Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 1, 1917, p. 1

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t 1 v6ltjmic xijii no 35 bvary pubectlptlc acton ontario tiiukhday jottnin0 biakch 1 17 uutec option price 01w i cr am 8inliif ooillcs ijvic cknttj bc vctmt irrtfi icsa trcm rilbhf jiulldiky if ox eirittkt accost out tobwb or udmumrntiim pw fw strlctls ia k1uim sj0o to subscribers in li united fttatao all enbacrlptlona dlseoounusd when the urn for whleli uiey have bean pall has sptreo th 1ur to wlilon every aufcaciljh ian la paid u do not on uia kldrmiub aovaanaiso iutxs transient lrnxtl- m 10 odd if par ifounerell hub for flrs ineertfoa ana a muu per line for eeelt sobee- quent insertion uaairoet display advertjse- bunw far co or inches tnor d enuam 10 easts per inch eeeti leaaftlnn yearly eon tract for reading mslirv 33 oant mr lech eeeh loer- lion admumiogiiu without spealqa dirocthuia will be inserted ull forbid and disrfod aoearo- inslt treablntdverusirnantmui be olj laadvanoe advsrtlsemant will be ohojid mm aou month u dttuvd for chances tottsaar uim above mentioned uio stirs oom position muss be paid tat a reculer rm ah aoooofita oollaoloa month jr o p uoouo bdltar and rropristcr ttttsipesfi jbuutorp rrw ios gray m d c m mcgill itil 0 t kdorenwm li u p p ay 3 qiasoow knnn homsn mmcicax amocutiox etc a at nrij ora osorndwl hireee savage f co uatauluhau iu4u jeweller guclplt the old and reliable wntchmaltcrt nhd jewelers savage ce guclpb onl it you want excrciso with spirit and life buy 1 pair of boxing gloves or a sirikinguag hglovcs 150 to 500 pair smiting bag 2oo 50 ami 300 tho50nd hardware co ltrrthotl hbod 1013 guelph w6e td j a alcniveft b j i liyalcxta and barssoa omaimn itxsinrocx oor mill eruljohn bbu uia topamx home of um lata wtt- blerey 3 anton ont veterinary xonw uwaos 1 veteuikally bdiiaetur anion onfarla qredaste of out rlo veterinary oallaff lflua offlobaruibrb ttlook ueeldooesl mill bl oeluasv or nlibl promptly auaadsd to ixoali c c speight for uptodate goods a 3mntrmhom misru boiacirrtm ooarrvxixou qyrict mid btrai in parrrmui block titk a uelban vv brruur uolimor ajid noury pnblio omo mo0uetuid 1 ulac doaia strmt dxvtjll dujm liell ddb l d ri aero rbon tic 9 ofllo kl ooroor mill nd fradaxlak ueou osatob ujluiom or tamoarro uxttxuitx to iftuci qacathtla tud u dartrad tvtt l oennktt cetttibt jjl ciki umi aaamavrt mischaajtxouo cmahoil cookbihbblb asootut boaka of ajl kinda md to otd radodlaala of ararr daaorip tlonoaratalli totuia uausroamlanl promplrdaoa m ahuiaqk lioehbeb ii p uooaa inn am mimxiua lie froa ptbm offlo aotok jfc ciicauuxo atwnoa vor loa ooobum of welllaktou u4oopa ad onffartn and tliocltr of luaipti ualaa ooodilotad mta aiufuon ajjd open prdan tr laltar to orion p o or o tad on laiarpboaa in ralao la oosakllsa with h litii wbr utneototiu mm to ilataa and kdvajr- uatac oao a mada urdara laf t at vmm pawaa cqoa aaton lll raoalra lmnadlat attanuoo bpamlaj atwouoo to aalaa in aatoa and ttcinilj tamanto saxi oa ltwrr d alex niven sarvoya gubdivuionn piaqs ro- porta dcscnptloas uluopriau etc crtincatcayor purcbanens afij mart knjfods sutvoy for architects buil der tad municipal counujld drain aap reports eaumates etc mrtrcmants bank bldg quwuph ptioo 10o4 ont elnipravlnp tirontoolnapa j e chbbvbrs book him our qatof5tkut puaopbont itoow aad uagaaluaa boo ad ux uandaoxoa amd oobatalitlal oof ua hamaa lattorad in gold on ulblaa ujniu hooka 0 otuar hook ax wojuk raokiptlit uxaourmu the old and reliable granite and marble doalocs importers lmukl4 itotuart almtioi wm ar maiiufaolutara and d pthklndorm work waauiidlil aaja ptloaa uia aavlojr oiif auatoui anl w haa uia iat apiilauoai only naohanlaa lu tha lo mill loo who oaxi opr a puumiuo tool iroparlr wa ou hn rafaratmaa trooi buudrada of oar aoitontm id toroatu aud otliar ulaaaa niar olliara tiara to ktaod ur aulta la ardar ui oollaot wa havr ana iwhi aud boat aaoafc d uranlta in uia itotnlnloii or to or uiau any uitaamaalara id th4 wart waara- laciuuiaia daaara auj ato piov no araut and do not uuij iriiaalaua- lowarapy aaudlm oat lauuiaotat tr oaouei urdara wa raulor diacbanlca only aud dkli asuiatluou hamrlton sons oor hoifotk an4too4woli lj uuumil if you bavo any jucttfl at your home are kinp out of town for a visit or lcnotr of any interesting news let ua hear from yon wo always appreciate nn favors phono n silverware in tableware fine vanety alho fine gutlery hardwart tinware and gramteware in variety pandora stoves and ranges famous heaters small stoves oil stoves c c speight mil i street acton robtnoble libuthd- 0 feed 1 going to be scarce this winter bot we are koing to try and keep a supply on hand we have at present bran shorts corn chop glutton meal schumacher cotton seed meal oilcake oats and barley j h waheen bargains at nelsons plecco lined undorwcar r-iaa- 65c for 4j colored shirts in biui 14 16 li 17 154 only worth up o ft so for 3f odd lined in youths wool uudarweur tlclcar jt lr gojiocot so ladiea wool mtlu rcju lar 50c for 35 uoaa ilrocoh regular 351 for s onaonlyboyl 11 tweed overcoat oiio 33 00 for n300 3 oly mcuu ovprcoala worth ia for ft men heavy wool box 35c for a 5 r e nelson mttnooutbtttkh oualph ontario no built to last a urctjrtlt the most substan tially built piano the piano with the sweetest tone the easiest action the neatest case japanese legend ln long ad in tlto inland aaa on a hlua iala in all old pi no tree tjrod an 0i1i nionkajr witli whlakars finy who hvad hy lilmaak id iila day ha u known to tlto lalandara far knd wjtln for uto funny jnki aod thf trtckn ho tried on a laiyo not fr away dwelt a jinnnaaa fair jn yrnai array n day iiotfor rjuitn ill wn aho and tita pwrvanta aaked what hrr wiih rticltlla 1 bom gili kxno ric or nro apnry t tbor ta bub on a cliinj akluitcriad ahk 3ofat uiq monkoy arko llvs in tbo lrso homo monkey umr would cum mo so m10 old ana turtle wu lumingaod in tiaiu aodjiiu ortlora warn no lima to waxta liot jjd to- ha oja fu the ojno txeo thai and linngr him ui our prinoana fair ko tha turtle awam acfooa tlio ljy and thia the moakay fienrd him nay jump outoray back frooi oub the tree our pnnceaa fair hth naod of lhoo hho ia ill and hado ma coma today dome funny imnka may play 1 the evil aplnt away who ui torruonung har hfa today ho the apcxook a conb and oombed hia hair jthcare tliou drupjeij from uia vxc eajl at lontli alio c w keuy soix 33 jlower wyncfheon st guexph ont during the coming year we will continue 10 improve every op portunity to better our service to those who need flashes we onino oun own leni3ico come to toronto where biz business ia done and train for taking a part in it by spending a terra in one of shaws coven business schools free catalogue wrjtolor it w it sjiaw president winter toirs cpecivl fares now ir effect to resorts in flor ida georgia north and south carolina louisanna and other southern states and to ber muda and the west indies fielurn limit may ilsf 1917 liberal st0i0velfs allowed for lull information rnlo to c li iiokning d 1 a unioo tatia toronto ont- h s holmes aghat acton phono no 13 wage earners with too revival of indus trial activity throughout the fox- toxica of canada resulting lu the dlabtinracnt of largo huiiui la wages it behooves each wagoeamcx to provide against future unciqp loy m cut ox uufore- ceca contingnncics you can do thhj by opeuhig a aavlnfs account with thjadank and ojtfjuatkally saving a portion of your income 41 thpbankof novascotia jafl np caittav i asoodoo lu utuvk rumd 11000000 imxaiuuluuauuuotvuojmooaa uitancirnb alr aolon juolph iforvaj mutan and furaatavius actton uiiamotr a u wyant manaaar their horn vvhon the pair wara nearly aclou tiifl bay tho monkey hoard tl lurtlo ut a wo ara aafo from laud eald ho ill tejl yon wby i uu for uiaa t tlio pmeaa tiaul that a lirer atow mado from a happy old apa llko you hho believed would make lor wall tuid btronc i and keep har happy hex whgle mxiniztegflggj6 wall to ucln witii tho noruivt ia burn ofl out loil oteryuiiiij thay oartvjuxl no iriniiranoo on tlis town m ui hjwak ajid tlain uiat proud mra jamea ia dead and lljreo rliildren jrout fro the urptuiri ajylucn no tnouoy ta keep iham hlly hlako hu kot ciiumirtjon djio liociian oho c t pttjtd to take proper f6od or jo to a anitariunv on rolled ira on her avalauclio of tnm fortuiiea jll jiiyra put tier flngorn lu hpr cam and ctli1iinllijriotj ob jiv atoj atop ota tnn 10 o ling clioorfiil 1to heard iniuiin not een war no away ofl in uia tflldn and now you delupe me villi horroni atlinme and oliroad then hara playod hor laa caal well tliara ia rood no a too qol ifaranlon in coming hone ml joyco toyod with her coftao cup an oxproolon uf porfevb mcliuerenco on her uandaomo fooa filiafihad not bultotel tho world for alittit forty ypara without learn in oolf control tired of r his bit oho auget ad urcat iralljr saraa fare wu a atmly m rilitooun fury irly bjiu with rae and turn liic poluhad uin mdoluard viciounly 1c loao liar temar at that moment maant to jo rather i ho ed and i r i and now lioa kkj 1 t fbd lloon nl hllqt u 1 ikxi jiht on comnt lome mjjtd to fljoruuto albj t said u10 monkay sad bo ull rriqld hopd tottiathtthnees9rll hut i wont he able becauae you aea i left my llar back in my troa dot if we return in boats aaid ha wo can get um iitr from out tha tree and bring it quick to the prlncosa fair and will oaa her life it w can get tin in tiino to mkohr a liver atow with rg athifhill fii to so they swam hack tfaia across tho sea and uia monkay jumiad into tho tree anil teffan to unchjujt qt to kill and lie laughed and be cried and be laugh od until tha turua aaked in a woodartajf wav what tho matter with you will you laugh all day i and tha monkey aaid oh cant you aeo that im nato again imck in my tree 1 la uie princaie vouro oad to tell monkeys at home ail aafo and well hay im eafa at ham in my old pine tree bui i wish in her boat aho d coma nee ma and ill play some prank ao aha wont- b bick auddrito tli95pinowv fromhirtiijick ho the turua returned witli head a droop and uie liver blew was turtle soup but the nnnnnndnnnnnd go np q a n a a a an the colonels refugee uaurx i uxyaitt a a d a a danndnaaaaona a most remarkable noiao was rand ing the aullnoas of u10 bright ueceuiber roaming uua joyce ramsay hatanad a moment absent- in md ad ly tii en prooeedad to htttor hex toaat and dnnk her coifoe with great deliberation ocaouinjj meanwhilo tho morning paper propxd against a vaaq of chryaaotham unia oh thaao awful casualty list aba aiglted im ataruaily rrateful that toy threoand only relauves are all women a ioculiar snort from tho hugratd thu remark ah sara called mia joyce with a liule laugh cooia and tall me tha nmm i simply ranuot wait a moment longer 81x coo u lb must have made a few changes evau lu hamroerstoi kter sara bent tail angular and moat unbondiog her thin groy hair parted and slick od lack into a defiant knot in her keen grey oyes a pecullarl blending of adorauuu and disapjiroval of the charming figure at the breakfast table as joyce gajwl into tha atern old face ahe smiled tetwlorly hra bant was the only mouier alio had ever known barah had raceived bar aa a eaxred legacy from riretty fair haired mrs itaroaay aloug with the car of the household and n dreamy sy goloif dr lutmaay who found no time to spare fur the upbringing of hia mother- tea daughter ior maay yor oar hud luanaitod uia house tha doctor and joyce with kirfact aucceas until tlrti docturs death wbau joyoe was tweaty thou that young lady had developed a atroug will braius arul a iiug for a career bhe had iinm to college and jiaasad her axaminsuuna bril luntly finally entering tha literary iirma alar of 1 mesa order uukyo edvfor iiua had mhsrilod iy oomlortahlo fortuna rum her uiutlior which legauter with hor literary earnlaga ranked hor auiungat tha wealthy uf ilamuieraum travel was hor qhjaf doligtil and for month at a time oak villa wa left to llw care ui hart id a email inid of all work while joyce roamed in various jmrta known aijd fratharlng tuatorlai for herbelov ork t mb from a prolonged eipedidun to thorn wllda that aho itad reuirnad tlio iratltfua evoniug to llnii avoryuifng iu ppipia ordar aud tiara awaiting iter with ojieu arm tlioanjulitoly apxintl buuso aoemod a vortibla liavan altar the dineoinforta of uie ton n tuple life ko bad ithlng to du now bol shut haraelf heart d oul into uie now book wbioh waa to ok as a heat ealior uoxt year true chriotinaa wa only two waaka olf but chriatma mattarod rory llttlo to joyta ooin pared wlui the ptroiiuous joyg uf liter ary labor iteut an to iay aaw it lu bar eye b oijterod tho dining room that uierdiug fufuitura pull jmjuio in hand weeks and wockain that uiore den alia muttel hlnllnot uuuiiug but acrih bliug and elarkln on ltit ratuiu lypa writer mi poor ftolriiem iwlng allot to bu an phidfai vit hungry 4 clirlatma time in hor never turuln u liand lord holp ua 10 vo hor fniu bsraair 1 hu ilmwl gallnntly to tho olni ilia at umi lau k uf iter atom vl i oyaa itn noa ye ru aflo wivt joyi o i imacmo ti a bajgisn futree hani i ifnw odd itamplon wilii a refugee ruppoae no continued sara uie too of an irian jurriilo who saved bu life when he was lying helpless in uie open and lost hia own in doin of it aa aoon aa the colonel came toln tha hospital in england h nent over id ireland for uie boy danny fllnn who hadnt a friend in tlio world and now bsa bringing him home to odd yea to and trt aa hia own joyce rose aharplv im aorry wo are auch tiearl iniyliliom for the child will pmliably lie s jiuisanoe if be deatroya our flow or or disturb me with bin not no there will he troubls tlio colonel wai foolinh to md dirt in raw wiui auoh a bunion ssraabow mnewod aigna of apoplpctto tandencieo tlio pore iamb ahe cnei loft to a wpjj tacaning blundenuj man and a hard old akin flint like hia housekeep er urx ilrodia to bring up an now youre rsdy to pounce on him itn your self that ahould be taking in a refugee an workin for tha boys m uie treurha anil the poor tints uft iioluud youll be buried ko deep lianeath yourself uiat dfna mite wont duturb ja think alismp to yourself lia joyce and rare fled from the room muttering ivalma i psalm 1 in a roost irrahgious tono joveo laughed isslma w rams favonta aspreaeion to cover a multitiide of worth which nhe would fain hao ullerod but which her presbyterian conacienco for bade tfist word she avarred soothed her more quickly than onyunnjr else her miatnota sroae quickly and stepped te tlio window tho roaisrlable noise that alio hod hoard a1 slie at down to brcakfoat was drawing nearer sad nearer it had resolved itaolf imp bagpipe a band aud voliferoua c bearing the meaning of jtliardly dawned on licr ull the long iro cssatnn rnuutlod uie corner in tlie first carnage ohind u10 band ut cub ilaniii- ton by hik aid a beautiful child of nine or ten aa tliay ianed uie window the calennl glanced up uien turned quickly away uie eiprcaaloii on hi sail worn fae- was it disdain or pity or or joyco hardly doc ids again ahe laughed mirthless laugh and hurried from room banging tlio deor of her ddu with unneccesrary force and a the conquering hero ooiues alio cnod bweoping a mocking curtsey toward uie ivy covered maoaioo in tlio nart pardon and tlio uselasa drone k proceod to bury heraelf ia lier novel but as the time went on she found to her arnsxemont uiat it could not be doae 8tie was utterly unable u couoentrate a rotiuj iiupiab faro in a frame uf yellow curls would gaxe up at her from odd euro era and aa older face dark browed and haunting atared at bar from u10 ojn pages of her reference books time and again in tbo days that follow ed aho triad in vain aud roll rati defeated that tittle irish angel h bewitched me eho groaiiotl i novor go to u10 window that i dou t boo uiat uiup curia thruat hetwoen tlwt curtain opposite i never take a ajoib dtna that bn imi t giny at me from tho fonoe iot hut i will write that story dcaiilo a uiouaaud uuluuoi and uieir refugeen tho day lufore christmas proved bar waurloo in iloipair lo tore up u10 tyjiewrltteii jiagi nf bar auiry closed bar booka and hod down town where aho euterod mi ad orgy of otiriatuia hliopping altoi umuxlto rouiruod exhauited and proparj to ajieiid uia mouing lcfofo uio lire with tiooka aud choco ute to while airay uio tuna iue tue but your liook ujuida down jayta slarloii iu al arui u ihrljllug rt mauca tu mblng uitl tluor 1 ho ref ugeo a loot 1 at 1 iar ouhiw hia guile in lurls red in the flick a nijg llroh i hi v lulat eyea wide aud abini g iv u ie ootoual denny u eipuiu- od soeiig hat joyce 1 wa bl 111 apaachlaaa tho wt uian tliat look c rusa aud lan t told uio to mo b bore i uuilo yuur advice on 1 a ory kin umlaul 4 leoy vaa da licioua joy wa inter flslod iu opilo id bonwlf won t yuu mi j wn ho in quilud politely au1 toll nie a 11 about it uorc 0 n uil rocker or wnuld you ilk lo e mi 11 nyknear with a uadng alst my bo 1 du into hor wruis and auhgthhi thai outautally i w yodijn bavo ntn lilp uo inotbcr uotlilulliid nl puqla bluo wid parks all tlirougl juyro h 11 igehbe whed not angel ha inn onjxulu la whnl lie o llrodlo lsiii uio wtir 1 uul llnf now nran i forlalilo ibnt iha juiattuai piiuntn un laui ui d the ogrn or n in nt lid vory li lb you in l luat uo ihsla mia rale ml u buying lo bonis i til klnop iw ill thinking if you d hke to win but you lntjik you cant its almost a 01 n li yu won t if vou think yon 11 lopo youre lust ior out m tii vaorldwofmd huco imi will a fallows will it a oil in theauteof mind if you think yuu rn outdhvmod tiit aroj youve got to think hljj to riio youre got te lie auto of yourioll before you tsii over win a priro isfsa battles dont qlwajn go to ui atroogar or fanur man but soon or hlo the man who win is tho man who uuuks he con camp how launched ttut intea vivid dascriptlon of bii roooung with uio colonel and uisir lifo up to the praaent nmraool hut im worried about uio colonel be oonrludod wiui a igb uint worried t jlevgottin thinner and aodder every day aud ive found out ui reason its tho dream lady thala whak i cimo altout pr f youre a lit of n dream yourself he added so idenly glvingjoyceaahsrlauce wid your rod lips and n partly eyaa and hair like duak lit up wid a ghostly sunset i de bolao yo ran help mo find her a tjroam lady mused joyce pur sled tell me more well it was yastorday contioned ioony that i found him nitun wid his face hid iq hit hand before that tbare win dow over uio garden an wheo ha looked up bi ova had the awful i eat look in them it made too cry 80 t hugged him and says colonel darhp tell yer denny wbatn tho matter an ho aaya oh its nothing uddie i wa juit thinkm atxiut uie drsarn idy flbe hsunti m i gue ita pet- ungi want denny to unnk of the colonel 1jing jiotted got u 1 why uio boys told mo bo wh first out of thoao tranches yelling llko an indian an lesdin hia mnt acroi thonpn and r dont knew how many oerrosna he did for till at lst on nbot him down an ma fauier carried him back and got shot justs bs crawled over uie parapet but ho luod to gat uia v c the colonel petted indada t but maybe it heosuso ho left lp arm over iu franco he may feel kind a holpleu without it tiling yo could lielp mo to find bsr i want to got her lor him for christmas joyne est for a long time in all one tar ing into tho fire then alio sat up autlden ly im auro i can help olio cried the colonel and i are old friend and i think- if i draw him out a little i could find out who alio la and thereil would be easy hit bare darling and wait till i change mydreaa and ill go right over with you now when she returned denny gate a da lighted all n at har gown wa nf sofuy ohitotntiritiu old rasa sillthan pearl around har whita ureat anil a rose in her hair danny gared lu humble ji atiou well ho oiclsimed with more force uian elegance you knock uia spot octsny dream i over had i aa tb two cenapimtorn oiitarmi the house noit door tio deaolata loiialmcu of the place struck joyco i1l0 a dull poor denny aho murmured and poor dick i no wonder uiis talk of au ogrea tim library proved moru cheerful a fire was buruiug half hoartedly ira the old fashioned hearth and under danny coax lug it was soon roaring up uio wtdo cliim noy i hear him coming eclarel fnny in a stage whisper nsisg hurriedly iron hia knee ill run out and forage iu uie ig room while you pump tho colons dinlu yo see tho 0g roes believes it is not right lo rue from tho table feeling eattslled so tho 00 1 on el and me we have m iirivale cache all our own iood lutk to yo mia joyce joy 00 stood a 111 01 110 lit jkanioatrickeu what mad thing was ibui she uu doing au uie impulse of a whim hotnaone bad entered uio dim lit ruoiu atejia wore coming low an i uio boarui fc5 bo hoard uiololonel a gaip of aiuiiiont and njrang up to coqfrotil him al gbtof the ivvlo deeply lined fio aud roat black eyes with their n ion niojiof lulhuto eauiicas all bar f- 11 con pctuusutm voniahod oh dick ahe nrxl imiilg owaid him with band oqlnlrf uhcif lull years agu you said you would itoior ajui umu uio to marry you uiat i must tuaku tho tint advances wall im advancing now dnk could you at or luvo a aolliah old heartod euuire hko mol a great light thvinod in tho txilonol aom bro eyes but bo glaiiocd at bis ouipty j aruiod men tirokou 11 hoalui t uolatall a aultatile uiu li for a autiful and ilavar woman uua yuu joyces eyea wnre dliu with tuars ob lont dont aho begged y u at b loru dick i lov yuu a thousand uuioe uoro ilb tliat empty aloore we wumou f cauadu owe everything to mon llku uu t wiuo quiok sulde um mbuol covarol ho duuuu ulwoou ilflm woh dtunk gihhliiuaa i have on arm loft ha lined noil inoiuoiit a gulddii bead upld in t tholitxary dnorand with i row lu minima wha io alio was iha dream fudy 1 thought an hsvon t oauui lior kllthan or uie ll iw aftr ail cookie 1 waeka fur iinthing aud be proceeded to siouulo an intricate irish ig at the foot 1 1 the nloli way shakily a vongafut hit uidid tho rwoui whore mrs brodle slept tjic heavy slcop of ibuae wbn lu lul n u waa drp ubuototlring iu tgiv i ho ihuaiud your liinola llurtah for iiuland j uunab o t cvlnuoi aul um dmani luiy i iktvii with ihu ualvn and lli 11 l 1 n i uirintuuh ik twenty yeahs ago from tho ibsuo of tho proo press of thursday mar 4th 1807 llov llr hon oils sermon oh dancing on sunday night was intoned to by a large oongragstton it was au able ludlutment of una iaurne wklch has been vetoed by a number of the church court about twenty uf their acton friends were hospitably entertained by mr and mrs itobu lohnson second line erin 00 mombiy night- tho first atuon excursion u the nerui- wcst uiia season took two 03 te toed acton families that of uoasra joseph anderson and john ittidihck never wan the release of uio spirit from tlw earthly tenement more joyeualy anu ci paled uiau in the cane of mrs adam dickson who peacefully passed away en monday a llttlo beforo midnight in her kui year she had been unable to leav her room furtive a year she was a happy christian aud her religion was a constant topic bhe was an oyo witacaa to many of tho ovouts ulien queen victoria a corns- tioii ceremooio occurred mr dickson highly esteemed died over eleven years agt tho council accepted uie tender of john wataou for uu leicea of sound oedar tim lier jflft loug squaring losj inclies and 0 peirea 2ft long for sbo the next low est 31- n ividsy 10u nd mrs p c j kriuu auy 81 11001 ktrour mi iv mclhails boom malol soper oliver cook ocorgs arnold florance hoper jonis trpheuaon ids 14 rd oor trudewaltor may word en edith mula miss brtttoraoi boommyruo mst- thowa ifowland drown annie campbell wihiotsylor ii nil 1 nickhn ena pearson hssel maun t1ii10 huglism jcnnlehmith miss mcnoolii room myrtle cook willie bsllontine malcolm mceachern firnot vipp vida roister elwm porry man leorro slroor charlie matthews alphauu bell ireoo mullm i jo it 1 mtunxtrir toronto totimsry 1817 to mr jjmoddock a daughter dlep dn hrtosin aclon on march let isabel la widow of the late adam dickson iu her tilth year li two in toronto on feb jothpnaucy mlovod wife uf david iinwos formsrly of dranuord in her ctlth year pear is instilled into many children many of uio uervoou wrecks of uie preseti 6 trrownop genomtioo are the teiulc q fear i us tilled into thorn when children yet many mothers of today are doing uie asuio uilng to thair own utue ones in uieourrent tssue of lrrywoinni world kathlesn e htescy writes a timely article on this vih tho healthy bbi she aays is born without fear nolo how j ou may handle him carry him around ly his middle lioad srtni asd legs dangling or place biui over yoor shoulder with no uther lrotaclioii bus a liand laid ligliuy on his bock ifo shows no faar lie known no fear contrast this with uie child who starts at nvery sound and who will not stay in the dark ho has been taught fear lieguod or iuloui you iouieiantry look out ur the boy man will get you stop crying or i ii call tb policeman uioso and bliuilsr uireata are rssixuisihlo tor tho child a fear oud learu fear too if gisut twouty tlvu or thirty feat tall luul your destiny in bin keeping aud uireateeed you with uukuowi horrors foar luay ruin a childs nervous bystoni fur life and turn a uianly happy little lad into- a cringing lilldren ah ul 1 1k taught uuuuu and bolf tuiuin but never foar thb joy 01 one who conqueiia auirl who wa uway 00 illhi esuf back to an ollico frlon i a misl unl ou wliiubalio bud w lit oil one wosk more uf bllui lliau lilty x uf torjuoul llr iriaud uugbin shontxl it lo ubuiiier girl in tho oilkhi and uio latter inontioued il at homo that night hor father b up quiklv i outdu t waiitthutiil lu iy oilioo hoiwld h bi iidmh ur f n bo idd 1 i sboulli i ojmk1 iiktxl i or w rb i liut oitoit- hi uisy b u jjtl huiloi u i worth wbkt she iott latu tut u u iii w ixker tha uplru tliat j lor in- in tonililnhuioil in a t many u work s an evl u bo iiturc i lliruu ilfly wi u thu your v ui si 1 in ui all too nhort ueuuii uf pnrfoot li jiinum hut tbrro in ult nltlludo wt rk n uo or irm 11 y 1h hard aud uttmiu 1 liut l ii li an ppto1 in thu rights b li brinj- oss lisa thai aro develop- iiliu flor lhiiteii yojrs o ulliro wrk u i ii wuii11 il u u nod 1 my h 1 ida lm iuiiq undaia 4ot uio it i li i i ia l 1 inly ujh n inyaolf w look iil 01 i pi 11 fui tho future lo uiont j17 uilll uo and t 1 k- the y of l canada by inner 1 0 black kb oiim slat bstterj i lth bdgo c i a military post 0 line london formerly of acton i our words uiore lie in our old english tongue that make our heart best fast and pulsfti throb word a uiat uie poet oftentimes has bung words that no paltry r by mater oer can mother is one an angel from above and home lie loved by man shall ever bo hweettisart upsakn of rspuiro and jf love 1 aud homeland is uie birth puo nf lite free when tncu from canada are overseajf on poa4uro lieut or business or war there 1a on o word uiat apeska of all nf uinsa with meaning that it never held before the word wan but a usino when a poke at ul canada meaua ail to uiuso who if you caht smile la uid vestibule of a certain hospital visitors see a csrtl tiosring this advice never utter a diucou raging word while 11 uus boflpilal you should coma hero only for the purpose nf helping keep your hindermk end leaks for othsr places and f you cant stailq dont go in if you cant smile dont go in it is good advice for other than hospital visitors who la beyond tho ministry of a kind smile it ta a tonlo to uio discouraged it helps uia hltlo child for whom the world holds to much uial makes afraid arid lb cheer the aged who find life anspeakauly lonely a king arthurs court sras ballt by music so uio happier life we all hunger for nere npoa earth is built in largo part by uie cheerful faces we see as wetbaar tha load appointed for us bmilasare as indlspsnssble to true buo- as in life as money mind and might as lontr as a man can smile he la sot beaten not in hoapi la la only but in tho borne and on ui street there ia a call for the kindly sunny smile the way to have it la to get the heart ngbt with ood and then torn the ejas to light for thescnilo that helps ia the smile of heavenly kindled oy and hope gentle hints a man like to repeat uie a mart things his child rep nay because bo thinks it hi ksrodilarv the once lowly potato is getting so high in price that it will soon bo refusing uj btjclstotrlul anybody but new laid eggn the way jinccs keep going- up makes oae wish that when sir isaac newton invented gravitation he had made it a litue strong- bacon i aeo a preacher out meat dellv ored a sermon from au aeroplane what do you think of that egbert why i think uio sermon was over tha people heads a cliouiam botcher found a 20 00 gold piece m a slaughtered etoor which con firm ua m our opinion tliat uio re ii roouby iu live stock ho i eeo another fellow has heed mis taken for a doer and shot she yeand i know one who was mistaken for a dear and married two men were sentenced in a certain city to jo days each for selling bad eggs it would seeui only justice that they ahould bear the yolk calungs rightly pursued i arli eld m mi address to abody of stu- denta urged tlioui loonier no calling which did notgivo a chance for intellectnaigrowth and thu a ppaas- should openoer eyes to un fact that tuost callings rightly pursued era educational inoutuuous msny a bnsl no man who impresses you by bis good maimers his intellectual grasp of the questions uiat come up for consideration has never been inside a school since ha wu twolvo or fourteen his business has trained his rujnd devolupsd hia judgment given him hiiae aud even polished hia speech if ho hag hyeq sousihlfi fiuquctl w read discnmlnatelylu his leisure hours and improved auch upportuniuss of culture aa come through lectures and associauoa willi uia intellectual uio man who got hia education iu the business world may com pare favorably wiui tho ijroduct of uie uui varsity but uo woiker will achieve uila result who docnuut put iu hia daily work the aauio ingrelieut 1 uruer uaed in clislug hia oelors bralu wuen he was badj it ha beou aaid uiabvou novor know a luan ull you traval with him and carta u- ly travailing has a london ry to bring out all the dopravity lunate in human nature out 0 lhia ut however benjamin dis reel em org ad with llyiug colors this is wliat was said of biui by mrs austen who wiui har hunlieud travelled with him whou ho wa quite a youugfinao us related in mr mutiypeunys biography your brother she sky a uio tetter was ublreaaed to disraalla shier is io easily loased aoaooouiodatiiig a amusing aud 10 aclivaly kind uiat f slisll always reflect iijhiu the dumoallu part uf our jburney viui uie greatest pleasure your broth or ha behaved excellenuy except whop uiero la a button or ruuior buttons lo l hlasiilrt then bo 1 vioiouuy bad itid una happous ajmust dally bmall gain can you writo sliorthand oil yea uuly tt ltu m i luployai apphuun longer afeee u anlluu tlvo abunu ilf a rhanoo and il l gmund rapidly but givo it ropooikxl treatments of dr j d hallog aathuia ueuuxly and a will fall baik evan faxer 1 bore is no huh way ui can tiro about this remedy it iuas riglib tu work and dmoaitaunu out it roanhaa uie inmost bi enlbing uaaagei and leaves u0 plauo fur uiu troublo u lurk haolt by you fur ready uo ltwtlllr utllh ivlllxuat at uio tlist ainjiuitis of 10111 throat whih piw agsn ulamtiuil anil mitlsinallnu tsko apotin jul uf dr lliauitt 1cjo um ml add a lltutnojui o it lu make il pull la it nill ulluy the irrluli in ti praveit uio uutulliiii and a tkuraro so jaiuut iium who wli iwrtodii dly ubjeit to piiiiky haio iiiki um to thouiselvtu wuiuun tuiitul 1x

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