Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 28, 1918, p. 1

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voitlmic xliil no 1g acton ootakio tuuehday moknino vebuuallk 28 1918 sinoiik covlktijnvjs oicnth 3jic arhm 3 trr 3lrphb tjin aftov i uii irfs is pui llahed ovcry i humility tuurnlnic at tho ttax tvrjt liulldliik hill hlruat juiuo ontario did union rlptlou prlco lu ii co por yiar in udvuni o inulaifo hartrod additional to olllcu in ho united htatiu thu dale to which subscrlptloni uro pulil in liullrulod on tho addroiui labed adviiltihlnfj ilathm transient aavortlscmcntn it ntn pur lino uirat mosuromrnl for unit imiertlon ami g nu per lino for mrli subsequent in sertion cnntnirt display udvcrtlno- montfl for co indus or more nor an num 10 contu pur hull ruich insertion advertise mnntu without npliilllo illrec clona will ha tninrtd till furbld and aharged accordingly savage co clabllhd 1048 wyndham st quclph watchco diamonds jcwcllcrv lidrary dcok sctb fjnc china cut qlaoo oilvcnwabt silk umorcllao fountain pens opoclolliitu in woddlnjr and llirthday gitlu expert watch ftuj jowollcry llupulrorn the bond hardwareco llmltod phono 1012 quclph goad old cnullah grnllwn qray inaldo nd out uln coal lnml tho price la lrtw arid th qranito warn durable 70c ooo 20o 11 ii wuiih i low r wuah 1win h wuiih howls 30 wuih howin u wiuib llnwlij til iui th kitthi keith soc 30o cgc 70o csp 2dc tullllllonlh dltorlal ami llunliuo offh i lusldonco business directory thoq gray m d c m mooill l ii o j udliihumh i il 1 1 b qluutfow m mleir lirltluh modi- aj association oiu oulco produrlrk street acton onl savage co 70 year in oualnsia in quslph c c speight jor uptodate goods vo oh i xi iinup nuii 1 pt imnhlliiu iujii icc i a pt injdlni ilimi 10a rl iuildltlk ill lis 20o i it iinlttliij run 22o i l luddlntf 1inn 25c c ijt imidliib ilimi 35o special no 0 dollar flat copper dottom roq 205 oslo 51l tho bond hardware co llmltod phono 1012 quclph dr j a mcnivcn physician and gurqoon office and residence corner howor avenue nnd clpln slrn 1 1 tho rould- nco formorly occupied by d m ilon- uerson acton out veterinary john law 80 n vatarlnsry surnoon acton onl oraduato of ontario vutcrinory col- ic 18 80 oolco arthum hindi jtonlilanco mill btreol cnhn duy or nlylit prompt ly attended to legal a j mnokinnon dlrrilur solicitor conwynor oolco mill fat in rorrymau lilock dcntal dr j m dell o d s 1 d 8 oontiat honor oruduutu of toronto unlvor- blty the lutoatu uliuuthotlc unud if desired offlco at ruldcnci corner mil and frederick hlrecui dr l- l dennbtt doitt usin htrect a oruotuum out silverware in tableware uuui vjfjety also fine cotjery hardware tinware and grinitewarc in variety pandora stovtii and rn b famous heatcrs small stoves oil stove when your ihhadaches without i t inri ini fr unctliniti li y wliciit yoi ii y upparoul uiuon whoi nil afur nudlnii r ho the remedy every article ifl of occep- tional value c c speight mill street acton miscellaneous marriage licenses h p mporo uiuer morriago liconses prlvato oincf no wllnonoco ro- quird lajucd ut rcsldinco in ovcnlnc ynxx pntoa oinco acton ont francis nunan bookbinder account hooka of ull klndu mada to ordor period i rain of ovcry descrip tion carefully bound killing neatly and promptly done wyndham htrcut guulph one over wllluunii falnro v r j tccbft llconasd auctlonesr for uis countlcu of ilulton wolllnc- ton pool and duff c rln and tho city of ouclph acton ontario bajaa may lm arranged by in all or at residence tit acton or ut tho vrev irtaa ohico acton th morcury qinco tluolph tho nflwsituiod 1 1 rsua or with w j gordon harness makar ulluburs sales n mm tl to it j korr ro- oolvo attention from da to of hut inn la as to of sale llut jour ualuljjjth tno rssldsnco yqi acton phono 3d acton xlii ut my izipooso j e ciieevers dook dindcr qusbsa 8t cast qulph onl books uml niutusliuh ikiuiiii in ilanasoina mill mutiuuunllal wmm names icttlrol uji nild on lilblui hymn iiooku and otlur boo kit d alkx mvion burvoyn bnuliti liotnt ilima uo- erta ocwnptioiirt hlucnruitu ott rtlfltatri for purlhoira uiul njort kgoc survcn nr anlntttii hull- dors uud municipal conuciu dram ago report- exilniotiii ou molean uldg doutjloast ouhlpii fi100 c4 out tho old and reliable granite and marblo doalurs w aru niuiimii tun ri uul llrt luipurtcn if ullutii r uuiiutiimiiu and lfeudatoih work uu cell llro t to our mmmu1 il whok p thus iavhif urn i in in- in io t i uut wo liavo tho ikjui tpptiuini1 mi n only niovliutiliii in tho d nilnnui whu can oporutu piiuinitl uiulu tnuporly wo tan tivo ifurn1 fin hunlroi our hi hip plaros win n suits in unlir ti iuuit wi imvu ho larifost and lulit tttix l if taiillo in tho uoinliiluli or it mm than uny three dtatorn in ttu- wit u mo 1l mats dealt ni mid iipl mi tlfctm1u and do nut aiinu t pm cuatoiiuri hy aondlnjf out lynomiu utonti noltt it ins ori1rwu cniploy only iiuichunh and defy tiuniji lltlun hamilton sons cor rmrwmn a nii ui uuoitm dr ll plant optojk a tri st op d toramtantl p o tomato 1909 georgetown ontario will bo in acton itt mr a t browns ljriiij store no imcla of each woulc for the examination tcitin and prcscnbing o jfloaca hoursfjiom a 30 to 6 1q p m grandftrunki double track route detwehn montreal toronto detroit and chicago unexcelled duung car ser vice sleeping cats on nighi trains and parlor cars on principal day trains full infojmrtlon from aay grand trunk tickotatrcot or c horniur uuunc paiotiijcr aknt toronto ont ti s hotncs agcnt acton pono no 1 3 if you tiava any gucata at your borne aro uoiuj out of town for a viaii or know of any interesting upwi let tw hoar from yon wo alwayu appreciate uuclifavoru ihiio 11 footwear for everybody kenney bros rint aiioira itlelladle ktalcuu oheap ioll tiiu quallty 1ok iatiitttt 1oit moihlu 1 oh blslkk 1or brotif ku iorbwkcthkahr ior bai1y ioh school uly ioll sciioomiiul all uakku all olzhtj silllcus ovihshol uunmits itlcpalrtlno pilollhtlv kenney bros acton ontario lopticw ai tut kmt orncr mothcno tchdci1 care iird jinuo thou incut known to 1 her 1 vho ihvo il nuiyulio a way 1i 1 cvnry wlidl fulfill and uvun if ihou imlnl nfiinn in luiytliinir lot thy wlnu wjh a comfort hriiik uiith au all ulnd molhoro una v ah hohi or by tho hnnd and though uh niny not intterntand ufcm wliidliib wny hud hor in pouoo dlvllii i cannot iwvy my debt i or all tho lovn that utio hau klvon llut 1 iiuu iord wilt not forgot her duo rowurd blcuu her in earth and heaven henry van dyke the sisteb of a soldieb ibonmrnimial laa j t wui from un ululur llmt a lanort of wlnuirup u will u- half u doun of tho ulr greanmeiry f x uk i no huil ckiiam to u ihflitm robt alii ii ttc in t week m mcciilioiiuh rubinoff acton creamery j t 4y4trthrii int w a few snaps soccndhsnd opport unit lei orjna lukun in ixchunktt ti lly rjfirha uro au iml thoy loft tho ttlory wu oell them under our pomonul uuaruiilcci 5j0 down and 500 monthly will purcliluio omi of tiiooo or- kaiiu which bim bulllni ut ur- ujn prc c w kdlly son 33 wyndham street quelph a hiqh class school yon 4 charloo 8t toronto ont olvts lt htuunts u trnlulnl that carrli n yjth it tliu h ir hop- clorliy wrlto tolny tof larto catulouuc ojm ullyiai finloniuw w j elliott prii farries ci mullin wholoaalo ccjinmlaaloii morchanto hocic vvouu and a err on re m the an nip lu-i- iifsi it alloii a usual ami will cuiitiituc per mancnil highest trl prin iiid for any quiritit ol ood judity luiuip dt iwt rt ti 11 u ion m i- tion that lnllo llntincuit lru had t tllrioro to knit tliookh cm u rulo tlmlr tontfiiiu low no fast tnn wnnilnmll nrw ttloy couid spare my thought to direct their liikcro jauo iutton wan nn hour lalp and air she took hor knlltliift from hor bar ahu lookcxl iicrofto at lcallo with a umllo that had a touch of oomothlnc ijallu did not understand uut ft won plain enough when jano npoltii w1i how docs it doc in to huva u uoldlcr lu tho family a uoldlcr ijnlio repeated do you mean my couutn iaul fiha was a illtlo puicil for her coualn paul llv d in ohicaco and lcnllo he rnot had not until him aim 0 11 lu waa ol or nine it ora nwd ulruiii that the imwii of bin onllntniont nhould hav travelled no tar and rtuchud a elrl who hud never nuon him ut all i dldu t uven know ymi hud u foil 11 hi wus junos reply i meant wlnthrop of course wltithrop ltallo thoukht wlui ainunumeiit how jano uiim always ml lnj uil nca up ilut puul hi the only uolillcr lu our family wlnt io baruly 11i111 toon ho doesnt imvi to no i tho clrln bent over thulr knlttlni with an air of ubuorbod in was thoonlj uiio to upeak oh dont you litiow i uuppouod of uiuriio hi hud told you told illo whatt llu inlliilod last nlsht ut tho moot- ine ut tho j yrlc my father was them and ho told mo at bnukfuat iullnu llpu parted for another de nial i yt she did not apeak fcjho look uj ut tho tlrla knlttlni awuy for dear life wltiljitranjjo uerlouu fucca jjar- bara who oat next her wuii fluahcd llkcj u roito almost savaipity zoullo turn- i upon her llah hour did you know 7 clarence jctorn live a m st door and ho unllstod lout nlht ho told 1110 uils mornlnt thut wlnthrop was the unit man to ko up und ho wan the ancond iallo contlnuud to knit without aptuklnk but her fuco worked utrontfu- ly fur u moment uho wou conscious only of a hurt won dor that all tho otlur tlrla illiquid btu tho nucfot of wlnthropu movemontn wliuu uho luid boon kept lu tho dark arid then sud denly if uow aiijjulmh 0 tabbed lu e wlnthrop was unlng nuy lior brouior was trolntf to bo a spldlor fac- lnir all unccrtaiutlcs uuj endurlni all tho hardships of a soldiers ufo lca llo fait all at unco tlcat alio could not ixir it j lyniiot to no home uho uuiod np tiie team nt ream in if down her face ho oughtnt to iijvo doiio it hou only ill n too 11 flnd it isnt rlsht iho knltttiii- clnlo broko up in dis order juao won ucoldid ratlior un justly ului thoufht liar burn breeed to walk homo with iuillc but itullt rufiiaud hur offor hhu wunlml to bo ulonu and ahu could not tulk of wtiat hud hcppunud not ovuu to llurburu au uh hurrlcl homowunl her thoughts run in a llt 1 ikio it was not fulr it was not rlht leslie u niotlmr bud llou yuuru bufuru und per hupu tlmt wuii uuii muooii why alio und wlnthrop urm lioiii r tlucn rnotit broth in and ulntiro tlmy had a way of t ilkliik thliif umr thut throw a won drfully lllumltmtlnij lltlit on a trout many iiuwitltiiui iuullo tuuld imf liu- ujino home without wtuturcjp iv hor surpduo h wuii ulltliitf lo tliu uiirucy wliun nhuiumu in hlio did not iiood to uji hlni fof contlrmatlon of riviil iho i ii tell you then mm 1 ojit jiullmiklnjrly ftf on unto d nl iirht ho van pr otty y lot lm t mothn r 1 lu cyii fr ntlt h t it bi uld that to hllll tifti t net roou tlin ul ul 1 ill 100k i yet you a llolll 1 hard 1 br ir uiul it would li h r of nuh 1 u 1 ovyanl inn rimiinntr vnrd for a mr her tod who looltu uho blood marrhlru orf into ilunj ir a true word 11 ofc 1 a hard word rcpllod mm dowd import urlahly in these days uio mothers ituo 0110 kind ouruli und tho ixyn auothur rn o coward blotwl in my llvo thi iur o or alio ul bout ihlnk what if 1 d hu 1 a sou v liu was a slacker thoi 1 ire n llotlld u mi heart ji nit in hrn for and thoy m the imt who aro unhami d ol ti lr hoys in tl id di up rtn lent ntorft wj lure uho ihiiiiht inn vcool leslln c mi lit ulclit of hur oir 1 0 tho mirror in i euu than forty- lent hotlru her fuu ha d irown plnchot 1 ul id wan ilnr ny 1 11 wnro uwollui 1 fro 111 ion il wnpliiii and won rliiid aboi ill wli i durk ire 1c in ijh- llo iiurvcy 1 1 f f ritlrally and with dlufuvo r 1 ip nil tho present uhu hud 11 0 r tb 0 ph llou that pa llor und tcardl mini it cyn 11 wi ni very iniltuhlc in a ll irl w ihllm tily brother had mi- llutnl no x till uw it in a dlfferunt llcht wli ithrcp modcd nno uort of 1 ourul- uii 1 ului another ii t waa u idty if wli llo th boy of th family wan u 1 uro hi 1 ul liter uhould bv a iw when wlikhrup came la for dliinor ho cntorod with i mifluir t pn icjillo hoard uuj uiu1mumj cuiu ihmm alio culled hoc if you think its kolui lo lit hluthuld up a killttid atrip c coupln or inchu wide and wlnthrop iltitted to ui nurly pusld iokn u much like a book mark as thin nh 1 if cktlo nd it 1 11 nwluli sow lilt down and let n talk mlllntr cheerful ulnrt inlin ph niro wlnthrop wan to carry th him for thul waa tho tos iw uvury day till bin dnpnr d that wuu the lcullo who alvuih he 1 handkerchief and when the rhlluienl inarched its way ti tho uuctlon thuru n un in im in hi r heart hut hor noiuti y ilmtrfiil exprumlon yavo no ilnt of 11 th m wiru team wollliii iomwhru but tuny wc ro choked ink ilia ninlln nlio wnru won a tit- lot ulitfirm for tho uliilir of a uoldlcr nid she meant to bo worthy of il i canadian nlllni sowing ind k ajtin k tlouubl aro ac ur frui if thoy aro rocoivod into tl yard o tliu lu ut and tho re uro watered and tends y e in llut ihsri joalouay vs thout ita hsctl j your action- oonor or la tor you cunnot 11 11 u impurq thouglita wi hout untlii nnu roil in character da not msku tha ilntako of up posing that it dooa nct matter what ho uuht pass tlirouuh your mind if op y your co uluct is exemplary if y ou plant tl a eoodo i uvll thoufjhta in your ho art yu wi 1 reap i10 bar vot in your life for whtovo a man ci vveth that hall ho olo re ap rcnnuary will ii mm thlr tt nury odd ut t r low will in in ui ir1 with 11 ft m f win 11 hi ulljl dud ai ul tb uiywl lut in you olt ll u oh lutd op n binb 1 hollo ut bo u ii the v tin hit u lie ll lo fiuld thunkfi and unit in tiioi- you 11 ay bun you could oufortably do tb whel he looked ut h 1 tiuik laid beei u hliil iuill im nurry i dldn myself i tried to this inor couldii t auuiu t tt it out tun i dled that hliu tlon elf into his l unoti wlnt oh wlut i unit 11 did it yh tui imvu 1 ikjtit lvamo thoii wui ilu voice uu if h wuuhl hu if he liia down i luu back ion lunu x think but yon u ut tit ol f kht u th lu hold d havo loliu ry orn it wai ul vnliil ixill iei hho lay i wlnthrop hi hut itfch uld 1 thoko did 1 e lu icxt moral vont down vul lllllk ol if wlnthrop muled on ai 1 l looklu vl it thin ih tho uuwiiliui mured tho oplul ot my halth and uii tin iotd returned mrs oowil appotll and inijer rpr it iva a wunuw to 1 bilj und f caiuidlau ou tided in havo boon uiuputauuus is artificial limbs for soldiers a fui lory for tin munufmtur uuch artificial llnihi uo may bo r i ul rod fur membni of tho c i uufterluic uiuputullon injuries lu uml t lined in toronto hy the military ho pltalu commuutlon cuiialderlil tho numb iioldltru wliii have tioe a thili the nui uubmlttid tu 1 remarkubly nraall duo no doubt to tho uplnudld work f tho udvaurod drcmi- ini imnui of tint hod cnuia forces to data tho iiumtier of amputation cute a roiwirtod la utill under 700 tho mili tary lloupltuls conimhialun hua ao- iopto1 tho rtuiponslhlllty on bolialf of tho oovcirnmunt of canada to provldu uuch urtlllelul limbs au uro roqulrod and to maintain them during tho llfo- tliuo of tho soldier public owni factory ior iho purpouo of livlne up to this ronpo iinl bill ty uuvorul eoudlttoiui niodu it nsceuaury for thu coiumlsalciu to lit ta hi lull ltj own factory tho market prlio of axtlliela limbs to uio public is bused un uuleu coudltlonu which urn vury low tho tout to tho country ttt llmtiu inunufacturud lu tho cutnnilu- 111 plant la that of labor and nui- lorial only tho vury bejit urms und luiju yet do- vluod uuywhitru in tho world aro pro- lilcxl by tho coaimlaalon tho urn- terlala uncd in thu limbs aru tho pest htulitublu bklmpliu is not tolerated ii tho ljujt uiilortuut factor in tilting tho llnibu putleaco lu nor- euuary to luijuru a ncuxliuum of iiim- rt for tho wearer kxpertu ut this t my 1 lino attciiltlun lo tho ullihtcul irritation or dhicomfort mpiirtctl by thu wecn r whovo limb lu uover finally nuluhtl until uhery utidenlrublu fiutturu iiuu been uilmliiutl1 a civilian who for uuiiiu tlmo teas uaud un urtlllilul ulmllur to thu onu provllutl by thu mllluiry lloopllalu commhuion has ihcui uiiluthl to douiouulrutu to the ihjvu hi potwlhllltla of ita use rwm uelilovmutu it lu bopod tllut thu llru will tlnrlvi luullduiuu und lhdi 1 i in null 111 tl ou lo perauvuru prattle liu will ultliuutuly luad to wlim un h done lu inlleutod by iho fart thut thlu man 1 un run bo duiieu and walk uu wuii uu u proneicml uxiomciit of uuy of tlieuo aria who amy lucv lw sound leus 1 hn do mouutrutor iiuu mudo a utudy of tho htoiitlalltlei of uilllltlul leiu und lu faiulllui with uu 1 iiielliuitu uu that win ri a nlwi 011 two llrunt lul leuii olio luihlnuliil ubovu uio klleo uud hv r biluw i kuu nui 1du yuidu on lu i mpjllits hue luliufa tuiol what un an tier with u uliiiilu xi llulliod ull i u uuvil till uwitb lllllllauiiil a work f bddliu wlloll u writ uu it hohbi lhmlk worku uro paliilod and tlin boltu uro thtm left to niaiion in thu uhudo in tho opii m for two yoaru after this thu iwltu aru min drlod and aro kept bcnn dry till they aro uollvon d to tho man ilu an urtltlclal limb at thu factory in lorcinu there in a lur dry kiln 01 tho premium for that purpouo system of msaluromant it lu ihn pru tic of thu rmtory ti work thu wood up into rouirh lo unj to put then in ntoik in uliu on a biuiiu ulmllur to tho mothoda of otock- ini bouts whon a man in ont by tho midluct oilier to bo fitted for a liiuh hla nn murorno ita aro taken and tho uto k limb moot nearly approximating hlu ma luremenls lu tried on the top of the urtltlclal limb lu then hollowed out with upeclal tools niado tor that pur pose uud in above knoo lunpututlouu tho atump lep lu fitted into tho mcket until tho patient bears bin weight un tho pelvic bones virtually utttlnu down on tho ion and walking in tho casi of imlowknoo amputations the fvoluht la currlod when pooalblo puxually on the end of tho atump and partially on tin bones of tho kneu after tho man a atump has imwii fit tud into thu rouble lujr tho patient woara his now limb around tho hos pital until it becomes quite comfort able trtmmlnc bolne dono on tho in- aldo to remove utiuvcneos as ausilusted by the patient rawhide prtacts willow as uoon as oomfort is attained the limb lu hollowed out uu uilicait pou- aiblo and wet rawlildo is drawn tight ly over tho outuldo und attached tu tho wood with blue thlu when hord- ouod protects the limb from upllttlnu and utranythona uio leg uo that lu- ntancej huvn boon known whwtln wood had boon badly uhaltf rod uml the limb still rotulncd its shapo a 1 oat of paint flnluhon the oxtorlor und the interior is surfacid with a hlih crudo uhtny wood oil varnish tho moid roulstant varuluh material that is known jioots to iii tho urtlflclal feel aro made in tho branch of tho factory du- vuted lo orthopedic nhomuklnif a man whu hau do voted a ufo tlmq of study to tha making of ortliopodlc uhucu lu in charifo of thlu brunch it hua been found that a mail wear- inn no urtlllcloj lutf pluccu 0u1 h a treat utruln on tho other especially in tho early ututc that u spoclal alios lu rocjuirod tho patio 11 ta aro mnaaur od ului lit tod wlui boots douurued to prove nt weakness developing in tho one tfood foot remain 1 1 in ivcry upper lu filled many cllfforcnt kinds of or ull c lai arms urei made both in this country und tha uultod htalea under patent protection tho aovurnmont of can ada hau ucccua to ull patents and no bettor arm is bulnir turned out uuy- whuro uian that with which tho com mission la uiulppliii us ru turned lutl- dler patients at tho naao tlmo every effort la belns bout tu thu perfection of new idoou which mitht impruvo upon uxlutlui featured of tho umbu turned out by any und ovary factory in tho world while tho uolliern rvqulrlnjr artl- fltjjii limbs aro still on tho otroiibth of tha military houptlaui commission command thulr noodu in uilu rcupei t aru automatically taken euro of by tho houpltul uuthurltlca tho uftor- diucharuo nihxlg uro ulu provided for in addition to tho branch faetory ed in wlnnliiii 1 twenty ycart ago apll 1 ti- 1 hull lu ih itiul 111 uuluvli the ainipl f th tuiiillutt jrdir of imr ti 111 n t iiovi 1 nno to un acton uudterim ull 1 it took upl mildly tlin montr ul i i 1 m iu ami tho xuiroit ta tint- w it imduii 011 a wuier wuro nplll tl pltuni r a i luro by ilu dr hcanluri em ilelur 1 fr on ufo und tho leu ions tilt tuej umli r the uuiijiiroii of i on in- on monday oven iur wn 1 11 lr 1 1 1 ry nil outteaa idx hiunluuu h uui uiui liiuutruie by 10 vihwii ihiiw 1 upon tho cainua by a b loptlron iurlriu- tho ovonhur mr scjinlatiu 11 1 uiuu a sola and jcuvo a rccititiiu min 1 nmmn qruhuni of ol nwllllumi 11 uu uuveral solos dur- in j- the inj tin holiday tciioot orchwitiu ul no rcndurcul a selection 1 or forty uliu years mr ilward mutihi wu hu 1 in 11 a real lent of acton mi mutth w uud family havo decided m r mm injf n 1 rllii the memberu if ilu fumll ulll hu mu h mlluioil on any uu mt ni rs day ho uo thiuiltful h r 11 nn un l upon the highway tl11ro un 111 n in th 11 ulr 0 fmnpy vly hiscrtii al it erywh re n utoiuoblli rt mm lilllltc th y have ru lull t hu to dlu potli ltoeil lo tr mwk of fiu 1h thunurul there 11 osoue thrilllui lu tho air and that in iood you f ol juut to urn per human nature llko th bhiut thut tempers fltocl kop thlu weliomo tluuiht boforo you j hprluc in niurir every day ko bucklo up your ouriuc and shiver on tho way and ho thankful reial talk it oral other brum will bo opened in a lialf do to 11 or nioro eontrul points th rout hout thu coun try uo tliat brcakareu in uio artlflolal llmlui auppllchl by thu unitary llou- pltnjn coiiiiiiluulou will bo rapatrudand uuw uuuo will be uuliml as roqulred froo of eout to tho soldier so lout as uv huvu lncurtod dluabllltieu hi army service wliuh raiulro uppll uncca such us orthopudlc shoes trusu- ob upcctai len rubber liaiidufea uud belts will havo uuch an annual crodll eotablliilu d with the hoard of reunion comuiuuiionom au tho military llou pltaln co turn las 1 in cutliiuxtcui will eovr tho annual coat of uuch applluiie j puvclacuud in tho open murket i t man lu nutlllod thul ho muy puichutu upplluikuii tu the amount of th rvllt to the hoar of ioiinlu ouuulaaloii 1 ru uo lloiird however hmivlni to lurrf- ttin rleht to ruluoo to twimit tl uiu of upplluiuu whleh huvu imk 11 round to bo uiiuatlafuc lory at tti end of tho your any baluucu ruiiiululilif hi tho haudu of thu iuiuilouu ilouil iiuu t rumlltbd to ui muii liluiuulf limb l soldier lmpluyed ltu urtluciil llinbo upd ilutr rupuliu will bu taken cure of n the llivnl immtu futuirl but with iiilnur ap plluiitea this urrunaeiuuiit is thought 10 bi thu moul uuliufuclory both tu the iul 1 i dlun buluu luucbl 1 urt of iiiickln iilnli1 1 br wiiuh thl qhlatciit u1n1 lumlu ihur i u offeil opokon iropu if not lu th dladb and business oil ae luiilck upidld for a poul d opportunity fur lullku 11 r mmed lululy cull at tho no upon the mom ui un ood un her li wuhit won immueu 0111 with a ijuteh 1 i ry pn tty uiroat lu of liadii throueu l toil 1 tv hruco bi it cuth a i irj b th imitation tilouuu interview weu brief io sh loft thu moment it olllldetit of ulluiiui yut the 11 a until finiii the linn rei buul ull thu of turiai it hhe uho lu in what wc hiimitluiid hurnulf to them uily h iioful of rut ut vim hilt it tamo promptly 11 ii rrltk ti reply u ijth uukiin for tlio roa fulhi wlu ih nluiwordu uthifaciory but wu do m bod j vly wot 1 urotlud itwk 1 pawnbroker iihou uly ouru hinlth a j- hu re id ilu but it iquul i h hliilth s jt a javl thl uattluvj ul fdl vvhl hhlt fll luvlli llu a hook apublo of hoilliil hku duno of lluliiptou court thu turuxt uiiythlp that euu vr bt hold und lurut toyal lucluco in liiliuo1 u lluld this vim wau plant d in ittlh tiulm u ollp fiun w vluu nt valentine in th of willow lul ii fnui two tixu p 11 u ii of llford w lileh atluined a un it willow faiully ilt h uro ho tjlo and hi utill lu a tliiirhililni ouil willow und lh uddeii out r hon 1 hu map hi of the lilac it usui v1i icniwii hunt r tn ui of bun variety u truutui lith 1 liila wl wli n iibm lululy fll itull liuheu and tho prill ip 1 ljhu abut twutyui poundu bran h lu u feet luuu utilo futil it lu luutli doen nut it hau boail known to product uu ulily and wurlm will in th many us ul bunoho in onu you he wood lu ut lull llouu of iiuwcivim- ut present itu uvuruio luu 1 ihehuu limit und bojwd thiouiih turu llup lu u built 0 e h bun h tro tn order lo imwioii without weluhliik a louiid tho grupes uii ulil 11 11 1 but to i ii 11 tnucry ti hollliii out lliullllili tluih li ml ul uf mm ulurter piuvell ollon b hliil hi iy wheel ull j- loni off itu tinttry wiiu u the wlutr lu overwuiked i 1 novo this tu youmuir oou ininiuk uhui tly after ulartli luitoi plum ytuu ba uhlft levi uliu luli tho ellt il out ai i down yur euuiiio till it hi ju u uvi fh u jmlckly let yn in 11 iiiju jua omi unultj cjtouluiuj it i tmikwl ami uio ornln rnrutttftu tuusbltam to iii lilieiuud fill 1 tlin uuuln ll ho llului ioor iydlal i imp pom driudfuliy stupid and poky mru ulaktuhu i urfiurii ulwuyu aro hlio nev r ui i mu to loam how to mix pooplo prip rly thuro u ulwuyu tho sumo ijinillniition of evujumlllii polltonouu and ovemuy llfhtnuui and nveronlomn arm iitnouu not to muntlon sudden idtiucci that no onu known what to do with i pltlrd you for halnc lo go you nocdn t loclarod lydla lu ilia u wm dirrerout thero wui nal talk thin tlmo with ovcryono join- liu in and do you know oven tho poklmt of mru illakcilcoo old stand by find uninothlni trite rcnllne to my it boinii wltli domtono rommonllns on tho hopoy ryo cakes that wore b im nrrvil thoy wpro a now war- ccolpt mru ninkenloo had ln- herxelf and that ntartod overy- i talking ccanomy and ixmacr- with exporloncoa and lllustra- tloiln und the unit thine wo know it was tin live i hut kind of cxporlunco mcetlnj- no on waited to bo intro- diu ed and ovi ryorui n potto to anyopc n opj wuii ofrinh or lumhby or bored thero wau u perfect babble thou fine in a while there d ho iiomcthinc that auchi tho mineral altonuon and ono ponton in p crtirular would havo tho floor for a iilntflo iiticcdotn or uuc- itloy or rocelpt mm i ordhum trnvo on ifc elrou aitawll of tho flrnt tlmo uho uorvod hi in cutlet to a rubelllona funilly with itu mouth made up for ul r loin uttuck and anna ilracy told how uho turned leftover umall quan- tltlj of soup und viuetablen into a dellclotiu luncheon ualud uf aspic a la fcrmlore jolly on lotturo leaves with tho clttuihlcs round like a kjnuuh m i vn never dm c that irttorrupurd rucllla hut i belli u i i 111 next tlmo of eourso i iiuv r throw even a cupful of ooup awuy but when i havo junt a illtlo i kenurally 1 rxactly 1 dont know what yoi imriui do but if you d been at mm lllukil uu youd have told ovcrjono whnl lluteii whether thoy wcro per fect ntrauiiirii or pooplo youd known idnce you wen knohlth lo a kraan- hoppei they d hao wanted lo llstoi too and then to t 1 you what they ucnnrully did that u v at mada it alt uo jolly no diuciuulonu of tho weaui- cr nu fetliiur about to uto if utrannoru from nut of town had over met your fifth t ouiiln or a ucl oulinaiu two ruuu- cu ttolow or uuiyud at tho uamo hotel you did when they weru travullliuj lu japan oi georgia or ourniauy boforo thu war you know the uort uf thlnu tor oiuf cm a nxlul octaalun at mrs itlukcjitoo u wo were ull uculully talk- ini real ipnuhi- talk why but lydla an if real talk hud to bo about food uud hou lekcoplnjc ami uuch thliiiu it dotmi t sound pn clnely compllmuiilary lu your uox- nonacnyou it dneuii t mutter much whether itu art or urtli hokcu ait lomt uu it rijpreauiita a real lute rtit itu the je 1 1 uli ion euu thut makes talk lu- t riiiiliib with uuch a huphazard company thuuih thuru rtallj couldn t havo ikmui many nubjiu t that would brim them ull touothi r dim t you uoo hut the mliuito we found min thut did uviryoni wus liitercuttd and tho wholo affair wus dulithtful i never llkod formal partleu tu tho ultuui tiubblo bobbin and til utilo of thinj but i luvi re ul talk only uald i in ilia doubtfully it no u ouilil tteo meutlllg thu i party rul party anyway i i rather wtuh id txien at mrs llliikulu ufl ull tdinlllod lucllla ihouihfully hi the way raid luiiu i dhlntj i ivc you a hunrii to ilnluh lucllla i liut do you dn with jui t u llttlo left- why we arc all afraid iihyho if llut 11 k hi liar ma thut 1uyhd i iddliikk pcra llu uly il i octtino down to uimpll llfc hut in wui llu iltlht i yapp rrn uiollii uully ut th mii d thulr it imlttlcu 1 lighted l cululuu ulu k i the thief dainty wun uhrlmpti ut the lliout loiiulultint elluturluil ruioiel wuii itottui rrub who ru- his iiiut uu tliodt ully till it very hy dhiuiipeund allon uiui eluiinir y yuri 1 n m vubotuhlou e til fly in ho not u votahle hreltti mill ally due ii ul iiithlnit but watur inanuhd t llvti woohl tltulla id foi

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