Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 21, 1918, p. 4

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i s qiljp jvrinn ifrrc jrcsii nil it lt m n doyou wlbh the world wtltc blttlk 7 f i0 yoil utnh tin win 11 w i irt mo ii il yt u wh it in i uct ii wuttli ui i n your iidl kcp them ulwiivn ti ili lit hid your mill i of in uli ii m it lt yuur tli nikllii l 1 m you c mi rnute u ihul 1 iilii or tin iipnio ou m upy i i-lur- trun uimi hlrh ivlnh tli isurl 1 m in ilm iplmok t your in art do nut wjj 111 ulll jl 1 i on foil livo i 1 an una irtrn to hvn if you wuii t i ivo men knowlei you muii lit it e n you fclvo do you wlnti the world wi ro lmppy7 then rrmi mix r day by day junt to ocilltnr mtiln of ulmlncrui aa yu puufl alonr tho way pvr the plctmun of tho miiny may be ottltnci traced to imp aa the hand that plants tho aeora tjhcltorn arm in from tho twin in oomtnoiioonnk while i can through thin tolluonio world alaat once and only nun i pjjiiij ir a kuidnrui i nuiy h w if a good 1h1 i may do to any tiurforirit follow man it mo do it while i cii nor tlolay tl fur tin plain 1 ilhall ifot panii thlj way again ithuii wlnt ly iilnj n tho pool ws havo but to d ly tli re in no to morr jw upon which wo may coui t with any assurance and it 1 1 t mlntaku to defr that lovlmr n rvlc that pilrht lrithtcn n llfn full or orrow that muiht nllovute the nufti run of i frloml unit mlfht put conru o and hopefulncou in tho hr ant of tho dea patrlnr ono life at ih it in brief mid it in a mlwtako to llvo u in a niilah manner wo do not won to low tho art of bclii kind tl i ro uto mam peoplo in our llltlo world wliono llu i it la posslllo for uu to brlj tit en by u kindly htnilo or a friendly art thtro in all around uu thono iium toilsome l way may bo mailo tuuahliiy by r thoughtful act a few wordi of mi pro dation those who watt to do a irrat deal of good at once never do anything bald dr johnson it in well to rem urn ber tho fact thin quotation utatij bunch of floyim to du a brlnf nob of sympathy to morrow an ffer to help tho next day do you not think t lighter for many n ulclt and w curled onot than conaldcr what tlio alolng or thona tlilngi means to uu do finy not mnko our own troublcu lcuu bur enoomo aild do they not put joy in our hearta wo uhould not do tiifcm for olflih rcanonu hlrnal 7tz talleqt chimney hit in i ii to bo tho tnllcut chim in tl u rid him h en crrrint r ll fir ii i p ntpt iter nl uajjo 111 ihmiii it liftjhllt of roncrflln f t mi ii 6 fiit iimldn dla- ir nt tin tup ni 1 1 fot in lla r nt th t ur tim thlinnoy wai ii h tint jriilt ik itht in anjni i oiivi y tht p li imiumr fuinm from mmlkr to ui ultltuiln win m they itl nut hurt vifttutlun 1 ho next it rtilmihvn id tb world aro tho ftl conrr hi dlmnpt of th i ijua i ml montiinti iiftitltir at fjrrit a monlaii i a iii foot rhltnnry at if ow 1 ntlwid ii 400 foot ntcol tun i il jiroino arlxonii tlio 3bij- hliuii y t r mm 1juitman kodak ipmyjit hi luutpr now york and 3f 5 f t brli k rhlmncy or tho or t o p i i mpuiiy at conntoblo jldnevs so bad would fajnt avffay tjwt way for two yeaiis iii every man hi5 own drill ccrqcant hixurld thny im in th iron iiuiool uf discipline loon liny aro comliij homo pray lull in lirt tor iliilcal form with nlmplrr laati n with morn nwcr or enduranro what of thono of uu at humor will they riml un mift iiuorlcriy diimhdl wit undliiclpllmdt it in tanlor for them who niunt oby thnvolca of tho uuporlor ofllcor than foi un wro know not thn volcn of our nup rlor and aro not over anxjoua to oby if wo do admit mo 1 tar conirailui in tho homo tmurhou lot uu racii imicuriu in 131b our own drill wrcoant out of bed at nix thirty ton minute u will drill at navan pniynr undir ordcra onven ton no nlovonly work military onap lo ov rythln tinalii tofflthor hradn up ualuta the cruoni of tho thuporlor odlccrl ull vw bn troubled do nut know tho ry which thooa had worst case of poctoft eveft knebl although generally dceeribod am m gaeaae conotination con ncrer epst nleaa atone of tho orgaaa aro deranged which ia gcauvlly found to bo tho liver it ooosuta of aa inability to resnlartr vacoate tho bowcls nx aa a regular action of tho borcda u aboolatdy e- mttal to renoral hcoltii tba least larfo- mxity fsbcrakl jterrr bo nccfactod l3boraa tsjalata phim have no efoal for relenaff and euring coasta oom and all lta oiecd trooblca mr y martm prince albcrlvsc- wnteo i bad one of the varet taeeaof o var doctor eaid bo had ever mown and milburno laaiaver piuj cansd me of tt mj falicriniaw hd wed them in fact wre them to me then vaa the ono wbo faumber of pcorjo j and they all cay piua they over v cr pills are 25c a 7 mailed direct on fho t milburn co ntoon who with kulmy l miftiruift iuj aoiirtnluiidirfto ilio dull paimt tiliarj pairu and quick twinrei all jkiint to tho fact that the kijnnyu require ivttntion ijoan n kidney 1illa aro a rpec far all kidney trouble mm alx rt willnunn dimd sanlu wntrfi- i have tho rrrauat plciunire in tell in r you ulmt poann kidney jdla did for mr i en 3 tarn oro i wan no bod with my kidneyii that i would faint away and could notntand in do any thing i had been hint way for two years and hid done nil i could but did not got any im iut until ono diy 00 mo one put a littlu book in our door and i mw how another young girl had buffered like x mil then uu i thought i would by them and i am j lad to nay that after g four bntii i havo never had the same thn k ntuii ilinnka to doana winn olir for doana iliia aee that yon thn oblong crcy box with the trade mark of a maplo leaf nor oor put up by tho t mitti co li mud luronto oot castor for infants and chfldrcn fin uso for over 30yaar always- beora be cbjnatuto a viy tin uluioi 1 nul wijrkliu mervous mia kelly tells hew lyrfia pinkkams vegetable compound restored her health thcy had it hold youh8elf heqponsidle hold younn if rcsponulblo for what you do and what you fait to do thore may bo tlmi 1 when miothcra mlatako will throw you 01t tj trnek when t tho funny old bcntlomun rhemlnt nhop tho mimo afternoon anil flrtl off a nlrlni of quest lonn rccurllnk tho trcatniont of varloun allmtnmi hut after tho an nlatant luid do no hlu ixmit to atiower nil tho qucrlcu ho nlwuyn loft without buylnn anythlnj at lout tho aaolatant ffnt tired of irlvinir atltflco troc and waited an op portunlty to choke tho old gentleman of at laat it coma my tiair kecpn fallink out the old mun ono day can you elvc me oom c thine to keep it in certainly wild tho njmlntaut umll lnc i have hero a beautiful card board boaci ttnppthj or u tioci or an unojtpcctod aummoiui will ov erf urn your plana but lo not culthato fio atlltudo of looians for romethlnjt optuldo yourself to toko tho rcuponnlhlll of what coca wronff in your workshouider tlmt youmclf f ri3h wit dr x hired o hrlen to clean off th walk from hio houne to tho front atc at ho clono of tho day when ho ex amined patu work ho won dlasatlaflcd with il o liriun ho uald the wholo walk la covlixd with kravcl and dirt jnj gjjtjniallon it 0 n bad job pat looked at him in aurprlno for n moment and ropllrd shu re doctor thcro n many a bad job of yours cov ered with eraf and dirt had a very bad ho his ladders cough dr woods norway pine syrup cured her mrs c dreoeer bayfield onl wntea i want w tell ou of the bene fit i got from your medicine last winter i had a very bad cold and cough birttttf t4r lakinj two bottlea of jc wood s norway pino syrup i was cured i think it ia about ono of tho beat eomjb nynina that 1 know of i always keep a bo t tie of it m tho hnuao 00 i can havo it when i want it a grippe epidemic every winter health boards warn against this weakening disease which often strikes tfiose leas prepared newark n j tor about three yoara i buffered from nervoua hroak- down and rot so weak i could hardly etand and had head- aches every day i tried oterytliinr i could think of and was under a phy sician a earn for two years a fdrl friend had need lydia pinkhamn vege table compound and she told me about it- from the first day i took it i been to feel better and now i am well and able to do most any kind of work i havo been neom- mendlnf the com pound over since and give joa my per miaslon to publish thie letter miss pu kelly so uth sl newark- n j the reason this famous root and herb remedy lydia el pinkhame vcpetabla compound was so soceeasfol in miss kellys case was boeaxuo it went to th root of her troable restored her to a normal healthy condition and as a result her nervousness disappeared dc gsslano clxverr too- when jfliitiiley bodn lita nweot mntd bo jiuod iml let w 10 will im clever ho 1 ruliabl did not mean to dim ri dit clovi nein i but only to put 1 oodnenn in tho froit rank whero u bolinnn ilormver nyt vyboijy can lo clover who wlnhen to b while coodnenn in a matter dopouilmt not on our natural endowment but on our choice uut whatever tho pot mount in hi lliuu thrro are nome people who would uiy ejnphatlciuiy ito rood awct mnld and do not bolncr about heliik lover goodnena in oiioueii in a woman i or cvnn the onrn who aro niont eariient ubout it aro likely to think that hralnn aro rather important for men and that the mnncullnn half of tho world should ntrlva to ho uood and clover too to bo u irood man or a jrood woman la uio ttreateat uilmr in the world character ranlui no much alovo other 6ilngu all other thlnjpj that there j no compurlnon to bo mtidc ihjt at tt a name tlino a crcat deal of it tollual atut tho will who lu rood on dlntlnculnlifd from tho elri who in bright and clover our novollnti aro fond of plcturlmt tho two types tlio good glrl or tho good wlfo a model of oil vlrtuca but no palpfulu ntupld tliat aho in can in the shade by a julck wit ted younjj woman who u fhequontly qulto conaclencdlcan in her activities as a matter of fact lifodocs net bear out thla portrayal borne of tho bent women in tho world are roorr than clover they are brilliant and thoue who lack connclenco aro inoro llknly to lack brains than to bo nuler istlvlly 1 lover itlght dolnir lo ono of tho testa of rood oenso though of couruo it la a rood deal more io not liavo for your ideal tho sweet girl who belleven that aho hcaru and docu oo aho is told and has no mora onap than honey nor oparklo than fresh milk lie as fjood aa you can that lo you first and highest luty in tho world hut also bo aa clover aa you can it 1j as hard to overdo tho no as tlio other r children cry for flotcher castoria win n fho p ii tin to resist it you ojwjiiid slrcrigtnen yourself against grippe by taking sgqto oeholsiomo which is the cream of cod ever oil refined ptrrificd and so skilrulry i pr that it enriches the blood streams creates reserve strength i and fortifies the lungs and throat dont delay it may mean much use scotts refuse substitutes a itejl asthma 1u lief dr kenotr 11 anthmu itcmody hon never been iidcrtliicd by ejetrnvn nnt men to its clulmii aro consertlv indeed when judjed by tho which it icrforrnn i x poet rcaj roll and iermaiieiit lencnt when thla remody and you will pot havo cauo for disappointment- it elves permanent relief in many cooes whei other 00 callod re mod lea liavo utterly failed not so fast thev were all beady a certain rector juat before the ncr vice was colled to tho vcatlbulo to meet u couplo who wanted to bo naar- rlodl ho explained that there woan t time for tho ceremony then dut oajd he if you will bo oeated i will eivo you an opportunity at tho end of tho service for you to como forward and i will then perform tho ceremony tbo couplo agreed and at tho pro per moment tho clergyman said will those who wish to bo united in tho holy bonds of rnatrlmcny pleaao como forward t thereupon thirteen women and ono m procoeaed to tho altar oaildren cry for fletchers castoria jone8 paid 0 mammal crlod jlianche i just heard oucli a tola about ldlth- i did 1 not think uku could bo 00 naughty ono my dear naid her mother before you toll it wo will 000 ir your story will pass throo uelvca what docu tivat mean mammat i will eipiain in tho firnt place let mo auk you about your otory is la truer i cupiioao so i heard it from grace white and ulin l tt croat friend of illthn and doe t aim uhow her friendship by tclllnt tales of bcrt in tho next place though you can prove it to be true hi it klndt i did not mean to bo unkind but i am afraid it wan and is it necessary no of couruo momma there was no need for mentioning it at all alwoya aak these throe questions first when you aro tempted to toll comolhlnc about others selected shabp pibffs shot through heart they sootho ixciled nerves mer- vous ajtectlons are usually attrfbut- ablo to defective digestion as tho sto mach dominatca the nerve centres a couruo of parmclco s vcce table pllhi will still all disturbances of this char actcr and by restoring tho stomach to normal action relievo tlio nerves from irritation there is no sedative uxo them and in tho correcuon of lrrcgu larltics of tho digestive processes no preparation han din1 qo cflccuvilworji as can to testified to by thousands children ory f0 fletchers r astoria plenty of credit buttcrworth tho tarocer was oklnn over tho credit aalea slips one suddenly ho called to tho new did callahar ou eivo g corse tr buro aaia tho clerk i dldnt i tell you to aret a report on any and every mnn asklnr or credltr why i did retorted tho clerk who was an earnest younn fellow i did irot a xenoxt tho njrencv said ho owed money to every croccr tn- town and of course if hla credit was that good i know that you would like to havo sim open an account hero millers worm powders can do no injury to tho moat delicate child any child infant or in tho stato of odolo- jenco who la infested with worms can toko this preparation without a qualm or tho stomach and will find in it a aura relief and a full protection from these destructive pesta which aro re sponsible for much sickness and great nuffrring to legions of little ones tho trouble with tho ulltmate con uujncr is that ho ia too often found un able to eonsumo if you want a job done right do it yourself a man can make a blger man or a bisscjr fool af himself tlian anybody eiso can tho kind you havo alwaya boucht and which hao been in uso for over thirty yearn hao borno tlbcjntituro of ttrft haii been mode under his per- canal cupcrvtiioa ulnce its infancy allow a6 ono to deceive you in this all cuunterfolbj imltationo and juirtaaood are but expcriraentsthat uillo with and endanger the health of infanta and children experience flininct experiment what is castoria caotnria ia a harmlesa oubstltuto for cantor ou paregoric dropo and soothing syrupc it la pleoaant it contajno nelpier opium morphine nor other narcotic bubctance ito ago is itn guarantee for more than thirty yearn it has deerjn constant uce for tho relief of constipation flatulency wind colic and diarrhoea allaying foveruhnecn nrifilng therefrom and by regulating tho stomach and bowela aids tho airrnmihitloa of food giving healthy and rntnnil sloop the childrens panacea the mothers friend genuine always 111 tjse for over 30 years the kind you have always bought bbs b railway time tabic at acton grn 1 trunk ltlway gonu womt gyato ni no ni no no 31 33 1h1 37 v k 12 10 23 21 r 3 h 13 a sm p os a bs no no no 2h 3u an going cost 3 2k a m a ra ii m d 17 t 1 17 8 03 i 1102 c32 guburban fuloctno railway going woat kally except tlunday iajly except mundoy dalfy except kunday hunday only fjunday only golna east dally except flunday dijily except uuuday ually except bundmy rjpnday only sunday only do you realize that thn iinril apmal jui tlii inlon m hank jerks mcann thvt th tumltluiiu wuatcd must lo rlllc 1 y j ii j lullci and tl o joiing r nun our commercial course i iven tho nor nu training for i fnklnjpniltloiii- now lit tht time to prepare bpeel il ratru to tltimn ntartlng march ib and april 1 guelph business college horsld oldp at tho pot oitice a l douck prln prop cocxxxxocxxxxxxx300aooooooq avoifj disappointment refuse irrutations only genuine columbia grafonolas and records bear das trade rnark look for it before youbuy- columbia graionola a a speight for sale by acton ont thoasandji of peoplo go about their three friends who had been spend- daily work on tho verge of death i ing uio evening at their club agreed yet dont know il dr internallj it la good fjplled externally by brlnl thomas eclealrlc oil pores and penetrates the j few liniments do tourhink mt the trouble und lmmodlato ne relief adminlsterud in fit will still tho irrltutlon in ft which indued coukhfnianu rftxtlons of tho bronchial respiratory orjunu trj it jconvlnced fohildren ory for fletchers castro ria buy vlwpry dread rjrtail nutu the a hui i tho other cek i told an old lady f hl wh about dr woods she bad bcs afou tor nick for uircofrtlla with bronchitis and had been pcttuyj medicine jrorp 4ba doc tor but did not ucem to bo rcttuuc much better khorotono lttloof dr woodi nomay pino fayryn and the says it ha done her more good than all the doctor medicine she had been taking dr wood le norway pmo byrup lt that the one who did not do as gut homo pay for an oyatcr supper smith in trying to find tho matcjiitj trod on tho cat i thats right naid hlu wife wak iiur up kill tho poor cat and have j done with il well thought bmith i u havo to do lt or pay so ho kilted tho family pcl brown hi tbo dark stumbled against rich tn tho lung healing virtues of the tho plana norway pmo tree and tbis makes it thr why don t you break tho pluuo beat remedy for coughs and colda tlio genuine ia put up in a yellow wnnj rr 3 ji ro tnes the trade mark pr e 2 e ami 0e uiaiuifoc lured onlj 1 he 1 miiburuco limited toronto jit demanded his wlfo itrown at onco broko tho piano when jones got homo ho stumbled on tho top step of tho staircase oo on said his wife tumble down stairs and break your nock not mo nnawared jones i it nay for tho supper first every once in a while a pain will boot tkrouph tho hmrt but tittlo at tention is paid to it at tho time and it fa onry when a violent shock comes b the weakness of tho heart is apparent there is only ono euro for the weak heart and that is milburna heart and nerve plua mr ii a young 83 hartcr st- toronto ont wntca i used to have sharp paino shoot tlirough my heart suffered from shortness of breath and was bo nervoua 1 could not elocp at nijjht a fnend advised mo to try milburna heart and nerve piuo ana after ono bor i found creat rehef three boxes completely cured me milburna heart and nerve pills are fioc per box- nt all leaicrl or mailed direct on receipt f iinco by the t md- ltmitod toronto ont wwant now a reliable afent in halloa county to sell pcllunin pce-rle- fmit nntl j ornnmenral trees during fall and winter montlik good pay excll alvo territory frcogcllinjreqaipmedl ovkti oooacnica of the choicest nurerj stock mclud inc n ew varietien controlled by na handcomo op totlate rellinfj eouip- ment and a splendid canadiaa grown riock to offer customers we aro not jobbers write now for agency terms to pelham nursery co tononto omtanio n b catalogue sent on request to applicants for agencies orpurchasers of nursery stock i hct0n and bvs ling having purchal ihehvcryand tjoodwill of tho wsinep frota mr a mccnnn i solicit wilh v confidence tho pntronago of tho jjnbhc comfortablo nga supplied at rcasonabloratca special artcntiod to supplylor convevinccs for uceldidfja and fnncrobi motor cam furnished when re quired duo mkkt6 all titain acton l e atkinson ont xs all mir ts known by tho oiiipuiiy ho lt a dlatanee crloplo the tel t irnl innkc fn tortur yi t sure ifllef in ise of jiulluwuys cum cure ts i 3fak all raas save money on your soap buy comfort soap the bigger bnr of the aarao old high qjsaiity at uio oamo price of course there are no premiums now fcnl youtq got tint full value p tensed down and running over m soap instead comfort a bigger bar now 1 he prenmirn- making factories have cither stopped manufacturing or cloc they cant get boots lo eiiip with so weve thrown the whole of our tremendous haying power iota getting soap materials only ant you now get all your money worth in soap comfort soap the largest selli m canada we can buy good soap materials but we can t ouy good premiums ccitbinly thlwill l o uutil ftii tlio v the benefit ia the liitgsr couihott t mypp ijmmapirtvfyiffm 111 s ii gram a ecessary farm il ore and moro tho ford car ta loolrcd npon by proiirejjiyo farmeru aa ncce-i- tary farm equipmiit tlio bumo ui tlio plow uio huyrnuo tlio drill tho mowtr tho harrow autf othor labor and timeauvunr niaclnnury a furmur with a ford car can dumoiuio with one or two of his honcj and inalto tiio trips to town railway station creamery or to uio nugh- bours m one third tho time in fact tliuro u no farm machinu niado that will bavo uio buuy farmer and lu bu y wifo no much valuable timo aj a lortl and itti io eay to tulco euro of fur ciliil r than a hor o no bed to mako orfcty and o iu to tret no harneuinjr and unharnemir and no jtabh to dean tho hord practically takes caro of ltiolf auk any farmr who owns a ford if lio would over apain try to ot alono without it ilu uuwtf will hajteii your dcioaiojt to own one lchopping i well dorier axid 1 quickly- at only 5 cents 1 per bag l i harris 8 co limitetl sockwood s5 all comfort wrappers oni cvuon iuw oot iut 6 jomnotj sarj thoot to oofiy ujtlo ourproao nt jromjhrt aupplyia mtitl good writo txofor ptomlorn hit pngtley dingmu co limited toronto the vniveksal car touring 595 sedan 970 runabout 575 ciuumh 535 coupe 770 oneton truck 750 f o 11 1 oiu ont i h a l oxe dealer acton ont when you need boots sh at any time buy rrom w w1luaws acton ontario 1auuus ior satisfactory footwear idaionaiile vric1

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