at nrr gv qv jfffwa ji km x volumjc xiii no 45 livery bntwctlpuan fm in advance actok oktaeio tuubsday moltning may 10 1917 t tiahtciijan price ojjd i et annutu single copies- itvjc bjjktff bvchv thltlulday uoiuiinq t tim 1 iubij llikufl du lu1nq unx jimst aotow ojrr the una ftw aichtfi have bmd mia ilv t wblch every ulwcrlp- ipa la paid u doiieted on uie address label aonartftiira iutzs transient advertlee- ffisft w w nii line for oral rss ila ittuo- joem iaonlon ooiiumi display advartls- owt lor do or looba mora per annum id i fmtperlaaaaahlnaaftlmu-xaxlseoaumet- radlo matt 13 o par incn eeeb lour without apselfla dtreetlana taaov as 4twumffluumut be paid advertisements will be ebaoed one eaoa ssif u vox cbenawo oftener fcbea i kii2 r oowpoalueo ubm i tapaidforatnailarrama all eeeoanu eollsoted raootfajy f moous y kdj lor and proprietor savage co cotubluhod 1040 jeweller guupii hotituss sixataxp irrihos gray m d c m mcgiia l a o r kananm i b f as duuwv iodnttbitimlemwuj anooutuui etc the old and reliable wntchtnnllcrsand jewellers savage co general guelpb ont mill supplies buildtr hardware agents for yale and peter boro lock co louden machinery sup plies i dairy supplies v the bond hardware co llmltod rtuma icw oudlph j a ucsivsn fbysloisji and bargeos ma aumwa cor kftil and jena sraer nem of tea lot vf u stars vstrsxart qbmctawuon vbthbinaay bdilokom j ontario i oradaatenf oatrrto veterinary ooiiace 1800 wbaaarthbrvdloelu juoldeeee tll ok ohm do nlchi promptly aitoadad to- j mmeihhon laaajuraa boxxcrro oojrnrrzatxa qm mm btreei in pesryrooo block wf a kolan iunistar boilittoi- and kotsry pnblia t0lhamla i boak dcoajaa alrmt llodtj to loaa bauta xiraa spadal attan- mjuttjll if yoa have any gursta at your home aro gom oat of town for a visit or know of any interesting nown let as bear from you wo always appreciate eucfa favors phone n i6e bell pianos the rnain essentials in a piano sre tonal quality high- class workmanship and dur ability these are comprised in bell pianos as a result of patented im provements unique in piano manufacture sold only by the white cabnatigh hero n to uio wliil carnation htuidy and njiioj and nwaat wafunf- alrtatli of perfume on tho winy way of tho street urialng aureiglil of glaiiueaa wlierotrilo ltrxa lilow iferoa to the white caraatlan iura aj tho rlrcio snow thla li i ho flowar for math or wear lb oo mothers day f flowera far rain and aunabine vinaomo gallant and pay wear it in mlhr honor fin nod to our ceat lajxil vvau it in halt and caraagi 4or har that yoa loro bo well for mother in lowly cahm or mother in palace halt in arer the lrumt and dearnt and erer blie bat of all in iravalland pain aha bora at in laugh tar and lovoaho nuraed and who that wonld ilitme tbtt mother la of all mankind aecuraed tirad and wan too often weary and wak atlimofl uut alwaja fall of tho courage that thrill when the fature chits mother with hands toil hardened mother in neaxla and laea the likt of hearenly beauty shinaa la her tsoder face- so haroa to the white carnation wear it on mothers day flower that hlooma for mother winsome allaolend gay flower of a perfect sweetness flower for hut and hall ilerea to the white carnation and to mother oar lest of nil margaret ii sfngbter c- c speight jor urvtodate goods b j m dslll dl b ld a uwrin aorea tuoafxa ttl i ooraar mill and rradaruk uea i tlo umxdoataar toaom purroaamr i tba latest anaaauirla need u daalrad lt l ii behnktt dhht1bt caaaurjji axoca osos mzbcxxajtsous htlrahoifj hdnah floosblmdbb a bw- t aoalpbtonaaho om wllllani iutar t i books of all kinds n4 to order uoals o f erary daesrl n uon oarafnll j bound rneaal ml prom p if f done fafikiagk fjoenbks yap atooua tioae la ffis erenlii- i offlo aofow j hbb soojtanaootietuui i for ufa oooauae el walllostoa izallon real jfcd jtuffarln and uia city o claalpa qslas eondnald vlin aailalaouoa and upon ftoaoaatiu tenna i orders tt leue to ortoa p d or celadon uphoneui realdeoo la oonnaotioo wltn lbs wbara axraniaidanuaa to da tea and ad tar- g ean be mada trdara ft at fhxn toaa aoiou wtu reoatva immediate atieatloa u atuntloa to aales in jlolon and vuleltr d alex niven lontaswfa luod ohrveryo mao civil isurvoya sabdivisioos plan re- arts deacripmodb blbepriats etc rtificstea purcluuera and mart leec surveys for archltocru buil- jcflla coddclls drain co reporto estimates etc imercmants bank blda ouktph ptoon 10ch0 out ttftoktocanaiii 7 douk bimosr tebm ot umm qnaljpji onf- j ttd jjalnae bound tn liaods untie c7rs ulere w on lubles hymn ki aad oinar hooka rjllj wtirk raomptlt mbontd the old and reliable iranlte and marble doalora mauutm inrera aaj jlrait importera j kiuaa ot monomiul andil auons w aii diraeitooorauauiman etwlmu v tiia aevtotf on euetomtiaeo per wvja u b apfruajtees and tba sssle ttla rrppnrlr w eaa aire fc pm dqudreds ot oor mioum in avr in order to aolleat we liars laal- ueai auek of uraalta in las b w rtaer uian adr uirae dealers la vl ewd do not auy r port mia- ar j 41luoalb wllel b 411 oieutianlta alr anl dafr amiiyrnp sons silverware in tableware fine variety alao fine cutlery hardware tinware and gramteware in variety pandora stoves and ranges famous heaters small staves oil stoves evnnv airriolb is op buccep- tjonal value c c speight mill 3lrctt acton judge our- spring stock as criticallyas you will you neednt lake auytbing you buy oa faith examine every shoe you buy here critically from any angle welch enr shoes in the balance of your judgment and youll not find them wanting many respect were bailt up a big bnnncss berc on tho idea that rood value good service and good style- ore what you wont coma ia today asdaay show mo well prove our claim to your aatlr faction repairing skilfully and promptly done rubber heel put on wtiilo you wait c w kelly cgi son 33 lower wyncfhean st ouelph ont t7- jieapaclie nervousness dizziness indigesrion and many other disorders are symp toms of trouble eaufcd by weak or defective eyes we relieve these troubles by means of glosses which remove thottraiatroni tho eyes and nervous aytcm your eyes will bo fitted hero to remove any troublo which they may causa wee grind ounown lenued ptllciaht service kenney bros aclon ontario tfjolmkit tnx ouiltu ladies wool sweater coats a large v of colors to choose from in plain shades and mnped patterns they are the very newest designs with detach able collars and sashes to matchv very smart for street wear reas onably priced 700 motbpitoof hooicny roft utoorn we have a cord it o to asjiort- moot of be0 and colors they are very bmnrt- ffhesrifor 40 0 pairs for txtts ouarar teed six moctlis 3 pairs silk 350 guaranteed three nicntha r e nelson 4 mknfl outfitt quelph ontmrlq by reason of its widespread branches in ev canadian erloco and in rfowfcmndlanijj jalca cuba porto rico ton chicago and now york thla bank is enabled to pxotlda exceptional faculties 2 or econamlcal cpoedy colloctlons tho banic of norm scotia hfl a savinga department in every branch in canada and depofiitorajltq aaanred most careful ottcntlon a cofflpleta service la givefi at otdr breach of j the bank of novascotia paidtir camtax m000m bkhkuvb vlmt m lxomlooo tota1- ilksoulicea err ua0oe branchts at acton ouelph norral milton ond stretbvhu lias a nulotml latiuulloo for uiorooli pntthaalrfi and a4aeoed edooalloual work tlia kasii lomaudfor uur uradustaa la proof ibat u tu at to lid oar scliool kulu eur uuie culo8u tr- w j buottp11inoipax millinery our attractive assort ment of latest designs in shapes and trim mings sltduld interest you cill and inspect our displiv misses cooper bum til- aoion the ladrop the cabhations c a hothofb day story ts jvusk was falllnc on tho prairies lj already proving monotonooa to tho travellers of the canadian north west elisabeth kirka in her ptadb by the window of tho crowded tourist car examln ed the little watch at bar belt the way was atratchtng oat interminably to elita- betk tho hut resting period in winnipeg soonied lonjr ago and bormothor jit mqji treal far away and yet tliaro were those back in the more luxanoua cars wbs ware confrrmtulating thonwclroa oa the quick neas with which the journey was being made leaning her head against iho seat elizabeth oloaed her oya story e lory lady good night story i and ft iiabe th felt the pressure of baby hands upon her drees ttion came in quiet tones as tho hand was drawn away story lady tired rery tired without ojening her eyoe elizabeth could see tho protecting attitude of little elrod toward the curly headea four year sitter but baby wants stoxr came in grier ed tones and hoajjj them the hood ajrajnat tlie aeat waa lifted and ehxatetb ahakiog back the tendnla of hair frem off her face laughingly sold baby come bring bunny and blos som elrotl they ehll haro a good night story all wearinosawaagobe rojntiuliawh- now she was ber beaming beautiful self the elisabeth to be relied upon the elizabeth that was ber mothers helper and who had once been her fathers stay pus into th background wore fl boths thoughts of homo and now she saw only little kims blue oyee as they woro fljted in eager wistfulnesa upon the sloy lady room as made for bunny and qloeaoaj witti el rod atendiog guajxl by the trance to tho aeal and then other chilobreo came crowdmg up and el rod stepped back to givo them place the conductor looking- down rpon tho tittle greup as ho passed laughed lie and elizabeth had becoino very good friends but all oa the train worn friends of con doctor cameron a real school of little flsb waiting to- be caught be said lookiog at elizautli and what bait l bate to use conductor cameron t asked uizaulh the first that comes to hauditit all good that you carry and with a ware to the children the door abut with a snap and ont orer the prairie tho train was making its way throuf h long slanting rays frem the sun dropping below tho horizon the air of homines as elisabeth opened ber arms aad the children settle arou hor reached to more than one there iu that tourist oar and even those who could not hear tho words tho children were listening to with bated breath looking at the scene felt contented feeling of home taking possession of them as the story was be giuuing tho mother of little kim had said to so old or girl maids you will atay and put tho baby to nlcep like a dear a little later the children ecettered to their various mothers and elisabeth was fiee to tike her thoughts book to the home where but a littlo before her father now in the city of the belorod had tended hie greenhouses the mother with a sturdy helper waa now coring for the flower ead llicabctb had devleed the bold schemo of going where so many others wore gonfi out to tho west it is so crowded here with loechoa i shall find more cbancoa out in the big west she had sold and the bolls you knew will stand bjr the dolls will help you if they can but witti no chllifrsu of tlieir owo-c- vos i fcnugy iut wi ebe wit ihij i can reach out for myself their hearts are good and kind and their home u open to uia and the mother had yielded and now here was elizabeth making her way olooe to a haw field would nhe flud school t would she have long to wail would the people be nice t weuldtijo jwy be sure t all these tilings wore tinting through bar mind as tliaahaituws folloverthe wi ano the light of the engine outlined tho toe tracks ahead before they reached them uut the track lliutelh was aeok iitg hod no bright light uutlining tho mat ahead htill i be hert uf llie travo is hojwful and ellrsutlisvirkos 1 eait was indeed bravo arvs lioni 1 htalatba oatu uiuti who had removed his jray jsrney lot his paper drop upon hie knees as bin eyes rested upon the firl who was evidently feeling the fatifrue of the long cuj n strain all tlo day nhe had thought tt olhcrn instead of self lie reached for tlin telescope under his neat and drawing it out took from lb a box removing tho cover a cluster of grapes m unsue epot was cijoecd in verting the cover he laid the cluster offruib in lie srhito draping upon it and with a smile reached ecrou jfi uleebeih saying my lady lot adotltorrfiro to you what all this day you havegirou to otbera-r- bit f rofroehnjent elieabath turning quickly from the window saw thatyho sieaker was tho jovial man whd had often dun kg tho day mads groups near his own seat laegh heartily over his jokes and who was now laaoinir grscionsly toward ber bar aye geo qufck apprecutioa as uiey roeted on tho fruit its very jovely of you sir loro bogots lore bo answered kind sttentieas deserve lund attentions the childrens sleep will bo ci led with beauti ful visions the weavfnga of their story lady then io iddwi i hao two cubs of my own miss in tli hoino loa nel baying this he adjusted hut eper again under the rays of tho burner shore his scat and elizabeth enjoyed to the full tho thoughtful attuntion of her near neigblnr batbof lioliovtxl in lingagoad roller nhe thought nm flin jiarlonk of the grapen and recollectod tlm day with its many pleasant incident for all lujatiguo and mother told run that in the uunit car i would find more fnendtinotii than in the other cars it seems mother is nghl her eje grew soft with thought of mother and thought of the kindnesses tliat had been extended to bor dunng tlio joumoy and now ehe murmured the day lo gono and i coo sleep as securely as though in my own homo bod elizabeth beliaved in going heartily into a day but alio behoved rfi going just an heartily into aleep when tho day was cloa ed add so the morning it was sunday morning found elizabeth among the crab with her curtain drawn enjoying tho beauty of the sunrise it was nine o clock all had break fait- ed and quiet was now to an extent reign ing in the car elizabeth liaddresaod with especial care in a fresh white waist with a little knot of pink at her throat looking arouod asltsfyioe-hermelf- that all signs of a basket breakfast hail disappeared sho beckoned the porter who aino quickly to hor lie had sprung many limea to do this girls bidding dunag tho journey elizabeth smiled nod said now if jou will bring tno that box porter i u bo roach obliged atulha spread out her dress expectantly an elizabeth hod stood on the platform at the home station saying rood by tho ladies of tho church guild gathered around her and placed in hor keeping a long pasteboard box it will be mothare day tit you sunday oizalteth just as it will bo mothers day with un here you will bo on the prairies but there wdl bemothers journeying with you thcso carnations orojor tho mothers on tho traiufor motliora day thoy are your mothers finest blooms wo have purchased thum of liar as a lovo gift for the mothers who are your companions en mothers day the porter returning bud tho box across elizabeths lap and stooping unclasped tho buocles of tho stra that confined it- a suit flush was on tho girl s face a look of loro in iter eyes as uho throw back the cover and laying aside tho tissuo paper that linod tho box she looked ujioo the long stemmed whito aruauons of their own homo growing dozen of thuai resting on a bod of damp green rooi curious eyen wero upon her and inter eatod children nlippod fmro their ooau to prem thotr way to imr but ware hold lick by mother hand elizabeth artno and fleetly lifted tho blossom from their rest ing place and laid tbcin loyjogly m a beautiful sheaf of wtmo atlu grtnu across hor ana blio flushed cautiously know ing the oyoe uf her follow jkassonors were upon liar but meeting at the moment the kindly eye of the conductor ber own pent out an appeal and in a mamut he wiiat we owe odd hotbeds uuppoao all the mothers were ut render hilli to tlio sotin haw in quo brief life would tlio bills crerho paid t every son dr- to hih motlrrll cr for tho beat yearn of my yoath and beauty and strength ljvoh in all good erteoif to lum ier tlio tears i havo shed oiortils cradle for the acho in my i lack as i bcntin hi muvico torxlio otfr tirod finfers worn out with the darn ing of little socks end tho mending of littlo nhirts 1 for tho sleepless night when ho taiaed with fever and oolled brokenly for jduvror itor tho itoartaclies bo cauaod me before bo row into tho sober nun of aluum aa at bor ou boo she said her vuco tremulous is motltora day and tho ladies t homo wish mo to make it mothers day hero the carnation is tho mothers flower and thoso are for th uioiherson the traiu the conductor draw a loug brwalh sly motherwill wear a whilacarnation today boeald and you aball weakono too locauso iu a dense you aromnthoridg ua all said llizabsth laughing oa aha bld out a a nation to hiiu i tho conductor took the flowar and seeniig ixt of tho atsm puocd ilia emhleui ou the lapel of his bluocoat thau he uaij in a cheery tone that gave 1 lize bath lonfidouce if you are ready wo ii r ch at tlio flrab littla group uf mothera and children the couduotor said iu a genial you see friouds iu m motitara iay and tho win to cariiatiua is the tnothers lower and the kind utiles friends of this comjaniouiu our journey liavu sen i the to the mothers on tba train iu houof at the day there anttiidthord hero luoloutly fingers twiiiklod hura ami there ludtusuug motliors aud along tho car elizalnttb with her awoct amilc assil tlio cu iductur kdapiugatep and giving aasuusaico in dia- taughugtbe oiigstams onaafterauutlier the uvriiatioh were taken from u e sheaf and the children witti wide slightly cuvo tons looks watchetl the scene wondsrtngly to tlio uosl car uioy tosaod and tlio huwf rjijillula in a boaa h f n i nbeaf a f wliitsnl tooii across the jouug gifl arm there was eometliiag of a mora august loiupauy haro urn t in tho uiurut car i hzabethn fsca k dushod aud the conduutor seeing ib nenb genial glance along to tlie suddenly interested oevu poofs if tlie car aud said courteously with a wave to the girl beside hiui tho lady of the vrnaiiona witti tuasuiiis for mothers day whcro aro tlie luotliors a wito of nurprue and appreciation audi soft handclap hem and there imllttod tho mothers lizabethdrew a luug bicath at mint end liar fco railiated aa sho ills engaged fliworafur llowur bsvug a site eitendeil one brtuand there a csrnatinu for mother s pav in rhoiiostrui do fuuuh jilly trtup travelling together and atidantly ia wait for her coming there were fathers and mothers and grown children with boys and girls and aunts aad oveo a grand fathur i yes we are waiting for you said a gonial gentleman laying down his paper aa the two approached the wonder of it bos reached to us in advance wo only wish wo wero all mother and then the lady bosldo him raea and pressed elizabeth into ber seat yoa will sit hero we are so anxious to get acquaint ed with this strange beaqtifnl thiog you ore doing elizabeth glad eyed and eager said as ahe looked into a pair of brown eyes i m only the messenger con voying tho kind thoughts of others and then site explained the suddnn blossoming otmotborb day there on that westbound train it was a delightful company eliza bchibundbenfin and meet apprecia tive they could not got enough of tbe beautiful story of tlie lovothetne of the dfir women of tbe guild tboy asked questions but at but tho gentle man by the windoieteeaide elizabeth said suppose we givv the littla lady of tho carnations a rcat and tall ber our story 1 we aro the macncil cloa pa our way to moke homes on land that ia aura along the columbia we are to start not only m- homes but a school and a church we hepo in umo and we have you see our mothers with ua and he bud his hand on tbe neat in front of bim occupuxl by two gray haired ladles and i am on my way west said elizabeth beaming one of ber sweet smdea but i have no home as yot to go to but whea i obtain a school then my mother la to come and we shall havo a and so you are to be a teacher said tho little lady standing in tho aisle with her hand re unit on elizabeths shoulder yea said elizabeth a quick light came to tba lady a eyas as aho oxchsopod a look with the one at tho window and bo nodded and are you going out not knowing where tho school is to bo interrogated tho lady briogtnghor eyas to rest egaio on elizabeth but i havo fnand they will givo ma a reating place until i god sld in which to labor tbe gentleman at tho window leaned to- ward tlio ladi in front of him and at ttiq aamo time a gentleman back of him laid bis band on his shoulder the hand droji- ped away from elizabeth s shoulder and tba owner passed to tbe seat further back and furtively wards amoogdlffereutonea of tbe party were exchanged returning tho lady aald wo aro going to bo frank with jou mm ebxaboth kirko said elizabeth in her sweet modaat way well miss elizabeth kirko wo are going to bo frank with you aud oay our party is iu ooed of aome one to fill a- teach orsplaoo the niece of mr uacneil was lotending to bo with ua but hor lover coaxed her to bo marrtad instead m elizabeth lifted liar hood theeyos of tho ro met are you in earnest also eaid why should wo not be t answered tlio lady hut you know nathiar about me said elizabeth noing and look tug around from one to tho other of tho mttie party rdling the seats mr mackeil rosoalto tbo mission that was ivan you by the ladies guild of your own church has ea graved a recommendation on ooy hearts younj lady that time will bo long in eras tog wo noattpot be in basin lo ijooido aw think tbo plan over and see what the little mother at homo says 1 er liaps she will ask lor our rocommendatiou when elizabeth was back iu hr oea among tho plain fumudnngs nf tho tourist tho ouoa tharo neuood a brigbtnaaa ou tho face and a diguity that was now to the 1 who had boon away from thaui auch a abort time thochildreu would have run to ber again but tbo mothera bold thsiu back kot quite tho story lady was this young moiuan who was now taking hor jdace among thsui the geullemau across the aisle aaid iu a deferential man twenty yeahs ago prom tho is3uo of tho proa pros3 ot thursday may 13th 1807 ths maples are in leaf again the woods abound in wild flswera now tho various teams of the hat ton ieel baseball league are now practicing for tho season n matches the schedule has bean arranged and a ftood season s sport is look ed far an oxhibitisn game will be play ed here on saturday between gualph and acton mrs k f lmdaay visited her former homo at aahgrovo on sunday u tho synod of ths diocese of uu parts land cloned a weeks session at winnipeg on saturday a motion favoring prohib ition evokod much discussion but was lost by a vote or 40 to 10 last friday master ernie gurney while playing on a raft near the dam oa header eons pond with eorap other little fe lows ahpped off and sank in about five feet of water after going dawn for the second time he was rescued by jahn arthurs and mr balon who wero working in mr smiths fardcn next monung ernie was around again ai ususl at tlie annual meeting of the officers of tho 20th ijatt lorno bjflas hid it 2u ton arid presided over by lieut col- ioarns m v v it was aanoannad that tbo regiment would go to camp at niagara m june a committeo was appointed to procure extra forage cape and helmets the r pworth league of tho mothodisfc church hold tho en nasi election last week t j edmisuiu sai elected president and a e ournay sectataxy t bbiouten the c0bneh whebe youuabe little drop of water little rays of light knock our daily troubles higher than a kito when thing dont go to suib yoa aud tlio world seems upsidedown don t waste jour time in fretting and drive away tho frown what is tho use of worrying and hurrying and scarrylpg and breaking up ooea nest when all the world is teaching ua and irayingand beaeeching as that quiet ways are best if you aro onthoronuiuytjoo net a transfer if youro inclined- to f rob and pine oct a transfer got off the track of doubt and gloom oct un the sunshine train tharo s i room dot a transfer if you are on the worry train lets transfer you must not stay there and complain let a transfer tho cheerful cars sro passing through and there is lots of room for you ot a trenjjfflr ii you are on tbo oouchy track just take a happy special backv get a transfer iuidpjd the train and pull the rope that lauds you at tho station hops get a transfer 0 little mother op hihe sometimes in the bush of tho oreoing hour when tlio shadows creep from the west i tii ink of the twiliplit songs you sang and tho boy you lulled to rent the wee little bay with the tousled head xhat long long ago was thine t 1 wonder if sometimes you long for that o little mother of mine t and now he has coma to man a estate grown stalwart in body and strong aad yond liardly know thst ha was tho lad whom you lulled with ynur nlumbar aong j tlie years havo altered the form and ths life but bis heart is unchanged by time and still ha la only thy boy asof old o httlo mdthof of mine i walter ii brown a good use p0e p0st0ffice walls to tba editor 7- inetcry post office in franca the gov ernment has had tbo fallowing poster ex bib ted to french women and to young french men drink is as muc y r enemy as germany since 1870itjias cost france in men add monov much more tlian in the present war drinkers age quickly they 1 caw half their normal life and fall early victims to many infirmities and illnesses the seductive drinks of your parents reappear in their offspring as great horedl tary evils france owes to alcohol a great many mad men and women and consump tives and moat of her criminals drink decreases by twothirds our national production it raises tho cost of living and increases poverty in imitation of the criminal kaiser drink decimates and ruins franco to ths great delight of germany mothers young men young girls wives i up and act against drink in memory of those who have gloriously died or suffered wounds for tho fatberlantfl yoa will thus accomplish a mission as great aa that of our heroin soldiers as timely as una 1 strong drink ia every mans enemy alcohol is a racial poison a child weakly in mind or body is born of an alcohol lo mother and he in turn may become the parent of degenerate offspring thus society suffers we are members one of another that is lifotlogict drinkvin striking my meigbbor strikes mo and all my other neighbors for we aro all bound up in tba bundle of life drink causes social toss and wrong therefore drink is not only the french mans enemy bub every mans enemy j u iiazxxwood methodist dept of social service if the cameo every one i rfjththntnnniis llx tbo day brought full couijtousa lion your face indica it oh judocd mr is your no mo mr macdcruiolt aud uiino u ldlzauui kirko mr macdermolt such a beautiful thing lias hippoocd ou know i liava my face turned towanl tbo weat seeking a home fur my uiotlier my father ia in the- hotter country i am a teacher and tho eopla huuslstjj rsruhnrv linio bei o istadr- itioro is a whole party uf tlteiu feoiog out un tlio colombia luver ky ant in need uf a teacher for their children 1 ho one thay had exported to bave gone with theiu a a teaijipr has stayed back to lie married and i am to ho giveu a trial for tlio place l to this mr mclwnott uid is it tlio uacneil party you tuean t elizabeth nodded there a fine company tbo ltiror end mr mac nail was pastor of eur chutch at ottawa for fifteen years he is a graud ins it i one of od a raty own bwcet was tbo aleep that night of tho utile party in the luxurious car ttatl fnmi r uzabetha but jual as iwovt won eju slxitha and mure tluui ouo ooulj have said with truth ills banner ovat mo lo e if lauche tattruda uuhhiiix wuatiiewasa fbaid of little adolaide wai iocltned to be cow ardly her father found- that oympothy only iiicnnied tins unfortunate tendency aud decided to have a tenons talk with bis little daughter on tlio subject ot her fool job feara paps she ventured at tbe cloee of the lecture whoa yau see a cow oron b you afraid r vhy caataitily uot adelaide why should lb well whan you see a dog area t you afraid theu no indeed t with marked emphasis on tho ko arent you afraid whon it thunders papa why ua aud he laughed at tho thought and added oh you allly child i l aa and adolaide come close and looked into her parents eye ojreu t you afraid of uo thing in tlie wurld but just maiuuia f awalx par the teacher beliovod in keeping tho youngsters in touch with the history of the- times amiwas beginning a loason upon thk rtusoian boyal itamily kow who can toll mo what tl busslan monarch b called v the cxar eel lowed tho claaa right i and what is his wife called f tharo was a pause- then two or three ventured tbo czariao good said the teacher now i wooder if you know what the czars child rea are called a lomr pause then ona little voice piped czardines i the little mothers low ul uiubti who saw tho orratioganiua tho late luclianl manauam iu his masterly pfoeaiitauou of the norwegian uiastarpiaoo 1oeruyiu will avor forgot that aoooo wlioro sitting ou tbo edo of the bed where bis tuouiur lay tlyiiig ha made hor tiall in et u par bebo vo ha was drivhig her straight to tho zsta uf hoareu and aecuriug ber ad juiumu bybietejawith bw-foter- tew at us will forget how ho atood goz iu nt tho dead woman with the faint siuilo on her hi an t agonizingly pruuqun cod the words lor all your day i thank you tor ixatinga aud lulubya yet loer lyut had boon a recreant a bad son ho had caused the utile boot tniy mother mouy lieart iwogs ho re tuouibered tils duty to ifur only when sho wa dyiej ho laikuowlodged his debt i lily wlcu nuo was dead how many nf us who coll ourselves good citixcnnuvor dn our full duty to tlio littlo znutlur uvnr rtfpay 1 or will full measure of luvmg word and nwoot with service of hands and heart with nmno small pott uf all thf aholatl lotioo when wio weu iu in lorzes of cameo work and an admirer of the beautiful miniature nculpture it surely is which boa engaged the skill of great gem artiste tile real cameo is cat frem precioun stones having two layors of dlf forent colors tho undertnonb being left to form tlio background and tho object to b represented being cut iu tlie upper one tho real cameo dates as far back as tba third century b c while tlio made camooa with which we are ta familiar also were neb unkuowp to those trly people not only as personal ornament were cameos uodby the ancients but kzo as decorations far cups vases ca ndo abt personal saais and other domaitialuxuiies in addition they tad a religious signifl cooce among many people made a diffefience woll air said tho chemist your trouble is vary aimpla just an ordinary odd i uuuk this littlo preparation will put you right just one dose every night before retiring thank you sir i threo- nd al ponce i what 1 cried the customer looking at tho tiny bottle threeand sixpence for thtsr yes sir i the chief drug used in that preparation u vary ocaroo uaw and ooase- qusntly the priee bad risen don b talk rot aaid tlie customer why i ve been a cliamisl myself far years aud i know ejtactly oh well why didu t you tell mo so ab flrat t iu that case four peuc halfpenny please i an ou of maritdr thomas lclocuio oil is nut a jumble of medicinal suustauoae thrown tokatbor and pushed by advartulug but tho result of the careful luvaatiatic f tba curative qualities uf certain ells as applied ti3 the human body it is a rare hi nation and it wwi and kapt public favor from the first a trial of it will carr oottvicuon tjo arty who doubt ita wwr to ttipilr isl hoit l no itsobwitli asthma- asthma usually attack at night the one time whou rest is ueodod must llauo the loos of strength tbo nervous debility tlio luas of lleah and o tiler ovds which must 1 nctofl unleas raliaf vs aocunxl li ortunately relief is pos- kible dr j d kollot a astlqna bemedy boa proved iu luacit through years uf eer a trial will surely convluceyuu it is a priucial rulo of ufa nut to be too much addicted tu any ouo tlilug gain ftot by a lie will burn one a tinkers a rct uinn scunifi to tram loon a worm or cringe to su emjieror luck wlllarry a man iurai the brook ho is mil tuu lazy to jo p