lie trtait sfrcc te riiuiwiuv aunuhi irium who have not thiven v jglily imw thin truth fltmulit mm tlio in driven i they fail imi tlmj ulniio ulto imio not trlvu hy far o tliftif huht ii doubt rcilmiii i lit itaiimt men from dill ilpujttlr mid idle drmlitjr high hveii u emnjiw lie ltl uod itlvan i thay hi mix they aleiie who imv not btrlvnn aroyale i yeast makes perfect bread ihcoiuja in n hlackehs oet back vtwttoirlcb fahuor tli war correijuinil hl wsmulalug about fnglaud kvery thing is wr war uur atr titer lie ssul iwr help tlio young bih who l not in khaki he ii ia a ilreitft frd time now and then thoiiuh 0110 of iiimo auekam h tlioy ere called got a bit of 1u own itaeu a slacker for example wna passing uruot camp iimr fjoiidon whan an ntcrnm gartriati shouted at lilni from tho barbed wilt fence 1 hey kitchener vants you 1 lis ald tgtb slacker famiied wiat t he ld kilcksesr vaatsyou th herman r- rjui wallby jop said tho uekcr ui got you all right i qufnt usllki two obi mlturt ut smoking in a cabin far away in tit backwoods no uouiu a babd luttcrauj that douula and grlue rjgbd sup vhaootivarastlort turn fed frotd uil tot ouovlllg vsju mkl tu eldr of tw two villi s dkawl i did ftt ortb ol thul llw took bruits wuiut but ieoslditevrdooayuilnk wllili what wu the kitcb aiujultwl tk aw wj evtry oa o tkoi tlrs rip bjiuj in ua u144 way with th u wvfj iv as tuy all utfun will tw w c dlji an i nvr got any furthar veiy 10c packet of wilsons fly pads 1 hour nir thiii suck v t uhmfd claatt to imtilc sdd by all i3nia gist g n j id gcnral btore ulshiosuu couu any tfclag ulur ihuoniu tba poiet of tmu uarisoa liun tt follawlug ou tooroblog day whan hla cotnrad wrw marly prottmtml ha waa w carvy lag btj owa gaa iad anothar man a two eirti4dtf bvltj two knapaek uad a doff tta odldul atoppad blu laoli brt you maroliail all yurdy ad you fought all buanlht tha eoloaal id yu alraald lbs yoaa soldlar ira pmtially wall tbo wliat ara you oarrylaa tbi dotffiwl luoaaaj oolooel aald ui aoldlr um haa tirad ohildron ory ror rletchers c ulf last wohds tb following issija took jiuoe ba- twmu ooubui nwl wltti in k duputad vluca imd your father glva you no parting ad- fcuoaltloaf ilts haver gve muou away ab any i ttwan wbat wn itu hut wordi i tiiay dont concern you ttay not onlyooaoarn ma air remark d tta barrlitiar anrly but rbay oon earn lb wbela court o 11 rlih w u10 taply fatui aald tlpofltliaveiiotciuliia wlton rmgnao jim oa4 uwyaro u tlio lilffct thlovou uu hung burdock blood bitters cured dyspepsia xjnitm tha stoaioch is kept in io fcbap vour food will not dlteit propuly but trill came u tiling aud lourlni tj food tmitxm of niwueu in tlie itomncb palnj u the itotuacli or a fating omu m ituvy wbjjt wcm lyhis uiere burdolk blood hitter cannot be uriwuatd u cure for dyiperiija and all itaajlkdtroubk mr jtahua k burnt balmoral n 9 wtlu4i about twoyahatoxwanbadiy troubled with dydikpah and could not tret any riw x tried most everythltiir uot tvta the doctor awning to do we mty tool oue day a friend told tne to try burdock blood bitten as fie bad mm it tdvertlim i did ao and by tbe tlm tbc dm bottl wot b 1 felt tetter and after uinx thru bottlea 1 waa oui- tdctely eurtd i bbihly recoramend it to ui wvtret from dyapepau b b it b maqufottttrtd only by tbe t utibum co umlt twooto out oittmilo llinmlt uf ikkii ujiiii ill lit 1 1ontit ivutittlitit twuiity two of tlm bmllnu ilonnlu of truiln of ontario imvo in into n pronontiitlonu to tlio ontario liworn- mottt for a morkniiuatlou of hu for cttro tort ion uyatom tim lloardu imvo opnchlnl two hi- sdna tlio roorcanlkutlon of tlin nnorci to au to prnvltlo for dupor- v ui on and innimictlon both in tin bead oftlcn mid tlio hold iioconilly bat tlio aovomtnont nboubl mnktt aomo rrfort to kaop down tlio tlmlwr dauiaicn rcnulllnff fnim uottloni cloar- iujf tiron for tlio lattor pnrpoao it ban boon diiuradiui that a nyatcm of pr inltn liimud by flro ransom to nnt flora i n ui ml in y to bum hirhii in tlio lielhliborhooi of forouln nlionld irn irlml out in n tow tornlltlca ao on ilelormlnn tlio ih at procoiliiro rim permit ayateni ban been buceihfnily olmiratod in queboc and drlllnli co lutabla for aovoral year it bo 1101 atilattonlud tbn hottlor wbllo tavlnif euormoun otxaa of timber tito wmeaprail doniojul fur a eon vral roeonatructlon of ontarloh for tkt protection plan in flinlltik iym- patbotlc conaliloratlon 1 1ir min uter of landa anil fore at who dur i uk tb pant yenr baa iwcn oxrrod itljlly buay wltb other rrmirlol dotlco tbo proacnt foroat cuunllnr ay alt m of tb provlnco ban boh rdaluod for a sfaat many ycaru prartlrally wllb out alteration it in complained tbnt tbo riittfar wbllo muturlrally sum clat ar left to tliflr own dovlctu bdj as wltb a body nf nrtlnana in a factory cannot ami do uot perform tbalr fair duty to tbo ubarnro of atrlet dlulbllua and a fciuarantoa of pirtdajttkit oiaployniont vortat rank iujf accordlna to moilcni practice ro- qulrwi akllldd toon and iklllod over ba or the oupondltuna of public uiohoy la coualddrably waited tbo protvoaau of auch bodto aa tbe com mission of conaorvatloh tbo caua dlan forestry auolatuu and tbolr auportem la that tbo forest kuard lute bytteiu of ontario iwi placed uudar a special quallllcd otilrrr of tbo departuieut wlm will bavo nu tborlty to rebuild tbe prcaeut oer tbe wcond proposition aa out lined by tbo boartla of trade la that the tultt to valuable timber tracts caused by aeltlara flroa abould tw put under aome form of control llrltlih columbia and quebec now prohibit a aettler tn a foreated dla- trlct from octtlnk out a elearlusf hro until be baa consulted a format rang or tbo ronaer la nearly alwaya close at band anil advliiea tbe farm er to pile bla ulaab in the middle of bl clearlnlt riot aualnat ataudlhlf timber aud not to aelmt a dry or windy day for applying tbo torch wltb tbeae almplo inatructloua fol lowed be luuoa a twnnlt ood for a number of days tbo sarvlco to tba settlsr la delddly of vajue for twrlfoua area are obviated and tha timber oau of tbo djatrlct as kit alive ontario now ban no mduui of druventluat wboleaalo dutruetloti off precious pi no and apma and hard- wooda from aettlors flrorf and ti loaiea to tbo pro waco amiually avr treat timber doatructloa fa all mim ef canada is rolaif on at a rata wbjob if unebecked must load ovr sofl wood uilnjt induatrios into- awrioua dlulcultloa ontario ajauo ha 9064 wood ualng indus tries and st t cent of tbelr wood riulrmtru or obtained within tha provlae thea loduatrlea dlatrlbuted la aaarly ovary towu and city are no mom secure than tbolr foundation of for est lukterlalo it la just as impera tive that tha living treea wbleb an intended to uphold ontario indus trial and ry ahoota abould bo insur ed by govaramonta against tbo plague of flro aa that buildings and plant should be insured when it la conildorod that ttua limit holder mutual aanoclatlotia la queboo provlnco bavo built up etf- clont ayatoma of foreat protoctlon at a coat of about ono tbid of a cent per acre for flro protatlon an effi cient ayatem in ontario would in- voir little if any additional coat a third of a cent an aero for proteo- tlon mikoa a ry mtnuta ahowiuaj bealdo a magnificent pi foreat re duced to charcoal tor lack of decant care it has been estimated that for oat urea in canada mostly provent- lblo deatroy moro wealth than would pay the annua interest on the last dominion loan of 100 million dol lar how to keep well i1vjoiin tth mrouixomjh u pln iiiir iuvwhu w i uk ilmvinofaiu iioa1u ok iikaii ii oonhkimitiow poiin nttown bnd noticed for aomo tlnio tbnt bo wnii not up to tlio murk in tlio mornlnif bo fnlt vory well but tbrouidi the dny bo herniiii ind iiloopy h a llltlo feverlab fin bnd htid 11 idluht tick ii 11 j rmudi fr n motith or two but did not couuli up nnythliir om- ftr moon bo folt n warmth boh i ml hla brenntbnne und nt tbo karnv tlmn ii 1 bud n sulty taaln in hla mouth kollowlnk n tlrklluk in 11 in t brunt bo rmiciiil mil broni lit up n fow tooupoonfulrf or brlidit mil blood 1 bla uhidiird bin frlumlii very much mid ho turnnd pulo hla hnndu worn old uml pornplruli n broke out on lilu forelntnil hla molbor uont for thn ilicfor wlm camulikd bin 11 oho throat ami rliout and finally old blm the blind canin rrnm lilb rbent lr wna plamd in com mitihn ami tied nnil old in bnop pilnt nid tbnt he noml mnt hilll imi iii ot linvr miy four for tbo blot 1ii111 tbo phyalrlnu took i nnmplo nf tbo material that john rourbml up and fouur nu ho mii i 1 led tbnt bo wna autferliiu from tuberculoma of tbo lunjra con 1 iiiptlrn in 1 rnium or hplltlnk of blood in uino raatu nut of ton ot mm hi rm 11 lonli conkoatlon bronchllla benrl tllacnae nnnurlam mi mi 11 1 r 1 it i 1111 1 urnrvy one out of every twontytlve caaoa of con- aumni 11 rtirt u hi a niiiht ih morrlmiro in one out pf every alv cases tber ir ii ii 1 kyniplom in two out of ovory tbrno cobhm thero ih lintlnr to i 11 on n in morrlmre tbo patient when quint notices a hnlv 1 nt 1 it 1 hill hrblhiff rourliu uud up enmea thn blond ii 1 no rnrly lif m n ikiri n urn novor fatal hut tbo npponranco of blood ffltflil n ifit pioplo and pnrbapa it la a anod thing to iiowm the bemorrlmiic lirfiiun i in n reliable danger algnal a pillnt of tlli ttlpil nbnuld le kept quiet in bed for a few day lie uhu i inn ii 1 irdlrlnr ewcopt in raees whpre ho fa vrry much frlkhtened pr 41 fcil it l or the dnrlnr may alvo blm aomo sedative lin muat not got afitiii iinlh mirb w h kpy aromatic aplrlta of ammonia elc ir tlie aldo rron 1 rli b in liliiilnt ran te dlbtlnkulahed be abould he on that aide ruini nt hemorrhage after a few days he may get out f lit i in lor npit pit ilirinrk riding will bo good excrclae for blm and ik may tin n ihtto outdoor work outdoor air and good food are the requisites for ire atovi nil tlilni n pnllent whn bus bad a slight hemorrhage and rvar- other ronaumpllvr should avoid the use of the numeroua advertlaed cun for oiibiiuioloii none of tbetti ore of any value in the treatmut of thl dlpritre noittn r them are poalllvrly harmful jt i hihtrt awi ahwkiw anawnrx to quratloiia pertinent to public health will from time to time be rwiif in thin column the qucatlona should lie short and tn the polul if it ih not advlsablt t reply through tbu col u bin answer will be made by letter if stamped rnvclapo la enclosad i htwinlbrlllj ih runi of oot ittu a hu puatra a a ci iri q in a ca nf aearlnt fever r other contagleu dlaeaan la tbe local board of bealh obllgid ti take car of tbe patlnt provide uursca doctors aud medlclnet a riio imbllc llralth act itocllon 88 hiibiuctloti i and 1 refers to thla qufbtton aa followa kb ii h nny iwraoii cohjibk from abroad or rcnldlng in any biiinlclpillty vllbia ontario la infictsd or baa ncouily twen 1 11 rw tod wltlu or exposed lo any coinmuulcoblo disease to wlilcb killrio w thla itlou a by ttio itoaulatlona made appllrbto iskii rut il ithikvu the tiifcdkal nqlcer or health or iowa i bnnid nbnll make ebectlve provision for the public aafny n rcnifit injt such person to a separate bouse or by otberwlso leolilliig blm an i ly pn vldlng n cdka attendaac medicine nura and othrr asslat- sneo jnit riarlca or blm riio irporstlon of the municipal y slmlt be entitled to rornvrr from aucti pnrsoil tbe amount eapendad in providing such modleal atloml ance medicine uurw and other afslatonco nud ncrri iii f i t or sarlra for blm but not tbo inpenillluro incurred in in lxn nsi vldlng a separate house or in otberwlso fgolnllun ill 2 qro v rtu s kb t 10 co iimnnlrnblo dlseaaes r4ferrd to in this acctlons are nninlp rnriot f r dlr 1 jcrla chtckon pov wbooplugcougb mranlou ivpbo fvir ciiol ia buboni plague leprosy epiduilo aatorloriioloujyilll cud ooiottiilc corebroapinol nuuluglua tm awrul war odptaln jehu uuuoii tnt a toat arrival frotd tlte alleodttreaadcpmil lly got lata e chat wltb blm or eoadluoea ibar tb new arrival told flngly of tba tenribu tell nf tbe war upon the mr land of bootia tlie sad uls of young men kllud and naalwed tha auffarlesa of tke fauliu uft boblad ill waa a right sad ula la avary way why moo were jut plam dlstrseut wl it lie conclude and i suppose the war ha estuad tbe priee of provlsiona to go up la seouand oa wall oa everywhere eemuented cap- tale btaveosoa wlthhympathy aye men yere riebt agreed tbe visitor proveuloiisbasgons up la price axpaooe the bottle argonaut vou never en tell a man may lie perfeetly honeab and still have a diner ant mnhtell avery time it rslnib taere is no use in being aonoerrisd about- it even if a imrtflar is in the bouse lie probably undbrslonils bla business and would mubli rather not m aumrbed if tbe sultan of turkey lost a couple of wives in moving he will never know thedlffarenoe tbe floyer that ideou in tlie spring trau have everyuilas to do wltb the prion hllent hue tbe latast uout cokine noil v uaonweli in c vo of cobour oat receiv ed mi into rue ting lottor from hla eon sural ted macnaclrtan of the iti hittciy lat ilrlgodo o v a in bel- liiiu wrltton about motith ago ltt wiiioli ho otatca that thero la a white c nam 0 1 led bo da toad in the dugout u1icl1 be in occupying tlio bano of our oulgtenaev he nitya la tlio oftroplono we have to bn vory corotul absolutely no move 1 nt whun tbo slunal la given the orrmananrn untnit to ue tuw shell illod localry flllont hue ttvo of iliom burnt uenr ub tonight they iloniml lo bup in without 0 auuud tlin fin m o lttov nf was a bans in tmt or 1111 nnd lpllntera flying about t in 1 snmll nmll nud doai not seem to bo vory offsicllvo atiotliet lvsrwtry nnitauon oejued tho war olllcft baa cauod for an other ciinjmlitin forestry battalion of 1600 mjn tho ssath ilattalloii uudor cammnnd of uoutcolonol max medougall has do bo such ex cellent work in kr and scotland n aiding the naval and sltip building industrloa that thn aocond battalion or this naturo bus boon outborlkod at tho request or tlio nritlah authorities und reeniltlnat will wkhi jmmedlnte- jy in tho lumbejrlnk dlstrlu s lieut colonel j n whito of montreal fprmorry of the niordkni pulp a msr oomiwv nd now with tbe 334th ovoreeaa hag besa kecalled to onranlie and ceimusjid the new regi ment castoria vof infant 1 and c budrea in lft ror ver io yttt aii snatre aainre of i mqormenmuebtrouu butholioway oen ouirrf otfera a apeedy aura and saiufaetosy relief pleusnt mediolne ror oh lldren is mother flrave worm ek ternlm tor and uiere la ttothlitit batter for driving worm from llionyateiu a niteudllirifi is a peimun who sav hi money for a rainy day mid ibo ptm for win ill travelling the ro ad to sueoesa wm tie peoikl ulwuya wunt toeut aeross lots mwiny lett uttio glri frrti dysentery umwm feared yuw dr rowtinfs ertrtwt wild sfrmrittn dyacfltcrr tnanlfcal itself whh vorybtg degree of bitetulty but hi well marked ease tha attack ti commonly preceded by lot of appetite and some amount of dianhoea which gradually inmost hi severity and i accompanied with gripm psbas m the abdomeif the diachargee from the towel succeed each other with great frequency and the matter passed from the towel which at first resemble those of ordinary diarrhoea soon change their characttf becoming scanty mucous or slimy end aubiequently mixed with or eonsutmat wholly of blood never neglect vhat at first appear to be a alight attack of diarrhoea or dysen tery may set la ourethefirstaymptoni by tbe use of df 1owle ltraxt of wild strawberry mrs john xvterson radvllle hask write i cannot speak too highly for dr kowlereustraet of wild strawberry x nearly lost my little girl aged three year x took her to the doctor and he told ue her temperature was 101 and forbid ue taking her out to our bom six mile from town but x wa forced to go on account of leaving my small baby borne we manared to get her home but the fever did uot go any lower and we thought we would lose her awe a she was su bad with dysentery she even passed blood a neighbor came in and brought dr vomit ttttract of wild eurawberry ami told tne to give her a few doses this we did and the next day she took a change for the better but it wo quite a time before she wo on her feet again x do believe if it had not beea for or fowler tny little one would hava died the genuine dr powlera is menu- rocttued only by the t mlluim co umlted toronto ont price sb cent iw a caitutss k0mhmt a fcpark fll from a workwana pipe ssmatf the kavlafts of an unflntfthed build ibjf and 1b an houra time tbe structure which had already 00t mm tha of hard wotk waa a beep cf ruins two young u through tli auryeareaf their osuefte hie bad built up as atluau and uiightful friendship ami then 00 day cm of thou lost hla tamper and in fifteen uli ulu that bosutiful frlandshlp was only a remsmbranoa the ferow of daetruotlon work vry rapidly oompared with the ooo- struetive forces be on your guard lest o a oaratwa momant you destroy tltat which you ware month or yera la build- ing ohildron ory for fletchers p a ah umluckv uunbeb a man dialog at a esfe observed uiat though he had ordered oa doseu eyaur be was served only eleven the noxt vaelng the asms thing ooeured again then tbe diner became somewhat irritated why h demanded of tbe waiter do yea serve me only eleven oysters wlw 1 ordsred e dozen f tho waiter bowed apelagetlosly idldn think youd want to be sitting thirteen at tubls ar 1 a sluggish liver causes lots or trouble hohg is kistt willie donee was playing with the rob- insoti children nest door when luncheon time earns mr ttonlnson ssksd hlu ii h woiildnb like to stay no thank you said will la i think idbeturgo home my mother will be evptollng m suppose i ulepboae over and ask her if yeu way stay suggested bla hostess pleas dont do that mr rehlnsee said the boy earnsstly weve gofcoeoof nut pie for dessert today and your cook told me youve only got prunes unles the liver is working properly ctnay look forward to a great many hies arhung such as constipation severe headache bilious headache sick headaches jaundice sick stomach etc mr shellawortb 337 albemarle bt halifax ks write x take pleasure in writing you concerning the great value i have received by using your mubum tnuuver puis for a sluggish liver when my liver got bad i would have severe headaches but alter using a couple of viols or your pills x have not been bothered with the headache uiy more mllburn lmilirtf pill are with out a doubt the best liver regulator on the market today twentyfive year of a reputation abould surely prove thl mllburn laxatjver pitt are 25 cent per vial ft vials for si 00 for sale at all dealers or mailed direct ou receipt of ptlce by the t mubura co limited toronto out help for asthma neftteat glveeaatfania a great advaatog the trouble ouee it has seoured a foothold fattens its grip on the hronblsl pasugea tenaoioualy br j d kellegoe asthma remedy u dally curing oases of attbua of long sundlng years of su bering however might have bsenivreventedbadthe remedy been used whan the troum ws in it first stages bo neb neglect asthma but us this pre psrttlon at onoe ohlidren ory for fletchers castoria mlltarn wertn powder not only enter minale fiitetlnsl and othsr worms but they sre a remedy for many ether ailment of children they strengbea thn young stomach against blllouansm and are tonleal m maa kow wor iulr in their evat where tbsehlblsunvr front i fc uy keep it strictly to themselves for less of sppstlt xn feverish eondltioa i they will he found useful and they will i ifapplnes often consist in a judicious serve to sltoy pain and griping in the stomach from which children so often suffer the i04a most sddlotad to wasting time or those whose time la not ibalr own when a woman psuae for rstteetlnn look for the mirror choice of the things to be forgotten there ure plenty of people who like to work other eopl itlaeasy tadisrretlit youmelf by cretllt- ing olhcrx overmuch j fmimlis wmtm ifnlf n mllllm iuit ti kivry wh k i wuatelii nny fonu in extrnviiuniiri i but whim tlio nuitorlnl ripr ui nt d ny waulo roiiiilltutim n uovuro drill n li pan thn natural roiimirm 11 of our country it is nil tho moro to ho doprocatml todny nil tho countrhm in tbo world nro uiitftirlnu from 11 iierlmm mhorlugo nf p ipnr innkliik iiinlorlnl inrliidlul dd pnpm in 11 11 uiuumvor to ovorcomn tblu ithortiijjo they urn drawing heavily upon oaubillnu sup plies nnd ntiti larno canadian manu focturer advises that thin jncmnood demand will result in an early short- ago iii canada thin la especially trun or wanto papor such as old news papers magaslnos wrapping paper etc till stock is used lu tbo manu facture of tbo cboaper grade of paper building paper tarred fnlt patent rooflnu millboard and till ing for cardboard ote tbere or at present three mill in canada using reclaimed paper exclusively la their manufacturing canada i wasting fully koodoo pound of paper weekly without any reosonsblo oxcuso ft is estimated that a ton of wobdpulp reqnlrest bight trees averaging nine inch at thn butt to replace thl waste of paper stock therefore ueoealiam the cutting of approximately 3000 tree weokly or over 100000 annual ly in canada foreat as an illustration of what may bo necompllahed when wssto paper 1 saved nnd systematically collected the tvaultn sac u rod by tho beugbtsr of tho implro at ottawa may be rltod in iloptember lost thl oraran- i rail on undertook to collect wb pnpor tlio procoed from it ash to bo usfld for patriotic purpoo lino thla collection was instituted p- proxlnyitely c ton hav bil hwcltir- 1 tooltbly rompod almost enilh- ly of aid unwspsper which had bn previously bumd or otberwu de stroyed tbe sattfifactory vull indkcate that tho re i room for a eonaldarahle clnrgomcnt of thl project it 1 work that might be ubdirukn by municipal charltu for the purpoe o hcrurlug funds or by other lntr- oiib wllh a popular object in viw fruo thorp am certain deaur eaj-ry- ln on thla industry at prmbt but tony liovo failed to scuro the sup- lort nf th public which is necessary to tbo plsn nf aavlng tho paper from tho homos and dellvorlug it to dig- mtd placis who cvory effort is being made 1 co is rvo our formats to protset them from the ravage of are and wistnful lumbering methods tho public abould ulvo more attention to navlng holr old paper and to sim ilar economics which may reduce tbo drain upon our forest a nud otbr re sources conservation till ucottihii flmiut a 1 h001 oh hcoua uws itivalvd ifr tldoj to ittlcrfcrv tbo following lu un abaolutoly truo toronto anllatmontatory given with n alight cbanco of names airs cuiupbolle son bad enlisted for tbo war much to bla mother a dis may but her troubles wore intensi fied a abort tlmo afturwards by bar busbaud also joining tho colors hushing breath lowly into a neigh bors house tho other day she ex claimed do yo kon wbas oul is ted noo lira kylet no your gudenian i hope mrs campbell replied the neighbor for bos past tbo military ago lang syne yevo guessed rleht un kyle tho daft loon jlnod tho battalion tbl moruln- susd thats a sure aa dalth ouidaako ure campbell and boo did your man coma to mak ale a full o hlraaelv woel you eeo un kyle thl raorntn vlwa ho was waltin for hi breakfast bo picked up a copy of tha morning paper and there bo sat reading tbo news o the war an drew never aald onythlng to me but went oot at hi usual tlmo and as x thocht ho waa gaen to hi work but loan aboot ton oclock in ho coma wi a bundle under his arm tbo also a the family washing what havo ye thore andrew says i and whats wrang that bring yo homo at tbl oort what wrangt nay ho every thing wrung havo yo no read tbo raoruln paper wummant did yo no see that tho gorman had dropped bomb on scotland from their zeppe lins i toll yo moggie ay ho tlioy can bombard bin gland a much an thoy like but ill no aton for tholr loyln a linn on scotland ao 1vo enlisted and this la my uniform xlndlng n market tho british columbia government s actively engaged lu investigating now markets for tbo magnificent lumber produced fioru hor immense forents tho stand of merchantable timber in nrlttali columbia la estimated to nauh tho otiormou total of fotii hundred billion foot 40o00000o- 000 board racaauro which is over n1f tho totnl of nil canada tho nnmml cut is nt present in tho 11 lnlihorhood of only nno and a half billion root 0600000000 board iiilnnnro tho foronta can thore- fore supply iidounltoly a ylold con- moral 1 riiator than that llrltluli columbia location and export facilities demand that ovcry oirort bo mado to no euro a full nhnro of tho oxpnr lumber tntdo but tbo umln murkots for british columbia forcnt products are on thl continent in proportion to population can- ndi uses moro lumber than any other country eastern canada eon- iitltutoh a natural field for tbo epan- nlnn of llrltluli columbias lumber innrkctr particularly now that tho ii mine canal render direct wator uhliiuoht possible tho forest area nf kautnrn canada aro already un- iblo to supply tho local demand this in eloarly shown la tho ofnelai re turns of imports heart ipabpgtated would haw to sit up in sust rctr as if smoyiiettina mr francis madorc alma p ie i write my heart waa in such a had condition x could not stand any excite incut and at time when i would be talking my heart would palpitate so that i would reel like railing at itlhl when x would go to bed utid be lylnu dowii for a while i would have to alt up for ten or fifteen minutes a i would feel ai though x was emothcrliig x rend hi the dally paper of a lady who had been in the same condition as x was and was cured by using mllburus heart ami nerve pills so i botijiht a box and ihey did rue so much good my husband got another and before x had used hall of the second bos x was completely cured i feel as though i can nevir lay cunueh hi favor of your heart out nerve pills milbum heart nud nerve illjn nn cmnpmcd of the very best hunt mid i nerve tonic nud ktluulhiutu known tr 11hm i tr ileal scleiirc nud lire for wle nt nil tlmmanwhobmllbteitmaylebylng to len wi mlll dlrctl by hie toe hi ohsnee who knows y y mllburn co limited toronto onl la w man lueky iteoaume b la happy or i merely happy uoeua le 1 lucky t lvlce co cent per box or 3 bout 1 lor sli2fl children cry for fletchers 5 iastorla vlio xundi you havo alwrtys uoaglit antl tvltlch baa iboon tn ua for over so yotuti liuu ihurno tlio algnaturo of anil xiam boors inudo undor 111 par- honnl hum3rvlulon hlnco its infant y allow no 0110 to tlocolvej oulrs till all coantorfoltw vniltatloiut anil um bufi aussmirimcutu tliut trlllu wltli nnil onduniror tlio linultli til inxant and clilldwstt uxprlcnco uiruluut luynorlmont what is castoria cakiorla la a linimlcim nnbutltnlo for cnstob oil xr- uorta lropa sniil kmitliluir myrupti it im itloouant it contains neither oldiiin ttxorphluo nor otln r kurootlo stubtancmi xtu sttro l ltu ifunruntoo it duutroyu wemu end winy xovoirlulinesh 1nr moro tlmn thirty yw it luut boon lis eoiihtuiit iiho for tlio rwlliif of comttlputlon rintulouoy wlml colli- nil toothlmf trouble und iiarrliaia it stfiiluten tlio htiinnuli and llowel aselmllatem tlio iootl klvldof li ultliy nnil xiuturai alp ttta childtvnu jci10 slothcry fatand genuine castoria always fbeoxa the signature of in use for over 30 years tho kind you havo always bought scenic river cruise loo ha dayttgbt round trip to wauacabar jrtiliimuuliitfimitwj luh ibuulbvbnmkjill cuu u ub cij ijw1i kli rwot si cusw sw cwrf lid ft usu aas f wj vnti i tf lu luua imnr i r r tun stud trip fain svwrtbetreh houdayfi 100 iswcsftmi yuolmtlawwj ftou ml twy w k iumuumii dllaa itm he vua vasdjc dauexcittuedye ktebnitba s sjsp3 tetttr vfcvdmd ilimku lwkl m ii rg sxku fjilnbrin aup wpola itluj ilftlttr nuiuu i ftwo diw mj alwa ctraitwalutcedu3 tcahsnii uhat tlvlh p a ii twkk wui n w rtk 11 k i i ii llji jlllfhlj- a rl c ulldlcll t4jjyuswrf- atitiiuhfmw iiut ii empire business college the only college in canada teach ing all typawrher keyboards six months course day 40 night s20 expert instruction in pitmans shorthand typcwritinp booklcecptnc and all othur sub- tecth necesiiary to equip ou with a thorough mmncsh education 346 broadviow ave toronto ontario profklcroit williams mfg co limited hincipal mr p m douglas ygs334lwwxi kwmlwi3f the grand trunk railway kabbbinohn titfalfwb no w no hi ns reduce the cost of living put up lots of fresh frails wb bkll kanuiatid and icinc sugars j r livingstone mill wt aotow slmmef session now pea in shhw a hutlticii iclkiu toronto contltiuu until aub tint afitll wlien lall trrm llln no vacation intcr auv tlm ftc calaloktia wrlto w ii hmaw 1lilacnt hct0n jlix v jit x x and bus lim6 havlatir purcnatcd the llveryand uoodwlli nf the ihisihss from mr a uccanu i solicit with confidence the patronage of the public comfertablu rl supplld si reasonable rates titvacui attention to supplying conveyances for woddinga and funeral meter cars furnished when k quired uu ubcketw alickalwa l e atkinson mill st acldn onl vaag sad cuaiue utraau i vohohto dhymmio was sabaj loj 111 mof tbibln uof ti a lhay bsj tpjaat jar- iaa ui i wrwtttnuuii wrlta nv7 ic4- imuxs usihlutf ttowto c4n4q hhsihmbilhiihsluhsimmhhutlutlhh mhwhuwwwuhbjhhblh u i blue and lack suitings h u u ii w h w h owlim ttt w ir iniililluiir i ill tvtv dye wuntcdn und w j mirgci uru iiltiitxi unpowiliu tn jintup rtnlly fniit dyo clotha w l i im fitrtiuiiiu m luivnij hig tlocli of i irt colors guaranteed h w miiuh und wiilii lun ol nuda m nrum nro tlio mmv for w bomollucu nt lufnil tlio rlhl in ruiii hi lliiti ilotlm place your jj 2 onlvr for hiiit luiv nt puritit prim 11111i kavi- nmuo gotiuiuo w w all wool riiirmitnl mrktw xt irtiu nt ur unit tfummlo h r e neiibon 8 merehant tailor menvs afuitninhet hhumnbusumwhmumush1xh wvudhjun stvea s ausaiipii ohy m imishwhuhnutlhwbiiwathhhwhslblw boots shoes bubbbrs i5 all lines footwear at right prices all man s rubbers at bargain prices w wtlliams mill street acton mo saxes stores news this week special sale of uncus and shoes special sale nf kai carpet iulc yard full line of groceries m 1 axe uill si aoton acton creamery this is a permanent business we have a uellequipped creamery it is profitable to uo and will be continued without interruption we pay farmers the highest pricei for cream and we pry canh every time cream is delivered nu danqer of our going out of busiiicitf m saxe co acton cement k cooper acton cement contractor for bridges silos walks floors walls etc also agent for do laval silos separators etc high grade portland cem ent for sale atents nmtlom khmuok ml unhotlty 61 montreal