Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 14, 1918, p. 2

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o rlrtlia mnrrlnj r ntcrj mirth t find ileathj lie follow murihwrm i t arin ton actons united church services k j llyndu dorn jluiiwllllunni o uu 16 jui on i licuday iob i j id id oldint iry it 1 i joori r omit or lior ulster i liiiidinune on it 101k mnrirnret ivllmif qt tllo into 1 j 1 yearn 0 ilayn ion by luv f d and rev 0 a liit qu c la roe wluon qhfp art on 3tor inafi thuhhija1 i 111 iiah1 14 19ib editorial notes quo boo irpvlnclal oovornmnnt lion olcd unanimously to put into cftoct bono dry prohibition on may 1 1910 a alrontr ffort wan mudo to ewmjit beer anil wljin from tlm provisions of the act but the juirrninunl would ac cept tin lompromluo untl tlm bill will enact total prohibition the story of camillas clorloun deeds in the war ut yprru nnd elsewhere i which aj re tily tutu been told in print la now to bo told in tflowlnir colors by homo of tlio mont dlatlnmjluhcd ar- tlstaof tlio ility urltluh und canadian under thu auspice of tlio canadian war roeortlii ofllcr a war rocmorlnl fund has been liiatiirurutod tho fund now amounts to about 75 000 tlio whole of it lm vliij boon raised in tho united rltulo m and canada by tho propaganda section of tlio dominion government tlio object of which in to tell the peoplo of canada down to tho smallest dulull what thejr share hau been in this war tho pood coiiimdfr my the creat dlfflcultlru in the wuy of corgpuloory rationlnc in canuda puts un additional responsibility for oluntury food uer vlco upon on ry cnuudlau no matter what hln rank or cirtumstuiiecu may be with u tn mnulouh utrotch of country spunioly nuttlod except it a comparntlvol fow ilia trie to tho en forcement of compulnory food economy on any- central ucalo presents serious obstacles it hi hoped that tho greater production campalim which is now bolne started will malo unnecessary any resort to compubmry rationing in thla country at tho uanio tlmo our people must reulixo tliat efforts must not bo relaxed to conserve food for i tho need la very jrrcat by far tho moat outstanding matter which hajj ctimo before tho local houno bin co its opening on tho cth lnnl was the proposal put forward by mr wil liam proudfoot thu opposition lead er for tlio dxtonujuii of tho ufa of tlio present legislature until a reasonable time after tho clojo of tho war- ilr proudfoot quotud tho opinion of arl- ou women a organisations supporting hla proposal and maintained that it was not dcslrablo to hold un election in war t4no when them was no out standing lsnuo lcforo tho people to warrant it- tho aucvcstlon waa ad opted by tho premier and an it la within tho conatltutloiial powers of a province to en tend lut own lifo a bill will bo brought down later in tho oca olon enlarciie tho tlmo limit of four years to which uio irovlnco la ro trlctod under tho britlah north am erican act tho pood controller says hoarding ib one of tho now words or tho war it meana atoring in ojtccaa of rcqulro men to especially of foods and fuel starlnif and laylnc p a prudent sup ply for real nooda la not a crime in peace tlm eo but tho man or woman who wilfully and coolly dfclilcu to day to ntoro more food than bo or oho would buy in ordinary tlmcu la com mitting something that has the raornj effect of a crlmo thorn in no 2luoo for panto urn on t tho peoplo of can ad a- we must axpect to mnko uomo food aerulooa aud lx wllllntr to modify- our eatinr habits und ovun to cat leas in order that tho uoldlini and our allied may be fed thero la a world ahort- offo of foods bocauoa othlf people have tad to bo withdrawn from farma to flint whut lii our joint nht our opvlous duty la to aid them by at leant mndhst tlium audlctcnt food they an tljjuiiiitf our imttlc hoard in la thu rrhno of nuflnhly tuklni cave of one a own wutits to thu dotrl wont of othem iltthr l uio warring ian do or ut homo hturjil fioda in canada lmmwui u burduu on thu poor er classes in thu dominion there bos been aomo hoarding in cuimda of urar flour and pcrhutx otlmr luminu dltles thu wftoi t of mcauurus now under ouuld i ration inny result in tho eipoeuro of canmllaa lioardcru the hoarding la uunocuwiary und unpat rlolic tho ixtter oltinintu in tho community will rufruln from it so fux oa tholr own houpluoldn uru coticcrn eil and will uuo tholr lnfluonco aluliuit it elaowhoro 1vury putrlutlo cuuu dtan will do wull to ruolv thut ho will play thoiianio fairly with his noljli bor und with tho poomr ilumwii by ptfrchuulnj find uuiy in nonuaj uuajt titles whllo tin- prtovnt iuiurtotii y lasts and by tlbi uuruuini ixmrdliu whcrevir ho ituda ovijuihh ut it the hextli0g days loyally observed by ci and quslnams moo qplendidopmit of fnicndly intcitcobnoc r the unit luimliy strvltfu for tho unlk d onir i jitloiin i of tho ilaptlut 1 rtitbinrlnii an 1 fcthodlm churches in id hwil ilunday worn of u moot ln- lortrttlnj rrmriu t r i ho nplrlt of very hi arty clulutlun f llowiihlp was every- wlwm mutiifi ut i i nil hie wornhlp- ppni appiart i to to 1 nultn ut homo 111 the mvthodlut hurt b whiro the eor- vlna will bo h i i it r four iiqcooi mundiiyn llav mr ijirn prearliod in tho innriiiiiif utu wan luuduti d lu tho cr vice ly itova wllnon and jonra mr urru look for hla lejit matt c 41 which iropounlu tho gospel of tho nmoiiil mill iiju ixrnion was an able expoaltifin of tho oxlruu of chris tianity and dult with tho nplrltua nicanlnr of thu nunnmi on tho mount jcjiun imiirodiiid tho fort that the chrlotluu u to d inoro than tho law roiulriu to bo ilunn thut we have no hatred in our luarti und to imvo jhi upirll of th man who um willing to i o the nitrn mllo it wan this con- duct whltli uiuiod tlm roman courier to wonder ut tho action of the follower of christ in carry n if hln burden ao willi nkly for tho iikcoud mllo it is tho dynumle of tho power of tlio lord jenua cbrint lived out in every day i llfo if as indlvlduuln und us nations a had boon all llvlni tho christian trail in itfo tlio prenent torrlblo war luld nnvor jmve matirlallxnd wliab- wo should lealro is world peace chris tlanlty and domtjeruo christ taught thla doctrtno and lucd it an well al though it led him throiiph uothuemano and up to oulvaiy it un out do tho law of tho world by klndnciia and not by ravonno carry into llfo the law of tho uocond mile at tho ovonlnu norvlco rev mr wll- uon preached a ntlrrluif term on on tt e wordu prof am pi rson from hebrowb 12 10 tho profane portion numbers othoru tlian tho uncrn of profanity and blasphemini when llfo la filled with worldly affairs and no aluo is sot on uacrrd thlniii tho man may bo salt to bo a pro fan o portion luau did not realize tho spiritual vuluo of spiritual leadership it was nothing more to him than tho price of a meal modern day applications worn made th of to dm who iilziccui udlcttualmat- lera la dolnc as laau did tho who mnkes it the flrnt aim of his llfo to rain wealth and case of tho world u truly un kaau tho name of qod nboo all others uliould ho hold sacred it ahould always bo upoken with aol- cmnity and roverence to mlauso that name to use it uuhtly lu trufy to be profane tho value and sltrnincanco of tho sacramental tablo wan ulso aol- cmnty impressed wo uhould uavo tnio comradeship with god and fel lowship with jcnun christ wo ousht to cultivate tho iioriin of the djvlno thu cnllehtcnmont of the nplrlf of god if wo aro to uicapo the profanity of llfo tho nrmnircmentn tor the sunday school services worked very satisfac torily tho methodist school opened at two o clock und wan dismissed at uireo tho presbyterian assembled at 3 1g and the rlaaacs of the latter took their puccu in tho methodist school room without duilculty or confusion tho uplrlt of the united contrrcca- tlonii baa entered into tho youne peoplo also tho younc ioopiooauud jind tho ipworui lcajruo united in their service on monday ovenlnc a joint programme was contributed by members of uio two societies this plan will probably bo contlnuod durlnjr thu sorlvu of union sirvlriu next buiduy ilov mr wilson will preach in tho mornluir and ilov mr lurro in the ovonini the mothodlst i contreuutlon will however attend uio jlaptlst anniversary oorvtcou in too j mornlne and tho lrcubyturlan in tho ovonlnir news of vhe day an intaniuno epitome of the tvinli or th wk in canada thuniiday th hamilton police commissioners hava voted s bo us of ho to all rnam- beru of ths toro ttio uss of crmarn baji bean dlsoon- tlnuoq for uio period of tho war at llldeau hall tho realdenco of their ikcollonclcs the duko and duchesa of devonshire the food controller in aandlnff 3s 000 fetters to western formers ex pis in in it tho food hltuatlon hev a a acton of desoronto has received a call to tho pastorate of jklon presbyterian church hull james cooper of b i in coo was oon- tpneed to throe years in jail forrrlmcs extendlns over two years to relieve tho water famine at nla- hra kails the international itallway has clusad down tholr canadian dlvls- unreu q j blmpson will be tried by courtmartial at wlnnlpea to day for allcjrod illtreatment of a consclen tloua objector t in tho hamilton schools the u inual coal per pupil la 24 71 as contiasted with icc 33 in ottawa and 4c 20 in toronto a resoluuon favorlnir the conscrip tion orations for farm labor wan pnsn ed at woodsleo by tho izawx county oranro lodo ooorfre ii kurlo of uio american food administration saya that with reasonable conaervauon there n ii be no danfor of another atifiar famt o mayor ci em onto of chatham hao rdored all retail merchants except the d rues lets fo close at ave o clock every oven in c except saturday to conserve j fuel tho quelph womens onion govern ment league will petition tho ontario government to crant women uio rjitht to become candidates for the lcfiujla- ture and municipal councils etuday the london o t r frebrht sheds wero badly cut tod by flro last nlght and many valuablo papers destroyed tho whitby board of education bos closed two schools to conserve fuob chatham will soon be facinff a seri ous water famine x wastage is not stopped eight cartiidsea wero found yestcr day in tho coal bins at tho halifax city hall flro broke out last nlsht at tho lindsay g t r freight ahods dolnu j ii 000 damage registered mall valued nt e 000 was stolen lost nlsht from tho t h and d platform at bmluwljle itcglna in hedged in with great snow drifts as a result of tho worst snow storm in uio last five years a recommendation bos beep rnado to the hamilton board of control to fix the aldermens salaries at 300 per annum whitby cltixena are allowed only 200 po undo of coal at a time the coun cil la having the shado trees cut down for fuel montreal authorities ara invent i gat inif uio explosion of percussion caps in tho american express companye office resulting in one death a man named jackson was troddon underfoot and killed when be tried to release horses and cattle from the burning of a barn at wajnafloot near wolland tfho use of wood as fuel is ttrged by tho canadian forestry association so thnt next fall and winter there may bo fuel to provide against any short ago of cool oatutiday at winnipeg it was- 20 decrees above yesterday with tho sun shining aroused to lndlgnauon at tho nlnk- ine of tho tuscanla hundred of am ericans ars rushing to enlist at chatham tho order for general vaccination is keeping the threatened smallpox epidemic under control at woodstock butter is selling at from i to l0 cents a pound while fresh eggs aro bringing- 00 cento a d nv wlntoi nil whieh ban junt brer in thu last 40 years ha ch a hold of heavy ho n livlto ilunn us thoro in thtu onhawu curinor rial u u ehargo urn huvu oriuorvo it for 11 1 un mimutiiii inu rouitillltud fui f huvliig cheated lia uulu of wood boo ordorod to dluuiutlnuo turnl miu in order tuv dumeatla co nil u morn tlm clvln tuel coinmli i irani ford secured in ylx weeks 300 tons of coul distributed at a com to tho ity of mm dollar u ton ilov r ittnlson of tho church or tiirt asi eniilon ilunilltiu has honn hrunted have of ubmnca that ho mui iro ivirucua an chaplain a ron von lion of roprosontntlvcn of eight western ontario cities and towns wo unod by conservation cominls si on omclali to nloro tp wood far next your r archibald i lark of jondon was nerlifiinly injured when ntruck to the nrpund by an avnlanchn of snow and ico fiom tho roof of a church an which ho was rworklng stock taking- special at the big store tho abundant creamy lather of lifebuoy soap is la don with great- cleansing ipower and antiseptic properties as wcll i lifebuoy health soap so when you have uxd life- j1uoy on skin gsxtdast or anywhere la the home you oaa be sura of clesalinam mt 3afbty v the mild oallteptia odor tsniahea quickly alter ose wnmuamaa usutta tobokto at mil i white vcsilnj5 at 20c these five fiect3 vesting wc carried over from aot acason are qtill rjood patterns and extra wido width special at ijcc per yd boys heavy ribbed cotton hosefor35c we have this oarm line botfght to come in later to sell at 50c a pair our present stock wnilc they- last to oell at special 35c a pair heavy worsted hose for 75c a pair a few sizes left are worth today one dollar a pair sizea in stock 8 12 and q 12 special at 75c bleaclied lonjr cloth of i8c peryd this long cloth 13 pood value today at 22c per yd jn fact we hawi it coming into sell at that price while- this lot lasts special at i8c ladies black cashmere hose at 60c a pair just udoz of this line black cashmere iloc bought before tnc ijat advance in price good value at 75c a pair today sizes 8 129 9 12 and 10 special at 60c a pair ladies chamoisette gloves at 1 00 these are pcrnns make and corne in black vvjnte and natural shades all sizcb in stock special at 100 per pur cream serjjc suitings at 5225 per yd if you are looking for something in cream serge we have it and the price is right if bought today would be worth 300 a yd special at 32i5ayd fltlv uvmirrtirmmis our fens d mens odd vests special at 25 150 and 175 mens heavy lined cottonade smocks special at 275 menseavy socbspeciai at 50c a pair mens black ca3hmere stocks spejcial at 50c and c0c a pair mens kancy worstcdsuitsepecial at 18 and 30 mens navy serge safes special at 18 and 19 boys suits extra good value at 5 c and 7- boys bloomer pants special at 1 25 i 50 and 175 urn slit artnn illrtiipjbist otijurcl hoc lailgc d a u d pastor unltcd chuuch ocllvlccfl u ni l v i iwu 11 a 7 p in kv ie h i ijiik ii a 11 l ounday qchoolo p v iii m tho mui 3 it m 1 rcbyl rui a wclcomc for all fofl oalc a ominoill u 1 iilil rihiuird itousa ijirim srib 1 w un j un 1 u lisn hoiint api ly to joiim mrlhaac main iltnet a ton j2b invitationo for uny t wellliili ri i iitliitni purtles or hi r forrulluii l n i url and prlnl- lino t uhlo lullty papain 4 r inlu ut rciaon- rlccu ut lln 1 hll 1 hi mt l 1icu arton ont a notice to all merchant and othara in acton tuko no j that ni wlfu mrs drid iuriro imvl n loft iu i will not sold inyiulf rmi ioill u fir uny dobts hat d vii hallnlil jr oeorlctowii i vl rimry t 191s tlm wanted applications t f tin jhinidon uf coo- ntubln for tin vllli if oorccuwn inciuditijf i irtkr if tho watrmrorltar nyuhrit dud tlxr lull u us assigned by tlm coujiiji will l ncelrod by the cleric up t slinli i 1318 appll canla to ntjiti in bji try xcctcd and ktvo tesltinwnlil i i r xpliclt duties write thu clirii i i itiath clark february lr 191h u2 mill st wb 8kll tjn cahii wo boll iron lbsa acton ht toronto markets olllclal tiuotatlona given by uio toj ron to hoard of trado yesterday wero as followa manitoba wheat no 1 northern k23 no 2 do kzoh no s do 13 17 no 4 wheat 2 1014 in atoro i ort william including 2o tax manitoba oats no cw b3o no 3 cw bgjic extra no 1 feed blvio no 1 feci 81o in atoro i ort william ontario oula no 2 white 01 to 02c nominal no 3 white 00 to 01c nomln al according to freights outside ontario wheal no z winter per car lot 12 z2 1can no j3 70 to j3 to accord- lug to freights outside ilarley malting jl ch to si co ac cording to freights outuido iluckwhcut 1 03 to i cg according to freights oulflldo jtyo no i si oc to si 3 accord g to freights outaldo manitoba lour war quality 111 10 w bugs toronto ontario tloui- war quality 10 00 iw bags toronto antl montreal frclnhtu prompt shipment millfoud car lots uollverod mon treal frulj lit u bats included ilran ton ll uliortu pi r ton 0 middlings jit pr ton j4 to 140 hid food dour bag s3 to ijjuy no 1 pir ton jlcu sj7 mix d sl3 to jib track toronto rttruw car lot t pur ton rf 50 to soot track toronto icontly must o dlg- a mortuary fob fairview ccmeteny ldltor iutu llvis dour blr 1 liolo lour tho doopfruut in tho tr dui in 1 ulrvluw cciuuto ih u dtxudful tusk for tl tail during these winter tium un i wish them wus a mortmirl build lni if nemo kind in i til thoro lu whu h bodlts lultlu bo dipdaltd 4uch wlntor until sprint i4inin it lu badly llldld i will gladly lontrlbuto a tood don utlon for mui h a purpiiiiu und i ula uro many othom wviild b willing to hi ll 1luuflu plucu tho mutter boforn thu public in yuur luiuiuuu a 1 ohmllt hl4iolnt 1 tbruury 1 101h r j loyul spirit h im kerrs list of oalcq j bon tal- st ft- hiuucduy munduy und mm real heuthiii duyu of business liuumu rosullnl in thu 1 1 rt an iamm iderublu amount of uul 1 h co entcrtd volunlutlty ijitu th conservation 1 1 rnei und il services in ho mithnlut li mltied tho funiiiii in lcm 11j nnd uio lluptlut hurili to itiuulu 1 1 id and htro too thirti wun u lubutniitlul saving t tho tunriertiii glovo fuitorlui bust ileas places and tho jinrtantllu houaoa i wor nil cliiind and ivcrybwly bimiul j to enter into tho fulillmont of thu order u of tlk kuo contiollir tn tho li ttnr f the action of tho i imljuna nirn in an issuing notices thut thulr utona and bualneua plums would lm hiiuhi oavil tin any atiiioyaiun to unaniuni rruni tliu vx town and count ty wlihh othorwlsu jnbxht havn urlum ui uaturdny und atoiuluy wn- ri4il t holidays with kod tdllduy wiutlur an and all enjoyed thuui thursday februnry 14 it t ouatit stock und liupluiiiunts tuoaday fobrusry 10 i ln ualo of r luidwln illllsburi wbu li wiu un mini u i fur lum uy 1th luit lias un toutpuniil until tho 0tb inst wodnesdsy fobrusry 20 j w unt il krln uborthoinu uhop und iwaga fnjay fobrusry 22 aux young tar tllllahuri oloou und impisinenu wsdiiesday march 27lru u vn lr 1 rlu i hating sal of shorthorn il hltli giudo mtth futui wtnek and ilttmuiita i tu uul a address j klhr younu oe aoton rjhliu thioi somber days by lottlin tho niinui joys o thulr uuuul dully utter- h of to day to to i t run thu industrial tllld luik don tho miners on etrllco ut drum holler refuse to return to work unless tho machine gun stationed thero is re moved the alberta legislature lias been adjourned to rehpiary 28 to allow tho premier to attend tho ottawa confer- the weather in the prairie provln- ccs ban been exceptionally mild for the past few days after six weeks of never cold if canadian conn era tao not toko up tho largo surplus of sood poos tho pood controller will grant tho dealers permits to export them the london street railway com pany will oak the city councils per mission to raise the fares owing to tho in erase of operation expenses the levels of the a root rwa has dropped lower in january than in jdo comber but are abovo tho averago for tho past ten years with the exception of lake superior that there aro still 1c0 000 barrels of apples in uie annapolis valley is tho report of o ii vroom of halifax chief itrutt inspector owing to luck of transportation tho western markets cannot be reached monday the tje thomas hydro baa earned u surplus of jg 0m tho llrttlah columbia legislature is adjourned for throe weeks montreal hebrews have subscribed si 200 for tho restoration of their pcopld in palestine the session of quubea legislature which opened in december waa pro rogued on saturday t tho vacant lot committee of htrnt- fonl have plans under way for tho cul tivation of vacant land charles p moore a g t il conduo tor of llellovillo dropped dead from heart full ore yesterday while qn his freight train itov j a slfturt for sb yearn inln- ister of knox chuch tlouth london has been superannuated ut 1 s00 u year i rant county patriotic association will conduct a four days campaign co mm ci clug tomorrow with joo ooo the ibjoctlvi ufull in t tho i iropi prol up lu i int the luilo itallwuy und uuiiwuul liourd it 1 ulllolally reported that thoro will be a still further reduction in pussouger train servlco in the weal owing tp scarcity of rue judge julian w mack of chicago assorts thai thu population of jerusal em wus uuved from starvation by tho generosity of american jowu illent tjoberlig etoward on tx dutch liner la being held tu 3g 000 boll ut uu atlantic port charged with utttmp ting to smuggle mull into tho united ututta iho honor roll uf ut j anion molhu- dlut cliuria montreui was unvollod lust night by major general 13 w wilson c m t of 2j7 homes of inuinbcrs zi liuvo made tho supreme sutrluco lcofiomy lu tho canadian lamps lu lugtum lu pruttlied to thu uxtent of uveii ukluunhig the dishwater thu real iluum being convtrlod into fats in oiio munth 12000 woa mude from tho sale of bypruduuls tulctlday onsldoroblo dan luge wus douu in llollovlllos buulnouii centre whuii ire broke out yosti riluy tho luujitford city council huu inudo u grant of 34 000 tu tho urunt county itttrlailo 1 und hamilton la soturlng aptloiui on thnlmir lands near tho city is vlow of a fool shortage next winter a grant of 110 000 lias bell muds tu tho cuuudlsn putrloth und by tho lirth mutual fjro inaurunoa coin puny mix young ludlcs of loudon will go oyirwcue ua nuralng sisters uu the your opportunity ror service and salary will ffnraly follow u courao in one of bhaw ilualnean bchoou toronto writs for our frco catalogue w xl haw prea 3it3 yongo btrsst mens colored shirts to- day worth up to 123 wool gets cap and scarf j clear 29 270 2j0 tho latest goods first shlpmont or new sprinq hats correct stylo latest shades und handsome hats see my opeclul at 1300 headquarters for hensbl merchandise r e nelson phone a0 nxt pot offioe quelph why buy pish dec a us ci 1 it 1b cheap food 2 it saves beef pork nibacgn for th auiss x it la wholssoma atfyln and nourishing why duy from gtauffer t 1 quality eonaidsred my prlcse are th lowsat 2 my service la quiok ofdoiont and satisfactory i i havo tho vary bast quslltlas 4 i hava ha bit lajactloni a complats atock oybtefia it ttt r tliunivn 1 ijtilultii lluvor abuulutuly 1 ur i anu oialud ut ftio coast no wulor all oyuliru special friday saturday tulljdeeo t tzkt lb rrush pickerel 10 lb iixh pi so headless dream d j0 tb 1 reah ii v hahuoii btiaks lb ivuull hiui tluluii n huuks 30 tb i rtsh hutuiut hdaks jo tb lixnh tod tiiudlcuu druiol 15 lb jruah uuddoik biudluuinl druuo1 15 lb presh lorn c ds v 1q tb ireatt haiolts 30 lb 1 resh i hindi rs 12 tb 1 rcoh luku hurrlng 0 fur u pltkud liku union llcrrlng 40 da pickled hilmon tnnit 2 tb winter cuugb vtateni llsh per lb 0 and jl all kinds of halt lleiiliid hmoked and cured ihult prompt dahvcry lvary day s j statjffer fish food specialist kisii di alkll atlon phone aq always opn the new east end j a smith wis hen to inform tho people of acton and vicinity that bo has opened a meat and provision business in mrs mctavlaho shop corner of mill and elgin btreata and hopes by handling the beat the market affords at cloaeat prices to merit a share of custom tho stock will include deep pork lamb cured meats bausaqe headcheese 8uet shortening lard orippinq etc i will aim to mak tny service i in all heapeote satlafaotory j a smith iii and elgin su acton i dispersal sale of registered shorthern hlahqrado cattle and horat shaap and hoga in township of erin the undersigned has received in structions from j w and j p sutton to scjl by auction on tho premises maple avenue lrm lot 17 con 8 1 rin township two miles north of ouprlngo and six miles weat of lvrin p il station on wepnesday february 20 the following- valunble farm stock tcum bred and horses asr good worker cattle pure bred short- hon cows hid lloso aob3i sire crimson nib bon 40011 detlu nd 1ijs63 hire flrand chief 70sb0 maudlo 1168 hire lmsoti hi 1 bon toll a moos uuae li- 3363 h1r4j hcd hlbtkjii ughob white kouo lf33sl hlro hir ooorge 8bi33 mosa itono u4710 hire grand chlof s 560 ilrlfcr calf at foot iltmlndu no 03100 sire grand chief 7o60 ulelfcr calf i foo lady otiire u7t0 olro lloyal hoott t49q0 uolfer calf at foot pnto of service giten on cay of ualk halfare 1 year old nod uly u0- 0 0 hlro llomco 004 cis white itoau 2nd 1601 hire crlriison lad 077bo muptu avp cowullp ledlgree day of unio muple avu cherry pedigree day of tiulo dull tho noted htorjc hull new yur loltitio hire ftplo mimululln bool imp dam lcmma 4sth grand dam rmmn 37th imp 3ts0l thu is a show bulb maple ave nonsuch white 11 months old aire now yaur no 101clu u show calf hlr llohcrt rtd 16 months oil hire crimson lad no 077k0 u good one hull coir inontha old jlr hoy ilruco 00s this lu u choice herd uf bhortllorna and in geod breeding ixindltlou flrada cattlo lted cow 7 yeom ld i al fpol tfpoltod cuw acrvetl n hnpleinber hd oow d y nnt due march 1 hcd cow 6 years due april id hoau cow 0 years eulf at foot itoilu cow 6 years duo may 10 i led cow 7 yearn duo may 10 htuo cow i yrura duo april 1 ltoan helfer3 yours supposed tu bo in mlf 3 hteera yuro old 4 uteors 1 year u helttra 1 year 6 oprlng- calves lut calf pi gov yorkshire how dm march 4 ytirkshlro how served november 1 yorkshire how served november 6 yorkshire tlow survod january 10 yorkshlru how served january 18 3 young itcklatored hows 13 pigs weighing about 100 lbs cli qhcep 10 well bred leicester bw uuppostd yfhh hunb poultry u 1lyuiouth hock bona und 5 ltoosturs tirmt ion inuutha credit on ap l roved joint notes t per cent oft for iunh poultry cash u i iiryuiiles will meet the morning train ut lrin c 1 il utatton hale to keglu ut 1 o ulock f e walkar ft j krr roy hlndlay clark auotlonre agricsltuira below georgetown 4 miles on 8th line 100 acres cheap farm at 7500 going to de sold at once good farm for qrain or stock excellent watcr 00 acre a workable balance bush cedar baaawood and white aah pram house 8 reooma good cellar under whole house dank brn 02x00 oood atabllno darn no 2 hay barn 66x30 drlvlna house hen house workshop 60x24 splendid creek 100 yarde below barn nmvr dry mitten and brampton 7 miles fine farm fine buildings fine location 150 sores eaquasing towmhlp acton 4 miles 70 acres work able balance bush and pasture 60 acres swamp aoft maple aim and soma pina dnek house 10 rooms oood caller water in house dank barn 60x72 oood atabllno aheap pan and drivlno ho uio georgetown 7 mllaa milton 0 miles ouildjno rmt elaaa price for immediate sale 6800 145 acres nassagaweya township t halton county so acres workable balance ttmbor and past ughoast house 10 rooms e i school and church one mil 2 aorea orchard k barn driving ahed han house price 16 000 vary good buildings 100 acres eramosa township wellington county s3 acres workable balaiw buah and pasture- 1 acrea orchard sell qraveity loam drick houx 11 reems- dank barn 60x4 good tabling wster in stable and house pig pan hn haum and driving ahad school v ml church 1 mllo nsr crtwamii corners price 3000 80 acres trafalgar township strjeelfevillc 3 miles balsnca good bush lz 3 acre small fn i no t 30x60 no 2 36x40 no 3 3qx54 ch and school v miie prlca 58600 ree apple orchard house 10 ream a jnving shed alio 98 acres chinguacouby township brampton 2 12 miles 70 acrea workable balance bush and pasture sol aandy imm rough caat houss 0 reams hen house driving ahad school on farm church 1 t acrea orchard ink barn 32x60 i price 3t6a jj d new wonderland i friday february 15 till a10t1i with m rmu talmadge a select pltiir j wu jart muck kciuiltt runinly saturday fedruary 10 tho inliiui with fatnart llulmrii und u two part pox nlm wimdy tuesday february 10 the qurutlon- with vllce joyce i plniklo 13 of tho voice on the jrc coming the iiuhfux disaster r l gregory j a willoughby georgetown oncario o harold wiles friday special a taffiea req 30c for 24o lb chocalatss rag 40c for 20c lb owing to tho coal con trollers order our stora wilt be cloeod on saturday harold wiles mill street acton farmers attention nursery stock and jvetv seed potatoes thla la thi right tlmo to start an hprlng sates wo pay highest commissions and furnish our salcsinuu with litem turo with u punch to it bond for our ii it of now o tier ing und full purticuturn stone wellington the fonthill nurseries established 1s37 toronto ontario d k0mkmhx000 v oajttal s700a000 a hubsiivc fuwya and undiuidbd pllorito 7 ooouoo the merchants bank x of canada sir u mouia allan c v o president- looh to j5he future times may cliuue and wuil ik sdvaacetl ycara auil you will huvo m nice llttlo tow huudrcj dollurubuvckl line icti pleutliul fur you wltk ituh holp any w hero us v i ujiuo uivnid cuuudiuu lluulc lh thaus d lle now w i belmut o t look bailvuril iu youi 3j7 braaihef lu canada 1 ami uod hai u to thu itlucm oolijlctl fanners sale notes cashed a a ci o n branch y il b shorey manage fruit trees and plants for springplanting wo iilihi no furtbir lutruductlun lhun thu fii t th it wo huve beoii n tho nurwrr buiiliiusi sixty one vosra and uru now prt jturud to mot iuliitlm ndltlurm by oftcr- lo truta und plsiita rock bottom paces mend for our lllui trdutml clrcu laru of hardy urlotl i which you can order dlixi t uu i iuvn uio iuiit a ioiunibiil in of wiiilii you but ho ixjiiuilt imr imu wilt bo uum to intinil you mui all stork la nluidliitoiy uul liu uid inio to the cluse brother co of ontario limited lotaulishcd 1057 i coluohnc ont r noble li ran tt u iipj u l t our pritt hi ltir buying tloui a ri tlncuou of iut pi t b ic n tuadu tn ui f kii lot- 0uk motto salisf iction iuiran- ttcd or uioucy re funded free press ads brinq results noble liu11ieu taubpuontb idafciatfefty uwial vssauataalaua lw a- bzxttsxp

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