pwsffplff voximis xiiiimfo aa ht jvttmt sftt tt atarv natmrltll fa 14 fu al ttvhitl till junal uokmimo savage co katabluhod loiu jeweller fiuam nrr7n vtwl fllklih iuirdij0 mit uiuur acrow owy uajaaj imaua all attlmfil4w ulotiabj wttaat tl iutw fur wiiiclillwy liv l mu m ajia4 tit lliu to wllull fcwv kwly ted u fail u luuoiaj oil itla hucmkul arvurttlbil lutka trail- htu- hul id tatita lv wmitll lib for bnl laearfon sbi s taula lj- illij fw walt fcalw u im w lull- wot p unmol taoaa ov luali taii luwltau yiil wuuj so traaalol tnalw ai 6u1 l i it i irmt- irk ajtmtw- will u u euuji or l ukaumki raar i j hiaj 11 t iooalat ou nj rluim watckuukcrs and jewellers savage fif co- ciidpb our acton ontakio t1wbb1ay mottndtno novtemjlki 0 u1 waaiitrtjj felixdorxi rinllosj crav u dcu utoiljl vuvv hit jiow mwhv fcajyiaaf aiabioaj ikuvb vu- j 1 ucvivhw h f t tjjfuuil ej buwo orrmlkp bluidufacsi crf uhitajjaka lunuuwuajljllwuuw iawary bell pianos i built to last a ufetime the raobt substan tially built piano the piano with the sweetest tone the easiest action the neatest case more than soap lifebuoy soap i a perfect boap and a perfect nntueptie net- inrt together in perfect unity it rich nbun- unnt lather mkcs itrf icliiilit to uce lifebuoy health soap ivui y health y w4 jj j vour kuda kad f wllb it by btll4 fcnd kkw- tkwinj with ii tha hu til otueh 3idh til crick i mtn purty wall donunuil lv my iibljiltborn nil hiiow i ilaoc rt ko uiuoh dlmouml 7 i lo k liltf or cow i f u borim rauln ui clvr an ttlali foutulani bl fool kif i ilant ub lb m to lwurt i fjiy tny upon lb fcbu i want um uiawec lulck i whyn tl ttfchln nw-y- ullr ui lli otlif tld tit criou v alt kin ube awll worn in wimd tl tun u bbjuln fin aulu ili ully o yi nti kr nfunuui in autfuat wlnm tli clouilu i lutiuin low an nil tb tlfttu tby ull yli tliat it comln nit l blow tliyrk blflnwji wliaryir hut va know iltut yt ooufil pick a ltur jo t tijt in on ui other u tb crick of courm tbyv gob la iw umic lt iiiaybt hut it too luul ha ctnt bt i utur i itlofitumurauuj it rlly ifa tllaxl m hnl evf kiumi in wam m llttla lj n kllta nd ita btpr illupitolntuiant to blu if lookad m prlovod tonight i blgbad ura uotm ukltijf up houaabolj uajraxlita with th tnannr of oo who turn wlili ruf lo aontthlrir that kb ean tomrvhdd hut jack m tvot look prtavad hour lur wltait b 1unt into uta kllcurt with a whoop that iuda tba ohl bouka rlnff lw goin to pity batunluy bjj yjlal im rola lo jdtoh th blggat ria of tba muh i itu a corrtli tordi luomitur in lbl altiuiuo o hi in am ituin ttvy of ut tuti an ii i4 t bu tui fcrttartlkow idatbkirhfentllka idld in lu hppy thiya y wawtft iiltu kid wkh ilut wlnwh dowit to jwj wfttb ui hidi of uv wick iknnwtb ii uw jalioiurljdllr 1 liwulrvd ur oiihjw 4 orit ta va4laayy oetlw taafl imbafuit aliosb uulum will ht j hxakimnoir otrimmul lrywt la iwtua huof ou6koiuatijj i uloajf dooa maa uocty to load tuuia la atoaul uutv c w kelly c son 33 ilowar wyndhetm st ooelfh ont bonds bi store guclph iia iho tlnet uaartiiieik of huh wtlfliifl and kiddyhilkha uall slclh and hahy cullr wagon ltd hh ijh hntuelitha meljtha from lioc to 3fe iltm coastujrn iron yftc up mail ordhrh lkouitlvfllld the bond hardwahh co tlmltd rtiaoa 1013 ouulph g won by a s sacrifice s ltavkj rutv a uai1 ktojy hi y i system 1 vt j- v- hkll ldil i d rf aomx 1 baaa va iw u0m l ttmuusaa oodim a1ui nj prsufc uatu d1l l l hilnnktt dkwxiut cilbiauu u ciioaatowm aiffdczxajoopjc iiunoiu wduan uootcbludmu wyoabua ui otwlalb otkurio w but v asambt iuolia of ftll klada wja t mow l ario1bwtlaaiyfyjaafliitlanaaurajullbotjt i billcakamltfahlir01ttptivuu karaitblaob liokwueo if v uoorh laaubia ov uauuxim tlffinia fdvauoalm mowlthambattliwq imaaj raaodabmlu uia aaiu i r j mum ciunmuut alkiriomiiiib mr tba otkitttua ot wallliutan hmjiau pmj buim aoddusud with ajuuiamuci auj hmai imdart by latur to peton p a or cuuam half wb ajffliam u ta tuua ntj itairw- m aatou will rlv hut i vauuva buxom attar winter tours special fares now in effect to resorts in florida georgia north and south carolina louii- ianna and other southern states and to bermuda and the west indies i ceturo limit may jbl iw ubebal stop0vebs allowto for ull information wrlta lo c it horning vva union buiion toronto ont h s holmes ascent acton pboaa mo 13 qublph the home of good masses take advantauu of the apeclal railroad rntoato ho winter pir dccemlmr i si to 8ut and lidvg your uyo nowu proprly attend i cd to piflmd yean ukpohencr noadvonca in prices c c speight hardware- hfo loptjeuh v i cmij bit lu uh ud u ii clucll tljfbj jitk llrw wld it ukw to jubld tbawm fijut a fjur la tbl canuiry uot toyltlu ort nij wby caui i burn to bit it t hich tua aa- lu rh what wily utuo ciif hit fcij cant tlila jl t l kv it a locrt with rlkriilrl ulr whln tw uj atu to vliltu a tutia well it vmmilt itoia twllh baa fcu-oi- j jaik ami 1 h th ho ta ty tryla any lofgw iv piuoj lttli till avry flw thiat i4 bk douilu rubjj far far i ii uk blw to pltb bu fw lv tuttad up flui till i ut ibm la wy fclt 8ord ala mott to datb utx nutbt wrmlnln ami mroliln 8h rai a ruunls up iulr and i waa fcaitin att albt up n lad kmllul ayudl yilii to hms thd band aataethln1 auoat a gvouoda aba uld cliatr upidwld huchuia chaaf al ly h turuw la at hia owa gl i it i may oom to you yat j i ruaad if it do itll ha wb i u too old ami ftray to bohbht around lb huoa ratortad jack starting duaully up tb road toward bum juck raally baj una raauwt to ti dia- wal wbti a fallow can hold hi own agalnat aay pltcbar jn lh country it u hard to ba uft off tba uaw wliaaavar tba4 uahuoj rail ituporuum baoauaa ha cant ba ilapamlaj upon to lilt a ball of ham ifolooiahi rot to work ba ax plalttcj km toon aa ba tlattaj tha jltf twtoa arourul ma mottiara ebalr ktppjajf oh tba oata tull in lb promw with tluaauroua rnauiu to thut jmplijf follnaa paaoa ilia fathra fot a ijf iub onuc for lildtfua and of oooaa bstita rot to bra up la tha mill ao ita hia fo lla jtclrs bo r ifow dod ham lloaa ha falj hud aiul ao dna all tha it 4 ui aid jfeik bouiwjy hall tf bu fatter a ro which aaraa trlfla nuiuk i il i ovm to fl iwl too iwt i ot tan txoraa i vtouljo t want lo do it if fult wild jjy i irfvw thoojlt of ului in aayihlnj uiil i i ih o that ka 6uuutit jul- ilut nu wa lw it ii dad i uaa rtii t j- a i ttta all tbwa u to it i aitj 1 ui tl a ttw ut tltiurf ftij i not to pi in ulj do tla lj i ean far tba ujjx anj f ra i i rwljt fjlii yud to attla thdimv hal iw 1 i liiki 1 dao t tidu to ut ului lu u -fdll- ixi t worry nol tkt ajtlsl i u falbr aa oj wf it la up lo you row kfeit j ujuil tiji jwji a baij dux t 4 twamo- tliukln auit yv lllllnrf j jat kp yiktr ull oa tba ft ttt oo eu ljub ii la icaof tbla feoud ajvl bind pbnllaj a ivrmtiotf fhamihlj u tbafdet iliiill uuittaf avaa vu tw hwtot rvorj fr tba taavia ttura vu only om jjy ilar tba gt ifkua aj t tbacuaof tha nfiavtumta lvuiu h- vfth tturtib u ldjiuualy the paicb op selfrespect uv wiixmw m aduiam we auk all aofjiulntail with tha paraou who gala out of paying oar far ubatiairar ba possibly oan ih aacb cata whert ba auo oada tha railroad oomikiny loaaa flvtf canta tba in dividual toaaa hia aalf rpdt iflgura it out for youraalf who loaea moat unfortunauly tba praotlaa u not llrriltad to car- faraa- lit alaoat vry pbaaaj of hutoan aodaavor wa tnaat with tba paraou ws trlaa to at mam lh lug for hotblutf tw tluhnt who rat aorna tart of tbalr ilvlntf at tha pan a of lb hoaaat dlahonaaty la tlia oorrrot unit although it la pratiaj hi oaaaa by butuy who woubl raaaob tha atufhniaiit of that word to tbalr toalboda tba majority of tltaaa wlauidd injmduah wot faajr tlia oplulon of otbwa abd if wa war haat in ou eottuwpt of aali prctli thy unuld autooia tlbally phm itt buy itiatakowl w rale a mutaka wbad wa ooojooa duboosaly 111 any nark lai mm voa our protaat bjjlnat djaltoitoaty o avry typa tbj ui ua writ wall tba unt that ba ta who u mwllit to pay for what ha uta i faiak laff it naoaaaary f or atbart to pay tsora ucaum tba pnadutioat of bu twulaamta uteat ba uhl for rtlll if ba doo t pay for it wa tut- ahj ui ua taib t o u dubotaaly o wdt fcriucat ihi iy furm a ttahjarj of juf own arlf r thetelbphoheoinl lha talapboiurulrlaitaallll in bar elm i r an i ilktmih to voloa from wvary wbaro hha known u th ioaip bo known all lha jlia known who ia haipy ami who ba uia flhabhowaall our aorrowa aha kuowa all our joy blifl know all uia rrlrla who aro ohaalnff tba iwya hha bnowa all our troubla ha knowa of ouratrlfa hha bnowav man who ii aharp wltli hlawlfai hbo know avary tlm that wa aro out ort tha band i 81 know tba akouaaa uit aaeh of um aawl if tha tauploo c told half that tha it would turn all our frlanda into biurat hlka would aow a atrial wind thut would aoon ha a au fngulf ua in iroultlaaml land ua in lull i hba wcwu atart forth a alory wbloit pain intf lu fora wouki cauaa all our divora hita could ml all tba chukbaa wd up la a fjabt and turn our liriabt day into aorrowluu in fwtuiaeaulj ba ataw if al told but ca unh of tu thha4 that oh doanit it maka tlt old of your whirl wu1 tou think wba i4onatlrir to aua for hp tha whou town in i lit jnu ou o thatau would lava fjt i tu oaaia tl hta v ou ara da jich ftwx ball jixk ba mu but uava juuru4 to iau up to tba uuj ni kvaukllidla mua ara tba ba v ut biitaa lu i la bua ifakiuulaj a two baqf thla aiu rtooa tpola up jxba than uyally w aj bow uaay um du lt fculk out daoiajdaj iba iwuatuaa eaptalo- itaiatthatba nvr bits tba ball it lbt ha ao blatbaj ttaartaia about it i kotloaulut ba dona tbuslurttoon whan i laid liia to uaka a aaoriiloa t walupad it aayoutloto uft fhjd call bat laua ballf i duat maan to kttock it fco bard pottoul jack i lauadvl it for a auoh floa shatts telegraph school sivm thorough courb in oparutlna nd htatlon work by iwmoatudypuus or lo those wlio okimrl day or e nuaal write w h hiiaw prj3- jeiit j garrard kmi toronto uma4ut attaauou aetua avuiojty dalexnivjbn odtauio luldhmwayafe hatd cm1 i burvy bubd i vilona plans w hona ulueprltiu rpurchoura otid niort- frajfaea surveyu for architect bull ura and muolclpal council drain lf reporta hitiraatea etc imfthchant3 bank blioo aumtu woa todi out iburveya gultdlvwon vina ra- catrtlhcattmiornurchoaani and y bigs 1 womre cuiini b chbbubhs nook bindlut blib otmljtloul um uiui lu edld on auom llyui juitj waitu vourh vxaodtao electric stoves lamps and irons garden im plements oil stoves paints and oils clu- namel a specialty gramophqnes and all of the latest records call and hear them c c speight mill sfeul atoa that jtut it axaotly rvtortaj tba oapuln youva uo jadgbtaat at all wbao it ooeoaa to bavlua doafc iia to know wbara ou bit or bow bard you hit i im dola ruy b t ubl jack huubly ill praetloa all tba lima toelgbt aiul in morn in no dont do a thing in tba tnomlov oomnutulaj tha captain i keap youraalf oourw u tba uam uoka a good ptttaw i uma tlh u thing ara dlitaraol hot in uwy tbaa n m ptioa wnl i u mnj wara two toy who nauld pitob aqually wall jack uoaaa autd sam holooub and bam holootdba batuug avaraga lad tba ftijlu at hlfo la hut tba vdu woju bjj ba tilicj t n lulua ij iwui up tba quluu of iba autituia fifiaii tu ljurri j tbt toul la it fifty j rvsl tha tjl jkiuuimi it btaj ou6imlj aual in tba kau fclil ktkl eali rva r batwawa tba inalaa ta lbt atarytblar wa sji tbl i duut uluva bla utbar wvll ut bi tr jaik i tb- wby jit i bak blot to wia fcura r aabaj tba rajliuti a vvaoa- ita tba 8rt tbiicw lv w bj at uaf ui jack puawuj is it yor ebaoat w tba uwaa tlaca yuu bu tl ta ttlak of v qiillod tba vi pltluajy wjl i wod t do it aoakaj jajk udjaxily aaaajtlag aiowl lu ua aarawt fcuiav iara4 paafadi tifbt to pjltb tblaaa tnyajf ita duom to wa fair ad 1w afola to uia it- id ba a f oj bucto f tba voloa wa aluwwj auj jifik inar j fwrf ud aa ba bl to lha uiillna u q tt- j oil h ldi sfc j 1jiwmit lu fo t 6f hlauj r i mtlarfuub tba up tu ayw ui upti- a u vajuaaa iia oa tba uhla ljurr6rf ujlhij lu pu tl rvub lla l-fu- bj ful ttuh uojitaa inatafct wllk m krt tkjiril fa 1 of cfil poud fy tha firhu a awmaabujy a gut fcuutalhlog ls tu lis a fcuo1 tkltt i ejt ba tlru ibaa fu ca- til w wsubl 0 ot auia ynallinuu yi4 two wa antcjnbd luta fly 1 in a fw wlouua fcju j to i- tha iruai tfdata ir uw atj vw f jka aira l- iuo fvl bmw that dirt k i i bavar bukt lodua it- i wtak tlt bijf baak wbaa ya tvtftl jb wilhwut 6 ttaoa cj raxat la hta having dauuj to aula bu fcerlw ba koada it wbolab ut dly wllk bowlf piy ta ajiojl lu ftairo ha- wbluia illua at firat but bla luaajh aaoa bauaiua aboc ii took awy auaoa of bu atwvvy and uarva to kp that coal bhotj tfojnjf i ut ba workd auadlly oua aj a oo ba ataam floijf i h kaaploa it up ao far ba uid tiutj lba- bab- ifajfava tba ball a lltlla iatsa barkal itupajul tmwliownltluirralom ifuba wastbrouiisitfurlnwlv shj qoair ijaok ahtadalj loa blaya4as ba gufioad at ll uuija i k ii ui ba tluabl that ala to ud loraaultitula i ii jut ut oh a lltlu hxa lu hui will ua j 1 iiatfbull ut ma ply wa hnibt l tuat tbaauwa kaltftaj ibalavy abov fcjwt aufawl iomj lbo caj plu tb all turad i buk aa tha eltsur tlrvwn flor roa up lo fet hlu tu wiouua utr tw wbola uaw wbypj hka ttil urf dowt u llj lolu rwu lo utaiu into avlllari hhoclaj hi lid at lu c bf tha iujai nd id uipud bj- oi tba rliut uwlda tba uabov1 a ikaaalmtll twlud rlua to 6sw fidiy baiad hut bla aya opad wuia wbao tlwy ewrtj blu out into tba ooj alla and ba bauluj plwvkily lotoaaiioua fc- aa lby faaaaj osr blu cluinally aw out it out ba aald rrlaply lad ji rlubt twwt yea aoo prom ouy laaua of the pra ivesa ef tfaumuy dc 3rd 16dd a j i w fc wj i tba alit aonivwaxy of tha uathojii a luxdaajfl roar rajjw out froto tba ball i n i t icbukb was babj oa hurwuy wbad kr ifroaaj and an instant uia saw oaaaa it robtnoble war orders ttopnuntlniiuibblutlvjty u iln uixtly la w ordira ttumtnowenr will uih wllh kcloouuiw apeloj olrsujiubamtuiil nmsuli mntwulpnuu follow to prudmt ub will kuud nat uiu now b uvtat guutui- tw prt ol hi snubt earalnxa oruureuodlncojna 0 open a eivlim account wiui the bank of novascotia ecksaimaksi alrawchbb jtt acton gucipb norva auultoa and ctraullia taani naturally bau waa alwaya pub lo lha box whan tiara was a iiljr ffaosa to ba play ad haams if id filva moat anythlnjf to pilch that guwa with riitllndab satur day jaok ramatkad to bla motbar that avaalujf a ba balpad bar aball paaa fot tba nit day dtuar ivaroia uaw ourva that would maka atu tat up ami notlo aoma 1 m wby cant you f aakad bla mot bar i i doat think ita fair to alwaya baap you out tod baa play wby should you not pitch tbls uma f caua wava jut trot to baat m jaek avplalsad vraijulndala tad u bav ach won gaua this i tba ooas to play off tbotla you aaa i aint ffood battar uut baiua tba auraat hit tar on tha taabi ao of eouraa utayva got to bava blm- tba wbobj rama talabt lay on ona good bit you know j tha old and roliabla ilte and marble dealer utwaai abj haal a toil ol utaalta lalba ata mu ajtddoaoaaiotireiaaai wslfflafsvssj lmilton sons l harfdut aad wwlaub ftta ottatt a aot0n oiiahoii mauaur b3sr flour oa the market british columbia potatoes com chopped cora cracked com cboppod wheat brn and shorts i l waraen hanaohr itauuatmiojhm ha alal wlutar rm owh jam aad esslail w j wliliott pninoipjii tm oouutef ohiu halton commercial courses olauuku how opt n lutendlrir hiudatita should rtfffttar at tatlorttd t on u pp- mm macknljf ht principal rlhi aatobottt maaii aetou hlh nabool tbaoyou aboukl do tha pitching and ham do tba battlnjr tbat would ba fair all arourul daobwod ur- uoraav with tba air of oaa wbo baa found aa entlraly aatu- faotary solution for a moat dlfsoult probt jaoba uujth rang out loudly wblla ba dutupad tha but handful of pau into tba patj takea a wotaaa to flx tblrlra ba chuck lad but you aaa ma that wouldnt ba just uooordlit to tha 1016 rqta boob i tbau chaajfa tba rula t it aoootdlntf to oowtnoo kaom advised bla taoihar brlahly abow aba caauauad a b roaoaiulanbouaoadhla lotantloa of ivolag up to im ban if youva not tfojaff to play saturday wby dotityou f0 ovw to your aunt dalui lor a day or two i sboa baaa wtotiotf you and i wouldnt bauff nutul tba old uau ii they wouuae ut u play jack waja ao auatupta to aiiplalri to bla mother that tuob cosduoo would ba an- aportauanllke ua raallaod tba iluitatloaa of womans undsrataikllutf aveti wbib ba appraolatod bar tyetpatby oh ill atlcv around ba laid atod- uaturedly i mlflht eotua la bandy if saw abould fefc butt or anything- our jack haa tba waataatdlapoaiuon 1 ura ijoraa doourad as tha earrlad tba panful of pau into i ba kitchen whtwa bar buaband wu wading lb weakly baaunaj i think ilha boy treat blm maaa tbay navajr lat blu play in ut hig rama tbay always put satn llolaomb it j ut baoausa ho can bat battar and yat jaab uavr abowa a bit of bard itdlou and ba la u friendly aa bah ba wltb bau ua wont 1 avan go out to bit aunt deltas uttob aa bllkutofothra beoauaa bauy bau uljtbt get hurt in lha gama and lba tbay woubl naad blu it isnt many boy that would go in and play if sam did gat burt after belntt traatad tba way jaok a i j mr mora stnlud ab bla wifa ovaf tba eomaaoaup tqpluh for you and mind tonlgbtyouvagob to butra to nuka a aaorinoa it talgbt ba tba only tblmf that would ie tba gama tha eaptatna tavarlty did not crush jaoka bounding dalljibt in bla ebanoa to play daaplta thla laetura jack knew that ha bad naver batted o wall in bla ufa aha had that ajuroooa la aplta of bla arror about tba taedflo ill do battar yat tomorrow ba thought aiultautly 1 11 show them 1 wont it ba graat if wa win why wa got to win 0a did aa arrand in tba vlllaga than started homeward aa ba paaaad iiol- oomha mill voloaa floated out from behind tba lumber plua which bordarad tba road t ba heard tba captain aay i he did tba baat this afternoon tint i aver saw hiu i bat a gam one all right never opened bla mouth whan i used it into him end say ha oan pltob 1 out i cant help feelln awful uaaaay aint thara any way your father oould ut you off bau i couldnt you get eomabody to work for you r no i couldnt- sams toaa wet final and j ok unoonuloualy breathed a sigh af allof father woubl ut ma oft quick aotifl if ba oould but tbls job has to ba doaa lu a hurry thara alnt felur la town that father would ut lira that new boiler unlea i stood right thara and watched am tba praaaura baa to ba itap right up to uia notch ovary wlnuu and ita no slouch of a job i can ull you anaclally in thla hot waatbar wall i apoaa wava jtut got to trust to luok that ba doatbava to go to bat jua tight puos sighed tba oaplala what thla town tiaodaltaauhauutaflraman fn ataadof aauhttltuta pitcher if thara was aay reply jack did not hear it it wa walklng slowly up tba road and bit faoa waa vary grava arid thought ful what tblt town naad u a atihatlbita i flraman itutaad of a aubetltuta pltcbar tba words kept ringing through bu bead coubl ba ought ba pabaw 1 im gat ling doty ba told blmtalf angrily ur koloomb wouldnt let ma 1 ham aald thara wasnt anybody who could do it ha wet vary toiler at supper tlma aad amrealy tutted tha bluabarry oaka to bla mothers attonlabuaut voull ba tick if you dont aat aba i frattad ill la glad whan tba gama la j ovar tbwa l ba amlaiawej i was so aolt- nn rirnt i i t v l jjl tba hoout law aad wa stfd to rj it aiduaiat ovaw ry aiabt wava wad thre nina ba yallad wara tt abvl now bay taka a driak of that ustar dont drink too much though tlii f uvful work whan you ajat uad to ft can you bold outr hura unaltered jack atoutly whiu flam vuwaj tba waur guaa wltb a critical eye up to thla lima it had tlwaya teamed to jack that tha nlna jaolnae of a baseball l gama ocoupiail only a few golden fleeting- 1 motnsnu hut hi palat of view had a on ubalf of aclon ira brig ebaagad it awmad now that hour after v wm mo avry aiabt ifa rad ratbar baatlly until ba was half thresh tba thtrj point of tba uw than ba pauaad a if struck by soma sudden thought aad waat back to begin point thraa ovw again a boouta duty la to ba useful and to help othera ba raad and be le to do bia duty befora anything aua avan tbougb ba gtvaa up bu own luaaaura or comfort or safety to do it wbaa in difficulty ta know which of two thlcge to do ba must ask himself which u my duty y that la which la beat for other paopu f aad do that- jack raail no further in tba soout law that night although ha stood for a lono tlma wltb iba llttla book la bis hand whan ha llftad hi head at but with a determined gaetura hit up had set oa a straight una and bla boyish face waa vry iarioua tba oaptalo told ma lva got to uara to tnaka a saorlljoa ba tald and 1 gueaa ita up to ua maka a ug ona 1 put on your baat draa tbts aftarooon ma tatd lir moras smiling aorom tba breakfast tsbla wara goleg to tba ball gama im golagr to knock off at noon and take in iba fun oood taad i anolalmad tnt youre all going crexy over basaball vou havent takan a day off tinea grand paa fanaral that all right i thla t an antra ooaa tloa dooe you want to aaa tba boy pitch f jaak bad looked up quickly a sudden bush overspreading- hi faoa it aoamad alowtt aa if thara was hint of malttura in tba blu ayas that mat hta father at ba haaltatad bafora paaklng somethlog- might happen i wouldnt pitch after all you know ha aald cues theres ua danger uugbed bia father i aaybow well ba thara anil i bat raall ba yelling bar haad off beore tba gasaa it half ovar but wbaa tba avantful hour of two oelook arrived i wbaa tha ooln hail baan dipped which gava laray tha out whoa thataarri bad dlatrlbutad itaalf ot tha aald and tbagrayaultad pltcbar wound up for bla first ull ura uoraa altung- bealda bar buebuid oa tba top row of tha gtandatand turaad to hint quickly i tbaa suit maka them look aa queer aaraaat and powerful saruous larga ooagtagatloaui wara la altanjai that in tbaavsnlrig- blnooo of tba uf satavar praaeau a kaox cbnrcb taraoaa war withdrawn iuv ii a uoliiavoa of knok aad hav w bryera took put a tbaservioaa tba oouotlon warahuoi on monday nlgbt rav ur kjga koturad oailiao rorthaaga lv urawded and ueaara ii p uoora aad w btoray moved a vote of thanks piaijil by whlla tha roar of tba crowd hoated la to blu i that ba shovallad mil lions of ton of ooal into that guwing flra whiu ba pictured tba eoeeea on tba other side of tba blah faaoa wara led flva to flva bua shouted bouncing in at tba and of tba eighth losing i tberall baaouathlngdolngrnow all right ha gava a tautaad nod at tba guaga then ba scanned bla substituta oloaaly iraat soett yon look ilka a ghost youll naver ba aula to bold out well bava to ut tba steam drop a bit til toon ba through now and i cab gat it up again not on yerlira anappad jarb indig nantly whos dolu thl flrat get back your own job im ruunlng this bolur wall dont bill youraair taka it a iltua aasler now i stand in tba door soma wbara you gat tba air tbata thayro yelling for taa and saw was oft ilka a shot with a backward gunoo at juka drawn faoa which lingered lu bit mind aa ba took his place in tba box wava jut got to wja after what that klda dono h muttered i nater oould face hltu now if i hadnt ttuda good two frankltndau man struck oub in iulck huocaatloa wbllo tha leroy rootara yeluwl tbausslvaa hoaraa a wild apjuauaa but tha llda turned then aad flva minute utertbvlitorawa shouting triumphant lyas two run want houa tba ball waa crowded tba ralley uann orebaetra gava savetal uumbera tba united church choir gaa a valutna of harmonious sound haad i wera given by ml walker aad a tba ksgwlog poem waa recited by uia clare oora aa aabv lata thara ware uls nlckla uy stark and ur itarry jaaaa tbraa young bulla of jrawwn comer piled la flva hour on friday 70 slagla oarde of two foot wood two new indtmtrlea have started at kaatohbutl tba jtonjvlaw candy co aad ur john andaeon choppioor mill ura ix iteaavrtun raturnad from qlan coa ou tuead evnlnff aba remained wltb baa alaur ur w w gordon until bar death b w60dbh soldibu tha dri aagaant had baan vainly trying during ua whou morning to ilek into shape the but batch of racrulta at lait ba gava it up lo despair and call tag tham to attention ho unburdeaad blu- tall sj fouowa i uow look here my lads whsn i was allitutay wy uotbargava w m praaant of r hoc of wooden aoldlar they wera tba dallght of my life all day long i plajd with tbam than somehow they got lost and i war haartbrokeu she rjompulaad that doaaot look lika flritm uproar wlieh jack atall auddanly quutad into taaaa aipaotantry aa it leal aald ur uor pbtialy pus- bau holoomb coma up to bat i mlt u ufa i felt had no mora ion further interest for me uy mother did lva got to stop that aald bau grim hp to w1oit m9f maa flamlly tbanat tbraa balu looked about tba jf ujwjta la of pea- to tba wltar u they wbutlad v j wu1 to that uy lad waayaaraandyaaraaga but at uthara tba aarttaant paused to allow bla word to sink boma aad woraa luck aaotbar lmpraalva word hare coma trual omt tha put ha uavar found tbau aad faroy otmo up to their but innings wltb tba score seven to flva against tbam tba first uau taada a clean hit aad landed safa at first tha uaat una reached ita bau holoomb tba vary idea i tba u men tad i how disappointed jack will ba hvu ba just about tick ita tba uaaaaat thing you odgfat to dosomatblua about lb i bat tba gama waat on in aplta of ura uoiaaay tapproval aad at tha and of tha first lifuff jack fatbar ollubad down froujt igb seatandaskad aquaiuonofa youagtuarwhowma luatjly rooting far hu houa taauj oa tba alda una jacks firing for saw holoomb ao ba otlga of bla iiii objar adluouoi tha i btdroou after an hour iraotlea ituhairt tolerant amlla wltb whlab jaok bad raoelv ht ad bar aywpatltatio ratnarha eaa pitch ha upujuad taraaly wbaa ba ihj tbay put you ou tralnlajf dubr hlt w bawlldameot bu aya wera glowing with fatbarly prlda- wall of all thing t wasnt that allly of blu f what made blu thara waa no use of our eoulag than and you look aa if you waragud of it i vou doot uadaaabuwl ita tha gautat thing k over knew a kid to do i wouldnt bava wlaaatl it for million dollar to think uy boya got it in bin to ba a sport ilka that uughad it fatbar ixtlnt you do wall tbl aftsroooa v vjaol anawarod brlgbtanlnar i taada a dandy bit but iv got to learn to lilt soft aa wall a hard tba captain ey i got to praatloa uaklnjr a aaariboa i guaas youll gat adong daa nodtjed hi fatbar aad jack want out to hi prao- tloa with a lighter heart but when ba climbed tha stair to til abu yll from iba otbar tlda of tba rota ngnr no nan hlb r tit art- fljj nb aa 1 hlallforhluatllfth1 not baan tcau rrood a b aa ly for tb paauring httlo voloa that kept xs tb ha oast a wlft gunoa up to tha top row af tha gtaodstaad and bla up tlgbtaaad a bit aa ba asugbt a gllupsa of jack moua right uowa wbaa lva a to jtrova uy right to ba bara ba thought bulla on j celled tba uupfe btrikatwof tba crowd caught ita braata eharnly a tba ull whirled through tha air tba third tlma straight toward tba aatohara law waiting glovo ipparaahyhut it uavar rastad thara for thara wu rasoundlna crack tha hall want aalllao at out ovar tba beads of th outfield ovar tba high fanca oub of aight and tha tluaoa hroks and ull into pandemonium a tbraa gray suited boy loped aroa tha houa plat aad tba ull on tha otbar alda of tha fieldatruob tb ground aad aa if lb had thinking- bralnalb tlda it dirty cover settled into a swift twdy roll down tba india straight a a dla to tba fret of tha white- faced dltdtavalad ud wbo laauad weakly agalaittbodoorof tha bollar room strain luff bla oar to oalch tba import of tha tumult which swelled lottder and louder itaiourgaua whuparad it uust ba tbau laroya yells dead sura pa uae bar min huvm i inqnlrad a 7yerold taekar after tba truth jslttrua that school tsaohara katpaldr oerulnly lb la uld tha fatbar well then said tba boy indignantly that alat vlabt why abould tba tauobara get paid wl u us bid do all tha workt aatbua noaaat wear off alooa do ria uajta thamtatakaof waiting for aiith ma to wear away by itaalf whiu you ara weltlug tha dltaaaa is auraly gatharlng a trongar foothold and you llva in danger of roagand yat stronger attacks ir j p kallogga aatbua rauady takan early will pravant inoiplaut eondluoaa from bad eoulng chronld and aavaa hour ef awful auneriug- u liter wortu powdara oaa do no injury to tba most dellcatn child any child in fant or iq tba slate of ajoleeadoa wbo it infested with worm can taka thla prapara tloa without a qualm of tha stomach aad will find lulcaaurarallef aad a full pro taction from these destructive peat wblob ara raapoailblo for uiueb mloktieea and graat auasriag tougionaof llttla oaa