j papers ckiungipap- r window shades curtain poles l stock now on hand illlagl liccnqca 100ucd ico hyjfds i ontamo jttlau itfric lnss huhsday april 191b brief local items april sirlnjitluii i hero 1 istrcl iijiii voek iwivxt monday unmencrd u1u1 t nov fur ouiiilil spring work m alapli- iup celling higher than loal yrur it looks and for is nu if oprliw hid really cwm april uliuwini uro dun hay flow- era aro coming uaster lllleu worn unusually ncarco luring llastertldo tho aeroplanes urn making daily flights over town again havo you riecurod your nlbtor li cense and markers yet hemleruonii uuw mill lias com- raenced iho wtuionw cutting itn good i hove tho lavrmcnlu clear of snow and ico ueuln tho sweet spring songs of tlo birds tli duo dau bi cheering sorno citizens tiavu already com menced avork in their garde no a lorgrr number of farm cm titan usual wcro in town on haturday april wan ushered in with a char octerlstlcally k rutin spring uhuwer be a food producer oven if it docs mean eomo work after bunlnes huurv the united churches resume ncr- vlcfn in heir own churchca next bun- day l boyo havo you considered en- haling ns soldiers of tho soil for tho gurftrwr vet plan carefully hul home garden in the buck yard or on do mo vacant jot or land an orchestra assembly will bo hold in tho town hall tomorrow fri day evening theres hanlly enough nnow left in the fence corners now to cool tlio mapla taffy nt tho sugaring off tho littiw in uomti parts town were dried up mo well yestcrduy ihat thft girls were able to play croquet mr thomas llurd la about to rc- tnnvn in nirnn n v ty i m hln household eftccui by auction on hatur day afternoon april you say and trees all bud ding all in a mint of green do you really know if this u so tho gray rain comes uguln soma very nno muplo uyrup hoo been brought to town d urine tho woclc tho season for making syrup to likely to be a short one mr rayce general manager ond mr lladfortl assistant general man- acr of the toronto suburban rujl- way were in town on tuesday poultry kcrpern bo considerate of your neighbors and keep your chick en in their penu it la a violation of the law to permit them to run at large tho interior of tho toronto su burban n tat ion lum been re pain tod and tinted both tho waiting room and agents olllco are now iulto attrac tive interesting easter services wore held in st josephs church oa hun- day high mass wait celebrated at tho eleven oclock scrvlcu by rev father doyle ballinafad the ludlcu inctltuto will hold a box social in tho hall on friday evening miss cora vannntter was homo from acton for tho holidays- mrs wm mckay and miss jcajlo have returned homo after u weeks visit to toronto mrs ii conover of lrlndale visited her slater mm iru b vunnutter a few days last wcult miss wlnnlo spear upnl tho holi day wlui uullinufad friends miss laji hillaburb sixuit last wednesday at ira vnjiattcru mr and mm faruull and master qraliajti motored to mcadowvlllo on hunday and njhjnt tho day wlui frlcndh there mra j sinclair who hi in tliu hoa- pltal ouelph nujtorlnu with uppondl- cltls la gottlag along woll tho biik- f ii im a vantuittur last woduejulay wau a great success under tho skilful liaiullinu of tho rvil- latered ahorthorna by it j kerr auc tioneer vury ino prlcvo wore rcullted lluyors woro pnuont who know tho value of nuth utiuk a c currle of oiprlnge lujlit huttorlly 101 for h5000 uml hoy llindlny her two- monthnold calf for 7g his lu a pretty hue prim for a cow and her raifrmrritnorcr or ciiltidoulicpaio 32q to oocuro dalny uuuorlly ho auo paid j21 for hllvcrlocka jamrrt lallls llnunptnii gave 2ctf for aug usta uutlcrny and othur ualco wcro urn follows ijcullo a pearon t0 for lllllvlow darling heath anthony norval 203lio tor hnowdrop uutter- hy clinton hwackhamur 117700 ror hosetla and jlcu f ligla jlaaslo ondjlto for bula mr mrfjlll of llranipton k hiuwluill huttcrfly for 9107x0 mr ulunrhuril kurllngtoii tulvor cup for j140 hu clark norval itobln onay tin- g0 irod wilson krln cliumplon for li0 and a talhot kruittotui lliho fur j1370 tho other utock uluo wunl nt good pi teen ulg uullio ilennott iloto cliants ltauk hoe ad on pug i salo of n atrll 1 o s otlttmlts iwii by f uiu mcr- clock duulin 1 tim liamln uetixl ollowl uoim a tho in u hn lit duttli 1 uantcr reiiult uctiool inllduyu f tho tho inen am glvon lu order of merit iir tv hcatrlro mcuauc 81 nolllo wart 7s sluy ullil 7 r iv catherine kelly 70 clarice co mudulliie ulbhons 06 wllln lilly fla violet crouoinaii 01 ir lukrtiik crcamor t 0 i nouon lo 02 aiiiiih hlcwart 61 lrwui uy to mtnthii lotifr otiri ili lllrt limit jl u muriel iloniuiiun 7 ilnlo i h mlnulo cciairtor 10 lcurl fir 41 i i flurmuo foster halpli jvttujt iny lilsck murhi ttowort j kolly i rn e ugo attrtidunco jl iiutuu mcclunir tcaclivr news op local import hwlton parmori for greater production tim farinorn fjljil of ilrilini coliuly hnvo fnrnied nii organisation tillrd tho jlaltun united furiumi fir lb liuprovcmoiittr hkilculluio thuy urn upnortliic tho inereunrd food produc tion movement no lione in march thia yonr tho tooatiicr or miireh wim a dppur- turo from ojl trndltumii tlmrn ynxn no lion weather olthcr at tho lnjlhuilni or tho end of tho tnonth moilorato tcmtcraturo with bright iiunnhliiy dayn mudii it a wolromii nnd iippreelatml month after mi von nr el vvtutun of ero weather had two whlakay dottles two rnuii were linponud on a young man nl tlip poijcji court thin mornlitg on for being drunk on mardonnoll utruet of j 10 und contii and imn of i0o und routs for havlni two lioltliu or whlukey in hlu ponueiislon ho pleaded guilty to both offence thu ouolph herald aoton womens inatltute the regular monthly mooting of tho womens lnotltute will ho hold friday afternoon april r at three oclock ul tho home of mrs ainx lloll knux avenue a good programm will 1m jtlvon and a war tlmo lunch nerved a cordial lnvllallon lo given tho lndlpi of acton to attend pre comm union oervica good friday tho pro- comm union norvlco in ifnox church on friday ovonlng wm well attended itov mr wlloou nfeuched a powerful herman in wtilch tho laiit wards of josuii on tho cromi were offeo- tlvoly emphasized plvo new mum- bora were received on profciwtlon of faith at tho clouo ot tlio imrvico glorious eastsrtide weather tho weather lxth for good friday and ilstcr hunday was moul dellglit- fully nprlngllko and balmy tlio mer cury reached 00 degrons in tho nil ml p on sunday and tho breath of iiprlng wm overywhoro on friday tho autjo wore out for tho first tlmo in numbers bundayw bright weather brought out largo uttcnilunco at tliu churchcu encouraalna rad cross contributions tho canvass for funds lout week by tho lad lea of tho hod crous resulted very satisfactorily tho contributions wcro very general and liberal tho canvass in town is about complotud in tho surrounding country a number of ladles and gentlcmon aro interesting themselves in soliciting funds thin wook and excellent reports aro being received of their procuring farm labor and seed grain at a meeting at the county council a wook ago a resolution wan pasuod recommending that the councllu of tho various local municipal it lea lako up tho matter of labor shortage and or ganise and appoint in each munici pality a labor re p rose nta live lo assist in procuring and distributing halp whero needed and also td procure any information whero ooodgraln can bo procured locally tho maltor of in creased production of pork and wheat waa also taken up und tlio people of al otytj jjxhortod to into thelr best endeavors to produce all they possibly can for tho oako of the men at tho front quietly wedded at colobrook loat wcdncstsay evening at eight oclock mr l b tjhorey manager of tho merchant bunk acton wan united in tho bonda of holy wedlock with mlaj mary eeatrlco warner daughtor of tho late mr colomun warner of colobroolc near kingston tho cor- mony was performed- liy tho pastor of tho bride itov j f uveraon owing to recent bcrcavemonui in tho homo the wedding was a cry quiet ono only the rn embers of tlio famlllos of tho contracting parties being present mr and mrs shoroy arrived homo on sat urday afternoon und aro now getting comfortably aettlod in their protty cot- tago on lako aveduo on tho chore of itairy tiir mro shoroy will uooi find many warm fxlonda lu tlio new home arrived safely at brandon mlus annlo camuhun who waa for over a year a member of tho fuui puxas statt and who wont went with her parents in march writes we arrived in brandon a fow bourn late and tho cur in stanleys caro has also arrived safely and was promptly uii- loadod and taken to our farm tho snow won all gone wlfun wo reached hero and tho farm era uro at work everywhere the weather la lovely stanluy boon out harrowing ahd we have ho acres ready to now i havo ono flower bed dug and have planted sweet pcau there u lots of dustand the wind hoo boon blowing every day ulnco we came tho ruadu are lino and uio motor earn aro running all over father hasnt had tlmo tu got ourn into shape yet 1 nuppoao tho snow is all gone at acton and you all have your cam running every day kind regards to all easter at st albana church kuster sunday eorviccs at st al bana hud good attendances two cele brations of tlio holy communion were held ut h30 a m and 11 at tho u a m bcrvlco mrj victor c arlldge toronto baritone brother of mm maunuoll sang gounodh thrro hi a green hill lu tho evening tho choir rendered shu pars mug nl ilea t und nunc immlttls very acceptably and mr aldrldgo earn o heal in th lord from tho lcujali al tho un- nuil kaster veutry mooting hold in tliu parish hall on loajilor monday even ing meaorw j wood und 11 g king were rwelocled wurdens on prejioullng h very satlafaoujry ucvount for tho past ilimnclal year an in t crested gnthurlilg dlscuijuod various matters in regard to the affalm of tho church next sunduy it is eipectod that miss theresa arlldgo toronto will olng al both iho morning and evening uer- alcea crewqdna corncrb mra h moore ounlph visited lief mother hbro this wook mr and mm j damper uuulph spent liaster with friundu here mr and misdoo iintt und chil dren aclytt ultcllt liaster ut mr j gambloa mru a currlo and children aclou aro spending tho holtdayu ul ml ieo giahupis march paaautl out without tho luaat algn of a lion tho wlmlir- month being ruthur lumluke mr morgan crowmm ui huny villi his nawliig outnt gottlug 0u amiimur wood ready for the funnors the proposed daylight saving h1u doesnt 11 ud much favor among the farmers who already uio nil iho day light poaaibn it hj njifo to say that tho promoters never had to wall two or throe miles to oehool au childrn or elso havo forgotten that or they would not want tho tlmo set on uu hour n j kellft8 libt of bales friday april 5 tho hod ctoim hoi moilul ut lhillltiiirud friday april 6 chun h ilailey ut acton stock and implements tuesday april 0johu ii luiud ut mimosa household offoctii vie saturday april 13 t h webb ut kden mills iioracu hoiluuhout cffiiltn tuoiday april 15- walt r ujieefer otitic farm stock itur purlloularo nil to nalcn adyreas fl j kerh tclmhun 60 ycrano st act on easier visitors were numerous they came from city town and country to tho anceitml homes some citizens went out op town mr mid mru i 11 flrown weill to toronto mm jiituft miijiiii wuti hero from toronto mhoi floronco ilolmon hi homo from toronto minn tjuirottu iruy- visited rlondu ut ittyth mr jrunh llavlll wuji homo from monueu mitnolta arnuitrong hi it fier homo itt ltritniieln id m i3d vll waller and mnt r icllol en r ipotlt i hler mm v wullor a nei a itufltiell van callod ti tliu of 1 cr m tl r mrs ch ir itit jt tonephu ok in in 1 who in very mr alfred i hcuiiitreot spout sat urday lu town mr and mm victor gunton wcro hero from toronto miiit jriin mcleod in upending tho holldayn ut icmbro mr ivunk melntouh was homo from toronto for llautor mlus annie martin was homo from iiiolph fyr hunday mr frwnk suyern f toronto won in town on tuesday mr fred funk of toronto visited with friends in town mlmi laura aklnn visited friends in nelson during 4lia woek- mlns don hurvey was home from toronto for tho holidays mrs jamen first brook of toronto was hum for good friday mluu margaret kennedy of toronto wuji homo for tlio hnllduya mm clios a conway visited at her fathers homo at uxhrldgo mlsa huby clark in homo from to ronto for tlio school vacation mr und mra john martin and chil dren wcro here from guolph miss una kenney toronto visited over tho holiday at her homo mr mm t l jones of sudbury visited actnn friends during tlio week mcrhall i aro visiting friends at lansing mian lottie a moore or toronto spent ilaster at her homo hore mr charles hynds and misa nellio llyiuiii were homo from toronto mr joueph cllbbonu of georgetown viuiiid tlio home folks at- easter mr veul of toronto visited at mr wm 1 lank- a during tlio holidays mian jjamlo maiiiprixo of braco- brldgo lu homo for tho holidays mlsu clarice ilcnintrcot of milton vlnltcdaclonfrlends on tuesday mlus pearl z baker lo spondlng tho lostcrtldo at hor homi in toronto mr john whan spent lost saturday in toronto und had a pleasant day mr donald findluy of toronto uni versity won c guest ut knox mansa mr und lira kilpatrick of toronto visited mr and mrs ns mcdonald miss margaret mcdonald teacher lu homo from luther for tho holidays mm t alger and lllas winnie of toronto spent liastcr with friends mr and mrs wallace mathcson of lrin were guests al mr fyfo uomcr- vllloii mlsseu florence and angola ltlynn of kitchener visited friends hero over mr und mro d f henderson ken neth and david of gait were -here- for miss hertio h speight and miss mao monro upeut kaatcr with toronto friundu miss murgaret bennett of toronto teaching stuff is homo for tho eajjter holidays mr hoy c clark of toronto spent tho weekend at tho homo of mr jaaj stewart mr melvlu mann of toronto visited his brother mr george mann brock aveuuo mr and mrs hriiuat warren wcro guentu at mr james 1 wurreno on monday mluucs little und myrtlo dills of toronto upoirt tho holiday at their home hero mluueu hazul jean und llerftm slowart of toronto were homo lor tho woekond mru fred lawn and clilldren of toronto visited at tho homo of mr junius snyder mlnu uarbaru ilanu vvus homo from fniudalo wheru she lu princliial of tho public school mm hobt lluniiutl and miss mlnulo v uouiiutt uiient the holiday with frlonds in lrooton mrs n 1 mcxam is upending a fow weeks with her daughter mrs joliti colu at chatham mls florence chapmuii who has beuti in culgaiy tho puiit year ruiturn- d homo last weuk mr h llulilnorr who recently took over a lurgo criiiuery ut colborno vna huiuu for laitir mis 1 liirolil davis and cliildrun of mitchell liuvo boun spuudliur tho week at mr joseph holmes- miss maitollu mcltoaguo of toronto ouent the holidays with her aunt mro j j kennojy main street mr und mru walter flood wood- utock wro guuetu of mr and mro j j chiipmaii church slrcet mrs john lirowii an j miss horuiu wont tu st thoinum on saturday to spend tho week vith friondothore mtti a m cnniubul uucompanlcd by hur littlo uulo jcusio mann n luruid to lur homo at slovonovlllo messrs wlliluui uild nell mcnubh iitnmdud thu funeral of tho lato mrs james jolivn hr at toronto last vreck dr m foruter who spent oovtrul yniioi pructlru in acton back in tho seventies oolobrated his eight y -bov- tmlli birthday on tuesday at tho homo of ids oonlnluw itov dr t albert muoie toronto tho old gentlomoji in nulto smart and njoyln excellent houlth mr win plunk iiiuo homo from i yuulirc fur faster llu will return ti his tlcld in thut ijiuvliico in u tujv ttajh ill ui lu mr leorgo iillotl mm win plank and mrs llnbert ilrown attended the funeiul ofjjio luto john diksou it iloluteln lust week mm mugglu woodward and chil dren of ut williams spent uunlcrudo at the homo of her mother mm a v smith ijikn avenue mlus alma conway of toronto and mlus irene conway of iwhiwaro aro upending tin holidays at their fathers homo church street mr h luro of saginaw mich wan in town on tuesday mm ltioe reuiuluoil at kitchener with her daughter- luluw there mr and mrs george wullaoo uml hule guolpli and mr and mru ches ter wallace lonlreal wcro gueiui ut tho ir- limehou0e about thlrtj or more of tho friends of mr und mrs t i ivcnu hnivrd tliu diuo fog nil ruin on monday evening und proi ceded to um tinmn of their ibiughter mm lohn newton to bid them oodby on thenvo oh their departure for tho telephone city llriinifnrd after an enjoyahlu pro gramme hudhoeit mpidtind mrliowdv rend the followlni nitdrens ami ml it thou itogonioit prenoiititd a lieuiilirul electric rrudlng lump to tho parting du r mr n mn iv to lvo ui a fiitllug of d tilled the heart of everyu missionary society you iuvii boon u valued e vu llitei lit in for mfi rental homo hero h f johnstono mid chlldron who havo lent several months in town loft on wednesday for their homo in knlluitoon bask uv mr wlluon und mlus initio scott ulbmiluri iittouibd tho unnual iimotmi i i tin in j 11 j i n ry ausocla- tlon in toroto on monday and tues day mrs chan i- krugrrndorf und her two sou musters william and char- also mlnu charlotte maclde of toxmto ninl tho kostor holidays with mr and mm janmacklo mill street tho frlondn of mies isabal ulttott who has leo n con fl nod to tho house tlio past two months an u result of tin uttuck of pneumonia am glad to see her able to bo out again for short walks dally tho following friends from a dis tance attended tho funeral or iho late mm james moffat on saturday mm llnbert drudge mr und m- herbert croft mrs arch moody guolph mr and mrsh lclehman mr and mrs c littlo pusllnch mr and mrs a gilchrlit mr a j littlo toronto miss saruh mcalplno mcsuru john andrew and hobert mcalplno mr and mrs john drodgo mr and mm jos eph littlo nasaagawoya mm arch mcmillan tyr and mrs arch mcdon ald campbollvlllo mr nathan drodgo and mr and mm wm croft hock- wood mrs d clark and mro wm curler orllllaj mr mclvln mann to ronto mr peter hume mrs duncan mccallum mr hobert mcnzle miss monsio milton mr d a mctavinh mlus mctavinh osprjngo neighborhood news- town and country tome of intreat from various local i- tlaa covered by tho fraa preaa rockwood itockwood fall fair is offering 1176 la pilous ciiii oahl couipauuou sprliif wlnut und white oabi will lo used fields must b entered by may iio and be within il miles of itockwood tlio first prlzu for nprlng wheat is j2c and for oats ko liiiilotmry work of our irclt und your glftn f upierh and ver will nuor bo a happy memory to thoio who wcro your associates ymij mr ivcnu havo performed a splendid service in the mlttttirfi work mi elder in our church you havo al- wiyn been nil ever present help in tlmo of trouble to tho uged und ulck many in the villiign wll bear uvotllnony to this fact you both have not n chris tian oxamplo of llvtngi which no doubt tins influenced many for good while wiyiro conscious of n uiutli loos wo ruiillao hint yon will o a valualilo acquisition to tho church you unite with for wherever there in v to be done for tlio muster you will bo there faithfully gludly doing y wo imk you to urcopt this small ti n of tho eiem in which you aro hold in thin community and tho wealth of good wishes and prayers for your health and happiness in your new homo it cirries with it may it servo to light your way whllo travelling on through tho world of lyoku with which you aro no well acquainted signed on behalf of church william gowdy fir tho mlsulonury society mrs thou hoftersou and for tho com munity h 15 iolklnghorno mr and mrs iveiiu both very feel ingly ropllod in acceptance of tho ad dress uiul the accompanying gift fter this light ifreahments worn served by tlio ladles tho happy gathering then broko up with the singing of auld latin syru und joi be with you till we moot malii mr g k polklng- homo oiciipidd the chulr vory accop- tnbly dtnlng tho evening montur jlmmlo kos who under went on oicrtitloii for appoudlcltlu liuis tlian two weeks ijo in tho general hospital guolph hiui recovered quite rapidly and returned homo tuesday pte hurold polklnghorno of tho forestry corps utatloncd ut llroekvlltn wnu honio on last leave lust week wo god ii peed on your journey play in g- of spiij hu id douglas m gowdy has received a beautiful sterling silver medal from the ontario government tho necond prize in tho victory loan lleouy com petition in georgetown high school georgetown dr gronfoll has announced that lio will deliver hlu lecture hore next tues day oth lint owing to incrcauod attendance ut our iubllo school it wiu bo necessary for tho board to socuro unolher tcach- tho beautiful homo of mr and mm hugh logan of the oth line was totally destroyed by tiro about six oclock lout thursday ovenlng herald tho erection of the now noodlo fac tory will bo commenced ua soon as tho front in out of tho ground it will bo a brick building two stories and base ment oakville thoro waji quite a flood of motor traffic through town on sunday mr und mru j w mowbray and family havo loft town to reside in toronto having sold their home hore fortytwo high nchool and nine public nchool boyo havo enrolled as soldiers of tho soli and most of them havo positions after an illness of about six pi miss may foirnji paused away on sunday rooming deceased was tho youngest sis lor of customa col loo tor yi a forrah the- vacancy in tho rectorship of st georges anglican church guelpli caused by tho resignation of the hev archdeacon davidson who has ac cepted a cull to llegino has been 11 llu j by tho appointment of hov if v d woodcock m av rector of st judos church hero star milton pic j w hamilton 70th battalion got homo last week invalided ho was in a great deal of fighting on th sommoln september lleul-cal- ndble 30th halton hegt was hero on monday with aaverul to ronto officers who composed a board of enquiry which investigated tho mailer of some pilsslng storeo- champion whllo being driven down mutn st last saturday afternoon belwooii ono und two oclock one of h it ander sons livery hurueu ullppod and fell on tho duvomunt breaking ono of its hind legs jl bod to be destroyed kufor- mor tho union servlcbir that havo been hold alternately in the ireuby terlun and mothudiut churches during the past two or three muutlis will cgini to a clouo acxt sunday when the two rongregatluini will hold communion service together in tho methodist church in tho morning naq8aqaweya icecream wo havo our porhir open over day now and- wointend to glv us good service as possible ice cream bulk 30c a pint ico cream dricke 30c each caddies pure butterscotch kio rea 60c tb for 33c chocolates r 40c tb for 2jc durnt ponnuto eogor coated reg 40c lb for 20a haroldwiles mill street acton rjwxxwjx r acton creamery company is paying the highest market price for butter fat 0ring your cream to us if you prefer our cream col lecting rig will cull ut your farm thrcj times imcii week after noxt monday ihgheot oreum testa william mcculiough 3j uocond hobort allan 37 third donald waldle acton creunery company willow street acton i si spring term from april llnd mergtn into tho summer tnrm on july in shuwu ilunliuss schools toronto no va cations ltiter any duy freo cat alogue w h shaw -praa- aphi showers bring muy cowert tho showers commenced with tho hrl of the month miss ijoiuc white of toronto in hollduylng ut mr arthur nightingales at knulchbull mr und mm john moore of guolph spent icasto- with mr- and mrs t h wahb of l4au mllu mr and mm wm diamond and fumlly or guolph spent icuuiur with frleudu in nuuiukiiwtyil mr and mrs slrgo itutts of cof whlu siieut kajiter with mr and mrs 11 llrldgumau or knatchbull mrs jus ties l vi brook of xajbyvulo lu laid up with an utiack of uppoudl- cltls ho is iriii fuirwuy to recovery mr wlllirtni howard la in u serii condition with varicose veins ills many frleudu ore hoping for a spoody recovery miss flora moffat youngest daugh ter of mr urunmrs jas moftat wuu operated on for append tol tin a short tlmo ago 111 tho general hospital at guelpli and is doing well tho tallowing is tho report for no u schoolfflr tho ljostor exuiultiutlona jr iv o- mclaughlin u kliu- bury ii nluutlugale o lihrino sr ih 12 wilson a nellls hr ii u wlhrji c melaughltnn ii klngabiiry m darby v shriuo jr uic miller c miller i t mclaughlin nlslioiigalo l nellls st pr 13 wllaoi l shrive jr 3r- 0 htt ijirdsoii i jwun miller preevnt ovury day charllo w- never before in our history have i hud bolter success with the iiulu of fish and oyutoru fish lu tho final court of appeal- beoauuo through it can tho public bo placed in possession of this es- uentlal roods tuff whether you buy from mo as a huh food special ist or otherwise you a helping tho euuso of tho allies by eating ull tho lleh vol oaii special friday a saturday fresh c1bc0eq at per t c pouno jjl iiiman lladrtleu 16c 18c hoo lb fresh oea fish fresh halibut steaks jo n hod sea salmon sluko jo lb steak cod 17 frsh cod heuoloss and dressed 12i to fresh iluddock iloadleaa and dreusud 12va fresh lake pish western while fish 22 b tullbeeo winter luiught 123 lb pickled fish salmon trout jo tb lake huron herring 30 dx dry cod acadia tablets boneless 22 p- skinless cod 20 tb shredded cod 15 pk smoked fish golden cibcuou j3 lb finn baddies choice -2v- liillets choice 25 tb kippers pair 16 bloaters euch jjb frcuhgystoru alwuyu in lilook prompt delivery tvory day s j stauffer fish food opeciali0t tlslt d13a1a3h aoton i phone 40 alway opan what human ooul dqc not hrcutlic 11 icw freshness of life rtt tho very mentis great outdoors the budding time tliut brin to mind pleasant thdufhta of filpijj to come our port as usual in helping to brinx hucii haiipiiichs to you lico in thirj complete service whicii we are prepnred to render our patrons for the present spring earon you will find in thii frorc the same jood disc as in prcvioua seasons ncccaaitieg for pcrbonal wear and home use tliat nlmw you to chjoy at i the mojtirnurn of comfort aiyle and pleasure our spring style servic embraces all tliats smart new mens womens mid childrens need in new sprinji apparel arc amply providcj bouutics of dependable new qtock clmracterizcd by uu unusual diversity of stylcjf exceptional moderation of price in the riens stoke tho same bigncs3 of variciics and smart ness of styles in mens and boys clothing 03 in tho womens fashion departments in home furni3 immcnsq selections in walla eric and floor covcrijigs andj unexcelled many old prices in it pays to come to guelph when you shop at a big depart like macdonalivs d e macdonald bros guelphs leading and largest store wyndham macdonricll and caitlen strecht g lorne the following is tho report of lonm school no 10 hsijuoslng for tlio month if march tho namcu occur in order of merit those names mark ed with an asterisk were present every sr iv caroline ryder ronald mceuchorn luuru lambert jr iv arnold macdonald whmcr watklns elmoro johnston sr ill bessie macdonald hoy johnkton hoc lor macdonald jiiaalo ryder sr ii gordon johnston angus mc- icachem iuiojx crowoon i3dna crow- jr ii luuru murray charllo lam bert and harold swackhammcr eijual joan anderson jr i volma murray lr a mary mclacheni ubscnl pr tliart anderson mnrini an dcrion llobblo anderson no enrolled 4 average ullndaiice 20 bessie b mullln teacher wwkm kwl springk sale print in dark and light uuades in 27 32 and 30 inch wldtlut at 18c and 20c a yard gingham good wash goods in a 32 inch width at 18c yard muslin light grounds with blue and light with pink cowers at 13c yard house- presses all kinds from jtxjo to 150 l starkman mill street acton 44 4t4- opportunity j r livingstone grocer ano provision merchant offers tlio people of acton every opportunity to socuro tholr uuppuis fresh well assortod und ut rtiuou- ablo prices a few barrels of apples to be sold at boc pack your orders will dc appreciated j r livingstone mill street address a poatc teceivo by return mail new ulasualad so- garden flowar 1 root seeds grain j frnita garden tot speaaltf win 4 res a potkpt oo istm butterfly thla la ono of tho irie j eat flowera imoffinabla adapted to bordering t uswenand tboao of a heavl tha tjejda germinate quid from boniag tbo nuch ai to cxrmplatojy lalitlfth mamng tha plan 1 prrajnld of tho moat del charm in a bloom tha jj flower make odmirabla pot plants for thahauao la lato v upnny for this purpose aow la the autamn i 1rftlghinilkiati dutaiauqiftu siwdt hwyviry ftaaiimamaitfts i acton flour feed store itobekt noble limited v fob red clover mammoth alhalfa lucerne timothy corn corn chop cracked corn low grade flour rolled oats h awbsy manaqb lord rhomi britains food controller tho food wanted by mankind docs not exy af baj shortage is not strong enough the wholcf ipnjoi against u nasty thing familiar to the people 0 funiine farming today really means l b if you want a farm see willoughbys fan head ofllce georgetown farms with stock and f whcft they las all rdady for spring work all ready to start with stoek implements at actonco cree right close in radial 5 mfnul grand trunk 10 mlnutoa walk high school across road j of lo dully cowii linpliiieiitn tools tc can bo bought coiieeni 1- inn lurgo iiulld bilci house i rooms furnace done soil uandy louui u iuunttty of hurries in good ahapi onhard u uprlng crvkn tlim largo bank barn 48xgi b iriio tor fuini 57io stock and implements 910tl- will imtntkllatuly to wind up uututo hurry if you want rt fine old homestead never ren a first class farm 12s acres milton 2 mile3trafalgar tov 11 urn s wiirluhlii imiuiuc tiuuh arrr orcfiard oil solid ulwii1 ho urn- 11 rooms hood frame bdfcl 1 lblf slid fit ml ilui pig pen lurgo henery sheep fj luiuiiu htliuol mile churih miles going- to lx f act quickly price for six days 10000 fine old homestead never rente buu 176 uirvs aetou 6 miles lrln township 130 acrcu vt id und pujituro su ut rcu hurdwooit hush solt- loutu not iiuy solid ntono houtio 10 rooms hunk bn goikt stabling water in barn from windmill driving houuu iklikil 2 lotu for quick salo 510500 so i town- property 7 2 12 viliage lots in acton anient lirniw k rooms stablu lu4 two etoreys vory wan lluid iil uoft wuir right ul duoi juaiitlty of small fruit irrupoal ouliutitii btriliu h ituug cherry lives l upplo trees j plum treea rtct 5100 s house and lot in acton lioliie nil mutn liliool lituni puinl hi oil cullj willoughhy farm agency georgetown ontarir free press ads brh buyer and seller together 1 v