Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 14, 1918, p. 3

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wedding and birthday presents iotrn 1k47 illlvorwaro puiiry t oliu1 nml china krilmd i irku uud hpooun wedding hiniu marriaqc licengcd 10qued ceo hynds acton ontario news of local impoht tual oesrce at tha town hall iliu niodlugii cif ho nunc l ami tti hoard of rducatlon wc ro i urn oiled thin line of fuel jillortjun lit tin ill library wit tiiilni ut h 3ft for social and personal town j i coufl o ilcl iuj hull tin it haturduy a ur r- tor for cl albsn chi qlljr irtim jtrrr pirua thuhhday i lbhuahy 7 1d18 brief local items the i dilute i tim ii w thin y chit i lojruca iiro il dlil you iiu anh wolu i iluyu wi re tl ho vainilt rectorihlp ut lit alba church caused by hn removal of if c ii ii hmllli m a i niiii uru i the lake ban been lllll hln u fillip tho hlnhop dallinafad how i ml lluh i at their homo r ami mm it uled hr i ma ah i ho mr mu oil sumo thargo about tho flrnt of march prat shipment of u 0 military glove tim of lb htuti the in ullciii diiyu und tho flrnt thaw jibed woll did tha loiihlookodtor causa your roof to icajtt a cloaln id light tleo wh lough byn farms for on pago two of this wookn paper til famine ifn depuruneiit or thn unlit d riny wm bum lust week inn nil punning for shipment tho unit t t t k inven manufuclilrfl hy ltyd r j mnwiil olovo cmijiiany 1 hoy arc u vtry linn lino of lowln ull wl ho 11c1 by united iitutcu tvulrynipii i drydon of gualpli i hi ro lunt week hy clurk wan liom ir tho hdithuui dayn rlci hyudu william i- hnydei 1 a ton friends trlckd milt roalilettloi lb lota no i iji roporlod that not a bubl ii coal dealer horn deliver rami jn c to any ciiittorm r nt leant otin furnn trick i ro won conn d cranio of a brou n lovvn lant buturday nlglil i worn cloood on moll ar place qf bunlncsa spring gcntlo hprlng hi coming hut nho liannt otruclt any 2 0 gall yet j j mann i nk town trconurer of bmmptoii hua rtalcnod oltor 33 yearn of scrvlco it teaa rofrouhlnf to have an in terval in tho lonct ontlnucd cold spoil thl week ulltonu public 4743 booko lout ymr lanucd 10485 ubrary loaticil acton library tho boy scoutn with tliolr band paraded to tit albana church on bun day moral ntf aji effort lu bclnjt modi to nocuro 10300 boyn and co 000 slrbi for farm work tiixa year tho throo daya thaw and to flayn fulnvory iroally roducod tho volume of gnaw tho no who forgot to nocuro tliolr xrocerlca on saturday forenoon woro on ahort rationn on sun jay tha boatlona daya were vtxy cheer fully oboerved hero by tho merclianta tnanufacturcrn and bun in con man gen erally tho weather connplrcd with tho pue controller very effectively toaavo coaj durlnff thn thrco duyu close up orfler the lud croa noodo are tho nooda of our no id i era on tho hold and in tbo hoepltola glvo them your liberal upport- tho mild weather rendorod tho roada almost tmiuuiuiblo tho douth or ofl anow mado it very difficult for tho horsco unrchnjitfl and builncon men wore ordered lout week to cut off all window llffhta another effort to conoervo the icptrlc power tho united states la no much in love with her olcomarcurjno that nho ho placed a ban upon its ifurthcr xmportatlon into canada it takes all aorta of people to make a world lncludlne of course the woman who pays ono dollar to the red cross and cihtean dollaro for a knitting bait itor tho flrat sunday nlnco novem ber tho weather last sunday who com paratively mild still tho mercury was nver higher durlne tho day than ova decrees below freezing tho coiiffrceallon of chalmers church quolph win grant rev mr suttle their pastor who is gotnjr over- mai an chapuiln for a year 100 per month from church funda mr it j kerr in laying down tho material for a new stable and garaco on his lot at the corner of bower avenue and john street ho may also rct a now residence tho coming sum mer the cuttinc off of liulf of tho street lights and tho lint order of extln- vtilsblna all window ilghu leaves tho buxlneaa strcctn ou dark aa they used to bo when coal oil utroct lights were in vogue tho bast of miltons 30yoar water works dobenturou boa bean paid georvo a hcmatrol was u member of tho council when tho debenture wero issued and wus treasurer when tha final payment was urn da canada uses nioro wheat pur cap ita than any other country in tho world human consumption of wheat in tho dominion uhuuld not exceed l i bushel per capita pur annum can ada has boon ualnj wliwt ut tho ruto of about 9 buahcut itr capita c4ch iot another fa rim r who horded i tn buy goo lti ahd turn it over to hill tho irjck will lo rcmotiibiru unil tho farmer will have lo wait juut double time before ho foto any moro coal champion th daestrlck school opens tonight that tho intermixliato itod fronii jlrla will have a bumper hotiiio at tliolr drama tho docatrtck hkulo in tho town hall tonl hi now bo- yynd pemdventum when tho plan of tho hull wan openrd on tviilay morn log u row ii a drug hloro wao bcuulcd iry noon all tho beet ncuto wiro talttn and by nlcht every neat wan uold tbo docstrlrk hkulo will bo an ovent to talk about tho drama will bo repeat ed tomorrow night ut ilrown from lr mi mlna ikirtho onto durini tht military news initio pastor of uuulpli luui been i o of ubuauca by uiilci that ha iiuiy 31 v georgo- a chalmers church givsn ono yiur u hut vongngutijn 1 accept a chaplaincy lu un uvunxuu battalion cad ot william lunncr nun of t tmanor uuelph dl d liuil thuutdaj- of corlot rivr ut camp llordm freddie white tho only toon of ljuicu corpl itcd c wblu four years old died at allltun luut week after twu wwekn hints he wan a brlubt little fellow and mm li uymimiliy in eipruan- d for tho hen ui id paxintu ie liirl ilrown won homo from camp nlagaru and jto j u kunnuy or the supply lxi c a h c ut llrnnlford out upont tint wuukond ut tho jmn rilul homo ihe w 1 andrew of wlimlptg who wuu wounded on nuvimlutr tj l recovering nli oly mid nvviu1 u laitx- valesieut cump in i rancn ho uuyu tho wlntem uio tint uo mid in ir an in cuuuda tin it inpcruturo l com jtalu boiuw xljii copt donuld a wutrtn of hamil ton couuln of mr junius u wuinn acton who wont to lyuum in tut has resigned liln- omuilushn in u jtoyal army mmlual corps with which ho had served owr ulrtco his enlut- eisv wlrllo uttuihud aa inodlml 0 oer to tho luiyul ivurvu unhlro ltc moht hu wuu u warded the mllltury cross for onaplououn bravery ujid do motion to dutj imvlng uiutluuoi to attend wuundod aoldira bcuvy artillery tiro for over un hour lu r view of tin eiiumv liut- ho cuiub- luhej an uld pul and curried on f r forty eight liuum without ruut umloi contlnuoua rife l apt wurimi trulu- llted with ilia m a from toronto unl vemlty in toio uud in uiedlcluo in 112 lc col cat panted by mm inm a tour of lnupei inn itocrultlnk ijvpou lu tho itnlted hi of which ho luuu the medkal outir- intondoncy under tho irltish itocrtilt- ln munion hau so far v tailed chicago uosloil mlnuwuolla hun ituiiclnoo x aiiffclos denver icunnau city mij hi louts and oxiects to return to now y prfc thlm wm yes u only the mlddlo of february hut tho dayn a fittlo lon every day and tho sunn u little utranger every dayi if wuia iiatlnnl for a whlh wo shall sea tlie uummor nmllo and tho buds will noon bo allowing for theyre growlntr growlnff crowing vory day and tho birln will iwon bo aluglng ovctry day northward now theyll noon be winging ovory day though tho front is in tho air there a a feeling everywhero that tho hklca arc growing clearer and tho spring times drawing nearer every day onkvllle minister declines increase the oakvllle star nays tho vnyi bytcrlon church held tho annual con gregational mooting on rrlday ovonlnfi- loal there won a good attendance general cliurch bualnesa roncludod tho pastor itov j c munro wan ouked to leavo tlie room and then tho congregation voted him an incrcajn of s2c0 00 cjaklng hla utlpurid 2 000 up on tho paatoro returtr ho uuked tho congregation not to mako tho increase under present condlllonn but tho con eregutlon would not hoar to bin re quest and tho matter remains good wane incresao at tsryieno mcnars urardmoro co and tho acton tanniag company buvn clvnn all their employees tho oubjitantlal io of seven and onohalf ccniji per hftur in tholr wagcn thin incrciuie brings the minimum wages up to j 3 ou per day tho men appreciate very highly thbj recognition of tho higher cost of jiving and will no doubt ilvo evidence of their approciution by faith ful nervlco and sreatcr eplclcncy it is gratifying that audi a ono uplrlt exists between cmploycra and mii as la now reailxed halton board f anrioullure moetlnas lubllc mcoungj of tho hal ton hoard ot agriculture will boeld at ilnquch- tnt on tuesday iebruary 20 and ut hrookvlllo on wodnenday rcbruary 27 at 2 p m and at 7 30 p m mr q h ilothwell of tho ilxpcrimoutal ram- ottawa and mr w c shearer of uright will bo present and toko up discussions of difficult form topipj mian powell of whitby will uddrciu the women a iiistltulo on tucaday at z 30 p m at tho homo of mm wilson i2aqucalnft and each ovuuing in the halls at 7 30 livery ono lu li vltod to bo prcaent and take part in tlie discussions anniversary in daptut church next sunday will bo thn hhii day of tho year for uio congregation of tbo llapilflt church tho anniversary iicr vices will be hold and itov prof i m iclerstcud d d of mcmaoter univer sity toronto will preachy morning and evening itov mr largo and tho methodist people will attend in uiu niaming and ilcv mr wilaon and tho knox church congregation in tho evening tho sermon by dr klor- stead are being looked forward to with much pleasure ho hau filled tho pul pit of tho church bore provlouuly with much acceptance tho choir will pro vide special anniversary music licatlciljii duyu mf c wllllenm i npi nt iliifiday wllli other frumilu her mr and mm umiujow of hamlltoi nttiidd tbo funcrul of tho lato lotflo johuuton luut wuok mlno helen hoiuloruon of ooorgo- lown visited hor rundfalhnr han d h ndonion thin wook mpi jucob staoitor and her oon wllbert of uruint ltaplda mich aro viidting arton rolativcu muni mlwl howie of georgetown wan uip ucjil of mr and mm a t ilrown over uio wook ond mini iltrta hphht and mian mao moon of arton np nl bunday lu town jcdrgelowir htm mr thou a morton who hud fall jii kuturduy nip tit ha liccii uuublo i ot down to buulnenii nlnco man of hit fud frlondn tho juntlm hnrrd to by i little hamlet minn 1 tlna tho wock t ml oakvillc 1l hurt has boon looted to till vacancy in tho town council ho itiif tronn rerelptn for lant year i 1 200 34 thn noclety tian a uub- muntial bdluncn ou hand tho fortieth unnlvernnry norvlcea of tho oukvlllo methodist burrh will bn hold on iundny ivbniury 17 whon itov dr chuwii ttio konrnil nuprln- tenlont of tho methndliit church will preach ut morning and evening acr- vleon fllarnco limited unloaded lunt week a car of orangea that catno direct from tho groves lu ipaln being nhlppcd by lioat to now york where they were trannferr dto tho rnr it contqincl over two hu irrd ciitu theae will bo mado into murnmlndn at the factory hero a car of uugar xvun also un loaded harry white panned away at hamil ton hospital lrldny morning ho wao 47 yora of ago and jmd been in the hospital for about two month ouffer- inr from cancer of tho stomach william llunhy hoii been reelected ctuilrmaii of tho hoard- of education ttio rontvlllo ited civna concert lanl week hud proceeds of 100 00 hlar na30aqaweva iiml thn hill mm lohn mroln lijcnlc wlto wr ed to mr orvul llnley rio icliiln mid o visiting innt week ho mini opnmtlon in tho luelph goo pltnl in doing nl ly iuilph gutiorul hoi i be 13tise in time 1 olyg nrl 1 r iidn bint i mr win him v in it cl itinllui id tho i non hi bin homo li uankatcliem lug njii nt noma tlino hr mm it j anderiion ti fill and briulc tier arm lu two iinoiday lajit we k itov ro lulu of ouolph pr u lied in nuniaruwiiya preuhylor- iaii church last iliinduy mentlng of halton hoard of alrl iilturn and tho womfln u inntituto will ho belli in ho town hall on wednes day 27th hint at z and 30 p m liiupoctor llarvoy lit making it hot for t lions who trade illegally in tumor in thin lowmihfp on tutiday tin imlx- oi four barrels of bottled muuor nt cuinplxillvlllo and hud it locked up in the fn lht uhed tiurlni- the night tho luck wan furccd and tao harruln of iho contrahrnnd wero nlolon at a certain pitriotk m tinj of rccnt d iu i nuitd cl hriiv m i tins x m irk niih tinthu of wi dom hi ir of t 111 wim hi tm i hi- t i u k w i made in connection with unlit ir pr p irethii liul com tint i miii rm i whu h i appticahlc to any event or i ondnion in ih lite of in n uion or nxlividn it lii espcci illy applic ihlc it the prcsont turn to buyer of dry good nu kcadytowar tin sr ir u v of r iw materia us d in the nnmlaiutr m my items of dry ooil i and irunnts i i wellknow i fact sr in it in mv hw merchandise me ni lusher ri h t i the lo c tl result 1 in huln t ti wisdom will hr disphvt d hy ditvidin no w fur tuture nmu l fix htrtht r id vaiit es occur georgetown ird tho ry st r bail 111 not mr cluut a c iiuttiiuwa mra jeo- ilo muitlidwit and minn hall of tor i wiru hero over holiday mm john mcdermld of georgetown iiml mhu alexander of aulton wore iueutu of mrs a mctavlah on tues day mr i william marshall and bubo of toronto who havo boon viiuung at mr tlmmufi marutiall o for several weeks iluriadbomo on 2iiulny ur mar- nliall itan hero over faunday mr clarence varoy violinist at tho wonder land acton and hex thcatrcn coonrctown panned succean fully tlio intcrnicdlutu violin examina tion at tho toronto conservatory of music mi m ii m juckaon noo minn clara wen with h twin clrllen spent iday wltii her uuntn mrn mctav ind minn wren numbers of old- frlundu jillcd to uoo her durintf 0 a orders for military ssddla laathsr th acton lanning company ut worlcliw- on blj ord rn for ruunett aad- dlo h ithtr fur military pqutpmeitt in 111 united hlnteu very lino stock lu now lulnir sunt forward to uio military nuddlu ma n u fur tu rem so oatlnfactory bun beon tho leather no far supplied hint ordnrn for u very larto volume aro offend hy tho military authori- tln to thin iitorprinlng company sons of enalsnd oflicsrs district deputy q it price annint- ed by a gumbly of guolph installed uio following otucers in uieir roupe live stations in tlio sol hero hint thursday ovenliu w prenldcut iiro s hume vlcopres iiro iutton- gale chaplain hro jroon sw trca uro scutchlngu doctor uru mcnlven rirot oulde hro dnvlii iiioldu guide hro a w lario audi tors hrwa green and davis trustees ilros iciicngalo and orou after hut huuliieus wun over ull wont to hro lurnes house wlicro a nuiuptuutin imp per won provided by the in nib m wives aftr the lunor mun won vv 11 eurvtid u puuaaiit tiour wan spent with tonus from hro harneu uud hro tyl r and otlioni the vlultorn niudit a fow rt marks on tho fc or tho orduj and uftur the toant lo tho king ami our hrolhcrs overscan tho happy lather ing wun brought to a oloou by utnglui god havo tlio iclni contrtbuu your old gold and silver jim ladies of tm women a i hi lutlnii union neighborhood news- town and country items of interest from various locali ties covered by the fro press orewbon8 corners tho mild upoll over tho weekend wan an agreeable chant o from tho uovero old of tho past two mo n tha a number uro on tho nick lint mr i cripp i tian boon confined to tho house with i unummu tory rhoumatluni for uoverul week mrn wm lien no it liiivlnj u uoruvfml hau alno boon nhut in minn ldn crewuon sprained her anklo while ukuuug and tian not boon utilo to uttoud uchool thin term mi mid mm w van nornuui and children guolph- visited ut mr jaa gauiblou over tho weekend mr uud mm albert htovoim milton vial led ut mr m crewuon a on mon day mlmicu ctura uud mario lontx of ai ton vfultcd frluudu hero over tlio wtmllluild mr john crewuon and maator ifvod- dlo ouolph visited frioiida hero over thu vukond mm v chlnholm has lieen elected chairman und mrn ptolemy socrotary of milton public library tho coal nltuatloli in town in not improving any but 1 worn if aay- thlng coal that won oxpoctod by tho dealers nonio dayn ur has not mudn itn appearunco yot irosnn water pipes which bawo do fled all other means are thawed out hero by eloctriclty from tho hydro service which never falln to do its worlj within a few mlnuteo cham pion councillor chambora did u good act and helped to relievo fnet mattenr n uttlo when ho had a carload of good hnrdwood dry and grocu brought to- town and supplied a number of ciu- qulto a number in town and vicinity have been hit somo pretty badly by tho fulluro of tho dominion permanent loan co toronto the- investments of tho local aliarcholdcrs and depoal- rn rango all tlio way from 300 to j7 000 itof ormcr ttio cold spell resulted in many water plpcn being froren dr ic c wood and sgt c d wood of toronto accompanied by dr cav uinegii and tho mioses itutherford alno of toronto upunt the week end here wllh tlielr parenla guniaver i l miller 11ncv1l la at his homo on guolph i loud on temporary leave after a years dervlo in iho hoyal navy mm itomnden who has been vlnltlnjc utjt daughter at chcsloy lias returned tho women a institute will hold a concert on friday february 22 all toronto talent at uio county council inauguraj meeting our ileovo j wilson was ap pointed on tho educational and pin an to committees a wild duck wha seen lying around hero hy several parti on lost wook at tho meeting of tho official board of tho methodist church tho voto was unanlmouu in favor of retaining tho tlmolliuit of four yearn fur tho pas toral term advocato privato horace mcarthur who hna been dlacliorged after three ajid a half years ncrylce was here lart weak his fuuicr itov dr mcarthur has a can cor behind his eyo and in again in now york for treatment mr j 13 oodfroy baa purchi itobcrl hoaro jiropcrty on ilr klni coatfrtr municipal oin tend red hlu rcn i nation ho contluuo uiiliut bin salary lu lr to jfoo per month ho wan paid j7c per month lant year muglntmten heart woll and nl or held court lant haturday to hear the c barren laid hy u humane horiflty oftlrir itgajnst j mckiinzlo and j mcdonald of tlio hcotrli block and w whltnoo of georgetown for tieir- lectlni their honit i during tho cold weutlii r mcdoimld wan lined lb 00 und uita and m konrio and whit- moo wero 1 t off on iiunpendott ucn- tenro and pild oouin m thn cooneil lion iiunjoiidd tho by law rolatlvy to kvoplng hotu in town appiuatlonu for permlcu must be mado to thu clerk and penu tnuuf uo kept clean dr jon mcandrew huu been ap point d tn db tint rellf nfllur for the vlllajfi of cjcorgotown nt a nalury of jlo por ytar hi raid mr alhtt suciaa luui uoldthoiruica leono hotel property to mr pred oarliuit formerly of milton it lo undent tood that mr garbutt has ro- sold the property m tho merchants hank und that uio prcmlnes will be rt- modeltd lo moot tho requirements of tbo bmk with thu mcleod illock roniodeled lo tlio splendid banking liouno into which tlio hank of iiamil ton hoa juui romovtd und tho mor chants hank housed fii it proponed new pn mncj ci nigetownn financial hopiien will prejjent a fine appearance be wise in time iwiu iry ci trnif- pnr onpurtumtica to practise tin kind of u i tlom it macdonaiij i i in jv womens winter coats it to he appit ci re arc exemplary for instance arcainmi tin fin cnt and tlie price opportunitl next winters rent advance- 1 kcr s1500 values for s10 00 re 1800 valucb for 1200 reg 2t 00 valuesfor suj go similar february clearance offerings also in womens millinery sweater coats womens frocks womens corbet womens blousea iiuihroiderics ii1 l ated ih the dnclion bee i ue o reft 28 oh viliu for 1800 rva 3jo values for g00 r-k- 55000 values for 1500 mens suits mens overcoat- mens hit d e macddmald bros umiled ouelphs leading an largest store wyndham mudonnell u4 carden streets v guelph ont texuuossa pravtnpf 133 riatuonh trr war tforomto canaoi rockwood lurhini jr iv- lorne loyvlng in tha ruport of la in no 12 lnquculng for ti of january tho names order of murlt curollno jtyder itunald mc- latura itmbect- wilmer wutkinn lllmofo uiiil arnold macdonald johnuto equal hi iluetor mucdoiiald hoy johu uton jtjhilo ltyder hensle mucdouald hr ii angun mclachorn gordon johuuton khea crewnou ldnil jr tl ijjuru murruy harold hwack- iiaiuur juuii audurouti chuxluo liuu- tx it ir bi voltna murray mary mc 1 ichuiiu iluruou larl jrrmurlol eon lioljhl a11u1 ivurln tin i y m ului of ontailo 1 fot clio lull varroii accom ho la nmk- f uio hrltluh uld hi iidhig fr i off co leniuuudu and oihui hiavn beiyu in u sifort in known un trlnkut vund lb vuo dm various broken uuuhjui um mid nllvrr trlnkolu or steilluc uiblo ul thiinblu luuraluro ly prluutlal otowa tliuruluy iahiuoii aiild tl ibuted by tho uchool pupils will bcklimlng o tha donulionn re ulved t cis und tlio hoy scouts will i from homes imvlng no child m ut lllg oehool uio ntldjua tt olv to bo rorwardod to mrn j m d- milton nocretnry w c 1 u of ton wtio will nuiid hum to tho e odli o juiforii for oui jul uu- xhw iu ihlntbk and uthod i i lo 01- nlulimlltlen lot tod bits of iiol 1 jirdnl ji wolli i r r ol 1 ilv r n been colvel pupils li prlduy tal i halifax fund for thl ulinr oloh and marguerllo ltyd uobert tltowutt wa hau luylnr audrey mulood moiut smith mary st habru nelson iorln bciutow j a frlaud o i- mil hod i avuruu i those who did i m cunt ut time hcanlo mulllu li attend limerlouqe till umu very sudtlenly to the r ulihut of thin oiiimuiilty laat y when mra llolrry prihtor 1 away 1 ho old ludy hud culu d her nluuty unit birthday on ij him hud llvud alone for yura nut wuok mm klrkpatrlk hci- i moved her to hr houu und u hi r iiliu dloj hiik wan com- ivclj woll up to tlio day of hor uud uti u hearty mul thut day nuld ii nmuo wui muriirut mi i dobhl uud uhu wusu ulater juiiku dobhl of thu flrut lino iimljiln 1 dh d u ood many yt aro llu- funcrul wan hull ii ti lr thi rlxlli 1li my hum ly jin mutlkl ubytcrlan funeral mrs itoburt irn klrkpat i i ului llllllllg vujuia ottoi ndurful mci 1 00 ut li oelpult hoticrt ihillgt ity in holding ull i rv d au hon tialo hi farm stock ilipuiuontii ulc ut lot 23 ion 6 un uiuj sday 1 obruury 1 on itiduy ovenlng lnt innc pto rtobt major who i leaving for over scan was surprinod by nearly seventy of hlu young friends and school chums who gathered to honor him beforo his departure mr llix grey was elected chairman and culled upon mr charier oaken to formally stale to tho assembled ompany tholr regret ut losing ao hon- orahlo a frlund durlnff tha read hie of uio following addrcas mr lome allan prtuientcd hlra with a baauuful wrist watch v to lie ittjbt major 3317222 2nd depot battalion 2nd coil dear hob wo tho frlotida- and iiehjhborn of your family your own frlenda and former play ma ten ro- iretting your depart uro and nlu- reroly hoping your absence will bo brief yet knowing that your ob ject lu iu defence of a noblo cause iloulre in nomo tangible way to ex press our feollngn mont of un havo grown up with you und hnvo found lu you first a playmate and latter a true friend always oua who wan will int to join lu and promo to any morrliikmit thut mijht bo in pro i iiu among our young people alno w huvo known your char inter lo bo ono of nterllng worth und of uoundiut ijuulltlco a fitting r pnuentutlvo of our canadian you tl ono who will do credit lo his ountry thcso fooling for you d maml utterance an a mora tangible modu of exprcoslon wo uuk you to urccpt thin wrist watch we hupo un yuu faru forth you will curry with you only pleasant mumorlct of us all and know tliat our tlumj htn wilt fulluw you lu your fnrtln nt jourueys with tho twjjt if vvluhen uud most earnest of pruyem for your safe uud early qiloam 1 im funeral of mlun lottie johns to lant ttiuruday wan largely attended j irliiulu prenonl from a dlntanca were mr und mm goorjo hruudow mr jiiciili und minn llzxln ivounody minn hcna allen hamilton mr luchard civiiii i mru georgo hobcrtu mrs itoy duineld ouilph mr norman jtydr marden mr and mrs wm gamble clarence and alb rt mr charllo and mlna hazel oaku kru- niouj jj loral tributcu were numcroun and lnrludod a wreath from tho john ntcrn family alcklo mr and mra oro hrandow hamilton cross mr and mru jacob kennedy hamilton a wreath mr and mru l ii near of detroit spray from kumbxy school cuuqj npray miua llxxio konnody and mlun itcnu allen 1 iain 11 ton spray mr and mru hay itrubroy upray of ililiiu from father und mother ituv uud mm luruo acton aro bo coming quite notud pedcntrlanu tlmj ared to njilly enjoy oieir long walk from acton to hljpum church corner through uio snow on hundaj aftcrnooii on ixihuif frluudn i ihhhiuu reltulii1 id wullwiuhurs i lornu allan cluirtlo oakcu allm on oi rli ihi chl iier llsi peart guust instru luontal iiiuulo vua given by mian m duttlold mi iunit oruy uud mr will iruy vnil iiiuuld wu rvjiured hy msr albeit jiuy john hluwuit und tlurtiet lriy mlun lucy iorou uud mlsn llvauley tuve ri itauons itio remainder of tlio uvoulng wus uponl in pimi ut thu itmhf of whlih the nun uiiiy auiib tlbd tuvo our uploudld muu and tlod havo thu klnk mr m 1 llarr wan it dr j i llughtui prunldent roulu iturnn club un tlio o cunloii of the untiual banquet on thu anniversary of the poets birthday mlnu muy iloltui niieut thu week uud in uuolph with mlun howard mian lleoulo gardiner of toronto uihiju tin wekjuid with her puretits hero ii tun muruuivt itlcliardaou lias ro ulgtiod her dooltliii in uio hock wood post oflliu uud intuuds kolug went shortly mr uid mrn alex davidson mid mru htowurt of winnipeg arrived in own onp evening lost wook from laioruby a telegram from thut pluco un uu unci ng uio llhilss uf u rukvuvu eauacd liielr luunoetuud ruuira a uuiiiuwtiat loquacious old giiillo man a ntrtingor who win calling on friends on ttio uocond lino oa hunduy volunleerod uio interesting informa tion to cltixunn whom ho mot who weni uhaoluta atnuixnru to him that ho wuu ii man trotn glengarry uiat ho had raised eight aons and us many daughters uiat ho liad burled four wivci and tliat a brother of hlu wan ono of tho clmracteni in hajph con nor noted book a man from olen- curry hector uio ttttlovoon of vllllum mc arthur of uio flrut lino dug u hole in u anow bank lant friday and amus ed hlmaolf in jumping into uio cavity tha impact of hi lout jump in wnu unfortunate for it rcaulled in tho froc- turu of the htuo cliap u leg above uio a peculiar night wa to bo soon on uio top of a hydro polo near mr cliarleu duvldaon a on tueaduy of lor- uoon ttio top of uio polo was buxlng high voltauo wire having come lu ittuec tbo matter wan roportod to nelph by llectrlclan klnc and a line man cutuu down on tho ovoulng train lo muko rupolrn tho current wou cut iff ut uluo o clock for about twenty niuutcn opportunity j r xivingstone grocer and provision merchant oftcr tho pooplo of acton every opportunity to uiimi their ruppllrn fresh woll assorted and at rason- ttblo pricea a few barrels of apples faull may bo had at luirml i la tea vour orders will de appreciated j r livingstone mill street i w landsbotough ha3 a splendid assortment of fijcsh and cured meats sausages new supply of fowl nearly every day 111 sell you beef by tho quarter if you wish w landsborough car mid and main sue acton phone 40- n a second hand furniture i capital authorized isqoqooo capital paidup jocvx aurpius tacojxo send your boy at the front a five franc note for sioo cflo bo used to buy uttlo comfort clom behind tho flriu lnui ior rialoby dank of iiamiiton obonqbtolvnibnanc iv- n mckay jhadbor olvc sijeboardb beds stove box stoves lamps tables i other things drcbbers lie iters haneinj and miny w imij livi poultry for cash l starkman mill st aclon yfrrff ttvff a vegetable garden for every home in this year of auprcmo effort nrit- aln ami her armies must havo ample tiuppltej of food und canada is tho grout ttourcu upon which they rwly ryono with a fow wquaro foot of round can contribute to victory by trouing vcgutablca four patriotic heason8 for growing vegetables 1 it saves monoy that you would therwisa spartd for voq table 2 jt helps to lower the high cost of living 3 it holpm to antaroe the uraenuy needed surplus of produoa for x- 4 growl no your own veaotmbuts saves libor of others whose effort is needed for other vital war work makc vour cardch yicloits uayt upt thorooahtircd aeds 1 covvidrt smp tt tlieiic comport in his bulletin biqqerbarnow j j bu vif hont rroinms why theq are too dear owunq to the war so him qet more soap amd a qood soap too lrue economy i getcomfoitt wm rerryis seeds jvl edwards co bakeks acton ilavinu pupohasod tlio statham bakery business which has boon conducted smco may last by hr w woodcock wu will conduct it on tho old satisfactory lines which mado the sta tham business so popular for tho thirty yoars thoy were in business in actonr tho many oustomors will be served regularly with wholosome white ana brown bread and buns and vory shortly an attractive lino of cakes will bo added tho statham record of past years will bo main tained vour orders will bo appreciated mednards co church stactoa jfeatwihbivr i m i ijt ifaiiaaaftiffirffl 1 n i wafniisaniaail i iff il i tfawdmifii

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