ht jvtfim sttt flrfcss voiiltmm xr1 ho jl karr hubacrlptlnu rm in attvant aotok outtakio thlfrbday mottntng alilh 27 1010 oabeeririoei rrtclbo par amdum sikoxib comma thiuoh omkts kvnitv tik 1ihi v mqutjiho vukl 1 lit hh iilii diso uill urukwr actom out y or ihjuwuiitio one italmr pr yr ttlatly lu aavaaea ml to suueilir lit 111 uulujutau all itlbwrtt uona ilujiuulluu 1 wbu tl iw for wlllobumy lieve l u tu bm kripll tiia jala to wltlcli every tuliti- jimuia4j udauoitil on lliatullram itual abvavruima hatifi transient elverlli teaa lo euta woniarsll hue lav hi idmuo and a eutii ir uua far fcli at- aaaul ldrlaii cnuirwt i1llly mlviu- ibhu ww ov luclu luar iw euuuku aubaflaalliajl luurll u ytalrlyeaut itukllwuulwriuall mll lu a4utiinla will mil twolna dlrmlooa wui b lmtl lill latuul alid cliartfad umj uw traalmlt4iloallulalutiual u ki advwuaatdwtu will l ehhil ones aab aattlklf dwj vo cltaba bluur uwm fcaot a a utj uie kuua 4mtiiwiuoii uitua t ku iwf b4 iu kataa all iumuu all iuj umtuily u v uoouu t jauiju hob cray u jj c u uccill iauo v tiblhfcoaaf 1lhvv at judw afaiew h atria at mfcwalx aaaoouvtui bro orrropatnv dil vki1nqw n al i uhnw otuovaiuici uvsiciiv okjuiitl i a hlalilniaui ul ftua huii la m vuuya auj fiueta e u ixwlulwu motel alton cmholracnc dtt uaupuu ii iiollowav cwibavoictoa hu ilulullna ooilrlioul byauyikouiuuy lljn umi iwlllbdetlh ut fcl uu wm au laraau ulll llv4 aato uouj tiiit wuluu tuuthlav ad vuay of eaall weill 0 11 id la 8 puj vxreuisahy j ana 6uuiui fltajiuta o dm rlabiinarv tiotlrbdliial uimatlbuia lllnck uil lunra ulll ut calu day mt dliilit l o nil uy alien ivj u a j mckinnus wu uolkts luciluur liill lor ota wo a ucuar i1 oulvji aatway ut loan 4ltlo i dr j m ulll u i l ll dmtiat aotaw 1 bono nou0 uttm u uaaljaaaa cofdr ulll u4 prajwuk iumu baaiab oauddavfl ojr f obduto uurvskajy vlm uuaa uloaalltmu luad u daalywl d ill l hicnhltt ulat1bt uwut zl j ao pj woio human it booiojindhb wydbau hi oaaluti outuia 0r w ulov i ata6bl bmka of all kinds taua lit uj pwuilaaja ol y ilil c llou wulft bmiui m juiuuok uoknbeo u uoouu maunm e uawluhl iiuiswami pmbu06lm howju tmllad ta tu lit vaaltui fcv otfm xofom it luwuaiid avortaumum kir uju ootmiua o weill nabm hajtou ta4l tul4 mtuimuj wieu ilrotfou uia upon imii r u cut calajou ltt imudm in auusilda vltb tlt talluvajlllaluulluabtmlauakuilrilvar 4 wu b uajla cd4 luft t f mum 1 ajua dalexjmivkn outauja laud aumayor auul olvll atamtl burvdy bubdivflona plans itft partm deacriptlotih hluoiirlntu etc criiflctcifor pnrchasurn ond mort- amd uurvoyu for architect- uuij- eniatiimiuilclial coum uu drald- ajf ueporu kutltnatiia etc mcltohants bank uldo aumlkm ofaoo loai oht chubmthbktiltik oimluhioitb tfaujm laiuf4 lu bold oo iiium uybm uooiia- aj otlt llnaka ilii wouic vuouitfiv kxaovrua the old and reliable granite and marble dealers olallbuflf uftdurldtajahdllaajutatw jti i wa ham dlwii ia ourouilomahilal wbol laaa thun httttxu 0ir ouktuukh w w hw til lukal hmlaum aijd irabamaftai huora4a il our cut torn lu iba lajraaa u1 bl anm of inuiu in tu- dooiloitmi t- mora oia uv lliifa tllw h kb wa w ar uitluuialar aaitlah utd uu hamilton sons ow mo fflla ftixf wnolmldtl hi ouulllf savage co uubluhcl fa4u jcwcllck cuclpii the old and rcliauc watchraakera and jfewcllcra savage co gudph oat in0ig1 ulon oiittino the piano value and you okt t tjell aut piano wait iiy all uadliiff wualclsua art iuli in app3ranc uiiatittwuad lobd finalities am conslrucllon the tnot tub- hanlfal tlio hell i iou uuly by c w kelly fkl son 33 lower wyndhum st ooclph oht c c speight for up4odatc goodii 3ilvwrwair in 1iiblwairaj ytnm varuly also lrtn cutlwy hrdwtt tlnwar and gran ltowir- in variety pmndorm stovaa and ratitfm famous hwatara small 3tovaa oh stovas machanlcal toys slaltfha hochsy sticks qraiyiophona rtoorda livciy article is of excep tional vitue ca speight ulll slrul atloa maoaaonaaaaaor mmtmam g grain a j chopping i 3 well done and 1 qulckly at only r 5 cents b per bag bockwood out s hhhuumonndqtlooqanaoomwhhum robt noble frxouh natioual for putry korval qlended lorftbiiural ik uftiftf choice aud flvo hoitfc manitoba html wheat flour feed ii ran bliottv gluten meal uolualn oil cuke tux mc 0t chop corn corn cbop seeds kod cloer uumoullt akllld alfalfa liroathy cuitrdiau lllusruut aix at iowust pki0b8 xlwahrkn if yon wmit rt ronlly komi ready mixed paint job tliun you iilinulit imyoiily martlnstnour 100 pure guaranteed tlie uoiul hlnro carrion ovory hprlnrj llnrdwara nocdimiiy wrllo or call all information clicurfully utiiiplicd th obond hardware co ulmltaj phonai lo i 3 tmtwlv ooellph if you think of perwtiml ailortimcnt aluivo all clao you uru braudoil an vain ii you think of everything ili bfori kmui iiwaranco yim nto brunded bahlovtfiily thcroaa liakoru iloien of comuom ulcnbk run lor utfurlnu our nw oo etakit mount inia and thuy can t help niauin you loou your beat tliuyro id ad a that way qukllph q notice the tiprinv trm in bhawo ml- iiteb bclinol orflnla from april sd merge into tho aunnnir term fur july and an nut utart now and ba rady forpaamon in autunin no vacatlonu five caulofue w ii bhaw pr a wondehfut burner unv huih voun kveav i dm o wlbelllo tljli ejhi aa youf oil latutu juu -uu- luaiadlej al uw tim will i a uobt uya l4ui lliiraar will lil youii ldajt ligbl sm iiuutt j or ttl- trlally an i ehatu jour orilluair ttuk dlnay lamp uad ii will uive u i rlltt lulii with tliauimiwsi oal oliaabuu iliu lm alu- hn oil ttv it anil tou will liuvu in wliltaul k h0aalalolravlbiiilki liran a hutu arwliiclluitauy lauii thai u- at nualuclt wwi ii i umhi tint aauiu aa iin imlluary buniur llriulurnf wrltu lur deamliv alrfluur auuia wn iwl war wlira m t hallman uurtlin dnt now lor wet weather footwear kenney bros main st acton spring is coming and wa hva a full aasortmant of boataand tho and rubbara and rubbav boot aultabl for th wat waathar savaral llnaa or slaten ratal aw a- ho id a for lln etatirfliis cusiie for lndl wi hav school boots for ohtldran and farm boota tor wan and woman rubbaraand rubbar boots to ault all naads reiiblrlbk rceelvdi bratapt and caniful attcatlob tt6rofmocvmaiu larhohb the hub tlio sort of a milt vou want i finu which flu uml becoiuca yon umlwhicli conforms to the otbur domntnl or both htylo and the money if men really knew juut how lha clothe wo make look nml wnr they would all coma huro order your hprlnir hull now and ktit your choice of the now nprlng a geo f agnew oustoat lullor ulll st acta uy task tltii in tny taik t to loam to lova tlt day to form a frlfliitlalilp for tlilr common wayo wltliout a thought of care or tnak at all i to lu intent to hvo and act my lmt ami leave to charity of tliuo tho reat and uiihwer llrrl when ihmth ahall liva lite call i nor will my ufa and all lt preolnua hour ilfl i ut a hloomlnif of the fmliutr lowara to ntand an wahn only for a day i rieliiml enjeavnur of the imart and mhul a nod of puhdut prom l do i fltul that intdiiatej m ufa will bloom far aye ay ixmu o uumah tie i a in all bl tryuig xtriai u au dllor hlehahs wat bad uw utd so 0euuay a situation tu two yotra nia bad burt u brod bl prt- vatj seeoslutf sod froauculatlni in an locolroe hiaiiba aftajt uticb qu- uonuitf thalk t4tta rf eonapulut wis fouild to b that r6aat bobucatlail of til followtotf aaiiiuublils tomtalbalav uout ur itobn wall atj ur jbn olaaa tj woojlktratiah amnuirw thai blnt to uta ullutwul flkfrrnual u tiu tlty twlm lb paluxad sdllda tad th pancraph than mbbj bl rbl b odt ol tny proyuic b tw fauukad at itat u ill ah th sofl ty sdltoi about it no dm bnappad itdbmtt wall u want id bi firat sbd sba s lb tuppla wu lusdvartaatly fcoplad rjotu that woodborouaib bnburbau aay jok ftoi tu that booia town pp bat bow thidtf uu tult coaul by in a taonalbu dolly oath llatiiams cajaliinurt fallht brios a puy suit amlat yoor p- pr hfltly tnbfttmpud john oktfl mid ibluft tux sil6tib fov w la woodboodb but u was ratbair too much to btva it rnatd wbd w auoa to tb tlty in a apult ef wllf tba uanaalav uor tdhd to aniwt hla uupbod isduoi dally nawstr qtuatlonad nn bjbtuvd fatnlnlns voice wslu tbbt u ur wlluatn tbomboo i calld up to ak xpunatlou of that vuljetr aotks rardliajr my ruutbur wblcb appr in but nbibfa papr- vi unfortunat mlatak uo doubt bat i wit call to sm you persodally tbu sft- sraoon at 4 oclock vtclooaiy luchard vftmt bhd th hmlrar into its book so tbr u m wmm thornton be exclaimed thaw todtbdv ur oleflb rebuhi- ed fmunjity and you hava both perhaps bo paying bar attention u ratbar tbla rrooa ur walla- i can only axpraas thati my rent for tbs otirrac and auaat a pub- us eoathdlctlon oontradkuon tfroaoad tb blood uui of th two oood butana its bsed rdbbsd in aoaftb now it auythlnff or tbs kind happens cata vajctuly tbratoed bis com ponioa and tbs door closed wltb n slxumot alatn bnddanly tbs sdltors annoyad sxpres- sloa cbanifed to otia ut imprsaiilbl bauaamant tbs amlls a til i llnfffliwd urn bs wtarasd bwia won outastb bonf of 4 draw near and bis clsrk an douncad b visitor be olnncd appt htuuly toward tbs door and arose stiffly it was only cirl who con ftoatad blm bowever not tho tlroadsd ura tbornton whoso important naias oiored ao larcaly in aoctal circles- jast a kllp of a arlrl wltb nppaallaa blue yea and a udsiuvs mautb u you lbs adltorr sbs askd uslraly and uninvited settled herself fai tbs editors chair i cauia about that enaotnent rootle und to tfet bar bofore mother who will probably tnaks b fum i iu bllxabetb tbora ton bowing tbs adltor waited it was 1 who wrote tbs announcement tbs calmly auted you us swuaff about ta ual list the bin nodded it was odb of my jokes aba aald nefally they always turn out tbo wroajt way bhs leaned forward con- kaenually do you know what it tneani to have reckless lupulftea ur westdouiff or saying a thiufl you are bound to bs fleaperstaly sorry for uoxt dayt well thats me- tat ttw aaplalo about that fooilab auiiotmceumiic ulas vborutotrs suddenly embarniaiuid hmw aoujebt the tos of bar root foti see i hats kuewn those two d0j4 bobble and jack for uouic iliou sod wene eoae around a lot toimhor more or less on arteroooa uuoi nectsdly and mbw out or a clour muy bobble asked in when we werv-tfo- ing to be inarhed why id uever ten uumiftht of nucb u tblnu vvheu 1 tried to tell blm so be lnaleted quite sttuboroly that that martlaee quesihtu had alwaye been underatood betweeu us said when be talked about it i bud new coatradldted bltn ulas tfauru oa raised aaxtleved eyes to the edl toe now weane tbat unronsouiibis aba dewandod to be expected tu iiittr ry a maa josr because one bail not oee round denying belntt etttmncd to bitty and thai very venlntrmii paused impressively jack 1jin eotdes wslkltio over to ask rati wiiro rnj amff to nutrry blm uerlnnid i kturw all alouit tbmt the boiutf tut wu buiuuntf was for lue x ball sueonr ined jack in tnw bnudlox ulas ivhornton hdmlliwl beceua hes nniuially idle und i hlu t see bdtn busy iliu it hiii jnrk bad told me the re or would timer no oa us bdinse until tte nml thi prtimi of a wif to orcupy it iinrl of tsvurav any one would imv aduatsi him to pot oa tbo roor tio hiip muttwl it ended by both boya jiiiiiulnti rat ul riabhuy leevutut thfm on while belnjt abattced to toe ottwr mid when i eta- aaucarry unlel ihw to tib tby comrortoifiy isaiuivlum me to b still ttwbr own battothad ular icihubath thornton laughed it wo wtl so perfectly ridiculous sbs contlauad tbat 1 decided tu cw thorn oaab of th subject and wrote tbat silly notice- burrybia it on u their bonis town peps ti nreet than when they arrived woodboroaab en joys publuthlnu smnalntf paraonsllues and 1 sxpocted tb affair to sod u a iau qhs rcoardsd tbs sdltor ae- tuolntcly dut ob when tbe uwrul udnff cams ont in yoor paparr ulas thornton tbrsw odt bar bands now im afraid rot you ah said itlcbard wsat folio waj the ulri ta tbs door and tbu snrprusd blinlf by eontlnumat to follow into uw sis- valor and on down b the street wbare be stood an unnecessary utujtb ol tlm assarinat br or bis rssrvt snd ol bis ability to sooth tbs mrthtd rrj tnca of hr toolbar attain in bu of oce bs atoopad to pick up u buim ti of fadsd violets which bad falln front tha ttlha bait and u pleca thm cr- fully bi bis dmk tbdn b ufmud back in his ebalr fatuatf into a ds ant reverie kacb rmtrrsnt htvith rrotn tbv violate sesmsd to brititf bnk in an indonnabls way the plqiiiiut charm of ths idrls pravaoce that one uunhhitf emu from her bluebell ys and so for days tbs wluaota facs hsuntvd lie iutnory richard wsat formed a habit si baa ing tiu6ty dmin ut ths poaaanhjr o of falllnu into lrowu ntudia lafoi his dmk tiwh otiv day tbe fitrn well twin hi lwd iuiiiiw cuujiht bis uys limtulntt in alniid out in t lolna ua tars upon ib4 social colutuu of buows pepr wlmit lie b id rd tlu ias- m s second time tw umimjitml the aoclal editor let me know be hhju td ti lila otjnounciiiiubt has bd duly au- tuohwd tbe bocul editor prwj throuch bar cuaa tbtf vnt iiuirit of hi- klualwtb fliomtnu to ur robert walla elie rpiot oh ya that u rwrtvtl tu noilc waa roplad by reejut rrots a rclmroad pupvr ulaa ttiomluc haa bro a suwi at ttu llalinoriiu rw turolna tut whii aa th nothe to im marrud lu tbe city i will iud you th ortflliial copy uwiftly ths idltore prdttlcrd eye scanuad the bold alpiirttiir authoris ed for publhalloii by robert wtlls cudcldlly hla band wwnt out toward tbs tauplions tbti aa if in snawea to bis thousht tbe ones door wa4 opened to admit a amsll bours uay i corns lot aakvd s dlrldem voles richard wests heretofore wlt buhaved heart bat a rapid tattoo ai tbe vbdou in blue udvnncd ta bis elds i did not thluk you would do h attain the reproached blm in lent oxonerdtloo be banded to bet tbe original elned slip of tbe duturblnjf anoouueetoant watcblna lu vast relief aa rebellloos color flooded the frlrls uidbjuant fac it 1 just aa 1 tboukbt she crted robert wells wrote the wretched thlntf for revesse and tbe fact atated is uot truer ulas tbaraton scorned tbs question i was bavins eacb a lovaly time he aald daodn driv latf tonnlal now be baa apolled h all if i bad leprosy i could not be more avoided itetumbijf to be tru riwl in the city she mocked ill norer be married as loojt as i uva this tluio you are not to blame and a camo down to scold yc oue tulfibt be drrvsa ta fens bo told her for th of aeolne you oac mota you may see ma afaln taooaea thaoj you oxnect she lautbed and btf prophecy coma true it aa a flushed and beamifnl yotmst wouinn of naahlnp ey wbo burst fed upon bun one tfotlodaly htf m momltuf u hope im bi urns aba beats breatblefeily and wavms aloft a pane- grandmother read it last olabt tu tbe firm uaietta wltb that blowing fjaca a bear um owu it was rather dldtnlt at flrat to snup the ttjgnlflftancsi of tbu utssi mtsiiaeo but pently ulebard west rvallxed that ulaa llbubtb thorn ton was main repohed euitawt un john olccfl this tlm flotirbis as tbej fortunata hrldosroou aleet laittltcontsmpfdbler uusttkom- ton pjlauced tdistractlnaly tbroujb a 10011011 ktnind of bafr you see they bavoaafeed together to fet even ob i wlab tbe resonant voice broka trenuilotuly as tba fiirl tdrned to tbe window richard west followed shaken be tweon a deklr for deep aympatby and a desire for helpless launfater wonder lac at tba muthly emotion whfcb sura- ed wllhla blm at tho ahjbt of two very cabulas tears croepln dowa tbat tdris avorted cheek tiihuy hi bontf elosed over bars it baa all been aa childishly tool- uh sb murmured pertupa it has tba man answered gently but im afraid tbat 1 cannol be sorry euubetbbe paused and tba nam was allowed to pass 1 cant be sorry because tbe foot- una broufiht yoa ta we and i eon be quit awry for your burs wear prov tb exuune of a heart aad if yoo bar i ir i baval want ktm to keep forever lbtabtb buene in tb ome whit tb tl phou belt rone uuhmrdi then ittcbard west fttsbed over to bl seek to road si baity una ttir be tried triumphantly that aoea into tb paper toahtbfc and x thlaki dear youve acored tba boy thekt olflttduff over ber lover tbe olri rend mood tb h ohuouuwd of uls idbubstb ttobv ton to ur itlelmrd west wood t tttks place next month tenderly tier eyes soubt tbo off th mi tor authmruted for pubfic i jjti liorttt h aalet boudh um pap frank mother took him to a coujurlaa lierfornunc one afternnon and tbe bmill boy waa much imprsmed by tbs won ilsr be mw tba venltt after us he ultll fattier i with i was a manteau ito you aonny t aold ths father with a mtflla if jau ware one what would you la f j well uld the ly thoubtfuliyld turn you into a rob and cell the oat sod wouldnt i have a lark v cincinnati en quirer dazed the q lu jiiiiiiury 1001 ulna all aaaar iciuiii former oraud wxlor of lrls uuu nmkliiu- trip srouud the world mid was hooked to all ta uuropa from kow york ilia ulttmdaiiw at tb orbllron tlub dinner in wuntilniiton wou umiouucad in tba uauuiwers what happened ut hint hitiinuet u thna dramatically described bi arthur wallace dunn in iiim imou oridlrxm nlfihts tb brand vtxter cams in hit v after tho dinner had been in prourcma for s time and was accompmiled lij kcott c lions of tb wnuhliiudiii rol hu boat of tbs ovenlnrx lleroro tnuhic bis saat directly in frout or tbo prvildent of ths united stales bo bowed low to tbat official and then mado u uweep- idb salaam to tbs sassmbled company senator klvridiie wum introduced and shook bands william ik tft then avrnor ireneral of tba rhlllp- pbss wbo bod croased tb ocaan oa tbs asm ahlp wltb tb urand vixur walked across tbe dtnutf room snd book hsbda sxpraaalna bu puosurw at seln him skald bens tors aldrtcb gormma and manna and speaker can- boa silting bear by wars introduced aft tbs dinner had probreed for flats r meet lou a coollds in trod deed th oriaatal boeat as otis wbo bod joamejad rsr kbd wbo came tbst tabzfat wltb vuwe bs bad eatherad in hi tretveie ulrsa all xknar khan with mor profound bows said that hi rmaaaatie to th aridtroa club and lta bueela bad been writleb as be wnu somewhat ltd- perfect id mr unction- and then be bsin to rad from ursa hosts of pa per tbs b6u of tbe united state tw bca or wetchlntf every day to see whether there u lo be a war in tbs old world in the aafct w uo watcb for that wur it ta to obeerv rparatlods tar th it wnr tbat i travel i wns la japan befor 1 cam to tlile couillry in feral ww fak brest fntcreat id japan becaba tb foevt unrwlll he tbs btat atrusl btwea tb ttrlllyiitlntia of tbs m and west whlkte ibat thseoatera dvlluauod will nuhmw the weetem tlvllbutloa- tlit- ylll mark tbs dowursll j uus- fla th if trcocberoue powr tbat has plottti mrttnat neec bt msnkkid froai tb duys or feter ths gwt and has been tbe bypocrlle tba fai frlsad or every wak power it bos ainud t tleetroy ho waa interrupted by a member of ths club wbo fcueseeled that as tb ruaalan atdbeaoador was our tttt b eitcb duciualou should be permhtted lllraa all looked puxxled and eontbv ud th barbarous ruls of germany will b hroucbt to an end and a blbr mo rality will iuppiant lbs vldous ruls of th rnndau who bar kept th intellt ucino of kurop under a reltn of ter ror- acaln ha was interrupted and atten tion celled lo the presenc of tb oer mau aiubausador tbe situation was ciplnlned to ths urand vuler and h turned oar two or thre pecss of bis manuscript and continued and then great urltaln th trodl- tlonnl euotny or the fre american po- plo perdilloiis albion as eh is called by ono of jour poetsshe baa been the trader of the world buyer and seller of men pretendlug to love liberty but hypocrltlciilly ehellerbii slavery when it could uy to her interest president coolldjce atopped blm by ahsrp raps of tb oavsb tba face of th diplomats wero drawn into frown of disapproval aueets and member were an best while president roose velt looked as if be thought it was the makluffs of a bully row wa are very much obliged aald ur coolldff u bis excellency the brtuad vbuer but aa soma member of tb brluob embassy ar wltb us you will not let m apeak said tb vbuer angruyi then i bid you good nltbt you lovlt m bere you ask nut to speak 1 pspre tny speech- you or a bad aa tb reat you hav no fre press you bavo no fre apeecbl iffo and a be was making sweeping- fea ture b tor away hi fes wlff and beard and tber atood francis k- leupp of the ne york evcutac poat ho had put over tbo greatest boa ever perpetrated by the gridiron club tb real ulrsa all asaar khan bad soiled for uurop tbat very day nltreeelluless cottou in tb form of nllrocalluloe la tb moat important component of all military propulsive explosive strictly spcaklnc th raw muterlal used is cotton watte or the stub rev jecfvd lu tli manufacture of cotton good jute rami kapok liber sul phite pulp spun cottou aud other forma of cellulose bav all been tried but tbo only trustworthy tuuterlm i cottou wait fsmolty ef man i recoil wltb horror at th ferocious ttees of man ar ther no tucans of coerrtutf jusllc mors ifratlfylutf to our nature thau a waste of tb blood of thousands and or tbe tabor of million of uur fellow craaturest tbomos jet avitr oreharda kkofltable ioai orchard whoro condluoue itiu fovorablo may bo more proutabl thnu on apple orchard tor tb re- sou that punrs are uot ao sanerally asowa as appbih tb pear delleibt in a clay aoll and la not ao apt to crop regularly on a loamy soil and treea on the latter seam more sus ceptible to attack from disease than ths formsr wbou tb orchard la flrat set com con bs grown wltb tba pear tree to advantage cultivation should b discontinued early la july and a cover crop of vetcb or clover sowed lu cultivating lu orchards of any ntud car must be exercised not to cultivate deeply near tb trees lata cultivation is uot deslrablo around trees of any kind aa it encourage lata growth utead of permitting tho wood to harden sufficiently be for winter weather sets in a tba trees grow older more fertiliser will oo reoulrod pear tree requlro but ilkht pruning each year shortening back tbo mow growth some and th trooa tauat be regularly aprayed whore bonvy crops sat tb fruit ahnuld bo thluuod a i common with ponchos iltitwilvl htablea it la u kood tl uo now to remodel your itnbltf put lu idouty of roomy jox ulalls twenty yeabs ago prom our laaue of tho free proa of thursday april 23rd 1800 a mammoth maple tree was recently out on ur jama drown property near el pay elds it waa 41 inebae in dlamur at uis ktump ii ithjlme ad feet up uia urutiki and wood was cut from tba trunk for 10fj feet of lta length workman from ui third floor and the baaametib of storey a olovs factory played s team of baa ball in lit park on uelur day the players and acorea were t up para j affnaw ii jaana i ileattle i wluiutu a smith g lawaon v smith storey k loveyem lowara w smith w a storey h ryder v rydr n manahb w uokaul g loveye j llalatedg vincntit aoton temperauoe union held lis thlnl otmlvaraary in tbs town hall on uoiiday sveoliig ths hall was taxed ta it bapaeity to hold lha audience tits pro- brauwe was enurjy by member of ths union sod was sxoaludl two aoddatt ileauia ooourred at iloak wood od tbureday but ur georu like manager of the lira works dropped dead oboat 7 m from heart failure aged 73 i sod john uouy s farmer near rookwooj hawj 70 dropped dead sbeol 0 ooloeb fronj etwpuay ur sod ura nlolan utidwy tu who eue ratoowlsg to ulltoa fr6m llmebodas wee aurpriaed o tueaday uet i y a uuu ur of ths member of the freahyurun cburcat wbo preaeaud thani with a hsa ful oayx fetook uu taa litwlaay 01 uorkuy waa preeeotad ol the boms cf ur joka uoore by ths uwabw of the w v u h ejtar tea whkb fallowed tuir meailag with uatauful tleoeloek us arvlos kv j w iu hwu hi floal ee- buo as paator of knex cbsrnh on suaday ttte svanlog dlamure was from ttte rhjht hand of fallowip gal 2 0 and raeraac was made to ths harmoaloua settling of many matur during the paattw- ale ths gaelle aarvloe tits uae of tit organ lntroluclou of hyalite quality of faaenimsrlul wlll fcalllug- ul ou mankm oinl waetioti of the bw eboloa of alts and srecuoa of new church auo in reejard to sabbath bchool chrutun tdevor and ths choir on tueedsy averting soolal farawell took plac at whujb rsv and ura was we rtfeeauted with sthqus for 3150 slorig with a kladly wooded add from seaalon and uaoagera rev howell goddsa bryere aiul strachan and ur if p uoore apake at tbs fancuoa sir uaokeuaie bowall hamll in lie rwgnatlon aa praiar ol canada lo the govaroor uural at ooe oclock oa uaa day and shout 3 so pu sir ctmus tup- per left for rideau hall bolag fet 1c by ilia evcallanoy to form an admin utratlon tb degree of i a has bee ooaferred oa rsv wm kannewln by juaene unl vsrelty klngcton the kwo s ulaa mary owe on of st jcaph mo haa fed ami netted ths tks squirrela tliat lle in the tree of bar yard until they are quite tamo one ol litem will sat iron hsr hand and oomea whan ahecalla sbs fsedi tits mulrrela nuta cracked ami placed in a amsll ho and ilw box in a trva shs natloed that tls blus joys wars eat log ths nuts before ths equlrrahi could gat them shs had no object oa to feeding ihaasblrda butahs placed food for them in another plac and did not wank the aqulrrahi to ho defrauded ef thajro bo aha tried this novel plan with auooeaa shs brought ths box of uuts as uiuol sod taking the tame equlrrej en her lap allow ed hlu nuta initds of the box the cloaed the lid bite did thle twice the qulrr watching keen and alert than ah opened th box fed hlu 00 nut and closed it again she did thla three times the neat day ahe took the urns muilrrel again and thawed blm the closed box with thenuta lutlds lis welted looked at her half qtuauoolngly half eppeallngly 1 then wltb uoes and auodsr pawa ha opanj the box and seised a nut ulee oefas elad the lid and thla time the squirrel opened it without heal uuon the next day the closed tax was placed in th tree th lid arranged eolhatltooald easily be opened but would fall abut again the tame anulmi osrne flrat aud opened it 1 the others looked on t the on after another they fallowed hi example bo now they ana fed and their food protected front tboto for wham it la not intended dumb animals the wobkehs the age demands kvery now and then bomehady invents a machlos which la capabl of dolag tb work ef a eore or perhaps hundred maa many of the great inventions liar keen ireraioualy opposed la tb beginning for thin very reaaon it la aald and wltfaeom juitloe thai they took th bread out ol mena moutha hut thla u a neceaslty ol omlimtlofl it is uialaas to reeul tb acylhsmmt be displaced by tb reaper the band stlteblng by ths aewlng machine uor sad more a tlm pasme oa kind of worker will be auperseded by machinery hut there in another kind ol work which nan never he performed by maoblns tb work which requires good judgment fore sight knowledge of men and as th world giowa older worker ol thla sort ar uor and more in demand back from leave wara back again to trcitehea and to ifuu to bnlpera inarura mines nod hand urenedea to working half the ulftht with pick and padee i from dawn to duak utey banif thoes baaatly uunai wera back atfaln were hack again whore everything la wet where duu outs drip and mud in ankle- deeji where aund toarma duturba our beauty aleep were back again were back to where ws kliave iuy ono a week and aa for hathaucl lumiirlea nra paat- soma oeuld not ullynu when they had tuir lat 1 to army blaouith lrid ii quiio unlqun were back attain wore back from where the rroakara drove ua mad wind all their aquabhling molly grunt ing din 1 wa mix ono mora with men who know well win therefor to tell the truth wo re rather glad v were back agala a standard medicine parmeleee vag stable pilu compounded of entirely veg etubls uutaiiodh known to hsvaare vivify lug ami salutary eifoct upon th digeatlve organs hava through years of uae attained so eminent a paaltloa that they rank as a standard mtdlclntrni ailing ahould remember this simple in tu composition they can b aaalmllated by tk weakeat atomaoh ami are certain to have a healthful and agrcealls effect on the alugglkh orgaiia its alow business earrylng erooksd i yordauck on th straight road btlll watsrs now deep for burns ami scald dr thomas ijjeelrlo oil will take tb are out of a burn or scold more rapidly than any other preparation it ahould be at band in every kitchen so that it may be available at any tlm there is no prapiratieu required juat apply th oil to ths burn or scald and the pain will abate aud in a abort tlm will cease altogether till i- moi iwhw iot aireat culture in nil ut th vmtmmt hboiihl iilttvsf voreet culturr in mi much of an art as 1 corn culture a ood wood lot like a rood corn fluid ih tlio rceult of applying lutnlllcont tucthoda to iro- duce a full vafuntilo rrop a corn- held with rait ejioto empty bills fasblo atalka aud hatf oiled care la neither a credit to tho farm nor a paying inveutmetit for tho farmer no more la a wood lot half blocked wltb inferior trea whon timber is cut la tba time of all time to apply a aooo wood lot forestry tho way in which tho cut ting la dons will d atonal no what tb subsequent condition of tho wood lot will be there is a difference botwoon farm woodland sod tbo farm wood lot form woodland la farm land which has not yet been cleared farm wood lot la a term wblcb might tuat be used to moan a part of a farm permanently dovotcd to timber pro duction under a oound plan of farm management tho alio and tbo lora tlon of tbo wood lot will depend upon varloua considerations of which the moat important ar tho home needs of tho farm tho charac ter of tbo land and tho present and prospective market or materials from tbs wood lot 11 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 nun poultry in winter iiiiiii n ni look out for audricu acvoro anclla be that tbe honhoueo id cloned tight when a norther nbowa its nouo one cold nlrbt la aufflclout to frees tbe combs of all your owla and spoil thorn for tho show at which you intended to exhibit thorn it avail nothlmc to bewail tba fact that tbo poultry bouso doom war uot closed tlio night of tba storm after tho daman has been don shutting tlio doom beforn tbo storm cornea to wbal count p success in poultry culture in lim ply the result or look inn aftrr all tb llttlo details connected with tho busl- ueas anyono ran be successful if be will uae a llttlo dlllgonco and com mon sons a hot masb on a rold winter mornlug la a good tblim to gla tbo chickens still it is not wluo to glv tbem all they will cat of tbe rnaith far if you do they will bo apt to alt arouud after they are ailed and be come chilled wltb inactivity on tb contrary hivo thorn about half a food of mub and ncattar nmall groin la te utter so that thoy may b kept warm by aerat chine for tba aead tbls will keep tbetu active aud healthy and conaequcatly p a itctii auowpio- tbo triowplow pictured herawtta la tho only one tbat was successful la bucklug tho heavy auow w had last year the advantage of this plow 1 tbat tho horses push tba auow croat undor thoir feet and they ar dowa on tho solid ground whera they com use thoir strength instead of using it lu wallowing through tba drift head of tbo plow wrm wad lloiuo keep new fowls fdetkohtta wbou buying fowls do not put tho in inimodlataly with your aook hut koop them in a pea by thorn- active lu another hulldiug it poo- til bio aud treat tbetu for hoe p uako sure that tbey aro healthy a imvo no cohis bafora thoy aro put wltb you own flock cstwhil ltroeding thoro or alnaya dlaappolntmeebs in broodlnu but tho man who studio tho auobtion and mates his stock u- ordlug to tba host laws of nature moots fowor of thorn than tbo care- it as indifferent brooder who mala anlmala wltb llttlo morn in view thau another calf or colt as tho caaa may hi urn need pur water tlio liocobblly of plouty of pur liliiuiii uutor for tho laying hen it id lii uppa out to ovorybody but ti im uniry lo uny thut many bona i it nol tmintiib waior for their no- t at iiurlm cold weather la j p til i tiouiod tbo water i 1 1 1 j tlio buns can jrt irmjjj io ilrlnk