Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 18, 1918, p. 3

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ceiling pap- pdow shades jn polks lock now yi hand alcrnoeo ioquco lyffds ontario jt31rrrlrfi3i5 avnu nt ibis ocal items no much rnupli hiiiii jirlrcu ultuir this nyrup titti rod yet about h of the crxaa nrcf thoy wt beyond control rnturo i me uardencru iiavu dy planted early potatoes tho f armrr i contlnu to keep imm bya electric rhopplne mill very busy april lhoweru worn never mora welcome than those which cnjmo thin wek dm jnu stay up until midnight on saturday to turn your clock on an hourr cultivuto tho vacant lots every where against tho threatened food ahortase tho buds on tho lllucs ooft maples and others of the softer wooded trees art burntlnc acton sent aalr quoin of bunday school workeni to the district insti tute at lbcnetor yr iterdny mr j a trary township clerk has been appolntrd labor itckintrar for tho toirruihlp of csaucalnjr ir rldlnn his bicycle on tho pavo racnt in gticlph leonard ilaln woj fined 3 00 and costs on saturday cannot jot alone without tho franc pnfcli i cnclouo 1 50 for another year yours a h li lrin ont tho weather authorities claim thu to bo tho earliest oprlnp in seventy years bumper crops are looked for j it mackenzie has two corn o coal on tho tracks here orders ploc d with norman mcuwl uill bo illlcd in rotation sunday wan a coriaus april day with tho temperature between sixty and seventy all day and hricht w shine prcvalurar with auijar co ocarco and so dear what la to become of the succulent rhubarb plo no jcncrauy craved at thin canon of tho year early to bed early to rise may not bo any marc popular than of yore but it la almost imperative under tho daylight oavlnr lw kitchener bowline club lias raodo all returned soldi era honorary mem jyrgo ho club with nil um prllilccta of tho bowline croons sikjjikrat skins arc brlnclnc un- umaalry iilifilrtea now local trap pern are securing loriro numbers this rprinir tho iicauon la about over tho toronto suburban itallway has engaged l l atkinson to deliver their express and freight to and from the utittlon and patrons of tho una a fow flrocrackcrti canned a sic 000 fire in toronto on saturday in which two children were burned to death and mud firemen pamfuuy in jured if you havon t advanced your clock an hour do it to day upd forget tho tandord time for tho next nix months wo ore all supposed to llvo up to national tlmo boya it io u violation of the law to hang- on to motor cam whllo riding a bicycle 1 or his own protection tho motor driver may order you off or lay 1 rjfmmotl o n against you much indignation exists among tho ratepayers ut ouclph over tho action ot assessment commissioner hastings in raising all uio ujcoamcutu to the full value of tho property rthe platform at tho toronto su burban station lias been entorgod and u now mora sufo and convenient electric llghui and telephones havo boon installer in tho station numerous now motor cars aro to bo seen hero this aprtng mostly owned by farmers this la as it should be to tho farmer tho motor car is a real labor saving and tlmo saving lnsutu tlon mrs t wi shaw hlokolow iarm tllbville alberto writes incloscd hnd 1 co for- another years subocrip tlon to tho iiujj iiaua wo never missed a slnslo copj during tho post year it la announced that ull conven tlon certificate plan arrangements with respect to rcductd fares on tho rajl ways this nummir had boon cancelled by tho liaterii canadian passenger association tbo 30 000 uuillta in tho nix forms were ilcoivcii ipl wtro fount to bo very satlufaitory lnclusad niid chock for 132 to cover lnvolco for thfli lot of 1hbj iiutu print liii yours toronto at u meeting of tho session of knox churxh on monday uvonluc it waa decided to hold tho sunday nor vices at 1- u in and h p m ut the bunday hchool nt 4 p hl while tho daylight haunu liill lu in force mr arthur lyndo tcuuier of slnj tng from the ilamlmjurg itustilan con- ervatory toronto tiudiru in acton bvory ttmrnday studio nt homo or mr a anderson church tltruot 40 u cnin nv mr lindsay was at owen bound last wnk uttnulli u u lotifor nrco of renrliiotitutui j f tho ii tl u dlt and 1rtubyttirlun ghunliiu u t subjcrt of o rlupiiliii i hn ru in uruce tuftfrln and adjoining coun ilea on krlday civrnltil may 3 the ptav entttloi tho vtcjtrlik skul win bo given in tho town jlall 1 rlti frjuft lilnnlo luia fiunu uu u tr p to the wtst messrs a hot mcltlmiy uu 1 james bhane etifppt t four hua i or j u o iollel aligns cattlu to mr chuu ljln nlo of trthtia sauk mr and mrs lit cud wliu havn bmi in toronto for the winter have re turned to leiln and am now ridding in heir own i otnu south t i u llo village jtov j cross conmieiictj hla l uut orate of thh lluptlst church hen uu hundoy nf eniooti last i ixui i1i114 a vwy able sormuu th annual ousting f tho him 1 society avna hi i 1 lit the dioclplcu cvurcii on mundny tvinlih when an llluntrntril address vum tvi n by in ajrftnt ubv w e jiiuisard adtxarb hews of local import now market garden for acton mi rtlbrrt hi llmp imn pun h i ill from l hob rt lorrj liln h j llfl inn i ui 11 i ulrvlnw aveniii m lllnliop will oiwratn w niiirlu t 1 itilin unil inli il j tvutuiilly to rr ct j re 11 liouiiij on tlit i roperty anil 1u ply iuiu and howiru clianues in high ochool otandmo llk irlntliuil writes that jul it kir in ly ltuy a in w harold ki nmdy uil i lny1 knnm y uhould liavo rciitil to tin lnj iuuui i nit wi 1 1 111 ixliii in lan ii innteail of ciuj ui ui i hat jftilt wulilln uhould liuvo len ilvtu ut lh head of culm i lruittad of duff wllusn laat qunday oervices atfoctad tin i ret ipltttnty of tho iidopth 11 of li lunlli lit tuvinir liill intorfernl utiliitr arritiiuily with nttntiduncu in tho t hurcheu on uuilay many of tho unmluru of tho tongrclntlonii in tln country had not received intimation tliut ttiw plan wan to lo adopted tor iojii juiidaj a ttrvlcoa now liqm ntfadod on main trst nuw that urn turoulo muburttan luillway it lelni largely used by our lltlzonu 11 lu deslrabio thut u iitrei t lillit imj inutullod near thn ututlon iuilru at tho centra of tho block nud iui tbern u no llfiht botwtnn church and afcimu streets it is very dark at hat point tim council should tuko ho matter into conuidlrtlon now machine ohop duildirto the business of mcairs ihow i- oierholl machinists ond motor car rciolroru main street lum groivn to ruch illmenuloni that larger prt mines hao been fount necensnry thoy hi therefore icaoeil tho bowling allay of mr i itoss- and thin ana bulldlnh is being converted into a shop for this biilniss tho building a admirably adapted for the purpouo it lu xjt feet frmors must havo help with seeding opt mtlonri in progress a krcat many farmcni aru working lgo seres without uuslatunco otatcd j a miller of tho 1 rovlncuil inrm labor hureau toronto i armeni within u radius of so mlloj of toronto are now diicogcd in ocodinj- iruiont lndlcu lions uro that ucdlni- will bo finished in this district two weeks curlier than last year mr miller states that th uupply of farm workers la falling to meet tho demand ommpton minstrels junior red ceona tho junior lud cross has et id tlio hampton minutrelii for a ijil t n tertainmint on tliumday iimt 5tl inst there aro thirty people i oojnpany which includm tho male qunrti tin june 1 ijipljn can ada s vcrsatilo comodlan jack isi low tho great stump iipcikcr jumni alglos superb orchestra tin ro will be a grand opening chorus by tle entire company ihe plan opiu ut i rown s drug htoro to morrow toon- u ill bo a ulg rush for scats womans missionary society offering the thank oftcrinr meeting or tho methodist women a missionary societj last wednesday evening wan wel at tended members of tho pre ihyttriuii and baptist societies worn presont tho address bi miss annlo allan 12 j missionary from tokio japan gavu aa interesting epitome of her worlc in this oriental city tho third city in population in tho world miss tiurl z baker sang the nolo i walked in the garden and mtuseu dcrtlo smltlt iloxel and lottlo mason sunt a trio which ull appreciated iuv up larti prudded and itov oeo i stuphenson it a niuamrmveya took part in tho devotional cervlce tho ihanlcoffeving wan jio bi additional red cross contributions tho amount of tho red crojs con trlbuuons rcportod in last luauo of the ilux pacta wan 3608 21 since then tho following additional sums havo been handed to tho treasurer mrs hpenccr husband willow street wm itobcrtaon collected on tho rlrut lino and town lino from the orossroud down to mr robert camplell j4c 00 mrs hert davidson 00 tho rocond llni from lome school to tho llrlck church si0 00 mrs itank konnnly ond mrs n 1 moort addllioual from w ii storey son 11 utao 1 actory 40 00 mr ii aibbons on third und fourth lints from crossroad to town lint ib so total to date sc7c7i there uro still several collectors to report in tho main street hat mrs kuv j c wllfion should have been given as col lector in lait uciku itport inauad of mrs j c nelson dirty clfe ofa fomdr reajdant xno of tho buidedt men in public llfu in canada today 1 itov t albert moore d d toronto general secro torj of social bcrvlco of the metho dist church during tho twentyeight doy ending on monday or this woik ho travelled over s 000 miles and visit cd victoria vancouver calvary ld monton btcttlcr hod willow region yinicn wlnnlpct toronto st- john truro ilalirax and montreal ho id dressed cloven congregations o 1 tho sundays one rotary club two cana dian clubs throo social focrvloo com mittees met 19 other committees ut tended three annual meo tints r hoa ilt and confurrod with numerous wo ki iu resides this over 250 letters wcrt writun by hand of tho 2s days 1 spent on ijullman earu or on boats ijr mooro is u native of aelon and a former editor of tho lws i uiu- nure earn and give campsian a good deal of interval bus bet 11 mated throughout tho province by puttlni up to the boys the cluilluiito who would to tho ftrut to sitn u pledgo in ontario tho provincial ir- anucr sent lutteru nd pledn cards 11 hoys workers wfioso namui ho could p roc una and they were mailed n that uisy would ruioh their dinllna tlon as nearly us posulblu at tlio saum time april 2nd wau the day of their arrival and tho tlrst boys in ontario 1 also up were as follows musi icy llrunt hellovlllo km u in walter dennett toronto ii l a ni liulme duinil toronto 130 noon jcortu l taylur acton 1 0 p 01 austin a dunlotl i uriu 3 0- v m laeb loy slfctilng tho ped ujroua to vjirn and sjlvo ttoduring tliw tt ntlui to enable tho y m c a to provide n frvshments at tho trout h i for our lukldkrs it is iipi if that ut i1a1t oooo boys in ontario will tak am und chvo pleduo social and pehs0nal 1i0 jnut 1 liarh 1 ilnninri t hentie rni u t f tbijii this 1 y tiilmoii lu homo u few weeks holidays mm it ii wannlhiroun mlim mati 1 howie t f georgetown and mrs a i miss antiln mrculeheon left tuc ay for tiiroiitu to upend u montji 0 with her nlstor mne mciouiull mr and mm alex mann mr he ert mann jnd miss sarah mcloui all it t ut hu vein lllo thla week or obituary a li hi u ii va in on ipnhiy llhlnil lt ntli t inm ih relief f alrrinl ii wuli on for tunly threo yeira ii tor and publish h of thn n uiiiru star after u pro longed 11 in run mr wafnon willi the juu of lli lutn mr an i mm junto 1 11 wuhon who rod ltd in alton for t number i f years ho wan u ilf lom 111 wiipapt r man und wan publisher of tho mtafonj monitor and th cret iiiiirn utar mr wuuon wuu a man of flui iiaructr und alwuyu iiirrlh i u i oml i11ii111 1110 in thn oniinuiiltlin win re hn nsltltd h was u nit tntx r or the mi hindis t chun h nail much inlin ted lu ita ui tlvltlea llhidiiuiji tij- mlim wloiilfrtd wan for a couple of yearn 11 nienitu r of the fuclilnj j turf in alton kiknii mrs watson who was mlj hi rtim l hurehill tiur tircfl acton lawn bowling and tonni club a uipitlug of tho aelon li wn h vl g und lunula club vvuii in d in the cuunill ciuimher on tlio tvtnlui of thu uu lust the prejldou mr jiu wood occupying tho ehulr llm following olllcerti weiu oleetotl for thu ikuwui ibis hon irca q w hoardmon ires win arnold vlto i res- u h shoruy sue 1 reus w k orahujn luiwlliu commit ttow j i wm mikubb l h hhorej itlmia cuinnillteo mlns oiay mist htnwieu mlaa 1 jjrown i- h mhun yi w li cirajiam i ho club apncoelutcu hi wirk of tho retiring prvsldolit mr john woo 1 who so taimbly pcrfonne i tl duties last your along with tho uldol dulh u of secretary treasurer a voto of thanks was extruded t heurdmuro i for- tb uun of uiair modern ti mils it urt alad tt 11 r arnold a sons foi tin use of tin lr upltudld uruiiudn mi luh enjuyod a satisfactory year in 1017 umi hopon to havo a full member eldp ftjr ihi pruivfit your 7 mr hugh allace icliox avenue who has eon in ihmir health fur sever ul month 1 lias been critically ill tho past fnw day mm n i mclam returned from hi r visit in liir daurhtcr mrs colo ut liuttljim unit week sjio una uc tomianfed liy one of her utile grand mn rev w m donald of toronto arrived hero on turoday and will vlnl i her parents mr and mm john hmlth fourth line for a fow weeks mlas annie allan ij a who ad dre tied the woman i missionary so ciety lost vot k spent a couple or dayj with her friend mrs large at tho method i it parsonage mr and mm j h hwitxcr oeoriro town who recently purchased mr charlea 1- luillcju farm iiave movetl to their now homo thoy will noon und many frlcnda in acton mr and mm geo n morang of oakvllh announce tho engagement of their daurhtcr louise heaven to lieut w harold watson formerly of tho 7eth itattsllon and the c m o corpa son of mr and mrs william o watson of toronto owing to recent iereacmrnt in both families tho wed llni will tulo place ouictlyot the end of april thoy all likn reeve cleaver tho wives of rurllngton soldiers huo presented reeve cleaver with a nno club lag and on addresa in which they oxprcaoed their gratitude for his energetic work in their behalf in con nection with tho patriotic pund allow unccn und in other mattero connocted with their welfare newmarket retotoeoa the curfew law nowmnrkot town counjil las do diled to cnfi rco the curfew law in eittct uoniii yaars ugo rram mon d iy of ihl 1 week glrli of sixteen and under and lioyri fourteen and under will have to bo accompanied by a parent or otttr responsible person if on tho iitreeta after nlnq o clock at nllht braaklna windows and fence pickets on account of tho depredations of some lioys who have been breaking windows in empty houses and smash ini- pickets on fences in milton tho town eounrll at us last meeting passul u rkilulloti offering ho loprg for such information iu will secure tho ioiiietlon of boys guilty of thla oenao- it4i destruction it oroaks the reformers heart tho milton reformer nays some of our families in town aro preparing to move to vancouver where there la a boomv in ship building others nro colng to tho northwest whllo noma more aro moilng to acton whoro qulto u number of milton people havo gone already thla spring it breaks our heart to otjo so many people leaving co ml no departmental examinations tho deiwtmenul examinations for entrance into normal schools and va cultlou of lducation will bo held from juno 14 to 20 for model llntranco and senior public sehonl graduation from june 14 to 24 for senior high school 1 n trance from juno 14 to june 24 for i nclliili lyt nch model dntranco from juni 14 to juno 2i tor mlddlo school fntranco into normal schools juno 21 to july 2 for upper school un- trunco into faculties of education from juno 20 to july t for pass matriculation from june 24 to jtrtytr for honor matriculation from juno 20 july g oauvilu keeps the liquor fine jd0 winchester has dismissed with cost 1 fixed at sc tho suit of the tor thamilton ihchway commission maliiut the town of oakvlllo for 200 amount of a flue imposed by police muglutrato khlclds on juno 4 last on kje vajlanc and paid to tho treasurer f tho town tho commission claimed hat they were entitled to ull tho fines collected vullanco was lonalixed for having liquor in his auto whllo on tlio hlf hwuy through oakvlllo by an ndmmt to tho torontohamilton hhhway act tho commission is not ntitled to fines for breach of the ontario temperance act a pro german 0 a c student santiago ahadln a resident of south america who baa been a student at o a c since last hoptcmbor was urrciitrd last thursday at tho college inapt ctor d ii reynoldo of the immigration rjepartmont and itlday nlng in tho ouelph pojico court iliied 100 and coats or two and n half yiura in the pcjiltbntiary arid or- l ilt ported to hla own country after iliadc 1 guilty to writ ink a letter to lend in colombia which contain ej mutlor ohjuctlonublo under tho war mtustirea act tho letter waa written spanish and intercepted by tho ilnlon cttiiiur abadla iiald tho and wuu dciortod halton county labor registrar hei 1st runt fjir farni lauoreru havo on api uiptod throughout tlio county 1 follows alton w j hold mllti p j w rler oukelllw w k itfiatt hurilnbtun w 1 strom ieoriotown w grandy nai iaiuivuyano opitlntrnent y t irufulgav charra hail 1 rufultar toronto mankcto jioanl of ttudo ipjolaionu toronto lellviryj wotluesluy milllnr wheat looie whnut i arte fxln liuekuhcal rye nominal hay tlrni thy allied and lovtr 14 to s o ooj hi to 2 l co t 1 1 m axler co mill othcct acton ail paying 3sc caslhv 1 ok iggs brinu in your supply nice slorlt of boots aod siioqs and overalls at reasonable iuices m 4xler co tiie acceled new styles in 9 v o pnng apparel tlie loveliest garmentb have found their way to our apparel section where they are making new friends everyday iil juvulug 3 n wllllnt to uuiunlcate tracy liuucslng ulchsidsou ml hon 1 to hipo labor uud ull be hired uro uakud vlth their nourvat buttiur mount foesat mans expeiuiv trip wm lies of mount i o nest come d wn to ouolph on sunday on a joy lli ivlth another man and two oung wumi 11 in u hotel within sight of to pollen court ho bought two bottles of uhltikey from u mm for jo 00 ho ol u roarlouuly drunk he was arrested on wyiidham 3trcet in court uu m11111i iy he was fine 1 00 fur having ii juor in his motor jio and touts for being intoxicated while driving a motor ond 10 and tosts for belnk irunk on tho street his j01 ride euat him about 1300 the mnglstruto m m trited tliat probably by this tlmo ho full smullsod that it did not pa hln 10 tumptr with the ontario temper uiii u act it la poaolhlo that some persons who d not come from mnutit i t rent may gain real prout from mr llm cxp o le nt the chadrens soap lifebuoy little bands little faces little togs oil need lifebuoy soap every day and often if yon mean to keep them free from dirt and infection little cuts and scratches street duat the free and artless contact with others all havo the danger element removed if you mo its abundant creamy lather gives tho greatest possible cleansing power cannot hurt the tender- est skiiu use it in the bath in the home and remember that oils well with thoso who use lifebuoy tho mild antiseptic odor vanishes quickly after use at all grocer liivitt liaotliuii liurnu toronto fflcz gsr dffi kmnmmitimmiimkmmwitimfsmvvmesmmmixmn all ready for spring possession act quickly x8qo0o down will let you on u 100 ucn farm in lrln township wellington county toronto jj miles oj acres workable bulauco pauture plenty u firewood lovely pjw lioiuiu tost bttwt111 2s00 and j3000 naw furnace mccliiry water in house ucreu orcliard creek on farm lyomo barn r4x3c siotio ahed j0x30 with atubllng for cows and homes windmill rural mull liallinufud village 3 miles has 2 churches hlj itnt bu kamlth shop etc 1 r vlllilgo 6 miles holl elay loam 110 hllli j unu fall wluut never been rented owpcr died about mtli uju imme ihitt ii isi salon i rlco for farm j4h0o jh00 down bulanc on murtcuf ut with paynionuof 200 yearly on prlndi al lmmedlutu iousculuu all ready to start with stock and implements at acton co acres riaht close in radial b minutaa walk grand trunk 10 mlnuta walk hlph school across road htot k of 10 tlulry cowivhnplcrnonta tools etc tan bo bought ut u going eopcern 1 ino lure0 solid brick lioum d rooms furnace ploughing dorm holl sumly ioum a tiuunlity of lierrlea in kood shape small orchard 2 spring creeks nno luruu bank barn 4bxfl4 kood otabllug prlcu for farm 760 sloclt und implements jtoo will bo oold immctllatoly to wind ui estate hurry if you want it fine old homestead never rented 3ucrei anon oi nilhs i rin township 130 acres worlcablo lui lance bush and paature 30 ucreu hardwood bush tloll sravully loam nut utonoy holld stone h jujc 10 rooms jjanu barn 7jxl0 gootl stablliik water in bam frvm wlnilmlll driving house ohoep houmi mcjiixil lota for quick qalo 100a a bargainto wind up estate 100 una hltikuucuoy itvinilj 03 mrcu workubli hulanct bush ami 1 usture 3 anj 1 iliiuhi t hurt h ucrouu road ut tiool m inltu moim houl 114 mlliu 10 acf j fall wheat full 1 loukhlng ilom soil t lui i jam fnu frt in stout 1 nty uf watei spring and u ttxll luiui nourly luvtl 10 ucnu rtjh oonliiik t olid brli k house a rooms num luun c0i3li 1 i nnt itulu plj t 111 impu iiloul oheti immcdiatc poq8c33ion price w ooaoo j160q caoh sjleiidid stock or grain farmextra vwell water100 acres at ton b miles jiod buildings school 1 mile j rt inn soft and hard wuter lnsldu ut id 1 unk uiik for 31j liiul cattle and 10 hyr n s 7o mm pus tun 3 ucn n i ush mi w 4 iki u d wen house water iii burn 4 aires oeo l phiiiclilnt all dune lirlvlng houa jj1um wlndiulll hiueh mites all llu html holl likht cluy loam 17 aires fall wheajt price for immcdiatc ualc woq tiolld bilck houa biru 10x41 utah workuhh uaiaiit u wihoughby farm agenc y georgetown ontario up to the moment styles in readytowear for women and misses and girls t the latest styles in suits coats drcucs skirts etc m our present displays nrc tlic most ravorcd for tho sprinc and summer season a conatont cltort is in procrcss to keep the fashion display up to u wide range of completeness and this showing proves the success of our endeavors ailpizcs at various modest prices i ty k j i menb and ioys clothirfjcj and furnishings for the home values and varieties in these at macdonald s should attract you to guelph to do your spring shopping there 11 be no cause for regrets i iros limiled guelphs leading and lakgest stoke wyndham blaedonncll and carden strccla guelph ont s3 46th annual statement of tie bcialt its bottaen at the btnic for lio fifteen bought eodiiii 2sti felroary 1918 board cff directors fmt john nendhle it fr o cv o xteaideot cxeca a ptrqb vfcprooidant c c dalton hobt bgboon w a pitxn l pltoalx icc x tdziktmru w a wood 3 r sblu oohnt eioocsr profit roow f and loss 30th november 1911 account deposits rebaxq iiol zsoi istruary 131e after deductlnji charges crf managemetrt tntereoc 1 illsoouits and naxklng provision cor bad nd doubtfd debts a as foljonrwt ttvo uaarterly dividends at tho rato of 12 1 naltn itund annual aucmroo nl upecial cootiibutlnn war tax on hank noto rimulatlon i atrlotlc i m cross and hull of iunds uank itcrapwa aoooont daianoe of iroata carrfod forward hamutan uth aforeh 1911 per annum 12j un 37 wweot 1cocooo 600o0 00 67gc general to the puhliot uabilit1c0 notaa at the han it tn olrrulatlon i c 1s7 111 00 nopoatfa not i carina hit rcjt flg 771 ccs c3 iepoells brjtrlnir interest li ludlnr intertuit ait ruod to late of atalmoant 3c 68 511 3 1 j43s59 shi 04 ilalancea due to imr unnks in ana ij it 1 lit cd balances due to tiankji al 1 itanktni t rre apondonu in the th ltl kliurdiwii om so llalanors due to itaruiq iui1 llnlclni irr sporvlorito olianiora thaji in ijiaila ai d tho united kingdom i 10 407 61 aoeeptaacca undar iottera of credit 19317 tl 3 ltjlli iii to the sharahplderaj capital ntoclt paiu in lteoervw putwl i noo 000 00 uaianco of profits carried for wxd u2l bo dividend no ho payable 1st attnh 131b sxaer xlv1dnds innliurrwl ij uz 431 so sll c80 71 statement aosbto furrot coin itomlnlon cottmmanl notes idoalt la central qotd ilssorvaa uodoalt with the minister of otnancofar tlio punpoaea of lfi trpulallon fxsid wotns of other liojdca cheques on ooher lianlo kolalncea dua by other qanka in c llalance due by liajlka and llanklnr corre- orxindanta oaewnnro lhao la canada dominion and provincial goveranoat ooetui- tlea not ejcnaedlfurxnarfcat valuo canadian munlclnal ueourltlaa and ilrttlnh iorelcn ami colonial inljlc aeourltloo other than canadian ilallway at other uooda dobuntxircs and iitadw not exceeding fnartcet value call and bbxrt loans not eoeodlnc thirty dk7a tn canada on hoods dthmtmeo and iheeka call and uhoet loans bot exceoiunr uurtr dajra ouetrhero hila in panada other currant loons and discounts in can- wbere n canada lao0 re be to of in terent heal lsstaio 6uer tian dank prtnnlses overdue debts oi ot provided for bank premises at no thaji cost laao amounts writhsn off othar assets not included in tns idtp uoahilos of ouatomers under jouzss credit o per 00 tttra 0 0o00 1s7 000 00 u9 397 00 16 4 01 33- cs 2j3 13 07 j1u1c7w 67 7 5eu30n 67481 s c2jlj auditors report nj cent nvort to the we have examined the above halaru a clhcot whli tho books and vouchors at head office and wlthi uvi car- tlflad returns from tho h ranch on uji 1 w tiovn obtalnetl all the informatloo and explanations vre liavo reqiilred and in our opinion tho tranaacuuua wliloh have oiim under oiir notloo have been wwiln the nowra of the lianv- we have cheeked the cash and verified thn securities of the bank at the chief omoo and at oovonii of tho prlnolpoj ilranchea durlnc tho flfteaii mouths tveret i y this otatainent as rtjl as on 1 ebrwary 1fti islx and have found thu hi 07 acreod wltli uio eruiies in uie boos of uio in hamilton uth uarob 19u nfomiatlon 1 llaok wllh recard uioeto tal a trite an lttona si veil l shown by tha hooka ciirpyra1 to soldier reixirtluk slclt what a tho mutter with you 7 tommy atktus i uln in rny liubdo uun coroorui ii ubdomt u ho aned hldmlck you mauii its h only holll- i uu as li abdomens spring term fruui april nd tnerircj into tho aumnlcr tirni on july 2 in uiravr u jiusluuss hchoolj toronto no va cations lntcr uriy day lrco cat ulotfuu w h qhaw praa free address a poalcaxcl to us nets autl recciv by return moil a copy wi our new illustrate 80poxo catawuo of gardes wor and field reeda hool baeda craina bulbs small 1 mill gnlu tools lite spedalw till j acsj you butterfly flower this iuua oi tbe airleat and dainl leat cowera imiginablo 3ciallr adapted to bordering beds ot taller flaweraanduioasolb heavier growth tha aosds brrniata quickly and conxo lato bloom tn m iow weeks from sowing the floreaccnca u aucb m to complataly otucmi tho follafc noakuih tiis plant verltabla pvrauild of the aut deucs and chjunilng bloom tlis uuttcitly r mko admirable pot plants tor tjto houao lu lato winter and early pn jti vor llia pun la t uumh 3a4 for cataloaua a4 laarn oj otkar valabla waaalttau mutfilom somf uutted umg oktat k nvtmia co uumm wu would wllllimiy havo uliiuru per feet iciid yut wu ninond ol our own fuuilu rhotnsjj u kenioui mwt h efry second hand furniture i sale wo uro trying to bell out ull tho second iluud i urni turo on hand we liuvo ut ptxient sideboahbs drjcsseks dining u00a1 tauixs kitchen tabula uaby cariuagus oad many other urticlc lstarkman mill street actuu i h htlhf i

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