Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 28, 1918, p. 4

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y stye acton 3fap lvesa tnuimiai i i iiuimity za im thy a change fulfill m hollo way a few or natunco fhcako mad the cop oueoqitjg w ml limit i toritunatc man llllll llukll i lllmllf t l imro row mil in it- what- liny old chnp ydii un hi in great luclc why yuu ri tit ull nljhl ovory til lit it yoi o out uumr gel n call down castor ii a to tcot a thcrmomctcn li lu muglrml an illiii lug obucrv ilio uei a river of ink 1 ortntul a i4tr la by tho union of two iitrunmii tlu wntir uf unii being liiipn tcnutcd witll jruii li- tlio otliitr which druluu u gruat swamp with luiiiu ueld tlio torn pin atlou nf iron at id arid f urinu u n jro ink it illbt rlii rlvcrh how over ice old and do lid ua rock a tributary of ths lena itlvcr liiui iindcrncatli tliu null whiui formu thu hod of tliu river a bod of puro lc over iiiiflri5nt thick a f re ate of nuturu is tpo loot rlvur in kentucky u iir known ua too hidden jtlvcr bocuusu no 000 it mown its origin and it vanishes into u iavo lead inn no ana known whuro it flown without a ripple mid in of u pulo bluish color a singing wall in ona of tlio natural curiosities of toiftb in flno weather a uound ii ko that of on italian iiarp hi given out by tlio wall at times tlio nound in clear tlion it recodcii as if far away and then it reaches the car ery faintly thcao ctiangcs toko place every few minutes and with treat regularity with an eoat wind blowing water in tho well nets very low and tbo myutcrlouu mimical nound lii fuli a strong went wind causes tlio wat to rise and tho sound to increase in volume and lcumcsn ikxoro u north wind tho well plays its wlldust pranks tho water rises nearly to tho top of tho wall which is about juxty foot deep and gives out wild weird noises puul ability 1111 i ho rhlifl for infanta and children bn use forovor 30 years always bears tho ugnaiun uk4i tiiue dravcny 1 tub l dandelion hut perfectly they urluuin ulltllt ikululflll 1 of tho dlj pile id aji mid uidnoy ull- jillln tlm most 1 om iintriilrd 1 offered to sim the perfect day id land i peaco university attendance in england tho depiction of higher educational institutions in ungland duo to tlio bit war la clearly shown by tho fajhrik off in tho entry of freshmen ab oxford university- slnco 10u itcforo tho be- ginning of tho war about ono thauaand freshmen cntorod uip university each year in 1014 tlio number fell to flvo hundred and fifty in 19 is to two huiiifrcd and thirtyclsht in 1016 to onehundr ono hundred bomo of tho cow who havo entered thl yemr havo already aeen aervlco at tho front and havo boen d la charged bocuune of wounds or blcjcneaa until this year tho ameri can ithodta dcholaro havo helped to keep tho numbcrn above tho vanlahlnir paint bat theoo arc now being collod up tor military ocrvlce what u luy tit will ixi tjdlui urn tluuhod uvir i that tlm allien tiuvt won has liii dct la red i ivom iiaui tlnitn ton tliouiumd iiticplea what hollii will rinir out 11 if they wcni human ihltura tlmlr wild dollcht at tho loni hupid for uvimit nnver in uw hintory or thu world will tlicm have boon uuih 11 day of imlvrnwl joy uia uorry for utttit t imuivfl uway i wiiil i hadn t 1 with my lono but it j ho uiidoii uullm t uicrv a tin nv t nf wninu rxtllt unktk vol how aiiknl ttoli hy owiilnj to u runht- onnii fault u th in ida luart th- ho children cry for fletchers casto ri a ouh state righto tho fact that the liquor lntercata in war tlmea fought every effort of the government to roatrict tho uoo of food stufta in tho manufacture of liquors was not ourprlolnc it was expected that such would be tlio case for duj- ullera brewers and dealers in intoxi cants have never been notod for loy- theso nna people aro irrcatly disturb ed just now lent wo sacrlflco our sacred doctrine of btath tlehta had they respected that doctrine in tho past by obedience to btajo ontlahlpplng laws perhaps nation- wide- prohibition would not have coma at so oarly a date hut it is well known that until there was federal lee u la t ion tho liquor people did not respect tho sovereignty of anj state that had outlawed their busl- xuhcra worm powdent destroy ths worms without any inconvenience to tho child and so effectually that they pass from tho body unpercelved thev aro not ejected in their entirety but are around up and pass away through tho bowels with tlio excreta thoy thoroughly cleanse tho stomach and bowels and leave them in a condition not favorable to worms and there will be no revival of tho pests had boils and pirsples on face and body boils and pimples are btmnrj tmdexiecs of bad blood that is circulating in ths system coming to tho surface tho only way to rid yourself of these painful and unsightly blood diseases lstohavoyour blood punflcd by burdock blood bitters it removes every pr- ucioottuainmtctinltmmxho blood and the akin becomes clear and smooth nd free from all eraptionj writes two yearn ago i wa r ktuch troubled with boils and pimples an my fas and body a friend adnsed me to talcs burdock blood bitters i cot three bottles and before i had finished tho third one my boils and pinplfb had all disappeared and my face and body- were as clear and m smooth s any babys could be burdock blood bittern has been on tho market for orrr 40 years you are not experimenting when you buy it manufactured only by tlio t mu- bum co limited toroiilo ont ho thouili ml he oui in rlcht th if i linov iter tlm y jiint i ml l- ho tolil don t do it 1 t lo it hr tlio ft hud iur rd amt lonfrimrd lilri fault fmtilcly 11111i tho reniitt woo unit tho two boyn wrrn luittcr frlomln than ix for and hli comrade huil a irnatlr reaped for hlfii liccjurii lie had imk 11 bravo ui one to do u dlftajrrocnblo thine when it wan prcaenlod to lilrn tn tho light of u duty tliuro a ijulto an much iravery in dolni rltiht fur rlchta nuho a thciro lu in tho performance of grand and lurulc dooiiu tho world will hpur about new york observer -up-to-hiu- qcrtnido aalil tho practical young man if i were sum that you can cool i would oak you to bo my wlfo paul said tho matter offoctyounc lady if i wcro uro that ut present prices you could provide things to 00k i would accept your proposal never neglect bronchitis it may turn to pneumonia- bronchitis comes from neglected cold and starts with a short painful dry cough accompanied with rapid wheezing and a feeling of oppression or tightness through ths chest yon have no doubt wakened op la ths morning and havo had to cough erer lim to raise tho phlegm from the bronchial tubes and have found it 0 a yellowish or gray greintah color and you havo received relief right away tim is a f of bronchitis which 1 not cored immediately may turn into pneumonia or some more serious trouble dorter sour stomach floatihq specks vm bef0be ves both cuded dy hiuubhj lfuauveb pius thoy stimulate tho sluggish lirer dean the coabd tongue sweeten the 1 breath clean awny oil won to and potaon- ro matter from thn tiynum and prevent a well as cure all mikmiia arinmg from a disordered condition of tho otomach liver and bowels ir8 joocpli ii thericau haulner- tillr nb wriuii i wan troublm with a sour stomach and took five vinln f milbums laxoiivcr ihlht and thoy cured me my mother ahv used llirm for floating pocks before tlm cyca tiny cured her also after having takm four vuila wo both highly re co in mi ml tin in to all suffereni from livi r troiibli milbums iftuvljvcr p1il1 are ztxs per vial at all dealer or mail dip rt on receipt ofpicc h tlio t milbun- co limited toronto oul curious ruqtic dclicfo lllci rd nuiilf dlutrhtii of 1 tlm i uplti havn n firm hollef 1 nml rliaitnu tm a ctiru for uliiiii iii11 in chcnhiro pur lin li miihjalltliiio urn moot lim nml u nullin will till you it 1 hoi 11 urn uacful hi tho euro ny that olntiik lit nlntuld n i with tlm niut fliiiitir an that vuiiiimfiuh mid flint a child mll 11 vi r ln ul diuliiic tho nr t itn llf or it will prow ilniiirud lrioini linwvir urn ndid in clkjiln fm cli lllm a lo whiih fiw of hair who rl1l- ild ixi th d and put hark or a jilt h tho hula hoop will vnn- r thin troat- tho ikiii way to l tnlcu lu to liavo a iii tlmn killing lu no occupation that tlm rciinplluhtn unythlm i children ory for fletchers oasto r i a t i th 1 till id lii vi ry uluhorati i lii mimirur nliiiii ild iot up ut uunrloo t hi unit duy 0 f tho inontu making iiinil hln poikoti iiro nipt tako a 1 urvlm kn if ii thu t 1 0 h in bought und ulw mi u 1 hlnm olf piutih- it into mi uiithl 1 and twlut tr u ludfo a- manj tlnuit 111 ho luin 1 iad tilii then lying hut u tlm fiio with m ml point iiik lo th tun iiliu ulit linnttm an many tlmn 1 liu hn him ii urterctl into tho bole lu tlm iitithlll an d tlmn return honiv iiuialtlm no wunl until bo liui brakan hln fuat nru moth r irnvwi worm itor h milk xl un thu moat in purutluu niiinufartardl vityu mulnlulni 11 itn reputation feart no danger lhuuir n gulatlmiii which have rnuiiduind for nnvcrul months 1 ihioh ahronatod tlio authorities vo that tlm utar approach of wln- iv 1th its frtijuont otorniu along tlio t of tlio colony makes improbable vinlt from onumy war vcasols for in it ulx montlui under tho re- riiulutloiiu 1 lull tli ouoo ocrvlce ixt 11 nuapeiided at various polnta uhlpplnk iuuj bnou excluded from in hurlxjni txitwccn dark and famouft flovfl woman fell iftt r her ilmnal ua aged to k boy won a lo ot anthnijl olvo ostlima lialf t chance and it gains iiround rapidly lut irlvo it repeated treatments of dr j p kcuoeku auttima itemcdy and it vlll fall buck oven faster there bt no mlf way measure about this remedy t goes right to work and drives as lima out it reach cj tho inmout irenxhlng paanatea and icavto no place or tho trouble to lurk havo it by ou for ready use old friends and new some peoples partiality for the old friends extends to old ideas they are- not qui to comfortable rrhen a new one is in tho company they havo an in stinctive certainty hat whatever they have not heard before must be untrue instead of making it welcome or examining its credentials their im pulse is to shut the door in its face probably you know young people who ore always ready to accept new friends as an improvement on tho old the new girl in town is always th most charming the young man who cornea from a distance has an advan tags orer tho youths they havo grown uo with and this aama axoggaralsd hospitality extends to now ideas thoy at once asjirrfc that tho theory that contradicts alfthey havo uxin taught to accept xntut bo tho correct thaltbe strange and fantastic is more authoritative than the familiar and tried bolhaf those extremes are unfor tunate it is a grtut mistake to bo in- hops table to new ideas for it in hy ntrf ideas tho world progrrnsca and it is an eijually great mistake to ac ecpt any new ideas you hear udvunccd without thorough inicstlgutluu and careful consideration thin does not mean progress but dlsastrr there is sound counsel in tho couplut be not tho tlrst by whom tho now is tried nor yet tlio last to cost the old usldo pat and the carder an irishman occupied a barbers hair and ho was drowsy his exes ould not bo kept open and his head rollod about and dropped over his shoulder and down upon hni cheat in a way that mado shaving a difficulty for tho knight of lather and a dun- iorouii ono for tho patient at last hu barber said tently but irmly look uhcre air i cant possibly ihavo you unless you hold up your head to which tlio rcsponso was mado with drowsy indifference well thin cut my hair children ory for fletchers casto r i a r y power of fixed attention ths power to ilx the atti ntlon in in no slight dogrdu tho iiiiuuuie at our ability to ouccetd it lu durm torls tlo of tho child that hu uttotitlon i easily dlstroctod in fmt it lmpoo- alble for un utidrvt lopi d julnd to con centrate itself for i out in thu lower grades of the urhoolu hem is u fr queijt chang of program lu onu r tu nt the neodii of tli llttlo mludn nittiut from oiiu inturtat to unothcr uu a butterfly flltn from ono riowir to an other itut as wo ikiivo hlldiood imhlnd we must lomiucr thin iciiiiriny or uv the iwnalty if u nound umflr the window makes it impouolhtu fi to eontimicyour work if ywu are din turned by a lain ml 11 shutter or 1 ring at the doorbell or tlm sound of c band in tho street your proope pkr indeed hmtcjut along any line demands roiueutrutlun door will nut open to you ii mind is trained so ua lu bo iiii fixed hlttiitlim had heart trouble for 5 years would go into fits cuts tho cold with dr woods norway fins syrup and thereby prevent bron chitis and pneumonia taking hold on your system mr e jam new finland basic writes i was troubled for years with bronchi us and could not hod any relief i was especiany bad on a damp day i west to a druggist and asked him for withinp to atop tho cough and coc- tant tyjtling in my throat lie gavo me a bottle of dr woods norway pine syrup which i found gae mo mutant relief z think it is tho best medicine car bronchitis i know of now i take carezalwayshaveabottloof it on hand do not accept a substitute for dr woods it ia put up in a yellow wrapper 3 pine trees tho trade mark price 25c and 50c manuactund only fcy tb t mdburo co limited toronlc oai in love with your work the work that lives la done joyfully it is not enough to hold yourself dog- godly to tho grind day after day tho effort that la eager npontaneous and glad is very unlike that which lias to be flogged to its task by u rcluntlcan wilt fall in lovo with your work look on every days duties not as much wearisome routlno to bo dut- patched somehow or other but as step ping stones leading to tho deal 00 of your heart no uno over made a 1istirc success who thought of his oc cupation us drudgery 11 th dock in italy frifchtcned no 01m mn dired to jump in boy struck tho uulir ut uliii did and man- r up until ulrongor her lvcrybody naiil y dariiur vory kind very ijulcli but also very recklcna for ho might have boon txy won garibaldi and if you will lead hla life you will find th juut hlu tralui ill through that ho w tn mo alert that nobody could tell whin ha would tnalto un attack with iiih rctl ihlrtcd sodlem 110 hull i-t- nrnkhla fnhowui 10 wan in oitltieu but al no bravo and nmiiibinioiiii thit 11 th vorld i irept yriutu ovod t hen an old pilnter wutciii d a llttlo fel low who umuni ii hlmuotf by mukliii- trawlm11 of hlu pot and hrunhcu eajjol and iitool anil uald tlmt boy will held mo sumo duy bo ho did for he wan mlehclaiif clo mothers bf a um d w y to c t shut v wunt i11 to stop wuntln c it try 0 talo thiui n eooly in aucuut it won t be uei ry this moi it 11 tako euro of ou r uuartcni and tho porter will tot you tafco care 1 if your olf skouid read mrs monyioana letter published by her permission mitchell ind lydlaelpmijaams vegtajsloccdpoandnelpadmasoinnch darjnj ths timo f wn lookinyf orwsrd to ths comma of xaj little ono that t am recommendlog it to other oxpec tant mothers bofsro taking it some days lrr wltfa-netc- i i rahria so badly that l i thought i coold il not live bat after taking thro bottle of lydlae plnk- ham vofjotsbla compound i was en tirely rellovod of noarnlcla 1 had gained in trebtlt and was able to co around and do all say housework my baby when saren months old welphed 19 pounds and i feel hotter than i havo for a loop time rimer had any medldne do nu so much rood mrs jejlbl mohthan good health dnrfax mnte is a moat important factor to both mother and child and many louars havs baea received by tho lydlfi e plnkbam mcdlano ca lynn wass tsllinj of health restored durhn this tryine period by tho uao of lytlla e xuakhm v ssssz323 for infanta and childroa mothers know tiiat genuine castoria always bears the signature of btsct copy ot wrapper thirty yeafs castor railway time tables at acton ilway oystsm no 30 u 7 02 p m umluyu only fl 10 p ra toron to ouborlait claotric railway gotou w 0 17 a 3 17 p hcjiii 11 02 a 6 22 p 1 ually minpl huuday dully iirpt hunday oully ifopi hunday litinday ojxlf hunday only cainu east 7iiki 1 r p 1 1 ik p 1 d 3 11 1 c 48 1 dully oirnjit mundsy nully t irtpt munday dalll uxrnpt hunday humlay only y ijunilay only what of tomorrow is the problem of every thinking man and woman tti projm r imji wojd disappointrnent refuse imitations onjy gaeauine columbia grafonolas and re bear i gjaonarnauk loolc for it before you buy tabls compound sjro- ttroaxh ona cause or another a largs saalonty of the people aro troubled more ox teal with soma form of heart trouble liul attention is paid to the slight weakness until the heart olorta to beat irregularly and they suddenly fee faint snddixiy and feel as if they were amother- fac on um jsxst sign of any weakness of the heart milburns itrnrt and ni fills should be takrn and tuui lo prompt and permanent relief mrs w il fjtut kilbndc ont writes i was troubled with my litart for fire years and was ro had it would send ma into flu and tunouuriux i could not do any work win la i mi af fected but after taking three bona of milbums heart and nino pills i have regained my liealtb milbums ilrart and ntrvrt iillt are coc per box at alldeali ry or mailixl direct on receipt of price by ilio t milbum ou limited toronto dot palm8 the wajters have im sura i dont know why thoy call tills hotel tho palms do you ive never seen a palm any w hero dear tho placo them before you go its llttlo surprise tho waiters for tho btieatn on the last day of nlay london tit wlu pirgagfingg vbub children the long hard school term drains the vitality oi growing children and you wonder why they are listless puny and pale every school child win show marked improvement in health and bqowth given graibnola linen 1 education x nlieo thimio facts ri pful to tho dally j r acquire it jrf you to secure jjl iljkj training in j and successful x n outer at any u x guelph i business college s quelph ontario h and receive individual instruction h a 1 cquck jrjiepoa- y life of tho htudintii 11 tlmn at tho we want now a reluhli to bell itll 1 kali in county im it and my ial and winter nu nthn m 1 jay exclu sivo t err in r in kciiiii ful qvtiioq aciicb of the 1 boiccm nurn rj stoek ioclua- lus n iw varit tie- toniroll d by ns ilaiium njctit anil a i1 fjiown muck to off arc not oblers agency tcrmu to pelham nursery co toronto ohtahio int selling tonip rtitltj canadiaa- t eiibtoraera tt write now for n b calaloiio 1 applicants for nfen of nurjiry tuck nt on request to icj or purchasers bctlgusl livery and itavinj minhul iliehvery iimiwiii of tile husin 1 1 mecann 1 noich leo tlio pxitrouuge m onfidc public comfnrtablo rijpl rejionablo riicj special artentiml to nvojanies for lhhf for sale by funeral t motor car- fumiilicilh quired buh tauktt- all t t sjc- speight acton ont its rich uniform cod liver oil gets into their blood and gives them vim snap and zest it aeates strength to resist school sicknesses overcome pinched faces sallqw complexions and dull eyes high authorities have established again and again that cod liver oil promotes growth and energizes the body and brain scott o powm toronto ottt n ifree press l e atkinson acton ont j oram 1 chopping tho with 1 can bo rvniiivud cure in itn atrou it seldom falls oninicmuth well done and 9 quickly at only b 5 cents 0 per bag 8 i harris 6 co limited jlij kj1wood jvcl3l wlien you need boots shoes 1 1 any time 6 uuv from wwilliams act0n 0nuhi0 c mu 1 ok satisfactory footwear hlason mi e 1kiol s j mmmmrs i promptly secured in nil counlneijui fnr oar invrntoi3 41v10htt will eh will u irll fr waimon s rhujon 3c4 university ai klontllcal

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