Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 25, 1917, p. 1

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jcttflt fi vol fmbi xiiii no 30 rtvary rmhctfjjllon fald in advatica acton oktakio thubsday moitntng january 25 1j17 nabocnption mi ttjo rtrauni singiiic copi cjcntb ije ttoir free jjress y stnu drmxjrr acroa oar tam o fldulti0 elhj pa w 4 mv w w uiuii lllfl pi4uv ion uplduautedin tbaaadramlabal astbimuho iutss tranalanl odvartlsa- mama 10 mbd pr nonnaroll uu tor nret taaertlon ana s cent pr iln for seeb oboa- aaant insertion coo trial diaplav adrortto mania for k or laauos men par win am 10 oka poc loab bmh latuilad ymttveea tracts ttill f fm ill rrnrtrwtth laser advartuomenu without aclflo a tractions will be inoartad uu forbid ms ehorrad aeoaro- aslx- jtzanausu adtaiusemaaaaatbepald uhnom savage co ustabltihd loo jeweller guelpii the old find reliable watchmakers nnd jewelers savage co- guelph ont it you tant warmihg up exercic with spirit and life buy a pur of boxing gloves or a x striking bag cioig 150 to 500 pair striking hig j 00 250 and j 00 lttni annwrad promptly the bond hardware co limited rhons inia qublph s aomposltlan most ad aoooaati otuptod monthly nlr mooiin bdjlor ana rroprletor sinaijwflfl fitoctorp mm os gray m d c m mcglll ljlo p boinatnunt ix e t f a a oluoov abarxku stamp ir aaeocurioa bra o m i d jjaiclanoao bnrfooa oifun akt jtxorlixattai ionnjllli ud john troaioe termor bom at tliuuw h btocey mso aetoa ont vbtkrinaby jl ontario qradnaia ottaurio tatar nary ootlaaa una otfomanirartsloek imauuoea mill bl oau da or ntshl promptly inrrftiitit- uttai a 3 mxekomon tumnma bouonox o qyrtaa afolfifcr t in partyttiaa bloo xist 4 masfi vf duttswr 8iuwtor ana notary dublin oom- no a utlmit t bjock donata tire d e j 1l dell d djs ldi acre f bona ho w offlea e ttoaidaaea corner hu1 and lrredazle bobom tiumun sassurxtt okirkscztx d u l l oknnktt dent1bt mzscxmuncous ctilam otfitfidnah soafbulokb roblnoble over fifteen years experience from lonf experience wc havt learned how to do better those things study taught as to do well eyes examined glasses fitted not nis job i hi uptfluppomd e j tht mill bo tv ton an exlra uik b chuicxxi la leo tmt not my joli bd1 itn not tny cra bo i ii pnn it ty nd i ii imy it uior and tti bon wbo fno him lib weekly iy nat ridio lhn hb wf1 nn him llfctay i m not nuprtoaod to do uimt tin mid tint duty bolonff to jlmor t red bo lilllo tak tlisb woa in itla way tiiullo ooojd hir fiftndll wiuiont deuy y lnt unqnuliad the ywm pftrod tor a huy iom tht lie couldlifcto avod tlia urflo wont on ind lio kriptlma puc but h rjayor ltred lui oy po and fo1knromrkd on tiow wall he knew tho ilnoot ti uiki w was hired to do for novor once u ho known to turn ilii hand to tlij ipi not of lil concern hut thera in hli foolish rut he euyod and far alttvo did ho wu fairly tald hut ho ntervswotih m dollar tnqns than ho got for hii toll whoa uio week wu oar j lor bo know too wall when hta work wfca thmogb and hod dohtt all ho wu hired to do if 700 want to grow in tlilii world young hiau voa muit do arery day all t work yoa can it you find a taak though it a uot your bit and it should h done tko caro or it i and you ii nortr conquer or riae if yoa 3o ooly- u tbtoffyouiavauprwaad to feed is going to be scarce hib winter but we are going to try and keep a supply on hand we haveat present bran shorts corn chop glutton meal schumacher cotton seed meal oilcake oats and barley j l warren hanaoeit tblvphonal no u when gram- pap voted r wyndhmbt qoalpliofilarjo rotarwuiuaaafltort aooesat aooka of ail kindf mad to ordar oaiaaaatv7danpuanm jiraaavliptoibpuf dosfl jycaiuuaae liaehaeau- a jf mooaji lmdb a fmiiti rmw crtmaaoaoa ho wltn- wattlraa imomq ndauai la tit aai- vraapywat otsaav aosox j k 9v um qulta rf watllomob hajtso al aad doltatln and uis eliy of uoaljui ala oadnmod vita allmuin ajuttipoo oraara br latur lo ortan p 0 or oaladoa mlmpboawla raiflt in ooaueatioo wlta lb ball wftant fcrrankaiantaaa to dai aodadyay- uatbfmpbcujwl ordaralart at vin im- moow aotoo ni raoalra inaia4im aitaotloau pwoulftttaml- d alex niven surreys snbdivsioda plana re ports description blueprint otc ceruucabbs for parchjuorb and mrt fttgoee surroym for architects bail- aeri und man lei pal connclht drain afa ropbrta eatlronteo etc merchants bank j3ldo odhlpu cptaoat 10m omf tforonto canao j b chbbybhs dook oinuk1i qxftxhtbuifm oulpbont liookaaad majajln fxiund lo hattdnwpa and babaaanuaj oq namaa lattarad in od on lublea htm bookimtaumrioka jooj wuuc xumitlt bufoutap jtho old and rouable granite and marble dealers w of ajl kloiutu moumotifcojij dw nrt wmlltfraoymconitoioan atwbou aaj prtom thm mvln oni oaatmnar i0 pt ant v hara hi bval ttplunoaa and um obiv niaafaanloa in til dooildioa vtto n orr- aa tonnauo loola trotrlir wi aan lr wamkmaa rota bun uj of our oojtoai la tocwctl bjtd qihar i wbn oiaan bot to had lifl awua in orur to oollaat wa hy mimii1 urujutsjt filumolt in itti itw ur mora to jr ihiwa daaura in mj wa lagtliuutw a an nd am ht nft aanu ajtd do uot anuty xuiu oanbraodliia out ittnorauiauu oauilei ocdat ww aoipltit inaobanloa cmij aoj utr 3buuoa etamiltow sonf dv korfolk nd wpqlwieh uriluslpn it you- faavajuix sneus at your homo arejroink out of town for a jvlsil or know of h ft any intcrejupr nows h ua b hum y wo ajrya apfrccuto ach favors phontjn 11 c c speight upiodate goods silverware in tableware fine variety alho fine cutlery hardware tinware and granitesare in variety pandora stoves and ranges famous heaters small stoves oil stoves vbrv afrricub is or bucoep- c c speight lint street acton 1917 tre it joursclf to onep of the genuine allwool fait color scotch tweed suitings worth todn 38 and 40 insult tor sao per suit 1 two special lines ot renmne nrrportod as1 jyo berres in black and and blue worth 38 a sou for bj a suit made to your order tirst class p r e nelson mttna 0utp1ttbr dplt ootavio lame florsk put back to wobk quick r turicendallipayiacura ittikammtf a rrt rnaujr boraea bu but them ck to work qtcu aj ter uwt bad been kt rea p ortr yaara of taaacm haa pmtui liemvrttar kendalls spavin cure rrjrrtavnua owr afarcboui 17wl 1 hjwo uaed a pv1 manvjbottlcao kmlall spavin euro lor apralna atid ijmcatb and i do not thlntjt luta aa sual capaclaur ixuauibbora caaca odly cnd awi copt of ytmr tymim m utiin4 o t voohq sou br dmnula r uni hu 0 bpuk fo ctiani a trluaoatfwiianuinaa ymir uurra rwdu dr b j kandall camsanr noaburp falfa 111 varmool ixaie ainoefaatbrt pt was two oclock at night tha hour j when ail liting lblnr ara aapiad to wako from the beary alaop that cnfoldj thorn to braath deeply to torn and to sink again intoolmp oram pap lilaok walia regularly at two oclock from the light alaep of agw and did oot roaraly turn and aloop afpuo but alwaya roaw and opwned tba daor into ui hll4o bo aura that saaao and the children wcra- aafo aud tho looked ou t toward tha barn to aeo that no thtevas prowled aboul suaan would bar laughed at the precaution sha did oot eonaidr qrampap aa good for in neb tonight qrampap woko a few minute baton tha kite ban clock truck two on til after three he uy motionlan and wakeful then he utapped from hi bed he did oot go to the door but gathered togotber an armful of clothes and ap proaching the window leaned out when he draw back hi baud were empty now he tpok from the cupboard a allk hab with a bencrowned top arac baodanoa baadkorcbiaf and pair of abooa tboea also he sent hurtling outward and dowo ward when ha bad pub on hia atocxiagb oramjap rubedtil atlll abundant white bair and then with 01 quia lie caution b cpeueditj door tbe little hall wa dark but tbe two- other doora stood alaa t ajar betwaeo tham tbe aulrway to tbe kitchen opeoad like a black well trembling bat deter mined gram pap created tb ball and eat grand trunk 88 witvtr tours pecial fares now cpe o i eltcct to resorts in itjor- ida georgia north and soqth carolina loutsanna and other southern states and to ber muda and the west indies return limit may 31st 1917 ueral stopovers allowed for full information write lo c e horning d pa union butlon toronto ont ff s holmes agent acton phonno 13 wageearners with tbo rovjfai of indus trial activity throughout the fac- tortc2caaau resulting in tho dlaburftemont of huge tuai in wages it behoorca each wagoarner to provide against future uncroploymentor unforo- aeon conjungmiclcs tou can do this by opening a batioxi account with tbi bank and aystamatlcally alngjt portion of your loconio 41 the bank of jnovascotia parrvtjp oairtairv i aooooo kkiihkvb punn tmmmt toxataaotmcmmaaueinlwoao arootciisa at acton ouelpb jtorvaj 3kultauj strettfu aoton balfoli ju wyant hiuiikafar d app l slowly dowo to tbaoaxtntept lie choao that method of deacent bacanaa it waa lasa likaly to make tbe boarda creak if soman saard all waa lcau grampap could avy that bo waa going for a drinkr bub thn be would have to return leaving theaocuaing pilo of clothaa on tbe gr qnder hiv window to be duootered by suu id tbe mornlag if be did return he would be hn faithful to a eacrad trust i am ninety year old i bo haj said potbblyo soblir tcaat aland aiavp pointmant talntgood form koucan ftand disappointment houac thao you can stand roting daclared suaan anyhow youre not going orampap i doaaa control would bvo been aier to endura if abe had net been horaalf of the eoflmjo camp suaan would have corned a campaign for votas for woman but she was not above rejoicing because there most be one leas vote ou the aid aba did oot favor when orampap waabalfway down tho steps bs auadsoly clapped bis band orar hia mouth his oyae almost bulged from their sockets and bis fsos giww purnl iji axprsaioawaa thai of mournsr at a funaral who tries ta oupproaa an qutragoou cough or aaeexs in apite o he oloaa- praaaed hand hlatbroat gave forth a aoaod like a utua craw when orampap got hi breath agaio basat for fully ten tnlnuts witliout moving he could not bslisva tha siuan bad net heard 1 hia lips framed tbammlvt or tbslr reply im thirsty bu b put jbusao had aot itaawl whaihav uetfred truth became clear to gram pap ha tnovod down another atap and another he auoooedexl in opening tho kitchan door without making a tound aud he stepped into tha kltcban which wu pleasantly warm with ft glowing ilra although v door waa closed behind hlin oretnpap fitjll moved cautlnuaty he ojmiiodthaotitardoqr and ahltehngln hi ulgbtgowq hurrisd down tlie short light of atopa to tlie yard and brought in his clothes kortunatoly they bad fallen ujioii tbe board walk and not upon tba wet graw and uioggk oold they were not wot whan orampap had put them on ad had tied bis red haudkarchlef round his nerk and bad aft bis 4lk bat uon his head he poured foam tha tcakstts a cup of tiot water hf- himaalf hut ita bob and itll warm me up r he wished also that be dared creep to ie sollar for a piece of pie or molaaaaa oako hot thaealur stapa craakad an 4 if he wore caught now ao plaa could sat him taking sararal applaa from a plato 011 tha window eill be upload toward the door alipra him the ktara uliono bilghur be roreblntuyiballfllo yrraiitrxaniyd ho did not go round tho bouae fi uio front gate and tha malu road hut down past tba barn to tha field a tahvt four oclock yet j j caotak my good ttmo bo murmured wilbnatinfac tlou once again irsmpap prtuivd hia ban to hli moutb m if to fitipprasiaaort of ron uuion within thon he took bii hand away lift wan nsfo isow bo norl mstratn blmaclfno intger tlie nound uit cams forth thin tlmn was not a anecte oj- a couch or crow it wu a clear loud tin danlal hi whoop ner waa nnvoo ao tried in this world ai mo sal 1 orampap ui llitinnanvnt corn shook never then ho wl ocjkhi again onoe he put trprhta band to tap hn hreant pocket f ainttlioy written to mo to ao uie pnry i b5 aald aloud ttsect xlillor says they or wo i090 our majority and the causa for which thi arty has atocd jor fifty year will be betrayed i know iti by heart ho stood eiill and mado a noble gesture ii tis youth so long long put orampap bid been a person of importance and ho remembered i if tho world did not tha letter had oorno a week ago at q unfortunate moment suao hail gono to town and left orampap in cbargo of the two children who were convaltcinf from whaopiog cough and who were not atfo ed toj uy outdoors thernfore orampap had tntroducetl matonalf for a fino gttmo iota the kitchen ho had gathered fin all round pumpkins from tlie eornluld so that the children could roako ready for hallow een in suuo a immarulnto kitchen the three est to work each with a knife and pan haver had tha children bad ancb a good tlmo never had susan kitchen bean so u tiered tho re waa pumpkin on the table pumpkin on the floor pumpkin on tho stove qracnpsp expected to clear it up butsuvan came home early anil susans wrath know no boands sh was one of the little roend on erg tic women whosoanger is tuot fear ed by tbcar mon folk bbe said ibmt the children might ha to killed tbomselrea with the sharp knifes and that sha would have lo clean her kitchen when it was auppor time and out ho bad already cleaned it on 00 that day and waa tired she flung orampap a letter on the table aocf orampap opened lb he did not often get latter reading it ha fdrgot that susan was on tho other aide and that be was at present m disgraco lection soo tuesday and theyre ex pactlug me to help sao the party naid bo in great exciterocot ull gat oerber to take ma tu hit wagon same aa always mhitra got to boalectad and thoyralook iogto mo sosan regarded hiia too angry to ipaak- there wan no doubt that orampap b beuldar aweggarad a little and that jii old boad toeaed buean tried in vain to gnd words then suddenly words were found far her qrxmpap seamed to b gathering himself together for a sneeze but no aneero came forth instead from bwhind hli hand echoed tho curious crow why orampap 1 cried suaan ou havo got the whopping cough 1 you0 caught it from the children ora tr lo laugh a loudvjlo i ho t ins lead bo crowed again at ninety i ho cried it inut so x couldnt bssldea i had it youvo got your second sight oram pap buwn reminded him in triumph people aomatlmaa get whooping cough three times you cant go to the elec tion i t ah ii pap it wont hurt ma 16 will hurrothar folks i wont epeak to anyone orampap wasso- badly frightened that ba shut his lipa ujwn the crowding argnmanta the more yon argued with susan the worse oho got but bo would go to the election if ho died far it ninety years old i votod witk tbo party alnco tha beginning 1 now layin as home count of whooping cough t i am gain 1 ald qrampap libliafcoll it bocamo mora and mora certain a election day draw hear that grampapa boaowaa vain ubirdtd notgo away from the house susan dosad him with barb tea and from morning until night aba kept bor ey crpotrhlcn sha read aloud from tho weakly paper an account of the doubtful proapeou of orampap party theyre all ilea 1 stormed orampap with his funny little crow bet it ii wis yat i susan only laughed aa election day drew near aha bocamo more and mora vigilant she called to john oarbar as h drove past that orampap was sick and could not go to tbo election mercifully she did not disclose tlie nature of oram pap corn plaint tha night before tha election susans vigilance relaxed after a hard day a work she slspt baavily sho bad maanb to rise at fits oclock bulsho slept until aix thau sha tiptoed down past orampap a door to the kitchen orampap had put the cup from which he bad drunk thajjjqt water back into its place on tba shelf and tharo- wa no evidence of hia dopartu w theimi6cinhr door susan did jiat discover at seven oclock wondering a lit lis why ha slept ao long sha called upfltairs that breakfast was ready jurora 0 ramps p bad got a mile from horns dawn was in the sky tlie path that he bad ohosan sa the only one en which he was aura to ho free from pursuit waa about five miles long and led through wood roads and atuhblo tiolda when be aunonunud a nteep littio hill anil saw the crimson rim of the nun ruing above tbo horizon he took off his hat aud saluted il ltea gieat world aaid oramjiap as he mbved on he had gone on sajnailiatanoa when ho saw a man waiting ut some ppen pasture bar the man greeted him with won dor tvhyforaiupap ijucfc in this world 1 where axe you going i m going to voto wall wait and ill take you atnng in tha wagou thank you kindly hut 1 m aiijoying tho walk j net out to walk orampsp moved nervously along susan lyht bo already astir upon tho highroad vlf inrt tha votjng place im oafo- he said to himself iberu tha lawtl take caroof a voter ha ttvads a lniig detour to avoid tho rear f tha noxt tarninnubd thane ant lno folks who hvs bare soma ttmo 1 ii pay em a call i hollovn umirenlouof op1o would be glad to nee mo im gotn all round it wan juitnovnn o clock when irampsp climlrtd tha fence felilnd tho lllttovhool house at tho far end of ijrookvillo iho ochoothoute had 1oii forsaken long ao for a larger building slid unserved now only as polling pis co to orsmpaps nurpriso there was already a crowd unnml 1 cd farmers who hid atoj pod on tlirfir woy home from the cresmrry and laborers on tbcirwayto work all set up n groat htiotitst nlghtof oramispi i his bonl milt and hi h crowned hsu well orampap block you 1 how old ore you oi often havo you olod t whats your party i how dul you getero 1 m ninety year sold adnsrurod dram pap jauntily vvo totcd seventy unies countin hta aud that i wsjkod horo and my partys tho lutno as it alwayn w i aint no turnooat tim men bhauted louder than ever but you ro going to get bestoii oram pap wo 11 nee satd orsmpsp he leolf outnf jjilsxxdiatoaof the spplee bo lisd brought ind leaned agalrut tbe fence there woreftt least ta enty men ahead oi him and ho was getting nervous he kept his eyca on the road expecting to see the familiar and humiliating eight of white nceed billy with his mistreea in liar rad shirtwalnt on throned on tho high scat of tfao npnng wagon there waa no telling what susan might say or do women had at best litilo nenso in their momenta of excitement or anger at lost or am paps turn came and all tho mora bens of his party escorted him to tlie door of the httlo house with a firm hand be put down a elugla bold x then with tho statement over oram pap began jofael weak i moat go homo said be i guess somebody give mh- lift even if suaan doean t fotch me ha had taken only a fow iteps on the road when a atranger drew op botga him how far are you going t f to gorur corno well i go beyond that aald tho atranger heartily oot in tbe stranger drove a awlft and powerful horse orampap drew togathor tho apels of his coat with ono band and grasped his tall bat with tha other us oould not talk in the abarp breeze made by tbslr swift pace onco when thay ftattnxr an othor team going in tho opposite direction a spring wagon drawn by a white nosed horse and driven by a woman in a red shirty waist orampap gasped but already many rods aaparated them it wsa no um to try to aave susan hsr nda when orampap reached home ha chong ejl hia boat suit for hta avarydsy one got out bin old cap and set about bis chares the children had started to school once monnmd thsjysrdwa vciy quiet oram pap was awaro of tho grave eituatlon that he faced susan would bo angry ho did not dare to think how angry he tried to planaomo way to placate bor then as he filled a quart meaaarq with corn for tho chlckons straikbtonedbla shouldcrat i am a man aaid orampap i am of age i am not afraid of any woman when sosan returned she wai angry but bor feelings found no adequate axpres aion until n after jork aha pit rah for orampap black hurrah far the party i what are you talking alout t oram psp grow paler and alor mlllors in there waa a recount- he in in by one vute we re travelling round with tbo nows don v you want to go with u orampap ihnok hit head not this time aald bo i m powerful glad i- jfeelinp that a whoop was oanlng be put tie window down quickly but be got ahead of tho ignominious craw ho looked at susan for whom jic fetcgrea sympathy and pity 1 o susie cried orampap in ecstasy j thai wm my vote i done ifa twentyyeabs ago frsjrn tho usuo or tho froo press of thursday jan 28th 1807 subscription list are circulated here for tho hslp of the starving people in india whilo crossing the mill pond oti friday mr i mcdonald i team brako through tbo ice liortunatoly tho water waa not very dnep an i a wetting for driver and hoi suk was all tlist wis eipertenoad the sfjldieb tvotiier a quiet night with junt a dutant roar of cannon t ho it u wkh war lfo gorn on in the name old way and as tho dawn must usher in tha day ho wo tnunt find oyrhojkm aud hold them true our hopes for victory for bom and you irwoara i rave iltmx one who given ue courage to keep on our way and to botnanly to lie ytrong whono tatters bring to us inctl joy and cheer t who- dolls of homo nown never lotting fear creep in thosejinss hlio who has pat us xjfaucjto oiit 1 over her head and wont out and stood at tho gate to tlie first traveller from the direction cf brpokville she called a question so said susan n atinwer then sho returned to tho kitohen and hudgherahawl on its pog cramiiap she announced youre jaaten i dont behoro it said orampap slock a boya said so thoy lust want by- theyre turncoats cried orampap i dont believe em 8amu said no more but abo smiled at orampap susan smile was hard to en dura when gnunpap went to bed be erred ia themorningba was not able to get up hls coogij wa won and bo wo very ured a five mil walk before break fast is a good deal of an exertion when you are ninety year old susan waited upon him dutifully but with the air of a martyr in tho afternoon salting the aaomeot when susan hadgone to tho out collar lb pack away the winter fruit he rose and dressed when sho re tamed orampap wsa sitting by the kitchen window in his rooking chair irbtisu moved it from the west wiudow from which ho oould see the road to tho east window fraarw be looked out over the holds ho had lost interest in tlie paasaraby you aro not fit to be up cried suaan when she cams in sua aa good as i ever wsa orampap declared with decision ha hod made ap bis mind that ha would be put down no mr john it kennedy eimtafnod ai it tore of hieleuwrlat whiloat bis work in tho tannery on saturday as a result of a mltp while lianging up hide tho funeral or miss annie gordon held from tho old home yesterday after arrival of tho rnmalna from toronto acton temperance union held a vary successful at home on friday evening about seventy fivo being present although on a ery stormy evening tflva maggie wilton gave a scotch recitation and mine clara j mnoro araading what tommy bid mtmcn matthew and hillaang save the boy and mi nslho mu hewn rock of aea a quartette sang temperance bati bnllinjr and fll nob drink the ruby wine uavs howell oodden and oil pin gave addresses mr wm diamond one of nasaaga weyaaold settlers psmod away oa jan uarv 2ftb acred 03 and bin fan oral wa lielri to dnnrser cemetery mr then miller who left acton last fall inr the north wo write a glowing account nftthr rret country he flpsaka ot mr oorc agnewa and mr jrweph and men fine fnrm near hartney marl and tbo grfnt crop uione farms hare pfn dorl tbo school board composed of masarr jomaa molam rov-t- wallace t n hanling geo hynda robt- holmes and w h storev have elected mr george hyndsa chairman for 1807 a 8100 ooq fire occurred at sbelbonrne n thejgth in which among several business places which were wiped out waa tho an tiro plant of tho fuws pjusss a veritable blizzard was blowing at tha tinia which gave groat impetus to tho flames ill us t reflect ntrengthtand lovo to ua in prayer who gave her aons with all a woman grace arid loft a memory lor themhr smlhog face jbor faith hoc trust her to o t tlore may bolierocs dear upon the battlefield j bet ibona who apeak no fear i who fight their lialuen silent and alp no siuing beaido tna firelight at home they too are heroes for it is most true ocd mad tj the bravest offtho brkvefla such as you margaret vend is bryan capture the dve tbade d0nt skim the bilk when dont anol i grandmotherused tossy yeu give some nno a cup of milk skim it shn meant when wa did a rsr vice we oboul i npt spoil it 1 the manner inwtiteb wo did it have you oot noticed how customary it is to aklm the milk in this way another errand i aaya henry it booms i cannot go to town without having a balfdozau errands to occupy my mind toliger7 ou will have to go to bei right after supper we shall see said 4tmpap bravely the the tears came into his eyes he was atlll weak and ho was still bitterly disspiioliitod he knew that susan saw lhaihe was cryhg to his turtliar anger be whooped suddenly an outrageous ignominious whoop t i lido hia eyes from susan he rose and crossed tho room to the west window ho did nnt look out but took his red hsndkorclnof and wiped his eyes i would a likod to win once mure aaid helorgotting that ho was talking to sujuui and that abe was on tho other side anil that alio put him down i oram tap tucked his hail lerchiof back into hit ocket and glanced out toward the high vay ri orampap began to troml in were gsung company sussu a lot of couiitany susan oame to orampap a aide to bar amazement she w thai the little yard was full of men at eight of tho watohsra st window uioysetupalrpjneudeuaahoul susan was territlod aud she putherhandon orampapaann jvoohi tim eiclument orampap could nnrbelp uujhtnganrt whooping a htila1it musan ha recognkod spiueof tha lusn and threw oiwu the win duw wbatawroogr hu ojks1 hunai i hurrah i yelled jhe ineu out siux hurrah for senator mlllarl hut tidtako oiy tim ifotirtujft thmot hook sister aska him to buy for her the thing wsa not nearly oa bad aa hit words mod to indicate only ho took tha cream off the service what thesa glorea are torn again cries bertha when brother edward oaks her to put in i fow stitches it really ueoms i must always inoud them when i have overmuch lo do already sho would not want her brother to go out wllbttorn gloveo not does nhe want him to think bar uuwilhngto maod tham for him but her piqued way bl replying to his request make it lumhwitja toaak bar again she akima tho cream off the aorvioo and so day after day people who love ea oth who arethap to servo one an other oner each other shimmed milk in stead of jho nob awoot cream ef service t- smiles danghur when father wa yoang wasnt he mere romantic mother he wu less rheumatic ie or do auything in tbe way of nettle ment work f yes ive triad hill collecting are you a plain cook i suppose i could bo puttier mum i have boon chaaiag a smuggler i call that a i ursult ofiuty customer your cream la very good clerk it ought to be i juat whipped 1 1 any a strugglm company bos boon sat on it legs by tha war but thera is per lisps no mora ramsrkableinatancothan that of levinstein limited tbe dye and color manufacturers of block ley manchester aays tho london chronicle this company was formed in 1805 with a capital of 00000 neb by any stretch of imagination could tbe companys prewar record be called aucceaafol the disappearance of german competition however brought about a great change and jor tho year ended june 10th 1015 the company made a net profit after meeting all charge including 21 700 for depreciation and wiping out tbe goodwill and patent items in the balance sheet of 80000 fourteen and a half yaors arrears of preference dividends were discharged and 30 waa paid on the ordin ary share capital there ha been deuy aver the issue of tha accounts for 19151010 owing to diffh cukja with thaauthontieaover thoamount of excess profit tax payable hy tha com- psny but the profits are believed to havo been prodigious already ordinary share- holderahavo rteelved 30 in dividend in respect of tba 101510 operations sod a fnrtbardifttribnuon i evidently expected whan the account make their appearance for the 10 ordinary shares wbtch at tha outbreak of war stood at a verv low fl puree and indeed were practically unsaleable ore quoted in manchester at 75 apiece a porttecnvfeadanssirm mr burgos was a decidedly practical and up- to date woman some of her friends attributed much of her alertness to tha fact that bar six daughters ono of whom had married re oeotly war not providing themselves with husbands as fast as mother burgess de- desired one evening the energetic mother corn ereda yoang man in th reception hall and which o my girl do you most de sire mr evarstsryl the married one come tbe unhesitat ing reply a isuhdeastandikq tan did clarence inaka a hit with i an well i d rather call ic a bunt mr blank how shall i have my new ross mado t s blank small in tha hill among tbo few great joys of ufa is atay ing in led ifteon minutes after we know we ought ulst up when a toother detects from th writh ngs no i frettli g of a child that worms are roubhng it alio can procure no better rallied than miller a worm 1owdars wblrharejuahiitteed to totally exjiol worms from thonysum they may oause vomit ing butlhis need cauieuuanudtjrbocaum it i a manifestation of their thorough work no wurrua can long exist whore those powders are used ill utflut hay ukmstitku tlloubants known far aud uaar as a sure remedy in tho treat mo tit of indigestion and all do- rangai tout of tho stomach liver and kid neyn lurinkj vegetal lo villa havd brou t- relief to thousands when ulhsk flpoaitlta ttavo failed iiinuiimruble tost inioululs catl l preduoed to establish the truth bf this aoncxtiotu inca triad thsy will bo found superior to ull othor pill n tlie trvatmoi t of tie ailments for which uuy aro proscribed u eu fire in on nf kensington textile factonaa is ia the habit of jiavingjuupprontlce heat hi innchaon for bim tha other day ho called a new apprentice go downstairaand aat up my lunch for me ordered tbe foreman tba boy a typical young american with no knowledge of cockney english obeyed with alacrity he was hungry ten minute later tho foreman cam down ho also waa hungry whera my lunch f h demanded the boy gazed at him en amazement yon told ma to eat it up and i att he s 1 didnt tall yoa to heat itup i roared the irate fore i t you tooat lb well 1 didnt heat it up the youngster stoutly i sal maintained it cold to make it up tbe fallowing occurred while the annual fair wa in progress at a remote little viu age where there is no look up police inspector over tlie phone to ad joining village i aay jonee i hare just made aa arrest can yoa keep the prison eras your station for mot jones what waa ha arrested for in specter inspector for picking packets in the fair crowd jones sorry but were full up hare fine him a sovereign and let bim go inspector but ba has only gotaixteea shillings which he got in tho crowd jonse well put hint back in tho uio ti h get the- oehewoer moimflud i never waeao mortified in my life what a th matter now you know that little gown i bought for fltl co that looked as though it must have cost four times tbat aud wo ao be coming to me i 1 never dreamed anyone would guess ju price or where i bought it well did aoyouof yes i ware it for tho first time last night at a dinner douce and the re were jut mother women there with gowtls ex acily like it he who lea ns in thq schoolafexparlono will bate soma big bills to pay dark days have their mas in eoutritiut log to th enrichment of character our own burdens will look lightor whon wo look around ui sea how otlra are doing lu a world so full of mistakes and si us as thliwe need peoplo with a forgiving spirit man mien for stamp tlie highest prlco lately pai t for a poet age stamp was 070 a sum given at a new art aultlou ttvo dttirt day for a tlveceae hawaiian mlssloaary otaiupof the issue of iriil whan tha ooriy mlssionaris 1- froui new huglaud uuaaailtjtev lojkad ahead to many tbingn i u6 hardly te the sal of their pustaa ktampt at price high or than their aabvrlcs tor a year u

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