Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 1, 1917, p. 3

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headquarlers foi fi r hi l h i ivltn nmt pooua out filti mill kuiiyt hum wrmmj j riii weilillni i r cil btaiiniaais licbnuufl ruliueu gko ijynds acton ontahic auctioneer roy ffiiidlcy general auctioneer juqjunibor 3 acton out termi relwmimc graduntp of jonor national silio 1 of aultionccrn aroy m joocj jctilcnt iz jutoit 3frw 3r5s tiiubsday mahcu 1 1017 brief local items march lot winter still lingora j dr 0 c3 crnclinim ftalnry iitln too luon 74 hoo huh there n good slaigbiag wevo oow bd ten weeks o ic today a dollar till buy only 67 of what il would purchase in 101 w ii orant i resident o toronto jcorung club is an old ac lou lav lb u estimated that totauxss wd boon doommand higher pneoi than orag a wild dock was soon flying over acieu i toward the north on friday afternoon 1 lusquestug council voted esquooiug lagricultural society jo last mooting the atxb moating of lvquosiag low a 3 ship council will behold on monday march oakvillo board of id ilea una baa da cided to ask tho town council to appreciate j 000 for a dow iichool budding the swackhaninior residence on main s wa offered for sale by auction o lay bat nono of tho bids iular reached lbo reserve pri ce thomas llllott has resigned bis position las ponndkeeper for word na cisquealn i duncan mouoogall will liercaftex act i la that capacity 9 in answer to a ijumuoo in tho legia- f latere on monday premier hearst said that j government inquiry u likely to disclose surprising cjuanuty of seed potatoes this province ttho minuter of lnbho work has ppetaeetl a motor license issuer for each i on tart o co u n ty w ho w 1 1 1 bojemi o n foatailhy dhalur i a fee of 23c for each license issued l hmusttmt milton lathe hallow uoner auctioneer il j korr has sold hu i fine farm lilt 0 con 1 lrin near mimosa to alex momillaooflrin mr kerr waa bora on this farm and haa nlwas resided there mr korr will probably toulo in acton and devote hi whole time to auc uoooering superintendent w ilcunniugbam of lho oakvillo leather company tannery diet monday ovcaiog ai a result ot being i crashed between the iovator and one of tbo floors of the tannery mr cuuulagham in seventy years of ago he died a faw cnleutea after tho accident mr bt m mcfatyre doorgetown rep- i rente tall to for thb dlatnct for overlaad motor cera illustrates in thia issue the famoaa country club car it is a beaoufoj car and for style power comfort and econ omy wulattractpurctiaacra mr mclntyre will take pleaaore in detnooatrating ft umeh0use r mm annie mcdowell underwent an i operation for appendicitis at the goelph general hospital huitrwjr 0t reports ebe la progroaaipg fatoraule ttor ceany frieoda la uie aaihborhood wuh her upeody rtootcry umohooae guild bad a unloo meeting i with tho georwetown oulld oa taeeday ereclof mr macuren of cuelpb delivered a very idtereetior addraaa lo the guild but week in bu addreao he abowad how we are living ine different age and in difierenb eeodluoae u tboee tn which oar grand father llvod bat wo havaoot adjatted oar lives to the new condjtiona t readjust oar live ia the chief rural problem of the day in tho coo no of ida address mr hacleren attempted to give a eolation to lhie problem and the audience were im pressed with a uow eonao of duty to their ooaiino nlty a rteii 2 uiooe lo town during the week i were dr uacdjaald at mr u i brown a sergt w moduwell lte wn oabum tie mcgiu berktsmetb j urataodmr ilex polkiaghorae j jbo junior itflllcf ere meeting on friday iereningof thbweofc instead tjf tbnrauay at the borne of mr tobn nickel impressive sermons by rov draper the presence of ftov 0 d draper oi uiltoa in tlie pulpit of tha motbodut church on tjuoday waa a great ploaauro to the mambers oi the- cougrtgulion tbo aermona toornfng a id evonint were highly interesting and iiujreaivn thb theme of the day waa the question of social service nd evsogcliiiu aapreoented ky tli metho diatandothecchurchee now with far reach ug result iintereatinr features of tlie rece lit social bervice cungrta wore vividly pcamootod and atruog reaaooa wero given for chritlan activity along tlieae hnea mr draper it a powerful oijxxioiic of this affective form of christian effort aud hla addreaeee will loproduliva of tuuch eertous thought on tbo jmirt of thoee wbo heard aim on huuday at tlie riundiy3chuol r j t altoruoun ilatilr draper gave a much appreciated addroaa heiy body wan glad tn havo tho opportunity to meet bifn during tho day catakbll cannot be cured with uoo alt jmtuc a rionb aa they nt reach tho nna of tho dlaeaao greatly iuflueno cannot reach uio catarrh is a local dl j by i uiuititutioual coiiluioiii rilor to nuro you muit taki remedy iuhi tlarrh cure i taltsa iaunioly aid att ihrouhn the hood ou lo mucous aurfacon of io nyiom hall a catarrh lure waa prooctibod by one of ibo tt piyiciui in this country fur voafa it la oompoaeil of wmo of lhe ixnt too lot hue wo cedibiuotl with aomo uf uio tau ipod purl flora lhotaifoct combination of tho iiigrediunt in hall catarrh cure iv what produoon aunh wouderfol maulta in patarrli condiliuaa kei d for wtiuiuulsla bj chknr aui irujm ohxlo o ah vitli 7 hall rauilly illla for conutlpauoo hews of iocai iriipont salo orbajtlnktiridsouylnk the ladles of hu albai n 1 i i l i oi i a sale of lomomlo ukio and j sowiug oa flatur lay af lertuktu marcli ir 1 in the reriflb hall from x3ii o cuck a vlvldfilm at wonderland wonderland i icturo hhuw p j meat iorsuii film last friday day ojcnlaga ahowifi womn at work uo uio various cpriratioas tn oil sail funo pnikin- in tllo vadnun plsntn in maia huch a film must nllinulate iwui men unit wumen in uieir inlcrcnfc in tha pnxm tton of munitions houco or instiluto mootlnff the refiular roontldy nmui g uf tho woman inatitete wll bo holil at uui home of mrs- couhl on rnday marrh n 1 at 3 oclock a pood programme of mujiio and readings will be fetveo tea wdl in served bythe social commluec a nfxrioj iniiatlontolaj srt wlioiirjlotmcnl ra to attend this valuing tea and 1 ear of uio work being jooo by tlie acton women a insli lute potatoes ukoly to drop in prlco inyoaugatlnne by the gbtrnment and bywholeqale daalera prove uiat uisrbaro far larger qaantitiea of potatoea lp the country than has been supposed there ia a growing behaf that with the arrival of warm weather the price of potatoes will co down toronto papero qnoto potatoea in fort willjam now at 52 a hog it is reported that one irtn farmer liaa j0o baga foraada boiling noodod at post offlco stops the icy condition of the walkasverywhor the past week baa rendered walking dan gar oua this baa been especially tho caqe at the atone steps at the government ballding heveral had falls were experienced thereby cituena hotel railings at the aldoa and centers of thesoatepa would largely obviate the danger eavetroughlng ou tlio maii- ard roof overhanging tho step would also improve ooodiuona baptist church anniversary theannlversary eervicea of tha llaptut cborch wdl be hold next sunday 4th lost iter prof farmer r a til- p of usmeater dai vanity toronto will preach morning and evening the mornjdjj service of the methodist chnrch and the evening service of tho jrea by tartan church will bo withdrawn to permit theao coagre- getiaaa to participate io the services of thja bister church another bnsiaoss cnangrj mr jdorns baxo who has been in buuq acton for a number of years baa dia posed cjf his general mercantile business to messrs s krourer 6v co who bavo been in boainora in mount fereat for several yeara meaani kreiger co took poesesaiun on tuesday and are giving ho customers of the store their beat attention mr baxo will give hla whole tlmo tp bw cream cry business at qecrgbtowii socfal and pkrsohal mii ltrilu laiirhlli i f inl i i vi t hi i cr friciii mi ihiqj k imj- mi- limy w m nb or- vuiuxi inn uii tj l ml miirrl lutthnwn of icronto waa tl o i iuuiau i fnn if- uiil keck mr hi mi r lleniy of llrainptou spent hun uy wlu wr an i mrs j il denny 11 imof margaret aiul harsh cangomtller of loorgotowu viltad acton fnandp laat mm dr nivco uf imdon vtaited b daii liter mro juiimice iloardmore last m 2 u i l i v itflv i 1 mr i irai a i jjru waa tho guoab of mr u during hla atay in and family wllo moved to imcr luiro returned u clan that 40000 bronto brldgo it aeemji that the toronto and hamilton highway coram invasion has abandonod ite attempt to compel helton to pay tha bulk of thecoataf the now brtdgo at bronte it to supposed that it baa been found that tlie act as it ia at present does not give uio communinn sufficient power and that tbo leerialaturo will boaaked to amend il the county cauctcllwill be likely to o any ammendment giving tho commission too much power arranging for special sorvlco the pastor and workers are arranging far a sen en of special services in tho methodist church coaomencimj on sunday 25thjoet and oenunoing until t r fianday btti april tho pastor will be atiih by tho membexb oi the quarterly board tho bun day school and lpwortb league on good friday mornipg rov goo barker of guelph wdl preach on ho death of our saviour and the sacrament ot tho icnla supper will be celebrated oo fcjutcr sunday these will be a recoptioa to now mr dohl acton lafltr a mm woodward of ht william it vis ung her inotliet mrs alex hruithlako mi jennie whlmcy of mcdonau inatj tute uimljjli spout tlie week oud at lier boine hem mrs itolwrt craig and miaa lthel of toronto apent tho woek end wltli mrac mdaulhi n acuiu mra rev h v avuwn an 1 children v i iled bar parentn in gelt durinf mr aviuon m atay at ojtltou mcaara f oteph doiton and thoman whit ley nf haskatchewai ocnt tho weekend atrmra wm whitlejf a jlr jaman itom and i ipe major murray of tirouto wero guestu of mr d ioaa main street over hun day mr i h shorey manager morchanta hauk waa at yorker laat weokiueodinjc the funeral of a fnsnd there ir aflof dilb who has boon ponding a few woekaat hu ftlior a buna hero rouim to hchenectally n nn fuiyyl mia james b unlay ouojjji and mrs s duikoid of lramofca viiitcd uieir aunt ilr t romthaw dunng tho woek i mra a l kicklm waa at lioter last i week attending tlie marruga of her aoo mr harcodmlctllnitra sc tomlw auluo j lifebuoy for gounterattaclcj ah day jong heo beer standing the attacks of dirt dost gnmc germs and microbe nowfor the connfrirttttaclf lifcbbpyto uio frtiallita tidfrcniny lather for 3 kin shampoo and bath or for socks slurta handkerchiefs etc makes ehort wdrl of tho enemy health j mo than coop finest of all snaps though it is lifetiuoyhag iplcudid jintiseptic and ajcrmiclda potver aa well its mission is to clean pnd purify send your roldicr a package of lifebuoy hell appreemto i a i all croevrt ujjvnrt imothhits uidmid touqmto ffl before w6e melt lag oesnow anclthe budding of the trees even already is the arrival of spring proclaimed in trie macdonald store s i ht oi ijju iniid of wmu r tic ic md f unilnr ryl ind tin ndvtnl of n vv lihtcr rrwrdiindi ind hnliuir color throughout the tort tf urt- indict- tionofttu irrivilotht in w f ilnon li on new spring mcrclnndi c is jrnv- iii ind foinj mto lock ind on di pi i in jri itt r virit ty cvry d i iodio i who iikt to knmv thout tt lnoii who iiki to fi thini it jlir very fift opportunity i tour tin fi hin d p irtmt ut i t tour of much enjoyment mid hruij moch corxclt mlorin ttion tli ir will be usli to ood idvandgx in the bpryin wirdvobr wt t trnd l cordial invtt itiou to all to visit tlu viriotui dep irt- nicat oi thih buby n drpirtmrntil tort thi first week of maxeh lxtra special sale cvcuk arc being featured lliis week by lhe embroidery deparlmcnj the corsel department and lhe wallpaplr department id e macdonald broswwa guelphs leading and targest store wyndham macdondch and cardcn streets r gjelpjh on ooo wallace gnelph in nov store mr cearga wallace is now settled in bis splendid new store at 20 wyndam street qncjph three doors fromjue former prom ises the now plaoa ia next door to mckeee tirag store another eutorprtsing baiiaess coolnbuted to qaelph from acton an attractive and varied now stock has been qqc in and mr wallace invitee his acton fnoads to call and inspect bia new quartew iirharry c wilkino oi clay- iouo largo mans store detroit has been added to tha etaftasd be will look carefully after the requirements of customers interesting k0bc cathorlng- the pdemboni nf the kings orderlies bible class apt mt monday atoning at the bom of mr anal mrs james o moffat mill street this was one of the moat largely attended and interesting gatherings the class has bald during the winter tbo programme wita raped ally rich mr eaatorbrooa gfcvoji splendid travol talk thejsunday school orchcetra rendered a moatsnjoyaldeeenea of nw selections and mr neil mcdonald and ite mr auuiti each roodered appreciated aoloa tbo meeting next idouday eveauig will be at moorecrofl harried at bicoter utst wook the following articulara from the t later times of the marriage last woek a uickun il aclc and mb aniaa icinamau will interest a boat of oar readers a quiet hut pretty wedding took place at uu ireabyterlau church on wednesday afternoon jlat tobruary ap 2 o clock when miss a ulna kinsiuao waa uaitedin mamage to mr harold storey nick tin a a so of acton the ccre- raony vs iwrfonuoii by tho tailor i to 1 sharij la the jireeouce of oaif tho mmsdiato rejauvea the bride and ftronm were unattended thb brida eotoinl uxt church aa the arm of lor brother dr kinsman of barnia she aa dreaaed u bar travelling suit of lturgundy vol vet tnmmed with aside and carried a hat daotno buuuet ef kilbvruey rosea during uio ignlug of tlie reguter miaajlna 1olllrk sang vary sweetly oun canura o i- if i 0 uwaetaud italy miss marjrarot mux wortliy ixxaued at tlie oran afui and lu i toramouy the wedding arcy ndjuurnwl to tnirual tho buino pf the brido whore a dainty ncil diug dejeuner waa aerved mr aud mrs niekll left on tho evaulng train fur tor onto whore irnickliu inteudaofcriukhla aervioea io the engineering corps fi aeaa service thegrooma tnotlier mra 1- nickliu of acton waa koaent for uocanjou miaa hiuaman wan ouo uf i tcclera tadeuted youug lad ion aa i a boat of frleiuia will join wui tho times i ciiaudlng hearty congratulation lha many fiiauda uf tho young nouj 1 i wo a1n j offor their felicitations mr n c nci i lias roturnod to her homo in now otk alter a viait to bar parent mr and mrs harry old ham bovorato mr hujh mcdouau iwerwk sueet who by iwen confined to uia hoi know ram la now an far recovered ai to be ablo to walk out a ltiiio wr honry wallace who who waa taken ill wiui pneumoqia at new aara laahlo to lx alout otiu and liopea to bo ablo to re aumo work acmn in u ml or so mr and mm her tram itlnning of id pary ajxiut a day lu aeui itlm wook visit ing at tl e i omo of mr i mcnal onrouu to uio wml from naw ork and toronto mn john wntaon or tho fifth line wbo iiad lib leg and wri i fractured live months tjo liaa discardod bis crutcliao and la now bll 1j uct about authai wn mi monday mr john hannon jobs street whohad a nghb hand vary sevorefy injured a onth do waa able uila week to return to n duttoa aa t lectriruui at the acton tan ping company n wurka lvjioonca t i la hv dcr is now engaged in cinnection with tho social heivico home of uio mctliodiil cliuich at ldmouton unuor iut t albert moore ix ii secretary of the department of social service and 1 ypgr toronto fb0m westin0u0use babbacks tho strength or tho 164th battalion now up to 000 during the week tho 101th vu increas ed in strength by a full company from the 205th hamiltou tigers battalion tho new company waa received with military honors owing to uio addition to tho iuth it has been found necetary to divide oaa of the companies and a number of the mem hern of 1 company havo been tranaferred scret sinoihunt hergt gcorffo and sergt swackhamor corp perry and ilea andaraon akjuaon cook iadown and hurler puffer of acton platoon liavo been transferred certificate have been granted to corp c w cook as serge and to lanco corp t marsh aqprp a3 tt result of uio recent v 0o oiainiuatioca last wodneaday lte llarr and fto j motavisb left uio barracka to joia the 5tltli cooatructioo uattalion they are uow at homo on uieir lent loivo before going uveraeaa tbo ilraaa aud bugle bands havo roceiv od large addiuons to their rank the braai hand now numbers 4h aatrumenta tlie xtlth hand waa chooon to play at the recruiting meeting on sunday j 18 to remove paint from glaaa rub with hot vinegar llher is good for removing grease a tains from clothing to prevoiit accidents paint the bottom ccjlar ate pa walto woman had nervous trouble lydia el pinkhama vegeta ble compound helped her west dauby n y i havohad ncrvoua trouble all my ufa until i took lydla cpinkhams vogo table com pound for nerves and for female trod hies and itotreight- cnod me out id good abnye i work nearly all the limp bm wo livo ana farm audi have four girls i do all my sowing andj other work with their help so it allows that utarid it real well i took th compou nc when my ten year old daughter ca mo nud it helped io a lol i imvu nbui v t oldcat girl take it j i unl ttdid b ilotaof good ikctpltln 10 tli homo ull tbo imo and recommend it mrs d kwrrr unceiuuuu west uoaby n y blui pleiaiu ee iicrvouaiicsa irritahll ity bucltachu licadacbcs dragging sen nations all i olnt t5 ftmolo derange- iui nte wliicli i iiay boovercomo by i ydla 1 rinkhnina vcgotalilo coniwund thiu jwiiouw remedy tlin uiixliciual iiigrcdli nu or whicli tru derived from nauvo roots iind herbs baa- for forty yrnra proved ttuboanioat valuable tonic end inviuorattirof tho fcmnlu organ i am women evcrywliltm bear willing tcjtl mony to uio w underfill virtuo of i ydia puiviiam vccctoblu compound cleanino aittion sale in nju3aoawsya tottnhlllp 1abm stock and imllements the- nnderatgned has received instruc jj tj l for lot ai 4th cjjncesaion faaf on wednesday blaltch 14 j0r7 at one o clock uharp tho followmp uorsfs i gcocrni puno-c- prey ruaru rial of 5 yeans duo to foal in may bred to imported pcrcheron stallion if horrc good worker 1 bay mare driver cattlk 4 cpnngcalvcar twoyear old heifer duo to calf about september 35th 1 red nud white lietfcr two years old 1 red cow due to calf ooiit may loth 3 he 1 fen rising two yearn pigs pou try rtc 5 young pifn altout 30 lianeil rockii good layer n t uudcander about 1 nlxiut 15 bushels oata alxiut 1 yo hay bujieln tnrmpi lillhl mntst wa and bo 1 mccormick biudrr ft cut 1 frort u wood muwa 5 ft cut i mujcyjuatru need drill 10 bpout 1 spring tooth culti valor 1 sot of imrruwu 1 ucuiller 1 hy ect eleitrh and wood rncfc 1 turnip putper 1 cutter 3 tinted mc laughliu democxat jthay cark 1 churn 1 do i aval cream separator pearly new 1 chatham incubator und brooder 10 kc capacity 1 wheel barrow 1 plow 1 ict of plntforru ccalcs wiioijb sqou pou 11k avy tcarohnrucj double t hjbt idcr culi over harnlss- 1 at it plow b iriit i riving barntj 1 tl kms soaud slung approved 501111 notes hay grain id towl cah iej urcrxn i wyadt clerk auclionctr oba anjabaanpnanaaaona a oood poeoadhand copulnjc m stoves per coal and wood ceal hcatera box stoves n all km da second hand furniture a foi sale in the rod btoojt nouao pooltby a cauah paid rbr sdl hlncua of uvo n poultry l starkman s vouno btrbttt actorl at m arjnannaauannrjniibihbiaibi auction sale im wabsaoawbya fakoic and the ukleil to rmgtitd lioj 1mi ibhc unction u r danilfl whitley on tha pre nil eu vicut half of lot 34 c 11 ci nuatjwryu on monday uancti oth 1017 nt anc o clock rharp tho following hokbl o 1 ivrelirlon mure 7 rani old in foal to n hcavy hor o w i111 1400 lb 1trchctuii nure h ymi ol i weighing 1400 lb thi i a wi m itilicl team 1 pcrcheron hor ruinj 6 jijn wcif b 1350 lb 1 heavy bay mure in foal to a hcvy horwi r pair of yeirljai colts well matched ri ing 0110 yc4r oil catti i red cow due april du mi dut may 15ii1 i re i heifcrdue aj nl duo m iy ni younf cat i r i a r 1 l due xi y id old nr lilfi nuhl 1 hlf h i l i catvc hrtwil w d in u p j i 6pj mouth oil imp lllltctsi ii hoo drill toy llami now i stt inrrow harna new 1 heavy waou uu t melottn ere tm mutator ui now 1 eultivnt r miuiy hum buj jy rubhrr tuo nearly n w t iims 10 and nn vji m ill ik vr i y nit 1 m crh xi wjait clock awenemnuanunrjnaaqqdnrjht half price watches jewellery and diamonds 1 i illcl watrho a tew a fllolo u quality 1 nile al hikh uiln cl 1 low llracrtol waich dbi 11 i lie rcilujcd ptict3 ejiipuardt i j acton owt unaaaddnnd nun jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin 1 new business management s krekgeb 6 company h l yaving purchased the entire toek tnd goodwill of the usjnea here of m saxe i desir to bohet the patronage of his customers and the gcnertl public i ah roods in stock wille disposed of at kcaiioniihle prices and our efforts will always be to pleast our customers and tivc umd v tl s kreiger co mill street acton peerless water systems bnni city comforts to country home make bathrooms laundries and running water in any part of the house pooiblu ke id this ttti monial a a uu i ho moluiu uilaul port arthur july i lj6 dlqti 1 i it y u iiilll 1 ul i ik i katifaetocy i tl at uutnati 50 al ma st i dear sir fdiu tl to kuuw wliut in opt byvtcm which wm i plaeo at lxu i ukc it this to tell you that it i every feature i have no incsn tc l suic at the ell 1 oilhti hw hue lint i 1 i that at the houwi cud f tho into wtikh i u say muulouiu 100 cut fi iui the link th pr witua ui nullililinlj iuit to ihuw i lo ttrtun uvcr my ho 14 iv ill to bli pic i i i 5u uu i t lhrciii110 1 wtitelhu irtur u h uc i nm is v i know that i hiu nun tli i kjl with lj ou hit hv t iy i j u j a i ii il 1 to invbstors t thosewho from time to time have funbs requiring investment may purchase at par m qfxmoii mmimi stock in sums of 500 or any multiple thereof principal r payaldu lot october idiq ilitcreut pijalilo half yearly la aprd and lot october by cluxpio frco of ricluingc nt any chariitrd bank in canada at tlio rao of fivt ptr cent iier annum from tho da to of purchase ricj dcro of this iitock will liavo tho iinvilego of ourrendrnrui ot par and nccrurd uitcrt t id tho equivalent of eash in paj ment of any ollntiuent nuuln undo any future war loan msuo in iruuia othtt than an uaun of trcaaury billa or other hlto ahort date- security proceeds of tluu utock arc for war parpoocti only a eammimiao of onivquartcr of onn p a cnit will bo allowed to rteknixcd ixind u i i tirck brukua on rulolmcotu niado m rnapoct of upj hcation1 for tins ntockwtllcii bear thor otaiup ipply to thi tiijiuty minister of 1 j1u that you ivu tho ipicli n iccd i pecial uttcntiup tint year sec 1 t dciimblo vunctiei und high l tl in power will bo lteiont iullucmuig yicldu if you hav not secured your seeds let the ontario depart ment of agriculture help you- tarnicn having seed gmiii or potatoes for unlo may forward uamples to thi i oflico btnllut variety uttd quantity und priee iarmcrj widimt to puriluto icil urc ulo invited to iiumuuiiato with this oflico statin variety and qu mtity and an cttort wiir bo mono to put them in uuth with fur mc ut havtui ccd for ijjc write to w k strong uitnet lieprescntativc hurliu out r ii hkakt mm o agriculture announcement i j is ouk pleasure to uinounce that vvt are now settled in our fine new store at 20 wyndhwn st 3 doors 1 1 t from our old store next 36or to mckeeb druq store it is also our pleasure to announce in e p cially excellent and meritorious collection ol clothing hats caps and furnishings for meji and boys our stock is now complete large v iried individual and attractive in fact vcrythlng to please good dressers all th it is worthy his beet collected for jour inspection and approval will you accept our invitation to view them succthslul liakufcnlng cd lh ul i write fyr desenpnve b itlet ot nt fie on rttu national equipment co l unite j 40 wnbnak avenue toronto gardener wbctlu eaniiol uhonl to uml lo ha tumtbavc tho bat seed that tnuuoy uiu buy our husiaceaas beuiuk ttllally lc ted carefully aolcetcd pcdl bc willi good secda gootl soil pttipcrly leici ui 1 lua uceewuiry lare tho t4jilaiui may txpeet results ticauwi all t atuiu it wockiui for him 20 wyndham st guelph ontario i w6e mew store we 1 ave deeided to go out of wai lpailk and will give 0 off our pr sc nt stock com in uitl 1 t u t show iou what wt lljvt i jtblashiljco i miusl r acton uaktu itltfucby ptauiuus irerry cieod i anh a h otni df i i i iitin uu 1 1 i ut 1 i d m kerry fi co wiajaor t oou buy madeincanada goods 1 j

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