Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 25, 1918, p. 3

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yau papers ceiling pap- ers window shades guktain 101x3 i pa complete itock now on hnnd mnnlaoc liccnqcq loauco geo tfynds jcton ontanio hews of local import jifp arimt ifm irrsfl timjit 111 v al uii e 1918 bnief local items i tucwluy wan ii ciroii iuy i htriot el mini in nil ualn hunliiv mil u will u mothei day tin vt 11 nil r lit acton junior ooid dal ci ul jon r hi no hull itil linn or mil 1 with vh1 a ni i 1 ii i i hi it m m don w 1 mlillll t r n urn a r w jr 111 nury i 1 iluri i i vciy- lull ipailol ikktui urn ii hi i council mao nu mond y eva nino a 1iri r mo tjn r i in ton if 11 x in 1 i n m uluy ov t ini w iii following an ounfn wl it ilium ill til iinidla t ml i lr trli c mill any mil i iu j7 u3 n i moor fr ii hi qcorqctown i ho t mini ii lutu niithnrfji 1 thn i ur rtij 13 tho county town has dd onoi i ho itof run r i yn 1 ii ru urn n tix n in tvwi nt in kliukl that uh li in nt ivr to i i mi ii uiul play i th front llrlnjr him al hot ah ituy iik 1 1 tin uiunii uiul hmili vul urn ititllii- ffreon iiciihi thu county ollnil villi in ut in xt on ttitmlny 30th mm houses am in lumiuufl iini v ry few uro nvallahlo in town hcnprlrr rilo of taxation for 101 h hail boon strut k at 13 mills snow nlif vclu worn liroijiit into uno nijaln on i rmuy inomlnj a now ci t it tirno toblo will como into eftett nut sunday jarltnon turk o ill lit to bo plow etl up for wnr production onlona 8omo of tho win tors froon water pipes nro junt now bolnj- thawed out tho junior lira croon concert by tho brampton minstrels tonjcht at the town lull half a clojon caxa of furnace and range coal have boon unloaded hero the pant week about 260 tons nnxt wednesday afternoon tlio business houses in town will observe their flrut half holiday for tho season the two- inch snowfall of thum day night did not lonjf withstand tni bright warm rays of lliuy monilnju iun guclph has secured tho rleht to expend 50 000 on coal and wood and wodnosday half holiday i in iiuj im ji in n of a ton will i i fi ih in u il w dm i day h ilfhulldu lust wtdiuudiiy lt may nt 1 z 30 noon pjylh in uvlni 1 inn uiul on tillun till i imi 1 ut voi j wlllku iljiy until hi i rid f hi piumbi r the mutt ho no wil anybody wum a ri tiny notify urn lot ul huvn power uudi r ordr t t tho uction wilful k him bt como lilt i lltl who ilu there a u utront agitation ouelph to tiavo the uamca of berlin street and ilorlin iload in that city re named tho liurllngton gaiotto la inntal- rf ilnotyye thin wllltroatly facl- lltmto tho labor problim and unprovo tho oazctto lout saturday 0o a doan of burlington v- an fined 50 by the police maglbtrato at hamilton for driving a motorcar while intoxjcntuil boui clovcrnvillo and johnotown w y the plovo cltlen voted out tho liquor traflic in tho prohibition cloc tlon in new york ptato loot week tho propriotora of tho lomlnlon and kqyal cafri tjt urantfonl were fin ed 100 and coutu for nolllni pork from their rnonujj durlnir prohibited hours lost week sorao kind friend at olovenivlllc n yla nupply tho lluai pncaa with copiua etthelferuld if tliat dally dur ing tho sczcilonti of tho troy metho dist conforent in that city f are belncr nxodo to tlio police and to uio ofqccra of tlio horticultural hocloty regarding uio danag tho dogn nro dolnp tq gardens and flower bedu guclph mercury a citizen of milton bought eoveraj bag of good potatoes at acton a few days ugo brought them homo and sold them to hlj friends at exactly uio mum price ho paid for thcra 91 10 a bog itof onner farm era of canada nro asaurod of the help of 35 000 active willing boys on forms this mimmtr who have en listed as soldiers of uio soli thoy will be supervised by uio bob or ganization of tho canada rood board w loafing is now illegal all persons 5 domiciled in this country aru now sup- posed to 4rork or show cuuuo why uiey mq idle according to uio now order- in council tho law applies to all sreen the uicj of lfi and so and heavy penalties or impasod against offenders the lurt trlunjju i und campaign on may 7 8 and 0 for j2 2c0 000 ull throughout canada will not be tho jaappoal tho y m c a wlif make tit every ornt contrltuitnl will hasten tho day when peace bells shall ring- and tho boys como marching homo kitchener won thoiockey cham pionship last winter und they just naturally feci chesty tho result is that uiey liuve telegraphed u cjiailonso to ouelph fotratford and colt in whlcii they promlso td have more boys sign up on uio dim and givo pledga tbui uioso other cities this looks like a good flnht and wo 11 await uio result with interest milton fresh eggs lire ucllliu this wock at 16 cents mrs i red murtln i t homo iam haturdax from u visit of tliroo weeks to her slatrr mrs miller of vlrgiula- mrs it ic audcnion and miss an dsrson 001 homo on huturday fiun their trip to new urk city dr anderson was also homo from ttawa over huhdny and monday champion in view of tho vory irt sslnu ncod tqr xhe consecution of food tho hcd cross boclety has decided instead o a knltung tua to uubstuuto u kniltji i ooryiert tho fliot of these knitting concerts will be hold in tho methodist sunday hthool ltootu nr huturday afternoon april 7 mr otrto hob i muni for moan ut uw sew farry to moving to 1 tutu ii ton where lit has slcutcd a iosltlon os foreman in the vvmt vao wire works mr hoblnuun is u tlno typo of eltlsen and wo nro try norry to lose him and his tutot mcj family jto- former couiilluor 1 i milt lmrui was uorl ously lnjurml wtillti ndjii iuug a bolt la the planing inll on riujulay a board ho wiui using wuu tuuuht snd hurled with iiuch form utatiuit his abdomen that tiovorut liittutlnm wore ruptured r r ho onn for thu province a jt musical cvenina j njoyablii uiutilcal uvunlni wuit ohnt lout thunidny uvenlng at tho homo of mr and mm jonupb ilttl llsnlmoro cruiront tho prolrummn was varied and comprised violin und vocal itolou by mr harold wildgunt mrs wlldirunt and mrs d w tlm- mlnu of toronto gramophone num- horn by mr itoue and organ immlforn by miss may wlhlgust dainty re freshment wcro served during tho uvotlltlg nasi eatste chsnoaa mrs john c nelson has dlupoiio1 of lakcoldo farm mid dairy to mr wm mccanvlllo of hamlluin mr mi can villo has taken possession and lit now conducting the dairy business mm nelson and family will occupy their houuo on main htrool tho property of tho lato joseph mccluro corner of wilbur and church hlrecui lias been purcliasod by mr urntst hall mr hall recently no id his brick houlio ut the romcr of 1irln und aeiicj htrccts h mr martin i lnr mr watt who removed to whitby a year or mi ago was hero on saturday and sold his house and lot at tho foot of uower acnuo to mr jamo marks st albsns soldiers memorial service a memorial service will bo held in st albans church on thursday even ing may 3 in honor of those who huvn gone to tho war and especially for uioso who tiavo mado uio supremo sacrifice tho ilov capt a- c mac kintosh or bt james church guolph a returned chaplain who was wound cd at uio front will preach tho ser- non fcjpocial muilc is bo hit arranri for tho occasion an offering will bo taken for the purpose of pl a tablet in tho church to tho memory of uioso who tiavo fallen it ui cxpttl tho tablet will be placed at an early date the honor roll of at ubmii boars foryouht nomcj flvo of whom hare made tho supremo sarrjllcc now younu pooplos socio ty organlzod on monday evening a nmnlkr of tlio younger members of at a hum s church met in tho parish hall and decided to ortanlxo as a body to promote ui social life- of tho church among its members and to help in any way they may mrs maunscll was eloctod as president miss idzzta provojt 1st vice president mr l g ioui nd vlco president miss jessie fatuckoy secretary and mr j wood treasurer committors wcro appointed to look after tho matters of programmes for uio mecungs refrcshmonui and mem bership all uio young poopio of tho congregation are eligible fortncrnber- nhlp it la planned to hold meeungs reguhurly during the nummi r and to be prepared in tho full for a jood start on a winters programme the sshllooeaekls nuptials on wednesday april id a quiet wcddlni was nolt mnlz d ut hurrah n y when lilo iay only dsughur of mr and mra docaoklo was murrlod to john leslie fcialill toronto tho ceremony was performed at blth noon at the homo of tho bridos mother by ltov ivanu w btanton pastor of tho umanuol oapust church tho bride wbu attended by her nlsterln1 vw and tho bridos brother was troomsman tho brldo wore a gown of pearl gray cropo du cheno with a conulgo bouijuot of bridal roses and lilies of tho vulley a lunch was nerved und covers laid fur twelve at uio prices tabic mr and mrs saiill left for a trip in can ada and visited their aunt mrs tlob ert denny acton thoy will bo ut home at 201 massachusottu avonuo buffalo after april 36 com nassaoaweya the hunday hehool institute of ouelph district held in tho lboncser church last wudiuuduy was a most helpful and inspiring convuptlon the three sesslono wcro well attended tho addresses were prat ilea mtd informa tional unil thiri was a continuity and cio4jrdluiitloii in each iiuieeedliiq ad dress which mintulnul tho tin mo of ffundny bchool work und hcvuht bo- for tho workejs mot hods thoughts and experiences culculitcl to unsuru aor efoclent work a immt ordln ryelomne vmt rxti tided to tho delcfutcs visitors tiy john marshall kuptr ijidenu and ft idr htephonsou imwtor tho ladles of tho ctijigre- ri prqyl lvl xtdlcitt hinelieun and on i war basis subjlunttal sen l and exrolluut and till i h wpltnllty grcntly appmi luted by all and was lijed in tin uloiliu ut tilbutti of pruine bev mr laib f aetuu social and pebsokal irs- nell mcdonald visited friends at jlarrlo last week mrs allco macpherson la visiting friends lu toronto this week miss mary uacptiumon was homo troin guolph for a day uila week miss m i htovum ms bo n siid ing tho week with friends in toronto ilov david hoc era of uiijm was the utst of principal and mrs v ii slcwart miss lhilo atuwaft left yestcriluy for windham to upend tlu iiummor on a farm there mr ami mrs n p mooro and mar i aret vlnlti d i mr mathus hi 1rln over uunday ltov n h l lajbi ha h i i tondtil thu fuueroi of lluv mi i air rloth at toronto on 1 rilay hcrgt mii mrs lluboi t t uwklnii of toronto wcro uuuuts of mr and mrs william laird uv r hhiuduy mr u 11 hho mil mercluilits uank attended a hank r convuiitiori ut dutroit thlawtok mr and mrs g w llmiiilm and theli two ehlldlon of turn ito visited mr and mrs j 1 urklnu inst woek mis 1 maunstll will bj ii home at bl albau s ltoofory from 3 to p in on wcduouduy next may 1 mrs i- ii hhotey will roculvo in form illy on wuilim liiy and 1 pursday may 1 and j from thrco to ulx u lock mioses mlnnlo lruser and h u warren of loronto wero iic4ui at mr jutntn 1 wiuivmu uvr tho week end mhia i m ltoye f tlu publh hthool tva iiliiu utuff who waj ih at htr hojtiu in guolph last wt k lu at work uoiulii mluu maf jn t wilson who liuu imen uttoiidlni joo uuwii lllfeli htol will leavo in a fow tlayu to sih ml tho iriiig and suiutner on a farm at purl credit mr and mrs al x hnmwl mr und mm hobrrt ttpmwl mr win spruwl mr and mrti james ttprowl and mi jilin k milliard gil ljh ultindid the funeral of mru alexuilu i adams ut fliultuu h1 ulx mtll nilgai ii f i tho nl dr watt on in iiulnr th tho till i tl datum n done to bin pniifrti on lliillowmn laiit tim on i ii will dcfi ud tlio a tlon a by hw it i i lnr imimrtd to i ru hlblt thu ijqys from eoautliig on tho ill d tlku with express wagomi ilio mnn who appeared beforo mr ltinlin llrarlwiill nnd n ar lost hat- urduy iliuried with itelnr drunk was i mid anj nsts mr and mrs a harlm lato of tho 1ilno albirl hot i have r moved to mr ii mu iklrt ainly ice cream i our pur lor oji n v r mid wo intend to iu wo im day nov ui ijoo 1 iicrvleo an poimlhli ico crssm bulk 30c a pint tcs cresm onoka 30c asch candies our saturday hpecials for this week will bo as follows pure butterscotch kjasoa reu 50c lb for 39c chpcoilu roo 40c lb for 20c durnt peanuts suuar costedi fog 40c lb for 29c a naroldwilcs micl otrcct acton you uuatxy owe it as a treat to youitself to take a tu1p to gueumf and visit macdon- aufs just to see all tue new things that aim gathered here for youh spring and stinnasber comfort appearance and style i new conts suits drcsstra millinery blouses skirts underwear and al important dress accessories that have been developed for the warm weather reason nro here in the moit favored of fashionable creations each garment is characteristic of the highest designing efforts usually em bodied in the more expensive apparel but seldom to be found in such moderately priced garments as these only tlio finest of materials mado up in the cleverest of new stylts by skilled artisans of women wear hilve found their way into the spring and summer stocks which wc arc asking you to come and sec a special invitation we extend to june brides to visit our store at this time for wc are fully prepared to help them in selecting a trousseau befittmgly in keeping with their own individual tastes and requirements in such important out fitting the apparel needs of men women and children for all occasions are fully anticipated by thc large and varied stocks of these fashion departments in mens and boys clothing in wallpapers and house jurniflhingh aa well as inwomcna and childrens- apparel you will gnd the quality standard upheld because we know that satisfaction is of far greater importance than a slight saving in price d e macdpnald bros limited guelpffs leading and largest store wyndhmn moedondl and corden streets guelph onl bwa all ready for spring possession act quickly jboo 00 down will let you on a 100 acre farm in lirin township wclllnrton county toronto 33 miles os acres workable balance pasture plenty of firewood lovely now houuo cost between j250o und 3000 new furnace mr clary water in house acres orchard creek on farm iyamo barn bx3c stono shod 00x30 with stabling for cows and horses windmill rural lnatl bulllnafad vlllogo 3 miles has 3 churches big store blaeksmltb shop etc lrin vllluuo o miles soil clay loam no hills 9 ouuu fall wheat never been rented owner died about month ueo immediate possession prlco for farm hh00 ssoo down boluncu on mortgage at v with paymunt of j00 yearly on principal lmmedluto possession hg nrro farm h hool and church 1 milo wellington county oui iph 12 miles iloikwood v miles jmmodlato possession 80 acres workable i acres orchard bulaucu bush und pasture hqugh- taal houuo 10 rooms lu firstclass tupslr bank barn about oaxio with 10 foot wall stabling for id hood good truilurj driving shod ullo 4u acrwi fall ploughed price for immodlato salo w0o0 3000 down llalalicu on inortll at 5 t fine old homestead never rented lt acros acton ovi miles 1rin lownshlp 1j0 rtrrva workullle- palntira tnmb and pasluru 30 acrua luinlwood bush thu gravelly loam hot utoiuiy solid stone house 10 rooms hank barn 72x0 tood stabling water in barn from windmill driving house sheep houso hutiool 2 lotu for quick sals 41000 a jbargainto wind up estate t liliiliiai bliuh ami tanturv 3 aci uilu mona koutl l mil roll lay 1 mini fn t from wm 1 arm liaily lovt i h rootuu 1 ranio bam g0k3i immediate possession lo ishlp 03 acres woi kuhlo ullmcy tbard church across road o lncl j in rmt fall wheat full plouelilug iluuu it pltnty of water up ring und good mu fnuli uoudii solid brtok house i rtiiilo stabh pig p n liiiplvniuut shed price o0pcu0 ytooo cash splendid stock or grain farinaextra well waterl00 acres 1 at ton mllcit aiol liulmlm khoul 1 mllo holui urlou tiouuo 9 ruliliui niift uml tuil il wutir tlialilu od liuilk tliim gux48 utub- itin tor 30 iicud niitlu uiuj 10 lunum 70 inrn wurkdble liauiiilo luuiturc 3 a rui buuji nuw i urujii nood lu n liouno wutcr in luiril 4 utrtu modiit idoukllllitf ull dunn driving tiuuuu jkx24 wtiklinlll cliurrli inluu all lino lund hall lit luy uuiiu 17 n full wheat pnlcc for immediate bale wfioo n z willoughby farm agency georgetown ontario pen letter to the weewe and coiacillors of acton have your citizeno organized to incrcase food productios if they have not yet done so wc tile ornitniation of resources committee earnestly ask you to call them together in a mas mcctinff and lay before them the necessity of immediate and vigorouw efforts 4he food situation is critical it may astonish you to learn that in 1917 ontario did not grow enough wheat for its own needs consequently every ontario farmer whose land is suitable has been urged to sow 5 acres more spring wheat this year ho that ontarios demand for wheat shall not be met at the expense of that portion of the western crop that should more rightfully be shipped overseas for this same reason every householder who has a garden or a piece of vacant land is being urged to grow vegetables because the more vegetables that are grown and eaten in ontario thd less wheat and meat there will be consumed and that being so the ontario wheat crop should then be sufficient to feed our own people and leave more western wheat and other foods available for export by intelligent effort in the cultivation of his own back garden or from the cultivation of a nearby piece of land the average citizen can growt this summer enough vegetables to support his family through the next winter and remember if food restrictions are enforced next winter a supply of vegetables in the cellar will be aery desirable if you already have an unofficial or semiofficial organization to stimulate food production so much the better that will give you the basis for a comprehensive committee a plan that has been adopted in many places is here outlined von should e f te adapt it to the needs of your own community 1 a general committee should be formed representing every impor tant interest of the community 2 the work should be done by sub committees the following list is sufficiently comprehensive for the largest places you should adapt ii to your own community a a subcommittee on finance tho organization of resources com mittee is willing to help local branches financially with publicity public meetings and organization b a publicity committee to place local problems properly before the people supplementing the larger work of the provincewide publicity by securing pledges sending out circu lar letters arranging for addresses in churches schools motionpicture houses etc and by supplying local papers with news items c a subcommittee on vacant lot and backyard gardening to include re presentatives from horticultural so- cities school tenchers etc d a subcommittee on farm labour composed of employers of labour representatives of organized labour war veterans etc labour ia the key to the food production problem ah boy girl parttime and vacation labour should be enlisted make sure that sufficient labour is ready to meet any demands made by your farming community this labour should be 3 4 placed on farms locally through the agricultural representatives or the government employment btnreaux a farm lands subcommittee com posed of groups of men to cultivate larger tracts of vacant land in the vicinity of cities towns and villages flax growing is profitable and suit able flax seed and fibre are much needed a subcommitteo on schools to en list all schoolchildren of sufficient age to work either in home gardens community gardens school gardens or on farms a subcommittee of women on con servation to deal with the problems of foodsaving in the homes the more broadly representative it is of womens activities the better exist ing womens organizations should not be interfered with but since con servation is one of the greatest prob lems there should be a womens committee in each community to deal with this problem alone an executive committee should be appointed to include the chairman of the general committee and the chairmen of the subcommitfees this committee should meet fre quently a secretary to the committee should be chosen for bis knowledge of the situation who would be free to de vote considerable time to the work c lack of food threatens the battle- line and we mast deal with the situation j to the indrvtdual citizen if you have not yet decided to plant a vegetable garden make up your mind to do so now you will not regret it there is sth lots of time potatoes and beans may be planted up to june 1st and these are the best substitutes for wheat and meat for good practical advice upon how to lay out and cultivate a vegetable garden write for a free copy of the booklet entitled a vegetable garden for every home this has been preparcitby the ontario department of agriculture for the guidance of citizens who will respond to this call for increased production send for copy now mail the coupon below mail this coupon now organization of resources committee parliament bqihjinga toronto dear sirs pi fa bo send me a copy of your booklet a vegetable garden for every home- 4 ofiganization of resource committed in coopemtion with canada foot hoard liohijj a j ud no of humuii uuturu somutlmes makes us want to lwj it sixty days second hand furniture f grand trunk 5vto time table changes a clmngc of tunc will be muuc april 28th 1918 i information ij now in aguito- i lands i ti s holmes agent acton phono no 13 sale wo ure trying to vcli out ull tho second hand i urni lure on hund wo have ut pjcscnl sjmlioaudt dkusseits dining room tablls kitchen tarixs rauy aiutialh und muiiy other urtieles l starkman j mill street acton t t for sam complete ico cream outfit ten i tablos and chairs now faun i utyjndor oas tuho olsss u ico crcm dlshoi oloak uo ausnoy fur nellsons lo crsam will sell at snap ai ply to nuqbell acton ont spring term from api ii ml inerlea into tho uiiiiiuir tumi on july in hlwwu iiuuiuloj h himilu toronto nu va- utlomi hntur any day lyuo cat alouu w h gharvv pr free press ads bring results

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