Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 20, 1916, p. 3

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wall papers ckimng iallk window miaiwh cur i aw vqimu we crr h complain mock our prion two low mnrrlugo mluiiilh inuut geo hyndb ontamio sky some 30 mtloit from toronto about ono houiii rltlu in n phicc lltcy t lit guorgotou 11 j a wimiiiijilthy iii1iii ho lttu about jno fur 1111 of different iihipli npd iilcoft no fiinuy tnlk m fillo trim iiu i uro tiau cot tmnii priilii if our farm in not 10 goml your jnofilrt gutting inu j ml tttuo a trlj to georgetown good furmn to you litll hiiow news of local import ciirpohtora strlko forn day or two a htrlla of tliu tannery car to litem lank iliioo 011 tutli a tmiifuronoii of ritprn ioututlvaiif theinoti with meisra hoard mora a co wua heldyehtordayiuornhtgund no uintoahla aeltlainntit urrlued at tim 111011 return to work lltlu morning ftov mr avlsonatguolph iargt oangregatlonu auuemhlo to nrmt the rev ii w avtan m a ii or acton u former pastor on hum ay morn jug tho occasion being the ninth amtlvar- uuryof thochuroh mr avleon had churn of i mt it uorvioob and delivered two power ful tuliirowhmi kite ttott jfrec rrs tiiuiui1iay aiiuljo llllll brief local items now for tha dainty ijntor tionuete attend ilia easter serviooaln 3 our own eharnh lit lawns iim liej 1 11 nlng lo look green ailoopermoiiu waa paid for hogs 00 th uket her this week mr john clark la having a fine garage bellt beer hla ialduca on jualph street in ttoum hla find uaw overlind car totiy letfato of juelpll waiconvlcted laatweekof tho murder of george verne ofthatolty ami sentenced to lo hanged od the sib of july lir muck u student from m c master uaivwlty toronto prcachad ory accept ably tut sunday morning ami oven lag in the uaptut church atttoae tax collator john harvey haa hoboed in hie uv roll for idifl cry dollar 1 1 called farhavlngltoncolloctod lie h been doing this sort of thing every year oakvilu star a tneetlngof the acton tennis club sbd all tlioea uureated in unnfa will lut tjj la ll otwuell cliamlur at u ji in tfcttifctuy april uolli memlwra nra bli to biik a bpui effort toliapint atthls uui italiertaan of clavartlalo varw nateigawyu vity klmlly favonxl tlto tukl vua wilb a viurous kaiiiio of irlme taapta yruptt othor day not only tlia hyiran lai ih hliully remautbratica wan tftkeouutl out of hi joy lii tlia rwltiblhi wbw lib la young ami tha itaah la luatlnif blgbljoy lajtrowtlt joy in 01 id savor joy is upot4tloti whou tlt aliino of tlia faiortltigaun la in veryoia einlla eoniaa ui aauuai guiamoas to oojoy ufa out of door punt a ve oaijdeh thra li profit convonlonoo and heratlon in a oardoti of your own a tardea 64kiuo fast alionlil iroduo mfflelaofc vetaliu for a family of ton pnana and laava uuta anrplnu forbtoraqa tat wlatw cultlvatad by hand it wilt ooeupy moat of tlia aparo tlma of u city dwaller a uian cannot ita u motor car or umuii siitliaaliut nod ut tlto aama tlma ualtf a bacati of a uardtn of 1i1i9 kixo lfowiw avea amalltr iit4 if intalll gmtly hamltad mj lo mmlo to yield an aaloalijilif quantity of nml ori vego uuaa whloh luivu not tott thulr liealtli pmmrviafc valua in tlia itoro window wlur tk pe available lu amull titafm kould bal4utl that lako hut llttlaapooa abd tva qulok ratarna ltataei cab- biat oru0apunt wpjwrw luul batut budupanaad witli ami the apace devoted to tuob tiling an pauti itaatia apinaolt uuum carrau baou tflmatoaaandojilont tooutma ibauld baatakatralnad tta aultlvation of vejjototilon la oaay and armaua and in ttiem daya whan incut fit ullk and nthar atapta urtlotaa nra undine auadlly to inoreaw in prloa u wlitt uaa of veaatuhlo fonlh will raduoa llvlof kpanaaa iind promolo hnaltli tba but tlma to do n work la early luthawnrnln and in tlia ovanltir i 0 that it l wall to enoonraffo tlu heatthful habit of early mtlrlnjf aotl early riding if tbawbrk udooafor tlia tova of it rather tfuu from itooawlty tliaao liaura will ho tba uoat areaahta of the day havd a uardon if ionulhta not only for tba fraab wtiolaaoino food which mi bo produmd but alao for tlto plcoaira of lu wautafaw flower aood an i watch thoiu now liheous new that tlto aprfnjf wcailior hut come elwaup 01aanup and imvo iho rnlduyo away bofow your holiday vlultorw urrivo bilfit shw of berlin ajicnt sunday with btialatcr lm re ut und mr win inwdy vulted nt her botaa lnnuautwnyn mi flu ml iy uiai v mo rodi tli of toronto la ujwnd- ing u fow dh with her tlui mr 4 ii smith ber ur ilax polkiiiixhnruo a toronto una tow over hundnj ur and tit il ctuwtcfl of ilmtnptwi upant sunday with hdr uiothar bore ur uml ur- wui a mirittnill o tnr- onto wera hotaa over tin inlay in visit hh wouiot who has boon vnry iii dnrlitf tho iftt two weekn biib u mtnwty rnnvrrliir ur awl mm ivinttroot of ilaliuafud vuiud at har fauwrn honid bore on sun day tba rttoruluaa laeotlnk hold in tho b ton ohurohon saturday ovonlitlf byiitohi- br of uutli uatlallon from fleoruotown wu vary well attoaded tho nwyratmiir of pioturaj drill and hldreja4 war ary latarattlna and ulll nndoiibbbava thade- klradranutt und hud moro of tmr iwya in uniform before long or um of the fkoinlnloii alllanoo oeoaplod the tuib of the vreuliytohiii ofaard hmt babbau attkooulid lahtthuriuluy oveiimif ihu xiombauaa auxiliary w m h avo tlia thftthtamnhfj whlcli waa varied niidliitcranl- lug- kefntmbment wara aarvetl ity tho laduaatthacttwaof tlto inmttnjf ii u w polklbjthonio hna mkon 11 pni1 tltwt aa atanorniplmir in toronto ur w oralflt and kon have returned to unit on has 61 at toronto unlvorulty toronto unlvorftlty rojwrta unit ita en rollmont luclufea fll utiidauu from ifallnrt county tliero nra 21 in vacuity of acta i in medicine il in applied houiice n at inciilti of imikiatlon 2 in houuhold hi ionce and 2 enrolled for tho uuimner mston there nolfl ntudeuta at vanity another shipment by tho bod cross tim anion hod cro aid rocloty haa rocaived aoknowledifemenb from tlia army mudodclrwif tho receipt tut wak of their uuat rliljiment of hospital huppllea an follows 42 shirts 12 luwpltal ahlrta llldiu pada 17 231dpada 0nl3 hi aikintro 144 oomprauea i toweln and 10 dor handkarohl sflrmons by aut soo or conroronoo ilcv i m layer iiaator of iauioy mem orial church luolpti praached eucellent bcruiona in the methoduichurch 011 huivday in tha ahbeucaof hmv mr avltou who won preachinr antilverhary uaruioiia in dutlph thiu irtt vlait of air moyar to aotou waa much enjoyail by tho ooofc- reflation 1t la aubliilant uwratary of llatullton confereno trlvato gto uynds quite well latura ieoaiv4l thla week from ft uoara ilymta hamewhar in ilelfllum tayai i am kaaplnif quaand la tba but tisalth 1f aoknowteilbea with bine thanks urcela frotrt tlia ladle aid of tit mothoditl church atul frotii un john htalbcr future were rcivd by hli juut befor wrltinp on ifaroh 25 tb from murray mcdonald and tha home folk there appear to be other tha uiuljih herald uyai if you uk aid jtw liwson ha will tall ou that ita la a deculail advocala of polio cell a reform ho went down to tha polio station thla morning and itirpactad tlta oolla and tils verdict la mimind up in tit ward i wouldnt leap a ht titers ttuita one nienihar of tit market commltue tliat oajt ba depahded upon to ae aonieuilu dona help tho bed croei vundi ruling prlota ur noourtln to tit ladloa of tit lud crou in tltalr nffort to aether wast taper raga rubber eto to iiicnok tltalr fund tnprloeaofferdfor thesa ortlcloa are a follawa 1 newapapera 9h tu 10 par ton magaiinae udflara eu wo par ton rag ho to 100 par ton old rubttarastao toioopar ton kvary hotna ohoukl arranfla to aupply a quota of aocuru- uutlona wbentltareneraloollsotionlanuda by ut iloy boouto easter monday concert there la every indication that tit con cert to ba given in tha town hall next mon day averting will b fall of tneclt and avery number interesting tlia programme will ba varied will lie patriotic and throughout the whole there will breathe tba kaiter aplrit th drilta will ooupia tba march of the natlona tba red cru tba boy soldiers and the urownua tliera will ba choruaaa motion aonga reciutlona tlie metbodlat burwuy rfluool orclieatra and numbera by the mliaaa maaon and smlui tho mill stroot improvement contractor law ooinmanoad tha work o improving mill h treat laac wek tha utroeb ha itoon acrapcj and a wept and tha work of coating with broken atona and bob tarvia will itocommaiumd to day or to mor row a powerful ateam roller haa licen ilaaed in oommlaalon tit men on th work are eiperieaoed road itulldar and flratclaaa pleo of work la looked for a tile drain ita been put in acroaa mill streflt at john rtroer 10 draw off tha aur- fooa water which aocuinuutea at that point after every rain acton aisetsment for id1m6502o auteafior harvoy baa completed the aauamenb of ut municipality of actotr for 1011 tha aggregato ajueounenb i sau3oi0 tho aueaaad value of real oatate i 812ih70 of bululinga 349002 oueuuhle lnooiite 700 tlte population which ta thla year 1735 aliowe a dacroau of oh during the mvh yare tltat ur ifarvoy bus terfortd the onaroua duties of aswntoor ita haa increaaod tlte aaaaaament by einmuu ilia roll a aa usual vry carefully prepared luulllgently itvdeied und arranged no that any lealred infortut- tion may baltotl ab a moments aorutlny a dollghtful concert tha coitocib in kiiok cliurch on tuewlay onlug under the direction of lite youny iooplaa lulld of knox church was well uttondod tltn programme way of a very enjoyabto character mr elwood odbei luritona of ouetph earned a upland id reputiillou by hla masterly rendition uf a mimlwr of popular eoloa mlaa obuly inor nf toronto proved iteraolf an nilut nf niorlt by bar elocutionary number her ploauiug und natural iiunner clear articulation mid true inlorjtrotatlon of the ubjoau prcmintojl uaa lino tho kuan j uur m tie meura itonthuitiand wihlgubt il tli f cut lit uoii wqw tho chairman citizens present ultimatum to tho austrlnhs in town to loavo lntwontyrour houm little damaq dome to ihopenrv tlia auminaryakpululou of ihn interttml auntrlithh by tha op1a of llmoehrldgelubt fcrhlny and the arrival hero of forty of th alien eneinle und tlto placing of them ab work in tho tunitorloboa monday creatod very ugly fenllngi in acton tha introduction of foreign labor hero tike alwaya itocn a tnra matter to our clth noil thla wttu aggravated ab tha out- break of tln war wlien lb wna found that over u hundred alien aneraloa ware on parole here a orisla wan reached on tuba day evening whan aevaral hundred oitixcnu among whom waa n numlter of tha aohllent of acton platoon proceeded to the preirtlh- c on heard more creaoent where the forty newly arvlvod interned austrian ttre riuartered and demanded that they leave town within twentyfour hour the austrlane appeared lo it frightened by th attitude of tltn croud and it la aliened prom load to comply mewira a o und torrunce heard more and john clarke were on the scene und ai leainred to nrgtio with the men repreaent- lug tlta flltiuua bub tba reply waa li tba foreign era out of town fjiter the vnrloua houae where tba auatrlatia who have been here far koine time were vulted hare too thu demand nh made in each oaa to leave aoton tho only place wlter hier waa rough k waa at the at ore nf urn hlmklolo wltere tit front wlixlowa war amastied at morrla fhixea store there waa a fctiff argument pub up ami the demand uu made of morrla that b dlaoontlnuo feeding ut aumrlans frotn hla store it la related that lo tho young mat who made tit r qutht morrla at otic replied 1 i will quit feeding litem if your iwtarv will quit supplying tha special bread you are baking for the austrian considering tlia tamper of tlta crowd it la remarkabl tltat no kerloue outrage were oomniltlad chief lawoon did good oervlo in heading olf eotnaof tit bottteaded riot- era lb i vtry unfortunate that tit soldier got mixed up in tit affair col nvilte waa oommuulcateil with ami uter len logfe ab headquarter nt toronto relative to their conduct a u reult order ilea were sent nut notifying all tha toldkra that th plutaau wi ordered to oeoygetown awl col donivillo staled to reeta hyndathat tliay would remain there or the preaout ttt authorilu beta hat taken measure to have them returned to acton and it la moat dealrahl that our boy a continue at ttoma aa long aa poaalbl someobsebvatioms amid lit many calli for economy and turning even waata into account lb la a wonder that there la no call for abandoned tinware tlia rovelatlona of recent week a in the back yarda in town il lee to an emaxlng number of tin cana tltat itava only bein in service ono bub arc apparently doomed to tha dump with no outlook for transformation into future uoefulneaa la la aald that tha british government haa placed an order in canada for 000 million one pound cans uf beef stew for th soldier that will tako an onormouu amount of tin whatever way you libo to look at it it waa stated shortly after the eventful fith of march when the paratlo visited tlia iarllamoub building at quoena park to oak for prohibition that soma one asked aa tha hoata were gathering where the government v tliarea tkagovernment waa tlia reply pointing to tlia serried ranks aproad over the lawns and coining up tha avenue apparently without end and- it haa appeared lo this oliacrrar that tnak ing allvlua credit to thoue in authority who aro determined on duty at all oosu that tba government then pointed out luul already considerable to do with the stiffen ing ef a una of duty or tit duty might very urgently have been under taken a year ago but thla province baa abundant reason to b gbul that lb la now undertaken with such evident ulnoerity of determina tion lb seetua tltat the modem movies boa by no means reached a satisfactory status lb la state that in ita work of exauinlaa films tha lonnaylvanla hoard of censor haa found only five per cent normal and wholeaotn as considered especially from th viewpoint of child welfare about 20 per cant areeitlravaganb in the presenta tion uf subject without the spoken word and abound in bufoonary and coarse comedy tha 75 per cent are largely of lite otaaa of crimes and deade of violence which certainly spoor food far the child mind and the trouble 1m tltat on account of the child mind being attracted by tho bright and stirring in pictorial frm tbousanda of tlieas are fed at thla ohua of table who would never be in an ordinary theatre there can be no question tbab the appeal for recruits on monday night was strongly put by tho two young soldiorawho addreea- ed tha largo audlsnoo of man and boys who were iiresant in the town hall as well a ly the uattallon commander who was in throhalr th rehearsal by pt4lbhouuo the condition at the battle line und tba consternation nf the troops when the men werent there to buck them up ab lange- mnrck wane strong upteal cot domvilla put it vorv well whan bo said tboae who muua wilon urtded upprrohla i w blwui bad nn more right to itear tn th proanimme rev mr wll- th tuitthun thus ho eligible bad not yot oulmad lb uus regreitabls huuaier thatiberauuhrnadatltagravaorrorofpraran- log tho name of tlto almighty in the course of tltoiemsrba buch profanity woe utter iy inskoiihsjilo and it weltmorlttcd tho im mediate indignant withdrawal of tha putor of tho largest congregation in tha oominun ity tho lnto william homstroot the remains of tlto uto wthuin ifsn ttt reel urrived in acton on wcdooaday afternoon from toronto untl wero aocoin pan led by a number of lorraer friend of deoeaoed all tlia member of the family followed tho nmalna of tltelr father to the grave in the family plob in valrvlaw com- elcry mr and ura ramsay lloversviils nv ilr alfred llemsuest liens valla n v john t homatreet toronto l a ilomsrrwl aylnur und mrs lottlahewa miltom meaeera richard and alfred uetu- atreob milton were also present mr ueuiabrceb waa the lest of a large famllyof brother and alaberm ills alder brother miller settled in aoton in 1h10 the funeral service in toronto wiu oonduotetl by hut dr t allterb moore nepltew of tho deceaseil who apoke klttdty words of approbation and esteem of mr ilematreel rev ii w avleon b a ii ix of the melhodubchurali and rev j a wluan ii a of ktiou chtirob a warm friend of tltn family olllolated at blrlew cemeury tlto luuireru ware mesaro n v moore thelrbooui in brantfonl after upending a john o nalsoo james if reed wlllutn week with mr flrclga tutreul mr and wllllatus john il kennedy and john mrs t p ivan cameroit ilxjtas mows this we offer one hundred dollara reward for any cane of catarrh that cannot beoured tiy uuirs catarrh cure ifahm catarrh cure lias been taken by catarrh sulferora for tlia peat thlrtyue yearn uml has becomo known aa the most reliable remedy forcetairh hall catarrh cure acta through the wood on the mucous aurfcaea xielltig tha xvilson from the wood and heellug tliedlseaaed portions after taking hall- catarrh cure for a abort time you will see u great improve- inenl in your general health htart takhiu- halla catarrh cure at onoa and gob rid of natarrh bend for testimonials free v j cheney a co toledo ohio bold by all drtigsma 71c social and personal mm 1 m drown visited friend in tor onto lent weak mr william wink la bom from bubua- fntwa trlplo fjnaltea for iasur rov mr meyer wna tba guest nf mr divhl williamson during hla atay lu town mr it d warren of toronto spenb a few hour with aoton frlenda on monday mr sydney dameabaa returned taaoton ami baa taken up hla realdenoe nn cburoh htroet misa hake hunt went to toronto laat week to write on normal teacher exam inations mra john c nelson wau at olturchvlll last week attending the funeral of the lata lex iiuu mr and mra jsmeu fimltji ami children who nra now residing in toronto were isltlng frlenda her thla week mra ravu 11 k bmlth returned on haturday from a very pleaaant felxweeku visit with frlenda in new york and doaton mra avleon and children accompanied mr avluon to ouelph on saturday and spent a couple of daye with frlenda in the farmer iwtnb mr coorge v wyant of lvtroua spent a day or 00 laat week the gueat of hla son mr w a wyant manager cf the rank of nova hoot la mr w ii rpelght of toronto wholtos spent the past year with mawru deard more for whom ha previously worked for utarly twenty year a has returned to tit city mr and mr nail mcdonald wer called to kthel yeaterday througb th death of mr mcdonald mot tar it la only week since hla father died urmcluttald haa tb aymitathy of all lu lils double aft ho tloo good phiday amd easter servloea to be held in the various church in town br at bans cihuxii titer will it two oelebrallomaof tit holy communion ab ht- alttana church on kaster day th fir tat u and tba aeouod at tha l oclock service the choir will render approtrale bymua and tlie church b suitably adorned br jiatsiiraciirtuii on ooolkrliay evening at 7s0 tlta way of the crass will ita aheerved tbero 111 1m pedal rasur service at ii a m and 790 p m on tuisur bun- lay with special music tim uifyiuiuiirr giitiuii dood vrlday 10 jo a m memorial bar- vice out of reapeofa to late corp roy hur1 keater cltoruses will be sung by the buruiaybeboolundkpwortb league at both morning and evening servloe on sunday in th ewnlng a platform meeting will ba heldatwblobaddreue will ba give by tha paator and by uettt e j moor toronto a former member of the school tlib rjptkry clilbcii rev john pollock of relford ont will preach morning and evening th soldier of aoton ltatoon will b preoent at the morning aarvlor knox ciidsxii tliara will ba easter sermon by tliemln uur at ii a m awl 7 p- w bpeolsl ilaster tnuslo will be rendered by the choir the mptuodlst we8 interestlno eaiter thankoffflrlng moo ting on tuesday afternoon the easter think offering meeting of the woman missionary society of th methodlsb church waa held in the acliool room on tuaeday afternoon with mr a t drown presiding by invitation the ulster socialise of the baptist and presbyter ian churches attend ed mrs rev j j jjddy of heepsler tit esteemed mother of tlta pastor here gave the addreaa of the afternoon a beautiful message it was la all dealtug with the indwelling of tba holy spirit in tha heart and the changed and happier ufa in con sequence mr liddyalsotoucbedontbeenectoflh war on our uvea and ended with appropri ate easter thoughts after tlia addreaa a social hour was spent whn church union waa demonstrated vary delightfully over a cup of tea a unique feature of the after noon was the singing of a dust by rev mr avlaon and bis mother who poeseasae a rare and particularly well preserved soprano voles mlsa baker uo contributed to the programm with solo the thankofterlng contribution we very liberal indeed ahowlntx that the people are not forgetting the lords tithe a this stress of wartime th women cf tho w u b are anxious to in- so their numura and ar looking for ward ton j ear of work for the master with the prayer tltat u shall be a useful and prosperous one miutabv motes mr stafford z bennett el millar jala sask has sold bis business and enlisted for overseas servloe tha milton company wasaugmsntadthl week by the caoiphellville detatchtaeut which consist of 2j ueii under capt ma lion aoton platoon paraded to l albane church 011 sunday uorulog the vector rev v ii u rmlui preaolied an able and timely sermon tile olllosrs and man of the acton platoon will attend tho memorial service in memory of the late dorp roy ilurd kilted in action in france 011 the hth april in tha methodiabchurch ou good friday morning at 10 so oclock albert hrlttow who was one of the first loenliiblothe aoton platoon of the kmut battalion but wlio was rejected on account of bis diminutive alt euluted in the width uattallon tlie hauums toronto oalhehui april ami is now in the ranks of that rat ulloil tha free prase would llko to see- all street front tidied up for riaslej- tha true holy week spirit manifested rriuhb warm weather for luater sunday hurahlgna of llieearly aloe of tlie war lota of happy homoomera for kaitef tide a hortlourural society orgs n lied in aoton all young men enlist who have no serl- oua reasons for hot doing so tit improvement of uower avenue seriously considered by tha coutioll fewer children allowed to roam the street ab night unaccompanied by parent tit approaches to ut electric railway crowing on main hlreet made fairly pose able a new cinder path or gravel walk ou main street from th 1 t il to the cor poration limits successful in lloul kxottlnnttoni th following provisional lieutenants of tha 20th halton regiment were successful in qualifying for their rank at the recent examination held at lit infantry school of instruction at toronto p k ucklasook a u urquhart b w orr il if lock j w crane il w powell l j moor j m hutcheeoti s il wllklna w i floody if ii macpberson d fl- arnold ii u brooks k v vmltatr w k cana t m uubert cooper a c drew ii p chatter a il parker f w fredsnburg k i ruaaell w o m brown f ii raid f pullan j o kennedy f r uecuuttall il j lie j il pejuy j 11 hunter i lict1iic mouth vou sailsulil rrotwuur iulorsee thi uyieat of lighting for 1arnt ifoaiee hafoly and convenience are tuper- tqnt factorn to bo considered by those who propose to install an improved llbhtlntr aystorn in the home as well aa in tho outbuildings with thee facta in mind an electrical authority ntroncly indorses tho electric ll rut in k nyatcm for the farm on thla subject ho saya twolvo years bfeo farm lighting ilantii wore a novelty today they am growing in popularity they aro usually otters tod by a gasolloe rnlnc but tn tho oast it la not tin- rnmiiion lo so walor power used for tltln purpona whore tho poodle have v alct povor the storage battery la tot used id ovcry province whore farmers cam nt all for convenience one will hud a number of ii kitting plants flcrio farmora prefer the blauvu acctylono or issollno lighting aye toiiis so that they may utilise tbe boat but there la a certain eleuebt or danger tn using those ay items plants including on blue genera tor battery and switchboard can be bought for 8134 up ono must bear tn mind however that one gets only what ono pays for conaequontly it may prove poor economy to buy the cheapest plant such plants are of very small capacity will operate only a fow llghtu and must be c ovory day a plant such aa tho ovormso farm er owns coats about 1400 which dooa not include tho cost of installa tion wiring o bouso cost of fixtures und similar items wboro a farmer can buy power from a company whoso lino ru noar hla house he wilt qnd it much moro economical to do this than to put in lite own plant in the ft rot placo thoro le no upkeep nvpunsa on tho plant and bis yearly hill from tho compiny will not equal tlia interest and depreciation alone for tho private plant tho average bill for unlit to ruch a user would bo about 30 a year the boufiowlfo who has electricity on tlm farm doan not have to bother with amoko or dirt from gas or oil lamps she uses it for itgtitlng her liouao for doing her ironing sowing wanblng nwtoplng and toasting the bread for breakfast tho farmer finds tho electric light a aafo and convenient light tor ills barn q popcgpriirriturtrrtrtr i fashion dictators gj have sanctioned our beautiful new styles for elaster m g and spring wear rj hoarded sheep iuk a boarded up feeding rack lu the heap iota or pons will prevent dirt and ebas from get tine into the wool while the animals are feeding dirt of thla kind in tbe wool la ono of tha reasons usually given by buyers for low prices paid in soma instanceu the chaff and dirt front tho racks will work down into tho wool matting it near tho hide and causing dlscoturort to tho aheap as well us injury to tbe wool itst use inaaun a bettor looking flock and will also result in asvlug suite a good deal of feed that la ord inarily wasted tho rack may bo built double giv ing oa much food lug npaco ou noo aldo on tbo ot101 tho doubln rttcka ara boat tar tbo open late tariu progress your pockctbook will find many prices within itti limits broad selections afford wide ixopo tor your choosinfy youll bo tmro to find a tityle to your liking among so great a variety in price and in quality no store within leagues and miles can surpass our offeringo owing to present scarcities our stocks in the near past have been doubled treblct multiplied in nizcno that now we aro sup plied with lower prices higher qualities and more extensive ranges than can readi ly be found in thcie parts there is every price and your spring wear things at macdonalds style advantage in buying bemutetoum multnetry that portray the moat authentic of spring fashions moduh sulfa that reveal the intent utyle tendencies n huu und fabric reusolnsillritf neokwear- in an exttjualvo variety ot tbamoitt approved mod win hornet wetutain nllttj and wnuli fubrlca now and refresh ing uaittor styles decomlnfi shlrta in vari ous umart practical ntytetr tlmt nra bound to pleuue styllak oiovt to mid tho finishing touch lo mllmly4 spring and luiutur attire mtne sultaiu the widest krico and stylu range lo be found theae parts meina fuinrilahlntfai hjnart ckchulve ttylcii anil qiialitluu of high merit in all mma wear boys wamr cholcu of five bundled moduli in aulta alone bamo choice in other lines d e macdonald bros llmllj ooelphs leading and largest store wyuhuun maedonniu and carjen street ouelph onl facadfeddwbtsbdsbt3taitstittkjth3tststtscs3cs3csg3 h3iiih t nnt i model 490 chevrolet 47500 f 0 b osiiawa made in canada the car with a sensation ome reasons why my 1916 car will be a chevrolet bkcau8b- tha chevrout is made in canada the clievrolet is tbe product of w c durant ono of the greatest and foremost car men in iho world the clievrolet is one of the strongest motor tar companies in tbe world tho chevrolet la built and every part of it is ruar- anteed and backed by the well known and nwu rcliublu firm of mclaughlin limited of oiltawa tha chevrolet is equipped wllh an electric starting and lightning system as may be found on much higher priced car tha chevrolet is equipped with the simplest and most efficient carburetor of any car regardless of price the canadian curtis aeroplanes ar equipped with tho same carburetor the zenith the chevrolet has ono of strongest and simplest engines slioa considered in tho world tho chevrolet is equipped with cantilever typo rear springs of chroma vandonie steel heal treated and tested tha chevrolet front spring are a double side action shock absorbing spring giving double efficiency over any other sluale type the chevrolet owlog to its uwu individual construe- tlou with overhead valves and direct ignition the easiest of all cars on gasoline tba chevrolet la known aa the wliard of the hills and will climb any hill on high that it is potalble for any carta climb- the chevrolet la light strong inexpensive to buy and the upkeep is below normal tho chevrolet hue a stream line body with crown lenders mohair tailored top clear vision wind shield ammeter speedometer and electric horn the chevrolet steering device is a very atroag double spur adjustublo to wear gears and la to con stucted as to give the operator moat accurate control of his car tho chevrolet owner is at home even now in any city or town in canada aa there ba will find a service atatlon that will welcome him and olvo real sonde order now as the rapid sales of this wonderful car is fast overtaking tbo manufacture j a willouchby proprietor georgetown james woods sales mjuutgw ii n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 n m 1 1 1 li i ii m mi 1 1 mi 1 1 1 ii i urn 1 1 i n grand trunk kstcff easter excursions single fare good going april aiat and reluming tame day fare and onethird good going april soili aitt sand jjrd return until april ajth return tickets will be issued between all stations in canada east ol port ar thur and to detroit and port huron ukh uutfalo hack rock niagara vails and buipseslot urug e n v tickets and further particular at grand trunk ticket ofike h holmes agent fhoua via la 3 wmm ttmmmr cbbws co tha farmers have enmtneaced ploughing here tha fall wheat looks much better since the recent rains a number from here attended services at bhoata sunday afternoon to itear rev henry caldwell h t l of hogeravllle a fanner pastor who preached mr kdwlu cleave who went to the ouelph lienors hospital last week was operated ou wednesday hla uuny i friends will be gbul to know that be is progressing favorably alnee theu i mr john hutllngham wan in baull ste marie hut week attending the funeral of hersjater mr h cvawaou anton visited frlamla here last week in ll wthbtlb see our windows triursday and saturday for special easter meats and confebcllonery chouse your meat from this aaaortmonnt fresh cooked cubed pork spate ribs roast potk broakfabt bacon roast pork i tenderloin sauuiijo 1 ripe roast pork boneless back lltimut dimiina swilttipremhain cooked ham spiced rolls beef loaf recular bolornn jellied tonpue r bologna veal loaf p wieners confectionarv our assortment is always the bust and fresh every day visit our ice cream parlor upstairu russells mill st acton ont a at m st or at at at m m m m at at u m m 1800 sphimo and sumiiek 1800 suitings usiletomeatuns leave your order now for a spring suit and avoid disappointment eatter sunday hats hats your new hat is here positively the new est and everything new in furnishings 1 c deverell the clothier m at at s st m at si at at h at m h at m u acton ont at h j specials for this week mens mund working bluua ns i335 for s2vk miln fiuo biiihi cloarlun at 191io otld raut olbarltiff at ltm utoroyitwoikliiahlilluat 4 i mun itaincoatii renularlisoo for htte ladies ladloa hio clearing ut alot children bhoen sltdsu toa ltut loilleh raincoats rvqnltir 8700 jtto groceries loolba redpalh bugar for thi i uaialua ioc pkg currauta ac per lb 1 cnnned corti ieiia or llnutih 3 for bttc i rolt4l oats regular ajc 3 pkg for 4tfc oasfl paid troki ssuttstlfi and woou i 7wv- skxe i the brlck store opposllo new post office i

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