wadding and birthday presents wecldluff uliikj iuiny cliiim mid cut glaso 1h47 hoijoln hllvorwwro novel i lea hi umivcnir gondii marriage lliouuo lumiul geo i1ynds aotom ontario sky sotiio 30 itilloo from toronto about 0110 liouru rldu 111 a plnco tlioy cull gooretouu j a wllloiifxliliy roaldou do lulu tthout lofurma of different uliapoit nnd uaoa no fancy tulk no idle jnrua iiu hiiro linu pit uiiiiiu prison i your form m not no jiood your pi ofltn uniting dm jfuil talto n trip to gonrrolnwn flood farm a to you hull whow ffllie titian jlrre pras tiiuiihoav apiulii 1i1iu bhiep local items good kviduy in two woolta now lokt your garden tejdt clean up 1 brlijtiui tip everywhere march wti truly wry lambdlbo in i lb nit kjrtt ere down to 21c this ueelf and butter sic dandelions are in btoom araln in ami ahlny eomer work will lo romutiftd on llio toronto huhorhan railway neat wool mr- william hall main atreet ijcu- ed panaue in bar git n to n on tuawla april shower urrlicd rluht on tli tit that day goto bull n duiun shuuora the iwok to nature jciiru nitfiesto woodland eiuurnlun thcu i rilit uprfiir day thcao nra tho ifnnloiilitg dna wlimi rlva promise of iwy dunnm in llio nu miner and fall tit council ucoiifildurfuff the matter of uradlnif and urn veiling lower avenue thu la an improvement mueb needed llev w o rom ii a of ronton church euiuoalmr preached an able ur mm in knox church 00 hunday evening vroia real winter weather with hoveral ficf aow to vurmauiiahlnoaf epriukaud barty nil buuw annihilated within tho laat wei of march un un owrlonca hero but wftnb the general wolfirn of any lown tlu pctd urg n 1 1i1 llmft mid ioad timet prevalent in tin iiiillvuliiul komu of llio eoaibi unity tha are llio data when uidouualio putduur tirlnur tbo split lojf drauu into taoeawualon and improto tho ruada of ttielr raapectiva beat a troubloumio mud hole opiioalui mr urulaaye fertncntrauooon tbo aotou croaa road requires tlio attention of tlio county road commissi oner dout be a bnochar hide uur little haiutiisr and try to ajioak uoll ol other voull fcol tuucb ixttur and tlioi uobwly gtaatucu on a tinucktr xiltvillad bumimaiit fur 01 ira coot of lb naw toronto hamilton road will ba 2000 p4r uilo for tbo jwition paulntf tbkwjgb lli labtfclde town arobduoon luvldeon ol uualli will rl bit popuur loctur 00 itiria in tbo bwu hall neu monday veiling lotb inu tb uotura will bo llluit ruled with lino uauni wlowa no nun can afford to bo without bu tbilly papor and tho man who ia too careful tj hla flaauoaa to auburibo fur bis local pap but horruwa butiolblori la prac- tiolritf filw 60000lll iat it about timo tbo toupaph com pany moutvad lluwa vacant polaa oly main huimt tby lave bwii ojtofcorihilsjaa for uv4rl years and uuuo of ttatn ar m u4au u tlta tafty of kdutriant iuv dr avlftou dolivcmd a vary alio atul b ft lily inuroatlnp liicluro on jolm walyat lua mooting of kuox church yduji loojja fuibl on tujay evening hmnwu largo jatltorlng pront aiul aupbi widen 00 of approcbtjoo h wu aluty year ai yaaurdiy falno wi m6v61 from 1cru to aclou uld mr johu cl hill to the pulc pruu on uodjay after wo roioliltba mountain tb fculghbiff was cuooltont it mid and itlttttd iior0 for a wool or snaftoruarda u flautte tuia rocolvol auvural 00m pujula rwtiardlnjf luotoriito drivliu at an bkoakalva speed on uomo of tho stroota of tbo town and imsiwlurlng podnatrlana on ibofcldawalu with 111 id utii uutur auto tia should uo mnro dlmcrotion ut uatt until tlia roida aro in letter ooudltlon and tiravel hinro cautiously lurlinuton jui it- mas3 tho follow in y it tho roport for march of school no- 0 nwuuiipiuoju 1 iv joliu klnynbury cinmr in kitthlny clawnoo wumih kutbloan vu una tom nltfbtjosale ifuxgl wilson hll iiouvo mouiikhhn ihia klng bury atlantlllh mu nilii- llcrt m ingalo kriistt wilaon thorni mitchell ohuljailuio ju h alloc macdrctfor ju i churllu muluublhi marj harly robblu kiiiubury uiuylo wluon vlolut bhwv u ktlltb ntillla tommy motiuubll 1 florg nlfihtlimalo a aiaod iva1u ttwohor hows this weoffdrooo llnudnul djiiiim itauurd for iiyoaaoloitarflitlmtuiniiotlmioiiioil by wauw cutawb uuko if alla oatarrb tiuro iiub 1uii tulioii by eaurtb audorara for tbo pst tlilrlyovo yur and ba laoimi icnnwn ui ilia mnt mllabli niuudy ur cuturrli ilulla cutattb oura aot tbrouub tin ui001i on lb uuoauaauifitoa evullinir tbo 1olann frotts tbo blood and boallnp tlio diaoatod uotilotlll afuruklnff ivaha catarrh curo for a kboittlinoynu will km n tfrymt linproia- uitt in your ifiiiieral hwltb huvl t iblnu if all4 tuurrl oura at one and cut rid of oamrrb baiul for tefetlinnnlnld mni v j cttatiey jfc co toludo ohio i firti hold by all hmirl-t- 7to rheumatism arrested mauy poplo aiifiir tlio torture of lam mottle and atlffanud jnl tibj ihcauati of int- nuritlealil tb blood nnd encli aiiocttllnj lotackammamtmtfacutetiiitllrluuitutiuif hn inyffitej the wliolu nyiitcm tart rlumuuiunui it llo l portant to improve ymitwusral iieahhm a purify you mood nwil tho cod ilvti oil in bonttu itiliulalonvla tinturav rteat uood truker wlille 1u tiiwllclm tiouruu- faient hlrwiirthciih tlieornimta okpel the fuipuritloa upbuild yotir atreitgth boot t a ltmulkloii u hoplttthiunimiatu vryily wlmrould tint find otltrr relief htfum ut aloolinlla ailtlthltmi news op local import iotntoou prom wnr wots wnr plot loutooa yrown liy pet pi in in thomiliool frtlrdutrlnliof ontario yluldud i7hh till iiioimy wna uul to buy a motor uiiibiilurico fur oiorooatt uwj iiiu totul hultoi ciiuuty hcbool fair pupllhoonuiliutoilluki tlio entrance examlrmtlon tlio junior hlfh school kntrancn l-xatn- iuittlona will 1m hold on wadhwduy tlmra- day nnd friday 21 at lnd and litrd junt tlioro will im ooniikjaltloi and hpllli tbo llrnt dity arlthmolla and kjloraturti thonccond and klimliuh crammar writ- inu and cooraphy tbo luat day a halo old lndy aolon buu nut many octoauarn and torhnpa tlio inostl oldjrly miraoii in town lit mru tvirlme mntbor of mr kleboua forlieu church htroat who on tuoailay oaloiinitod hor olyhty mventh birthday hho la romiirliably vlyoroua for liar yoara and bluco tho death of hor sons partnor in ufa lat duuo una condnetod bin liomwiliold aluilra with inarlod davolion and ability nnd with aomowlmt of youthful authutiam aha uuuh prcparallona for tboovont of tues day muy alio luo to bo a tuiidrod uov mr avlson preached on outlining afternoon itov mr avlaoi lucoivetl a pliono moaugo from tlio alualon roomv toronto naylnff that rav mr cm klier missionary from china who was to havo pronched ut tbo annivcraiiry ur vlcci boil been tabn ill with tomllltia nnd nun unahlo to 00 mo to acton at that into hour it waa impoaalllo to uoura any aulwtituto the only olumatlva waa for tho paator bimulf to prcaoh ho dtd m and tho eoogrnthou board two a hi and approprlato dltooumo tba tnlaalonary offdrlura ueroifonoroua and will roach tbo high murk ml by tho upland id bitln of lal car docorvod to bo throshod hlmnoir onb itnrd y tohntc of niwairauaia uiihril uforu r 1 caiuplwll t p clmrytd illi itoatini u wlfu un hnndny morning utli int hfatltor hi law wan llm eiiiiiiliii ut acoordiiig to tho etid oiioj tli bit lil- wlfonn tbo brad with u kmnlto liniiot inlntinnr luoculw accord lug to dr carbort who drmul tin wound thoy ucro roitiveiy two and tlutrt incliea long and tho aliull uavoupood tho ihugixtrato cotumlttm tlio prlnoiiir for trial ho could not ret bail nnd vuutn jill until joctenlay oflurnoofi mlmn bo wa trlotl itv judjfa illnt convioud and allow td tngo on rujwndcd wintonro tho f u itfo warnwl mm that if bo lnt into troullo ugitin tho iiijwiided conttriro mould lo iniw4ul two jeira in tho ponitoiitlnry and tho lath champion ir prosperous be contented in east an ftttrgulriif mill xnmowh a fclgnillcant lot tor in wniic rojwcta um rocclvoil ilur in 1 ho ual by mr j h hold main rtrclt fmui hla friend and former school tiiiilo major arthur iingford of cam ilui hnli mayor icingfonl ajuiakh of tba pist uintur aa ono nf tho worst ho bad owri ncol in tho wet in twenty jcapi ihrro waa mow anow 1 tha rail unjn wcm tied up for da at a tlmo on tho branch mum nnd fur a tlma tha lm urwturo ranged ol mi iwlnw toro tho pcoj lo thought rlnt bnd c 01110 but on march ijud 0110 ol ihu nrtt lllrianla of tlio wlntir uw ciicriancul and tho inor cury again droiwd to uro 8allrig of old frionda in tho mimosa district ii r linn ford my i understand tlialera imvo sold their f ami on tho town ii iw krlu and uro com ng ual aauiawbera why jmioplo nurraundcd with every comfort in tliu east aro ao uoon to oomo weat and and rough it u a tnyatary to me tliara la no doubt fcoiiiuliing faachiatlng about tho prairio but if i wore a farmer and hail a good homo in tho aaat id stay tharo i havo no blcu with tlio woat i bavodono woll hut if i could fall into as good a job in tho cast na i have boro i would aoo bo hack homo cunto out and apaud a winter with ua ibut wiiboa to alb obituary mui jons c watson aliout f ur joara ago jcnnlo ogram was married to john c wauoo and rains to aotou a happy ulda a fow woaha ago 1j10 htul trouhlo with bar toeth and bail iral extracted tho guma wcro found to bo dlteatcd and blooil polaoning follow ail tliu roultad in mortification bjmi deapitoaltllful lurgloal treatment torwln- atul futully on saturday tbo funeral on monday was largely attended itev mr avihoo tho paatorof tho honn conducted tbofuncrul ncruon tho rcmiina worolald nt rvt in tho family plat nt fuirvlow ohio tori watiioii wai itnni in hnglind l wont iiino joaraago hiiocihid tocaiiadniu iikiu and ioiit foiorul yoar flh frionda at muuood in 101 j alio uiirriod mr walwn two littla daugb ton mlhlrcil ni d 1 and kvolyu a year and a half aro loft with tliclr borrowing fntlicr boroflt of a mother a love and oaro muclihjiujuthy la filt for mr wauon in lla aoro lajreuvoniont mr watftona father nuil mother rvnldoln tbo old homo in 1iiqland only tasl weak a lottar uua rooolvid front tliaiu in ulncli ploxauro waa oupiohwd at tho good bcallb uf mr wat- hoimnd hor glrllet film was u woman of clilortui dimiontlon iool hor homo in tonnoly and ulwu livod to mjkoltu pluco boaiolllio nut comfortable hho was 11 moinhor of tlio uottindlit church and vary roguw in hur attoiidiima upon thoanrviccm bud oujtootally o tbo sunday flohool to hlch bar lltthi girl ulunt aocuinpanlod hor ui10 will ha groatly mlaaod both in tbo homo mid in tho church damiji mcdoulh tho happv and unbrobon home of jamea uollowoll fourth lino kmiuoaltig ftmperl- cucud ha ural great narrow on momtay wboii ilia hand of death uaa laid ii tho futlior urly that mornlno after a brief lib titut vat mi voi id yean mr mcdowell lucked tbo rugged health of hla oatllcr yoaav imtwaaiioburloualy 111 until throe wooba ago wlian baaupard from heart trouhlo mid thu lllmui ranulied 11 h dualfi willi a family of thirteen thu it tbo llrat break mr modowell waa iwirti in btramwimonlmty hjk ycara ugo anil apont nearly till bfu in ktquulug towtikblp ho wau murrud july lltli 1h7a to vauiilo uuimwih wbobtuboeu u dovoted wife and mother and with tboif tilovdii ohlldrcii fettrvlvehltn tba family aro m follows 1 holm in tln mr david lto aotun mm iluuoan currle campbiillvllld mia atigut katwoon kpieajiig mrg hoy ohauta itrwroptott mr wu oabarne lltnehotim jamea at nlnga man ttud william henry uartantl annie at borne mr mcdowell waa a member of the pre hylbrhm church arid alao of the bona of rtrotland the funeral waa bold ymterday afternoon to wrriebotoie cemetery the monthly roll of honor standing- won by tho pupils of our sohools in all bopartmonu the following urn tlio rntults of tin march avnmliiatlouai h11111 btimoi dtl ultml hy vnu hi claim i a odrleii ciaiui ii m wltaon d harvey ii mowat m molautn c ilrown ciwi hiv harva wluon i hoott 11 mowat hlgbout in algebra if mowat i in literature m wiiboii imw ii ciaaii l llrittou 0 mowat m clarridge h urown citiii ii m titowart j agnew c moloil a hnyiler a orr iv ltoa ciaiwiul kounody w molkmahl i mopberaon ii plunk j auderoon ii btowart m l it pjanb hlghoatln kngliah jrammarl tuit ion fouu i oimi ii 0 roiier ii illtehle i burbmau i crawfonj i othboiu u modouuld j molauahliu ci tun iii v hinitb h kerly a mar tin fj moura m itohlnbou h kennedy m wllllama a fohnatone u campbell l joe o moore w allau j allan m mcktnt xi fjymon ft mo isaac j hynda if hunter ikuheat in ocography a martin in arithmetic o fjojiari in writing a johuatone 1 in algebra h kltohle m i crawford w h rtihaut prlnolial p 7- iliufu awutaiiu hoblm piiuh school hu iv kenneth hcuderuon i10 klale stawartaol ilvwia woolhnll z1 jladya huffman wu hay aguew 311 hugh wllllam2ia totuuvi ju ivklmor aiiderwm ji1 charlie mnun 221 agues dohffio ilflcura cut ting nil willlo stewart 1dh charlie an durum lim total 171 m illnktt teacher kit iii imjier htarbniau 1hm violet liv1jhi l4vld hotidoriumi bu artli ii onto n ull frances llurt 1ih bibra nuliun 117 ju hi tloorgo illflhop32rt martha orr j3i juan moffat ju angua konncly 2s9 jthiio anderson j1h jlinmio ho a 23d total iw l wliitt tnirher u11 ii joan kioioly z1 m irio mowat 221 ulnl lunooy m4 mury hlumbiloili louahl kom ay jdl lloyl pot us 200 t11 i nollie 1111 21 willie inlimelu 21 kullin puier 211 miriam clirtort 21 willio ku ly 20h iran ilirur hu total m 1 pikiiiv tuaefier u imyrtlo itd ji mlta iuko 211 km mlilrh ml clot an im nilcocb 221 lvud bmlib 21 madolino maisua lutal tiw it ikiigcuu mcpbirwn 170 mattltew tylor if 10 oiko cooper llfl theluiu jaml to ih itlchird j race 127 jao nurot 12 total 2m d pdijitkh teacher h km nit pniucu ci ni a morris rtarbman joaunlo orr nonnin ddforcht charlie joys toddlocliffonl phyllla mcodowa ciana h hilrnm hold bun ley mockia harold itald losio maatera howard hulham chnrllo ilrll utimic williu uabcoclt m1u0 lailli cliook aunioohheo ciana 1 halen con frank kally nnie dunn o onion huftman mary btowart jean modonald m a uulu teacher ji inil lutuau clauo a hllliunl lrice marinr mc lean jordan hmlth thelma btraaaer marjorfe iawboii jack kwlng citwi n- albert hall john oibbooa dorwauld i jo 10 rent arthur hemleruon idu costelln haial callwell ciaaa c rtonuoa klllolt zella uvlu il a whju teacher miutabv notes llout day ba been traaferred from acton to tho sholhurne platoon tjeut kennedy lias beau buffering from a uveraatlaok nf grip thla weak he went to his horn at leorgstown on tuedaay young man i the time haaoouewhenit la duty of every unmarried and physically fit man to answer the call of bis country ijaut dan ritotilo and lieut harvey who have been attending the provisional school of infantry at toronto tba pofc two months arrived hotrio on saturday innee corp william o qowdy aon of joaoph dowdy eu oualrji arrived home from tho fronton monday ho was injured in tha uplna and partially paralyaod but la ipldlv moavoringand la nhleto ba aliout john moklnnon son of mrs john mo- kinuoti nuaaagaweya hua onllliteil with tho hattnbaii ut immonton mrs mok hi nts oilier unmarried son k1100i1 in a ointujr of a0j011 llatoou of tha hhlh corp jucb chapman of the army sur vloe corps toronto wwaut hotuo this week u goaylhyo to tlio frleiid- hero prior to his departure for hullfua hie oontlagent will spend a month or so at halifax before crowing tokuglinnl tho social evening given thurwlay even log undorthonuhplooof aotou llttoou was huarallv pttrunuo1 by our cltlxana tho olllours uu i nun uppraolato vory fully tlio auhuuca fjlvoo to rondur the uifatron- jovahlo and aucobaaful 8hut i tub ohaih does it pay to twat for kraut 7 the lou in hojton lust you was 240 por aero the people of haliou wero pretty thor oughly convinced imt oar that smut worbu great imvuo in tho iol 1 of ruti- pur loas than one dullnr 0110 uan purclumj 1 pint of furniulln 40 formuhlobydo enough to trout 40 huiluu of grain put tho formalin in 4l gallon t of wttur arid immoiro tho grain in llio not ut ion for 20 mliiutoa tbon taba it out and lui it tlry it luodvlaablo toeproail the grain out an that it will dry quickly and thoroughly quito frequently grain 1 treated care fully for smut mid then placed in hags con taining an abundance of mutiiorea the reault la that tho odta aro ugalu infoctod and likely to produoo a spomlel crop of multed heads bee tlat thabugcautala- inpf treatetl grain are througlily cleaned and washtwl in a formalin solution ao that all iorea aro billed also waalr out tho ieod or box and grain tultoi wltli formalin aolu- tlou thu aolutlon for washlm hhould lm atronger than that uaed fur immoralon leuianyplacoalnthaoouiitryuitoarfnl ly lo of tbo otu wore deatrdyod by kmut iiit uu worb this out on actual dollars and oents bat a ten acre hold on an aver ago would yield 40 buthel per aero or 400 bufcbel ol oau bub owing to stuab there a a iom of 18 or to butholm vwltilng each buahel of oats ab 40a wo find a iom of feu w un ten wires or 2 40 an acie dos it pay to treat for amul vee ua believe tdoea nassaoaweva the following is tho report for hcheol hootlou no for meivlt 1 h11 ivjoaii llrittou iileu cirnoehnn margaret hrltton yylo konnwly andrew prank hhxoi drwlge maobemlry uaudo till hi ahnle crawfortl mary job alice kennetly kdtta llell paul bayers auatin dredgo orotn stewart j iiiklua hrltton velma wllaou jit if willie job lloy morton chriat- lan prank m initio sayere jack wilson kthul dnslgo charlie muaon margaret wllaou wi stewart uu pauv i ituth carnocliau joseph prank quail oeorge kennwly aleir job jamee crawford puiukii john wallace willie pranb oriel deporeat jlmmlo hrltton dorothy sujersj illancho kennedy ccorge dredge jean sayers kddla alfreil mary sagatibl mian h m ixanh teacher oldest department store it hoi cgou doing tlusluoae in tekye oinoa the veer 1873 imrli uiilo nnd it imlf ctntnrue 111 1 or to bo nitlrtly mniinto in tho urn h7t hit 10 una uptned in tokyo tu inpillk rniiilul 11 rotnll ill goods ixihiiioih ulikb uifit midor tho linn iiiiinc uf vet hlum n ti hie tounio of rliiu ihr 111 tun to be bun uu lbi mhmiii do da kloro which nine una h kilned uiilll mill wlien 1ili winic ihiiiiuth in ciihiiiiliilloii it id 11111c llio mltniiltiilil cmuniiiy mil i liuiiiclnnil ii 11 tonic 1 11 11 or llio pro- hliloiniti of tliln xtoii huu beou in ihu fniiiiiiin mllunl run illy where t wtlll r lunliif llio mlhtiilfmfil uiiiiiuiiy ltd u nut only 1i10 oldcxt tint la tho largest drpnrlnionl uluro in lupin today it un- 1 he urxt r i in- luimiiiio cfllnlt- llhhtui uts ti ful 1 in v mi stern mctli- oils ut itoliiu biihliua nnl ll ildopt lip to iinlr iiipiiiiiii in tho hcuhinlng illl ullui lldllt ivl itlhlm in lottoq mini il iiiids bill niuliillv iii rumcd l a nuiiirtiiriii uf ulit i until lodny it iiriluf ftiij di iiiiui of monhnu- dlo lo met i tho unnu of all cll6oe of ikunlo vawishing gold what has deeih of all that prlue metal that haa uaan minedf wlinl beifliuta ut unluv wboro la nil uf that yellow metal that baa been ihiiumiv it is 0110 of tho oil it m mitnls in hu man uno llicru mo uul i in mil tl it lug bucl to tho sione hup it is nu otijeet of 11 1 most unhuihiil h if it la pnud flgalnat almost nil i lie inilin tuii hkli destroy other inctnls uml it ijni hion mined in ciiorniiiun ii unit lea lot twlny nioro 1i1111 tuo tiiinla if tlio gold in uuo him lutu dn fhiii iso whnt liecoinis or in list ulicre is l in- gold thut ci i hun uumliiina into tho illuk ncu hint llllid urn irt nt tirlee uf croesus tlmt pilil tho lurrlllc trllmlo nhkli ivrwlmi mnga nunlkhod hgnlnut l he innj il7 u lint lint li tv poood l the jcllrnv itiini mid oca- truuinn alloy of aold mid allicr- wlilcli nrgro tnidcra bmiijbt down lbs nho to ijgjpt ftr kmsi or fttmml tnnjl ancleut gold like llml t unnleru tinim waa uacd for nnni nnd for or- uainilita but imili innc du ipiwnrod wlierjit tbo moal ciulnrhm of metiil md yot tbo moot ovninx m ihti tiimiij sougbt bud yt caniuiitu esuipliig llio band of avou tbo mucful awjbor- tbflt t gold whnt la llio rcnunn for lbs curious alualveiicbsycliliuso jour nal 811b culture in italy about coo a d lvrliiu muiika first brought allkworni eggs tnucialcd in tbo bead of a hollow hi iff in cuiiaiun tltwnle thome sliu tulturu uprtud in to q recce a llttlo inter njikjucm tir rbd it lo sicily from i hero lo italy ii was but b slop boll tlimiito iwopio iulted it lho indnwlry took root grow throve nnd coulluucs lo tills dny tho thrifty iieaiuut uiaimgcii to got allk and oil and wluo from tbo some amsll holding plrtt ho planla lill tnul berry troca alxlocn fcol ooeli way next ha prune tho ueudu lutu a hot low cup and tralim bl luoa nil ovtt thciu and ii nally around tbo odgo ha keti n uollei of olive trees 80 ah btuoaa bring him labor and tbo re ward of it loudoa btaudartl balublllly of oeld gold la 000 of tba group of wolala feolubl only la that niuturo of nltrle and hydrochloric acids known na nipia reels it ua boon found however tint tho drneo or cortnln orgnnlo cotniwunda ruder gold soluble in hy- drochlorto acid tbuain mlxturo oflhla aetd tod chloroform la found o bo a olvent elbyl or ordlunry nlcohol diethyl alcohol nnd a my i ulcolml aro awonif ufcotborsubatiiurcu hi ligho to hydrochlorlo ucld tho tovcr f ills aowulff gold tbo aolutlon tnkru pmc- alowly hi tbo cold acid und nioru ipih u ly 00 heating daaw advertise 1foq tako a cboarful vlmv nt i if x hope remarkod tbo opllmlslle per boil not enough noil replied lho individual with a groucli vou jcat willi 1110 i wild not enough 10 untlci i sometimes fool modern tidy ilurrful hut i dout holloxo that uuibes it in cuuibent on mo to ut nliout i curing a fatuoul htnllo nnd ahuiithiu oh be joyful i iii nulug ham auo hvrultl saw hla flnlali ob oh oxcliilinul impntleul mra naggo pvo hlttou oly tlu ml t my touhuor well i coilnlnly foci wirry for uiy rolf rojohidtl tlm huilhiraa nnuita ileroarter thoro will l uu eid to your tongue vonairueia veneauola welv1 hm nnmo from thi arly explnrera lis count wan visit by columbua in uw nnd tho following year lho namo voueitiela llltlo von tcei was given to nn ludbtn vlllig built un pllw eu by ojcdn and atner igo veepuccl orat relief law booba nre very dry fillll i enjoy rending tbeni occasiotv ally thoyro frvo from alang uy- how iouuv llio courlfirsitmroax peauouaaa trawlerev a tlkreo iinm been laaued by tbopor- tueiicho govorument prohibiting tha aulo of trnwlcra owing to lho very high prim offered for theao ihl th conutrya uehlnff float was weriously ihwailhiast uawotnanle tliln alia can make up tor it but tkalr la no help for uio obeaa after a girl gets married tho iielpa her girl friends to tha aanmt aort of trouble a poor reputation may 1m better than none at alb social and personal mlts margaret lloitliett waa homo for a week olid vmt miss klla mopharuoniipouttba woeb at hor bouinbore mr wallor vaittr and family removed to toronto last week miss llhuioho thompson was home from llerlln over sunday miw klva molaroii of tjuelpb is vlaib- ing acton relative mrs prank taylor of parry sound la vlaltlng aotou frlotidu mita mary mrplioraou arrived home from midford muakoba laat weeb for a abort vllt- mra it afcphoraon br has returned after wndlng vrinter with friends in toronto mr and mrs kd moclooklln of tor onto wore guests over sunday of mrs ihomas kliliage mr howard mnualai mlsa doule coon and mru llortha tlunton vera et parry sound lant week attending tho funeral of the lute mrs walter howell daughter of mr thus maaulos mr and mrs jamea ogram mr and mlus ihmiilo mra lleggs and mr alex ihiggs of i j n wood and afro- slublis of drayton wero hero 011 monday a i lend lug tho funeral of mrs john c wuteon mr und mm alfred i ord br mr aud mm alfred lord jr end mhs ford leavo this week for toronto thoy have been residents ol aotun for miveral jears and their removal la regretted lhe ware all active m inhora ol tit joepba church whore mr altrod jr u d alias ford wero mamhera of tho choir when buying your bread from 1 fur- ford jt chuholmak for maglo flour jolih hoc llll ie wounded loft acton about a year ajfo and tnl hi oil in 3mh uattalloti toronto thofrloiinof ptc j hn mochrlc of tho 4th ilattulio 1 fui iimrlj uf the 13ih recelv bil tlio full lulug mesugo from ottawa on satunlay john mocbrio dangerously wounded further mrticulani later ptc mochrlo lived with his father at id raarduiuio crete ont and worked in the tanucrltp until about a j ear ego he went to toronto lust spring ami nitud with tli 31th llaltallun and woul oorea but fall he went into tbo tranches in prance ou hi 3rd klarch dress up week i at guelphs leading and largest store 1 tliroupliout tho country boob llio urgent call to dreno up to get now clothes and reflect tlio optimism and proapority of our canada today wo iiavo splendid i weathirim hero for you to drciq up in wo have shown our confidence in finan- cml conditions of tlio present and prospects for the future by purchasing tho largest 1 blocks of spring wearables weve ever had i aro products ol tho host makers in canada and the states selections aro broad enough for all styles have beon carefully chooon and qualities afford 1 100 value for marked prices youll find hero the clothes youll like to dress i up in at prices youll like to pa cllrfnl nw mllllnory- btyle ntul price to unit ovoryone nifty hw mchbklnrf- hinntt now and uxchmlvti mwluit nw cora1 mocfalu tyu for all litfnron hancfeom sprlnif ulta modlalt ntyleu faaliianuhle fabricu ftabrloa kfw und good 1916 a must favored weaves nw euoiibn equlallw snowy white llugorlu and limy crniea draiaay imetur top coatav- tweed in future j and fancy clothe smart hmv trlromlnriai u ut ton 1 bmldluga etc exceed ingly new li rt a bio skirta smart dependable splendidly priced complete unci mcvl alto here far fflcln loo for the ov i o d e macdonaw bros u b ouelphs leading and largest store wynjrmnl maejoaiull fend crdtn strtcu guelph onl jmmmmfrtmhvmmm ii iiiiiui i hhn chevrolet four ninety the product of experience not iilwnyu but to froqucully ao to mnlo it a rule ctunp ic idv made glau ia 111 lho firit puiu iimtic m pensive coiiniticiutl loiim11 uiioasury lutu fiood fiutlph otm price complete j67500 f 0 b osiiawa regular ktmlpmenl motmlr tailored top knveioie and bldo curtnlns uleclric ham clear vision vent llat lug wind bitold bpetdimiotcr liloetrfc buttlug and lighting hyttcm ammeter and license rracbeta notl owing to tbogtvat demand lor thin car no would aufgcet plaiiug your order early to insure delivery wo uio tliu 8 to watt speedometer two unit autvlllo btartlng aud lighting syuem with lleudla drivj tamo d grade na used on lho high priced cars georgetown james woods sales iluugr jmkmifmttimlltt4ltllll i i h iii type a i a willougubv proprietor 1 1 i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 h-h-h- hmhhmw i8oo h m h 8phino and summer 1800 m m m m h m u m m m m h m of suitings murjelomcsiurc leave your order now for a spring suit and avoid disappointment eattcr sunday hats hats your new hat is here positively tho new est and everything now in furnishings hw cdeverel i he clothier m-m- fltgbxjjbbbengigcte h m m m at at at m at w m at m at m at h a at at acton ont h lfil ja mujew iilriiiirlllllliljn wm economy it ia not uneasy tn ocfpilro lho wiving habit aa louru oulravaguiro tliu incontlva tn ocoiiamleo irt now very rout open n nuvingw account at tltu ujuu uf hamilton iiitorcnt allowed on dopotitu of one uollur and upward georgetown branch tffis jtoss buroiua hmjmo iimii f empire business college the only college in canada retch ing all tyuwiitir koj boards six months course day 30 night 15 i expert instruction in hitmans shorthand t puwriting hookkeeping and all other sub jects necessary to equip you with a thorough business education 346 broadview ave toronto ontario propuicrors wuiianit mr co limited principal mr p m douglas j i u i 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 14nlu ri w jmritrntr nnnonri farmers you will find a qood imhjititutc to your wifes bread in russellii homemade and bikerv we aell the largest loaf in acton best quality and always sweet and clean 21 loaves for 100 give our bread a trial and you will be satisfied sec our dainties in pantry in our windows russells mill st aeton ont rmmmr ttfi unnnnrjl luuinmraruw 3t ssoooooo tho abovo figure rvprenoiit tlio uiitlnmled inpa by farmer through smut in u crops lu ontario n mjij if you had a field of oabj liarloy or wlieat oj uodnubt coutrllmtod tolliokreat lou oy rea- aou of tho pruvalonco nf hmut tact year tho danger la rendered greater this year there is vino way to provont thla aud that to thmaf vooit wwwn trop wmht the methoil umtally ntlnptod lanafulluwrt mlv ono pint of formalin with 40 kalloiia of watur or a tnlilodponiiaf 11 in 1 pull of water clacn the ftralu to ho treated in u heap nu ileau canvaa or floor bprtnkta tho tornntlln twin hon ovurtho rrafn tliuu aliovol itupeat llifa until avury train u moiatuiied by tlio aoliittun thou cover tliu pile with ftaohlnimind luavu for 3or4lioura at tlio end nf tlila time spread tlio train out thinly to dry ahovelllnp it over tlirco or tour timea will luuloii tlio dryhip potty ffolloua of llio formalin toltitlou u aurlcleut to tnriultlu thirty or forty buuheu of rroin uninllor omannu in pro- noruon immoralno the kraln in n uta la aometlnu practised and la tqually effectlvo those roqulrlnp further information apply to how jab n dutry w p tmtono mlu of arnculttire toronto district uep ilururtrtou m 7 ae duxtex raincoat something entirely new in raincoats light handsome and waterproof priced from 0o to our new tweed raincoats the very lat est styles all now goods priced from 98ee to si5ee r b nelson harvbauak twlae- haa vurttladaae wyttdrtaud btrom oumlt1i oh