no olhcr piano appeala tootrongly to iwlh teacher and pupil ihiiii musician and liotiialfecpr bocuuao iwtli tins lona and the appear- anco of ho plain u par excellence sqioomlv bv c w kelly fq son s3 lower wyndhsm st ouelph ont c c speight ior up todte gifts sllvrwjrt in tablawair ftn vhtv also fine cutlery hardwexr tinwairaa and ortm- ttewfeuo in vartty pancfoira stovaui and ranges famous heaters small stoves oil stoves mechanical toys slfcjtjhs hoohay stloks gramophone records every article ia of excep tional value c c spelght mill strut aelon dvstbanb not only collects and killu microbes in dust hut it also catchea the dust purticles themselves keeps them fromrisink into the air to settlo on furniture and curtains and there fore practically does away with the necessity or dust ing many diseases are con tracted from sweeping dust order a tin today from jour grocer see thit jou fct dust- bane for imitations are not so good rjuumn unr pa lu oukw riuuwwmaadauaanunonr a compliment ituilduni cnntriatont and own urn nay to im wlmn itoomau to una ihtslwm you tjoktwtttly hatva lhaffootla wo ju irnnltu mi it f ou ueo our lulldlum liaulmiiiu linui juii hi rir hnnlaoru lliiit will pluti jon an id lit lu fjuilily mi prili u hind finnlj lin liiml hand iiiitiiiviul writu fur in for million wo have jiut uliat jun want iho bond hardwvnc co ulmllad phono to 1 3 tontwoly oublph defective eyes our specialty laabuoluta accuracy in eye axatulnn tlont and perfect eyo nlnnu or ujwictaclo aatlafaclloi at abiiolululy fair prkea wo feci auro youll approvo of tbia platform an evldoncuof ttio fact lltat we tuml by it wo can refer to hnixlrodi xatinflea ciutomon in tlila vlcinltj i grain j 1 chopping 1 well done and 1 qutckly at only i 5 cents per bag harris ft co limited ookwood ont i hqnaaimdaatiiatm a d savage optometrist mfc oiiician rlabt at tha pot offlco pitu itwlk quhlpti igrand trunk wift winter resorts aaliflvlllo and hot hnrinir n c cliarlbhton s c nassau n p hot gprlnfnt ark french licit sprlncu lud jacbiuinvllieaihlall 1iorlda 1oltila havana cuba and new orleans ln via now york and rail or steamer alcordlntf to destination or via duffalo detroit or chicago durthduda and wbst inotttu other hcallh uecortn mount olemitno mlcli until crock mich bl cathar ines well ont preston springs out pull pnrtlculanionapiillcatlun togrnnd trunk agents s holmes agent phone no- 13 boots shoes and rubbers where where where t at afeaney bros the dominion shoe store that la where you and evaryttilna id footwar we stock up with nothing but lha best make audi aa tha regal antes holdetl and the wfllunih tilioea for men and the em- preia and clonic for the ladies we have also a urge assortment of boyo youths uituw and cbll- drnsaud thu prlc are right we do not ull you a oo shoe for i w or a tt so for i o but a ijjoo 9 oo and i jo is fiso rubbera of alt kinds always id alack repairing promptly attended to kenney bros main st actoa ivlngts tfojionto cana04 robtnoble flour norvul kliiai cholca national and vive rouh feed uran ultarih wheat ciioim olutau uejl uokkloo colton uul oil cabo lla ual oat chop herbaoum the great block tonic all at lowest price j l warren man adm tulbiruombi ho fa give us men tim following has imon prannuiicotl orta of llio miut lwttutlful pociim of tho won olvo u mtii i men from ovcry rank krh uiil ftoo ami fmtilt t mm of tltoiinlit unil romliiiif men of lluht mh1 liuiliiif men of khiii lrhtiir tliiialtm- ufir h men of f lith unit not nf fuaiian i man lofty utm nml uotim tllu tiu moil i m uffiii llwo unnjn jlvo us moil hlniiijf and ktnluart on as i men wlinm muliotttiom iiibjirev men ulioni p irttbt honor llra mod who irumplti half im mulli i hum mt ii who niako thulr cnniitry wroutli them as her unlio sons worthy ol ttlefr biros i man c lio never hlisuie thair niotliors man wtto never fall their brother true liowevar falaaareotltftrn t oiva us nion i t say again aiptli lire us man i ifie us men i men who when tho tmpl pathers orsjn the slandanl of heir fatheru intluiuilokaatilahti men who strike forborne ant ultar let the erowiloi cringe and fller truo as truth though lorn und lonely tdiiiler as the bruvv are otilj i man who tread w hero minis have troi i qoil defend ihailoht i i men for country home and mod j liv i mil ik ruivo mita haupkunowl atlhagstaof thedrhe iooliiik ufur her re- ttyatlng siousoinitchleojbly ilulwrt nho called am ye not afraid of bain toe htet mind im tallla ye now if jo dont come right liack here and bid i ne rood bye prourly ill go straight to lawyer thomas i will have my dues of oourtln the bijr man auung round with a roar of laughter there you karnlcklty little womsn be aald itendhig ovor her lueaa 1 inusb be getting absentminded lo ye t asked his wife with immense aaroasin to think of that now though ill not hodenyin itosuipacled it myself now ami then in the last thirty years hut then it eeouia at if you were always with me wherever lam mary reached up to cuff hi m away with je slie aald mary usrkirwab and ia an etiergetlo determined little woman slight and dark with whimsical bluaeyea luhlnd her spao laotoa bhe laughs at her ug robert a doien times a day but woe to you if you venture to follow her example you may learn things about tha irish canadian vocabulary that will surprise you in fact her sharp tongue is the terror and delight of the nalghbarliood but i never heard that alia waa liked any the ices for it which curious fact la significant for some time she stood looking after her husband at first her eyea ware twinkling with quiuleal alyactlon it was sweet look far all ita mischief the look of good woman and perbapa it went far to explain why alto never loat e f rieod by i her aharptongue presently iiowevar the look clianged and she sighed a little hsr uiought had gone to another tall figure ihatthouu have beau striding along at hie side harrying the tools and turning to shout prevocetlve impertinence at her jahnuj iter john ny now in far fhuulore sthjiog oo another errand and besrlag other tools eh well r sh geld softly hee a dub oldld acd turning ait off for the liouee ol a tick neighbor where she waa to spend the afternood poor mary i hbe sit to reoelve there a blow that might wall have killed her had aha been ol less tough fibre i aad even yl it glvaa her many alaeplaee night it waa lata in the aftenukui whee the men of the house where the waa vhjtlag returned from towo ha euturd iatothe house shouting fala uews before him after the uattnsrof bla bind all tha woid over what do you think t johnny harper la dead i shot in the trenches and he stood gespjng at the eight el the vudtor uut what did she ifyl the farmara wife waa asked afterwards oh she didnt aey uuch just stood there kind ol pale vy and by she aald kind of aoornful like my johnny f dead r and then she gave e little laugh that would heve brokaa your heart to hear after a while she sekl what will robert say t noooe must tall robert but me i and with that aha ran out ol the room i knew better than to follow her bub i watched her mot of the way ham froi my window hero end if there anything i didnt say to tom about bawling t out like that you can say it for me theta all though of course be didnt know aba was here poor men l dut to mary harper hurrying home liketthuit wild thing the suddenness of tha blow waa not ungrateful she waa of thnt stuff that take things standing flke asked no quarter of fate for herself later in the iwlvaoy of her own aaul there would le time for grief t but now her whole mind was taken up with the thought of her husband long before ha had suf- fared from heart trouble and the fear ol a sudden shock had secretly clouded her life ever since rhe waa detertdlued that no one should tell him hut herself the wood lot where his work ley waa remote from any road their only paper oaute at noon llub hefoi e that time next day muse ull him hub not that night on thatahohtdeeb her heart with euibhorti neu he should have one more happy evening oostwhat it might i poollsht perhepe callous t ah lit tie yeu know her t behind that vallanb front she longed unspeakably to feel her hushaudearme about her to leao on his ulee strength her eyea smarted with unshed tears but her little face waa set like steel surely heroism la not lese heroic that it alma at something we think ol little value i her first impreealon as aha entered the yard waa tw her husband had not return ed there waa km ol the alaaraeted alnglnp and whaellng uauslly to le heard whom he wan nt wark tlieti hesw him attending to bla team ha uso bending over tho lioof of ana nf the horses and teemed so busy that trite passed him with a rpiiet greeting alt she enterwl the bouaa tlm whlktling htartotl up cheery ai ever and with mi uiicouvalouh sigh of relief she unnt on with her preparations for supper whin itolrt huritir ouno in for his meal ha walbeil to bis placo anil slood leaning n tho lutck of his chair looking at bar nddlj it might she thought be fsllg ia or tho radex of her own emotion but there seemed a queer heavineie in his attitude kiir inhu shoulders unfamiliar in im memory of him however moment islur he straightened up end took his seat quite aw usual well ha asked ami bowe mr jlrown 1 mrs ilrowna bavin a inoat enjoyable illness thank ye kindly bko ha1 a half pound steak to her dinner an we must all hope for tha beit mebbe in time shell recover her appetite if they dont hurry her a heavy days work joa had im thlukln an exclamation from her husband made her jump prom tlie oup in his hand s stream of ho tee had koured over into hie i lap eh fhe said mopping at it oh yes i ves heavy enough 1 heavy enough i ilahhy i ie trilw la it a bib yer need in era hibout t tiveu ineohang l lone vt tint la it robert t imtlreil mother ive had a hard day oh mother but ita bard its mortal hard and im an old man my deai hnrtl ye my- my rheumatism 1 im not the man i thin this hot brtad mighty gootl mother ills wife came warofce the room aad filled hlaeup vor a moment slie stood at his side stroking hack the hair wliere it was going gray on the tt mple yere faty man therea not yer like in the world she aald then suddenly i weve ever been the world an a to each otlier havent ue robert t robert looked up at her dumbly ha was ordlnerlly the least demonstrative of of teen but now ha reached up and catching the little worn lumddrew ltdown againsthle huiliy cheek yes my girl the world awl all and more titan that 1 he answered soberly and added a little shyly youve had many a hard blow that i would her spared you if i could mother youll always rememltar that wont you whatever happens t i would have spared you if i could slie turned hastily uwey and wae longer utan usual in replacing the tea pi on the kettle when she returned to ber place however aba wore her old mischievous smila i and for the rest pf tha meal slie piled him with e feverish rush of talk and witticism yea ami laughed at ber own jokse though her heart must have been braaklntr at last he pushed back his chair with a sigh reached into hla poekat and began to oil bla pipe msry eame aeroea to him with e sulphur match of peculiar vlruleaee fining in her hand this she first waved i under hla noe until he aneesed then held at suoh an angle that be must almost dislo cate his neck getting the pipe utkur it then suddenly in the mldab of her laugh tar iter head went down oe hla should robert she aald slowly if he turned so that their eheakfe touched and he fait that here wae wel why he cried little wooum v tia the smoke she aiuwerd jump log up and hegiualugt to pile the dlthee together at rwotd epaad it got lato the eyea of tee tia a woatdar that ye must evr be reekln like s half buraed boot i wbletr yw wife eooe uar ye robart took out the plpa aad uokd et it as if be had never aeee it boe yea i support it does smoke bmoke 1 a bodyj think i waeahau bhe wae at the sink now baking gt play with the soap eeveall praeeetly she looked over ber should hie pipe feed gooe out lu hla hand would ye look el that now yer plpea out i know mother 1 doat aewd toriiah lb to-night- uary turned in blank amaawdant i bab ineteed ol sseatliuy ber aeerehleg glaaoe with bla usual peiunb humor he sjgeled uneasily got to hie feet i and bolttg to the door stood with hie head on the tateh oueaa ill be going to the hambeeeid clumsily im uot just satlafud with the old mare hoof ml before she could answer waegoee mary want slowly oi with the work her heads moved deftly about the familiar tasks aad later aha found thai they were doneae neatly ae avar i but within she waa shaken hy the fieroe eonblcb btwta ber griaf und her will the opeelng ol the door had shown her a ladder of black uatke along its edge there they had measured johnny height each birthday any buiplcrarduied by her huihende aotlon waa swept uay by a flood of re- mehnbranoe the quleb room with lie crowded memories became unendurable hhe could no longer testrelnher longing for her husbands itresence hla mere physical neerneea drying ber hand hahtily she caught up a shawl and rati out into tha night the cool air calmed liar a little and the stopped at the barn door to recover herself oradually she became aware of a strange noise from within which ab brit waa put ling then like a blow acrou the face ita real meaning came to her it waa that moat terrible of all sound ol human gttef the woeplng of a strong man a gro tesquely awful sound fer anyones hearing what it mesnb to mary harper aa she stood there llitanlng to those hoarse wrenching sobs no one will ever know uontha afterward aba would wake in the night crying out that she could not help him hut though she told the rest of the story occasionally of thin part she would never knowingly apeak a moment aba leaned against tha wall trembling tlien jerked lha door open and want in the lantern huug upon ite hook oastlngadlralightaboutthekaoe there la the far corner upon a shock of bey alone but for his quiet beasts lay robert har per with a little cry aha ran to nlu oh my husband i what le it t at tb sound of her voice he statmhled to his feet mopping desperately at hla face i but her arms clung about him oh my dear la itjohnny t de you know t he turned and swept a great arm about her did you kuow mother 1 oh my poor girl 1 there waa a strange sense of comfort in failing the htronu support of his hotly clime to here ii won as if the physical oontuct aymliallesd as indewl lb dlda moral and spiritual partnership in the things of life awl death it brought the wife tho first ease hhe had felt a i no lasrnlng of hsr joaa the grief iteelf had not gone i but some of lite lonely horror of it had len taken away her husbands deep valoe oamoto her broken deipafrlng hut non the lees infinitely comforting dick mills took a short cut through the hush retold me- haiti i must bear up hear up i hla sons alive y my dear bla wife aoblied i know and then icsraa home wondering how i waa lo tell you and when i saw you coming up ths drive i just ooultlnc i tried towhlstleand all that as if nothing had happened until i oould think of a way i waa afraid of ita tjouiiog out sudden then i came out here to thlhk it over and end yee yes aha whispered i lid the like of that meself vor a few minute they clung together like frightened children when he spoke again bowevar it waa with a sort of awful dignity a grandeur that rose above hi grief like a propliet in israel they muat hav men mary i they must liav men 1 my greet grandfather left all he had and came up into the wilder ness for the sake of ida country ills sou was shot in ib 12 heart of mine this world la an evil place but it would be more evil if we could no sacrifice to better it hla wife looked up through ber taera ye we must be breve robert but oh my boy i my boy 1 canadian uaga- ilne not too old my land t you ought to gp cynthy said mr humphrey reluctant to own to herself that she waa dafoeted of her er- rendand llngerlngln the door cynthy ilubee slutted i suppose i had helen hub i doat feel to hanker after going i dont seem to take no inter st 1 guese im loo old youre ao alder than i be aald ura humphrey sharply let me tell you i wouldnt miss going to uadgea wedding far nothing i lav the child i do so i love hsr too said cyuthla illsbee almost sadly mrs humphrey laughed i guea if you aint too oil for loving you alat too eld for going to a wedding like that juab quiet home affair with relative and friends youre a relative and im just a friend so youve got more call than i have howsoever youre going to give her some thing aint ye 1 ob yea to be sure 1 am im going to give her my cameo brooch im too old to woar jewelry now i she wont have nothing nicer aald lira humphrey well she began to withdrew i hop youll eheng your i mind cynthy and go bobs calling after uelnhia new automobile and tbwll be room for yeu cynthy dlsbee gasped helen hum phrey you go leag with you i never gob into one ol them devil wagoee aad i nevr will id die of fright im too old for auoh foollahnaee youll never be no younger thats or- tsln replied vie humphrey aa aha lutn bared away pyothy uibe watch her go with a mtaeof relief the two old wotbsa bad bean fruede and aevt door neighbor for year but cynthia flt that haled preaum ad aocuwhb upon thehr long letlmaey heuue young at hart aj aver she waa- oathy alghl la bafeslf or j shepuuon pm bet young at baatoad i cant put on im old and i feel that way i alat got no interest in anything not area my victual im just hangleg oi waiting for the aummoae maybe itll eome today maybe not lit two year but uaail iheaaaia and i dont uucb eere i im tal tlrd ol living eloue aad dojdg for uyeelf rwtlrwl the tall uahogauy dock whirred aud struck with it woodn apathy 19 ooldok cynthy rose from hr chair and moved lets thekltekea xtwaj urn to pub ou the peteteee fdrdlrtar cynthy had lost her tellah for potato and there wat no one in the bouse lut henrlf i mill the bablb wae strong elbe alwaye had poutoe for din ner aad she alwaye would she slipped ikree lato a woeepen and ot them to boll theu aha dropped lau a chair llstleialy to welt the lid of the saucepan danced and chattered and oyulhy watched lb steadily outside tha closed window was all the wonder of a late may day green grass robin bulldleg lluoe shaking out wave ol aweetneea cynthy neither sew nor beard bhe bed seen toomanyepringtlmee to he thrilled by this one the flurreate of life had swept her into a little stagnant pool of hr own aud rushed iut and left her there bhe had known joy and hope and triumph but bow aha felt alia knew rehlng scarcely even that aha waa alone in the old house where site had lived aa girl wife widow and briefly aa a mother 1 dont aea why folhe will ban on ao when theyre too old to live she thought down the placid street in front of the houses mreamedegtlttering red runabout ab tha wheel which aha managed with skilled assurance eat a girl in a red loose seat with a penama net fast to her thick buck hlr she awung the oar hi at tha curb beiare cynthy dubeea door picked upasultmse toeva critical survey of tha forbidding front door and ran around to the hack one which aha opened without area the grace of a knock hell ooueln oyathy f she erlej if the voloa had come out of the sauce pan cynthy biebee could sot have been biare surprised my lend it loiadle ttee she acclaimed sure tba girl aet down her suitcase and gave cynthy a sojueete and klse hudttjeeemet i am going to stay any how until after madge jenkins wedding my bad uowd youd comer alooe la uy oar von see were in a neddu at twenty years aoo prom our yasuo of tho proo proas or thursday fob oth ibm four or live weeks ago lottie the little daughter of mr thou khbege sustained a framtirc of thn collar itono and nllhouuh nloely aet it wus aglin broken h n fill from ii iimii i xluigh lastlrliltiy the momlior id the iluplut cnrch lakiuifadvniiuifa of the kind huepltullty of th tailor ami his wile at georgetown presented rev mr fengford wilh an oildrom and wuin of money oppressing their lovo for hill und appreolstlon ol hi ur viae rev j 11 howell m a pastor of the methodist cj iurob held a reception of new memlterson buuday aud th sacramental service in the evening itov mr ilryere as i tied at tha evening service rev mr howell wavlnvlted for a third year by tlie hoard on monday evening churchill congregations church mini verasry uaa held on sunday rev w dryer of acton preached in the morning and rev t leggete pastor in the oven ing a tea meeting was held on monday night addresses being given by revs w rryere and ft j mclntyre mr titos kanney has resigned his place at the works of the acton tanning co aud left yesterday fur oaveraville n v mr jomea motavlih who has been la montour iowa for several year is visit ng friends in his old home aecorapsnlid by mr motavish meaaro john ti coleman r q hrown tltoa watklna and ed f dynee attended the assise as juror u milton this week miss alllo hrown has gone to speml some time with hsr brother and other friends ab eveter mr in hi com wtto out hi thumb pretty badly in a turnip slloer a couple ol weeks ago is still unable to reeutu hla regular work two r basons tap growl like u bear to day caiiaa lha wind in east i know i and vretl i urnd aa a hornet cause hla grade at school were low l and hitter marjory mourn like a dova ciiinie johnnie gotio off to war and buhy aunrlalilo n pootlledotr koltody knoua wbul for t ami my dearest dolly ha lost an cc i lor pbwtliibt la running out too hut i mubt ito mnrry us marry can lw salt dear lltllo molha loo i far wa oonlilnt stand ancther croan hojtl in ihiscrlti aroah crankum too papa is gay as lark to day for- the air is clear and cool and prod ia blithe aa n cricket cnno ho had the bob gnulo in mihnnl and marjory sings libo a rilghtlngulo ceuu johnnlu la ortleretrhomo i and luiby 1 meek as a kitten cause a cunnln new tooth ban coma hut im in compound fractions now aud theyre snarly a snarly can lw haya dear little brave little motile looi yet i mutt be cheerful you see por we must not have a single crot iteaal in this happy menagerie trouble and they dont want me lu the house naturally she laughed so mother turned me out roh gone to yellowstone ullh a party and pranks chasing up a law case down in tenner ite soma lonesome at home bo i came here my land 1 youll be a sight lenesomer here said cynthy the girl laughed bhe wae very band aome with her black iuhihiou eyea her red cheeks snd redder llpt straight note and hulling heautifullysetteelh theeuii seemed to linger upon her the wind to stir tlie folds of her redeoab so much was she a creature of the outdoor ho i shant be lonesome here she aald softly you arwit slek you know cousin cynthy wow tell me osn i run the car in the barn till i want to use it agalnt well 1 qfuem to ststumered cynthy three minutiui later the red ear shot past the window anil ealered the barn immediately lola reentered the house tltl time aha carried a hug boi t jutt gathered up what i could dad handy aha said ceutl1y the eook happened to be out of the kitchen bite lifted the cover bee hen cousin cynthy ha e roatt chicken a cake a bottle of cream straw berries and seud bkall i put them en the tenia in the dining room t im so hungry my soul hang by a thread remaining ul as hour later cynthy realised that site had eaten an enormous amount of chicken salad drenched with oliv oil strewbarri smothered in creeu atid eeke whove rlchna was betrayed by it color t evpeet 111 lie sick she regretted im too old to litdulfe that way pit tell you cried lola springing up well leav the table standing and go for a spin theree nothing like motoring to aid digested cynthy shrank lois you ctegy child f wouldnt gt in that oar for for worlds i bever vode n one and i nevw will pahew t lei remarked uraly you doat wart to break uy hart by refusing logo with me do you dart why both the bey eve father himself say i hav nt any match lor managing a oar and this i my dar little runabout why oteala oynthv if you doat go with me ill vwah back home and lave you te your ndigatiod ilerwhluteath flashed la a ltgulllngamlle bowehow cynthy found herself la the ear which began at bret to move ao slowly that aha never once thought ol toeing bar breath it woe delightful aeaeatloa uy aa silting la a rocking choir bha smiled at the spjahlng laikleupe buddaa ly thy turned a cortr and there they were at home uy und aad nothing happen she aeid i gueu aot you needat worry when youre with me dear how far did we go do you apeee t twenty mllea or ao bub when youre hitting it up at forty per lola atoppl discreetly kow wll go lu and wash the dishes aha added cynthy spent most of her time for tea blissful day la the car bhe felt a change working lu her vary soul lola command ed her led and anooumged iter lois would leave tha windows open loll brought cream and strawberries every day lola made her eat chocolate and go to moving picture show lois eyea mad her buy anew aalln dresa hat and gloves to wear to madgea wedding for youre going dear she aald i couldnt appear without you theyd send mo away lola mother sent out a great hamper of goodie one day to them and lola auggest- d that they glvaa pie nlo party and invite madge and all the ouicr young folka that night cynthy lay tired hut smiling u her bed tit ink ing over tha eveuta ol tlie day bha had eaten aa much lee cream as anybody the had had just aa good a time aa anybody ill never say again that im too old to be happy she though life la beautiful yet i dont care a mite if i lite n to he ninety do not boittow noubuf i aaw a delicate sowar bad grown up two feet high between lha horse path and tha wheel track an neb more to the left or right would have aea ita fate cur an inch higher and yet lb lived to flourish as mttbh aa f it had a thousand aoree of ua trodden space around it j it never knew the danger it ineurredj it did neb borrow trouble nor invite an evil fete by appro- tone iwusww iot nerve owlnff ltl6eu should he have had the rise flood morning mr perkihs greeted vorbe airily relates the american maga sine perkins glared speechless oood morning mr parkins repeated the young salesman politely perkins exploded what th dickens dyuh mean by butt ing in on me he roarwl quite so quite so agreed the young man how to our business i wont listen heat it quick what i wlslted to see you about was i aald get out of this onlee hut i well what is it quick v i em now drawing sluty dollar per month said porbes easily i wish it in creased to eighty commencing and for thst you come rampaging in here at ray busiest hour hoy are you plumb creiyt dont get excited sir eighty dollar is a trifling sum trifling sum t good rtua lord why when when i was your age eighty dollar waa a huge amount hut time have changed mr perkins when you were my ago times were differ the cost of living education and morals were lower helther pure food nor teddy roosevelt had couie into ue more time und liquor were consumed lewer book read with all due respect i ten lure to auggeee that modern salaries are not to be regulated by what they once were bay say spluttered the irate employ- i know youre going to ita disappoint- i dyuh know youre the i1rt one of my men whoa dared to ask me for a raise t cant i run my own business dont i know won a man daservoe a raise without him oomlng in here when im up to my eye in work t ia i suspected returned iforbea however im net trying to run your but a my matter is personal to me vou you pontsey it please arimonlahed th younger man you might regret it well of all the nerve computed forbes yea lie nervy mr perkins i admit that bub suo oat require nerve these daje parkins stern feature relaied a urine and he indulged in tha ghost of a smite mebbe youre right he haiarded at any rate youve puuty of the right stuff lo you if you are imx you need taking down i but well coma out with ue and ill flu it with the cashier tckgtbr thy strode out th nolo force fcwoe applied itself mightily ia the presence of the man higher up hub they watched covertly and wondered et porbea triumphant grin the pair paud at the cashier dk and the olerks were ullghted la the fact that pwrklne poke loudly all imsued atuatlvjy blumotui aald the big bom this morning i tb yon oa order to rale the salary of porbea here to one hundred dol lar emooth cut it down lfelghly niby nm urn a dmure looking salvation army laaale who was traveling la a railway tralu waa asked by a man tatting navt her whether she believed word in the ulble yee she repiudt da buraly erolelmed the man you doat luieve that jonah waa swallowed by the whaler i do she answer aad vbeo i get to heeveo ill ask hint about it uut auppoae bea net in heevea in quired the iteager then you ask him wu the luelea reply stxraitj atwin when you want advloaaboutyourhealth you go to an expert if you are aenalble instead ol taking the counsel ol an old woman who alwaya keep a bottle of some body utter on band you call la the doctor and when you went counsel about life ask tha advice of those who have studied tha problems of llfdaud made them selves experts nob the man who hie been too busy making money to get acquainted with hla own children even co to lhje who have developed their owu uvea so broadly and nobly that they should be t regarded aa ehpert use ullleve worm powder and the battle against worms won the pow- 1 dare correct the morbid condition of the stomach which nourish worms and these destructive parasite cannot exist after theyootue lu oontaot with tha medicine the worm are dlgebeted by the powder and are speedily evacuated with other re 1 fuse from the bowel soundnaai la lm porttd to uteorgana and the health of the child steadily improvre nothing a oood for asthma asthma remedue come and go hub every year the aatu of the original iv j d kallogga i asthma remedy grow greater and greater 1 no further evidence oould be asked of its remarkable merit it relieve it a al waye of the seme unvarying quality which the sufferer from asthma learo to know 1 do nob suffer another attack but get this splendid reeaedy today