srw jvttiw tn tft voiumjk xx no 51 uvaty uulwcrltitlon lslil in advance aototsr ontamio thubbbay mouning jrtfnm 18 110 babaerfbliou b tut atmum binoijb oopiksthbmh cents fltltc retail free tms 1 1uiii thi n uvuitv tim mm uotimtin at til yum muiu ullx uchkut yaawaovfiui par yst irlilli i kisias all hiilwortntlaiia iumouiiuumi when iha tlui loir wlilo itiuy luv bu pl1 be ftlulxhl til tlets lo vjlljoll uvery ubmlp- lonuimlduilbiiniojaii ilia tildreta label abvmhtialmit iutlb trsniatit aitrertlse- eant 10 eaiita iwr nnniarcll hue lor tlral ml iott mtil ft eatiu r hue or eeeli tuba- ejaaal insertion contract ililay advfrftlss tmnu lev ba at tuoliw mala par auuurn 10 mu pi luali bach luaertlmi yearlyeuilrau to hadlna maiisrileouta iwrlticli uaoli luaar- uoo advartleauientt wllliout two 1 flu jlrouons will ulnwrm mi forhll au5 ebara1 ewor1- in i yraukuuielvartlaauianlauiuat tm ttald la adriuwi advertlaetiiiihta vlll be cliaanfel ouoa saah meetta ll diiwl vat cliau nfuuar than abev mmtuottad lia autre eouipoiltlou muat i tjj far at kagultr raiee xi 1 aeeeun u sol ue ted w o n ui i ii r uoouu knlter end prop lor suitusb filtuloitj rtphoa git ay m v c m mcglll ijil op bnwauaaif l v p a oluuiw iismkmhllkltisuumdullii aaaoclayioh ttrc 0malre4rt hire aeteuoat osteopathy du vu11nom o al dkkhfw oathopayuic iutslclim of oualpliyalanliona liloildnoauli it wiim hat lo h yutetlaya end vua i ujioillttlo houlaolou ciwiopnactic f-v- uauvuh 1l iiollowav p 9 cuiuaifcictoa hraij uululnjj rjuelplioiil batim uoiitay da wmii iwlltualuia beat of ura wui tu uiwu ulll uwt amort uoudaytaaajav wailuaajartiihiiadav ad vrldair oi mali waalt oiu toilful vvtkrjnary f vwtttiuuauy buttoeoy j maohjnnoh aaaiamg fiouor caanfttvahsbja 0yfealui 84 la iwnuu tuetk w iltlliitor ao4 kotul isiblu o ututn i uloafa doout uva wmutf u tua uitalo lvu apuj ulm- cjfinrxl du j u uull uddld uuhviw alrfuu 111iukolj mm fii tlli oonv uu1 ij iriwuk l lnj d vuckixajvm t owl i fiaaia of all litibfa uaj u ow m abhuom liouniiuo u p uoouh tjji ojy uum1au ltsbfcfclul lrj vtad oflm acou a iuhuwult atjckiohbll vr tbu couaiu of wallloataii ilaltau 1v1 nwu wij uta elly 01 tiaalpli fcmubiuj wilb u11ujuuu ui bpul by uiun to ofloop o or naudoa id khuuuula aaauadtlau ultlt th wbk atiiikmul a to iiuj au 1 uv- jtj lwwait tjvomm uft at phlim 1 kj a aadmi ulll ruiv lbiua4ula altmiad kpui iotiitlat to utj lu aatou aud vluulty d alex nivkn burvayt bulwllvlslona plimit ue- uottii description hliicprinlh etc cortlilcau ur purcliawn utut mort- saecu uurvoyafor arclillccla hull tint add municipal couuliir drain- g uopotu kfcumut6 etc mdtcmany3bank bldo j 6 ohejlbbrs boaic uihdhh tubmttleatfet auajph out the old and reliable granite and marble dealers w h u minufaaluraiu aa ill if a 31 ltuiiol dtltiluiiof uonuuiaitltlaudllaaiihtoua wwk wwlldliriuitiouiieualatiiaraatwliutn sw lia uia vat tflialiaaa kud ibh tmu feaxiliihlia in hio dominion who muowr- bttif feaxililhl a nnauatlb i ifxr valamtoaa inm bun irwla nf uur euntotaw tomoui aud atliar ilaoita wlinraot liana hava and lav aulu lij ohlatf n anllaat w v ha fanaat aud liaat aioow or liiault u th dosalaintt nv tdniro t in auy llir riaalana in tb w wtiitr i4illiiiiau ilaalam kbd am katf m auvii anil ln mu hhiiov nrintatnuf mart iivmh una out luitnrhiitauatilaiaaiillflli mjmiij aoinloy maotiaulaa only and tl aweuuou hamilton sons tofuorlolhaaatiillili muiiuhuvh savage co unubllahd i84u jiwellek guelpii the ola and reliable watchmakers and jeweller savage co guclpli ont j insist upon oet1ino the piano value and you oet xsti bell art piano praitcd by all leading muglclan artlutlt in nppearance uuaunuuuwl toao rtiallleii and construction th moot ub st on hot tlio 1111 nald mily by c w kelly fti son 33 lower wyndheua st ouclph omt a wonderful buhner why 1iuin vouh hvkiv ii f oa aoau baa tba ia c auauu unlit ia i our lati al tlid babia aa youy oil uaiw you uoui liaiaii vrvxaod vm wllliwwi ii ttu atrlla iu 0ram4li hum kw lliu ni j n ir uup uifti uirfoaualaab wulu u ub1 tlia u4mj aa an orjiuay uiifrw jsrlijwu or witll dnrlitij aiiaulax hmajumwaaanrjoaannndciiiiuaiaiajg g grain g n ei i chopping i well done and h qulckly at only 5 cents k oerbag s f i r h p b s harhistvcoliului s j moohwood our wwmhhhqaadddadaannadhhuiihu suhmklt session mow open in hlmw ti uualueta hcliwilntoronto continues until aug- mt ofillt whon pall toim luina no vacation untur auy time froj catalo wrllo w it till aw rreiibiil robt noble mhitud seed corn loiirollow improved learning white cap llimtailon wisconsin no 7 feeding sugar beet coiakuui wlilte ttoyal qlaut jumbo tmikard cream giant sugar mangolds yellow lovlutlian mammoth long itul rlant yellow ilnirlotiff vttllow imermoihale turnips cnnaiuuii gem priui purplu tp now century derby mummolh im provrd rifitnuit j l warren manaobr thisruiha lot of satisfaction in t1ik ownlgkailll oi a 1 nytorforhcs lawn mower itio taylor i nrlu11 iciiarniitco u an nam 1 run cc of u q ikl tntufnclory itior oiirii worltnu inmur nt n fair price iu li only 11 tayliirforlicii either a uuiuy hlar womlyatl or limpronii i r icon from 4 00 up trco informntlnn 011 rtiueut from tho bond hardware co limited phonal io 1 3 toritwolua oublpm if you dont believe our metliodn linvo ninds tlio making and fitting of tclniur an accurate nclouco ftik auyonu woarliiq ulatuia made by us iltittorntill comu to uu for a do m on it ra tiou ouclpii aa special xmhhtmuuoh bowllnoilllouw nuuuckholudctfllobr0k hum f y fc3 3ntjptla wiitt andtabutibbr bj tlio new high cut lonnmahol hiio or lad in imina and womooucuatilon tiota in best mavea loyo and girl itoota in fine fancy and for ovorv day wear httpaituno vhohkflv am umual kenney bros mala st actsa cement k coocck acton cement contractus for bridges silos walks floors walls etc also agent for do laval siioh separators etc higli grade portland cem ent for sale c c speight for uptodatc goods silvirwair in tablwasr klna vuhly alao rtn cuuary haurdwari ttnwar unrj gan ltwak in vrity tandor slova and rantf famout hatrb small stov oil stoves mohanloal toya sllhs hooky suohtt oramophon rooorda every arttcle is of excep tional value c c speight mill strut aetott theyre fine for kiddifs eskiffi chamberlains tablets they d thimk onoa a trap wub luillotl wltlt a plaoa of oliooao 1 it tiollad ua h littlo inouao it alutoat rruul blm kriftom an oll mouari anltl ttioroa danger 1 bo carof 11i wluro you ro noiitanao 1 uald llio otlior i tioitttbitiu you know t ui wtilkwl in virat lio toott it nllililo tlio 11 lio took a itito 1 cloed tlio trap toftllir nnapplaaflulcu ua wlnu catclilnj inouaoy 1anl tin ro cnuuo ho mldnt llilnl onoo a littlo turkey fond nl lior own way wouldnt oak llio old ones wliera lo jo or atmy hi10 uald im uftt 11 body lmro tun i ball urown 1 buroly i am larjro onoiijili lo run oliout alono i off alio wont but homalwxly lmlny nw bar ruuat boofillkaj artowber foallioracovarod all tlia btaaa t uo aba iruuia aupper for a aly old mink 0um alt waa ao boulatroiik that olio wouldnt think ooouirwa a robin llvail ouuld tlia door who watttod to o inaida ami bop upoa tlia floor ob no uild tlio motbor you iiuat auy with mo 1 ijtlu blnla aro ufat alttlntron a tr i dont rmre ualil roliln a ad gavo ida tall a niiiir ilown bo tow and kitty aoltod hit t faro bom tlma u iillnk 1 oli b cfiod im aorry but i didnt think 1 now my little children you who road tlila aotu dont you aoa tlta trouhbt coma of think ion wrong t and cantyou ukaa warning rota tbolr drailful fata who baganlliatr think i tig wlian it waa to dont you think tltoroa alwaya ufaty wbra no tlakr ithowa dont auppoaa you know inoru uuut any- n t aupjaoaa you totly knowai hut wltan you aro warned of ruin pauaa upon tlia brink and tloutfro uodr heullotif eauaa you didnt think 1 how belle proposed i pi aayaa lawhaj art acisx lraikauhtoilv iiv klivuu utuall arsrrsrir j luovkayiou inland of p wotoana ojua waa ueturlug to bia cuaa bla auhuft bele oua- totda la imlia ha had aiclud taaklut- abla atuatlou whlu dwllla upon tba autua tba glrla abowlag groat ladlgaatloo at tba ifcdrnolatloa ol widow aa bzr hua- bajida ftinatu pjr a buodrj paa lak loa down tba uotara uralihad fliroaly oa aa uabj uouboaka prom tba tutua ha pa lo lba rwodueta of tbo couatry ajd thanwi mratoblhjf fall off ao patmplibly that tba proioaaor wu admoalibfcl that ba wu lomloff bla bold on tba inurt ol bia ouaa ha kpt a nuulw of allpa on ftb of which waa writ ran aoota bit of laforeu tlon oalouutwl to atlrut tba altoittlod ol younjj uotaas awl takiag up o ha la tarpouud ilia to bla uotura atrwwg tba alnguur uurru eiutowa oldihwot popla uiarc a oaa la ladia wblob u vary dalioata eiiry paa ol tba huodr youa ujua utu to toad fottb a ayupttlmtlo aoubd afathwwill uu hla jiittw fr a vi ls u paul by tba adllv 1ora truurla a pareat liaviuj m vtty butl ful luuhur or ulof atda lo imuu lu dowry will aouuliaua pat u high a pl oa br ibit fcuob youdrf uin aa dwj4 br oiiioot afford to pay it thia buku m uailtt for uarrlajiabu woauu wuowa may ba bd at vry low ptioa a huu of eipratjoaa of auuuuiaat appobiulod or dliatliacttaa luurrupud tba uoiurar wusa a fatl fluj thai u bj baau luuiliug hudaughur too hljtb aad wialiw ao to bpaok lo put bar on tba bruln oouutabiuftbtar imdoaa not tack a card to bar oa which la writtau hpmul m would badoao in amiba if w bail any uh uarriai outtoui l adovta h uiucb hiora pcwtlo uathod ifauairlaa bw to b liouquftt ol nowaia and thrawa br buabaud iota a vlh siaoa ba uuit ba drownad tba brua itaoouaa a wulow this la a notlnoatloa to tlia young uaa that aba may ba had obaap proiamor ipouod vbo waa a youaij man oi twauty savao pauaad and ahowad a wbltaamof taath undarhladatk inuuaeha in a auila which waa mat to u a partul utiltaudinff from hla protaulonal dignity a tlppla of aniuaabiarjt pataad ov hi auditor and ba waa abotit to raturn to a fluibh ol tba proiluota ol lodla whan iu1u llutllday ooa of thoaa rliu who go to col uga totat on a aurplua stock of muohlaf arou to ask a iiuaauoa ivol awor inland pauaad and lookod ax bar inqulringly 1 balnr leap year aho tab it oooura to uo uiat thia wadding lo uta lowara tnlgbl bo uhd as a delloafe way ol propoaluic to tba nun ol bur oaoloa lb would baaquualdnb to ayiug i uay b bad for a aoag 1 buy ma tho obua uttarod tba profaawr look ed at tho calling than wada tho following roplyi vour uotbod ulu hallhlay would lovolvo a knowbwlgo on tba part ol tin man proponed to of tba indian ouatom in rpihllon whloli ba would not ba likely to ob i didnt tlilub of that i and mu llalliday aat down in pratandad oonfualon hub if tbar was any mttftulon in tba uattar it was with tho profauor who waa at tha dlaailvautaga of being ou uiau awonjf many woman ii made an at- utapt to amllfl tbn wont 00 wltli bla laelura but did not again atrlke anything ajt lutarutlng to hla olui u uta uatur of a ptrl itelug woddod to a hunch of flowers and har imaband balng thrown into a uoll lweaaor lounda lectura wait dolivorod in vobruary und mua ilalla luuitluy waa kuluatd lu tho following juno at the foot of bar cbiiw ah iiah bean wld tba did nob gotofiollftgaioatuily hullo bave a good umo titio waa phlloaophlo abou il whyaboubl i taake a grind of tuyaolf wben ail uto wat ol tba ouumj r grliida v if i apent my tlma atadylrig who woiim do tho deviltry t if 1 wari daallned to mako my living m a taaohar i would naad to apply myaalf hut im not to taaob t im to 1m iarrld 0ot him plokad out italia t aakotl a ohum vba iia lio propoaail t no and i dont ohtot blm to propoao tliiulaloapyortr and i inuiul to dn th projuwliuf myaalf doing to 1m marrlad to a bunch of flowara and throw your huabatd in a wall v mayu tlia eblaf roaaon undotlying mlaa halll- daya indlapoaltlon to maka a grind el bar- aotf aho did not mention her fathar wu a rich man and ah waa an only child uoaldoavhat pro party alia blight ovpact from blm aha poakaaaod a fortuna in ber owti right lnhortd from a gratulraotbar indeod lb would ba dlftloult to and a raaaon why aho ahould ilka tho buay baa improva aaob ahlnlng boui ovar daail uhguagoa mathoriiatloa or rtblloaonhy for which aba would bav little or no uta alnoa tb proliability of lir coming to want wan vary rimou hut ftllaa uolliday waa bright enough to rot what aha wantad atvd in one kaapct alia know vary well what alia wantad bb wantad irofauor idand uut 1rofaaaor ioland waa in relpt of an inoaou of sibaoa yanr and iioulbly tnljrht la tba comma ol ten jaara i to wortb twloa that to tba oauaa of education liu halllday know very wall that tha toodaat young uati would never liava tha atauraftca ts popo for tba hatwl ol an halr-ma- i hop aba aald ts profatr ioland wbn thay aparatad at oootuaoaiaaat tlma that tltla will nob and our aotiuatama i hava alwaya lki gtatly lutaatai la your inatruelton and au indauad to yon for having helped ma through va ait amlnatloua which would will tout your atwutanoe luva aant ua homa to haiti toy eollaga oouraa titling rouiul trying to look ptiy uamna hasdlrauj ma to lavita you to aptrul a part ol your vacatloa with ua at our country plaoa and wa thai i lofc for you at an early data the uviutlon waa followaj up by ooa mora epeolilo and in july ivolatao vsjaaj found blmaalf at uorolng otory halubad nataad tla puc from a ttowar tba aapelal ly loval a niagniflont pue in tba onua of apaelouj groufula and i -tji-g- a fbia vuw of tlitant hllla and naatby ukac whlu ulta halllday was in eoluaja tba ilka ottiar atudauta was utulw hla autbor ity itahawl to blm now that tha ocidj tionawralnvrtad hashmrjtoblmuf nothing mora than a padaftiafm wltli wi littla ittcofua as to ba utjy abu to tip tba arvantr whlla bia formar iwpil was amy d in purjl oad flna uhaa aud oooupy laa a aooul pajlki to whlob ba could naver tojia for ao ntia tad if ba waa granted aa ealia ba would not ba alia u auppott il uia hallldaya traatuaat of irofaaor 1ouod waa calculalad to throw bloi id to a favar bba wu not oaly gracious tba wkaaadouj to blw aa ba wouu hava bao gud to ba davotd to i wi- tbwr poaltlona rivrmd lavishing oa blu tuib dallcata auotlou as a woman will uvub on a man tlia fb prlvllashj to favar lu olbar worda a oouruhlp waa goif oa u which tha wooiaa waa dlog tba eourtiog tba litolmmmot vluvllaimi ddfuj rwgftlug hlwlf to tbu djlhlial tpall aba waa throwing about him and omllma td dily caina to a taallwlbtj tbt ba wa ttandlbg 00 tba briak of a praojplca now if woman wan tba ptiviugwl fro- paara tba- would douuuri aeqait tbb brdvaafar battav tba tba bwi at ooy rata thy ara by a aupailor dalloany fa utttr fltud for tba purpoa yo uu halluiay what tba was aaaad la waa aa tlupl to lt aa tha r6atrttduoa ol tba rotua foruu waukl bava baa to lvofa- or pobind wua tba waa rjy lor bla propoaal aba took him out iota tba gatdwi aod bgaa lo gain- bouquat al 8owara ave thay iwf salad uw prafaaaor voryoul no im gulag to ba wir- rud tba profaor flt as if aoma oaa had knocked tba ufa out ol blm who is tlia fortututa maa t bagupkj im not going to uatty a man itu golojr to marry tha bowtta huverat montba bad rtaltloalvvfaaaor lvdoad bad mantloaad tba indian eoatooi to bla obua and it did not oaour to blm that 11 ua hall way words rafxrwl to what ba bad tbd aakl howavw ba waa not afraid ol tucb a rival aod aoaaawbab rtoaveivl bla eypiaaltalty ob 1 was bla tola reply ball ut on oollaotlbg ftowari tar poay aad wbao tba bad dona ao mada a dumb thaw o anaotloa for tbam tbata waa a tlabla on tha pufia aod a wall fk3 which to draw which waa brought up by a pump ralio want to tba wall llftad a trapdoor and throw bar bauquat down into tba opening than without ramatk tba aauuterad back to tba gardau now frolaiaor pound waa not quits so atupld about tba art of tova as might ba auppoaad haattandad lilt halllday on bar visit to tba wall aad wbaa aba lad blm toavlnaclad wcaas and tat down on a rustic seat a vagus conaacttoa bstwaan what tha had dona and tba indian euabom ba bad ambodlad la hla uotura found lodgmaub in his brain ha vaalittotl that tbla might b in llau ol a ilropoaal sure ly it waa nob anoouragaiuaat lor bint to propose u waelthrapropoaaloltwa nothing if lb was a proposal lb wu la- ouinbant on blm to raapoud ii be ve- aponded and lilts hallldaya mot meant notlilog ba wouhl be in an unfortunate poaitlon if the meant what be auspaoud aiyl ba mitla no rsponta be would ttlll be in an unfortunate poaltloa what abould lie do t huinollnatlaua decided him tba honor you do ma la i auure you fully approcutad blooa i love yen and irnva loveil you for soma tlma it la not an jiaanca of lovo tlmt cautee me to hesitate it a the dltparity of our income that i think can be aaslly arranged to your satufaetlen i am ready tu settle upon you ianlnn me 1 i cannot accept a settle ment iflitmiryyou i thall do to wltli tho expoiullon of alwaya remaining tolf- supporting if i am to ba u rich womanu itualuuid yon muat ba a poor piofeeaorn wlfa i ahall lut vary proud of your standing in your profusion ami shall do uotblntf to turn you away from lb and your enjoyment of it and ao it waa arranged uiat tba profes sor should ttlll occupy bla chair at the unueralty thia be did fof a ume tlten hla wife wa railing on blm continually for tome duty in oonneotloh with bar aetata and at but finding that audi duties took up the principal part of bla tlma ba roaign- el bla proreaaorablp and devoted his whole time to tba management of a property which bad by tit a time ooma to be consid ered a family matter tub men b iwfc put uiat in buna aald lira bhannon as the watched hi packing of bar own trunk bba was preparing for a gnat event at tba age of teveaty the waa leaving her comfortable city home to journey sever hundred ulua for the pur- peeebf vujung an eighty year obi slater whom the had not seen in a quarter ol a century not pat i n your prettiest wrapper v bey daughter protested i shant wanb it with all uiat laee trimming i knew youre afraid it will be ulcer tlutn anything aunt hatanab has bo you think tle poor mouw r the habitual btok el worry on mr banoea face deepened i uanr can find out by bar uture juab bow poor hub i know tba has lost all three ol her children aad lit there wlui her btted6d wilbur 1 and im sure yodr uoele jatoes bul noulag to leave bar but thas llule boute and lot wilbur earns something but lb cant ba muob one faao im dauralhad to go la to tee wltb my ban eye that wragiper a toag bopad for rallroad hmd bw bona lo tba vllbce where the tgj tletar llvdi to it waa at lbs a at a jolting fctage vide tht uta bubto saw with ber own eyae a neat lrtk tldwalk dividing a uny green lawn waa the fbat thing the bettoad i tbad a vlaevuwud porob barely large enough to bold two tall rockera tiaodlag there wltb arme emlortcbed llule tvirltllka figure eow babrad and tblalnaf uew ob my tur i am ao gud l cried ha ter haaiub after all tbeee yare yoare la my borne t tba waa the ky note ive a htoe little gta room all rtdy for you the happy voloa want oe aa tbe tuure lu tingle nle elimbsd a narrow fcoelowt ualrway toamiuolarwmwitb low elaauag cllidg look out ol lb window llarban tba feraat ucut- uae have grown frote htj f pubtad wbi werbtueha utjm ww i bxe tbla plaoa t i wouuat tuag it for a caalla i wllur uu tbe uub aiujk all aloe aad bulu my lltue pb too hee tbe deareet boy t wlaayoarereajywellgodewa buob a puy tlrai llaibate i im glad i can art aocfrb to aajoy il yw thia ut wje bae failed ue bb tba ctbw oria u searly as good as ev i tball bete thank fat if i aa joet ktf wbab eyeaigbb i bave aa toef as i tiay lb wa wmturfal vul at lu ctea ura 6baii-owtlabtojaoulwfcu-r- tbodbur aj ueked uto bar eyav tutb kaw lbt pndwbly b waa tbilr uab good bye u ufa yea woet cry aftw im goae r tba utue wbltebalrad womaa elud like aa tl cry 1 tbe eh j tu too happy lo think ive m you a4la a few daya liar in ber owe large bad rone um ft rwt oe ua laoetrlaf mdwraj iwubrdtakeitwlube tbe ald to bar daebbw you auat haaaafa would bave liked to bavet 11 you ually foaed bar uuah utbw off thuya fmjvd duntyoe m6ibwr aeurloaeevrwelotieroandur bban noa a faoa the waa tfaiaklag of a little bok of a boue ijawef ellbabataalbaa- utue tu aba namurej the tble- lg peare en ber tlateve faoa ye tbe toiwwaj oh yuub uuob u mltat too t duabby bl many natural advaaugee and baeutiea bub ura abaer crane wbe we a uuf eojourorf a tba place having been the a uatur ol tea yh ev to aever appteouted lb 6ba waa atblag to gw batk to nashua tbe whole endurluet ume told obe al ij jwatw- uotby uelgfabore and i waa gbul to te be go faallag aa tbe did what waa lb the didnt like about buabby f aaked cae of tbe tumma teat dotila eurloualy fibe aald tbe mldnt get ua newa o the day 4ulek eooegb to suit bar quabwl ua naigbbo with u near aa imlbubm ol ura oraasi air as tb could wahage aa i aald to my aay what ea earth the wanted move than we bave la ua way ol bwwadrt bare i dont know wbea you cowld that there are ave f la town grocery wagon drlv en by luay oraate boy twice a weak lucy oraat berealf to eew for everybody in town by the day and all taking milk from jd kimball i dont know how we could ba any batter sued i call anybody that wants more news o tha day thaa tlutfaby folks get a ulte too prying myaalf mawma ba many happy marrugea have been made m abort aoqualutanca 1 bevertbejea lb le unwise to rooommend very short oourthlpe aa a genaral rela ao instance is tbe ex- trawely brief wooing of a eertaln engllali maid who had coma to america- one morning site appear ufom bar tnlttreae and nnnounoed that the had named uta day ftadwouubemmeawileabtheand of uta tab are you going hack borne then v ua udysaked oh on maam 1 its an american gentleman replied tbe maid but you bave only bean bare a fortnight tbata no matter he wante iho wedding to lia qn batukuy llutoautyougclhlmjo postpono tlw marrlsge just a little ill i enn reb another majdv wei maam id t ilka to oljlge you but ye see i dont feel well enough noqnalnted to ask him to do that twenty yeas aoo frotn our issuo of tho pre toose of thursday duna lbth ibm mr harry lias purcliaaedfromdi bo wry tie twenty five aorea adjoining ua oorp- oration on queen rltrail mr aaa hall addressed the methodist rlunday kcbool hut sunday tlia flrat hun- day of hla h7th year he apoka very feel ingly of his connection with the church and tchool hero from tho tlma of their organimtlou hlr cliurbw tuptier premier of canada addreated a large crowd at the t h btatlon on uontlay whllo en route to points wet last woiluemlay evening hon d w hoea minister of tzducalion of ontario ad dressed mr waldloa meeting in uto town hall lrof wei tli phrenologist of toronto has been feeling ua hump of a great many people in acton and hla readings were invariably remarkable and true to known peculiarities tlte kpwortb league oftloere for the year from july ltt are 1 president flea vlaomtt chrutuin kndaavo hpl ults ulna walker 1 missionary ikpl ura oram 1 booul detlu j oumey 1 fbo rtary chas h uoorei treurer uita clara itamebaw 1 orffanlate annl hiaph- www lliule uolam itev hlehard hbu ol brautferd leo- tured in ua methodist church 00 uon day evening on tbe triangular uan luv j h howell praaebed au impree- alve termori la tbe utbodbb cliurob on sunday moruiitg touching ua work el the uilrd yar ol bis pastorate just oommaoa ing hla taut was tbu la tba third tioie i am ooma unto you 3 cor 19 1 i knox cliureh pulpit was aupplud but qumly by rav itr mothrori ol oalt who was to acceptable a supply but winter during the paatora abeaaoe he ia an 1 ount speaker full volcsd of pljailng maono and oombuumllug pwmmnal rev it hobu ttaed at ua borne ol ur anthony hlapbeneoa while in town me 10 hbo s3 ura fmlerby ut ber tewing drop uu bowled into her up wltb a bapy ulu igholcouteotmeal au the rw ol tba loag june morning ttretobed tfore be in levjy profutlou barelo tpddutbecbea for hobs was packed ob to bla nap kali in tha- kitchen was wraag tloutly wltb doiiieuo probuois and ur itklorby bad koue to tow n not to rtura until tbe mid eight train the now peopl are moving la today tald half aloud will they he any thing like tbe babbitts i weadarl i bop uta rocked iwlly m4n i wlh if there ar fair eie would eoj uu ry minute and give melhr wubaa id lump them all in one and wiji for a ral truly neighbor to drop rlgbt down bare utu very ulaote no aot drop dowb the eihud elaklug back lu br chair aa fcla rmembrd ura babbitts wide clrcotnureaoe fibad shake the parch to pleat liut i m a woman my own age a frlaul i could baljrhbo tba want ou lialfelouil fr ilka alloa hi woiuuttaaj the bad a habit ol talf-coa- varmtloo uia babbitt woeld ner lat me tlosbylbiug fo her yb the uvubad bar pbi me bba ksv uiwur ttoud that umetieaei its upwhj toraoair toa llercbeaka fldabej uaoomfortably as tha rwawauaj bow betlotple gilt tj rjiaa- boa roaaa bad iwd miinj by a gtorloua utotb of jaoqkmmiaa bow bar tale bad ban natron lied aad tbe haiealf itjx toottoohardo with juab oea tervant my daradworatofall bow ura uabuu baver nevaraaoutcl tuppiuaaad fob to order them at the uab minute ura kodarby baot ovw her aam agalu and loaged for a fairy more thaa all at oaoe uore waa tlblng el bilk tkirta aad the loobad up to ta a yeurig womaa qulu out of ualk aad vay pntty who bald out a bowl u6hla will yon und me aoane coftaer ua puaded im ute coollde your nw nestdoor neighbor you know were mo i tig and i forgot to order any ur geolldje oaye i always do aad i know from the nle look of your boue yvuj ub mebaveaoma no ill jiut wait bare and look at your lovely view i believe ita better than cur ura kodsrby returned wltb a bowlful ol cobae a baattful of happluea too to and har gueab baud log lovingly ovwr ua old fashioned rcaee may i out you tome 1 aba asked half timidly oh wluyou reallyr orted mr coo- lldge i bwe them to they gaw all around my borne wbea i waa a child and now all of our are aueb grand formal flowers whan ber neighbor bad disappeared up tbe long drive wltb her araa full ol cofiee and roaaa ura hnderby took up bar ew lug gala wltb another happy tlgb and to think there are peopbi who dont belie in fairies i the tald a plijaf uah ur ualloran surveyed the insurance agent wltb a dark and hostile cunteoanoa the fact that one aye was eonoealed by a aomewhat gtltuy bawlaae did not add to the attractlventa of his ospraiau havent you made up yonr mind yet to insure with uat inipilred uta tgeat vou told me 1 might call again la a few ilaya there was two ol you at ma to get an accident insurance policy said ur hal- lorari breathing heavily towld you and him both you might call in again and be ooma arret day befoorylioberday and i luhured wid hla oowitany that very night i met up wld barney casey on the way home which wee what i was expecting wud happen continued ur hallorab raiting himself by grasping uta arma ol hla chair wltb two capable al though aoarred hands and whin wed finished wld one another i wu ilka this yutherday morning i aenb for the laeuraneechap andhayal to him look at ma k aaya uu itumate the damage and pay them hutulrmeairlghboutouadoor aay big twa no accident id bad now if meetbiu wld barney casey either keeping nub o hla way for mouth la no accident im done wld in- huranoe companies and the sooner you nvo ui house tha bother twill pbue ma a boldi p captain sw o curry son of v u cuiry who accompanied the viral contin gent to england lias written ua following veree at tin front lieut curry waa one of the first to enllab at llrockvllle ont wlien la wrote uieselinsahe slgnei hint teif lieutenant hi promotion followed later on 1 oh ood of war whose only hon a sacrifice for peace did make look down from heaven lilwd our arms and grant us vlotry for hi take to thoe whoea tuflerlnu ami 11 sleep to uioae who tot on beds of pain to liearta uiat ache to eyes that weep orant that uiey luflernotln alu oranb that tba comforter the friend hupportus when wltli waning hreetb w wall with courage to the end that leal relief wa know as death and ualo uioee we leave behind we pray thy prate ami comfort give ho that they eomahow aolaoe find that we have died hat they may live luul p c curry c k f belgium llvlno y o upfi tba phrase living my own life is often uaad to boar a ruthleta ami devouring talfiahbeaa individuals as well aa nations taaett that they- have a right to live their own live to work cub their own dnllnlea even if it maene forgetting and sacrificing tome of ua dearest tl of nature ami of anaotlofi but although eucb tree like all othara are to be deplorad it should always be ramambeead that evaiy toul man or woman ba it own natural bent its ws petaller compuv inberllanoa of detlraa aadtympatbuaand purposas ami that it wilt beurub beet and la hspplfieb und moab utafal wbr the natural ltent la ut en- courairad and moeb frealy allowad to have its way thuaecratof lud i v duality i too likely lo be brarlookad by lureau p bap moat bftan by aooie who are mob devoted and uaabaelab wltb taaulta as duatttous m iboae of daliharat telfliltn a motba ba lorad mualo all her un but from utb of tail training baa nevar accouiitlubad auyuiag wltb il bladetartnliia tliatba daaghlaa shall be a musician although tbe ba bo tut for uotio siij tlachlueloart i soared by as untpaaksbu drudgary whleb uaj to nothing a falka baj bvw cauaj to ragret that hi ftl pub blm lute ba tlneaa intuid ol making blm a doctor or a uwyr coaapieiitly be draama of a aon duunguuhad in talioiae or eb the bar and code by forcing a vo- tlon upon one who ha no uut for ik and who oauaaquaauy wattee his life it u net varan that you tbould bob tdvla your ohlldraa or guide tltu fubdy thai aaturee aarly aaak out their laaua ad apuluda atd idealt of your own whut bay 0 may notbabatu but which are wholly unaalud to tboee wbo are born fa umtblug au eilbry4e beve livad your own life or you bave paeslooauly keged to live ii help your cblldrao to live not youra but tbalra au aanlmtamlmo tnairaaututii a private soldier tied had poaumoata aad had bee for tome tlma lo a boaplul where be bad baaa ao wui ifaatad uiat be wa by 60 vnaasa raady to b duchargad a oarad oueday tba doctor was taklo bl tampatalure aoil whlu touimy bj the tharwmata in hi huutb ua duot loond a to ua nexb bed and turned hi back lo tba flrab patlanl tummy taw hu cbanee ha puuaj the uarmaaaeter out ol hie mouth aod popped ib into a cup of bob ua rapuxlag it bow vr the kuiawit be taw tbe doctor battle to ura bla back to hit bad wbea ua phyucus ajtaseiaad the thamoaater be utokad arab at tommy aad then lak to tbe tbarmonaatat ad jraaped t wall my 1 youre uob daad bub yoneaaht tober a kntdulu couiclbluicl it would bob have take aarprlla in telligaooa to predict a repatituaof ua uu- tike retwrad to balow but tba porter leaked the mati nry iieroept ion 1 a paai oa a new york and chicago limited train upon looking under bla berth la ua morning found on bhtck tboe and one ua tboe he calud the portera atten tion to ua error the porter toraldad hi woolly baad la bewilderment wall ut dont dab but all 1 be tald date tie taooud time dla mofilng dat dot intatakoa bappaiied brukmtt uany a girl uiauugeu to ttraul ber tui- uoo bevauue aba baa discovlred thai u tap ing make ber boa red a woman know ber new bat isnt be- coming to ber because her dearest eaemy tell ber lb la uvea i fan uptodate woman did took ilka the picture in a fashion uagaklne the pro bably wouldnt be tatitfled if ib b true uut there are no marrtagee in heaven tba old bachelorelf they get thare wont be abb to crow over the other fallow bub it u batter to ubor than be worked a poor uader may make a good follower oauaiwo bailor want to buy a parrot lady f lady dom be swear r baiter no thia one dont but if yer want to pay flve bob more i bin ptytr 1 vary choice attlcte wot do a vowerf ul medicine tlio baahng pro partial in sis- eaeential nils are coountrated la every bottle ol iv thomas tieotrio oil forming one of the most heneoclal hob menta aver offered to ua use ol man tbousand can tosufy u to its power in ab laying pain and many thousands more can certify that they owe their health to il ltd wonderful power la nob expressed by it cheapo lone bunding asthma uany bava aubered ao long from asthma and have tried no many socalled remedies they think that there la no real help fur tliem they ahould read uta utter reoelvd by ua manufacturer of iv j u kellogg as thma remedy from hundred of case onoa a desperate a tlielr own even in long- neglected case this famous preparation bring prompt help