Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 28, 1918, p. 3

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0 wedding and birthday presents i rtn hu7 hlkerraro 1 ii i y lit fljna on j china knlv i i t rjm ami hnoons wi 1 hi i hi k mapniagc licenced iqqucd geq 51ynjds ijr atuuej rcr rre0 a t1iuiu1da j i iuujauy bhief local items tho 1 nil i v r i nl ruary tim fir t m i 1 li to till i jinti r i uundny i f r w cheer ui t last iran t 1 tim i rl n llof tool wick uf 1 rl iara tliq irio rf 1 ren i will iw in creased t t niorrow the lutcurj lot ilowft to 10 ilo loir tero again 1 nil thursday tito scroti i thmi irriityrl tor lob ruary occurred on monduy nvsuliu united churrh tu rvloin in tho methodist church mulii next sunday many a tummu wui xporldnc 1 by cilutcnu on tho ley iinvemoiiu lart week mr ii h lulnim receive i ft car of nut con i on mou liy it was not long in be fin dliitrll uted munlcli al oluccr held bas been conflnwl tu tho houno for a couplo of wookn lio is now lmnrovlng a toronto- utorokooixsr who burn d window llehta ono ovonlng last week waa fined jtooo and costs mrs talbot h iu rented her tge on 1 rederick mr et an 1 mlunia thla week to her farm in i romosa tho watrii nronrntod to ivivata dan luloirto liutt wil wo cram tlui scholars of tho dtoutrlck hkula and dot fro pa uio ccncrul public as noma supposed atnatour gardeners may profit from last years mistakes and ralsa mora food ttila year tho farm la tiio main thine but not tho only thine tilt back yard should do its ulmosc a good many farmers hav auc oocxtcd itvfctltlni u eood supply cf wood cut durlnr tho winter notwrlth stand in if their busy hourn feeding tho tocjaand otlicr jjumcroun farm clioreo- tbero wiut tho finest bit of wcath- r on sunday wo vo bad for months tho mercury cot up between forty and fifty the nun ahono brichtly and uio bird wt nlnjlng all day it waa a real fore lao to of si riot at a meeting of tho council lost hvjkjjji int- a n p waa appointed an a council rcurci tauvo on tho irco library hoard to oil tho vacancy caused by tho removal of rev mr avlson hfiws of local ihpon woman instituts meatinu tho rrinlir monthly meeting of tl i ui mens ifiattluto will i hel i on i rl uy aflrmooti march 1 at threfl d k it tho lunio of the irrnllont mm loo ifavlil a ear hal invitation 13 ttlomlikl u tho ladlus to ultud thin ftaidbtc4 of utixhanl dunk mtaagtr tho merchant a dank hail purchased tn m mr william while mo pretty brlrk iiuj rnjow on ljko avimo mi a ttnwi nt for tiio luinaccr f acti n biuiuli or tho bank thin la u woll 1 ullt hi tnellkn i inn with fino irl n ami iiaa a drilnil lo frm ui i on i airy iikc i unlallliiy unmll b it liiru there in tiio m rinj furthar dmgo to a d ilyan a co tho oocond calamity in lho prrmlitcn r it- ityan l co jucli h within u m nth coma with tucaitay a blj wii 1 olorro tiio rear wail of tho inrn a clotblnf departmont willi h in rapel lho rocont flro wan town iu und part of tho roof tho roqcunjtlnn low out tho front- tho adjolnlur- it ro of kololirr t ilondloy wui ally icrlouaiy dnmacod liwidiul vtctory dond commission tim cntiyuucni for victory itoudn in hliolburno linl i il jnoetlns in tho cnw 1 rrtu ororo n llalurday tho amount of roimnlaulon cnrticd wan 4 cd it wan ununimoualy docldod to tivn tho union jack lull llc and tho balanri i hz z5 11 lw equally jllvldt d bntwion tiio canadian ilod ruaa and i atrfotla 1 und slvlnjr each 170 13 jliolbumo i r iria th nw oho factory ouncjllora 1 1 end onion and barber havo been appointed a commluoo to inniicct and uupervloo on behalf of tho council tho erection of tho nhoo far tory for uio ilelbuico company and to certify all proercaa eotlrnatco cubinltlod- tho lloovo and treasurer jthorlxod to laauo chouuca for t of certified profrroao ciitlmati in favor of tho contractor all such cheque to bo cliareod acainat tiio loan account of uio campaay improvoitianu for eloctrio car service an soon on oprlnc t penn tho 1oku lluma la birormcd on rood authority iraprovcmcnta will lo undortaki n on tho toronto huburtmin tloctrlo line letwen toronto ajul cjuoiph which will brcatly facllltato travel to nnd from tho city ii la propoood tlmt all ihrouch cara ahail then run without changn to itcolo btroo or bl clatr avenue and paaacneem will bo able to toko cam at thcao points through to thla end of tho line orina them to acton wo nead thorn tho milton ileformer sayn wo truat uio indufltrtal commlttoo of tho town council kro maturing puirio tor nillnc the empty houacn in town a year or no ago bouses wore at a pro mlum renta wero boooted apd now comcra to town could not eocuro bouao accommodation for love or money i or some reason or other thlpffa aro jult different now and not bo brlfiht- tho above committed thcreforo bar thetr work cut out for them ttffr social and personal ii llieu left tl tui i iy n 1 nrw o t irl lr l j 1 mil iwl i vlulnfl u w i on ihind ty 1 i ljr ki r r of oakvllli lay with friends n ad i iot tin mm i ii urown iiixjnt llaltirday un i fluttday with rrlondo in toronto mr ie l nolaon of ouolpli vlaltcl hiu i intern un i other frlcndn lioro n xuiiday ml i i ii iiiol jem nnd ilorthii fliltlr i himnt tho wek nd with mm all i r in ti ronto mm i ifomlltoii an i ttalo of maw inurkrt vl it- 1 al i rliiclnal iliowartii dlirlni lho wn k mr hoy lirk f ti it tito npont uio woeli ml ut llm homo of mr jamrti htoiyart iiocond lino mr nt 1 mp h a whyto of indian ifoui i in nt ikivmbi layn d urine tho week nn meats al tho homo of inopec tnr harvey iiko avt urn i wes harold wiles saturday special a taflib rap 3qo foe 24a b chocolatos rag aoa tor 20a lb i our rorjular llrm it dot maker at raa aonatila prlcaa harold wis mill otncct actoi grand5trunk mm rcdnotioiib and alter ations in train s in ol y j h william oi ij t of iu i miuti nellli wllllamoon unlit f mr timl urn a t mr anil mru thumuo ilalloy of mimiro announco tho oncajrernent of tliotr daughter annlo maud to mr jumj llward allan of hamlllun mru ahro man h croon itowrr ave aiinoucen lho oncarrment of her el lent ilaufihtor inma victoria to o arlof pilla xii of mr and mru oto dills i ark avo tho maxrlaro w111 take place in march mrn iluuh lucliroond of atwond una u rucnt thla week at principal hlnworto mrn richmond a nineteen year oil i u paid th nupremo oacrl llco ut couroi louo almiut a year ago ho waa a member of tho hlack watcl li lilh urn dors mm harold bavlll went it ouelpl inat week to hrlnrr llltlo norman homo from ht jacphn hoopltal where ho had iwen for it month after under pi irtr very nnrioua operation on hlo lop ho la prokrcaainc nicely toward recovery mlou mary c wllnon formorly or tho toarhine otarf of acton bchool who in npondins tiio winter in florida wriltn tho ruo ilima tliat on tho slot inst alio onjoyod an auto trip from dayton to miami ialm itcach aijd had cood rooda and oplendld oummer w cither milton mr j a i- hraden ilaninter and mlaa graco donovan daughter of a m dinovaii nail- toronto wero roar rlod in now tit paula church to run to lont haturday afternoon after n hunrymoun tour to at ian tie cltv n j mr an 1 mrn ilroden will reside i wtaiom of tho laying of tho new drain from tho corner of bowi avenue and llgln btrcet lost summer waa clearly demonstrated during tho thaw and rain last week tho catch basin draw off all tho surplus water and the customary flooding or the pcemlsca at that corner wus ibvlatod crewsons corners the morgan cnnvson farm which baa been occupied by morgan crow on jr the pout two years 1 to bi offered for calo by auction on march ii at quelph it la now rumored that tho blue spring atop of tho electric road is on the llat for a abetter tho coming sum xaer tho patronn of tho lino hero will appreciate tlilo georgetown tho town la joluliu tho motor lea gue in putting up sign boards un the main roads untcriub tho town the municipal skating rink has closed for tho season it afforded the youngs tern lots of fun during tho win ter our local butchrn will inaugurate a caab and carry system on march is the anilely of tho nchool trustees in furnishing f is nut sliarod by tho mail boy mr john lilrikluim has been award d tho contract for the oil at the paper mill bridge mrs vf a- main has returned to bar jiomo in winnipeg after spending alx wimika with her punulu mr and mrs john uallantlnc herald olbor m the he n lod lai limch0u8e next year ouicrx t p ivaris will aliortly vrjvrtt where they pur mcsara rieht hon of hruntford have leased the dr lindaay farm and will soon toko potwcsolun they will and many worm friends mr doughty a aula last week was qulta a success the pcoplo hero are glad they are not to loso this estlm able family from idinojiousa mr loughty has rjjjlj mr t p ivmjr horn and proicrty and there for tho mr and mrs remoto to drwrjvrs where they pur chajfta t rroerty somo umo ago tbu wpymwca like colm homo to them fur tey pnt a number of vory happy team in the telqili no city mr and lira lvena will bo much mlosed in umahouao they havo boen wortliy cltlaena aiid identified will every good work they iiavo bicii rtal liolghborn and frlciiilo- al llruntford however they will bo nblu tt tnjoy many ui v leges deniud them tuiru becauso of their advancing yiuru tho very best wlahc of all will io with thm when they leavo ua uiaa wlmilfrtd i vena wu tumo from toronto on tiliturday erin the women o patriotic concurt on friday march 1 miss mary vlckt rliu talluruu in mr murray a tullurhu witubiuihuiont for mveral ycant punt was marrlod hi toronto on wodnis lay of last week to mr hodgson of alberta mrs ltav j l htii bona fllilu burg la in ikur iiluuii mr hurry vronkuiu uf llurrulon pent a day r tw ltut week wltli trlenda bore mrn i awrcy hau returned fcum toronto vflicm utiu h m houn vlsltlnc friends annlvorii iry o rvltu wvi- licl i on hunday at tin chrluuauchunli i1iiu burg hov mr lira ly pastor of cull tit church luroiito i rcutjiod jionday ub hi mr ilnuly jruvo u loc turn and thiro wurt refrrtthutuiita mr m tin rnt an 1 family movixl to thotr now hi mo last work on tho 1th line latily viujitcd by mr john young advocate the blifpunt fun n sain over held in this township wan tuudurtcd ly auc tioneer it j rr fir mr chas 1u11 wfn of tho lth una mr hlllut ur last thunmlay thu wtock uiid liupio meikav brouj hi tho luin luomu ugro grnta or 19 u a yearling colt sold for u0t mr wralllntir of lu ipli han pur chased 10 ut n n hi ijjii loninhli bclonijng to dupe in m lean halo was mtnlo by j a vv ii lough by jourgc fanra tha united church sorvicea there- 1ojv unflagg in tho unite wervlcca of tho churches tho attendance was largo last hupday rev mr jones preached a dno eer mon in tho morning on paul a defence bcroro agrlppo in tho tmnntnlt itot mr largo preached a belpful discourse on itcfleetlng chrtots ijkenean ilov mr wluon aaolstod at both services tho last cjt the oerlaa in tho methodlot church will be held nct tiunday then tho united services for four hundayo will bo hold in tho prcshy tcrian church aucttonaar karra driver droka m lag auctioneer kerr loat his fine driver lost week whllo driving from mr talbot a nolo homo ho met mr j 1 peorau with a load of chop on tho second line near mr liaileyh the road waa narrow and tho nnoff very deep at lho aides but ho drove off to let the load posa in tho deep snow lho homo otmnblod and in falling it fractured a- leg with mr lynn a help and a stono boat ho was drawn inl- mr lynns alable it waa thourt a day or two tho animal rnlflht bo saved but on tuesday wlicn mr ivorr was attending a sale at iiulnburr thla hopo was abandoned by uio veterinary and tho poor home was shot tha naw war dread tho bakeries are now supplying the jw wax bread ordered by lho 1 od controller from the cooraer groda of flour tho bread la sweet ltrt ajid nutritious that modo by m ldwarda co our local bakers resembled very closely tho old umo homo mado bread which everybody appreciates whllo soma of tho millers havo referred to lho new flour aa their ol i 1 rando in khaki there la really very uttlo appro clabla change in color from tho bread wo have been accuutomed to of lito years made trom uio finer hour it la generally believed tho health of tho people will bo enhanced by uio uuo of tho now coarser flour and it la hoped by many the mlllero will never go back to tho fine flours in which tiulrl roent has been sacrificed to utyuw turo and color j nplamjjrnti nta nv itilbro nufcgea pr wluctloti weak for mending im tho busy farrnrrjb tlon fpxg0wotr coafttsjiolvtluin any ftio ottawa authorities tfow it wmim a woek for getting all fufm machinery implements and tools for tho season a operatloi or march 11 to i la to 1 plemcnt lnapectlon and throughout c an mado to tiavo every form machinery during thla period aud 1m mediately to placo hta palm for extra parts n uaked to open a farm u iplamrnt tx lu uielr j irood re pal s tho week a form ini rupalr week offort will 1 j- itiupecl his chango umo aa a maiuut of nial lug uvalloblo aecond hand machinery and other equipment much can b occompllah ed to facilitate tho gumi iers work if tho ubovo aubeallon u he xtlly eutored into ii lopko very much as if it inspired by aamo forelii ndod obacr vont farmer a station master for th tho authorities of tiio burban hallway evld tluil acton is well wort cultivating radial turuirto bu ly loiuiider for toxslncau for thi manager wv j ludxrd manager ltaiifc uiidaay un monday luveathutliu lho intcrual of tho rond will be kratlfjlnif to tl acton in several reaimmta maatcr la to ho plai acton in a few wliolu til i assongopi relvliig tloltvcrlnij opr cui und o to fucllkuto tho btlbllienu with lho road- lly tlitu itiuiit luisaeugxra will bo u ruturn lliketj to all 11 rates tho tjlatu n d htro will lxi painted and when apxiug fpena ajudtuut uiid truillt- orai rchiwvh k bo place 1 i i ehafge ul w days vl ki uto hl o tho salo kt tltk la it iplng illoio f thn publlo urrungo to bikuro pruikrt 71 a chalxt at dlue 1dltur 1iuos iiauai bftir hirst we noloo ona coruure correaiminitei lfuua or uio slat liml ltit wlio take the tortnto tjuqurbai at uluo uprtngm rcuuli thtro thla wo nuiy uiytlirauj it boon overlooked iuiot unumptlah ull thut dcfilrt 1 hut hupo tie ahellcr will bo ctcto o ujinliig aiinirurr loura truly lho toronto juburhan hollwny d w j itadfurd a manager on sense complaina that un tob many doira and cta rnsuntt infartrntr milk hd- ded fikxut it moctlng of uio county in to bo held on tuowday council march g a sock campaign which lout satunl iy was u auccea be ond all anticlpatlona over 700 pairs or aorka havo txan turned in with mom to coino thla woek and tho co lection amounted to ol 00 champion mr c 1- calloway closed his but cher ah p list week selling tho stock on hand to jturk a morloy tho si rlnb onalxca oponod here on monday with not a ulnglo csmo to try tho judge not oven jutting in an upptarunco i lather uuusuflk ilo former tho coal altuauon in town has greatly improved by tho arrival of a number of cars or black diamonds fruit trees and plants for oprinq planting wo need no further introduction than thn fact uiat we have been in tho 1 urrory liilnin cixty one vasra ui 1 jm i w pictured to meet exlntlni rouditloi a by offer ing our lilfh rrado trxn and plants direct to customers at rock bottom prices bund for our llluntrdated clrcu lam of liardy varieties which you can ardor direct and oavo tiio agent a cornmlsolon pt which you get tho benefit our prices will bo aure to interest you and nil stock is absolutely flmt claaa and trtto to the chase brothers co of ontario limited cstadlished 1b57 coldorne ont a vegetable garden for every home in thla year of supremo effort ilrlt aln an 1 her armies must have ample supplies of food and canada la the great sourco upon which they rely fvcryono with a few oquaro feet of rround can contribute to victory by growing vegetables four patriotic reasons for growing vegetadleq 1 it eavea money thjt you would otherwiae spend for veaatafilaa 2 it helpa to lower the htah coat of living z it helps to enlarge tha urgently ncedorj surplus of produce for ex port 4 growing your own vegetablea tavurtrbor ofo4kaea whoaa offort is needed for other vital war work sttajce your gasocm a yis1d its lusit j ftaat taoracgabred leedj toor- j oashbrea aeds do not aappae jwa tbey rwit front ions sad latalu- mffl 11 ovtnorea aceaa ao not kx tae7realtfroailoraaai k sar k n a asqwaa iwl mibtin aaasf i if tn need of a good milker attend s- castle smitha aole lot 24 con nasssqaweya on saturday march 2 military notes nntr a m bmlth was homo frc military hospital ton nto o c ui l w ho was w hu tuklnc hi ie v ncy th tho hritlah forces at i f jerusalem and then a syria woa sent to uio hoin ital rccmtly uuftlritir from fever a lctu r received by his father w il ken i u y j i loat wihii sold ha iiad beuii tu nt to tlu milftury hosi ityxl at alexandria lfyj t tho m irrljice was celebrated at seven oaku london 1 m of major il a heather h 1 a unn of dean hoath4r tit coiinuniaro and mrx w i hoffman uf kjtcliitnr ontario tho daufchlur of tho lato win iottlson of 1 onus ontario col agent general hi i i of out irlo iuvo tho brlda away mrs h ithcr is a alsti r ormrjliev smlllu und was a iucst at y paruouago about a ycar clearing auction sale in the township of naseagsweya farm stock implements etc the iindershnihl haa received 1n- ntructlcaia to sell by public auction for s castle smith on his premise opposito adam an demon a farm lot 3 4th concession naunohaweys ono half mile souui of unatihlull on saturday march 2 1010 at ono a clock siiarp uio following horses 1 chestnut hume 0 ym- old wnliht 1 goo l chesutut horse 10 yru old weight 1 t00 1 urown mare 7 ym old weight 1 400 supposed to bo lu f al cattle hols toln cow 4 ym old calvta ul foot holsteln cow ym old duo may 36 holsteln helfor calf at tin t iloan cow 0 yrs old duo april 11 luuui cow c yru old duo may 30 llod cow u ym old due may lied t ow 0 yru old calf al foot itoun cow 4 yrs- old duo april hi it an holfr duo time tf nalo i llhurthi rn hull 2 yearling holfom 1 z yiar old hlotr hprlug calves nttcr unl litlfiri 2 hummer calves hieer an 1 llulfir 4 calvca pigs iuro ured yorkshire how duo march 0 pure ilrod yurkahlra h w duo murth 2j iuro hreil york uhlrb how duo april o o uluro 1 igs wolijht 10 4 utoro i li weight 140 fjhep- 10 oxford dawn hreedlng lwou impluments ixicrliuf hinder 0 fc tut now 1 maaooy harris self iluiup hnku 1 speight wui oil 1 bptlljit win n hox 1 hay hack i hark llftr oiiuieto loerliik cultl x it ir i uw lliol woo btuftlcr itumllt n 1 h w no 1 now 1 hot ilurnwu it 10 hoo hoed drill i set f haiti llolus mccirmltk m iwtr u ft cut blcol lund llollor 1 lurnln 1 ulittr dump art and llnr iioss 1 cutltr 1 top lluggy 1 loa harvester lauuliig mill tlruvol liax ip itlnq wtiyut luat he viral hets of whiffle 4trces nihkyou lkublctroes hiiovols 1 i rku iidco jialua cmw ham and muiiy otlu r urtl im harrot ohlirii i n 3 prlmruso rutin btiiarutor now 00 cedar 1 oats ju cords of llnju 1 ulur wootl hannlbfl- 1 t ihsvy t am har il jui 1 tsut of tloju huiiiuib 2 hets tf hiukio lltruiai ud 1 col turn poultry 16 hens and co 1 ullets huff on hinj un 0 ueesa 3 purks terms ah sums of jiooo und uu trr imh uui that amount 10 tut ntlia t it lit t il upproved joint uott s rtxn t row t our uio poupl olui h- you l ferrys sees i fresh new groceries we arc opening out a fresh ock of groceries this wc it and cxpt ct to have a food absortment 1 1 in a few days bouhjl m un of tlilm lxcfoe the adncc aoncc and give rou the opportunity to buy at old price our motto satisfac- tion or your money rc- funded 7 fresh and cured meats in good varietv j a smith mill end elgin sts act m edwards co bakebs acton i having purchased tho stalham bakery business which has been conducted since may last by mr w woodcock we will conduot it on tho old satisfactory lines which made tho sta- tham business so popular for the thirty years they wero in business in acton the many customers will be served reeularly with wholesome white and brown bread and buns and very shortly an attractive line of cakes will bo added tho statham record of past years will be main- iainoi your ordors will cffcctivc ounoav march 3rd 1010 1 uf i art uliiu at i ly lo fl i a101 tl s ilotjics agent acton phono no 13 bo appreciated o ilhv 1 m cdn aras co u l b ohoy j m cbukb st acwo shake off your sleep hub your eyes linton iluh and flshlnr spakou of in tho ninnt ancient written documents among tho fow occupations men tinned la jong to ct mo into its own tho world says givn us food itlvo uu a uuhntltutn for tho dwludllnr no piles of miat and lnvriilcntloii imjntn inavl tahly t lsh 1 ood cpiitn hers for all countries vera apiotiited to conserve and rip read available uupplloa i f fwxls for tho benefit uf ail what did they do t thoy sal i 1at 1 lsh oovcrnmoiita municipalities and town councils have had uiolr eyes opened to its possibilities millions of dollars of free advertising were given by newspapers bncauso tho public dcmatidu it thoy wero hungry lor lho particulars ono year ago to day i would not have behoved it iori3lbiv to create ouch a demimd i r i ueh interest on tho part of llm public he member too uiat if ith family in acton for 1 no tan re uaed a ftlnrmo fish i i ot a vioi special friday a saturday fraah lake salmon trout 22c wholofih par lb fraah lake salmon staaks oc per rb hjk fre3h sea fish kreoh halibut hteaka jjo tb red tjca ijolmon slcaxa 0 th ii c pink tialmon h teaks s lb flounders 2va th smelts eitrus 30 th hteak coti 17 th itrsh coil headless and dressed 12y4 tb headless th fre8h lake fish western will to plah 22 th headless and dressed pike 2d tb yellow pickerel 18 tb tullbeco winter caught 12vi ft lako hupcrior herring for 25c pickled fish balrnon trout 0 tb la h h p- dx dry cod acadia tablets boneless 22 pk sklnleus cod 20 tb bhredded cod 15 pk smoked fish golden clucoea 23 th linn huddles choice 20 lb j lllela choco 25 th iwiplors pair 15 11 loat cm each jc6 fresh oyntcrs always in hutck piomot delrvery every dey s j stauffer fish food specialist btsh juujt acton phone 40 always open wc have great faith ifi the knowledge of huimn ervicc and wt do iur he t to s be of tut for u w con id r courteous treatment md thought for others as one of the qrcit t virtues of aiankind wc try to help other to help i themselves and we find i 1 irgt rcwird in uch ervicu s we arc never jmte atr fied with our own ftorts which make ul tontmu illy strive to do better thing and mon we try to he cht erful in t rvmg our eu torn- e under every condition for we w ml everyone wc come in contact with to feel a reflected happiness in us s and wc are bure that iuch citort on our part will cornply with your idei of s what a true efficient btorc ervile should hu s every department in tbib big depirtmcntal store aim i to render thi higher form of service and macoonaids viluu are of the une high rrder tlu ut- most possible at the lowest potable pruc 5 b new spring stocks are bearing completion m womens misses and children readytowearahles millinery and ores j accessories dress fabrics and stiolc goodj mens and boys clothing flouc s furnishings and wallpaper 3 d e gdelphs leading an largest store limited wyndham mzulorincll and carden streets diui1 guelph ont 4444 40 1144444111614181 fr february reductions ladles and misses white bilk woiabj from ffleo to 93jnl vollo waists fancy from 3125 to tpoq print and gingham house orcsoce from 125 to t0 children s luue cotton hergo t dresses at 8100 a i tables canhmero dresses at x only s100 l starkaian mill street act oil j 144 1 14644444 44 4444 ii eeff hy quarter orcurtotoraer v m patterson meat we hive another stock of freshkilled beef to sell by the quarter at attractive prices also the following cuts for saturday only ioo lbs ro steak sj7c ioo lbs trimmed pork lorn iwc untnmmed tork loins j2c smoked hims 3jc smoked rolls 32c porter house roa t jj7c rib rom 0c shoulder roast 0c rib bod 18c u d u n patterson main strelt j acton 0 ur mills co uimno ivernmehf standarp ingwheatfioup eicm- of cowtcmts 98lssvmcn pacxtd treal canada srcc4al appoprrnw a majesty tt 1016 standards standar spring wheat fl ttns b the war flour of the ogtlvie millsa loyal product to conserve canadas resources and at the same time give the public the best possible flour t can bo r according to the jovemment standard this war flour is excellent in ruahty and flavour but u is slightly darker in color than royal household to which you have been accustomed it is just as hard for us to give up milling royal household as it ill be for you to forego your favorite brand but oar standard flour will nevertheless make delicious bread rolls biscuits calcepies and pastry if you have any difficulty just drop us a line we have a staff of expert chemists and bakers whose experience is at your service just as soon as the food controller will allow us to mill royal household again we will tell you of this happy fact in the meantime the new regiilations being in the best interests of canadaand the british empire demand the whole hearted support of the millers and the public certain stores and dealers have stocks of royal household still on iiand in order to avoid any confusion or misunderstanding all standard flour will be plainly branded as such when all your royal household is gone make sure of getting bct grucle by ordering les s grocers everywhere havo it dant forget to stimulate ogilvies it will be your surest guarantee oi the highest grade o the ogilvie flcwsjr mills co limited montreal fort wiuistxa whipei medlcixe hat daily capacity 19000 barrels the largest millers in the british empire jtark austlonsar

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