jtlrc arfmi 3tvrr fjrrn tiiuuhiuv maitmih hum whi tiii topkmfnt minimi viol t flit iiiiiiki 1 imp wont hiim in they took u hor v jj aiiami it- ihlukilluit i he kdlil t uifi awful protly him mlil t ouvo lirit omul true att tlioii 1 mil pith tlio bonnou t think tlmy kuuod don t yon when grtindmaa liuir w41 nhloi an grump hair win hrown thay train uwny toothnr the talk of nil i ho lawn soma folka auld i load grnciouu i hut from tlio sky iilwvo a trantla hreaxo win singhi the song of youth all love whan griudni had a dimple an rtniv amlln was guy they took n bar n liuajy an rode nf miloa uwuy anil o they loved oaoh other what tto you tlif nk at tlmt whan grandma ward that lionnot an grampa wont thle hat rtomanci up llahbrd uirr llirlul tvlm vill li u ihvlnu mirh tin imp 1 1 ml juiit i i tin iir wn imunlud a v l nun inixiiip in an aliiorlniii i i i h i v i- lli nhiiiui ill mil nil j fill 1 tumuil- hnhiid it ilt if fill- nun ut ij tim i ih i jf onlln nj iui i round fcom i jwnti i nl ilio i mill i ii i ilu iirlj will it ilr i f il o im 1 wo but i jouujr me i out fur il li li li m i if la funi t iind thou i miuhi ir nu it noil tlihijf iln it n mi in mi in riioiiioiii tilth i ilu nail lio wai in iimiio it liay uaiti tnuollhi onlu u itli ii ton lijh tlmy hud kmit in ordi iiikiiiitiiilnn nli qmi 1 llwood mm i nlo nllit wo1 i clil nii in 1hui ho u mumling inrhed wlro ly sunday school lobsoii xii first quarter foi march 19 1916 the international series ijm a que bu to tba nditorj a toronto hotel keeper who in dis pleased ait tha t oclock oloslng order cam puinedhst 13 other busliieui in treated n out y will ious of tlio saloon fraternity ull un wliat other buftlueta a burden oe tli tax payer livery other business la self supporting hut the aaloon has to be bobtrd up with e tax on the people thamu tlte united btatesa mounts to almost taveii dollar on every man woman sad ehlld including of ooursa thou who uevsr loueb un stuff tlmt la no haphai ard gusa butooourato alatutlos gathsrsd free tmiuid nooouuu ly tlia aninrlodii ttii4 vwtlptt hmlhjf tlist tana in luti kuu ar hurly mvtsn dollar per evjlahlrhr than in rohiliition ute bdtpoih ui4t it i only half of that fn cuttd it luaunta to 017 50 to an nvsrm faintly of flv why should i ks couip4lid to my kuloordcod la to ajpport hunt im- lint i amiar r k traffio li 1 to sup port tli puprs orpliana and orimlnah rhloh ft uum llmy woull not lime to payo wuoh una ona hundrwl million dciuim waauj in drink twenty elpltt ulllioi norwial tuttlonan i tliouaindi pdup ofphanb crimlnali etc hat lu u w6k of tits uloon why alioiq 1 it ho uowd toailatt fuvrj o ctli lioui lfrpra aay tliav will hv to bo out of lualuas whlolj u an aahttdwudbfainstit tliat they rra not hotel krd at all hut talooii keuirii it l aurly tlni4 that tlia hot 1 1iushvasruulr4ml adpwajrcuu of man with in or than dlciary uialn ahllitlos and thcro are hiaay auoh hut tka majority of thod who ptad lit nania hntal ar a thaws and dli graa to uia houl liuainaa it a too uid ttat tl4ir ia a bllgma atuoliad to tlia va auw botal keapar which ahould not li lot a hotel ha a hotel and a aaloon ha known for what it la ilia tfrtiilrntcijrwoii ui oouiidraial traveller aay that thay do aot gt at tfood aooomodution in hotala ur liquor la aold an tlmy do in local oplloa towns out travollar puta it ililn way in tk ordinary hotel ua pay ono dollar and a half and got fifty cant uorth in tha local option hotel wa pay two dol lira and t tha worth of our monoj it la tlma for a ohantfa front luaklnjr drunkard to making munition from in ik iny paupara to making pro parity and fr6m baaklau arimlnala to making men lion b aaot induatriou ii arnott m u m clh lia moat obatlnata oorna full to roufat iioliowayn corn cure try it mad dyspepsia vayil he neattlv tuhmko up his yoe burdock blood dlttortt cured him mr u k mnmwtort ruuu aha wrltcfl about twiuty five yettr mjo in uio rroviucc of quclic i calm imtty ncnr tunthitf up my toea wltli dyapepala a coiieih of iiiiito persuaded file to try uurdock dloml lllttcin in about two weckd i could cat nuythlng from raw fat port fo unlcavciud brend tlireelmttl did tlio job and i have never hcn troublcd with my atomacli alticc vou would bay tliat uli ii uoudtrful if you could only iuns wljut wo wnnctiinta hava to live on in thla country imiuiocb half cooked beam etc durdock blooi jllttcru huu lieii on the market for the pait forty yeara and cannot b excelled as n medicine for all dlteaua or ditordcrt of tbe atomadi d ii u la manufactured only by tba t uulxlra c umlud torita oaat klndncaa ought to ho a habit j not an un uaual qient tlio trout lo with having a aoan chair in an ulyioo ia tlmt aomohoily la bound to want to pond an hour or two rotting in it- moat infanta aro lnfoied hy worm which caiuo groat anfforing and if not promptly doalt with may oauaa constltu clonal weakneaaui difficult to raiuody millar ti worm ioudara will clear tla utoniuiji and bouoln of worma and will ao act iifioii thoaatani that thcro will lie no rocurronoa of tho irouhlo and not only thin but thoy will ropiir tho injuria tlio orgaua that wnriiiu cauuo and reatorab thorn to soundness why women writhetters to lydia putuumi me cine co you cannot haoua of tho toola of tlio in flalta if you fla from tlia anvil daatlata loay b properly claasad aa root tlmtora ivotaot tha child from tlio ravagat of wortua by ualnp if other grave worm v urttiloaior it la ataudard mtnedy aoj yaara of uia hava anhanead lu repu af rnvscn farxanr tho iiujitwaaloiu nf joseph wyttu ato eorded lu veme tho poo try of war novor dad hvary llttla wfallo ttouabady wrltai a uew patrjotlo aonk that tuurdora ft iktle tmmtry evory ultlo whjlo noma humoriat from tho reuobeii mddm au ffutlou bora wdbot from oxtxrl- eace tho lluai oa thla paaa wore neat la latter by joaeuh wynu a ileapatflb rldor with tho flrat on a a- dlaa eohtlaiwat from tho west thla coatlaiceat woat to eaglaad with theli horaea but ibo horaoa woro tah ea from ibam ovor tboro aad they bad to iflwrn to walk moat of thorn bla cowboys wynn hih boon kovoti raoatba lu tho trnbea otr ono of bis trips aa denpateh rldor ho was paablair an or chard wbero tho apploa lookod kood to bin aa bit rlirubod a troo to iamki them ho hoard tho swish or tmllata paulutf him ho bad to lot blmboir fall to scarx tho oarman aulttera aad scat away without bofai bit tho following i ft parody oh ft wellknown hour una by wyaaft con tl use at in tho tronehob- muu me to rii 8a me to iop whoro build to fall let me forcot tho world and all damn la my dugout and cold aro my feet notbanv but bully and bfuulla to oftt flln mo to dleop whero bomba ov- plode and ahrapnal bullota ara a u inodo over the aandliaga bolmeta youll i and i corpavih in front and corpse behind f chorus pur far from yprea i long to be where german anlnera cant pot at we think of my crouching whom tha worim creep waiting for aomo thing to put ma to bleep elf tig mo to hlnop in ijomo old abed a doiteu rotbolel around my heat stretched out upon my watorproof dadglhg tha raindrop through tba roof slag ma to aleop where camp urea blaw aaill of rroncb bread and cufo au lallv dreaming of homo and night of rent somebodya ovoraeau on my heat ps rully la tbo famoua tia- ued com beef of tho drltliih army called bully boof by tho tommloa cafe au lnltu in tbe vronch torm for coffee with milk and la pro nounced karryoiaya overaeaa la intended to repr aent tbe overaeaa mall which la one of tho edition of the london dally mall women who are well often ask are tho lettenn which tha lydia e ilnkhaw medicine co aro continually publlahlne genulnef aro they trutlifult why do women write audi letterat in oiuiwer wo say tliat never have we rvubliahed a fictitious letter or namo never knowingly have we published an untruthful letter or one without tba full and written consent of tlio woman who wroto it tlio reason tliat tliousands of womea from all porta of tlio country write aucb prauiful lottors to tho lydia b pinkv liam mwllclno co is tliat lydia e pink hams vagetablo compound lias brought health and happinoas into their lives onco bunlonod with pain and aufforiao it ho rdllovod women from some of thewonit fonn of fumala ills from tlia- filaclmonta inflammation ulceratioi rrcgulorluosv nervousness woaknaaa stomach troubles and from tba blaea it fs impossible for any woman who is well and who has novor suffured to ronllro how thoso poor suffdrinp wo men foul when re stored to health tliulr itcoti doalro to liolp otlier women who nro bufforinaaa they did diskhoaokd hfoty ho jack ia engaged a he and la tunny tlio hrido to lw almt no iho a the tried to be neb- rank augwan ghamberlains cough remedy yo ii can ward off many anxiotu memauu if al the drittign of couth orcold ouwllluaeoiaio bedalascombjumedy it looav eai tha phtegoi u heals tha sore throat aud bronchial tissues ejuy fever and elves good reamjta alone if laflusnta ilron- cbltis or wboop- fag oough have i developed yea cam count oa thla splendid old faw- lly iwuaev for lief taut of tha laaaon aeta vil 417 mamory vara 6 6 golden taht aeta vili 30 i e commaiitary fr mrd 1v nv d m blaarna ilio onm utiini ur tlif hiiiuim whloh iwmui ulili mur murder nfuleplioimoii tlniiiil iimhr kutil ni ii knilnr or nt ltii ii wry nifho pemertihir for be in wild tu liuw tiiltmd cict- limio mid onihilllod men mid ioiulii io prlauu jlte iieramiilhni wan an uronl hint ii lu uutd mint till the hitlururu cxupl tbo iijioalloii mrt uttered iibhuid througli judon mid mnnmrla inn tlicy uoiil ueriulni iiiiuliliig tlio nnn nnd tliuu ood innilo the unifli of limn to pnilm dim itrmoii 1 i ft lxvf im imillip tho oiil or tlio woven efplrlt ii mod mou wliu wore cbnoit o uerio tables uutv miiiich to tho rront na n proaclior nnd lu tin prominent workoi in tbo rtiui of ihx clmptir ilmt wo see iilui prondijnj cbrlut in the clip of hnmnrlii nnd ivorkbig mlmclcfi tho eoplo uli inu hoed with one nccovd so that tlmn wim great juy in bat cty ninny inuu nnd uumon lie io vine tho words nf ililllp coiicoriilng jesua cbrlut uud the king dom of owl mill confessing the same by bupllum veroes ra ii there was n mnn in rnmnrin who bud been bewitching and decclrtng the people by sorcery drawing people to himself an great tunn but nhoii hu saw greater worka wrought hy philip be naturally became interested and professed himself a believer and was baptised hut peter and john having come from jerusalem to help in the good work found him out when be offered them mouey if they would give him tha power of tho holy bpbrft verses f2tf the gifts of ood can not be bought nor does a true tnea- aouger of christ ever seek any honor or glory for himself for tha lord je sus never sought hu own will nor iula own glory and told tba people that tuey could not bellevo unlea they sought honor from ood only john v 00 4i vl fl vlil g01 tha kloly bpiritt uevr honors any more man but through tneu honors jesus christ we must cease from men and aea no man save jesus only isa il 23 hark u fl when peter aud john had help ed tbo hollevera in sataarfa they also preached tbe word of tbo lord in many ko mar l tan villages a they journeyed hack to jerusalem 14 to 17 and 20 tlio lord jesus had said before his ascenslou that when they received tha power of the uoly spirit they would bo his witnesses not only in jerusalem and ka marls but unto the uttermost part of tho earth acta l flj tha first part was being fulfilled but some of tho ends of the earth have not beard jot after nearly 1400 years now great l ilts patlencal fa the power of ood manifest to tha word and worka of tha apostle and evangelists wo bavo seen something of tha inter est of heaven in tho work of giving the good new to men we have also seen tbo ministry of angohj in taking peter and john out of tjrlsoa and send lag them to preach in the temple chapter v lft so and now while philip la busy in tho midst of this brest work in bamarla a messenger from heaven la sent u him to tall him to leave it all and go away down to tha desert road from jerusalem to oosa hot beamingly without giving may ttaaaoa aa to why ha should do thla did aver busy preacher of tha gos pel recelae each a strung command there did not seem to be any reason or common assise la it but rather an interference with a great soul saving work uigbt not philip seem justified lu saying aa nebemleb oaca did im doing- r great work ao that i cannot com dowaf neb vt it wag an vl spirit who was seeking ffebemlah but tt wast tha rla christ who sent ills angel to philip because ha aa w a maa of bthlopunbimlngfmrajeriuutlem with out havtdg beard tho gospel although the apostle were at jerusalem 1 sea two or or threo important thing here thai necessity of trying the spirit to aea whether they aro of ood t john iv 13 tha necessity of always mak ing plain tba way of ufa in christ lest soma hungry seeking soul may go away without knowing bow to bo sav ed and tba necessity of prompt obedi ence- when ood speaks uo matter how unreasonable it may aeem to us we aro gud to read that pblllp arose and wont versa t if ha had any committee to consult be would prob ably have been blndaredj but ilka bajuuel ba waa a man of ood and bad an ear for ood and a willing heart it is certainly moat interesting to see this traveler this treasurer of tha queen of ethiopia wading tha book of isalab a ba journeyed and to ba just at tho place which told of a so ferine uoasiah which we call lax 11u y a when a stranger approached tba chariot and heariug tba word being read for be waa evidently reading or beluff read to aloud ha asked under- suudest thou what thou readeatt tbea followed tba invitation to philip to rw andtoavplaln tbaocrlpttin aud wa sea a heart opened to receive jesus christ as saviour and ueaaiab a desire and readout to confetti him in baptism and n truly happy maa went en hi way rejoicing having found in hi lyeasf makes rerfiotbread j its your medal out in ii ueamrn ttit n i ere iniioin l03 who who uhut tluj cull u lookwflrtit whenever tlio nolghlioiji found lifin tlmy found hint pouring aoiiin mimty old hook tlmy wild he ahouid go to college hut his futhor iiu loo inoi io uend mm to uollego hut one menlngi when tho lojs uua away from home the father and tho mother und the daughter held it confomiica mid tho litnjjhler mii t fut her if you will mint i him to oollnjfo we iris will do without now drooara for a year and tho old mother mid if yon could 1st htm grt i will get idong without imlp in the houe tim father liataua und ha exclaim wrll if you can do tlmt i will get along without any antra holp nu tlia farm an i the elioy lu awuy at ool lege it moan four eara of privation and four your of the pinch of poiert for the folkast homo t but tha hoy lain school wlien tho graduation day comas three peoplo are up in tha gallery waiting to ase their loy graduate the prafciiiors with heir queer caps and gowns file on to tlio pint form when tha aledlctorluii rises to apeak they oheer hini to tho echo the thro people la iho gellery lean forward their facaa shining aud their tears fulling they nudgeeach other with porfrotdallghr thare ia a hit of a aoli on the part of the old mother aiu whan tha oration la finished i ilia iwy geu bis medul of honor he holds it jut a moment in hla fingers lookt at it then cornea down front the pi itform pushes through the crowd and oil ml up to tha gallery than whin very eye u turned upon hint ha drop lowu on his knees puts tha medal around hla mothers naok and burying hla face in his hands haexelalms it is your modal i never would have hail it hut for you and everybody about him is sobbing that ia a home i tell you that is a home ami there are mothers whose homes have never been fine who have felt the pinch of poverty upon them for yeara who are jusl wondering whether or no life hai been a failure put if you bare given to the world one boy that ia a christian if you have given to tit world one girl that is a christian and if your boys and girls can rise up to day and say my mother i she was tlia sweetest chrlitlsu woman thstover lived my father i ha was the truei alnt of flod tliat ever atood in a home 1 tall you men and women that a worth while there la one ambition tliat i have whloh i suppose moat fathers bavo it a this that when i corns to the end cf lifes journey and they pub me in my grave my boya and jrlrls could coma and lwk at the stone at the bead of my gravi and rood their fathsra name cut theie and be able to ray juu ono thing ha wai true itov j wilbur chapman d i money talk a and whats mate t can al waia gat on utidlenoo man geta many shanks during his life iut ihogioatost of all nniuoa to him tha llrsttlmo his young daughter ndvina him not to lie silly nino times out nf ten ihino fortune knows on whom alia la smiling kvery tlmowftsaoa tightwad in action ouricspiot ror money gies down another natch children ovy ran fletchers castoria chariot by the wortt of ood whnt ba had not found ba jerusalem th spir it of tha lord who controlled phllln verses so 00 carried him to axohi i bwat 6ig preaching eruryvrhftrc hih wettu bill ifclaktjy wwwtiiiaiautooitluoiater the heart always works la sympathy with tbe utxvea aud unless the beart w working properly the whole nerve syateni is liable to become uusutuur and the heart itself become affected mil burns heart and nerve puis will build un the unstrung utrvou system and strengthen thai weak heart so that the sufferer will enjoy tbe wry beat of health for year to come mrs was all choked up could hardly breathe bronchitis wm 11m cut tfc cur wu dr woods norway pine syrup lira garnet burns north augusta oat writes i caught a dreadful cold going to town and about a week after i became all choked up and could hardly breathe and could ccarcely sleep at nlfbt for coughing i wtut to the doctor aud be told me that i was setting bronchitis my husband went to the druftuu and oaked tit em if they had a cousb medicine of any kind that they could recommend the druftilst brought out a bottle of dr woods norway pine bvrun i started using it and it com pletely cured us of rny cold i cannot uu you how thankful i was to get rid of that awful nasty cold x shall always keep a bottle of dr woods norway pine fiyrup oa hand and i shall only be too thul to rccomnund it to all others dr woods norway pine syrup is a remedy that has been on the market for the past twvntyflve years aud we cau kcoutuifertd it without a doubt as being tha best cure for coughs and coldi that you can possibly procure there ore a lot of bniutloni on the toarket so when you go to your drurgltt or dealer sea that you get dr woods putup la a wllow wrapper three plue trees the trade mark tha price 26a and 6oc the geaulie is manufactured by tha t jtabiira c toronto out salt asajuxurk in moat eurooan land it la dear and usad sparingly along mmiy piiru of mm llilllnny coast wlmm tllu bind ci lou joii muy tto tlio uen unit liuluutry being iiu- rltml on on u largo uculo in tho unit ed states salt is cheaply produced ut inland points hy ovuihrutloii from unit wntor pumped from doop wells but in moat or tho couutrlom of humpo tlia bulk of thu en it which is coiismnul is mado by tba evaporation of son wntor fjea salt is not so puro us salt which is produced from xvolls au it coutnlns h percentage of unit of timgnosliim polauulum mid llmo with traco of lodluo nnd oilier alemciitu in mldltlou to tho nodlum chlorldo which is he deulred uubotuiico out it aiiuwor tho purpaaa nbout us well tho son wiitor hi lot into grent shal low basins or pondu nt high tldo thd flow being control lod by gate the nun which shlnoa ory oworfully oa tho bo ii h it re ton coast gradually vap- orotco tlio water und tho brlno bo- bomes constantly utronger moro wa- or is lot in from tlmo to tloio until m certain point of mi turn t ion is rencbeil nnd then tbo water in allotted to dry up and tbo salt lu loft behind us a thin crust or costing on tbo bottom of tho ponds tbo salt is then gntharod hy moans of rake nnd scoopu in ihm form of course it is ery impure ror lu inking it up n largo amount of dirt is tnucn up with it it is piled up uud lu duo course the notion of tho ruin nnd westhor serves to liter out moat of the dirt and tlia salt is loft in fnfrly pure condition as you go iiiiiiiji iliioiigb tlio snlt districts you will uoo hundred of thoso white piles of salt containing perhaps a on or ho each tbo crutlo salt i anally taken to mills whoro it is put through refluliifl processeu and mad ready for marks salt brings blgli prices in most isd- ropesn countries it is such a luxury that tbe peoplo liaro to lw npnrlng of it you might wander why thin i when icurope has sneb n huge const lino and all that is neccasnry is to lot tho sea water cvaporalo under tho in fluence of old eol to produce nil the snlt any ono could wnnt itut bora is whro fho ltiw utepa la tlio government assume flint iho uca is its property mid it will nut nlluw ordinary ci 1 1 ions io mnht suit from it or in fact mako niiy other prlrnto use of it without n llrcnso poor oihermeu in turkoy wiro put in prison bccamio they dolled wn vn tr and made tliolr own snlt jtiln il licit making of salt wnn ugnlunt the law just as the mnljng or nplrlhioii liquor without n proper ilea me from tbo government is aguliiat ilio luw la this country children cry for fletchers castor i a au uaa tor uvur iv jcuib uui uviud tf i ami lina boon bind st ysi sjoiinl auiwrvlalon i vv5rw allow kio ono to do tbo hind ifoa llavo always lloaglit aud wblcli basi boen lu taso for ovr 30 years baa borno tlio slirnatrtro of and linn boon biado under bis per- islon since it infancy ntodnoolvoyoulntlil all oountrfolt imitations mid itiiataaffood aro but 12srrlmonta that triflu with and endanger tlia health of infant aud children kxporlunco affauibt xcnorliuent what is castoria ooatorln irt a linrmlrfui mnbatltnto for cnur oh par doric drop mid hmitblncf hyrtipa it la nltunnt 16 contains neither opium morphine nor other mareoua m instance ita npo im itu einruito it destroy worm rttd allayif lovorlslmowh ior moro thtni thirty years lb xia boon in constant una for tlio relief of conutlnatlon rintuloney wind collo nil tootblnff trouble and xinrrhooa it rotfulatca tho htomncli und wowcht nsslnillatoh tlio lood nlvlnnr luultliy and natural floep tbo children i hlothora jaiend genuine castoria always bears the signature of literary beam here robert w ohambcru gino this ad vice to tho literary beginner some year ago says thu london fjtrand and it holds good todayt have something to nay nnd leara by experience how to stiy it tho impor tant thing to be sure s something to say tbe trouble with most people who try to write stories is that thay have nothing to write nbout naxfe dont talk about it do it a writer can make bis own mstket it if be only way to do write whit appeal to you nnd find a pub lisher who will take it dont go to a publisher and ask blin what ho wants lake him want what you have to offer if it i the real thing you woat have much difficulty you will itoak into print with your first effort mgk in use for over 30 years the kind you have always bought the gimni trunk railway annttnauu tdainsj wl let i t iiitin exchange your western town lots wlmtttllllf i f ll mlulu for ii llmituil inn uui i m out thorn nnd iiihiik vs uli f wtmcru inuu i ik i mi liiuini with u tlighl iiiim i u ith r lump or lull in i l int mi proper ik in mil hi f i i tiilou r rnhli li im uiliiit n wir ttnur ittifl hi i t in- un nt mdo ilk- tlllil i nit j i i pitllh 111 1 111 iui 1 i up f ht i v tlil- ttf im i i tidii hid thtto pi piiik nun quitit nnd tit jit at in im urito for for pnr- oto w imiilpirld 447 woolwleli t ounlfm the jshlsarlee the jaauarles were tha most fear less soldiers the turkish empire baa ever known and they were not turks it has been said that tlte most soaloua rellgumlst u tba convert to the faith ind so it waa with these converted christian when they took tbe filth of uobammod utulor bui tun orkhan in 1330 and formed the uucleus of hi bodyguard they became the most ex treme liussalmans it wa they who itortoed tbe wall of constantinople lu i4s3 tba city that had hitherto beau mhsidered impregnable at louis q lobedemocrat rvanldue fats tvehgurvd tha uu of prankltu tho fatuous plorer waa unwittingly prebguredand oa the eve of bis starting un hi last voyage at the hands of hu own dovot- id wife as ho lay daring on n uof lady franklin threw something over bis feet on which heawoku io coiutsr- aatlon saying whj tlioros u hag thrown over ma dun t you know that they lay a union jack ovor a corpa it is a sign of rain when wtno ono hypo thec l e your umbrella to have wlmt you want u wealth to do without power no man nan win numh unless he in in jovewlth his work a joke isnt miicli of a joks unless it is i punctuated with laughter by the usteee mrs john n hicks jjunuvliitoilfc writes i am sending yeu tuy thoouy or the benefit i have reivd froatusuig milhurus heart and nerve puuu a a nerve and heart builder they have wouder ror me at time my heart youwfll notheableto il in heaven if you praatlot resting hare the battle without goej s ft tlis list us within praoueally the wan who never pays tiu debts has none choked for air borne little irrfunt u eomas lodged in the brooch ul tubes otlniv gather and the awful choking of asthinu result nothing offers auoh quick aad ruro relief ur j ukalloggaaathmm hewed the healing soothing smoke 01 vupour penetrates clasre ths luihtges and gives untold rellsf usually it coniplalaly our u ha behind le years of sucobss it la tlia sure remedy for every imfferer a scotch pbayeh o lord we approach thee this tnarn in in the attitude o prayer and likewise o ootuplalot when we cam tee this ian o texts we espeoklt te fin a ian flavin wl tnllk aa boaey but instead o that we found a un peopled wl ungodly irish o lord in thy great tusroy drive them tae tha uttermost pslrts o tessa make them hewers o wood an drawers o water t gla them uo emoluments i gle thsm nse idsoe o aliode i noer nuk them huglstrates iloemea or ruler aiusiirthy peopl hut if ye hae auy favor tea bestow or any guld ian taegle awa gle tea thine sin thy peculiar people tlte beoteh msk thfin a metnliers o ctengreas usglatraua an rulers among thy people bub as for tha ungodly irish tak them by the heels anahaks themoterthemooth o hell but head edges bspert est i unto hist unused land lying nt cither side of ibe country roads is capable lu uinuy case of bear lug noo biiatiols of corn to the mile strip thousand of utile of tbe best uuropcau road are only a rod wide but uncle hums edge trimming t largely n mutter of theory kxcliaut tiieiiouc of quality groceries and jprovisions iourtmpmtnnt points clean 1 1 nets quality irli-i- strvko yon aro en uikd to hum orocirlif ilriud nnd meat plour nnd pnitry vegetable pruils and confectlonorj j r livingstone nill bt acton incuba tors and brooders lamliuii ruglinli nonpareil hot water inctiliiitur ninilc under govornmetlt test ofvatiram 1noudatohsj chatham oiloooklia tor gala hy alexander mckenzie fo hovbol asllinateaataste the merchants bank op canada jfthrift is rirluly described as eco i nomical manancment a shrewd bubinci3 man is spoken of as thrifty be cause he oaves perhaps only a dollar at a lime perhaps more but the real hecret ol his buccess lies in the principle of saving one dollar will start an ac count with this bank all local cheques cashed at par ojhiral paid ut uktfmmvb ytlmdd amd umd1vidsd tmowrfl acton branch f a mac lean manager advanema ideals iiow i your daughter progrehlng hi tnuslck well replied ii r cmnrox l thlulc her taste i improving rbo is gottlug so she tblnka enough of rome of those louu nut to try to slug tbam wuitt- ingtou bur bahie thing fiharp i punctuated my lire lb tber day prtendpunciiiatedl you bieati punctured i suppose hbnrp prap i dot but anyway i camo to i fait stop tvae liberty la to have absolute pow- wovaraelt seemed to be all out of ordtttut after using a raw boxes of mllburaviicaut and nerve 1h1u i feel like recoaaauadlng at mubum ileart and netve jpu1 have beeii oa the market for the past twenty- uve years und are universsdfyansidereo1 to he unrivalled as is medkjtw for all le thine amen i within atlasoli mistress jans didnt you hear the doorr new servsut s mum mistress then why dont you uo to die itf heu i lort miiburn ileart nnd nerve sffls are i ww havamtlkl mu i i w boo per box 9 boxes for at 21 mt all i b muiu i sin t es- dealertor rnslled rbct on refot 3 b0 to on v i i u i m vf sensebody to a youteelf mum i parting fabow so-i- t use milburns laxaliver pills roil a sluggish uviesl whfen the liver becomes sluggish it u an indication that the bowel ore tut working properly and if they do not move regularly many complication sue liable to set uj cousupatloo akk headache bilious headache jaundice heartburn water brash catarrh of the stomach etc all coma from fuserdered liver muburaa puis stimulate the sluasub lwr clean ths coated tocgue sweeun the obnoxious breath clean awy all waste and polsooous matter from the system and prevent as well as cure all complaint arising from a liver which ha become inactive mrs lohti v twutott buueja oat writes i take great pleasure hi writin you concerning the great value i have received by using your mubtttm xaxa- tlvtt plus ror n sluggish liver when my lives got bad i would have aevcte hsad- aches but after using couple of vial i am not bothered with them any mom muburas taxauvtr pilht are 35o a vial 6 vials for 1100 at all deauers of mailed direct oa receipt of price by the t ullbura oa umited toronto oat nwhhhhwhwhhhuuuh h bont iazorrys vou can liavo your uoyu hull nidda to measure here our iky s mode to uoasuru ttult ppattment ha caught on livery customer la perfectly satisfied tho hiylo pit aud taytoring of tlui ilkbt prices 9 00 to sls on a suit 300 patterns of thu very best cloths and surges to select from thing your boy and let ub make up a suit for hi m to his measure skis tub hkw spiiiho hath r e nelson 5 msrohaht tttllai s tiaue kukhdubsc s ehbbeysiiifmsihbwisiiwsiiiftbabsisaisiiisisiw wyudtuuti etr oub3llrll ony boots shoes eubbbes fflavvia vawssia all lines p kootwoar q at rwht ptlca b i au mons rubboi8 at tf 0 bargain pimcea fi w wltiliams mill sin i acton kct0n and specials for this week 10 985 hi mens winter underwear reg roofor mens shnei reg 500 for another lino of shoes rem 375 for rubbers tvfi 100 lor heavy rubbers and socks rep 225 for all soap s for itic a few other lines it reduced prices this wot it only 7wv skxe 1 the brlok store opposite new post office loooockoooxcnxkxxxxx0ocss having ptirclmutl dm livery lllllllinfiii nmt hulwlll ol lb nlalu ol ilio li jil willi 1 rcixclfiih luillclt iii pdlroa- nnu nf tlio public comfortable rlffuuill alwayn lio mipplled at nntonablo cliargei dub uuev alx vdainh ahuhose mccann mill si acton on buy made in canada goods cement k cuoplw acton cement contractok for bridges silos walk floors walls etc also akviii for da laval silos separators etc high grade ponland cem ent fur sale riulie maiiion fe marioh 1111 llnlvonlty hi montitual