pejirrnh l ivlnir down ill mtun i lath k li t mv day tti r way it if on u heart iher eyes jt i tlvot but vncr tihat other li virtu hat other ilvi looophv tad forgot it to como lon t worry it nn oeonomlm in hfrxp of your jtyvlmmcrni in lira rimed to tho ndovrs will full pi know himself other fellow to tho ut term on t js bo it what it tcilttn but perfec- man some learn dickons rrow you wor a rcal bcd at laot ir hn itn out ihftfco under responsl bwoil uubcll l busiest man that less today moans lie right road ay likes ffttn plfplty is y self-do- etdlte naroo for uio ne who makes tho sofa tho worst of i of o thorn a wtso v m i tiy ilimnalj n virduii whnt 11 1 en ijoiit i y 11ml tlxm ihlml tin liy klli in n dimly lit phi i tho tablo rm i lliiwin i lh room huntr tin luiu imiklui n hlcfii nwailillliik lotln i iliyli l iibtivn u ntovn tho halrn i utti ttil lilru und there uro nmnlim 1 with u wnhb isln a i air f iruiimiu in dirty dhihiu our hi i l t 111 ii uurifr mini sickly nl thin ii kukutou his mouiilat no ml hlr an il hi iolord he ufrmi 111 l h hid t wit juiv mt n l0 irm bran wo li atvaltlnir you my r ii txtln lor you in that njiilm t thouu sucks of fill live xut becomca a i oiled with good cheer en ory tchers orlio botut honor unless it lupon tho vitality of tho daiuer their uvea a ltlvfl euro la mother exterminator pv out of life t dlnlruc in state in the tstjimd who la a t i thai little daueh- lta so portoctly mother happy frame of mind nerous other diners in fco parents were proud of t olacla thine bad kr tho serenity of the tho tncal was over to leave tho car ihem post all of tho suddenly the uttlo girl ask a question culled in a shrill voice to iwsh the dishes for oxlly u1fc jll you can in tho open lilbows with tho rank hh somcono overy day io bo your superior 3pjnion ican by using puch bhjpreaonce of my wlfo lautt sir hho asked mo ft the kaiser onil4 sup- lily wanted to know to luurly now along tho olden tf thu nlasi rod tvull uarku uro tucked in tlieu tiurlts tho mlllu hnn 1 hicwl a li ttlful utter nf straw of an v n ili pth nil ov i or lho top if tho iitmw iihu h hi p tared n nather mat irtin hlunlcotji mil nhittn tonight wi ru tu iiumi uhotui a ruil bod worn t uluif ti iiinlrt mi iiunii ivi a to llo bo iwcin two ii hoc in wi urine nothing but our nhlrtu i ntuil a itlauro at x or chon hin furn uxiruatcu hlu unfeigned d uijit sutlilitily ho tuici hin hand on my nliciuhlur iui i racivnllng mo tltll uffoctioriato iycn nuyn ou brick our td that iililit wan a thing novor to bo fh otti ii un lrttnod in u twink ling of un i yr wo dlunlod into ltu dot llm nil 1 nil t un tly 1l wrapped un from liciiil to tool in u uwoot gontlo mlnn 1 h r vun no end to our urprbio utcli nocinl produced oomo new dlnovry wo iiouihtwlth tho wholo of our bodluu for oomo hard nc en hut there wan no orncr ttuit was not uoft mid witmi our txtdls which nrntmhen d nil tb utoneu of uio flold all uiu kiit u in tho noil tho greasy humidity ftf tho woods and tho harsh dryness of tho ntuhblo holds our bod- lea hrulurd ly nights of bivouac by train of our cciulpmont by our shocu by tho vhht of tho knapsack 11 uio hanilkj or wanderers who know no roof our bodies were unablo swiftly to accustom themselves to so much aoftncfls ami comfort ahd wo broko into shouts tf lauchtcr wo ex- presued our enthusiasm in burlcoquo phraiicj in formld vblo pleasantries earli one of which provoked new laughtir that knew no end and the man laughed at ocung un laugit nn his wlfo luuuhcd and tho urclilos luurhcd tho huvcl was full of laugh ter tbcn thu woman otolo ut and when nho roturncd sho was escorting ilvo or olx of tho neighboring villagers and all these women loo wutched us laugh lng and exclaimed in astonishment at this phqnomnnal spectacle two poor devils so far scorned by death two soldi em of tho great war who had fought often luid suffered much do- ilrloua now wlih happiness laughing with tho abandonment of children be cause thy were sleeping for that ono night in n ika in memory i lowcrii for hut llvlni t7 iny inotto when thoy lay inn awuy my until vlll mvrr ri it in pea if it onro i t un inkllui thul uomn poi r hutnun la him b for tin lark of mnmy with whltli to miyfw 1 tho very amount of mmibj n mo frli ml hnn hull f r unworn to ho in un ii my llnnl li 1 rii tin i day u soldier dlnl in a lioiilillnl on hmirinr f thin nrtvoiuan r ninnntlul i mhiiiouu sunt tint prll o of u funiral plcro to tlio living soldiers in a lcrlain cfltnti sent them money injih in memnry of their coinradt this orrtfrlng was the lwisl oxpres olon of konulno hull fulness and honrst it i rtclatlnn that bus omo to my no tin this ait woo tlto vury esuonco of tho fruitmncn of wifririrc it reminds no of tho up of wuui whlrh tho wound oil ililiioy huvo to the dying coinrudn llowon riro thn swootcal thintu iiuid hcechcr that ood tfvor mad und fnrftot to pot a ootil if to my thought is thin ilomtmb rantjt lu tho rosemary of llfo uitidnun to tho living is tho golden chain that holds us humans together iet uu reaped tho mtmory f tho dead hut ahovo u11 things let uu bo kind to tho mvlnt olvo mo tho flowcro nnwtho till ont jartnor children ory for fletchers oasto ria not pulling mother sylvester what arc you doing to that cat to malio him holler in that way are you pulling his tall sylvester vo ma am i oin t pull ing his tail im juut holding it ho is doing all uio pulling what the world really needs isnt moro great icuovcru but more great followers young mothers reserve strength for motherhood is of twofold importance and thought ful women before and after maternity take jenulsioni it supplies jrnre cod liver oil tor rich blood and contains lime and soda with medicinal glycerine all important ingredients for strengthening the ner vous system and furnishing abundant nourishment it is free from drugs insist on the genuine bcotl tk down toronto oat 1780 asthma uoiiiiit wmr off alono lu not make tho mlntako of waiting for asthma to wear uwuy by hsolf wlillo you am waiting tho dlneusn lo urnly gathering a ntronuor foouiold u 1 yu llvo in dancer of stronger u 1 yet otronger attacks dr j 1 k iobku asthma hcmtdy taken early will pre vent inclplenftondjluniii fmm uocoin lng chruimo andvuvii hours of awful nufforlng the qbay loaf a contributor to an inglloh weekly nays that persons who look with din favor upon tho eray loaf that has dis placed whlto bread and think of tho dingy cdlblo as nomothlng now ow ing to tho war should remember that fifty vars ago tho white loaf was a rarity english mill oro had tho shock of their lives when thoy discovered tho whiteness of foreign flour tho brit ish mills could produce nothing to iiat lsfy tho baker who in turn had to pleaso his customers with whlto bread imports of flour increased alarmingly and all becuuso tho uritish public do- ajidcd whlto broad humors of wonderful machinery producing whlto flour in budapest caused iznglloh millers to visit austria- hungary tho result of this deputa tion was that in 1878 the flrnt com- plc to plant to rcduco wheat to whlto flour was installed in llllston so started tho cngluh manufacture of white bread tho people aro bidding farewell not to an old friend but to un ojlen invader at school tho young prldo ot tho fnmlly ha i boon u school for tho first tlrnojn his nhort nix yoars what did you learn asked his mother nn mothers always usk on tho of larnooa after tho mnmlng liclorc llttlo johnny frownod i dldnt lcorn nothln he replied i havo to go back to morrow bocauso you cannot got to the top of tho ladder is no reason for not lo lng as high as you can in misery fob years mrs courtney tells how she was cured by lydia e pinkhams vegetable compound oslcaloooa iowa for years i was ninrply in micrv from n weal nean and awful pains a n d nothing bicmod to do mo any foocl a friend ouviaed mo to take lydia e pinkhams v o g e- tablocompoontl i did so and cot re lief right away i can certainly re commend this valu able modlcioo to other womeq nho sulfur for it has dononnch irood work for mo and 1 know it will help others if they will crre it a fslrtrlsi mrs urzie cootttnet 103 8th at wcit oslcaloooa iowa why will women droe slonff frosa day to day year in and year oat suttcrinc ouch misery as did mrs courtney when such letters as this oro continually belns publiahod every woman who mftera from displacements irmsulsrities in- famnutlon ulceration backacho ner- ousncm or who is nnssin through tho chnngo of ufo should givo this famous root and herb remedy lydia e plnk- hai i s vutablo compound a trisl ir pfnal tidvico writo lydia r pinkhsm tic uelnt o i ynn alaso tho result of its leng c tenence is at your aervicd dcttcn than hio word did mr will in i ly that 7 111 1 hi i mini ii to i it whnt h tool 1 du then uiin all urtt jin tu i if lb y ung mini thu i ro m nirud mr bl uilc xj n i ihm naii rhhf iji riiijitnl hut i tll yby hn ill in t i r nilno in n thing 1 in only i nlrt lu woull i whnt ho could do ui half n di ji i nun huvo t ninilsi d that yin f know ihiikixii hlu friend tnit mr win ur in tllffi r nt lies al ways u uttlo betloi than his wovd other people nay thoy 11 i o what thoy win do no a to put yu off and lot you down easy when mr wilbur nuyn it it mcuiui ui it ho won t leave n utotio unltirnt d in irylm to hnlp you hell iico what ho tun do and ho ran do more thud any niuu in this town no unit ii ncttlfd vhoro un fow p pl who havo tho lioullarlty c h ira t rlnlli of abe mnn referred lo of 1 olng a lltto hotter than th lr word lu fult tho prumlm ii of moiif f un aro no ducldodly ahrafl or our pirffrniiiict i lu t i ho jioncrnl tn lopry ui to discount a promlno a thlid or a half rim peoplo who redeem our faltll in human nnturo aro thbno who niulio u un mluo and then surpass it who a uttlo farthi r in action uuxn in iipmch tin iicoi 1 i in short who uio bolter than thi ir word castor for iniantn and children bn use for over 30 years always bears the shrnaturo of 64l a man may bu uuocenoful without beliu rich and what it more ho may bo rich und not bo successful tho oh for tho j armr a battle of or thomas 1 electric oh in tho farm liouirn will dttvo many u journey for tho doctor it is not only kood for tho children when uilti n with colds and croup and for thi nuituro who suffer m pubis and urlicu but there aro dlrectlonu for itu uno on nick cattle thoro should always bo a iwttlo of it in tho hound the oanctity of fun wo ore doing part of our life work hen wo n ro making a good time for somebody tho world has been a uttlo iilow i rcrtllzu urn nanclty of wholo to gaycty and too often has made fun und duty rlvila instead of fellow workers stevenson spoke or bio great task of hupplnttia aa if that woro a paramount duty and ho was in tho right of it happy people whether their happlncim is tho spontaneous gayoty of a uttlo child or llko stoven- o oocurcd throurb bravo selfcon quest aro bncfactoro of their kind ftomo onn hau said that next to tho vjrtuta tho fun in tho world is what wo con least spare ah earth peopled with bolngu who novur nnrllod never laughed und nuver frollckud would ho jldjamal npot thoro in no poisonous ingredient in hollowuy s corn cur an i it can bo used with ut danger of injury after a woman has boon marrlod to a man for a few months she begins to teallsd how he nrmrthavo- snffere when ho was spending that money on during their courtship days are known by what they laugh at it bus been obaervud soys uio now york lvnngcllat thut tho general char acters of people can bo determined by tholr natural inughs tho condeflcori lng laugh of tho supercilious tho sup erficial latich of tho hypocrite tho ro pulslvo smirk of tho coldbloodod and natural villlan tho fawning imllo of uio tricky schemer tho noisy laugh which shows tho vacant bruin and the genial luugh of tho lumc and truo- h carted man all aro telltales a jjaoro cortaln knowjedgo of tho real clulrvlctcr of peoplo may bo cosily galri- ed by noucing tho things at which they laurh in oplto of wliatover dio- culucs lhcy muy assume wo need mako no mlutako in dotormlnlng tho roal character of thouo who laugh or oven umllo over uio iiufftrnga or sor rows of tny living being animal or human over tho low or obscono jest tho scortu of che infidel uio perplexi ties and troubles of thq infortubato or over any coiiattlons or clrc urns tan ctfs tluxt bring pain or discomfort to uioso who have trlod to walk orderly and honorably ur uiun over tho uar rows of thoiu who have tjot there peed to bo no dllllculty in uilo matter of placing a lu rson uft r wo tiavo noticed what ho laucht at ousy boy scouta work president w lluon has named tho 370 000 lloy hout of america on i patch beurers for ihu govurnmunt circulating bulletins pn purtd by the committee on iubhc information 12ach hoy scout 1h tiinl to njacu lu th 1 hunda of llften influtntlur jnrsns in hlu n tumuutty the pamphlets tilruvt eu to him for ih llvi ry and to obtain tho promluu of taoh iitruou to road tho lutmpblut in 1 then pluo ll whtro tho information will ukuy do tho niunt qb half said t of mallrlous vitality hulftald a woman ul a ool wat introduced to a jnan numld culver tho noil kth rlfl hniptnid to jauo n ho plauo it tho centra of her now ucquaintancc of jlhg before tho girl nmlkd jty bowed and then in answer to itlon from some ono in tlio circle her names culver und thnts now uboul her 1 wonder if she islbly bo rt luted to that lul tn illinois who embtxslod all bney you know und kllkd hliu hen ha found ho was likely to lo i wuo able to otlvi any infor kit that point if tho nihiiuir id htr belli f that tho girl i was related to thu criminal alio had rtrirred lu ll pro would havo hteii wiki 1 and iih she had none f he baro hut of tht- ltki tuss of bo uui unlltv of tho uiu imloi 11 j atli n s ink urs imiuii no pmitlvu ita ad been mdt oiuduully it i tuiind tint t wu wall tobo s wfil with that jrrttj mlu if she uuiimnl very uttrarllv jbcro mnn nomt thing lit thu fimlly pty thit w uld not liar in ipu tluii frlenlfl tho t irl had forme 1 grow nowtonu nf wem put o i tin li llo lumintr wan sinllid nni ynit homo st lust wonth ring wli tiu numon uudir skillful lputailon ui told hum nu la dona i hlngi iwlf suld more soap is needed which wquld you rather havo during war tune a smaller bar with wrapperpremium or a hi seer bar jfor tho money without tho premiumfl 7 wo know what your answer would bo bo we throw 11 our tremendoua purchasing power into buying aoop materialu only now you get comfort a bigger bar at the same price mihowt premiums your groosr alwsyn has cumforl onco you ua it you always use it thats why it has enormously the largest aalo in canada ive oot hio number of course you vo heard thin oipren ulnn i vo got his number lit n fol lows a real story nbopt it un told r tnily in annoclullon won by a y m 1 a worker in 1 ninee tim other nlhl a big t iwnmlo khaki boy nldlcn tip wo tnlko i about the worlds ijerlrn and ironrh grub and haild gronudeu and other things nr ttli t know much about wo iot to talk i lift about thonn gruvott hn luuiiod down sort ur connduntlalllkoyou know how they got and tie says lnuu hrros the way i flssor it r was standln by ono of tlioso graves ho other day 1 vo got his number in this 111 book heot v673hco that and i says well oil scout i dont know your nam but i vo got your number and i want you to umkritand sumpln it a this i m over htiro to tako your place i vo got your num ber i in vc73 an i meant u too jhjr i reckon thoy s nbout two ml lion ive rich in on ban dlod and its go lng to tako about two million of us americana to turn tho tritk 1 m takln tho plaro of v073 hay you canadians who have read this have you taken oomo fe llo wo numtyr7 you know of oomo fellow who wont bo back to finish uio work wtfs so interested in in tho church and in tho community ilomoono olsa 111 havo to carry on somcono olso will havo to further tho idea la for which ho stood is that aomoono going to bo yout whoso number have you gott the waiters view tho waiter rubbed his hands aa a itout lady followed by a family or lovon hungry look ins boyu and clrlu ntered tho restaurant tho hrod lh flock looked at tho blllof faro and selected steak as bo loo fitted to her requlremonto- titcak for you ilcglnald uho in quired of tho bhzkcat boy if you please ma steak for you- bertha r lease ma ahl she said when nil tho seven had fallen in with tho steak idea bring me ono nlco steak waller and eight plates tho knlsht of tho serviette gasped do you hear mo inquired tho lady yes maam ntammetcd tho- wait er i was only thinking that if your family oat at tho tablo next tho lift and unified ard thoys got moro of a meal children cry for fletchers railway time tables grsnd trunk railway oyum coi no wt tho felnd you havo alwayo boucht and which hafl been in two for over thirty ycoro boo borno tho denature of und ban been mado under hin pcr- cc allow no ono to decelvo you in thin all counterfeita imitntiono and juntoncood aro but experiments that triqo with and endonccr tho heollh of intantn and children experience again experirrient- what is castori a contorla la a harmlcco cubstltnto lor cactnr oil parceoric droa onfl soothing syrupy it ta pleasant it contains neitner opium morphine nor other narcotic bubotnncc itn nge la ita guarantee for moro than thirty yenra it has been in constant nao for tho relief of constipation flatnlcncy wind colic and diarrhoea allaying feverlohnesa ariaing therefrom and oyregularing tho stomach nnd bowela alio tho ncalmllatlon of food giving healthy nnd tt nlecp tho chudreno panacea tho mothera friend genuine castor a always betira tho signature of slk la use bot over 30 years the kind you have always bought i ii mlffiitttntntm irwiji millers worm powders not only mako tho infantile system untenable for worms but by their ocuon on tho stomach llvor and bowela thoy correct ouch troubles aa lock of appeute blll- ncss and othor internal disorders that the worms create children uirlvo upon them and no matter what con dition their worm infested utornacha may bo la they will show jmproo rnent aa soon as the treatment lglnsv children ory for fletchers castoria away with depression and melon choly theso two evils aro uio accom paniment of a disordered stomach and torpid liver and mean wretchedness lo all whom thoy visit tho surest and apocdleat way to conquer them la with parmnlooa vegotablo pills which will res torn tho healthful action of uio sto mach and bring relief thoy havo proved their usefulness la thousands of casea and will cttitlnua to glvo ro uof to tho suffering who aro wlso enough to uss then refuse to de imposed on letting other people impose on you la not a good way to mako friends or to keep them tho vory onco who tako advantage of weak good nature despise it be kind and helpful but refuse to act in tho capacity of a door mat tour acquaintances will uko you all tho better if they respect you as well and somehow the atutudo of wllllngncna to bo imposed on loosens the respect of others if it does not diminish your selfrespect grafonoia avoid disappointment refuse imitations only genuine columbiagrafonolas and records bear tlss trade mark look for it before you buy- columbia graionola for salf by c o speight actora ont a truck for the farmer ttlaiyiil equipment which will effect a time and labor- j saving and therefore a moneysaving must bo care fully considered by every good farmer nowadays the farm wagon which for years was the most useful of all farm equipment is now being replaced on the best farms by a sturdy dependable motor truck the truck will haul any farm product fruit grain vegetables stock fertilizer or wood around tho farm or to tho town or city many miles distant in half the time and at a much lower cost tho ford oneton truck is a rapid economical and very serviceable means of transport one of these on your farm will save you weeks of tamo in a single seaon and will enable you to pass tlirough a crisis of labor short age with less difficulty the jtord truck is supplied as a chassis only this per mits you to select any of the many body styles especially designed for tlio ford truck and already on the market thub you can mount tho one which suits your individual requirements price 750 fob ford ont ssfw wtth jmjkter mtgum that majj ua mounted u a gke dealer a m fbixt ttyct acton ont oomo cast n 13 art 10 29 mm 21 p taa v h13 ana 3 08 antj 11 24 3 28 pwu- 702 pnt toronto ouburben elsctno railway going wt un ii m dally except fltindsy 3 17 i in dally except aunda boj n m tinny except flunday jlilzotn sonday only ens p m sunday only qolng cast daily except sunday daily except bunday atly except sunday sunday only sunday only do you realize that tho central appeal judgos i lau ii m i tank cicrkn tncwm tiiat tho jmidtionu vacated must li rilkhl by young ladles and u o youiii r mm oufl commei1cial course lives tho ru rraaary training for 1-uikhy- jwluonj now in tho umo to proparo mlcclal rules to thoso alartlnk march 18 and april 1 guelph business college harsld dido at ths pact office a- l- douck phnprop we want now a reliable ajut in hat ton connty to acll pclhama peerless fruit ana ornamental trees dunnp fall and winter montbn gootl pay exclu mve territory frcauelllngcquipmedl ovtsn eoo acres v of tlio thoicc tnurfery slock tnclud- ine new varieties controllet by us handsome nptodate hciiidr equip ment and a splendid cansaian- rrown 4ock to offer cuctomers wo arc not jobbers wrtto now for agency terms to pelham nursery co tohomto ontario n r catalogue cent on requeatto anphcants for agencies or pnrciaaers of nurtcryitock kctqn and bs l1n6 having purchafd ihouveryand pocxlwill of tho business from mr a mccann i solicit with congdcnce tho patronage of tho public comfortable rigs supplied at reao n nhlc ra t es special artentiod to snpplyiap conveyances or wediliiies and funerals motor conifurnishcdwheu re quired dub meets atl tiaht l e atkinson a don ont x zz l kti q chopping j well done and 1 quickly at only n 5 cents 1 u per bag harris fi co limited korhwood ont when vou eel boots shoes at any time uuv r0m w williams acton ontario lamous liu satisfactory footwear 11 a i lii01t st in all countries ask for oar 1 4iivtaill which 1u b ten marron artabiait 30 tltittemiry ave wwii