Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 27, 1916, p. 2

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births murrlftiffl und deaths arewnw b8o trnrrlaue kwii ilh botii warnorlal cttrdibm iso perilnswairttrorbosnis born utt i in lnuiiitn on umiduy duly mltli 101 to mr mill mm iv i hfmn at lot it am j frainftsa on friday jlkfc inly nnuli huuley in his third your lkiimi lit ipieing mi tuesdav july ih mill hannah coulsou beloved wit of david raddle iuol 7k yearn win hint in acton on tuesday 23lh july hmo molvln llarvoy williams son of tho late john williams aged hi year wihtkuiii uw killed in notion in kraho orthalurday 8th july 1010 11 alfred wlnterburiison of alfred wlnlerburn br aged 31 year iikaiiuuuui fluddenly nt philadelphia p of heart failure on tuesday jul irth 1011 captain charles owen heard- mare third boh of tho late welter h fjaardmor tt lilt tlili yir ffilre retort 3fm kss thuusnay tuia 27 1010 editorial notes aixiniimt ti vice chairman ihngman of lb onuria license board lh regula- uoae governing ataiidard hotels will place itaportuitoo upon cuanllneas cotnforfc aud oonveidenc hut will not impose any urdslilp upon proprletora itianolllkely thataa many lioensosw lllbolsauedfnrleni perano house were formerly iwued under tli liquor hcanao act vine 0yaui uoi 1 usmixr hs fwued proclamation calling upon the cltlians of it province to observe friday august 4 ill tb acond anniversary of tlio declare lion of war a a lilting day upon which to raafurtii their belief in tlia rllilomnbx of tlia causa mil tbelr determination to um every effort to bring the struggle vto lorlous conclusion acton is renu with other wunlclpelltlo to fittingly eoii tmjiwj tit oecoalou 0tau1i1 in tit matter of enforcement of prohibition will 1 in the ioftlon of benefiting from tbe npdenc of llu wast frnt ivovinc in order to liandl lb probl- witli tha fulufclpoalbleknoihklfc at lb oilaf tlio onurlo llcau ilnl la uklngbuim to bl all dm avulubbi ju o uk kultjct conialbjonr aarbt bbj kotlu uo iwiw in wluu cdnula wlirt tuy will btiuly coulltloii ui tuy iut uijw mry ui jailor villi a vuw to pmfactlntf pu ftwtedforcvuuutlaoaurto tub woiiu of hwj bulbling la pog- lifow wlib ulrtjj utwii lb filtb jul vwilblitwa oo aeua cforoj by tbtfeul of ufc oa it la ttyl lit la will lahm of fttfctcuu toi rou itut wby fcbotiuu t ott urg ctlooj af roj itiifiifj l4 uojutaia tbu iuiia la uj uwnutlpt tb uvath uw froui iti i m j to btwsjtton toil frool ailitfvov to horttby awl tb utt lib ttba lioio and trfjif from uiltoauworaby ar la scjlbfly jrf rjluj wilii avrf 430000 of 8 hjj wiwy lying la tba ttury to tb crjucj l4ulng unibip ufly tba tilborlly to pomj wtui btau vpjl lioa to fccur tba tiatrvctuo oj k1 rjj ow ui ujltm bl of lu wwalp chew so ms cowess ut l lulu rcmhwful tu hup- vuor of tba ajalt bilo cu- a bw a huivjy ji v a clj arwl auo umbt tb hubjaj ftcbool uoo tfb jbiwlftrf ofii- ftj ertrtwllurf lvtabuat 11j kiwgbury vl ivjjal 6ab dy tvarw a uurray iwuryur lof tiuis yfi f jl w wanslwiourfb aiit tjj r walur lawb eewu ijd all llw ofini butlil oi ti- ortu uidb uul jolb dittw ui uarrw aiul hj tuaau ufctmruilp aaj hkb cu llr yraak luy aal tba kelu ur uiab ajul uh waabnt ill linipy aaj lwtbwil llr ua bu ut uurvay lira nurllaalim lira luniutt tta mtaj ebowo lor tha uu ually- aiwl ibo wntto wu ltof aacb unt ablou itauolt is vuluoff bar tucabtr mra jatiiaa lioon jr ua we iway aivj uim lilwarji oto ara boluuylntf at ur w a uunava uut arm waaaumukh li vliiuog fiunda lu twottto ur a a vamrf buboyutn wu paid a flying vult to bla oouln ur jaa latnua bub wack uta j e laatb atl uaalar claratua of wat voraato in viiltlng friwl 1- ur john lanueafaiauporuw waakawl u m uaitka awl jaaanla orr aotou fepmb a day but wak wltb lit algar crlppa p mab3a0aweva uimpullvllla will apaiwl 82000 on tl- tlltional oauianb walba itw vlluga inn thoroobly rafltuj will opao tor lmlnaw oo thuiwlay fi7lb 1 ur uurray orawfanl tlia imw ronritor uawar tloaa uilnfif by halvov tba viluga itiq will b a popuur uoa aapsolauy for uatoruu pailnif tlirouli on tha apuiulltl fetaoo road totwoan hamilton ami aoton and other point rav k a earobiiian b a wbo uuhl hara for a eall laat spring liku uaa call to fit liuli pmbytfin ohuwh lot mop a grand patrlouo gawub party will i hu by tlta womatim inatltnu in buak laeha orova on vruay cvanlng m august ui aaoonil annvarmiry of tlia proouuutlo of war a progwmiia crowdad with attraotlvo fuaturaa will bo nuderad fba ordination ami imluotloit mrvlco at carapball villa on tuawlay war vry urga y attamlad fho normon by haw mr hartter and tbo ailtlrtfcww nf itov llr blajr ad iuv mr- wttla wara wulily nurtng at tlt aoolal ftatherlng afur lbs prcabytary aarvlota aijromjl wro dallvarad by l w a irttron of flaorgotown ilov mr uo m iloalon chuwb itov if ii mopbarmn of llolllii kwi uaauu a mokanalu and j i htraiiir a faatu wof inuraat waa tbapronof luv u ii nuopbart and how lc lllilr for mar ilnllor m l i m jtlla ufarwiirliidynf ibn irntutn in kii- rtgftwayrt wltin nnltvl pnnnnnlni umiii eavarad parlwl nf fifty una year seventh acton mam killed private airrod winterburn of tho rimt contingent klllod in action on tho 8th of july the only son op his paiibhts aotnuu wlillrj ttro huroly giving tholr fiillbbroof tboiimtn wbo ar making tlio kiilirania nitcilllco in tlil awful war of tha ito wboliavoiillatd bora mvoii lmo already ittlil down tbelr live for tbn ciiuita of rlabt and in ildfauoo of tho innootut our latot born la aurwl wlnbarbum onl hoii of alfnul wlnlorburn hr of hoard moro croioant wlio wan killl in tlia opamllmiuof tlia canadlun forom on tlio 7tli ami htb july 1le wiiitarburu waa ono of tba first to ettllit wliau ilia war brobo out iimirly two yaaraago ho uft aotoawit1i tlia flrat conllnjtut in auguat ioij 111 motbor aoooinpniilad blm to laorgatown and in miylnggovul bya folt uiat nho wm giving bar all bar only oblld to tba grant cauaa aftar a yaar mjunt in tbo trattobo 1u wlutorbiiru wadraftail a n wood out lor fur auppllu retpiirad by tbo army in ica a lattar raoalved by bla paronln last uuk aald ha had potnplud that work ami wna nnlorod back to tha firing liivo ho bad evidently been luiok in tho uanohaa only a fow daya when tho action to which ha loat bla ufa took plaoa 1te wintorburn wan born in london fugland twenty ona yoara ago he cauio to canada flvayoar ago mr win ur burn lift vi riff arrived tevoral uiontbs provloualy tha family i wo mlulo their hotoa in acton aver ulnoa ibcouled wtia tba oaly cblld ha watt bright young nun a favorite in bla circle of romiaiilon and an attendant of bt alhana church if a waa a good urn to bla rootlior and alia and tba tuber were looking forward with joy to bla awpected return borne ient cliruunas tba sympathy of tba community la an landad to mr and mra wluurburn in their frat sorrow a tennis tournament irltoroitltig sohoi of gftrni in pro- grm for local championship yba four tennis omirts in town at lit 1jrl t tba iuirtluur flardana at tba howling urrt and at the uatbodkt ctturch uwii kaadavelopwl a number of aaoellent play of a tbla liaa ben dernoti- atralail by tlia various gnu plyd dur lug tba wk in a tournamaot urangod to cover aavcral weokit tba gauea ara blag puyd at tlia lb anluora ganuue aiul ut howling flrvn tha following aralliapuyni wbo aw taking peit in hi tounuinit for ullid doubk i a w anbl ami iltl uomui il arnold aud vi4 hoiui4 a o t iwrdtoora tmd ilia heard j u aoj ami uarjiitot iliut uovd coowr aiml lira w lairj i llowaith ami uuby curk luv ur avufldeud ibrtl hf ejbt luv mr btultband ailjt ctaika j c maltbawa and ill- lunnla tlia iraljliav cot uw pltyj owing to ti lonlrawtiout gaiiwj aj uk iounc hit wbub prevajuj tb i jyr will contjno tb ulbsdut of g blwa but wta iul alrcajy a aoond tojrcihiat i tellej of fora data ula tb tlf iiraaiew c wvilbar kqfl aiedlaiily good teoau la ta it during lbtoirii4iiat infect all tba playara ara to l cograiulatad upaa ihtir er llutla pbtya ad lateraiting biiuh ia duju touk plu an uondey ealag on lle iuard uan coort tb puyvr wr a o t llmrdmar and j woj au w aradj and i toy araobl ibwn vwy ft ujihu waa wltji blng aluywl tiill unt si ilsumt au an ai citing ilruggl throoub two fcu it tuuld la a tl uv wr being fl and 40 m110awtyatowvfiufpc0umcil ddbuturi for catuttbellvlua loaa paufid maw ttul oa can 9 arraulgwi vo tts ity uw to provld a lua by tb bwuaof dbdturw for tb pullo vllbr of cuupbulvilu wu rj a tblol ur and wjud tb plana and bcriptuo of road allow anc btvii iota s aiul 4 eon 3 by lb a nhaao u 0 oapb war afoptd aud tb lusv latruoui is pioodr tba rri iy deaja ad oaaifut tb arantf- uaou with il cairo and rourl hwltb tli fallow lag aocount puj i 0 lackar with aruler 100 j o uaor te4a on grsder 400 uervlu wileoa 4 00 jama b mij alf taylor ou00 j hlbaruon ifoo blgar hole 2i klaln wblllay 1100 yx taylor ww uitohl m hanfelllunur u a lb cameron uta 2a wuueorallu 7 m walter carrier work wv 31 j00 i uoliartson gravolllng s2h0 jolin haatuy vork xflo john 1 king work 000 wallaoa ktag work lv 41 000 hartturnar 00 ii illfrtziiaa wroywood oit cliaa mahleaon si flr0 a niohardeoodravelaoeonttb 1160 jaa barvloa railing ihv a3 7 00 adam andanuui oulvvrta to 4 00 ilotirv forrler bieaklng atona 7jm1 wm hhubtock wllb engine il white iirintlng immuru 2ft0 win pnuton publlkblngby uw 37 ho council adjiiuruwl to mot on auguab 14th 1010 jnnw uauhiiaiu clark lettbb vnou pmivl who u with the 17th cattery 0 p a 6th arti brigadg drlvor harold thomas who left acton wllb ma parents for tlia weat uaveral anr ago writ oh tha vtiuu vuvmh oj follow i pmnea july 7tli 1010 i have wtoaivod several eoploa of the futtis 1rvj iiud o tha nemos of a iiuiuliar of uld acton filandu who are nerving with tlia troops over here i will be tary glad if their frlouda will aeml ms their numbers niladdifaeaasl would ilka tomaeltbeni oupoolally bergt uouhl uiul lte torn han not i liava nut soon any of tho acton lioya yat thing are baginnlng to move licro i and i hota thay will koep moving ae as to get it over kvarylmdy in gelling tired of tbe prolonged atay in tha trenohea tlio mthr now la fairly good we hao h few wiybliifl tihnuera now and 1 hen ihmi iianl i0mrtn from ibo folks ut htiinn 1 1 miinlinlui i win fin ling llrht rutu mmilf hut hnto imil coh mieral times duiliiglha hiriif kind itg irdm tn nil arlmi friend him i it ii tiinmah nil hi 172 17th lhtthrt v a fltli attlllaryllrlgsde obituary cait ciiaii o hi aiinuniiu captain cbnileu ownu heirdmnra u well biiawn ciin4iliin mllltl ollloer uml houoftho late wulttr 1 iloartlmora nf hoardhinrn a co actoiij tllwl hmtdenly in lhlhidolphla on tuawlay nf lakt weak from hoarb fail u r capt haanlmora was uilrty five yoara of ago and a velorau of the lloer war he received his early wluoatlon in bwiuerland and afterwards altended tbo uulveralty of toronto of which be wm n graduate lbirlng tbe hoor war be aerved as a lieutenant in the i loyal canadian luphtnont under colonel irwin on his return frein south africa he joined tho orenadlera and was promoted u tha rank of captain for soma time he was associated wllb his father in tho letters imiineui but iii health neoetaltutod bis retirement wien tbe preaent war broke nut lie was lu inffland and volunteered but was rjeoll on ao nt of his hoalth ha returned to canada last month and went to join his mother in philadelphia ho wus taken ill suddenly a few days before tils detuleo he is aurvlved by his mother three brothers lieut manaut heardinore ef the 23rd ilattallon at hliomcllu t w w heardmore of toronin i und mr clenent reardmore t and a slater mra klngsniill wife of admiral klugemlll director of naval service in canada cap reanlmore waa a memlier of walker lodge a v a a m acton nomal ch00l examinations ttoaulta or tho lower school examln- atlontfor admltsloti to tha nomtu sohooli for some raaaon tli marking of tbe paper of tl eandidataa for antranoe to th normal bcbools and faculties of bluoatlon who wrote in tlia examinations last month waa unusually avar thta la somewhat remarkable in view of tli foot that bun dreddof boy atudenu who uer proparing for this examination and who uedertook to bjtviul tlira montlia as farm hipw uer allow utir cartliluau without writln tli plucking of eaodldata bu iteed gnral throughout tli provlno in hajtea county only uiuen cmlldabw were euooeaeful a follows i m w curridge o l featbewteao a it fuiig l i ford 1 u hw u harrop j joyce j ijruuay a uodtxi aid ii u ucfaddeo v uarratc a proud j ii huufll ii u hidlth j il bland i ng i- k iily it 1 bntewliat blgtlluoiflt tut ibaa hluuaaare tba sucowsful slujdt wbkib lb foortn teachers la lb fire hbjb ucbool of tbe eeunly bav to show for tbjr pinuaklug effort in uuii of tbe soor of cjwlluu wbo wrote ul u w currtdge of aotou hcbool la to b cougtaluutoj upoe tb bbh uanjiog tl obuind uruur lb clreun prevailing thl yer actoms boll op rioob eevea or our boyi uave beau atuled la afid td iprabee oat of tb vartod conliatanta tul wbe bav goo to lb war fro aaa tb ulowlnjf broa bav cealxiuiuj lb auprm oiavlog tad laid down tbjr lle u sxtloa for lb eau for wbkb ar alll bav ba figbuaa i huoleil william lts it vhcuivillh itk alkx ouinhkn ptf olowje ulvoil coup hov 1iur1i coup knu wauhkn u 11u0wn ltk alfred w1mtkruuun cheyrolet cau- poptllau la 0eorget6f b tb following peopb bav ukbaaad chavrout car utely iu- vuiit jobu lllngbam ftviurlok cook aud a h luauoa iloat forget to take la tbenloe llltl iaou trip to uorktowh fruiay er nlag july llfltb and enjoy tb dig patrtotio ooooort to b held la lorgetewe park lu b giva by tbe ivuumere baoek club we want vou in cuelph aug 7th ulg mlliury uwajcfll uldd as berbe- tkiau ilorao ttwrc ibue uall chatuploua cliamplotiihlp ptiyalcal drill fire brigade work two hand all trains give ample time to see tbo celebration protection fcutfmnted id lfth tba bank of nova buua hu a reeeanl of over torn eeore year of aervlm aturlag that oeriod tha atreuath of the banlt halt liereaadof until today ira total ajtaeb are well over axooxoojdoo srhlltf 1u reserve fund abtod at awo0o0o of twef 1u dw tent of lbs paloviip caplul tht fcteugth and aueceaa of thla book afford the huheat nrotectloa to denaaltora we invite suvinta ateottnu both larga and mall 41 the bank of novascotia bbawcubs at acton ouelph morra milton end btreefavtiks acton and the war alitor fui i piikua lirslri onoosgnlil wo imvn nneled news nf nno of our men huvlng fiilan in ultlo thl if ibo seventh nltireii nf aotou to niako thn miprsmi iwirhlrn tlieu mvd monw n f wllh ii moimxi it hurtl w hrawii a jrihhen il a witilerburu havo dlod racing u too tjiat put them totliotchtof bllikploilv6m miichiue gun t and tbo inuldloiiu iloadly gas they did not juall whon tested but hlood tlielr ground and nohlj fighting fell heaa brave ooulx who hrivn gone nut into eternity on tba imttledelds of kurop aacrlflofrd their all if wo could have aeon the vlulon lut lit uielr face as they fought awl fell wo woul i perhaps he nhta to understand thn war more fully and wo would liecome graver ns we think of tbo brest duty that lies near at home for us to do we must novar lie forced u say that these men bax paid tbe price in vulu i women nro iioln tholr duty as evidenced by the 111 cross and other work dona in town and tho many parcela which leavn town far tbo front most of ourclllvens are ilolng all they can aud liavo raalluwl tholr responsibilities as oltixonn of our etttplre hut there aro others who eve not there axe too many young man walking our street who would look better in klmki amd we aro allowing tliem to have too good as time iter- every night we can euo them parading thoatreotaapparantly unconscious of ilia fact that aoven men from their own town bav already died for them and have made it possible by tier hieing tlmlr liven for tho hi to have such a pleasant time if i was a young man and in a it coudi lion to become a soldier i imagine i should feel very small indeed walking about in olvillanolothcs juil now borne may um tbe annua munition worker and use it truthfully hut soma are mlng it untruth fully anyone can wash a piece of uuthsr and bang it up to dry or push a truck e round a factory oo being asked to attend a memorial aervire for one of our fallen baroea a citiron said i why should i ha was no cousin of sola which shovivd at onco that this eltlian did not car bow many tllwl so lonu as h waa allowed to live in ptc and com fort it is tlu lb iopl ware mada to vry unoonifoitablo foreigners ar praferahl to puopl wbo iiaaaauch rainarka about tit iiieo wbo liav tiled for us two soldiers liav been br far two wekseiuievorlhg to obtain recruits for tb iflltb lutulion not on man liaa ctutmti llhilf oti woulri wlut ar lb tbought of tbe actoa ian in th trnclta and at harden camp coofwnlng tb youug kd still la clvllua clotli bim day pwihapu eur wjjur lads will loll thci aeuw ju iqia ii h mr tleonw pollock of uiltonlfclghu b8 purcluvsoil tb ldacro farm btlonlng to jo 4i utlwnail of llockald bjng lot no i can b towojilp of caujon mnty of pl fuu wu inaj by j a wlluwgbhy jrorgvtowu m y for children 6 8 io yearp for m l3ae3 i 14 16 years for ladies 34 to 42 bust all white and white with blue collar iihort and long ulecvou a complete range from fttc upward delineator 75c per year n wc nrc permitted by the publinlicru to take your order now for thin splendid magazine at the remarkable price of jc per year mrs e c cibb of dultcrlck publishing co will be in town friday june 30th to aurtist in a special nubcription campaign thin in the greatcit mazino bargain ever announced henderson d1lu0n dollah crop expected after a thorough cantass of various points throughout wuum canada ir uouiii ol ui hoiiiniau41ralucomilulou la quoted in calgary as saying that alberta would have a crop a good as hut ysr that tbo dominion would have a billion dollar rain crop from tb tbrao prairi pro inco woukl bo llttl if any behind tliut of last ear tli country as a wliol ueror looked lttor than it dooh at jrmni said ur uoflill tiis weather was wad to ortur a you nilaht say ami i am of lb opiuior that tbla yara barvctt will la another wonderful ove titos wliooontamputegoiag we1 will do wsll to imanibcr uiat ibo most ftutllo districts in wstani canada are rvrd by tballnoof tbec m lb aud tkallblauatoti tby toil travel from tbair bone dltricl to dtl nation canadian noiuiorii all tbe way arraiigmiita have bvati buil wkaraby pasngr may trawl in oduifurt colonist and luadt counter car being a feature th first of lb eiicuralodu will be run la august tbe date will b anoounovd utw for furtbor iaformallojt apply to nerat iiimlip kortlra agent or writ to it lv falruilrn lateral ikongar agnt cii kiaj torito aoromihhanoii a 1u wveutt hsnur five cents is all you need pay for the best and purest soap in the world sunlight soap the inducements ottered with co soaps cannot make up lor the purity of sunlight soap it costs us more to make pure soaps but it coats you less to use it for sunlight pays for itself la the clothes as it does not wear and rob the fabrics like common soaps do 6c a bar at all grocers scenic river cruise loo mds daylight round trip to waumeborg cuu buic4ullu lu ht 4 ub hu ut cm u li tw uii iitin hi uwr tl j j til isum bad hip rin rmsbui zz loo holld j10o uljimlkitj bcntorrwaujtccbuiki t-ju-jku- uhat hiiuui fwbi 1u5uj u ilw uuibdis wjitj p w jimh hsiuuuuusiuuhuuwuslwhuuhwuuhwhwwyiiuwyvwywwafwbtumblw i blue and black suitings owing to war conditiooa really pure dye wonted and h acrga aro auniat imponflblu to procure really fat dy cutlio j am fortunatu in imvtuga big stock of fort coloru quaranteod w iiicea aro the ume for m low clotha pbico your h ordor for cult now at proton t prices and save money genuine all wool guaranteed wrgoa starting at pr suit if hluoa nud bliclu pure wool jjooda uy n rice a aro the tomolinca ao bvfora lliu rlui in prlcea of t 5 r e nelson 3 wejsabak vadloc wyudhau tltve uam saikuubai- oukfoth oni j wsjuwywsjhsjhmwwbnhubsfhhiisliausjhslusihsimwwmwhbh j copy for tha neat trjrjphaate diretorjt cloaca on the above- datel 4 oftkf your telephone how ao that your name will to in tlia new uiual 3 report changes required to cur local mannucr to tl rtuda the bell te help help help thousands of farm laborers wanted for the western harvest good iay and employment in tlio fertilo diilricia served by the cnr 1200 to winnipeg plus llill a cent per mile beyond return haifa cent per miil io wmnipci plus 18 epeelal twtlrisi dawimu fvom motpat atui tommia to wlnitlkf canadian x northern ail the wav set iviler announceikieiith for train seriuv uhi kxcuraion datou pot pull pawiuulai auplv u nsarast aku dlteiitnr deioaiwtntent motitsotil que or loreitto ont flriv abbtttiatthtnti tftljt jhrtljottit tthntth 3utort liwavfliormandhlnbta dundav juiv cqrd nowt kuudity tho inlnlilor will prnncli nuiruiiijt nnil uvotilng hhml nervlccs a wultmiiu to nil i lit finmliy hclioul orchonlrii will piny nt tlio ovonlng uorvku hafltlatll bo ii ool in tho aftariiunti a 30 onu hour ocw-ion- all wat coomb juioouh l0et if afllou lul wmu a nreeu la 1 browli wlili al lliajiiuabii4al4slllii riod irwlll b ruwarutl liy havltiri li miuill i uoonu cliuoll liusst aototl hain coat m hun lay liatwesu ihua hi 1 llacbwoml or acton a 1 lioardgiu wanted f ahii h nrutulumsii qainfmalt rooma l ci wm 2 lliunoli mi adcu female help wanted saittilbmillti 10 ml noililiiusetn m our alm ttsir majlj vtiit ty btw solutsj i iii sr teitij nrsry or urnianslit itt40ui tbtv dallsrs ur dv unuul sillituoie llcaiihultiluull oo oytuhada luuilllou oauirlo usui ubluiisf store to rent lwt luod im ulmu cilally uliul1 no ulll wli ml hrt oulea tiul cualoms ifnuia lis a i s tuiuulilos 4i0 lor cavwsl yt avply f l w iuuui10u h vcutlrl ava 1h iiouhr for hale umil wlili uuiir kluliw s thy s ileloll stlot tlulrm liiliu uid ll illvllnl kelt wsisr juil la sj stij jauiloful la hiti liiifuiuu timmlj slvas voriofilu 0 ulllbli valuable rktildknce arouwalu u u a we upu1 liy lu tlalliaallvalouim ill 1 u til nx dhlivllsloa iartluuis stvjy oa lb j v touuuvlluc mhh n pab all kinds or children s clothing ladle walsls panty gooa etc hand kmbrofdery o bpeclality botcomd builu1wo aatjti somi jutw votkrslist 1910 muhiotfalirv ok towimliip of noflsaaweya notiou liaraby slvan i list i have iranamli u1 or dilur la ilia ii0b htuiuoa la ba li of hid ontario veuis lut am uu eoolm required by salrl iimiioo is la is uaaa- laltlsjor jalwrrj il mis iui made laraaaai to sili at of all iivou rtkalus by in lasl 4lsj auusiusut llall or hi aou muaujl- ly la be stilluj ta vote in ui sali idualslml ly si sleilaue lor maaibtf of lb leauuliv auuqillauj at uunlolulkueuobai and thai ilia ale lul was art i luutad up at my eel a ilia vomii hall nssouawevo on lb utit di or july lulo sill ramslua llisre tor hupllau and i brly call upon vulara la labs tw msllata roesuhuna la hsv ear eiro ar oiiiuiliu can kiwi oaardliui louw ualej ills mib day of july 101a jollil uabhtlalt l claik of aauuttbuldauly votersjlibt 1916 muhioipalktv of tub vilijtoir of ai3t0n not co i tisreby pivaa tliu i bav ttahsult i iul or d4llt4rjld ilia uaraoea kdmuloaad lumaa la of lb out tin vai ljt am ina eopus rlrsl uy satl ueeueu le be se iraao- mlitiul ori1llvmiotiblubaailihirsttaite sild aci of ell iiortoas siitwarins by tb l rul as auiaut n of lb sobl idublalp tl as i lly mliasullllail to voulii tusal4tuuaulaj uyalalullotaror uiftiiib f lb laalalsllv asian lveulat iuuiiiil gifilaui awaitoal his 1 1 lut kiaa ar i iialal ui at tuy eirlaa at tliatowu lie solon on tha hub day on july lull and roiuains iliata for lupuott audi liateby etll uiou allvotsre to take lea tuedlifn praoiiadlnqs it itsv ssy mrmt iw ouilailoiis earraaisit aeeerdltuj i ut uatad till 1iu day of julytlsu the village inn campbhlville annoumchhaamt the hotel at oaisipbollvllle ha teen tlinrouglily reftued and nut into cam it ion to meet tbe require menu of all traveller it will cater cuneclally ut the many ruotor- lata who traverse the fliia ttoua roada paailug llireugb thu secllort full course nienla wilt be tup- pllod or the transient gueua may aecuro ico cream and cake luiunnado olincolate ta and cnfyoo or samlwlche opbhino hioma yhuveuiiay j hm tiring a motor load of your rrluntifi ami mmpta tho hoipilaluy u and borvlco to be dhtpetjsed new wonder land theatre d hldav july cs union of tho not hi 6 part with mnrgiicntu clurk matunnav joiuv eo sons f htiton mohuavjulvdi umx utuido or tho hrokeu cotn and tliu flmt opluodo of ivg a tho uliig with flruco cimurd und 1rtinclh iohl r l gregory

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