wedding presents wedding rings wo curry a complete alack of flultnhto wedding presents lit pnuoy clockit cut las kogertr i4h liver inncy china marrtag lkenftm issued oeo hynds sky homo 30 miles from toronto about oiio liaurtt villa hi n place itiey cull georgetown j a wllloiighby reside hu haiti about 1 00 farms of different ulmjioii mid nisei no fancy talk 110 ills yarns lit ulire ha gat tomo prist if votir farm lanoi no good your juoflu galtlug i w jfuit tauo a trip to georgetown good forma to jou lie ii show lie juton nit llicss tliuusday july 0 1010 bhief local items lfuv jou renewed your yukk vuuun mibwrrlptlow t ilutllugton tax rata for 1010 has bun atruekee so will haying hu comiuenotd in thla motion h crop in hum per ou en moat farms th twelfth will it spent at oakvlll by lb taember of acton orange lodg llr williamson harm buyer of tor onlu secured flv aplandld ikmm bar on monday domlaloriuay cndfiitulh birth day aeuntdoooredartlonhad glorious summer weather jaws kelobar fined woo and oou la quelph on tuesday for telling liquor without lie dm mr thoma kannody toft a fin cam pi of fall wht at thl oftlo jeeurday it uoesuro flvo fwt nix incha- laorgatown elector turned down lb by uw for iwprovawant of uajn btreet roadway by a vote of do is fla bin hugh mclaughlin be sold her propwty on welllhgloii btmt to ur ieotg dxj tb 6ankhktloo wu uljoft acton ortutg lltf will parad to kaos churoh 00 fluiwuy evening luv j a wikwkt if- a will iwzb tpmital iwnud klurllugton ba carvud ft by uw to ru nily sj000 by dbutura for lb purpoa of improving ik fir fbjktliig by tea of th iowa uua korm uattb of duvw ool eaag vary iwhlly tba solo thy wil 1u ikua id th matbodut cfaurob at lb sunday evening srvo having ootrfplaud tb wk oa lb tooeod tarvuroadway on uals sit opaniuaj hav begun on uutlu buw frotd lb oojuw of ula kut to ik uwlt of lb eorporaliod iiiuoa cbaupjod yoay liajatto tba lullao msioki to bt baofwl yuiuj in oulpb tor uur uw ooaltuil aulcuon tuu hiorn ingby eaulugbl throat with tba budl of bia drjakibif cut arthur john ii wu lrowal la lb upl buor owlrji on lloaiuy utllvul frvwd tlaji bunl but full to ooua ujv hit thought b uruck hl boaj ouft 1aao awl baa atunl ft w arouroog auprlataibut of tbd pmi halton houfcaof tiag bia uj aa lcwi to hu uury and that of un aruatmofu uatroa 0100 bub pifctil by tba 6aaty oooufila of ilaltim aj ll tba july uwi of roj anj gail u r- pldu with uiuul of intarmi to tba ktwuoiiii whuhr b ba liinua hua tt tloff fauolar jrua crank or what iwt tb july iteiia laagooj oaa la uk into lkoiublt uu aaulna forth m bia ur w hurb vaukwvaclahu bulntry akw4uth ttrid wrlua 1 la tbm twilma tlbua lb via ivka j partlijujiy wvldmoa la that it aabla uoifutarily at two tdfor kia aj borrows of ut pa4t la tba uaoi 6vua of tba pa colbklmvrty wuuli a uajrlajr of oaaillbu latir t tab puu iiuutly t tba uatbojul paraa uoaoioallo on wajiuuy jam 7th ai s oolmk wui fjhuo uay oaly ekjuof ur ftuj un joba livacty of uoacb mm uaiuj la had of holy wjluk la ur jq ph cubub taoojtj aoa of ur aaj ur hobua v colub of oulbmb tba w uoay was puforwaj by rav t tboa tod uab uator of tba youajf eodu tba ubu waa baautllully atlif la a gawaof vtua clunlilly taod ovar lvoy briia utln tiuttuttl with paajl aaj 6baaiakla baaj frjjilnif uua ld a oolbaok alaur of tba gfam mwlaa lovaly brbbjaaubl wfall tb grooida bhrfbar ur jitaiw olbwob aolaj at sroowtuun tb bruajrooiaglft to tba brua waa u buut ifulaiaathyuanj paart brooch to tb buauuul a hraoaut aiul to th bu uaa ftfebavlijo aab a fur tba oeraaioay tba 6ouiualrovo to tba bow of tba brtdv parant la wtl lutkar wbar tbcweikllitc kpaatftwaltad tba afurabrlaf booay tdooa to patot ub tb happy young eouplawlll raalda oa tb ccjiwek hou uaaj uoatloalla th brkl mad uaay uundm whll vlfcluag at aoton attlitftraat couuob0u8 child nellla tfioj four wan giaioff lataauy at tba vultora nw lkoaal wall ilaar aahaj tba laxly ftt but what do you think of lit owijuj tba aull ehaarvar i thlbklfa al right aunt uwy teu nututtu it wu a parfaet fright bub it daaant frigbtoo maauy caurthaj deafrjess catiuotba curad by loftl apnllaatlotu a thay uuiboa raaeb tfcdlatajmd poitlon of tba ar that is cutly ou way f euro oatarrbul daafnaaa aoa that la by oonultutloaal ratuady uaurrhul 1whm u eauud by au ln flamod condition of ntuooua llalnic of tb kuuftxhuuitulm whan thla tubs j flanad you havaa rutahllna aouud w iw- parfaotltaariajf and whan it la atitlraly eloaad itafno la the ivuult unlaaa tha imflamm itlon eau ba rojuoad artd thla tuba natord to hi norttul ootmllilau baarlttg will ba iletuntyod foravar many hum of t daaiium aw eauaad by oaurrb wblb u nl ui latuiaad oortdluon of tba udeoua aar- i faoaa hfclla catarrh our auita throajrh r th uood on tht hiuooua aurfaoaa of tba w will qlva ooa lluadrad iktuara ror of catarrhal daalnaam that caituot v j ciienby 4 co tolodo o i news op local import now ortpiriut nt knox church mr u l whltinatiltahlmiteti4imlmh cryault ol know cliuroh to 1111 tho viratiry cumh by uia retirement of uim fjlllmi witluma who baa very faithfully mrformed tha dutl of orjrartltt for aaveval yr thoy were all buoootaful mlmea jattla orrlan marjraret utid clirlktlna lfamlarmn ahd ktbolred whlto want all auooawful in thalr tiorrrinl aohool vxanilnatlona for aaoond chut oarlifloal uim 1u1u cobt mourod ur third cumm oar tldoau tbaaa caitduau all took tbolr prallmtiiary oourwlu aotou iflfib ttohool death oratrti h o uroltlmupt ur ti o llralthaupt of ilarlln form arly mlaa ftlabal whlta paiail away after a few hour tllnaaa on tuaailay of intt waob dooaauad waa tho daughter of tho ut mr and mr c il whlta or thla town and altar ulr death wane to llva with iter aunt mr lr mocoll until her hunruga to mr urelthaupt ubout a year atfo hh waa aloxabfefrlrl and very jwpaur with bar frlanda and aoqualnlaiteea miio ileaply dsplore ber untimely ilaath milton ita former epworth league nt bockwood tha dallghtful waauier ou dominion day rendarad tit union plo nlo at itoouyood a delight tho leaguern or aetoti wlaley memorial oualpb and itockwood partlol patad ami onjoyad a vary pleauut out no the day war apent ou uia rooka invaatl rating hut oavea enjoying tha roituiutio eoanary in athlatio uport and flallghtful eoolal introourm aototi laanua lrowuted by alxty flv tutmun and frleoda who war under tb lderhlp ofluv ur avlaon ibaenargeth athletia atfl ojierlaiicwl director of his young paopua axuviuaa tba pio ulo waa on of tb truwt aalufactory function ui laagu has aver bad tbey went on tba j0t0aia train bul two plo nlo nuali toolbar and rturiied ou tha e van lug train tba took wood tueatbera proved tbamaalvm adulrabu bteu tit atewlven aocdj dr- uko owing to ill baalui vr a d lake ha dlapoaed of his pnuitioa to ur j a mc mivn of oik villa who eoutnanoail hi profauhuul work in aoton utla wb iv uenlvan baa boad prutlofag for uia put aihuauar mietitmd yir in comber in thmx oodhly but owlug to un heavy euy roula in tbataatioiirllrd fon hie pro- fawuct tbar vor aoni llw ba ba ban rating at oabvilta u boua of lira uo nlvaa ura uonivaa is a autar of tb uod w t wbiuulnuurof vmanoaat otuwa aad elalma thla goul old eouuty of halloa as bw urtbplaoa iv anj ura uonlvaa will fluj actoa a boaplulj town and will bo doula soon feel quit at boa in our uldb tbay hava uaud hundr bukl villa tbiko of ur w a- htwyy which uowitrally aituaud aod admiral jy odatud for a dootors 0ai0 and rl iboa th sauuai sehaol at ottkytlla tb epwortb laagua auuiar acbool opi at oak villa oa uturday adiiig and foawk tl young opla of ifawllloa cadfno wlto irtbra lb spuudld plvilgprovldi will prc5b fwa bjjul loatrvuuoii worthy iofiplratlou and aajoy abu raormtied tb mhool will b eoa dictl on buvura lloa caidutatwl toasord lb youag paopl tba uuu profllsbta and putaat ouung obtajoaua iuv c d urapar uhua u prlunu rev h w avlaoa aotoo la mrtry tba alaa of tb tohool eompruaa r ivof uclaub lia wof nooka ivof as all of io tu ualvrity 1 ilv frank lasgfuj taroatoj uua ulsal luonut acta 1 j u daayaa lb a county inpao tori uua li uaikball ubwloaary frost cbloa 1 ut a cautnorsi it a low vtluulu ii l luurta u a b 11 of fit caiurii- aotoa laagu will artj about a iaaa wwiuti to tba tthbol boya euu houay fevom mill star lbirifigtb wjajay half holiday la waak j ita lukeva ad h yaajs hi brother uika who la all and a half ad chill owkllo who u uruy uu ai auuunbvja atrd j c- hill a u froai tb rigid kumi aia uad ibjr my to tba till aaj bjpj lbuuiva to u00 la eoa and two uolur bilu tad am00 wtioola ailvar tbay lba haj a high u id buying la erwia ooacbooolau bail j toys tb eaa oata undw tb botlo of cbuf lawaou who puiawl a arching lavaugsiloa ii weufd front tooth of lb boy aaj ihf tl00 tj tba atoua woay tba rj oau bafor ii 1 uw j p oa tuliy skalag with lb atbar of tb lukouw and a fruad rwvmaliug tba kjuklolo lad wka fatbar u la tb uuallod caatp tb paraat agtuad to tnaia good tb sjao pit by tba lioy asd to glv tb oalprita kuuraldonaof eat and oia uiu ort tuaajay uoralag llttl uib waa oaugbt ranaaking a bou on iwrdaur oaaoaat tb cfauf took hloi la obarg awl kept hlta in oa of tba ojb until tb hour of tba trlab thla apf ard to bav 00 iuflueaoa upon tba lad ttiatown loiu u faithful 0wet with ui 30tb juna lb una of mtvio ol uuniclpal ofitoar johu ilaway mjrd asd acton toat am of th unit faithful utd afflouat onlosr thai it waj lb good fohuuof any municipality vr to std ploy for tight yaara john iluvay fulfllud tb duua of municipal oftloar wlut ability asd aatiafaotlon ill ldultlfarloua dutu al ways rooelred hia olomab attantloa aa afcttaor and collaotoir ba waa aa adapt thla yar only oua appaal against tb aasaumaat roll waa uiado and thaw hava rarely baaa any oowpuilnu as tax ool laotor ovary dollar avallabta hu always ba aaourvd and unllk uoatothairtowiia aotoo hu praolloally no uku in arrears a oollutor of hydro eloetdo rata mr iluvay woa frou tit chief atulltor of tba hydro comialulob woaatly uw high oou pilauns tbub ba woa th baftt oollootor la tba proviso not a dollar of uraar for ourrent vowalnad unpabl whan bo rollrrd frou ojboa ur harvey dourvaa froutb municipal couuoil vary cottiplluanury and aubatntul teatitavmla for hi faithful ad envuvaurvloaa ur w j held auaoataor to ur hry antara upon hi dotlw with fctroua wootritrtondauofl lift ba abuhdant dutloa bub will do bla boat to ovsrtaks thaw aaiufaolorlly baaamauiaj rbawhaaiali aatajbilaa ca t ti chamberlains tablets crews0ns corners dominion day hiuwed ovr quietly here tlia farinera having had m tnni liolitlaya lhabrlngqn aooounlor the vbtlhei thnt a fine ilry tiny in apitroolittetl for uorb lut thurmlay thn pupil of lorna bohool premntad tlmlr tewlter uua n a jartline who 1 leaving uia kohonl with a hanilaoino abony dreaalug oaie tito following mldre waa read by maater donabl modougall ntu tha pre- aenuuon tnad by uaaler ifeotor mo donald and harold uwaokhatntner 1 dear teacher t wa utaputlhtof irna bohool and agreab deal of pleeaurwlnexpreee ing our iteartlett apiureoiatloji of your work among ua during tin pl few yearn w regret very much tl fact that you are leaving our wljat but atlll wk feel that what i our loae la another gain you hat been a kind faithful anil efficient teacher and wa shall itava many pleasant inemodos of th dayti spent nt lorn wa oik you toaooept thla girt nob for it inert value hut asa token of our high esteem for you kvary itemouln uie action unite lit wlalilngyou unlimited auooeaa luthfutur signed on belialf of ui uobool kttnor john ton donald uodouoaii hush ilrown campltell millar itoy johnston inio uoksckem laauua watklns cura ints carolina ryder miss jsrdiiui aluiough very muoh sur priuad made a suitable reply thanking tb scholar for their kind at u meeting of th lodlot aid tho following officer war elected for uia an suing year president 1 mr w donnia 1 beeretary ur w murray r treeaurar lira k kingsbury ura o urian and ura liuhsmer itock wood vlaill friend iter last weak u llama orion in visiting bar brouier mr lb ii wantborougb ulsa has iwvoy ma vlalud bar friend ura d crlppa use wji ur and mrs join dabr and uasler oliver jresn uuelpb spent uia holiday at ur if dampers mr and ura ii roy wansborough toronto vlalud r loads her ovsr tb ball day ur and ur uodougall fcrawaa spent bundayat ur d crippa uf w crlppa wludor vuiud frudds bar on th holiday utear john and au uotlragor visit a at ur w a uurreyv uise usrt and doris lsnu ar kpaud log ui holidays with oojpb fruwia uua jewil aiidreon aotan and ivuily vouog krla vlsltad utalr auob ura w a uunay ubuweak fruit bulletin stftawbkrites tiiih m the hccond oiticiil niagara fruit urovvom bulletin buy your straw berries now thoy are nt their bcht thin week ask your grocer to secure the niagara pcmmiula grown kind this label if your pro tection ihu growers num ber id your guarantee of quality worth more than unknown kinds without any neruona responsibility be hind them insist on the label with the map gooseberries are ready now great for pie or epiccd mid terved with cold meats massafjawbya tb following i tb rotaotioa report for bobccl 8uod ko- b a a rwult of lb tatduuur oiajnlaalioua 1 hu iv aitl diaood iiur ajw i no fwllb llyuur anderaon willi awurwa onal hadjall aujye ua cullub jb iv esld auurwta lily ifsddall john ajoj usry btewkh ha i1ilu u ucogor alurt had dil rourt uiu ju illluauccolkh t ii uabjliadd4ll ju iidavld willutuod ustvla uo cullvigb ru ivru htoy jo haaviod anunirns j jouistoik tlw tb r ur iuollgava uunuag uctur al putufad of ut wajatcbcnaaw churdi oa vrtday evening j una 2srd afur alaglag aj prayer iuv ur ibbott ftilaj rev ur aaj ur carur to uwa forward aaj urs fjot laub rj u fjlwieg adjrm 1 tjta uo tun usa csbtbbi wo ar bw to br to you lb baity sad wjul arwjl utjng of kuwrr cwigrira u l foaj a gul and dalibtful frtaaj aad oompanuma aur uaarity of urpoa ualjjbtlowarlimi and integrity bav woa ror w our sffc lioasand 4tani tb duturlj ooodl tloo of our droiiit oa your arrival bet oad tb babsqut aojutiod bat proved yotir ability to cop with d ooaqtr ajters ooadltiau tb wob at arkell and uout whkbyoasosnaafiiuysboabur d wa anubw addd task to lb already bwry wok u wub to fauk fiul huatloa of 4r fidelity lo tb wok of lb oncuoa of tb bw burxb bulldlag v oar hkaatiwl ability and baalrlae ooergy bav addl saw tba w eaa awll towarj lb rurnsaifiil conpltua of tbu lieauuful stnulur whiob stasd uojr ydr admlautrtloa a tboduaaat to tb ury of lod w t4aaot allow ya to tupah witbaut resietaharlbg ura curtw idtbauuutkladly way fo bar lacreaaiag aaaigy la ut various depart giant of church work obj bar ganul bopjullty during parwaag repair and cburob blld in- let u avail ourlv of tbu oppor tunity to bsatloa tb fao that ura krwlo hu lospuad u all with bw aurllog cbrutlan bbaraour sjd bar avaupl uour berilatr voor pastoral work ovr thu lr4 bald hu been 00 sua task ou bavyupathlud with u la our aorrow aad partldpoed la our joy w ask you t aoospb tltw ohaira think of tba a tokeasof our lovanduta uay lod blftsalngooouaualoadorayour uv with s bountiful harvest for hla kingdom and tony ilia rlcht bbhsfng and haaadlotloa b with you aa you go to your oaw field of labor hlgoad ou behalf- of tb oongtagauoa 1 ura jama kasurbrook ura a kor- hah ura j maialtall ura a autaoa ura a a darby ura a lutnsbaw ura allison ura j v norrub and ura walker prauotad tba chair rov mr cartar although taken wholly by aurprlaa tnad a fltung reply for allaml uftthlaipriloo that although tba work waa haavy ha had dona it willingly and wubad tloda buaalng to raoo tba eburoh ad oougtagotloa a banquet wu bald la tha spacious parlor of kbatuow churoh uu wedoaaday vaalhghutfortba rooepuon to iuv w k alua u a 11 v mr allan and mlaajtan alurtba baauurully deoout ad tabu bad baao rlivod of tbolr bur- daaa ur uarihall in a vary ahla addrees waloonmd tba bow pastor and faulty to th circuit and eapwlally tolcbaaottr cfaurcb ur jan uyuoa spoke on behalf of cor- whin church and uia uason of abotfoyu rendered a sola llov ur albw spoke in m fitting uddrou and said ha wu ploasod to most so many ur ifeauu of west toronto a visiting friends in nasugaweya at praaont mr and mra john young of auntada saiklhviilungatmr o kingsbury uw suul ura w luauoud and family nf iupb ar vlslung friend har mr robert lluma of manor bask and hi daughter ura lowry of mimosa are vulung l nassagawaya ur andur oaweron lumsbaw vlsltotl ur john kltchlngbf wabwdown 011 hun day domiiiiom day visitations visitors to town and cltlzono out or town numorauit tiurlng the holidays th following lung htt of vlvilors to acton aiuliwtljenuwho wont outoltowu woseeourod by ukk 1umd rotortcre and sent in by friend 1 mr unto 1 keaney from toronto miss ileeel huabaud from toronto- mr harry maluprurroni haiullton mm v colly wui hero from toronto mr i fr hart uron li baro from torouui ur uichaal o brian is horn frent wing ham uu jan la oorlan is horn frbm t0011 to mr chirlai hymla wa itoin from tar ur eal mr w ii hpalght from tor onto ur and ura henry mellon from tor onto mlae ualiiprit i bom from llrace lldg mr jolin b uoora and miu litti from toronto mih flu ucvicrou wait bom fnmt toroato mr maloolm mobioliaru waa baro rroni toronto pta hubert uoritareon wai bard from toronto mr suul ura cecil bwackltauibiar ol toronto mrs henry iu1i and uotttor harbort of torouto mr and jjr aiaoe uatao war hero irom alto dr ii d ault of toronto was in town oa monday uua i va cooper was at uurhnftou oir th holiday mr raglaajj juoloa wu iumo fur tb holiday mr aad ur john martin war iter froia oulpb jlailitoa hmbjuj was liina from 1arrjr bound mr yiico of uaniulu u vulilii actoa rriaiula cwji and ura w y lvund cltlulreo frai toronto lburn lira asd srl jmtbeas war lure fruo torottuv ur john ltavua wot to idrry bound far tit holiday uu i til uiu ul toooto tulud at bar booa bar uua luui wojball is vuitlng fdwula in uoryloan utmur eli uaalara of 1 later apsnt tit bohuylaaca ur w j joull vl4itlltr aoa camp- ull at walbird ui lurlba lln0n arril borne from toronto ua wak uuaajaaiua of ojkvllu swt tb wwkand si acloa mr oa4 ura w k touua and uiu edkal from ol ph mr kruk uclbrod of toroalo visit ad at hu bow bar mr aad uia wu cwk uiv ruuvl lbu hm loluiph mu ksthuwi llbbont i boot frotu ayr for th holiday a uu 111 uiu uoftat u boam from urial- ford f tb bobtbiyi uu elliauui a wiuon u llouylug at bw bom at u iuloo ur and mrs k j mooro aad jowly n wr bar from toronto aviuayoraod mrs il 11 hauoa and uu neuou of cujph uuacbaaay of oualph vlajtad acton friend evar lb itoluay uu rutb helton 1 bom fnun dundalk fur tb subiur itoluaya ura john uceaobarn front toroato w u bar for uvual daytt ur aluraj 11 rd mualudand harold war at iiihahurg uu alio hall of toronto wau u gurut at poatnutaur uatthottu ur wm 11 hilu of london spaut um halldaya with aotou frland uia hugbuolaughlfb ut on friday lo spend tb tuutaor in muikoko uru uforgo mollaln vlslleil ihoihih in lludaay ond toronto hut wouk mosur arthur lau of liiuoiioum visited acton frieml thla week me and mr il uowlu and children spent tha holiday lu burlington ur and ura w ii ournay and ohlld ran motored bar frou wlnghaui ur and ura adams from toronto wareguasu of mia itarti rmltb ur cbaaur o imank spent a uoak with frunda in hamilton and niagara ur harry campbell of wost toronto upon i tba holiday with his toolbar ua annl ilarvoy is home frou bt utborla for tba summer holidays ubu muriel fuury went to har horns at uarkbau but week for uia holidays ura j itouand children of toronto pent tba holiday with aotou friend ur and ura d a henderson and faml ly ware at hamilton over tba holiday ur henry hunter who wua critically 111 lanbl to lake short walk dally now ura robert watson i upending u low week with hor daughter at niagara tadls mr willla morat of tho ibmk of nova booua btroetsvlll wu hare 01 r tit boll day ur willlsm williams wu nt urn ion with ber daughter mr bouiarvlllr and family mrs nell mcdonald hik mia jeuu arc visiting frland in tha old lioma at draco bridge uissw marguerjio and kuiostownrtaud lorna konuady ara spending holidays at ullton ur and mr ltonsld uaoflregor and children kteiit tho holnlay with acloil frlaml ur i v cookhurn id wynndoll mich npent tlto ltolldayo with aden rrlemu mrs u i matthews mr c a o mat thounaud mini mynlo nnd mildretl from toronto mr trad a mnobcnii innuager or mer cliaiitn hank wntfonl uaa hero ror a fou days mr john h coumsti la uperdlngn weak or so with ills boo krocinan at bteona lolul wu mrs johno nelson loft on momlay to viilr bar rather mr famsn brown at lm aogelu cal mru it v irshnm uud d luahtera of wiuniteg aro spending tit week with friend 4 in town miaaoa wfiiiiifredttml llannla wataon ol croemnre woro guotlh o mr and mr a t ilrown on momuj lrinoiutl hiowart ul londed a nteelltnf of the hoard of i hnmlnora of hal ton county elleorgatown on tuesday mr cliarloi mason and mist h can or from btvrlln mlia i leaner is pond lug a weak ur so uitli friend a bar mr dtvld roa matur willi i to mr ami mru j mcdowell end eon epsut tho wdii end at lnmi ittilvllla mr rolit hott wlio baa itosu coiidned to tlto itoufi lor tho past two month la attlo to tak tliort walks daily now mr and mr duncan modougall ami margarot ol for on to vuludut tba homo nf mr ii r mocutcltoon oijirltig mm t w raws ami daughter doris urtofctorday lor jloverstllla n to vuit rolatlvo titer milton lltamplott mr timl mru wui hall and family vlullil ihu old burnt ii 1 1 of mr nml mr wm he t uinohouu uvtr tlu iw lid mr aiul mr frruxt near and matr f most motorud from lutroit utls wk atut aro visiting rmlltiv in tit old itoui mr and mr w i hamlin aiul child ran moiorod itar from norwich ami war tit- guaat of mr art 1 mrs ft- l johuatou wcokoinl vititoru at tit trout iud wro ju l luulon and mrs i union tor otto mr augusllnannd family of lurlin ir and mr lwlor llickod aiul ualer inttli oftoronio vihltl at tii bom of mr wui linuborough on douiniuo day ir a h uatutaee ui ual wak for hubonbaln iktntor mrs uattbowe and una maitltetts will ruialn hero f tr long iii mr lurl mullln who wu oparato1 on for mhcol cih at hlratf uilaavcral w ka ego in making aatufoxtory projrc- lo anl rocoicry mwrit 1- j huiar1 il u whitman a j uaikiniionaivl roova iimlt apt tit cwii4 ib thu wrk ut tbu hurling n iltvliautmitournainanl mr murray ucivmisu and uuu keltm and ltjriilit uu wk for lud woud ralu mian aad muter laird wnt fiumla la lutrolt thoy will epnd lb inmar holidays at thaw ilnu 11 r a id mrs- w lomubftruugb ci win idcltarlia ojlbrun ivttoiwooml j il amkrun motoiwl to hamilton 00 tuda to attend tho funaml uf mr ii il cumpull mr jolincol was bor from ixttroll urm col ami baby curtla rttml bom with him on tuauy uusuulu uclam oooomponuul them and will spend bar b 41 days in iwlrolu mr robert uckoclinl f itocttlor n uoaburo for ut bolidan ura mckochnioaod itaho rotumad bum wlui him i ttonla alter upeiyliug fix wuk at tur father h howu horo mra ii j bh ard of bt wui mlun mr t 1 aittlcnutn of naur york ami mr it j amurvin of lutrolt havo r turnl to llulr itunuat uftor a puasout visit with thd relator mro tloo cauiplull mm n it moor and margar aooom panlad by muuf 1u lan ur yfcurday for a trip up tba lake tobaurbt marl wltoro tltoy will spand ft coupla of wsk at tlto ham of their brotbor dr il laa service in apparel for men women and chile unit wiiia mi ma aoimid ui wuiimin npjiuioi uiiumu munu i uyio nt u iwcfr wltlnnit flepomtnmv qunlity mid worlhy workmnnsliip ulylo in nlmolutel 11 1 1 l herein wenrlliliign for nton for womoii and for children in only 0110 link inutn chain nf bervlcn that holtu tmd fnnt wlmlover woplo piy la paid for quality tha kind thnt liihurt hntliifntlloii this itoro itelloven thnt itrvico iii the selling of wonting npparel uliunld tuunii mimatlidik lnoliii4tl l itely voldofvalno 4 no extra prlca la added for it nfler tlm purchase is mm and along with slylanud quality goes store courtesy hut tho vsiunilul mean ing nf iltor hervlco wearing apparel auwanco it lu aaorvlco that wins our ctuttoment cotifldenco with valun and not wltli 1 and not with ulylo conn u m mate vnlno and lexdunlve btylo lu combined lu all our filocku of bummer wourtliings p oysily bloua o whlo vnrlety in silks whlto tiusues and sport fabrlcu our whit tub skirlsi nobby mlcdla draa nnd sport mllllnetry for women ami mlbaea our pjotureaqu tub drataswst for junior gills and littler totau tlilirailay afternoons during july and auguil this btoro lucloawl viii you visit guelnh on macdonald bargain days our quednt wek suits nf wldo murtnictit for boys our soldlar ulla khm oolorci over alia knlokatra and dlouaata for boys holiday and mi 111 in er wonr our hous rurnuhlntfa occti upper floor of this largo depart mental muriiiugs and on batunjays will ty tha whole 100 bpcclal bargaluu ara fraturcdtliurcduy d e macdonald bros limited tiublphs leading and largest store wynjham macdonntll anj carjtn slrcu guelph onl to the people of canada 4 it tjtlh8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 new wonderland friday july 7 the great moving picture film the battle cry of peace received with rteat entliuniasm everywhere the canadian military authorities endorse this great production an the moit effective recruiting medium ever ubcd in cantda tho following is letter highly interesting toronto uaroh slat 1016 at tor boeing tho motion picture the battle cry of peaoe wa aro unquallf iudly of the opinion that it is tho most offootlvo reoruiting medium that has ever boon uood in thlo oountry tho very realistlo portrayal of what would happen woro this oontinent invaded by a powerful enemy and tho terrible aoenea depleted in tho thrilling realistlo way in whloh they aro shown in thla groat film should mlco every nuui who la not now in khaki rush to the oolora it is absolutely oonvlnolng proof that tho best way to defend our homes from tho invader is to prevent him from ever landing on our shores and the only way to do thlo is by crushing him in europe ao that he oannot ooao here the aoonos shown aro reproductions of outragoa that have ooourred all over belgium france and other euro pean oountriea that have been overrun by the ruthless hun this ploturo should bo seen by every man who is not in khaki and if the women too could wltnoss the harrow ing sights that aro so vividly depleted in this wonderful ploturo it ia diffloult to believe that they would any longer hold baok men frou doing their duty j g wbight ltcol 0 c boehm major o c itolli iobirbci v 164th io ho c t v hundreds of toronto people who have seen this wonderful picture have expressed themselves as genuinely impressed with it will be shown at wonderland theatre acton on julv 7th admission 35c children 25c matinee at 3 oclock 2sc children isc r l qreqoftv manager i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i 1 1 ii ii i 1 1 11 i 1 1 1 i 1hhh i i i i i i i i i h t i it 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 i i i u i frutttt 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i i heat flashes dizzy nervous mr wynn tiu how lvdi el knkhamv vgtu compound helped her during chuige ol life illchtnowt valta taklbk mvon botutw of lydl k imnkhama vegetable com pound i fool ilka a naw woman i way had ft hoadac h during thn chang of ufa and wu also troubled with other bad foaling com mon at that time- dlimy pel tutvoua foaling and heat flash now i am in batter health than i over waa and recommend your mraodlcfltoallmyfrlond ura lena wynn 2812 e o btroet richmond va while chang of xjf l timtt crlt leal period of ft woman oviiune the annoying symptom which accompany it may bo controlled and normal health robtorid by tho timely uw of lydla h innkhanva vagoublo compound such warning symptom an a aaruuj of suffocation bat flash badche backaeheii dread of impending evil timidity sounds in tha ears palpluuon of tho heart aparka ufow tba ayea invouiariuea oonaupauon variabla ap- sstlui weakuaaa ami loquletud and lulnoaa lor the abnormal eondltloiu do not fall to take lydla el ihnkhmma veg- uua compound elgin watch sale itwftnw nnnhnrt gent lb aud ib uise gold filled or silver watch complete with 7 jewel ulglu uovemeut on sale saturday july 8th 82 each pibe watch clock aud jewollry reiwlrng moderate price e j liphardt jeweller optician acton ont ii children cry for fletchers castoria nnnntin sp russells bromd always full weight no skimping no pangy names to cover com- mon place products just splendid bread and big value no bread in acton can give so much real nour ishment and satisfac tion for the money as ours russells bktytmh kwbad hakhnsl mill st acton out cjs5 lihhhhh stiop where you are invited to