Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 20, 1916, p. 3

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wedding presents wedding rings wo carry it couiploto hock of sultnhlo wedding jrouoiitjt in fancy clocku cut un uojbiit 1b47 flllvor lnncy china mitrringo acinum imuiod geo hynds aoton ontario shy homo m iituon from toronto aim ut 0110 liourv rlilo in n plucu llily tiuouorgetown j a wlllniiidihy remduu ik imth nltoiit 400 fa nn a r dliyeront iiliiipm unit uiuii no fancy talk no lillo jnnti llu hiiro liau pot inil prlus if onr form in tint m good your piofldi galling low jutt inuu 11 trip to georgetown oond faritih to you hell show qelie ttoit jfrec jtes tiiuiihdav juia jo 1011 brief local items two thirds of july gone alrady not much completing now of wat wealur that ewelurlng dogdays glv holiday faaiing yesterday taorulngs showara war appreciated th wheat tiurvt will cwuiiu wltbla ua day an lalnvmlluft ttnnla tournament la ik pnu tbla wej ou lb rowling and lbs ueardmor courts acton 1ftll lr two uoatbs frota to day slid lotaorrow vuu isitus bubecrlbera am payiug ul lwoatnily a usual havyoa 1 alio wedj and gtsa oa lb boulavard have lma cut and our attests ar bow uuob toot eltracll oliver duch a wolorcyalut wu flbd slo and eotu lu ouelpb ou saturday for k6stediug lb spaad limit mr joha c wauan acloa liu lhlfchaeed ui jciih oajatbl feltd lot i 601 j ehn fraa llr itrd johuetou uuuf johnny uobetteon lai avi kladly brought th vukk pan fin loejiuet of twet ps yeeunlsy i with ulan hilly laj eromj th boya in jaauary said on of lb oraago paieder oa th 12ui it wu eooler th rod cv04 society shipped fv jkl half umu ol wuu paperuetthurejsy th prlo obtained la blghsr tboa for but lot two rluka of ac too bowler laj an ajoyabl douu siu ua uuelpb laws od vridy tlalr turii we vry erjit- tu tl uckunl hire ttu toora nuuw- ou aj votacuhu lluut muaj limly tuay bav uj wlwiuiiw liavoa of gurtlwa poaj uulcltrrua tv houuci tli iiojnvrj8aluri uu flurji brought uir4 hnlia of bouura to la wo oatiuwiiy fumooa nnojli ioibub4iur gja wa iiuyj tb wra bo autoowiuu la tba parti udt crotej tlia ilyaa la 1100 nat w tbrd wbn llr jteapb hall aotoaaoliwtoratijtviuai jolad tlvordw la tollukioro back in tb atua ura w haytra ulll 8lrt bu woa tluutuittaaftw liar profuiou of awwt 14 blwd thud 6uly la tho uuh tba vuuu avita wa favoirj with a bouquet af frwtedua propartloaa on tuturjay obituary mum jiuin rfuavl trbblr tba ojmi rwjat al eaquaa lajf imiil wy od wtdtwajty 12th july wtwi llr joba bprowl of tb ma obj una jui at tlta boaaof bartll tfcoh auuaw tin obi luiy laj bwa twiuik uyruhtj tuullabwtttaathuxa wllb kr ebumurutl feplrlt aba r to uva a br own booi until ovw nlaaty yai of a tba at tha wraoab ullolu- tioa of bar aoa aaj bla family ab buma t- kj to rouve aoroaa tb io to twj wit b tbai duilag bar maalbl of waakitona lb ajj ujy wa ulnutaraj to wllh bvjag 6ar always mdalvlajf vuh tttaauon u wouu btllb7 tb gv4ui oortjf ort jaaa catuiulair wam bora la ntuoatawa- ablp la ittii- wksn aba waa twaty four ah uiarruj tba uta john bprowl wbo wa ia wljawdf kaijiajj oa a arat at wru i aoroaa lb road ffota tb bortaataail of th gwajfatbarof urjoba a ulll lu tu klttlatftf luad ua bwowi faully ntuavaj la tb laftn bow tba hotaa of llr aux bprowl aatl ur a t ulll wwl faully ooiiia to aouui mr hprowl jlj alwwt twenty 6va yaw ago ufa snrowl waa a wouua of uraat low of ebaractar rua jaml ituluatdoua bba tbrnigbt uolh- lojf avaa up to ball a iloua year ago of walblnjf to aetoo or to bar cbunb at maaaawooj altliar af wbub pcint u ilia uat ovr four ullaa infaotafurababaj raaobsi bar uloauatli yar aba walkaj to atttoo bb waa a uaubar of tb u church at mausawood and wty aaloua of bar ooaaaotloa tbara of bar too eblldran tba following aurvlv auuatuur bou and jaraaa all of kiquulug 1 ura vhotnaa auiaraoa trafalgar ura john klhiumli oueljib and ura jama turvar uar putliuob tba fuoaral ou frlday aitarhooa waa largely atutuied tli ar- vioa waa eeoducted by ilav j c wiuoa b a and lntortaut took placa at valr- vlaw oaautory news of local import a stirr fltio for motoioyolut a tunil llhintn lohii limn aiuiiitl im fom llio iituilstriito on limny ulurjili with rlillii lila motor oolo mi tho mi1i unlu ha ploildtxl iillti- on nuilor oyulti rldcin imiul tnnlorlimd tlmt 011 cuu- not rlilo jour dniiuoioiin lutichlna oil tbo hhlowniloi von will imi lined 410 mill cost ualil mnaiotmlo wutl ualil livum enjoyable sunday school hdnla riiiiniuiual ila nlo of llin ituitat hun day boltool waa bold in wnrronm urom uit itrltlny aftarnoon nml jirflvoil iimiaunlly onjoyahla tito juiutor hoi r jonfth rfovml blmaalf nn mlnjit nt providing ploaniiro for all ifn wan otory wliora but eially wliaio ihti little lollt word tho adumooii wnu the con lent of llto woek anil tbo okortion of ntblotla contcitu wan coiiiumuant iwnrabk kloctrlo llehtod enfllno on 0 t h ynfflao no oih which pilon a juim eiifjor train daily through acton from tor onto lo ht rat ford hno tlio nomln nt lm lute hjbtel with electricity hootrlcily in qtmtraua on tbo luklno with it own motor tba headliuht i- unuaunlly hrll- 1 llbitt thl in thd jiih etiuliki in thu nwilnti 10 h chetriciilly iiri it hait aoit run nl iiff nn tbo h xi i in train hov 0 w bafkor to duhlnutoti tho oftlclal liwnl ol tho mctliodut ciiurcli llurhnuton lm jut ted 11 un liuiouu lavilatlon to hot eoryo w lurlar ucji to buoome jutor of that clinrch after tho conforanco of 1117 tho ilurlliiton hoard la u very lincrlinliiatin body and in ucuhng hot mr lurlitr thay will baa ono of tbo niott jwpuljr und auocouful putoru of tlu coufoionrc tua 1 praunt iiiiiiuitar itov l ii llirlstla ban bmn invited to itoconia utor of dublin street luelnli itov mr futkar h t6m chark ami baa accittol chief lnweon arrottj a ouolph thief about noott on thursday cliiuf ijtutan relvd a itiag froui hiulpli that tho awitclitiuii a ithuiity utar iim ihainund tit 4jueiji hail 1tvn entanxl by a man and tafta16tractd from tli clothing niclnu 1ubarty it wn lliflvnl tha tiutn hub wtd itad luiardwl a rlaht train paaklnjf aut awl tlui4 on tlto wa to acton chief lawtoa rbirltail tit atalioii n thn iruin eatoa in waa not long in spotting mh mau wban aoarcbd uva uotuy woj found on blm and alao umt incriminating tamrb a loitu rwolvar aifl luhhght vcto alto dlaoavbw on bla ruiraon tlia tluelpii polloj war iiollftod aiwl contaua llrouiia way arrived on tha 130traiu thacrlutn waj litivdad ovfijrtobliulychiaf i iwaon llocauia beforo tnagutrat wail lniuaji ioha court was roven qullty ati i nnt 4dj to nlooty daya la tli county jail ati ihipioilvd m6raorlasrvleo tlia tiianiorial brvtco in tbo motlioilut cliurcb latt sunday morning toooniittouior at tba doatli in fulgluni on tha iirdduna of corp warroa tl hrown waa conducted by itov ii v avtaan m a 11 l and wa rnotl iniprtwuivo a or temkr and appromhato dlmxmn waa preached from jcbn loi ij 4iraiur lov lutli a man than tli in tliat a uian u down bu ufa far bli frifldda iling raferooco wita uvula lo tba 1 1 roiro and character of hl hrl young inau who mad tha eujirouva ur ac lo tho caua for which our nation iu contending ur ii 1 uooro utioknow corp- llrown from hla onrly boyhood and lw wu bla sunday kcliool howrli taadaat tli rough all tlie year wjmjlo of bla upright ebaractar bla clean lih lata love far boraa and ida ambition to lit liiuuutf for a uuful caraor a civil engineer ha waaaroambsr of tha honor i toll of tha king ordarlloa uib laia smow a p0ot deep 100 yeabs ago laid on tho crops burin all julyaiid auiatit 1bi0 on hundred yaar ago ih it waa known aa tha bummarlau year and was moiuawhat in contrail to tho boat wavo paulng uvar uiia tuontb throorxbi altowtliatln tha aumbiar of irtloinaw eonidianoad falling in thaulddl of j una and by tho tulddla af august waa ou foot in daptb vroai tha drat fall of unow in jutw until tb following aura mar tli grouiwl waa cov- rad ooatlatully with a blankut of while thar war no oropa of any kind all tha grains ratting id tit ground und tha population war foroad to live on meat and ui thar was no sour nod tbo only way la which tbo taanti evar vtriad wa la a chang from fuli to waat and from heal to vaalaon thar was an ahaoluta famine ofluy and in order to baap tb outtl la tb 1rovlnoa of tjuabao from atarvatlon it waa found naoaaaary to import litis usually abundant foddar from ireland tha prloa of this iraportant artlclo wa 64ft jr ton vtour kept going up und up until it rauld9l7 per barral and poutoeaooata panny a pamul in new ilatnpuhlro tli prloo of bay was tlfio par ton and tba fol lowing aoaaon corn aold at 62 wboat ja0 par hatha and rye at g par huahal dut tar w blob aa a rul aold aroutul ho to loo par pound waa up to dsc tba tboory as to lb caiim of tbla pov erty yar aa it waa known waa thought to ba mnfipala which for tha flrat tlma known to history could bo won without tha aid of a talaaoopa oauwhal deafness cannot be cured by local apiihoutlona aa tbay cannot raaeb tbaillaaaaod portlan of uw ear lliara la only one way to our eatartbal daafna and tliut t by a ooaatltulloaal rarnady catarrluil lldaftteaa a eauaad by an in hamad oondltlau of mucous lining of lb euitachlaatub wlian this tuba la in- flmd you hav a rumbling bound or itn- patfqbltaarlng and when it la antlraly elaaad luafnoaa is tha nhutt unloaa tha inqaubnatloii can ba roduoad and tbla tub raatorad to km hormal condition haarliia will be dfturoyed forever many oasaa af daafnaah at eauwd by oalhrrh which u aa inharuadoondltlort of tb mucous aur- faoaa hill oatawh our acts through tb idood on tha mucous hutfaoas of tba v will iflvo ono ilundrad itollar for any caa of cauirrhal itaafnaas that oannot bacurad by vfallaoaurrb our clraul- arrfroo all itauirkbu 7nc v j uuntiy co toudoo social and personal ln kutla morila wnu haro front toron to mr mua hmltli wan hnino ovor sunday from tarontn minn nitlllo ifyndu wau homo for boll- dryn thin wook mr charllo hyuila wan homi from tor onto ovar sunday miwj lua 1aaraon la homo from toronto for tha holdaya mra john moffat baa boan aarloualy hi tho uut fow day a mr victor duutort wni horn from toroir to for tho wok and mlaa illu maolliorson waa homo over sunday from toronto mitaan margurot and jamio sjcnabli r ktcraouioro for holiday mr joaaph holmaa visited frioudu in toronto during tho woak mr ii ii warden of jph vluitcd acton friend 011 iv i day mm j a mo wot irpont tba twelfth witli relative in toionto rt m kaly ofuonlaucdtiip apauttha weak and with hlaaluuru mrn v j uamblo of hook wood laiit thurulny with frlond in ac toil mlaa uura moor of tluelph v hi tod acton frlanda during tbo woak mr 1 linton k annoy of toronto a finding bla vacation at hja homo bera mr und mra k s ltico romoia1 latt wool fromcoofgotown to sjginji mich mr and mra um f ml u borough iumi maator lbailio war in toronto otcr sunday miaa id how la of walk rt 00 win a gut during tit wk of mru a t llrown mr u v trie tllr merclutiiu hank u holidaying at ida fatkara hooia at hi tbnuiib mrs w a sttwart rtumjl bou un irvida after ejirwlitig tl waak with frukl- i11 loiulon mr ami urn jorg hllti atul children pout tli uat weak at lit bonis of l misuo kalay matter cliarlia and uim lva ilruut of toronto aro tpandlng a woak at tli liout of mra thuuiaa ilrunt ir and mr vrwl llivwn and eblldran of hi thomas wet at lb born lar micral da ibis wwab llr and mr jurua maihjally cpeat sunday at tha hatna of lira idackallya ilbtcra tbaaiiam uauy lit ulll and it itoueaoa tofoato and lira clin tjeorgatowu wer weekand vlaitoia at tbo trout londa mr vfcy howarth cf tit mechanta oank haj returned frmd a plaaut vultto bla fatliar a bouia at mackinaw city mich ur and mr- cell llrown inland 14 uioviug to toronto tboy onr foi ul tltair prill ty bom on vvedarick stret ura itov ii w avieoa and children returned 00 futurday ovenlag from a pleaiutit vllt at liar pareuts botiio at lalu mr and ura e if nar and children and miaa luella iued uft oa saturday morulug ou tbalr raturu uotor trip to detroit mra j k odd an and mnitar jack rotumad to calodoala on tuawlay aftar upending a coupla of weeks with acton friends i mr laltaraoii baa rat u mail to tho lioplul at jualph for traattuant for hl foot which la again cauaing bla inoon vauionso mr and mra johnpiratbrook mra iv i- 111 and family and mr iv iloblnaon toronto araatayinga coup of leaks at tba trout iomla mehrm v a tj msttbawuand j victor lolainan cams up frora toronto to attend tba niamorlal aarvlo in honor of corp w arron llrown 011 sunday mra hoffman who has been tlieguatof har sitar ura luv c ii e swltbat st albans raotory tb paut month lull lanl kriday ou a trip to england mr and mrs john harvey anoouooo ilia engagement of thair daughur annla to ur wattauoiutuarlloioitwiiuaa tli tnarrisg to taks plan in auguau ur alfred a farmer of tb northero iurnlturo co sliahoygaa wit spsnt yearday with ida eoualn ur n v uoor and otlior frlanda mr itartoar spent hui boyhood days lo aetoo ur n v undaay and savoral utamber of tha family hav boan aailouely 111 tbspaii month but or now raoovetlag mr jjndwiys illness has lotarferod greatly wltb hi liaying and general farm work lttteb pb cotnollufif letter to mrs brown beutlve to uerson corporal weirferi brown tba following ihureatlngaud comfoitlpff lattar was raoelvad but week by ura john drown front tha chaplain of tba corpa of canadian engineer to which iter bod tho late corp warroito brown waaauirtnil t junoth lllld dear mra hrowo 1 coforo this lottor roncbep you you will bao haavd tliowad nawiof youraonadtath ho was kill on juno 4 making one mora aacriilo to enrich th iireolouanau of thu freedom this war is to pitrohitu my heart goes out t all tho kail mid tor rowing ontts at homo theirs la tho hard- yourlwjy i bcliava auffartj not at all ilia end was mercifully huddon vou will ba glad to know tlmt iiih body wo not mutilated und that he raoejved what many ttobl fallow a do not get out hare n decent burial hlsoompany ami ollloeryattondoil bla funeral and we bild lilw to rest in u qulat wall kept military cemetery lva mlus behind the llnce at a pbicu oalliul itennlngheut in uelgluui a nice crow 1 being put up at bis head itwku not my pleaauro to hat 0 known him lul liiiately but it would do you good to bear how highly all ollloor und men siiesk of blm may cli il ootufort ami beep your had bonrt vourn will teudoieatfcyiupiitliy w hktriil4- col liud isvialoii cbupluiil cbewsoms cobhebs tlia a h pic nlfl at biu spring intrk lut wednesday waa well attended and thoroughly enjoyed by tba scholars ami lhair parent and frunda an adult bible clas i to ba orgaiitud bar in connection with th school ur k u fluild itockwood 1 avpaoud to li present nat smulay to lain good class could be organized if all would take an interest and endeavor to bepratent ovary sunday morulng wa should navar get too old to attend sunday school and it would bo uncouragih to tba younger scholars tha ladle aid bav been invltetl to hold tbalr rtoitt taaatlaa at tb home of mm e ilummer itoekwood on wadnes day aftamoon july mtb lira riutamer la a forruar member of tb churob bar mr u orewion br acton visited frlands her lut week misses violet and uarguerite leavens fluelpli spent lut week with friends bar miss ifoxal deltoid spent tba weak and whi1 aoton friends mrs wiu andseon aoton vbdtod friends bar hut week mr and mra alger orfpp vial tad over tbo week end wltb campbellvlll friaada ur and ura n crewaon and children visited at mr j uunuhawa erin on sua- day the laying af the cement blocks lot ur thorns watklnattaw waldeno oa tb flint una ha irfeu computed nassaqawbva tho following are th result of the promotion examination of school no 0 kasaagawoya 1 sh iv john kingsbury cameron kit- chlug kaudaen llaunlt ilaaelwilaon iu uloudya shrive lies kings bury hart klghtlngalollvauauughlin ernest wilson ma nblll- ada kellls hit ilallco moflragor h11 i haggle wluoa cbaria mo- laiitliln uary darby itobble kingsbury violet hlirivo hm luoaorg nlgldiiigulo kditb noiiih tommy mduugldln jli 1it erwlu wilrton stawurt hleh uldeoji a uatlkosilh taacbcr fruit bulletin pchiwstlljt buy your churricn white black red sour all ivnimiula rown are now moot plentiful the red sour il the par excellence for preserving have your grocer recur your necdu at once raspborries bcin to arrive in n few dayg look for thtu label on tho basket it tn your guarantee of ilonent fruit niagara grown note the growcrti number it in hiu pcrnonal guarantee of good fruit from top to bottom inuist on the label with ihc map and growcrti number liat more canadian fruit new issue telephone book j copy fo tlie tl telctjtort directory cloacd cri tltf lov tlaut j oidvr your uufdrtae eoitf so ikat your name will he in tfw bew uul report change txulrcj fo our lxcal the bell telephone co of canada scenic river cruise loo mut dryabt rocittcl thp to wriaautg f yr t u if uur tm trutluk turf n cuii v a uic4nt4t u hrt u cuu luw sh cuu tu ti nj a4 laua aia v 1 nf t ur zs i hoourtljd0 ti olnui u a uuijr wiu pu1 ehh liil u ink tiilil ium aosi a4j umi cula 4 ill vtmcle mum ane ll b lu i fm u mm ikluh bn4lllawlitwuwr alu bbl hjiu fly wyu la auia 1 wm vamm fdov awfiir kaauwivia in eu wivuj llj u html tlf hi r iiir itlm u dtlrjt batlatotlwl i afffctewjua bastmmuu uhk ttiiunk fhi uumfaei slfuu wuwaiu rwh wuitrf p a w ikt i il 1i4itii iuwh jkjilm arsvuheow a44 c luiihcft li itkl-l-taw- t o 1 1 b h 6 a a hu aj 4 i how to keep well ov jfonn w a utxwuboau ury dpu cuikv avsfoicn op the tilovdrcf ajfj doamjd oit iikaawii foittonatb indeed la tbo baby wbo la nursfld by it mother and i who tfaua avoid tho dnnror of mitnmor complaint which follow in tho track or dirty milk but tbo baby must bo weaned boo nor r later t it cannot go on nursing forovor whoo ahall tbo baby o woatwdt tho caroful raothor will ondcavor not to wean thr lab in very bot wcutbor and whllo this la of importance othor consideration of eoual or oven groator moment must bo taken into account by thn nursing motbor a boalthy child ihauld be weanod at tho ninth or tenth monllu j at tho sixth nr arontli month tho front tooth appoar wlmt doon tbla i oioant it indicates that tbo child is gottlnrt rotd to lulu wkaninn cam of othor rood than the mothers milk in wrnkly ctill- tiik iia1iiv dron tbo nidtlon of tba ueth may bo dclnyod noni 1 th 1 but whonovor the teth do appear tboy roust bo tnki 11 ns 1 sign for now ration tbo walnut of tho baby inaroaalng a it should from wonk to wnnk a one or tho most important rudtcatlous of the babye health if nil in ltd well tbo woljilt lucroaao steadily if thn weight in stationary or if lirb p losing wolght ll lu ovideiho that tho breast milk la unsuitable nnd tho inn y nbould ho wo mod or partly weaned irrespective of nge if mm mntti 1 a suffering from auy acuto or chronic dlsoaao or if pregnnnt thu hithy iinuld bo weaned as to thn boat tlmo for weaning do not depend on tho timo of iu moon or any such nansouso all thing being oquhi tho early nprlnu or lire rail la the bent tlmo whon thu flrnt tooth appear along about tbo outh or novcntt ntmin uubatltutq llrct tiuo regular nursing wltb four ounces or iood cowh milk and two 3 ounces or barley water eweotonod with a little nupnr d rut ik ater two day aubstltuto tbt for two regular nurnlngn and nt mo ond of a couple of wook tbo milk and barley wator may bo ninii alt uately with thu ntiralng by thn ninth or tnutlt month tho ti remit nay discontinued altogether in this way tho baby will ho won nnd gradually and will not usually ml tbo h roast the groat est trouble t wltb tho anxloua mother who in apt to thin that tb baby in not rotting enough many mother llilitk thn baby to alwnj a hungry and they bwo it too much food tha more fond tbo hnby pis tlio mora irritable it ihicouion it crlei not becauso of liunnor but bocun ts stomach i overfilled tha cry is internrotnd wrongly and more food is given maktng matter worae after woonlng tbo dlot ihould comprise milk and hnrloy vntcr nr nulv wltb tbo brotn or oatmeal chicken or boor aoiuo stowed fruit oinnit jnlrr a crust of broad and later a soft- boiled ogg ue auro end give tho baby plenty of pure wator and kup it in th open air an much aa possible if the baby fretful keeping it lu ith cot or rarrlngo in thn upon nl i the bast aodfitrve dont glvo it soothing eyrup priogurlc or any tllu r dope the buiho la produced by the action of tho heart forrltm iho blond through the ortorlos just oh a are etisluo forceh water through linuo nt 3 fire tho blood fa sent from tho left aide of tho heart tlironuli tin nrtrrlox capillaries and volna ot ouoe body to tbo right nldo or thn imnrt itimco 11 the lunga where it la purified by tbo air wo brealno from tbo in nm it passes to the loft aide of tho heart nnd i lion through tillj pimrjlta and tbo body again if ono prosjos niton flniiur on n tbullfiltatuitlm artery such an tho radial on tho itinlunt an impulan in oonousutfon la felt this is the pulse if oa in rant tonly llm enso it beats to time to tbo mlmilo thn pulnn intu lu 70 various factor influence the put rato when one in lyhiir down it in alower by seven to ten beat than when standing eroil in unit dhonrfrn tbo burse hecomes more rapid in urno inntunrrn tlnlnr in dm nniim mflt as the temuoraluro fwhlch in a well person in nn iv fr i eor eyaiiiitt a pulse of 110 should carry a tamporaturo or 101 ni i hut there aro exceptions in typhoid fovor with a tomperuturo or 104 dtk i tlm pulso would probably be lower than 110 in diphtheria tho putitn rutin hlghor a tem perature of 100 dog v oftiilt rlvlna a pulnn or 120 soma inrnrtloiiu llktt dlphtborlu mid ilmirubmlh nhr ho pulnnrito to a high dngroii a loiiniimpllvo with 11 teiutmriitiixi nf m dfir v would llknly buvn 1 piiluo ur 120 a vtiy id i flit infii tlnu uf 1 iiiiiiiiiiiptiinn will rultio thn piiluu llvo or ton beatu whllo tho tonnurattir v ho railed very vllghlly quoting from our weekly bargain list wath redorloakkqiiltlto llornl vollwi smart utrljtud vollos rat no crepes and striped sport stylea regularly worth soc und 7fc jwr yard snclal bargain clunrnnco sbsc l waiah mau- kagulur ajc and joe valuou in n hlgtloatiii lttc t onvalua l hwfiif ncca solocllon of llsc wmh or woraana trtmmaxj htat vohiw up to aoo lu imartmod ish blylca arrang in two banuln groujiaatlioflbnd 00 womana waiah droasas value up lo 600 in good i from other toncons clear 1 11 f at chlfcfron mtdciy dra- w in whlto ailtlily droabou clearing nt atlc boyaj waah sultavnlutii to 17s in white nnd colorod ntylou clourlngntohc boy khahl knlohra- slwa m to 33 fll umul hlrwiuur knkkor regular joe vnluou per joc slaes in jj 00 coruto clonrlllf at 4vc wmnu s3raajera regularise valucu l strong con ill for stic embrocfexiva hegular 35c coriwt covor embroldory nnd riouncitig is inched wido raducod z toisttc jjy curtsilnrodav regular 35c jrj hrnau extension uotls for iflc cg catrpsjt cncf t find ijyard cu da prlcod icut than half nt 1 00 h nnd 75c fs cur twin ends 1 and 9 ynrd jg longthii worth two and throu ilmoa 5 ail much au iho cloarihg prlcu ic jry mnat sookav regulnr jt h ami joe values in hluck cnslutiaru uf iiiauiifactururu icotnla ifilsc mswrtsi sulfa itegulnr jiomid 3jj valued in a clear 1 11 1 or broken rq line including aoth cuutury und soclotywrundu mt 42 d e m acdonald bros guelphs leading and largest store wytulbkra maedoiuuu nd cardn slrecu limited guelfh ool tke cheapest thing in the modern world the publisher of an important cana dian daily newspaper lias said in his newspaper this the newspaper is about the cheapest thiiif in the mod ern world or its value if nothing eke were coneid- dered bve the usufulnces of the advertisements and the market prices to the average home a dollar upent in news papers must mean the having of many dollars in a home it ia not nececsary to argue the value to yoo ol your home newspaper but we ask this of you isnt three cents a week little enough for the acton fscii press delivered to our home and which gathers together all the news of this community no city daily can do what the kmu pit gun is doing for and in this county and neighborhood it docs not give ou with desired full ness the news of acton lmithouae ballinafad crewsnns corners nassagaweya and neighborhood it does not tell you what local merchants have to offer ou local newi and happenings arc told sufficiently in a local ntuspaptr the price of the free pruss becomes 150 on a date to be named later this increase of 50 cents a year is made necessary by rising costs in every direction paper ink type wages cobt of living and other things what we are concerned about is that you value your weekly newspaper to continue as a subscriber at the higher rate three brown coppers n week i you say that you cannot afford them they are tho price of n postage atamp half the price of a smoke the money u would give a child to buy candy with the price of a pair of laced be loyal to your local weekly 44 canadian national exhibition aui z empire federation to speotaole tat 1200 perfermbra 10 halted bauds chorm ef s voice olorloiu ftjmtnt symbolising km neriil solidarity and powo uammoth soeulo reproduction uf tha brltlnh homo of parua- ueut westminster abbey and the war offloe vv on and under vv a sea m on land a r in the air r beenes that have thrilled tho em pire beenaoted by oversew troops bhells is process of mauufnoturo tmmeiue munit exhibit medsl osmp trsneh wsrfar shd qrnsd snd bomb throwing ds notice to farmers new dmiry in acton saxe rubinoff havo opened a wholesale cream dairy tluilnesa in actou and will kay the highest market price lu cash for all cream delivered at h saxes store cream cans will be supplied to all farmers desiring to supply cream and cash will be paid upou delivery daily for all cream delivered other wholesalers pay monthly but we pay dally aud will take all standard cream offered the new business will comwenc at once wool wool wool i cash prices will be paid for any quantity of wool delivered far p3 by the farmers i mm st m saxe acton mlnsiv usyonst pluhtlnq fdartlon of jayoni year hwwork cemplet new s horse aovmmrtt ktmhlblt vupartt showing of llv stock and agrleulfajral product aeraa of manu faetur yateata to m ta seat 11 u hi i u1 niw j delpark balbriggan and fine wool in 2piece b auitii and combinationa priced jit to uis b bathlnr suits all sizes in 2piece and ipiece i uuita priced k to colored shifts two new lines opened and placed in stock today priced at ltt r e nelson saaavbaus iuia wliai irukubaf wrtsdtuua ajt aumadph oht j

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