Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 18, 1918, p. 2

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birth marriages lealha ar now charftnd fur nt the following rates ulrlhi 2c marriages or 2eaths toc memorial cardu loc loo tcr lino extra ft r pwran dlep watus t rwmt rr in ituii iny qhj arton 3ree irtfib 1mlllila auui ib 13s editorial notes owlnj o tlm terrific atruggln o tho tf west fn nt mid tho great need ot re enforrtmon ii tl uiurnmcnt of rn auamttkeu il new call on the man power f tho country an order in council paiicd on tuesday mnkri boya qf 19 nuh ct to the military crvico act and ploccu unmarried men and widowers without children between 0 and 23 in thti unny immediately thtoanad i ood itoard lias srrang with tho tjnltiil lalej i ood ad rplnhttratlnn to ulluw 1 ooo uoo poundi of oleamamarinc to rumo nto canad per month tujavo any rrroct on tho market tho price will noccaaaruy imvo lo uhow a mont marked difference ogojnat that of butter with olco ut 3bc and butter juntovchoc fow people will bo inclined to drop tho real thine for tho subetltuta ft up to da to more than 3 coo hccnsca have been issued to bakers manufac turers of j indeed re real foods flnh dealers fruit and vcgstadlo dealers millers and wholesale grocers this number will bo greatly increased dur ing tho next few weeks tho license department or tho canada food doard la preparing for tho licensing of qo wholesale produco dealers 0 000 to 30 000 retail grocers and 40 000 to co 000 general tit ores vrom tho very interesting annual report or inspector dcnyco just isnurd th following nummary la gleaned tho numbtr of teachers hi tho in spectorate of llnlton bint year wan 100 of these seven were men tho alarlca abow a general in ere an fi men in urban schools revolving an average of 11 to 00 an increase of jim 00 and in rural echoola 750 00 women in urban achoouj received on average of 3x300 an increase of 3100 and in rural schools g2ho0 an increase ol 2500 tho total enrollment in hal ton wan 4240 a decreaso of 91- th average attendance was 271 c a do crease of 28 the continued and increasing tier lousncimi of tho war altuatlon is re fleeted in the resolve of tho canadian government ncall out category c men it is not intended that my should servo in tho trenches or in u tiring lire but with training many of them will dovclop and perhaps may bo actually lighting tho 1 1 una ere tho war shall end physicians nay of ca gory i men they have no defects save a lack of development which is n shortcoming that can tn mont coses be overcome tho men crc wanted now chiefly for railway construction arid forestry calling out this second f laa must result in a further nhnrtago of labor in canada but tho war altuatlon in europe is evidently regarded as more serious than tho help problem here during tho post few days it is hinted that unmarried men between 25 and 45 may also be called now wilful waste of any food or food products or waste resulting from care lesoness or from imperfect storage faculties has been made illegal and subject to penalties by order of tho canada i ood hoard dy tho terms of this order responsibility is laid upon private citizens to see that no food la lost by being kept too long or kept in improper conditions if a private clti sen has reason to believe that a cold storage warehouse store restaurant or hotel is wasting food in any way he has now tho opportunity of making a complaint to tho municipal author neosnurrho xcnowwaco thai the law la behind htm at a time like this when food is so scarce in the world and so high in price even in canada where comparative abundance ctul prevails it is the positive duty of tho private dtlaen to uphold tho law against waste and to carry out the full spirit of tho law in hi own household and in hla own daily routine w oakville chan d caruon la ookvlllea now lieut- col windcyer 1 removing from town and taking up hla residence in toronto 11 jioa iiccn learned uml canl woodcock a wounds are only alight they are on the head he in in tho hospital in lyance our respected townsman isaac war cup celebrated his eighty unit birth day on saturday lost and wan gener- ally congratulated oil bin good houltl and bright spirits mrs c w ooto and mloa marion coo to leave neat week for calvary d opentl tho summer un a ranch nut that eld and be with suns and broth ers star dr luak was unfortunato in itavltu a rather bud full on tues lay ufurnoon from tho citlclu ut whlrli tho venor able gentleman was confined to bed for a couple f duyu ilia uluiuldcr nuatslnod utiino tiuvtro hrulnca naoaaqawcya bringing 0 pn to timn dottor dorvlco dtmindid at camp- ballvllla by tha pepl and tha council at lhr meeting of tho naoosgawaya council a deputation met an 1 rmiurjit rl unit ntctm le taknn to nccuro more iiatlnfnr ntutlon umpbellvillo moved by clllor hutrhnou wecon lod by clllor audi mion that having heard the di puinllc n fr hi cumiihollvlllo rcopect lng tlie imiuuiifuctory ncrvlro render cd ty tho ci it at the elation iu solved that we hereby request the hrcvo to bring tho matter before the county council and if necessary ap pcml to the iurnlnlnn hallway com inlnalin fi r rxilrens carried the ft lit wing ii ceo i nts were order bo lid co r iirluttc ii mlerao ahvuln ow 00 jun johnson hoelllng nnow 2 00 herbert taylor ithovelllng snow 40 luclih herald printing 13 john laittcrhrook shovelling unow ulv 24 jan uarragh ahovolllng spow a o milne ahovolllng anow john iarly shovelling snow alfred ilordcr nhovelling nnovr 0 40 j o morse shovelling anow dlv joshua alien uhovclllng io ih 13 william allen nhovelling anow dlv 3 downline chargo ia- ijucolng tuilf of samo 7 00 allan mnhon ohovelllng enow dtv 3d 3 fio john karly damage to plow io 00 a by law to author to the reeve and treasurer to borrow money to meet tho obligations of the munlcl patlty was passed henry htgglns was appointed path master instead of john king resign e- dlv 31 council adjourned to meet on mon day may 27 at 10 oclock john marshall clerk the ontario earn and give campaign our ooya tha showing a ready will tngneaa to j their oil what would you expect of a boy who is planning to cultivate two acrea of land this summer to help increase food production and wlio la the past has won tho junior championship of hla high school for three successive years and is on active member of tho sunday school or hla church aa well aa being a member of tho ci an speech clcailljvlng and clean at- hletlo clubt something pretty good iwouldn t you well the boy im talking aboct will have hla picture appear in canadian manhood as tha first ontario boy to sign an narn and give pledge card lia name ut mariley brant and belle vlllo is his home so dont fall to have a look at him when tho ca manhood reaches you there oro a lot of othtr nice things i might say about him but hes a real canadian boy and that ought to be nice enough praise for anybody hamlllon where is it onywayt hight on the map tn tho earn and give campaign all right why when fthnyh ylggynfl looking around for sumo one to toko chargo cf the cam palgn in that ontario metrodolls he could cud no one satisfied to take it out with tl i quota fko provincial con j ference had fixed for it however when he got hla man tied down to facts ho discovered that he dldnt feel hamilton was being given half a chance in only being asked to secure 300 pledges so ha is on the job on tho understanding that coo la to be th qaota and yet some peoplo say that toronto wants everything bui y for hamilton who said sldunlua ho a as ac uvo as tho dominion police he was in a lobby tho other day waiting now ot course he couldn t wait if ho wanted wait ao he got busy on six boys who might have been slackers in tl o future wcll ho got five out of the nix to sign plodge cards thats the way districts c and 7 are being looked after have you thought of tbo possibility of getting boya to sign pledges as a memorial to one or more of their fel lows who have pledged all and sacri- floed it in prance or klanders that a what 10 lelhbrldge boys did they each decided to earn and glvn ten dol- as a memorial to one of the mem- bcru of their ulg brothers bible class ho has fallen in action sacrifice 1 the key noto that we want to strike- getting one kind off against onoth u might work out well suppose you try it- there s a real boy out around acton hon only 13 years old but he saw the pledge cards exhibited in tho fwca pess window and walked right tn and eald he wanted to sign one he did and also got his mothers approval he is a fatherless boy goea to school wor nights und sa and gives ii bcru lly to hunday hchool mission funds he would have made a good ilrat ontario boy to sign too bad we couldn i have more than one but hrt is right there all the time and we ut mil expect good things from him let ua have any bright items from jonr districts phase p 1l haywabd ontario organiser for cam and glvo campaign toronto april 12 1918 military notco isrgc i erry wu lion u from toronto on leavo laat wtk culct w j htijcworth of the itnnl i lyllu corin toronto wjui tho nvit of bio friend mr jirl it dllli ilatur day to momluy i tn lie r iint t tf wmtkiitof n who in a innnlhr t tho lloyu1 tlylni urpi nttont u fnw lujn thltwflk at mr hulxrt lit t nl u lieut carry 1c warren toronto nephew of mr juincti i warren und who vlniled hern a couple ut weckft afo boa left for ovi mean in chargo of a drafl from uio it c artillery a letter from i le jamci l iiutul from prance nay tliut all tho act u boys who went overscan with tho lc4lh ltattalion are now in i runcc njmr ous drsftn have been madn to till up ether buttallona and tha ictth in now broken up otto hoeltjn uf litrutfonl wuu ljut week fined k0 and conts by thn cuunty judge for liurboring and an aiatlng a dcuarter in hln son 1 to a fred i hoeltje 1st depot ijattallon w o lb london who wont to hia fathers house on denrtlng troiitf hid battalion lleul o b jackson b a il d has been appointed in charge of tho itoysl naval canadian voluntc r be arvcs at one of tho head offlccn in hnguind lieut jackson practiced aw in milton in 1314 ho enlisted an a seaman ho is one f four i rothcru aervlng in tho war champion i to john iwiliu who rcturnc 1 homn about a year ago after be nt x iundi t at tho front hau for some tl no been acting as a n reman on tho n york central hallway out of buffnio lit waa here on bturdny with his newlj wedded bride pte ihl aajn ho ban bten recalled and ordered to report for service agaln pte john j jennings who la with tho veterinary corps of tl o 122nd itat tallon and who was kicked by a homo about a month ago and apent three weeks in tho hospital la ablo to bo about again and a letter received by mrs jennings last week said ho was convalescing satisfactorily he has j been in franco since june 1017 on wednesday afternoon mum may prosscr daughter of mr and mm harold proaacr of boyno and pte wilbur bray of morton were quietly married at the mcthodiat paroonako hero by the ilov v b hmlth tho groom went overscan with an carll canadian contingent and was in tho thick of tho fights in franco until seriously wounded both ho and hi bride are popular in tho palermo din trict oakvillo star mr edgar w jordan brother of mrs dr john lawoon who has been advertising manager for tho sjeno type sales company of indianapolis ind but whose heart has always been in tho canadian home land arrived in toronto a couple of weeks ago and enlisted there u has been assigned to tho c a m c at tho baso una pltal pte el w jordan is a brother of pte ernest jordan who has been in franco since the autumn of 131g among tho returned soldiers who arrived at toronto last thursday was pte garfield bamohaw second son of mr and mrs thomas bamshaw of oahawa ho won wounded at vlniy ridge on april h17 and has npent nearly twelve months in lngllsh hoo pitals and has been sent hack to can ada for further treatment nt whitby convalescent home it was planned to give him a big reception at his homo town but owing to his injuries it was decided to poslpon this till a later date mr and mrs itamahaw were fonncrry residents of acton have theuwotfare tnemodhmtbam r ahdthe5ervici foa latortoal ioj 1 icrmtnrr tkketa nt rrvivbtiuni ptir to a t uuowfj dtnribt artoe out at will rnrr ji 1 aratrr dplmall utklniuucitwtst luwilix ganaoianndrthern icecream wo uuvn our parlor open o day iiowanl vre intend to us 1001 lcrvl a a i poisibln ice cream bulk 30c p ice cream cricks 30c ea very give nt ch candies our saturday special i for week will lo as followu this pure duttsracotch kiaaes boc tb for 39o reo cocolatss reo 40c tb for 29c durnt peanuta augar coated 40c tb for 20c cog haroldwiles mill street acton limehou8e most of tho congregation gut tit uei vice on time on sunday thanks to the aid of the telephono nyntem mr w qowdy und family havu tak i en up their residence for tho lurinur on tho farm at dolly vardcn this will give them a summer outing und mr uowdy will be clone to tho farm work and tho dolly kilns where moat of tha lime la now being burned sad news reached here on monday morning lance corporal alex mlno son of the qeorge mina sixth line was oltlrlally reported killed in action in franco on april ho was a ponu lar young man and has been oi a couplo of years much uympjthy ui expressed for tho bereaved family nover iwforo in our history have 1 had letter aucrciti with tho uki of i- luh and oyuturs 1 lah la tho anal court of appeal because through it can tho public be placed in po utcslon of this ca- ocntlal foodstuff whether ou buy from mo on a fluh food npocial int or otherwise you are helping tho cause of tho allies by eating all tho lah you can special friday i saturday fresh ciscoes at per ir pound xjl firnan hnduleu lcc lsc 20c tb fresh sea fish fresh halibut bleaks so tb bed sea salmon steaks 30 tb steak ctd 17 tb fresh ml headless and dressed 12yi tb ircsh haddock headless and dfcjimxi 12yi th fresh lake fish western white fish 22 th tulibecs wlnt caught 12yi tb pickled fish kalfnon trout io tb lake huron herring 30 ox dry cod acadia tubletj bonolcaa 22 pk bklnlcia cod shredded cod 15 pk smoked fish golden cuicocj 3 tb linn huddle choice 20 tb flllotr cholco 25 tb kippent iwur i 15 hlontcru each j05 lesh oyiitorn alwujo in block prompt delivery every day s j stauffer ioflags i to aid you in brightening up your room this spring flcto 2ulirrtnscmntb the mcthodigjlnirch congoixum squares these square the comini in rent favor tlicy combino tho nppcarnnw or carpet squares and the hard wafii urfact or linoleum they run in sizes txty to nnd n p rroml15 to 1450 oil cloths in new and handsome diin and ui all widthj per sqyd coc linoleums in block and moral design in h and 12 ft width- per uq yd 30c curtain materials bungalow nets arc moro in demand tins scfljon than ever wc are showing all the new patterns jn white und cream at 25c 35c 45c 50c and 60c per yd curtain scrims thcro is no material made that will jivo letter satisfaction for tho money than scrims will jivo good wear and easy to wah and do up wc have a big range to chooso from in white and crcamwil hemstitched or funcy border good value at 20c 22c 25e and 35c per yd good values in tweeds wc were fortunate in securing six pieces of tweeds suitable for coats odd skirts suits etc in browns greens and gray mixtures 54 ins wide special at 300 yd navy serges in light and dark navy 54 ins wide special at 275 yd cream serge in two makes special at 225 silk ihjiun dltess goods wc can give you extra jtod values in silk poplinj in black gruy blues greens nigger brown special at 1 65 per yd black silks chifton hncst taffeta at sl75 duchess satins at sz50 pailcttc at slgtysi 75 and 200 conway mclean mill st wn tft t- iron tuall u1s bbij for xks3 acton save monev1 enter the liott beforo tho tuition itatea u- in craael great demand for our emiltiatm write for our couuotrua iua kam how our former atudcntn u auccoodinc oln alt year w j ellio prin acton flour feed store robert noble limited i for red clover mammoth alfalfa lucerne timothy corn corn chop cracked corn low grade flour rolled 0at manager k milton the- bed cross tot 0 from the knitting co u test reported at ash last week there la a rvsalng demand at pre ent from the bed cross society fur personal property liaga ilov smith of lrln hau moved o paicrtno tu tuke chargo of tho work of the anglijji church vacated by itsv mauiuiell who ban guuu to act n ajinlvcrsury utrvu t a were held in the methodlnt church on muulay itev c a hyket or k1u hem r nreaciiod atlrring aennona to largu coiuega tions one day last woek ilr hannant and customers wero itartltxl by souicthlui atiiklsg i tho iilnto tlaj lylndow of i lain xl llnmninla at n on tlii out hey found ttipt a i urtrldi e hal flowu agalnut it and killed itself si though tho glass urn j nut broken three wild grcoo were ou tho pond for several t uru one muroing chnm crewqon8 corners mr m crevtiiori was in toronto but week on u business trip miss haxcl dennis spent the week end in ouelph mr and mrs john bennott visited fjinndn at guelph on buuday 1f pircy wooda csmpbclhrille vlnltml friends hre this week mrs l j klngubury visited friends in toronto for a few dais last woek tho maple syrup ueusou la at an ltd and tho farmers pro busy on tho und mr and mrs j tj wilkinson t onto open l saturday at thelrj farm wo noticed that old sttl ras at tho usual hour this week apparently re gardlrea uf i in- daylight saving ays tern mr coles of milton who is golrur tu tnanugo tlio fartn that mr joseph johnutuu bought of mr chester plank ritoved l i it last week georgetown mian nolllu boo lias una to tho wullcjloy lloapitul loroilo for treat uiunt mr stanley qurvlu of barrio spent tho week end with his aunt mrs l 1 oiler mru just h d vereaux of culling wood viol lod at mr j a uoverruux a over sun lay 1 ho umiual bulo tu being inado up for harrington hosi ital on tho cans llun uibrulur dr c re n fells mwiloii while uierutlng a circular saw ax harr hunter a on saturday last 1m ward umplllo hud tlis mlsforiuno to have the ii rut finger of his left hand amputated by coming in contact with the saw mloa margaret mcvulty of hamll t n npet t the week end with miss liut bu idy humid farmers business for tho past 54 years this bonk has given particular attention to tho business of farmers we have helped many over tho rouph places and have aided many moro to tho hirhest piano of success wo are prepared to extend you every aid within legitimate banking practice come in at any tamo and talk over your affairs with us you are always welcome th mcrchamts bank headoffico montreal of canlrxdjfv established 1884 acton branch l a shobxy manaaer georgetown branch c w grandy atanubw economy applied with a paint brush thk great national duty trpuay la to anaervc lt dnty 70a owe youraclf as well es your country a duty just as appa to bouse or building 04 it la u tie things you eat and wear ftuikt- lngin fact alunv aotimciulousoniricrenseincoat that the importance of keeping them protected is apparent to all who know how steel wood brick and ce have jumped in price and tlw clieapcat protection you can give m bqrildpg i the kind you apply with a bruahr paint fctrucprotcctiooacornthcucitcuslcikoppainta uacooh bh engush fjirujr oi nti paint drandra 30 rvreytoiztoc 100 ptm vibx the kind wcgusrsntec to posacas aa its important base the above correct formuia ttu furruuls printed on every can and guaiun teed over our prea ugniturc commita us to this atandard lufih in coat aa white lead hsa becootft wc must use it in the aumc pioomon as berctotore to uae leas of it would nc- ceaaitate the retnoval of the guarantee ironi our cana and to do ttiat would injure the reputation that these paint have acquired by reason of ttidr aupcrior ingirdlents it la by using pure white lead and pure white sine in auch liberal quantitica that we have been able ro produce a paint- that truly cxccla in covering capocitjrrajld that a the acverc cuniatc teat of ganoun in a way that apclla true economy for all who use ll other bh products of sterling worth wc carry and recomihcnd the following xlh producta for intshor flnuourig n bii porch floor paint clous lac tlie pejfect vornuh for irch floors cilmg and part staining the roof anclior bruml sliloglc btsina 19 dpterco swloura ui eapoacd to wcmuici pitsr ceiline walls i resconette toic oil pulnt citiour curja uiut prtcam vsmuhlng a floor floocluatrc exotllcnt for intcrlor uoors for barn ami outbwiuunxs lniucrud hanvpalat lactil jjua hcton c- c- speight ontkrio mri win m0d1 unld of trafalgar townnilp purchancs 100 acrea belong ing to mr thomas aldcrson in trsfal gar tuwnshlp hjlo wao mudn by he wuhm4hur form agency gotgvujwn sihr wrrn- omw mqkto vcouvuh grand opening chorus and first part by the entire company 30 people 8 funny end men 2 clowns deathly natural excellent ballad singers james esplin canadas versatile comedian jack faklow himself inspeech stumping jas algiers superb orchestra proceeds for junior red cross plan open apr 19 brownadrug store admission 50c free press ads bring results acton n j c l nrus d a 0 d paator pai oonntjo wllos otreot sunday apnil 21 f riipui 1 ii u 1 nl p in by the pi dor 1tlal nut if i uiulny ovriilng in vuu it th tun ay jchi ol orchestra will tnlto part t 0tranger3 welcomed good muqic bright gcrviceg unaay f hol 2 30 i m rvank kt nne ly hupc rlnttn lenl timothy 0eed for oale a quantity tif jtmd clean timothy urou at jt 10 p r i u th 1 w i lim4av 1 3 it it no 2 acton 43 i ic no notice to all merchants and others t notico 1 1 buruby 1 lvrn that lettd of neparatlun luivln 1mih taken hctwtim my wife kutn crlppa and mync if i will not boll mvunlf ronpon- tiiblo for any 1 ht 1 that rtlin may con tract from un i ftir thin date uivm i cnippa crewjionu corn ra april ic 1318 42 x valuable ql3ineu corner for oale tho corner lot n mill jind john streets liext liua ifjuj juilllnc has thirty uirio fwt rrvintago on mill s rtot and m hun irotl and thirty two on juhn strn t one of tho beet avail able buiilm 11 i omru in town six- roomed i111uk t n tht prcrnlsei qoimi ucll with utoik curbing nnd cement top iur purtlrul ini ai4y ut 1 rle i uiis ol i icc 42 4 acton onl for sale a com plots ico cream outfit tan aeta tables and chairs new foun tain can cylinder gaa tubs glass ware ics cream dlshaa clock alae agency for nailaons lc cream will sell at snap apply to d c russell acton ont halton cream and butter co milton onl cream for our factory will be gath ered an usual commencing early in april wo thank our many customers for their past patronuro and trust for a continuation and wliralvraya endeavor to fully aat lory our patrons tho wagron will call on patrons regularly as in tbo post commencing early in april john irving mgr 180 milton onl notice to creditors in the matter of the eatata of john c nalaon of tha village of acton in the county of helton farmer da- notlce in hereby ulven pursuant to the statu to in that behalf that all oroditont if- any tbarw be and other person having claims againat tho ea- tato of john c nelson late of tho village of acton in tho county of hulton farmtr who died on or about tho twenty fourth duxj of january 01b arei rcnuirod tii aend ryprftt j paid or dllvir to tho untcnilgsce toolicltur for tho ailinlrluti4trlx q tho uxld ljtato on or before tho 1- lrat day of may 10 1h their uamen addresses and full partlculari of their claims duly vi rilled and thu nature of thlr socurlucs of any held by them and ufur tho uuid 1 lrnt day of may 13 s u10 mild admlnlatrutrix will prooeed to dlntributo thn aunta of tlie said deceased union tho person entitled thereto liavtu rtgard only to the claims of which ho nhill then havo hud notice and oho will not be liable for any part of tht uald t iluto to any pen on of who it claim uhu uhull not then tumi hud notice a j mackinnon ix c ti r f r tho admlnlitrntrlx dated this 8th day of april 1018 413 the public health cit12en3 are requested to comply with the public health act notlco li hereby given that all real denu of acton ore required forthwith to clean their cellars drains yards pig utyes water clojota outbuildings and other prcmlsea and rcmovo there from all dirt manure and other aub rtanco which inay endanger tho public health and to huo tho some completed by tho tenth day of may next on which day tht bunltary njpoctor will a u encrul inspection and further take notlco that tho section of tht public hcaltii act prohibiting the jtueplng of hugu between the 16th of may and tho lth of november ex cept lit pens at hast 70 feet from any dwelling house und q feet from any hire ct or luno with floors kept clear from any utundinj water and regularly ccuiuod will l tjtrlctly enforced all cithutuu un earneatly requested to keep their premlsej com tautly clean 1 nd uioroughly disinfected ol o hynd3 kaevu of thu municipality acton april fi 191a l l d new wonderland i friday april 19 tuc ab1azons with murguirltt lark saturday april 20 uojul k iuuim iilli lr l in in i lartiuu ui i 1 v iwn western cunutly with l nt uu tuesday april 31 marrlttro sik ulml vtltl millred munntiu i pi i tho 1 ilhtlnc 1 ntll hirun 1 of doom r- l gregory l d gooooxxxooockkxaooooooooq guelph ivl i buuinlbo i vi i it xllli vtol h

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